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Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

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Hybrid robust and stochastic optimization for a capital-constrained fresh

product supply chain integrating risk-aversion behavior and
financial strategies
Zhimin Guan a, Yuxia Mou a, *, Minghe Sun b
School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
Department of Management Science and Statistics, College of Business, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, USA


Keywords: A fresh product supply chain is considered in which an omnichannel retailer procures products from multiple
Fresh product supply chain suppliers and distributes them through a distribution center to physical stores to serve both online and offline
Hybrid robust and stochastic optimization customers. A two-stage stochastic optimization model is formulated for the strategic and operational decisions of
Risk aversion
the omnichannel retailer incorporating the decision maker’s risk aversion behavior and financial flow into supply
Trade credit
Bank loans
chain optimization. In the model, the amount of capital possessed by the retailer is treated as a hard constraint,
and trade credit and bank loans are both considered as financial sources. After linearization, the two-stage
stochastic optimization model is transformed into a mixed integer linear programming model. A hybrid robust
and stochastic optimization approach is developed to simultaneously cope with two different types of un­
certainties in the supply chain by including stochastic scenarios for transportation costs and using “interval +
polyhedral” uncertainty sets for demands and deterioration rate. The robust counterpart of the mixed integer
linear programming model is constructed. An improved sample average approximation method using the k-
means clustering technique is adopted to solve the problem. The applicability of the proposed model and the
efficiency of the solution approach are investigated through numerical studies. Some important managerial in­
sights are provided through the model, the solution approach and the numerical studies.

1. Introduction Therefore, some important parameters, such as demands and costs, may
be necessarily treated as uncertain parameters. Uncertainties are espe­
Facing an increasingly fierce competitive environment, a supply cially prevalent in the fresh product supply chain where the perishable
chain, as a dynamic network structure involving multiple members, may characteristics of the products exert tremendous influences. Therefore,
be disrupted at any point with gradually deepening uncertainties. With the decisions of a fresh product supply chain should be effective and
the possibility of risk spreading among supply chain members, an in­ robust to hedge against the inherent uncertainties in the competitive
dividual member may put the whole supply chain at risk (Ho, Zheng, economic environment.
Yildiz, & Talluri, 2015). Therefore, integrated supply chain optimization A perishable product is any item that has a limited shelf life after
under an uncertain environment has become a primary focus for both production or harvest. Fresh products are perishable. Both the quantity
scholars and practitioners (Ji, Tang, Sun, & Luo, 2022; Keyvanshokooh, and quality of a perishable product may deteriorate during the process of
Ryan, & Kabir, 2016; Yan & Ji, 2020; Yan, Ji, Fang, & Sun, 2021). In transportation and storage. A perishable product loses its value, quality
addition, as pointed out by Klibi, Martel, and Guitouni (2010), supply and quantity gradually with time on the shelf, and is removed and
chain optimization involves not only operational decisions on produc­ disposed of after a certain amount of time. Examples of such products
tion, distribution and transportation, but also irreversible strategic de­ are fruits and vegetables in grocery stores and baked goods in bakeries.
cisions on facility location and capacity planning with large scale capital Inventory management of perishable products is different from that of
investment and long-term impacts. The effects of strategic decisions may other products that have relatively long and stable shelf-lives simply
last for many years while the commercial environment may change. because of additional shrinkage that arise due to spoilage as well as the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Guan), (Y. Mou), (M. Sun).
Received 3 October 2021; Received in revised form 19 March 2022; Accepted 3 May 2022
Available online 7 May 2022
0360-8352/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

related dynamics (Piramuthu & Zhou, 2013). Many studies used the omnichannel sales mode.
exponential distribution to model the deterioration rates of perishable In this work, an integrated fresh product supply chain optimization
products (e.g., Nahmias & Pierskalla, 1973; Theophilus et al., 2021), approach is developed under the omnichannel sales mode considering
while other studies assumed known distributions with deterministic strategic, including location and allocation, and operational, including
parameters for the deterioration rates of fresh products (e.g., Gutierrez- order quantity, inventory level, shipment and financial, decisions for
Alcoba, Rossi, Martin-Barragan, & Hendrix, 2017; Qiu, Qiao, & Parda­ risk-averse decision makers. Financial decisions include the use of bank
los, 2019). However, considering the uncertain environment of the fresh loans and trade credit. Two types of uncertain parameters, one for
product supply chain, this work treats the deterioration rate of a fresh transportation cost and the other for demand and deterioration rate, are
product as an uncertain parameter (Tirkolaee & Aydin, 2022). considered. Historical data for transportation costs are used to generate
Integrated supply chain optimization provides a holistic view of the scenarios and, hence, a stochastic programming (SP) approach is used
entire supply chain including various members, e.g., suppliers, manu­ for this type of uncertainty. Due to the lack of data for demand and
facturers, distribution centers (DCs), retailers, transportation carriers, deterioration rate of new products, a robust optimization (RO) approach
financial intermediaries and consumers, as well as their relationships (Ji is used to address the uncertainties in these parameters. The need to
et al. 2022). It is paramountly important for a supply chain to manage integrate these two types of uncertainties was justified by Gabrel, Murat,
the three major, i.e., material, information and financial, flows effec­ and Thiele (2014) and Keyvanshokooh et al. (2016). In addition, an
tively and efficiently. Material and information flows have been dis­ extended conditional value at risk (CVaR) method called the mean-CVaR
cussed extensively, but financial flow has received little attention, in is adopted as a coherent risk measure in this work.
supply chain optimization. Financing plays an indispensable role in The major contributions of this research are summarized as follows:
supply chain optimization, due to the fact that financial operations
supplement the physical flow of products and support the whole supply (1) A two-stage stochastic optimization model is formulated, and
chain operations (Polo, Peña, Muñoz, Cañón, & Escobar, 2019). In then is transformed into a mixed integer linear programming
practice, the amount of available capital in a supply chain is always (MILP) model by applying some linearization techniques, for the
given in advance (Hum, Parlar, & Zhou, 2018). A supply chain with strategic and operational decisions of the fresh product omni­
limited budget is capital constrained, and the capital limitation is a hard channel retailer.
constraint (Wang & Huang, 2019). Financing from financial institutions (2) Financial decisions are integrated into a fresh product supply
such as banks may possibly relax the capital constraint and make the chain optimization problem under the omnichannel sales mode in
supply chain more profitable. However, obtaining financing from a holistic approach, considering various financial sources
financial institutions is difficult for the start-ups and small and medium including trade credit and bank loans.
sized firms due to their lack of credit history (Wang, Yu, & Jin, 2019). (3) A hybrid robust and stochastic optimization (HRSO) approach is
Supplier financing of retail inventory often referred to as trade credit is developed incorporating decision makers’ risk-averse behavior
an important source of external financing (Petersen & Rajan, 1997). The considering two types of uncertainties, including transportation
most common forms of trade credit are net terms which are essentially costs using SP and demand and deterioration rate using RO, using
interest-free loans extended by suppliers to buyers (Yang & Birge, 2018). “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty sets.
With net terms, suppliers allow retailers to delay their payments up to a (4) An improved sample average approximation (SAA) method using
pre-specified time period. Cash discount or early payment discount is k-means clustering is applied to solve the SP problem. This
another policy that allows retailers to pay off for their products before a improved SAA method is proved to be more efficient than the
pre-specified time period by awarding them discounts (Lee & Rhee, basic SAA method.
2011). Ignoring the availability of funds often results in the interruption
of financial flow in the supply chain, since the actual expenditure may The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly
exceed the actual available funds. Therefore, the efficiency of the whole reviews the relevant literature and discusses the significance of this
supply chain is closely related to financial strategies incorporated into study. Section 3 introduces the problem and presents the optimization
supply chain optimization (Ramezani, Kimiagari, & Karimi, 2014). model incorporating the mean-CVaR. Section 4 presents the HRSO
Many fresh product retailers in China, such as Freshhema, Super approach including a RO counterpart formation. An improved SAA
Species, and 7Fresh, have adopted the omnichannel mode which is method with k-means clustering is proposed in Section 5. Numerical
regarded as one of the most promising businesses in e-commerce and studies with sensitivity analyses demonstrating the validity of the model
retail. However, many retailers in practice still suffer huge losses and the solution method are provided in Section 6. Finally, Section 7
because of the perishable nature of fresh products. The loss rate of fresh concludes the paper with discussions about future research directions.
products may reach 25%–35% (Yang, Tang, & Chen, 2017). According Notations used in the optimization model are presented in Appendix A.
to Chen, Dong, and Xu (2018), more than 40% of fresh products is dis­ The details of the construction of the robust counterpart of the optimi­
carded as waste every year in the United States. Therefore, a significant zation model are discussed in Appendix B. Some input data for the nu­
priority for the retailers is to prevent the spoilage in a fresh product merical studies are given in Appendix C.
supply chain. Freshness-keeping investment by using more powerful
cooling facilities and/or better packaging can help retailers slow the 2. Literature review
deterioration of the products and improve the competitiveness of the
businesses under the omnichannel sales mode. However, the substantial This work is closely related to three streams of literature, i.e., un­
investment will inevitably take quite an amount of capital and increase certainty considerations in supply chains, supply chain management of
retailer’s financial burden. DaiLuoBo1, as a leading retailer in the field of perishable/fresh products and financial flows in supply chains. These
fresh product e-commerce in China, entered a bankruptcy reorganiza­ three streams of literature are reviewed separately and research gaps are
tion process because of its capital chain rupture in 2020. Meanwhile, identified in this section.
Xiao Xiang2 announced the closure of 5 stores in Beijing and Jiangsu due
to the lack of capital. Thereby, it is greatly important to investigate the 2.1. Uncertainty considerations in supply chains
financial strategies in fresh product supply chains under the
Several factors in supply chain networks, such as cost, demand and
supply, are inherently uncertain (Ahmadi & Amin, 2019; Rahmati,
1 Bashiri, Nikzad, & Siadat, 2021). Klibi et al. (2010) investigated
2 different existing uncertainties in supply chains as well as their sources

