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Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from
the user and processes these data under the control of set of instructions
(called program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future
use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and
logical) calculations.
Computer System:
All of the components of a computer system can be summarized with the
• Hardware = Internal Devices + Peripheral Devices
All physical parts of the computer (or everything that we can touch) are
known as Hardware.
• Software = Programs
Software gives “intelligence” to the computer.
• USER = Person, who operates computer.
Characteristics of computer: Speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility, huge
memory, no IQ, lack of decision making.
Functional Units of a computer: Input Unit, Central Processing Unit
(CPU), Storage Unit and Output Unit.

Input Unit: The data and instructions for their processing are entered into
the computer
through the input unit. They are stored in the memory (storage unit). Eg:
mouse, scanner, mic, digital camera, Joystick, Trackball, Light pen, Barcode
Reader, OMR, OCR, MICR etc.
Central Processing Unit: CPU is the brain of the computer. It consists of
three components-
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and registers. ALU performs
calculations and logical operations such as comparisons and decision making.
CU manages and co-ordinates all other units of the computer. Registers are
temporary storage elements that facilitate the functions of CPU.
Storage Unit: It holds data and instructions required for processing,
intermediate results for ongoing processing and final results of processing.
Output Unit: The information obtained after data processing is supplied to
the outside world through this unit. Monitor, Projector, Sound Speaker,
Plotter and printer are the commonly used output devices.

Memory of Computer
Memory refers to the place where data is stored temporarily or
Computer Memory is basically of 2 types:
1. Primary Memory
Primary or main memory stores information (data and instruction)
2. Secondary Memory
Stores the data permanently for future retrieval
Primary Memory

❖ Random Access Memory (RAM)

●It is the working memory, right from the booting of computer till the
computer is shutdown, this memory is in use to store all the operation done
by the computer
●It is used for primary storage in computers to hold active information of
data and instructions.
●It holds data temporarily i.e. Volatile Memory
●Data is lost if Power Off

❖ Read Only Memory (ROM)

●ROM (Read Only Memory) is used to store the instructions provided by
the manufacturer, which holds the instructions to check basic hardware inter
connecter and to load operating system from appropriate storage device ● It
is also known as FIRMWARE
●Its data is stored permanently on it so it is non-volatile device.

Units of Memory
1024 KB = 1 MEGA BYTE(MB)
1024 MB = 1 GIGA BYTE(GB)
1024 GB = 1 TERA BYTE(TB)
1024 TB = 1 PETA BYTE(PB)
The elementary unit of memory is a bit (binary digit) i.e. Zero(0) & One(1)
Secondary Storage Devices
● If we want to save data for future reference and retrieval then it needs to
be saved in memory other than primary memory, which is called secondary
memory, or auxiliary memory. Normally hard disk of computer is used as
secondary memory but this is not portable so there are many other secondary
storage media in use.
Hard Disk , CD/DVD , Pen Drive , Floppy, etc.

● A hard disk drive (HDD; also hard drive, hard disk, or disk drive) is a
device for storing and retrieving digital information, primarily computer
● It consists of one or more rigid (hence "hard") rapidly rotating discs
(often referred to as platters), coated with magnetic material and with
magnetic heads arranged to write data to the surfaces and read it from them.
● Generally hard disks are sealed units fixed in the cabinet. It is also known
as fixed disk
● It is a data storage medium that is made up of a disk of thin, flexible
magnetic material enclosed in a cover. Its capacity is 1.44 MB.
● Capacity of standard 120mm CD is 700MB. It is a thin optical disk which
is commonly used to store audio and video data. Transfer speed is mentioned
as multiple of 150 KB/s.
4x means 600 KB/s.
● This is an optical disc storage device. It can be recorded on single side or
on double side. Its capacity may range from 4.7 GB to 8.5 GB.
This is small, portable memory, which can be plugged into a computer with
USB Port. They have capacity lesser than hard disk but much larger than a
floppy or CD. They are more reliable also.

