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Module 1

1. What is Community immersion?

community immersion gives man opportunity to reflect his assumptions, knowledge and attitude based
on their platform they are living in…so that other individual may reflected and this way social mobility
increases…by reflected by community they are living in. Therefore Community immersion allows
individuals who are not familiar with the people and communities where they will work immerse
themselves in these settings. This gives them the opportunity to reflect on their assumptions, attitudes,
and the knowledge base of their profession and to gain cultural competence.

2. NSTP Law, is mandated to every tertiary students to Render military or civil service. Based on
the NSTP Curriculum, is it relevance to students in conducting Community Immersion? Why? Justify your

Yes, to make every student have more confidence and to make them more aggressive about our society
or community to let know how our society is. Every student will know how important NSTP is so that we
need NSTP Curriculum to have a more knowledge about our society.

3. Choose of at least one dimension of development that You think will be effective during your
community Immersion activity especially this time of pandemic. Explain your strategy and approaches
for you to be Effective . (do not limit your idea)

I choose Disaster Preparedness, because I know to myself that not all the people know how to be a
prepared person when it comes to the disaster, so that I choose this among the other dimension of
development. Disaster Preparedness is very important because when we are prepared in any disaster
that going to strike us we are not going to hurt because we actually know what is important to do.
Having a good knowledge can less us to danger. That is how important Disaster Preparedness.

Understanding the concept and principle f community immersion

Learning Assessment ead and understand then answer the following:

What is Community immersion?

- well as far as i can tell, the community immersion is a community organizing approach attend and
installing a deeper awareness and realization of various community concerns among in NSTP trainces
through exposure to real life situation particularly in the poor depressed and disadvantaged
neighborhoods the further more, this community service immersion is intended to familiarize
prospective or current college or university student with corns turned in their own communities or
overseas typically students participate in volunteer work on service projects that address environmental
social or economic challenges in the community field visits with local official and social activities with
community member are all typical occurrences.

NSTP Law, is mandated to every tertiary student to render military or civil service based on in NSTP
curriculum is it relevance to student to conducting community immersion? why? justify your answer

- Yes, all tertiary students are required to perform military or civil duty since it help them develop
critical thinking skill become will mannered citizen, improve their social skill, communication skills and
boost their confidence or self-esteem as far as i can tell conducting this community immersion is critical
become it allows persons or student who are unfamiliar with the people and communities in which
enable work to immerse themselves in the environment this allow them to reflect on their
assumption,attitude and professional knowledge base as well as built cultural competency.

Choose of at least one dimension of development that you think will be affected during a community
immersion activities specially this time of pandemic explain your strategy and approaches for you to be
affected ( do not limit your idea)

- for me, in the component of development that i believe will be useful throughout your community
immersion activity particularly during this pandemic is the safety and security dimension i choose this
community immersion dimensions because in this pandemic we need to protect our self and remain
safe from the virus delivered by covid-19 if we contract this disease it is physically destructive to our
bodies as well as our immune system during the community immersion in order to avoid contracting this
virus we must observe the various health protocol set forth by our government or local barangay
including wearing a face mask and the face shield and avoiding going outside and less absolutely
necessary and lastly use sanitizer and unobserved 1-2 meter social distancing to other people.



Prof :Deony Marino


Project Formulation, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

Learning Assessment Read and understand, then answer the following:

Differentiate monitoring from evaluating

- monitoring means to watch keep track of ortigas only for special purpose while evaluation is the act or
result of evaluating.

As a student leader of cwts how are you going to monitor the program or project you have implemented
in the community

Device steps and monitoring your project,

- Will as a student leader in our community immersion in order to monitor the program or project that
i've implemented is that to have fully observe my member by:

✓ Monitoring if they do well the program that i've implemented.

✓ By checking if what the things that they already done.

✓ By checking them if they follow the program that i've implemented.

Evaluation needs to be a constant process built into a labels of a program,

As a participant how are you going to evaluate the program?

- I evaluate the program if it is helpful and can contribute to the community development and
community betterment as well as its organization.

As an implementer cwts student how are you going evaluate the program?
- Will as far as i can tell if i am i implemented i will going to value with a program if it is helpful to our
environment if it can contribute to the betterment as well of our community and if it is very helpful as
well to the community and its surrounding.

Which do you prefer participatory evaluation or a non participatory evaluation? explain your choices.

- Well if i choose between the two i preferable to choose an on particular pastore evaluation for the
reason that to see if there is change in our community.

If you are going to evaluate the program project implementation what will you use an ongoing
evaluation or a concluding evaluation explain your answer.

- For me I will choice ongoing evaluation because it can help me for evaluating he program and project.

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