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

and impacts, and presented a critical review of the optimization models averse criterion is a common way to avoid and mitigate risks. CVaR as
proposed in the literature. Govindan, Fattahi, and Keyvanshokooh a widely used risk measure has gained popularity (Rockafellar & Urya­
(2017) gave a detailed review of works in supply chain network design sev, 2000). Weskamp, Koberstein, Schwartz, Suhl, and Voß (2019) in­
under uncertainties. This review not only studied various uncertainty tegrated CVaR as a risk measure into an optimization model to offer
sources and different uncertainty modeling approaches, but also inves­ insight into the impacts of decision maker’s risk aversion on the optimal
tigated optimization techniques, including modeling and solution ap­ production and inventory decisions. Tao, Shao, Guan, Ho, and Talluri
proaches, to deal with uncertainties. When the stochastic parameters (2020) used CVaR to reflect the decision maker’s risk aversion towards
can be described using known probability distributions, the scenario- supply chain cost and service levels in an integrated optimization model.
based SP approach is a favored option in supply chain optimization. A However, CVaR only focuses on the average value of the cost above a
scenario-based SP approach was first used by Sheppard (1974) for a certain confidence level but ignores the part of cost below this confi­
facility location problem, and then has been gradually exploited for dence level. To overcome this drawback, some scholars proposed the
supply chain network design. Fattahi and Govindan (2017) presented a combination of cost/profit and CVaR by introducing a parameter,
stochastic MILP model to address the design and planning of an inte­ referred as the mean-CVaR (e.g., Gao, Chen, & Chao, 2011; Ma, Liu, &
grated logistics network with stochastic demand and returns, and Liu, 2019). This current work uses the mean-CVaR, which has been
applied a novel simulated annealing method integrated with Latin Hy­ proven to be an effective method, as a criterion to measure risks.
percube Sampling to solve the problem. Li, Yang, and Hu (2018)
developed a stochastic MILP model to deal with the product configu­ 2.2. Supply chain management of perishable/fresh products
ration problem with uncertain supply and demand, used a discrete
scenario-based SP approach to model the uncertainties, and employed The survival and success of a perishable product supply chain depend
the Benders decomposition algorithm to solve the problem. Nur, highly on the timely delivery of the fresh products to the customers,
Aboytes-Ojeda, Castillo-Villar, and Marufuzzaman (2020) proposed a where the optimization of the perishable product supply chain plays a
two-stage SP model with uncertain quality in the biofuel industry, and crucial role. The supply chain optimization of perishable products en­
adopted a hybrid decomposition algorithm combining the SAA method compasses a wide range of decisions including, but not limited to, fa­
together with a progressive hedging algorithm to tackle the problem. cility location, production, inventory level, transportation and
Zhang, Guo, Ruan, Wang, and Zhou (2022) developed a novel intelligent distribution. Coelho and Laporte (2014) addressed the joint optimiza­
stochastic optimization approach by incorporating a modified adaptive tion of an inventory and routing problem for a perishable product supply
large neighborhood search algorithm with a scenario generation tech­ chain with deterministic demand, and formulated a MILP model to
nique to handle a high-dimensional stochastic order allocation problem. handle the cases where the retailers sell older or fresher items first.
When sufficient historical data are not available to estimate accurate Gutierrez-Alcoba et al. (2017) studied a single-item single-stocking
probability distributions for uncertain parameters, RO is a more location production planning problem for a perishable product supply
appropriate approach to deal with optimization problems with un­ chain under stochastic demand taking into account a variable disposal
certainties (Tirkolaee, Mandavi, Esfahani, & Weber, 2020; Tirkolaee, cost due to the limited shelf life of the product, and used an extended
Mandavi, & Esfahani, 2018). Soyster (1973), one of the earliest works on Silver’s heuristic to tackle this problem. Qiu et al. (2019) developed a
robust counterpart optimization, pointed out that this approach would model to optimize production, replenishment, delivery, routing and
be most conservative since it ensures the feasibility against all potential inventory level for perishable products with age-dependent deteriora­
realizations of the uncertain parameters. To address the issue of over tion rates and inventory carrying costs, and solved the proposed model
conservatism, Bertsimas & Sim (2003, 2004) introduced the budget of by using a branch-and-cut algorithm. Azadi, Eksioglu, Eksioglu, and
uncertainty into RO. Ben-Tal and Nemirovski (1998) firstly proposed the Palak (2018) proposed a two-stage stochastic optimization model to
ellipsoid uncertainty set in robust counterpart formulation to cope with determine the supplier selection, replenishment schedule and the timing
parameter uncertainties. Ben-Tal and Nemirovski (1999) illustrated that and size of price markdown for an inventory system to simulate the
when the uncertainty set for a linear constraint is ellipsoid, the robust demand for a fresh product approaching the end of its shelf life, and
formulation turns out to be a conic quadratic problem. More recently, developed an extended Benders decomposition algorithm via a piece­
several stylized, such as combined interval, ellipsoid and polyhedral, wise linear approximation method to solve the problem. Liu, Zhu, Xu,
uncertainty sets, which are less conservative than a single set, have been Lu, and Fan (2021) developed an integrated location inventory routing
proposed. Li, Ding, and Floudas (2011) studied different, including in­ model to investigate the optimal scheme in a perishable product supply
terval, combined interval and ellipsoidal, combined interval and poly­ chain, where the freshness of the products changes with time. Jouzdani
hedral, uncertainty sets, and derived corresponding robust counterpart and Govindan (2021) developed a multi-objective mathematical pro­
formulations for both linear optimization and MILP problems. Almaraj gramming model to optimize a perishable product supply chain and
and Trafalis (2019) developed three robust counterpart models based on modeled the product lifetime uncertainty as a Weibull random variable.
box, polyhedral, and combined interval and polyhedral uncertainty sets Tirkolaee and Aydin (2022) proposed multi-objective MILP models to
to design a closed loop supply chain, and applied different priori prob­ optimize a perishable product supply chain taking the deterioration rate
ability bounds to approximate probabilistic constraints. In real world, it of the in-stock products into account, and developed a hybrid solution
is necessary to consider both SP and RO approaches to deal with un­ method based on possibilistic linear programming and fuzzy weighted
certainties because the uncertain parameters considered in a supply goal programming approaches to address uncertainty and perishability.
chain always differ qualitatively. A few works simultaneously consid­
ered SP and RO under combined uncertainty sets. Keyvanshokooh et al. 2.3. Financial flows in supply chains
(2016) proposed a HRSO approach to deal with two types of un­
certainties in a closed-loop supply chain. Li, Zhang, and Yu (2020) used According to the comprehensive review conducted by Melo, Nickel,
a HRSO approach in an emergency response network. Both of these two and Gama (2009), the literature has been inclined to focus on financial
works used the polyhedral uncertainty set. Ratanakuakangwan and aspects in supply chain management by accounting for budget con­
Morita (2021) adopted a HRSO approach in an energy supply chain straints and incentives. Many researchers have conducted in-depth
under multiple uncertainties, and used the box uncertainty set for the studies on the impact of financial constraints on supply chain manage­
uncertain parameters. ment. Polo et al. (2019) formulated a mixed integer nonlinear pro­
Additionally, the risk associated with uncertainties in supply chains gramming model that incorporates financial risk measures in the robust
is a critical issue that needs more attention (Qiu, Yu, & Sun, 2021; Yu, design of a closed-loop supply chain. Wang and Huang (2019) proposed
Qiu, & Sun, 2021). Actually, developing an efficient and effective risk- a scenario-based approach in designing a flexible capital-constrained

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Table 1
A summary of relevant works.
Relevant work Material Trade Bank Optimization Supply chain Uncertain parameters Risk Solution method
flow credit loans Method type measure


Keyvanshokooh et al. √ √ √ Closed-loop Transportation cost, demand None Latin Hypercube Sampling
(2016) and return method, Benders
Fattahi and Govindan √ √ Forward/ Demand and return None Latin Hypercube Sampling
(2017) reverse method, Simulated Annealing
Gutierrez-Alcoba √ √ Perishable Demand None Monte Carlo method, Silver’s
et al. (2017) product heuristic
Alavi and √ √ √ √ Chemical Demand None Lagrangian Relaxation
Jabbarzadeh product
Wang et al. (2019) √ √ √ Global Demand and exchange rate None CPLEX solver
Weskamp et al. √ √ Apparel Demand CVaR SAA, Nested Benders approach
Ma et al. (2019) √ √ Closed-loop Transportation cost, demand CVaR CPLEX solver
and return
Azadi et al. (2019) √ √ Perishable Demand None McCormick relaxations
Nur et al. (2020) √ √ Biofuel Quality None SAA, Progressive Hedging
Li et al. (2020) √ √ √ Emergency Evacuee scales, None Augmented Lagrangian
transportation time Relaxation
Tao et al. (2020) √ √ Industrial Demand and supply CVaR Normalised Normal Constraint
Jouzdani and √ √ Perishable Product lifetime None Goal Programming
Govindan (2021) product
Razavian et al. (2021) √ √ √ √ Chemical Demand CVaR CPLEX solver
Zhang et al. (2022) √ √ Apparel Order None Large Neighborhood Search
This work √ √ √ √ √ Fresh product Transportation cost, demand Mean- SAA with k-means clustering
and deterioration rate CVaR

global supply chain in which the capital constraint can be relaxed 2.4. Research gaps and contributions
through loans from financial institutions. Emtehani, Nahavandi, and
Rafiei (2021) proposed an efficient operations-finance integrated deci­ Table 1 presents an overview of the most relevant literature. Through
sion framework, and developed two heuristic solution methods to literature review, research gaps are identified and the contributions of
handle the financing constraints. this work are revealed. The literature review indicates that modeling
Trade credit and bank loans, as crucial financing tools, have been financial flows in supply chain optimization considering various un­
extensively studied in supply chain management. Zhong, Shu, Xie, and certainties has not been examined. As far as known, the existing works
Zhou (2018) developed an integrated supply chain network design and have not thoroughly explored the impacts of trade credit and bank loans
inventory control model incorporating trade credit. Tsao (2018) studied on supply chain decisions. Additionally, a HRSO approach incorporating
the optimal credit period and replenishment decision considering the the mean-CVaR has not been adopted to supply chain optimization
effects of credit period on demand rate and default risk, treating the problems. Only a few works considered the operational and financial
default risk as an uncertain parameter. Alavi and Jabbarzadeh (2018) decisions simultaneously in dealing with perishable products. However,
presented a stochastic RO model for supply chain network design due to the perishable nature of fresh products, supply chain members
problems, while accounting trade credit and bank loans as financial need to explore the optimal operational and financial decisions while
sources. Razavian, Tabriz, Zandieh, and Hamidizadeh (2021) consid­ preventing deterioration of the products. This study makes contributions
ered financing strategies, including trade credit and bank loans, in by filling these research gaps.
supply chain optimization under uncertain demand, and found that the
incorporation of different financing sources plays an important role in 3. Problem description and model formulation
the resilient supply chain design. Considering bank loans and trade
credit, Zou, Zou, and Hu (2021) investigated the financing and ordering Due to the overwhelming development of omnichannel retailing,
decisions for a manufacturer and the pricing decision for a supplier, and many online retailers have gradually opened brick-and-mortar stores,
compared the results of different financing modes with or without car­ which is a new retailing mode that completely reconstructs the offline
bon emission reductions. Zheng, Zhao, Wang, Meng, and Yang (2022) and online channels. A consumer can go to a physical store to purchase
explored the use of trade credit and bank loans in the financial decisions the products or can place an online order using a specific APP or on a
of a financial constrained retailer in a remanufacturing supply chain website. Fast delivery becomes an important feature for omnichannel
with market uncertainty, and found that the coordinated contract has a retailers. The evident difference between omnichannel retail and tradi­
more efficient improvement effect with trade credit than with bank tional retail is that omnichannel retailers use big data, Internet of
loans. For general supply chain financing, this current work develops a Things, and automation for their business operations. Therefore, a huge
stylized approach to integrate both bank loans and trade credit simul­ investment is required to construct a robust supply chain system
taneously in supply chain optimization. compared with the traditional retailing mode. In addition, the invest­
ment in a brick-and-mortar store may be as high as several million Yuan.
An omnichannel retailer also needs to determine the optimal portfolio of
financial sources as the capital is always insufficient. Additionally, an

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224






Material flow

Pick up in store


Trade credit
Bank loans

Fig. 1. The structure of the fresh product supply chain.

