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Argument 36-8 Directions (1-25):- In making declsions about Important questions, it is desir- able to be able to distinguish between "Stroing" arguments and "Weak" argu- ments insofar as they relate to the question. "Strong" arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. "Weak" argu- ments are those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related to a trivial aspect of the question. fron frésr:- reaqt wet & at H Frofa aA A aga” ae silt “ase” ae & ota sat wet A ware eet ciate 2 wife a wedi a afar B1FOGgae 9 ata t ot aeaget ait wed & ota cafe Stat) Ha aH a ea Ta aT eat et afte wen & eae afr et aR f aR | | Instructions: Each question below is Followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a strong argument and which in a weak arguments. Give answer/trafatad wate WA BH ae at Aa mais ait fea 2) arat frofa arn @ fe sad @ aa aa qe z ait AAT HUA aa V1 Tat aif (1) if only argument I is strong /afa Bac aH Let Fez (2) _ if only argument Il is strong/afe Sac aH et ez (3) if either I or Il is strong /afe Lat ah &1 (4) if neither I nor lis strong and/A @t Lait 4 & ae 2 (5) if both Iancl IL are strong/afa ait aa laa 21 —_ Statement: Should government-established higher, level Institutes of Technology (IITs) be privatised?/aem tae ENT wafer Ser AT Tarttat Peart ar Prsiterot ae Sar arfea? Arguments/a%:- je Yes, privatisation will make these institutes financially healthy, com- petitive and quality-conscious/t, Pritaror 31 wear at anf wa 8 ae, wierd ait quem & wf wea aa y Yes, privatisation is the key of the new era-can we survive without ing/et, Prottenron ae ar at Est G1 ae eH FA fora TT ae ee e? Option 1 is Statement: Should vacations of court judges be reduced?/aem =raterat eae cat a aT Sar TfeU? Arguments/7%®:— Yes, it will speed 1 up judicial process and many people are likely to get justice in Feasonable time /et, we =a wire at afa wart atm ait ae winit_at are ra Stara wea % fret Beat EI Yes, it is a sign ol British legacy, why should we carry it further?/t, ue fates fared at dea 21 ea sa st ait a ArT arfeu? Option { Statement: Should the practice of transfers of clerical cadre employees from one city to another government office be stopped?/4l Wh Wet & aat wart aratera 4 ferfre der & anhenttat ar eararacot at wer at wa HET UTfeT? Arguments/7#:— <_No, transfer of employees is a routine administrative matter, the move will create administrative problems /7Et, Berean hat Br CAATTTT Ge ware waafis amen ¢, ae wan WeEhte aoat sr aT Yes, it involves lot of governmental expenditure and inconvenience ‘to many compared to the benefits it yields /ét, sat wnt arent wa aM a aresit a gern 8 Sa th Statement: Should higher qualification be the only criteria for internal promotions in any/#U Sea aaa et feet anor ¥ amafte watata wr Ue Wa Was z? Arguments/t%:- . L Yes, why not? Infact only higher qualification is more importan PO than other factors/ai, #at 7a? fafvaa ét sea Grae ara ara B afirs merqat @1 wa No, quality of performance and other factors are more important than mere higher qualification in case of interna promotion,/7ét, aiaite wdtata & aac F vagts at urea silt ata wea hat Set tran @ attire weet gi (ption - fs 5. Statement: Should Indian scientists working abroad be called back to India?/en faagit & erica aredta darren set arta area gem Set arfeT? Arguments/7%:- Yes, they must serve the motherland first and forget about discov- eries, honours, facilities and all/ei, F@ weet agua at Far act afer ait Gist, wa, afaenait sit ait Hat F ye arr ariel No, we have enough talent, let them stay where they want /7ét, at wa vata oft t, se set tet 2 wet a wert z1 option = Statement: Should getting primary education be incorporated as a funda- mental right in India?/mafteh fran at and Wo diferen otf a wo wifte fear art arfeal Argument/a#: i No, what is the use? Have we fulfilled our duties regarding other fundamental rights?/7ét, Svat sat t, FT TAA ata fetes oeferceret @ daa F at adel at ge feat 8? Yes, this is what all the developed countries have done/ét, 4 4 @ fore at feof eit fran Bt option - 4 7. Statement: Should scheme of lotteries, be started in India?/#m wiet ast ana Fae at wrt ofa? uytents/Te: UO ves, many state government will get sufficient fund for their devel- opmental activities from surplus generated by their lottery scheme.8i, % WI ATH wt arrtt ated ater ERT Se afasra & facra ufafafirat & fer vata aan fret weet Yes, many unemployed youth will get chance earn rn their livelihood by selling lottery tickets /et, #e ator qarait at aie Sere ait ansitfreet wart cr diet free option -S Statement: Should dependent of Kargil martyrs be given benefits of res- ervation in jobs?/aat @rfitet welt & anfirat at Aterit WF omceror cat oT fea art arfen? Arguments/7%:- Yes, we should keep the dependents happy as the Kargil martyrs have fought for a noble cause/ét, @4 anfirdt at we vat uafer wifes anti wetat ue arast aro & fet ws as ZI No, We already have too many reservations; let us not add to it,/7ét, eat we weet B et aed AT oTeaTT e, atgu Fa sae yf A HT opt ow— { Statement: With the opening of the economy in India, should all workers unions be banned?