Operating system (OS): A set of programs that acts as an interface

between the user and computer hardware. It controls and co-ordinates the
operations of a computer. It acts as the resource manager of the computer
Function of OS: Process management, memory management, file
management, device management, security management and command
Computer languages: Broadly classified into low level languages and high
level languages.
Machine language and assembly language are the different low level
languages. The language, which uses binary digits 0 and 1, is called
machine language.
Assembly language use mnemonics. Mnemonic is a symbolic name given
to an operation. High Level Languages are like English languages and are
simpler to understand.
Language processors: These are the system programs that translate
programs written in high level language or assembly language into its
equivalent machine language. Types of language processors: Assembler
(translates the program code written in assembly language to machine
language), Interpreter (converts a HLL program into machine language line
by line) and Compiler (translates a program written in high level language
into machine language).
Utility software: A set of programs which help users in system maintenance
tasks. Some of them are compression tools, disk defragmenter, backup
software and antivirus software.
Compression utility: Large files can be compressed so that they take less
storage area. These compressed files can be decompressed into its original
form when needed. Compression of files is known as zipping and
decompression is called unzipping. WinZip, WinRAR, etc. are examples.
Disk defragmenter: A program that rearranges files on a computer hard
disk. This enables the computer to work faster and more efficiently.
Backup utility: These programs facilitate the backing up of disk.
Antivirus programs: A utility program that scans the computer system for
viruses and removes them. Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky, etc. are examples.
General purpose software: These are used to perform tasks in a particular
General purpose software is classified as word processors, spreadsheet
software, presentation software, database software and multimedia software.
Word processing software: It is designed for creating and modifying
documents. It helps to create, edit, format and print textual matters easily.
Formatting features include different font settings, paragraph settings,
bullets and numbering, alignments and more. In addition to this it can check
spelling and grammar in the document, insertion of pictures, charts and
tables. We can specify headers and footers for every page in the document.
The most popular examples of this type of software are MS Word, Open
Office Writer, Apple iWork Pages, etc.
Spreadsheet software: This software allows users to perform calculations
using spreadsheets. It also allows us to insert drawing objects in the
worksheet and create different types of charts for graphical representation of
numerical data. Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc, Lotus 1-2-3 and Apple
iWork Numbers are some examples of spreadsheet software.
Presentation software: The software is used to display information in the
form of a slide show. Presentation software allows preparing slides
containing pictures, text, animation, video and sound effects. Microsoft
PowerPoint, Apple iWork Keynote and Open Office Impress are examples
for presentation software.
Database software: Database is an organised collection of data arranged in
tabular form. Database Management System (DBMS) consists of a
collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access those data.
They provide privacy and security to data and enforce standards for data.
Examples of DBMS software are Microsoft Access, Oracle, Postgres SQL,
My SQL, etc.
Multimedia software: Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of
media. This includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc. Some multimedia
software allows users to create and edit audio and video files. Audio
converters, audio players and video editing software are some forms of
multimedia software. Examples are VLC Player, Adobe Flash, Real Player,
Media Player, etc.

Worksheet- LEVEL-1
 Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down
its two primary services.
1. What is the need for secondary memory?
2. Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Briefly write about
the functionality of each component.
3. Why is primary memory termed as “destructive write” memory but
“non- destructive” read memory?
4. Discuss the role of utility software in the context of computer
5. Write equivalent memory units of the following:
1. 596 MB = __________ KB

2. 14 PB = ____________ GB

3. 135 YB = __________ PB

4. 10000 MB = ________ PB 5. 1000000 KB = _______GB

7. What is the need of RAM? How does it differ from ROM?

8. Name the input or output device used to do the following:
a) To output audio
b) To enter textual data
c) To make hard copy of a text file
d) To display the data or information
e) To enter audio-based command
f) To build 3D models
g) To assist a visually-impaired individual in entering data
9. What is Operating system . Write any three functions of Operating
10. SRAM is faster memory than DRAM. (True/False)

Computer Systems and Organization Worksheet- LEVEL-2

1. State the basic units of Computer along with its sub units and their
2. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
3. What is the role of CPU in Computer System.
4. Arrange the memory units from smallest to biggest:
Giga Byte, Tera Byte, Mega Byte, Byte, Peta Byte, Kilo Byte.
5. What is the importance of an OS?
6. What is the difference between an interpreter and a compiler?
7. What is an application software? Why it is required?
8. What is volatile memory?
9. Write equivalent memory units of the following:
1. 596 MB = __________ KB

2. 14 PB = ____________ GB

3. 135 YB = __________ PB

4. 10000 MB = ________ PB 5. 1000000 KB = _______GB

10. Write short notes on Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.

Worksheet- LEVEL-3

1. Name any four secondary storage media.

2. Define software. Explain with examples- a) System Software b) Utility
Software c)
Application Software.
3. Write short notes on Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter.
4. The computer follows the IPO cycle that refers to Input-
5. The software provided in Operating Systems to assist the user is known
as _______.
6. The _______ software rearranges the files in the computers and cleans
up the memory.
7. Draw the basic computer system architecture.
8. What are the types of language processors?
9. What is an application software? Name some popular application
softwares. 10. Identify the category (system, application, programming
tool) of the following software: a) Compiler
b) Assembler
c) Ubuntu
d) Text editor

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