omnichannel retailer mainly purchases directly from suppliers with no omnichannel retailer is assumed to postpone the payment for a certain
intermediaries so that it has a great price advantage. amount of time as specified in the net term without any interest charge.
The problem studied in this work is described first. The two-stage However, a penalty will be imposed if the omnichannel retailer delays
stochastic optimization model is then formulated and further trans­ any repayment after the net term. Bank loans are another financial
formed into a MILP model through linearization. source for the omnichannel retailer, which can be used for establishing
stores, and can also be used as short-term working capitals for pur­
chasing products. The bank loans require repayment with a specified
3.1. Problem description interest rate. Due to the capital constraints, both the amounts of trade
credit and bank loans in each period are limited.
The multi-product, multi-period and capital-constrained supply The strategic and operational decisions include (1) the locations of
chain considered in this work consists of suppliers, an omnichannel the physical stores, (2) the order quantities of the DC from the suppliers,
retailer with a DC and physical stores, customers, and a bank. Un­ (3) the inventory levels of the physical stores, and (4) the quantities of
certainties exist in demands, deterioration rates and transportation costs products shipped from the DC to the physical stores, among the physical
of the products. The supply chain, with a schematic structure shown in stores, and from the physical stores to the consumers. The financial
Fig. 1, is for fresh products operating in a regional market. Suppliers may decisions include (1) the amount of trade credit to receive from each
include farms, pastures, fishing grounds, etc. The suppliers, providing supplier in each period, (2) the amount of bank loans for each period, (3)
trade credit as a persuasive technique to increase their sales, sell prod­ the time and amount of repayment to each supplier for the received
ucts to the omnichannel retailer through the DC. The DC, owned by the trade credit, and (4) the time and amount of repayment for the received
omnichannel retailer, serves the physical stores, and the physical stores bank loans.
serve customers in different regions. As the last layer of the supply chain, The purpose of this study is to design a supply chain network under
the customers have uncertain demands that can be satisfied by inte­ uncertainties in transportation costs, demands and deterioration rates.
grating the different sales channels under the context of omnichannel On the one hand, during the last decade, fluctuations in fuel prices and
retail. Online orders generated from any region is fulfilled by the specific changes in traffic regulations have significant impacts on, and cause
store serving that region. Offline customers who choose to visit the uncertainty in, transportation costs, and this uncertainty continues to
stores in person will buy and pick up the products in the stores. A pe­ affect business decisions (Pishvaee, Jolai, & Razmi, 2009). Therefore,
riodic review inventory policy is assumed for the physical stores to the available historical data of the retailer on transportation costs are
control inventory levels. used to describe this uncertainty and to generate scenarios for
Following the policy of net terms or open account financing, the

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

transportation costs, and hence a SP approach is adopted for this type of ⎧

hdjp1 , 0⩽EXtpj ⩽e1
uncertainty. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to predict the ⎪

hdjp2 , e1 < EXtpj ⩽e2
distributions of future demands and deterioration rates of the products. hdjp = with (hdjp1 ⩽hdjp2 ⩽hdjp3 ⩽...⩽hdjpl ). (1)
⎪ ...
Unexpected events such as the appearance of new competitors and ⎪

hdjpl , el− 1 < EXtpj ⩽el
weather changes can exert impacts on demands, and various external
factors such as the weather and loading conditions affect deterioration
rates. Therefore, this work adopts a RO approach by formulating un­ 3.2. Model formulation
certainty sets, instead of assuming known probability distributions, to
describe uncertainties in demands and deterioration rates. The deteri­ The strategic decisions such as the locations of the physical stores
oration of the products is assumed to occur during transportation to and the financial needs are made before the realizations of any uncertain
physical stores, and the freshness of the products is assumed to be parameters. Some of the operational decisions are made after the re­
guaranteed from the suppliers since the retailer directly procures the alizations of the uncertain parameters. Therefore, the supply chain
products from the suppliers. Additionally, because of the short distances optimization model is a two-stage stochastic optimization model. All
between the physical stores and the customers, the deterioration can be notations used in the mathematical programming model are listed in
ignored during distribution to customers. With uncertainties, the supply Appendix A.
chain is exposed to risks. Because the retailer is assumed to be risk
averse, one goal of the retailer is to reduce the risk of the supply chain 3.2.1. The objective function
profit fluctuations. Therefore, based on the mean-CVaR criterion, a two- The profit of the supply chain under a scenarios, represented by
stage stochastic optimization model is formulated and a HRSO approach profits , is given as follows:
is developed to cope with the two types of uncertainties. The assump­

{ }
∑∑∑∑ ∑ ∑[ ] ∑∑∑
profits = s
WCtpjk vp − fj Yj + CEj (1 + r)n − CEj − s
prpi WItpi
t∈T p∈P j∈J k∈K j∈J j∈J t∈T p∈P i∈I
∑∑∑ ∑∑∑∑ ∑∑∑( )
− Pap WQstpj − μ s
Injp WCtpjk − s
hdjp EXtpj s
+ stjp CLtpj
t∈T p∈P j∈J t∈T p∈P j∈J k∈K t∈T p∈P j∈J
[ ( )]
∑∑ ∑
s s

s s
s s
∑ ∑
s s
− WItpi tr1ti + WQtpj tr2tj + μ tr3tjk WCtpjk + trtjj′ QTtpjj′
t∈T p∈P i∈I j∈J j∈J k∈K j∈J j′ ∈J:j′ ∕
[ ( ) ( )]
∑∑∑ ∑∑ ∑ ∑∑∑ ∑
− f rjp WQstpj − RPstt′ τ − BCtsτ − PTtts ′ pi − TCtpi
, ∀s ∈ S
t∈T p∈P j∈J t∈T τ∈Θ ′ ′ t∈T p∈P i∈I ′ ′
t ∈T:t+1⩽t ⩽t+τ t ∈T:t ⩾t+1

tions in the proposed optimization model are given as follows. The different terms in (2) are explained in the following. The first
term is the total revenue obtained from selling products to customers
(1) The locations of the suppliers, the DC and the customers are under scenario s. The second term represents the cost and the bank loan
known and fixed. interests of establishing physical stores. The third term is the procure­
(2) Each supplier can only provide one type of product. ment cost of the products under scenario s. The fourth term is the pro­
(3) The customers are divided into different regions based on their cessing cost of the products at the DC under scenario s. The fifth term is
geographic locations, such as office buildings, residential areas, the information processing cost of online orders under scenario s. The
schools and other demand points. sixth term is the inventory cost, including the disposal cost of the
(4) Each customer can only be served by one physical store, but one remaining inventory and the shortage cost in the physical stores under
physical store can serve multiple customers within its coverage scenario s. The seventh term represents the transportation costs,
area. including transporting products from the suppliers to the DC, from the
(5) The DC only plays a role in logistics transit, but does not have DC to the physical stores and from the physical stores to the online
storage capacity. customers, and the transshipment among physical stores under scenario
(6) Before distributed to physical stores, products have been pro­ s. The next term is the freshness-keeping cost in the physical stores under
cessed, e.g., packed, labelled, etc., at the DC. The freshness of the scenario s. The last term is the payment of the interests of bank loans and
products gradually declines, directly aggravating the deteriora­ trade credit under scenario s.
tion process during transportation from the DC to the physical The expected value of the profit of the supply chain is then given in
stores. (3) as follows:
(7) The unit disposal cost of the remaining inventory hdjp of each ∑
product p at a physical store j is assumed to be a nonlinear E(profit) = Prs profits , (3)
stepwise function depending on the quantity of the remaining

stock EXtpj at the end of each periodt. The higher the ending where Prs ∈ [0, 1] is the probability of occurrence of scenario s with Prs ⩾

remaining inventory is, the higher the unit disposal cost is. 0 and Prs = 1.
Therefore, hdjp is modeled as a stepwise function of the remaining s∈S

stock as shown in (1) below, where e1 , …, el denote the interval Value-at-risk (VaR) is an efficient method for measuring downside
endpoints of the different remaining stock levels forl ∈ L: risks, which shows the possibility of future losses with a specified con­
fidence level (Rockafellar & Uryasev, 2002). Let y ∈ Y be a stochastic
parameter with a probability density function p(y). Let f(x, y) be a loss
function of y, where x ∈ X is a decision variable. Then, the probability of

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

f(x, y) not exceeding a threshold θ is given byζ(x, θ) = f(x,y)⩽θ p(y)dy, s ∑ ∑ s
EXtpj s
− CLtpj = WQstpj (1 − ̃
δ tp ) − s
QTtpjj ′ −
̃ Zjk ,
D ∀t ∈ T, ∀p
where ζ(x, θ) is the distribution function for the loss associated with x. ′ ′ k∈K
Then VaRβ represents the threshold value θ at which the probability of
j ∈J:j ∕
=j tpk

the loss is smaller than the given confidence level β ∈ (0, 1), which can ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S
be denoted as VaRβ = min{ θ ∈ R|ζ(x, θ)⩾β}. (9)
However, VaR has the limitation of not focusing on the effect of the s ∑ ∑
upward profit. CVaR can quantify the average profit in the tail of the WQstpj (1 − ̃
δtp ) = EX stpj + WCstpjk + QT stpjj’ , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j
probability distribution, and has become a common tool in decision- k∈K j’ ∈J:j’ ∕

making problems with risk due to the fact that it can overcome the ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S
limitation of VaR (Rockafellar & Uryasev, 2002). Hence, this work (10)
adopts the CVaR measure in (4) in the following to formulate the
objective function of the mathematical programming model. s
EXtpj CLstpj = 0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (11)
{ }
1 ∑ s ∑
CVaRβ (profit) = max θ − E[max(θ − profits , 0)] , (4) ̃ Zjk −
CLstpj = Max{( D s
WCtpjk ), 0}, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S
θ∈R 1− β tpk
k∈K k∈K

where β ∈ (0, 1) represents the confidence level. As shown in (4), CVaR
is difficult to calculate directly and, thus, a Monte Carlo simulation ∑
Zjk ⩽1, ∀k ∈ K (13)
method is adopted, which usually finds an approximation through sce­ j∈J
narios randomly generated according to the distributions of the sto­
chastic parameters. Zjk djk ⩽Rmax Yj , ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K (14)
The auxiliary variable tns is introduced to represent max{ θ − profits ,
0}, called the tail of the profit distribution. Therefore, an approximation s
WCtpjk ⩽G⋅Zjk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S (15)
of (4) can be written as (5) below:
1 ∑ μ s
WCtpjk ⩽IPj Yj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (16)
CVaRβ = VaRβ − Prs tns . (5) p∈P k∈K
1 − β s∈S

CVaR mainly focuses on the average value of the profits below the WQstpj (1 − ̃
δtp )⩽ICj Yj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S
confidence level, and ignores the profits above the confidence level. In p∈P

this sense, the decision using CVaR is too conservative. Thus, it is more ∑ ∑ ∑
reasonable to set up the objective function as a convex combination of
prpi WItpi ⩽ PCtps τ + s
TCtpi + PBstp , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S (18)
the expected value and the CVaR of the total profit, called the mean-
i∈I τ∈Θ i∈I

CVaR. The objective function, to be maximized, can then be formu­ s

TCtpi ⩽otpi , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀i ∈ I, ∀s ∈ S (19)
lated in (6) as follows:

λE(profit) + (1 − λ)CVaRβ (profit), (6) CEj Yj ⩽bd1 (20)

where λ ∈ [0, 1] is a risk aversion parameter which weighs the impor­

tance between profit and risk. The decision maker is risk neutral and BCtsτ ⩽bd2τ , ∀t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀s ∈ S (21)
only focuses on the expected profit when λ = 1, and is risk averse and ∑ ∑∑
only focuses on risks when λ = 0. The objective function is concave and CBj + PBstp ⩽B, ∀s ∈ S (22)
the decision maker’s risk aversion attitude gradually weakens as λ in­
j∈J t∈T p∈P

creases within[0, 1]. ∑ ’

TCstpi ⩽ PT stt’ pi (1 + rti )max{0,t − t− φi }
, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀i ∈ I, ∀s ∈ S
3.2.2. The two-stage stochastic optimization model
t’ ∈T:t’ ⩾t+1

A two-stage stochastic optimization model is formulated as a base­
line model assuming full knowledge of probability distributions for the ∑ ′

uncertain transportation costs. The strategic decisions such as store lo­ BCtsτ ⩽ RPstt′ τ /(1 + rτ /12)t − t , ∀t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀s ∈ S (24)
cations are the here-and-now decisions that should be made before the
′ ′
t ∈T:t+1⩽t ⩽t+τ

realization of the uncertain parameters in the first stage, and the oper­
BCtsτ ⩽G⋅Vtsτ , ∀t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀s ∈ S (25)
ational decisions such as network flows regarding the transportation of
the products are the wait-and-see decisions that should be made after the
fj ⋅Yj ⩽CEj + CBj , ∀j ∈ J (26)
realization of the uncertain parameters in the second state. The two-
stage stochastic optimization model can be formulated as follows: ∑
BCtsτ − PCtps τ = 0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀s ∈ S (27)
max λE(profit) + (1 − λ)CVaRβ (profit) (7) p∈P

s.t. CEj ⩽G⋅Yj , ∀j ∈ J (28)

∑ ∑
WQstpj = s
WItpi , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S (8) CBj ⩽G⋅Yj , ∀j ∈ J (29)
j∈J i∈I

tns = Max{VaR − profits , 0}, ∀s ∈ S (30)

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Fig. 2. The “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set.

Yj , Zjk , Vtsτ ∈ {0, 1}, ∀t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S (31) e-hashem, Baboli, and Akbari Jokar (2014), dummy binary variables
s s
Xtpjl and dummy continuous variables EXtpjl are introduced, and con­
straints (33)–(37) can be added to the model for the remaining inventory

s s s s s s s s s s s s
EXtpj , QTtpjj ′ , WItpi , WQtpj , WCtpjk , CLtpj , TCtpi , PT ′ , CEj , BCtτ , RP ′ , PCtpτ , PBtp , CBj ⩾0,
tt pi tt τ
′ ′
∀t, t ∈ T, ∀τ ∈ Θ, ∀p ∈ P, ∀i ∈ I, ∀j, j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S

∑ s
hdjp in (1),EXtpj = l∈L EXtpjl , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (33)
The objective function (7) is to maximize a convex combination of
the expected value and the CVaR of the total supply chain profit. Con­
el - 1 Xtpjl s
⩽EXtpjl s
⩽el Xtpjl , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀l ∈ L, ∀s ∈ S (34)
straints (8)–(10) are the conservation of flow constraints. Constraints (8) ∑
ensure the purchased products from the suppliers are completely
Xtpjl = 1, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (35)
transported to the physical stores. Constraints (9) balance the inventory l∈L

level of each physical store in each period. Constraints (10) balance the
X stpjl ∈ { 0, 1} , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀l ∈ L, ∀s ∈ S (36)
inflow and the outflow for each product in each period in each physical
store. Constraints (11) state that the remaining stock and the back­ s
EXtpjl ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀l ∈ L, ∀s ∈ S. (37)
ordered quantity cannot be simultaneously positive for each product in
each period at each physical store. Constraints (12) compute the back­ The cross product of the two continuous variables EXtpj
and CLstpj in a
ordered quantity for each period. Constraints (13)–(15) assign cus­ constraint in (11) is a nonlinear term. Thus, the linearization technique
tomers to physical stores. Constraints (13) guarantee that a customer proposed by Rahimi, Baboli, and Rekik (2017) can be applied. A new
region can only be served by one physical store. Constraints (14) indi­ binary variable Ftpj
as defined in (38) is introduced and three new con­
cate that the served customers must be in the coverage area of each straints (39)–(41) are used to replace the constraint in (11) as follows,
physical store. Constraints (15) guarantee that the products are not {
shipped from any physical store to any customer if the physical store s
1, if EXtpj =0
does not serve the customer. Constraints (16) and (17) model the ca­
Ftpj = s , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (38)
0, if CLtpj = 0
pacities. Constraints (16) set the information processing capacity for
each physical store. Constraints (17) set the inventory capacity for the CLstpj ⩽G⋅Ftpj
, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (39)
physical stores. Constraints (18)–(29) are the financial constraints.
Constraints (18) determine the amounts of finance from different sour­ s
EXtpj s
⩽G⋅(1 − Ftpj ), ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (40)
ces, including the trade credit, bank loans and available capital budget,
used to purchase product p from the suppliers. Constraints (19)–(22) s
Ftpj ∈ {0, 1}, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S. (41)
reflect limitations in different financial sources. Constraints (23) and
(24) ensure repayment of trade credit and bank loans to suppliers and Finally, constraints (12) can be converted into constraints (42) and
banks, respectively, used for purchasing products. Constraints (25) (43), and constraints (30) can be replaced by constraints (44) and (45),
indicate that the amount of bank loans released with specific length of ∑ s ∑
maturity should be considered only if the bank loans are approved. CLstpj ⩾ D̃ tpk − s
WCtpjk , ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S (42)
k∈K k∈K
Constraints (26) ensure the feasibility of bank loans and capital budget
for constructing physical stores. Constraints (27) indicate that the bank CLstpj ⩾0, ∀j ∈ J, ∀p ∈ P, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S (43)
loans will be fully used for purchasing products. Constraints (28) and
(29) ensure that the bank loans and capital budget can be used for the tns ⩾VaR − profits , ∀s ∈ S (44)
construction of a physical store if and only if the retailer has decided to
construct a physical store at a specific location. Constraints (30) specify tns ⩾0, ∀s ∈ S. (45)
the tail of the profit distribution. Constraints (31) and (32) specify the
After linearization, the proposed two-stage stochastic optimization
domains of the decision variables.
model in (7)–(32) above can be written as the following equivalent
3.2.3. Linearization
Linearization techniques are adopted to transform nonlinear terms in max λE(profit) + (1 − λ)CVaRβ (profit) (46)
the two-stage stochastic optimization model into their equivalent linear
terms. First, as mentioned above, the disposal cost of the remaining s.t. (8) − (10), (13) − (29), (31) − (45). (47)
inventory hdjp is a nonlinear stepwise function (1). Following Sazvar, Al-

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

4. The hybrid robust and stochastic optimization approach 4.2. The robust counterpart

The HRSO approach is proposed to transform the MILP model in (46) According to Bertsimas and Sim (2004), the corresponding robust
and (47) into a robust counterpart formulation. First, a RO approach is counterpart based on the “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set derived
presented as a prelude to describe the HRSO approach. In RO, an un­ from (48) is given as follows:
certain parameter is assumed to change in a given uncertainty set, so as
max cj xj
to select the best solution among those “immunized” solutions against
parameter uncertainty. Following Bertsimas and Sim (2003, 2004), RO s.t.
is briefly introduced in the following. Consider the following linear [ ]
∑ ∑
programming problem aij xj + wij + wi0 + Γi ui ⩽bi ,
∑ j∈Ji j∈J
max cj xj ⃒ ⃒
ui + wij ⩾̂a ij ⃒xj ⃒, ∀j ∈ Ji , (54)
∑ xj ⩽̃ bi , ∀i, xj ⩾0, ∀j,
s.t. aij
̃ ui + wi0 ⩾̂ bi ,
j ui ⩾0, wij ⩾0, wi0 ⩾0, ∀j ∈ Ji ,

where cj ,̃
aij and ̃
bi represent the true values of the parameters, and ̃
aij and where ui and wij are the corresponding dual variables. Appendix B
bi are subject to uncertainty.
̃ provides a detailed derivation of this robust counterpart. In the proposed
The influences of the uncertain parameters in each constraint are HRSO approach, within each scenario of the transportation cost, the
assumed to be independent of each other. The following uncertainty set “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty sets are defined for the demand and
is defined for the coefficients on the left-hand side and the constant on the deterioration rate, respectively.
the right-hand side of constraint i of the above linear programming Constraints (9), (10), (17) and (42) contain uncertain parameters.
problem. The corresponding counterpart formulations based on the “interval +
polyhedral” uncertain sets for these constraints are presented separately.
aij = aij + ξij ̂
̃ a ij , ∀j ∈ Ji , (49) Appendix B provides more details. The robust counterpart of a constraint
in (9) is shown in (55) as follows:
bi = bi + ξi0 ̂
̃ bi, (50) ⎧ ∑ ∑

EXtpj − CLstpj = WQstpj (1− δstp )− Γ1sδ+D u1sδ+D − w1stp − w1stpk − Dstpk Zjk ,

where aij and bi denote the nominal values, ̂ a ij and ̂
b i represent the ⎪ k∈K k∈K

⎪ ∀t ∈ T,∀p ∈ P,∀j ∈ J,∀s ∈ S

constant deviations with ̂ a ij > 0 and b i > 0, ξij and ξi0 are random vari­
u1δ+D +w1tp ⩾̂
s s
δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T,∀p ∈ P,∀j ∈ J,∀s ∈ S .
ables with ξij , ξi0 ∈ [− 1, 1], and Ji is the set of uncertain parameters in ⎪

constraint i. Constraint i can be rewritten as: ⎪ s

⎪ u1sδ+D +w1stpk ⩾ D ̂ tpk Zjk , ∀t ∈ T,∀p ∈ P,∀j ∈ J,∀k ∈ K,∀s ∈ S

∑ ∑ ⎪

aij xj + [− ξi0 ̂
bi + a ij xj ]⩽bi .
ξij ̂ (51) u1δ+D ⩾0,w1tp ⩾0,w1stpk ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T,∀p ∈ P,∀k ∈ K,∀s ∈ S
s s

j∈Ji j∈Ji (55)

The purpose of RO is to choose solutions that remain feasible for any The robust counterpart of a constraint in (10) is given by (56) in the
ξ = { ξij , ξi0 } in a given uncertainty set U in order to immunize against following:
uncertainty. Thus, (51) can be written as follows: ⎧ ∑ ∑
{ } ⎪
⎪ WQstpj (1 − δstp ) − Γ2sδ u2sδ − w2stp = EXtpjs
+ s
WCtpjk + s
∑ ∑ ⎪

⎪ k∈K ′ ′
j ∈J,j ∕=j
aij xj + max − ξi0 ̂ bi + a ij xj − bi ⩽0.
ξij ̂ ⎪

j∈Ji j∈Ji ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S .

⎪ s

⎪ s s ̂
u2δ + w2tp ⩾ δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

4.1. The “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set ⎪

⎩ u2s ⩾0, w2s ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S
δ tp

The HRSO approach adopts the “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty (56)

set. The “box + polyhedral” uncertainty set is defined in the following The robust counterpart for a constraint in (17) is shown in (57) as
and the “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set is special case of the follows:
“box + polyhedral” uncertainty set. ⎧∑ ∑
Definition. The “box + polyhedral” uncertainty set (Li et al., 2011) ⎪

WQstpj (1 − δstp ) − Γ3sδ u3sδ − w3stp ⩽ICj Yj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

is the intersection of the box uncertainty set defined with the L∞ -norm ⎨ p∈P p∈P

and the polyhedral uncertainty set defined with the L1 -norm as follows: .

⎪ u3sδ + w3stp ⩾̂ δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S
∑ ⎪

⃒ ⃒ ⎩
U1∩∞ = {ξ| |ξj |⩽Γi , ⃒ξj ⃒⩽Ψ, ∀j ∈ Ji }, (53) u3sδ ⩾0, w3stp ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S

where Γi , with Γi ∈ [0, |Ji |], and Ψ are the budgets of uncertainty. The robust counterpart of a constraint in (42) is expressed in (58) as
When Ψ = 1, this uncertainty set is the intersection of the interval follows:
and the polyhedral uncertainty sets, which is referred as the “interval + ⎧ ∑ ∑ ∑
⎪ CLstpj ⩾ Dstpk Zjk − WCstpjk + Γ4sD u4sD + w4stpk ,
polyhedral” uncertainty set. When Γi = 1, the polyhedron is exactly ⎪

⎪ k∈K k∈K k∈K
inscribed by the box and the intersection between the polyhedron and ⎪

∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (58)
the box is exactly the polyhedron, and when Γi = |Ji |, the intersection ⎪ s
⎪ s s ̂
between the polyhedron and the box is exactly the box. The “interval + ⎪

u4D + w4 tpk ⩾ D Z
tpk jk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S

polyhedral” uncertainty set for different values of Γi and Ψ = 1 with 2 u4sD ⩾0, w4stpk ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S
uncertain parameters is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Thus, the robust counterpart of the MILP model in (46)–(47) is given
as follow:

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

(a) The sample (b) Clusters of similar (c) The best representatives
scenarios in the clusters
Fig. 3. Graphic representation of scenario aggregation performed in the improved SAA.

max λE(profit) + (1 − λ)CVaRβ (profit) (59) size equal to the number of clusters. By solving the problem formed with
these representative scenarios, an upper bound can be obtained on the
s.t. (8), (13) − (16), (18) − (29), (31) − (41), (43) − (45), (55) − (58). objective function which is also a real upper bound of the real problem.
(60) Unlike other methods in the literature with the same or larger sample
sizes, this improved SAA method using k-means clustering offers an
In this robust counterpart, the budgets of uncertainty Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ
opportunity to adaptively control the sample size. According to the so­
and Γ4sD control the scales of the uncertainty sets for each scenario by
lution obtained from each iteration, a t-test is conducted to determine if
restricting the deviations of demand and deterioration rate from the
the sample size NK should be increased or decreased before the criterion
nominal values in their associated uncertainty sets. Consequently, larger
with a specific tolerance is satisfied. Because the improved SAA method
values for the budgets of uncertainty Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ and Γ4sD will result
can select a larger sample size N than that of the basic SAA Nb , it has a
in higher levels of robustness but lower levels of optimality due to the larger probability of converging to the solution of the true problem.
fact that more deviations are allowed toward the worst-case in their Fig. 3 can better illustrate the use of the k-means clustering technique
uncertainty sets. in the improved SAA method. In the basic SAA, a sample of Nb scenarios
In addition, probabilistic guarantees in a chance constraint approach is selected from the sample space and is used to set up and solve the
can be employed to evaluate the lower bound of constraint satisfaction model. This process is repeated until a stopping criterion is satisfied. In
based on the expected constraint violations. Let x*j represent the robust the improved SAA method, a sample of N scenarios is selected from the
solution, and Γi be the budget of uncertainty of constraint i. The viola­ sample space as shown in Fig. 3(a), the N scenarios are grouped into k
tion probability of constraint i can be expressed as (61) in the following clusters where the scenarios in each cluster are similar to each other as
(Bertsimas & Sim, 2004): shown in Fig. 3(b), a most representative scenario is selected from each
( ) ( ) cluster as shown in Fig. 3(c), and the k, represented by NK , i.e., NK = k,
∑ ∑ Γi − 1
Pr aij x*j + [− ξi0 ̂
bi + a ij xj* ] < bi ⩽1 − Φ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ ,
ξij ̂ (61) for notational convenience, representative scenarios are used to set up
j∈Ji j∈Ji |Ji | and solve the model. This process is repeated until a stopping criterion is
where Φ(⋅) represents the standard normal cumulative distribution
function. A maximum violation probability εi can be specified, and the
5.2. The improved SAA method
minimum value of the budget of uncertainty Γi to maintain the partic­
ular probabilistic guarantees can be stated as (62) in the following:
The steps of the improved SAA method used to solve the robust
Γi ⩾1 − Φ− 1 (1 − εi ) |Ji |. (62) counterpart of the MILP model using the k-means clustering technique
are presented as follows:
5. An improved SAA method using k-means clustering Step 0: Set the initial number of clusters k, the step sizes q1 and q2
with q2 > q1 and the iteration counter g = 1. Determine the values for
Since the transportation cost differs due to many factors, such as the number of sets of scenarios M, the sample size N, a predefined
traffic regulations, fuel prices, etc., a large number of scenarios is tolerance ε, the maximum time limit timemax and the maximum number
required to investigate the variations in the transportation cost. Addi­ of iterations itermax .
tionally, the MILP model is NP-hard and, hence, computational time Step 1: Randomly generate M independent sets, each withN, of
increases as the number of scenarios increases. The SAA method, based scenarios. Partition the N scenarios in each set m, for m = 1,2,…,M, into
on Monte Carlo simulation, is used to handle these issues. The idea of the k clusters using the k-means clustering technique with the transportation
SAA method is simple, i.e., generating a random sample of the unknown costs as the inputs, and select a representative scenario from each cluster
parameters to approximate the expected value of a function by the to form a sample of NK scenarios. Find FNmK , the optimal objective func­
corresponding sample average of the function. The SAA method has tion value of the SAA problem with the NK scenarios for each setm.
been used extensively in many areas, such as stochastic routing prob­
1 ∑
1 ∑
lems (e.g., Verweij, Ahmed, Kleywegt, Nemhauser, & Shapiro, 2003), FNmK = max λ profits + (1 − λ)(VaR − tns ). (63)
NK s=1 NK s=1
inventory control problems (e.g., Qiu, Sun, & Sun, 2021), supply chain
network design (e.g., Farjana, Mario, Krystel, & Mohammad, 2020; ∑M
Step 2: Calculate FNk = M1 m=1 FNK .
FNk is larger than or equal to the
(g) (g)
Guan, Tao, & Sun, 2022), among others.
optimal objective function value of the true problem F* and, thus, can be
regarded as an upper bound of the objective function value of the true
5.1. The k-means clustering technique in the SAA method
Step 3: Randomly generate a different sample of N scenarios, with

Due to the complexity of the MILP model, a novel approach is used to

N ≫N. Using the values of the first-stage decision variables CEj , CBj , Yj

obtain samples and set sample sizes that are better representative sce­
narios in the stochastic optimization problem. Specifically, the k-means and Zjk obtained from Step 1 as known parameters, calculate the profit
clustering technique is used in the SAA method to group similar sce­ profits and the tail of the profit distribution tns for each scenario s.
narios together, select a representative in each cluster and get a sample

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Table 2 k←k − q1 only if g > b (b = 2). If the p-value of the test is sufficiently
Performance comparison between SAA and iSAA. small (e.g., p - value < 0.1), set k←k + q2 . Set g←g + 1. Go to Step 1.
Nb M SAA iSAA Step 7: Choose the solution of the scenario with the largest objective
function value among the k scenarios as the final solution. Stop.
Gap (%) Time (s) Gap (%) Time (s)
Three criteria are used to terminate the procedure. The approximate
100 5 0.05 282.3 0.01 255.3 solution is assumed to have converged to the true optimal solution when
10 0.04 335.9 0.00 292.7
200 5 0.01 397.6 0.01 305.6
at least one of them is met.
10 0.02 501.5 0.02 363.9
300 5 0.01 506.3 0.03 336.8 6. Numerical studies
10 0.02 657.1 0.03 405.4
400 5 0.04 622.5 0.01 418.1
10 0.01 758.6 0.02 495.0 In this section, data similar to those of a real fresh product supply
500 5 0.03 843.3 0.01 521.2 chain with some modifications are used to verify the validity of the
10 0.02 925.1 0.01 555.6 proposed model and the performance of the HRSO solution approach.
Avg 0.025 583.02 0.015 394.96 The computational experiments are implemented in Python using the
CPLEX® optimizer3 on a desktop computer with an Intel Core i7 3.60
GHz processor and 8.0 GB RAM.
The retailer purchases from |I| = 5 suppliers (farms, pastures and
iSAA fishing grounds, etc.) which provide |P| = 5 kinds of products, repre­
SAA sented by P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5, with the unit prices ¥20, ¥25, ¥28, ¥26
Variability of transportation cost

and ¥29 per kg, respectively. The products are processed at the DC and
then the packaged products are shipped to |J| = 5 physical stores serving
|K| = 10 distinct demand regions. The planning horizon is two years, i.e.,
medium |T| = 24 months.
Meanwhile, according to the historical data, the uncertain trans­
portation costs in the scenarios are randomly generated from uniform
distributions with limits as shown in Table C1. The nominal values of the
low uncertain demands and deterioration rates in the scenarios are randomly
generated from uniform distributions with limits listed in Table C2. The
deviations from the nominal values of the uncertain demands and
0 100 200 300 400 500 deterioration rates are also randomly generated from uniform distribu­
running time (s) tions such that a specific demand or deterioration rate is within the
respective interval defined in Table C2. In addition, some operational
Fig. 4. Comparison between running times of SAA and iSAA. costs are also randomly drawn from uniform distributions with limits
shown in Table C2. These settings are used as defaults in the numerical
∑ ′ ∑ ′
Calculate the mean FN′ = λ N1′ Ns=1 profits +(1 − λ)(VaR − N1′ Ns=1 tns )
(g) studies unless mentioned otherwise.
∑ ′ [ ]2 The location cost of the physical stores is dependent on the candidate
σ 2F(g) = N′1− 1 Ns=1 λprofits + (1 − λ)(VaR − tns ) − FN(g)′
and the variance ̃ sites, the population served, the customer consumption level, etc., and is
generated from the uniform distribution U(5000000, 8000000). The


of the objective function values of the N scenarios. FN′ is smaller than or

′ (g)
annual interest rates of the medium and long-term loans that the bank
equal to the true optimal objective function value F∗ of the problem and, charges is r = 4.75%, and that of the short-term loans is rτ = 4.35%. In
thus, is a lower bound of the true objective function value. This lower addition, parameters related to trade credit are given in Table C3.
bound is updated if the value is larger than the value of the previous Finally, other model parameters are shown in Table C4.
iteration. The uniform distribution is used to generate values for the uncertain
Step 4: Calculate the optimality gap of the solution based on the parameters so as to simulate the uncertainties in the real-world prob­
lower and upper bounds, as given in the following: lems. Other distributions, such as the normal distribution, may also be
(g) used for this purpose. Actually, the uniform distribution has been widely
F Nk − FN(g)′
gap = . (64) used to generate values for uncertain parameters in the literature (e.g.,
Keyvanshokooh et al., 2016; Rahimi et al., 2017; Bertsimas, Sim, &
F Nk
Zhang, 2019; Geunes & Su, 2020; Mousavi, Salehi-Amiri, Zahedi, &
Step 5: Go to Step 7 if gap⩽ε, the maximum time limit timemax is
Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, 2021).
reached, or g > itermax ; or continue to Step 6 otherwise.
Step 6: Perform a t-test between the solutions obtained at iterations g
and g − 1 with the following hypothesis. 6.1. Performance of the improved SAA method
(g) (g− 1)
H0 : μ N
′ − μ N
′ =0 This subsection presents computational experiments in solving the
(g− 1) two-stage stochastic optimization model with the HRSO approach uti­
where μ and μ represent the unknown population means of the
N N lizing the improved SAA method. In reporting the results, SAA repre­
′ ′

objective function values at iterations g and g − 1, respectively. The sents the basic SAA method, and iSAA represents the improved SAA
(g− 1)
corresponding sample means FN′ and FN′
σ2Fg ′
and sample variances ̃ method. The parameters in the termination criteria are set to ε = 0.001,

σ2F(g− 1) are obtained in Step 3 at iterations g and g − 1, respectively. If

and ̃ timemax = 11000 and itermax = 100. Five sample sizes, i.e., Nb = 100,
′ 200, 300, 400 and 500 and N = 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700, respec­
the p-value of the test is sufficiently large (e.g., p - value⩾0.2), set tively, and two values of M, i.e., M = 5 and 10, are used. In addition, N is


Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

fixed at N = 1000. An initial k = 3, and q1 = 1 and q2 = 2 are used.

When the performances of SAA and iSAA are compared, the one with a
smaller optimality gap is better, or the one with less running time is
better if they have the same optimality gap.

Table 2 shows the computational performance of SAA and iSAA. The
average optimality gap (Gap) of iSAA is 0.015% and that of SAA is
0.025%, meaning that iSAA can find better solutions. In addition, iSAA

is 148% faster than SAA on average. Overall, using k-means clustering in
SAA can significantly shorten the computation time and improve the

solution quality. CPLEX is also used directly to solve these problems, but
its results are not presented because it cannot find optimal solutions
within the pre-specified time limit.
Furthermore, variations in the transportation cost are set to low
(within ± 5% of the mean), medium (within ± 10% of the mean) and
high (within ± 20% of the mean) by varying the limits of the uniform

distributions. Results are obtained with Nb = 100, N = 300 and M = 10.

The difference between the SAA and iSAA optimality gaps is subtle
under low, medium and high variations in the transportation cost, thus

the focus will be on running time. As shown in Fig. 4, iSAA outperforms

SAA on all such variations. The running time of SAA is 160%, 141%, and

128% of that of iSAA with low, medium and high variations in the
transportation cost, respectively.

6.2. Analyses on the HRSO approach with mean-CVaR


When the budgets of uncertainty Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ and Γ4sD are set to
the same values in a scenarios, Γs is used to collectively represent these
budgets of uncertainty and their values in this subsection. In the

improved SAA method,M = 5, N = 300, N = 1000 and an initial k = 3

are used.
Table 3 shows the objective function values for different values of the

budgets of uncertainty, the risk aversion parameter λ and the confidence

Objective function values with different budgets of uncertainty, risk aversion parameters and confidence levels.

level β. The value of λ is set to λ = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 and the value of β
is set to β = 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9. The budget of uncertainty Γs is set to vary in

each scenario s from 0 to 20 in increments of 2. From the results given in

Table 3, the objective function value decreases as the value of either λ or

β increases. In addition, as the value of the budgets of uncertainty Γs

increases, the objective function value decreases evidently. Therefore, it
is of significant importance for decision makers to determine the con­

fidence level and the budgets of uncertainty in supply chain


6.3. Sensitivity analyses of the budgets of uncertainty


The effects of the budgets of uncertainty are studied by changing the

values of the budgets of uncertainty for the uncertain demand and the
deterioration rate under different transportation costs. The confidence

level is set to β = 0.9 and the risk aversion parameter is set to λ = 0.5.
The deviations of an uncertain parameter from its nominal value are
made proportional to the nominal value and are controlled by varying

the value of ρ, with ρ = 0.05, 0.15, 0.25 and 0.35, by setting ̂ a ij = ρaij in
aij = aij + ξij ̂
̃ a ij . A larger value of ρ leads to larger deviations and,

therefore, a larger uncertainty set. In addition,U1∩∞ = {ξ| j∈Ji |ξij |⩽Γi ,
⃒ ⃒
⃒ ⃒
⃒ξij ⃒⩽1, ∀j ∈ Ji }, as mentioned in Section 4, represents the uncertainty

set, where the budget of uncertainty Γi can control the size of the un­
certainty set. Thus, ρ and Γi can influence the true values of the uncer­
tain parameters simultaneously. For each of the uncertain parameters

(demand and deterioration rate), each of the budgets of uncertainty

Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ and Γ4sD varied from its minimum value to its maximum

value while the other budgets of uncertainty are kept at 0. A relative


[ ]/
change in the expected profit is defined as ER (profit) − EN (profit)
EN (profit) × 100%, where ER (profit) and EN (profit) represent the robust
Table 3




and nominal expected profits, respectively. The plots of this relative

change in the optimal expected profit against the different budgets of

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Fig. 5. Relationship between the expected profit and the budgets of uncertainty.

uncertainty are depicted in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5, if ρ is fixed and approaches with different values of λ when β = 0.9 and Γ1sδ+D = Γ2sδ =
Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ or Γ4sD varies, the expected profit decreases as the budget Γ3sδ = Γ4sD = 10. The optimal objective function values of both the
of uncertainty Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ or Γ4sD increases. When the budgets of HRSO and the nominal SP approaches all decrease as λ increases. The
uncertainty Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ and Γ4sD are all equal to 0, there is no pro­ results indicate that the optimal objective function value of the nominal
tection against uncertainty but the expected profit achieves its highest SP approach is larger than that of the HRSO approach.
value. When Γ1sδ+D , Γ2sδ , Γ3sδ and Γ4sD are at their respective maximum To a certain extent, the confidence level β represents the intensity of
values, maximum protection is attained at the expense of reduced ex­ a decision maker’s aversion attitude toward risks. The larger the value of
pected profits. In addition, a smaller value of ρ results in a larger ex­ β, the greater the likelihood of the decision maker for being more risk
pected profit if the budgets of uncertainty are fixed. Hence, the worst- averse in avoiding catastrophic events. The supply chain expected profit
case expected profit for a smaller value of ρ is better than that for a probability distributions are compared under different values of β in
larger value of ρ since the maximum deviation is smaller. Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8, the probability distribution of the supply chain
Relationships between probabilities of constraint violation and the expected profit of 100 scenarios is more concentrated when the decision
budgets of uncertainty are plotted in Fig. 6. As shown in Fig. 6, the makers are more risk averse, i.e., the HRSO approach with CVaR and
constraint violation probabilities decrease as the budgets of uncertainty with λ = 0.5 and Γ1sδ+D = Γ2sδ = Γ3sδ = Γ4sD = 10, than when they are
increase, because a larger value of a budget of uncertainty tends to risk-neutral with λ = 1 under the nominal SP approach. The difference
provide more protection and robustness. The constraint violation between the maximum and the minimum values of the supply chain
probability reaches 0 when the corresponding budget of uncertainty is at expected profit is relatively large when the decision makers are risk-
its maximum value. neutral. The distribution becomes more concentrated as the value of β
becomes larger. Hence, although the HRSO approach has a small
6.4. Comparison of the HRSO and the nominal SP approaches probability of reaching a large supply chain expected profit, it also has a
large probability of avoiding a relatively small supply chain expected
A comparison between the HRSO and the nominal SP approaches is profit. More comparison results are presented in Table 4. As Table 4
performed. When the budgets of uncertainty are all equal to 0, the HRSO shows, the supply chain expected profit of the HRSO approach with
approach reduces to the nominal SP approach. Fig. 7 compares the CVaR is 0.089%, 0.489% and 0.595% lower than that of the nominal SP
optimal objective function values between the HRSO and the nominal SP approach with λ = 1 when β = 0.50, β = 0.90 and β = 0.95,

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Fig. 6. Relationship between constraint violation probability and the budgets of uncertainty.

above results show that the HRSO approach with CVaR has the ability to
make tradeoffs between optimality and robustness.

6.5. Impacts of the financial sources

The impacts of the availability of capital budget, trade credit and

bank loans on the supply chain expected profit are explored in the
following. The results are presented in Figs. 9–11 and Table 5. Figs. 9–11
show that the availabilities of these financial sources have great impact
on the supply chain expected profit. As shown in Fig. 9, larger amount of
bank loans contributes to considerable increase in expected profit of up
to 90%. In addition, the impact of the availability of bank loans on the
supply chain expected profit is different at different ranges of bank
loans. Obviously, the initial increase in bank loans results in pronounced
enhancement in supply chain expected profit while the enhancement
slows down when the amount of bank loans further increases.
As shown in Table 5, the purchase cost, transportation cost,
remaining inventory cost and freshness-keeping cost increase evidently
Fig. 7. Comparison between the optimal objective function values of the HRSO
and the nominal SP approaches. as the available amount of bank loans increases. In contrast, shortage
cost and transportation cost decrease as the maximum available amount
of bank loans increases. The order quantity properly increases when the
respectively, meaning that the supply chain expected profit slightly
amount of bank loans increases, leading to the increase in transportation
decreases as β increases in the HRSO approach with CVaR. In addition,
cost. However, unsatisfied customer demand decreases, resulting in a
the standard deviations of the supply chain expected profit of the HRSO
reduction in shortage or increase in surplus inventory. Furthermore, the
approach with β = 0.50, β = 0.90 and β = 0.95 are 62.97%, 25.61% and
responses of costs to the variation in the maximum available bank loans
20.48% of those of the nominal SP approach, respectively. Furthermore,
are different. For instance, transportation cost and purchasing cost in­
as the value of β increases, the standard deviation of the expected profit
crease up to 29% and 33%, respectively, when the maximum amount of
decreases with only a marginal decrease in the expected profit. The
available bank loans increases by 10%, but decreases by 12% and 18%,

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Fig. 8. Supply chain expected profit distributions of 100 scenarios.

Table 4
Comparison of supply chain expected profit and standard deviation.
The expected Profit Standard Standard
profit gaps deviation of deviation
profit ratios

Nominal SP 61,637,788 – 491,552 –

withλ = 1.0
HRSO with β = 61,583,103 –0.089% 309,522 62.97%
0.50 and λ =
HRSO with β = 61,336,579 –0.489% 125,873 25.61%
0.90 and λ =
HRSO with β = 61,271,203 –0.595% 100,664 20.48%
0.95 and λ =

Note: Profit gap = (expected profit obtained by HRSO – expected profit of Fig. 10. Impact of trade credit availability on the supply chain expected profit.
nominal SP)/expected profit of nominal SP. Standard deviation ratio = standard
deviation of the profit obtained by HRSO/standard deviation of the profit ob­
tained by nominal SP.

Fig. 11. Impact of capital budget on the supply chain expected profit.

Fig. 9. Impact of bank loans availability on the supply chain expected profit.
respectively, when the maximum amount of available bank loans

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

Table 5
The effects of the change of maximum available bank loans on related costs.
Change percentage Transportation cost Purchasing cost Shortage cost Disposal cost of remaining inventory Transportation cost Freshness- keeping cost
6 6 5 5
+10% 5.753 × 10 2.516 × 10 1.055 × 10 77,739 4.035 × 10 7.687 × 105
+8% 5.493 × 106 2.483 × 106 1.071 × 105 75,046 4.062 × 105 7.525 × 105
+6% 5.427 × 106 2.395 × 106 1.078 × 105 74,047 4.089 × 105 7.362 × 105
+4% 4.968 × 106 2.124 × 106 1.089 × 105 73,845 4.108 × 105 7.331 × 105
+2% 4.704 × 106 1.920 × 106 1.095 × 105 73,787 4.118 × 105 7.255 × 105
0 4.443 × 106 1.894 × 106 1.099 × 105 73,761 4.126 × 105 7.201 × 105
–2% 4.241 × 106 1.886 × 106 1.102 × 105 73,458 4.132 × 105 7.136 × 105
–4% 4.156 × 106 1.851 × 106 1.115 × 105 73,126 4.144 × 105 7.105 × 105
–6% 4.088 × 106 1.756 × 106 1.121 × 105 72,589 4.145 × 105 7.092 × 105
–8% 3.923 × 106 1.685 × 106 1.125 × 105 72,104 4.151 × 105 6.985 × 105
–10% 3.896 × 106 1.554 × 106 1.134 × 105 71,863 4.153 × 105 6.955 × 105

decreases by 10%. Comparative results show that the reaction of each provide more reliable decision support for decision makers in
cost is stronger to increases than to decreases in the availability of bank real-world supply chain management.
loans, as shown in Table 5. (2) Greater risk aversion can be reached by decision-makers by
Similar tendency in expected profit to that in Fig. 9 is demonstrated decreasing the value of λ and/or increasing the value of β to
in Fig. 10 when the availability of trade credit changes. Marginal anal­ obtain more conservative results for the two-stage stochastic
ysis results are also shown in these figures that present the changes in the optimization model with mean-CVaR. Risk-averse solutions
supply chain expected profit when the interest rate of bank loans rτ in­ decrease the expected profit of the supply chain but increase the
creases by 1% or the permissible delays in payment of trade credit φi robustness in worst-case scenarios as compared to risk-neutral
increases by 1 period. In addition, the supply chain expected profit is solutions. Therefore, decision makers should make tradeoffs be­
more sensitive to the change in φi than to that in rτ . Therefore, decision tween the profitability and robustness of the supply chain ac­
makers are recommended to pay more attention to permissible delays in cording to their own aversion attitudes toward risks.
payment of trade credit than to interest rate of bank loans. (3) The analysis of the numerical results revealed that the supply
As shown in Fig. 11, the response curve of the supply chain expected chain expected profit can be significantly increased by using
profit to the capital budget level is “S” shaped. The supply chain ex­ trade credit and bank loans, and the use of trade credit is clearly
pected profit increases slowly when the capital budget level is low, in­ more beneficial than the use of bank loans. In addition, the re­
creases dramatically when the capital budget level increases to a certain action of each cost is stronger to increases than to decreases in the
amount, and slows down again when the capital budget level is high availability of bank loans. Thus, decision makers should reason­
enough. Hence, a large capital budget does not always warrant a large ably manage these financial sources.
profit, as shown by the “S” shaped curve in the figure. However, the (4) The expected profit and the constraint violation probabilities
model does not have feasible solutions when the capital budget level is decrease as the budgets of uncertainty increase. Larger values of
too low. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for decision makers to budgets of uncertainty provide more protection and robustness
plan the capital budget properly, so as to avoid under or over spending but less profitability. When the budgets of uncertainty are greater
on capital investment. than certain values, the constraint violation probabilities may
approach 0, but the expected profit may become unacceptably
7. Conclusions low, suggesting that moderate values of the budgets of uncer­
tainty may provide good tradeoffs between profitability and
This study proposes a two-stage stochastic optimization model for a robustness.
multi-period, multi-product capital-constrained fresh product supply (5) The computational results demonstrate that the improved SAA
chain incorporating risk aversion and financial flow for an omnichannel outperforms the basic SAA in terms of computation time and
retailer. After linearization, the two-stage stochastic optimization model solution quality.
becomes a MILP model. As a major contribution, a HRSO approach is
developed for fresh product supply chain optimization. The trans­ Future research can be extended in the following directions. First, the
portation cost is assumed to be predictable and is used to generate proposed solution approach is based on the “interval + polyhedral”
scenarios. Under each scenario of the transportation cost, an “interval + uncertainty set. However, it is worthwhile to propose other types of
polyhedral” uncertainty set is proposed for the customer demand and uncertainty sets and conduct comparisons between the performances of
the deterioration rate. In addition, the objective function of the model is these uncertainty sets. Second, this work only focused on the un­
to maximize a convex combination of the total supply chain expected certainties caused by the business-as-usual factors but did not consider
profit and the CVaR. An improved SAA method using the k-means disruption risks caused by catastrophic events. However, catastrophic
clustering technique is proposed to solve this problem efficiently. Nu­ events can disrupt the supply chain with serious losses in facilities, ve­
merical studies are conducted to verify the practicality of the model and hicles, materials and even lives. It would be helpful to consider how
the efficiency of the solution approach. Several important managerial disruption risks impact the robustness of the supply chain (Guan et al.,
insights can be derived from the model, the solution approach and the 2022). Moreover, it is valuable to investigate how financing methods
numerical studies, as presented in the following. impact the ability of the supply chain to deal with disruption risks.
Finally, this work only considered the decision maker’s risk aversion
(1) The comparative studies show that the proposed HRSO approach behavior. However, in practical applications, the supply chain members
with mean-CVaR can efficiently prevent fluctuations in supply may have other behaviors, such as fairness concerns, reference depen­
chain expected profit and hedge against uncertainties to avoid dence and reciprocal preferences. Therefore, the incorporation of other
solutions with high risks. Therefore, decision makers can utilize behaviors in supply chain design and optimization problems is a worthy
the proposed HRSO approach with mean-CVaR to design more research extension (Qiu et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2021).
efficient and robust supply chains. The proposed model can

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

CRediT authorship contribution statement interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Zhimin Guan: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Super­
vision, Writing – review & editing. Yuxia Mou: Investigation, Formal Acknowledgements
analysis, Methodology, Software, Writing – original draft. Minghe Sun:
Methodology, Supervision, Project administration, Writing – review & This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science
editing. Foundation of China [grant number 70972100].

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

Appendix A. The main notations in the model

The following notations are used in the proposed model.


I Set of suppliers
J Set of physical stores
K Set of customers
T Set of time periods in the planning horizon
P Set of products
S Set of scenarios for transportation costs
Θ Set of bank loan periods
n Number of planning horizons
fj Fixed cost of establishing physical store j
vp Unit price of product p
tr1sti , tr2stj , tr3stjk Unit transportation cost from supplier i to the DC, from the DC to physical storej, from physical store j to customer k in time period t under scenario s
trstjj′ Unit transshipment cost from physical store j to physical store j for j ∕
′ ′
= j in time period t in scenario s
frjp Unit freshness-keeping cost of product p at physical store j
prpi Unit purchasing price of product p from supplier i
stjp Unit shortage cost of product p at physical store j
hdjp Unit disposal cost of remaining inventory of product p at physical store j
Injp Unit information processing cost of online order for product p at physical store j
Pap Unit processing cost of product p at the DC
ICj Inventory capacity of physical store j
IPj Information processing capacity of online orders in physical store j
djk Distance between physical store j and customer k
Rmax Maximum coverage area of a physical store
μ Proportion of online consumers
rti Interest (penalty) rate for delay in repayment of trade credit received from supplier i
r Interest rate of medium and long-term bank loans for the construction of physical stores
rτ Interest rate of a τ-period bank loan
otpi Maximum available trade credit for purchasing product p from supplier i in time period t
bd1 Maximum available bank loans for establishing physical stores
bd2τ Maximum available short-term τ-period bank loans
B Maximum available capital budget
φi Permissible delay in repayment of trade credit without interest charges for supplier i
β The confidence level of the decision maker
λ The risk aversion parameter
δ The deterioration rate of product p transported from the DC to physical store j in time period t under scenario s
δstp The nominal deterioration rate of product p transported from the DC to physical store j in time period t under scenario s
̂δ s The deterioration rate deviation of product p transported from the DC to physical store j in time period t under scenario s
G A big number
Prs Probability of scenario s occurring
tns The tail of the profit distribution under scenario s
D The demand of product p of customer k in time period t under scenario s
Dstpk The nominal demand of product p of customer k in time period t under scenario s
D The demand deviation of product p of customer k in time period t under scenario s
Decision variables:
Yj Binary variable with Yj = 1 if a physical store is open at location j and Yj = 0 otherwise
Zjk Binary variable with Zjk = 1 if customer k is served by physical store j and Zjk = 0 otherwise
Vtsτ Binary variable with Vtsτ = 1 if a τ-period bank loan is approved in time period t under scenario s and Vtsτ = 0 otherwise
EXstpj Remaining inventory of product p in physical store j at the end of time period t under scenario s
QTstpjj′ Quantity of product p transshipped from physical store j to physical store j for j ∕
′ ′
= j in time period t under scenario s
WItpi Quantity of product p purchased from supplier i in time period t under scenario s
WQstpj Quantity of product p shipped from the DC to physical store j in time period t under scenario s
(continued on next page)

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

(continued )

WCstpjk Quantity of product p supplied from physical stores j to consumer k in the service area in time period t under scenario s
CLstpj Quantity of product p backordered in physical store j in time period t under scenario s
TCstpi Amount of trade credit extended by supplier i in time period t for purchasing product p under scenario s
PTtts ′ pi Amount of repayment to supplier i in time period t for the trade credit received in time period t for procuring product p under scenario s

CEj Amount of bank loans approved to establish physical store j at the beginning of the planning horizon
BCstτ Amount of τ-period bank loans approved in time period t
RPstt′ τ Amount of repayment in period t for the τ-period bank loans received in time period t under scenario s

PCstpτ Amount of τ-period bank loans used for procuring product p in time period t under scenario s
PBstp Available capital budget for purchasing product p in time period t under scenario s
CBj Available capital budget for the construction of physical store j
profits The total supply chain profit under scenario s

Appendix B. Construction of the robust counterparts with the “Interval þ Polyhedral” uncertainty set

B.1 Construction of the “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set

Constraint (52) can be rewritten as follows by introducing x0 = − 1:

∑ ∑
aij xj + bi x0 + [max{ξi0 ̂
b i x0 + a ij xj }]⩽ 0, ∀j ∈ Ji .
ξij ̂ (B.1)
j j

After defining ξi = { ξi0 ,{ξij ,∀j ∈ Ji }},Ai = {bi ,{aij ,∀j ∈ Ji }}, A b i ,{ ̂
̂ i = {̂ a ij ,∀j ∈ Ji }}, X = {x0 , {xj , ∀j ∈ Ji }} and Ji = Ji ∪ {0}, (B.1) can be rewritten

as follows:

̂ i X}⩽0.
Ai Xj + max{ξi A (B.2)


∑ ⃒ ⃒
The “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set U1∩∞ = {ξ| j∈J′ |ξj |⩽Γi , ⃒ξj ⃒⩽1, ∀j ∈ Ji } can be denoted as follows using conic representation by defining


P1 = { IC×C ; 01×C } , p1 = { 0C×1 ; Γi } and K1 = { { ∈ RC + 1 ⃒‖θ‖1 ⩽t}:
U1∩∞ = {ξ|P1 ξj + p1 ∈ K1 , P∞ ξj + p∞ ∈ K∞ }. (B.3)
⃒ ′⃒
After defining the dual variables y1 = { wi ; γ 1 } ∈ RC×1 and y2 = { vi ; γ 2 } ∈ RC×1 , where C is the cardinality of the uncertainty set, i.e., C = ⃒Ji ⃒,
and using the dual cones K∗1 = K∞ and K∗∞ = K1 , the inner maximization problem in (B.2) can be expressed as (B.4) below:
̂ i X : P1 ξ + p1 ∈ K1 , P∞ ξ + p∞ ∈ K∞ }.
max{ξi A (B.4)

The conic dual of the above problem can be formulated as follows:

̂ i X, ‖wi ‖ ⩽γ1 , ‖vi ‖ ⩽γ2 }.
min{γ 1 + Γγ2 : wi + vi = A 1 ∞ (B.5)
∑ ⃒⃒ ⃒⃒ ⃒ ⃒
Furthermore, ‖wi ‖1 = j∈J′ wij and ‖vi ‖∞ = maxj∈J′ ⃒vij ⃒ can be replaced by γ1 and γ 2 , respectively. Therefore, (B.6) in the following can be deduced
i i

from (B.5):
∑⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
min{ ⃒wij ⃒ + Γi max

⃒vij ⃒ : wi + vi = A
̂ i X, wij ⩾0, vij ⩾0, wi ⩾0, vi ⩾0}. (B.6)
w,v ′ j∈Ji

Because (B.6) is a minimization problem, it can be equivalently written as follows:

∑⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒

min{ ⃒wij ⃒ + Γi ui : ui ⩾⃒̂A i X − wij ⃒, wij ⩾0, ui ⩾0, ∀j ∈ Ji }.
w,u ′

An equivalent problem of (B.7) can be written into (B.8) as follows:

̂ i |X| − wij , ∀j ∈ J ′ , wij ⩾0, ui ⩾0}.
min{ wij + Γi ui : ui ⩾ A i (B.8)
w,u ′

After incorporating the above conic dual into the robust counterpart constraint, the following robust counterpart can be obtained:
⎧ ∑A X + ∑w + Γ u ⩽0
⎪ i ij i i

⎪ j∈J′ ′
⎨ j∈J
i i
. (B.9)

⎪ ̂ i |X|, ∀j ∈ J ′
ui + wij ⩾ A

⎩ i

ui ⩾0, wij ⩾0, ∀j ∈ Ji

Since x0 = − 1 and A b i , {̂
̂ i = {̂ a ij , ∀j ∈ Ji }}, (B.9) is equivalently rewritten as follows:

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

⎧∑ ∑

⎪ aij xj + [ wij + wi0 + Γi ui ]⩽bi

⎪ j∈Ji

⎨ j∈Ji
⃒ ⃒
ui + wij ⩾̂ a ij ⃒xj ⃒, ∀j ∈ Ji . (B.10)

⎪ u i + w i0 ⩾ ̂
b i

ui ⩾0, wij ⩾0, wi0 ⩾0, ∀j ∈ Ji
⃒ ⃒
After replacing ⃒xj ⃒ with χ j and introducing − χ j ⩽xj ⩽χ j , problem (B.10) can be formulated as (B.11) in the following:
⎧∑ ∑

⎪ aij xj + [ wij + wi0 + Γi ui ]⩽bi

⎪ j∈Ji j∈Ji

⎨ ui + wij ⩾̂ a ij χ j , ∀j ∈ Ji
− χ j ⩽xj ⩽ χ j , ∀j ∈ Ji . (B.11)

⎪ ui + wi0 ⩾ b i ̂

ui ⩾0, wij ⩾0, wi0 ⩾0, ∀j ∈ Ji

B.2 Construction of the robust counterparts

B.2.1 Construction of the robust counterpart for constraints

According to (52) and (53), constraints (9) can be rewritten as follows:
∑ ∑ ∑ s
EXtpj − CLstpj = WQstpj (1 − δstp ) −
s s
QTtpjj ′ − ̂ stpk Zjk + ξstp WQstpj ̂
Dstpk Zjk − max{ ξstpk D δ tp },
′ ′
j ∈J,j ∕
=j k∈K k∈K (B.12)
∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S.
According (B.2), the corresponding inner maximization problem in (B.12) can be defined as
{ }
̂s Ys ,
max ξstp A (B.13)
tp tpj

̂ s = { {D
where ξstp = { − ξstpk ; − ξstp } ,Astp = { {Dstpk }; δstp } , A ̂ s }; ̂ s
δ tp } and Y = { {Zjk }; WQstpj } . According to (B.4) and (B.5), by introducing dual
tp tpk
variables y1 = {wstp ; γ1 } and y2 = {vstp ; γ 2 }, the conic dual of the above problem can be written as follows:
⃦ ⃦ ⃦ ⃦
̂ s Y, ⃦
min{γ1 + Γ1sδ+D γ2 : wstp + vstp = A
⃦ ⃦ ⃦
⃦wstp ⃦ ⩽γ1 , ⃦vstp ⃦ ⩽γ2 , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S}. (B.14)
γ1 ,γ 2 tp
1 ∞
⃦ ⃦ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ∑ ⃒ ⃦ ⃦ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
⃦ ⃦ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃦ ⃦ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒
Furthermore, after ⃦wstp ⃦ = ⃒wstp ⃒ = ⃒w1stp + k∈K w1stpk ⃒ and ⃦vstp ⃦ = u1sδ+D = max{ ⃒vstp ⃒, ⃒vstpk ⃒} replace γ 1 and γ2 , respectively, the following result
1 ∞
can be obtained:
{⃒ ⃒ }
⃒ ⃒ ̂ s Y, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S .
min ⃒wstp ⃒ + Γ1sδ+D u1sδ+D : wstp + u1sδ+D = A tp (B.15)
⃒ ⃒⃒ ⃒
⃒ ⃒⃒ ⃒
By introducing u1sδ+D = max{ ⃒vstp ⃒, ⃒vstpk ⃒} , the minimization problem (B.15) can be equivalently written as follows:
⃒ ⃒ ⃒ s ⃒
⃒ ⃒ ⃒̂ s ⃒
min{⃒wstp ⃒ + Γ1sδ+D u1sδ+D : u1sδ+D ⩾⃒ A tp Y − wtp ⃒, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S}. (B.16)

Furthermore, an equivalent form of (B.16) is (B.17) as follows:

⃒ ⃒
⃒ ⃒ ̂ s |Y| − ws , ws ⩾0, u1s ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S}.
min{⃒wstp ⃒ + Γ1sδ+D u1sδ+D : u1sδ+D ⩾ A tp tp tp δ+D (B.17)

The following robust counterpart is obtained by incorporating the above conic dual into the robust counterpart constraint:
⎧ s

⎪ A Y + wstp + Γ1sδ+D u1sδ+D ⩽0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S
⎨ tp
̂ s |Y|, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S
u1sδ+D + wstp ⩾ A tp
. (B.18)

⎩ s s
u1 ⩾0, w ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S
δ+D tp

Since Astp = {{Dstpk }; δstp }, A ̂ s = {{ D ̂ s }; ̂ s

δ tp } and Y = {{Zjk }; WQstpj }, (B.18) is equivalently rewritten as follows:
tp tpk
⎧ ∑ ∑
s s s
⎪ s s s s
⎪ EXtpj − CLtpj = WQtpj (1 − δtp ) − Γ1δ+D u1δ+D − w1tp − w1stpk − Dstpk Zjk

⎪ k∈K k∈K

⎪ ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

u1δ+D + w1tp ⩾̂
s s s
δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S . (B.19)

⎪ s
̂ tpk Zjk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S

⎪ u1sδ+D + w1stpk ⩾ D

⎩ u1δ+D ⩾0, w1tp ⩾0, w1stpk ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S
s s

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224

B.2.2 Construction of the robust counterpart for constraints (10)

The construction is similar to that of constraints (9). The robust counterpart for constraints (10) can be formulated as follows:
⎧ ∑ ∑

⎪ WQstpj (1 − δstp ) − Γ2sδ u2sδ − w2stp = EXtpj
+ s
WCtpjk + s

⎪ k∈K ′ ′
j ∈J,j ∕=j

∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S (B.20)

⎪ s

⎪ s s ̂
u2δ + w2tp ⩾ δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

⎩ u2sδ ⩾0, w2stp ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S

B.2.3 Construction of the robust counterpart for constraints (17)

Constraints (17) can be formulated as follows:
∑ ∑ s
WQstpj ⋅(1 − δstp ) − max( WQstpj ξstp ̂
δ tp )⩽ICj ⋅Yj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S. (B.21)
p∈P p∈P

The following “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set is considered in each scenario:

s s
δ) = { ̃
δtp = δstp + ξstp̃
δtp |∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S, ξstp ∈ U} , ,

U = { ξ| ξstp ⩽Γ3sδ , 0⩽ξstp ⩽1, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S} . (B.23)
t∈T p∈P

Based on (B.22) and (B.23), the inner maximization problem in (B.21) can be expressed as
∑ s
max WQstpj ξstp ̂
δ tp
s.t. ξstp ⩽Γ3sδ , ∀s ∈ S, (B.24)
t∈T p∈P

0⩽ξstp ⩽1, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S.

Let u3sδ and w3stp be the dual variables of the constraints in (B.24). The dual of (B.24) can be written as (B.25) below:

min Γ3sδ u3sδ + w3stp
s (B.25)
s.t. u3sδ + w3stp ⩾̂
δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S,
u3sδ ⩾0, w3stp ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S.

Since problem is feasible and bounded for all Γ3sδ , by the strong duality theorem, the dual problem is also feasible and bounded, and thus their
objective function values are the same (Bertsimas & Sim, 2004). Hence, the objective function values of the inner maximization problem in and the
dual problem are the same. The robust counterpart of constraints is then obtained as follows:
⎧∑ ∑

⎪ WQstpj (1 − δstp ) − Γ3sδ u3sδ − w3stp ⩽ICj Yj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

⎨ p∈P p∈P
s . (B.26)

⎪ u3sδ + w3stp ⩾̂ δ tp WQstpj , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

u3sδ ⩾0, w3stp ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀s ∈ S

B.2.4 Construction of the robust counterpart for constraints

Constraints can be rewritten as follows:
∑ ∑ ∑
CLtpj ⩾ Dstpj Zjk +
s ̂ stpk Zjk −
ξstpk D s
WCtpjk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S. (B.27)
k∈K k∈K k∈K

In the set induced RO method, the aim is to find solutions that remain feasible for any ξstpk in a given uncertainty set U in order to immunize against
uncertainty. Thus, problem can be rewritten as follows:
∑ ∑ ∑
CLtpj ̂ stpk Zjk } −
⩾ Dstpk Zjk + max{ ξstpk D s
WCtpjk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S. (B.28)
k∈K k∈K k∈K

The following “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set is considered in each scenario.

̃ = {D
Π(D) ̂ stpk ,
̃ stpk = Dstpk + ξstpk D ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S, ξstpk ∈ U}. (B.29)

This “interval + polyhedral” uncertainty set can be described as

Z. Guan et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169 (2022) 108224


U = { ξ⃒ ξs ⩽Γ4sD , 0⩽ξstpk ⩽1, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S} . (B.30)
⃒ t∈T p∈P k∈K tpk

Based on (B.29) and (B.30), the inner maximization problem in can be expressed as

̂ stpk Zjk
max ξstpk D
s.t. ξstpk ⩽Γ4sD , ∀s ∈ S, (B.31)
t∈T p∈P k∈K

0⩽ξstpk ⩽1, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S.

After introducing u4sD and w4stpk as dual variables associated with the constraints in (B.31), the dual problem of (B.31) is obtained as

min Γ4sD u4sD + w4stpk

̂ stpk Zjk , (B.32)

s.t. u4sD + w4stpk ⩾ D ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S,
u4sD ⩾0, w4stpk ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S.

Since problem (B.31) is feasible and bounded for all Γ4sD , by the strong duality theorem, the dual problem (B.32) is also feasible and bounded, and
thus their objective function values are the same (Bertsimas & Sim, 2004). In this way, the objective function values of the inner maximization problem
in (B.28) and the dual problem (B.32) are the same. Hence, the robust counterpart of constraints (42) is obtained as follows:
⎧ s ∑ s ∑ ∑
⎪ CLtpj ⩾ Dtpk Zjk −

WCtpjk + Γ4sD u4sD + w4stpk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀s ∈ S

⎨ k∈K k∈K k∈K

̂ stpk Zjk , ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀j ∈ J, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S . (B.33)

⎪ u4sD + w4stpk ⩾ D

u4sD ⩾0, w4stpk ⩾0, ∀t ∈ T, ∀p ∈ P, ∀k ∈ K, ∀s ∈ S

Appendix C. Input Data for the Numerical Studies

See Tables C.1–C.4.

Table C1
The uniform distributions used to generate the transportation costs (¥/kg).
From a supplier to the DC U(3, 6)

From the DC to a physical store U(2, 5)

From a physical store to a customer U(1.2, 1.8)
Between two physical stores U(1.5, 3)

Table C2
The uniform distributions used to generate the parameters about the products.
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Nominal demands (kg) U(2100, 2850) U(2350, 2950) U(2150, 2650) U(2250, 2750) U(2450, 2950)
Nominal deterioration rate U(0.01, 0.05) U(0.06, 0.12) U(0.05, 0.1) U(0.08, 0.12) U(0.07, 0.14)
Freshness-keeping cost (¥/kg) U(2, 3) U(2, 3) U(3, 4) U(4, 5) U(5, 7)
Shortage cost (¥/kg) U(1, 2) U(1, 2) U(2, 3) U(2, 3) U(3, 5)
Purchasing cost (¥/kg) U(3, 6) U(3, 6) U(10, 16) U(10, 16) U(15, 20)
Disposal cost (¥/kg) U(2, 4) U(2, 4) U(3, 6) U(3, 6) U(4, 8)
Information processing cost (¥/kg) U(0.1, 0.2) U(0.1, 0.2) U(0.1, 0.2) U(0.1, 0.2) U(0.1, 0.2)
Processing cost at the DC(¥/kg) U(0.1, 0.5) U(0.1, 0.5) U(0.1, 0.5) U(0.5, 1) U(0.5, 1)

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