/ara & area B ae ara, sat ast stirs dat ox visa orm fear arr area? Arguments/a%:- No, workers unions are not banned in the other economically ad- vanced countries/7ét stften Gat at sta anfie wa a saa Sut A Ufaafira aet fever treat 21 ~ No, a level-headed worker's union can really do wonders both for workers and economy /*ét, we ofrat & da a sea aa 8 aftrat sit airacat art & few Mle we Ae ZI 10. Statement: Should we grant permission to aa ae ore to construct civil airports for general use in India? and Haart saan & feu anita arg atest an Prato at & feu vfaftod Frit aorrat wat arqufa at orfen? Arguments/7%:— Yes, why not? It would be both economical and effective/at, wat wet? ae eM itt weet at eT No, it may pose danger to security and safety of India /7ét, ae WITT ) at ulate ait qrat & fem wat dar ae went 21 — Avsliphce’ Restos N © “fesches oo “Teach aan Practice a @ leer Solve SI AW MOSH Seine ie Statement: Should 'computer knowledge' be made a compulsory subject for all students at secondary school certificate (S.S.C.) examination in India?/aen and F Wreatire faeces waroras Uttar (SSC) & adit wrat & fore wager am afta fava ern arfen? Arguments/o No, our need is 'bread' for everyone, we cannot follow western models /7é, Fant wera ait & fou det 2, en ufvert aise ar STR et ae THAT Il. Yes, we cannot enter, the year 2100 without equipping our children with computers/a, €4 Aa Feat a Beet S wa feu ford at 2100 A wae vet at Tee 21 12. Statement: Should 'literacy' be the minimum criterion for becoming a voter in India?/am BWartal aNd F aaa wy S fou BA wes EMT carfen? paar mare No, mere literacy is no guarantee of political maturity of an indi- vidual 7a, Hat Mana feet cated at serif ufassa at weet wat 2 II. Yes, illiterate people are less likely to make politically wiser deci- sion of voting for a right candidate or party /at, atferfaxa cittt at Bet saican a uel & fore dte a an conifer wa 8 gfgar aren Frofa A at dared wa eet 2 cee Statement: Should schemes of voluntary retirement be introduced in all sick public sector units in India?/eet ana Bo asit dans arate aa at saat & ahem Seahgha at ats sari afew? septate. Yes, excess and inefficient staff is one of the reasons of sickness of all such sick public sector organisations/ét, atfafted aitt aera aatartt eat 38 chre arate aah area S chars SA SH areca FA uH a Il. Yes, this is what private and multinational companies do in devel- oped countries /ét, faafad duit at Fit ait aerreta aafrat ot tar art 21 \14. Statement: Should postal services be privatised in India?/aem ata 4 STH Ren an Pritecor fever sat afer? a ere Yes, the move will create competitive environment and will made life easy for the citizens of India/ei, 4e Ban wfsanit araracot aA ait aa & amitet & sitet at are saree II. No, privatisation is not a panacea for all the problems, even private service can be equalty bad /aét, Frefterot ast afvencit ar Waa eet wai 3 cet ae fe Pot dar sit aca frome at aed 31 15. Statement: Should system of offering jobs only to wards of governments employees be introduced in all governments offices in India?/at Ua & weit arent arateat hac aeartt antaritat & aoa at arett arftia act at aera aarit area? A ae No, it denies opportunity to many deserving individual and gov- ernment may stand to loose in the long run/7él, ae ee ara safertat it staar & afaa aed fait ara ora GH ae Perfect Bt Ged 21 Il. No, it is against the principle of equality and does government not owe responsibility to all its citizens?/7ét, ae WAT AH fagia F fasg @ sit an aca at aay ae aaa at farsrantt at fore aecit a (16. Statement: Should one close relative of a retiring government employee be given a job in government in India?/et Uta F Barhrga St WS Bea antant & fren deieit at arent ated dt writ arfeu? Arguments/7®:- I. Yes, where else will the relative get a job like this?/at, daftrat at 3a ae stent aitt met frenit? II. No, it will close doors of government service to competent and needy youth wat, ae witanit ait wataia Garait FH acant alent aH ararst we at ST 17. Statement: Should purchase of gold by individuals be restricted in India to improve its foreign exchange position2?/aau 317% faagit qat at fafa F For & faa ana 8 ar at cafes atte at otter ae fear art arfeT? Arguments/7%®:- I. Yes, ‘interference on customers' right and freedom is desirable /at, Weat & after sik cara we setae aie Z1 II. No, business interest has to be guarded first/7ét, saree waret AT ueet atfera fever at arfeTt 18. Statement: Should teaching of 'Sanskrit' be made compulsory at school level in India2/aat Wega Sea Bl ANA H HAS EA Ut aftard fewer SAT carter? Arguments/7%:- I. No, where are the trained teachers to teach this language?/7ét, 3&7 are at Usrt a fer wittiira steraa met 2? II. Yes, we should be proud of our ancient language/ét, 4 atait writ art a ae aT aTfeTl 19. Statement: Should all education be made free for girls and women of all ages in India?/eet ana F asit ong at cgfral ait afzenatt H few fra wat wee fade aaa art arfea? Arguments/7%:- I. No, this will weaken our present social structure/7at, ae Fant ada annie ater wet fori wtih II. Yes, this is the only way to bring back glory to Indian womanhood/ andta steers ait afar at aaa It at aet Una atte ZI 20. Statement: Should private colleges offering professional courses like En- gineering. Medical, management be banned in India?/#em ana & Fasit wie & get wenfaa fea ww aaa wea a wifi, faferra, weiert anf ait wfeanfira ferar sat varie? Aenea Yes, such courses should be run by Government Colleges only /t, a meee ae arent wahira are cates F aera wr afer II. Yes, no other country allows private-colleges to run professional courses /ét, 301 frat aor 8 farsi aici at aaah wea wert at argafa wat dt ort @1 Statement: Should slum-dwellers be provided free houses in big cities and metropolises?/#0 4 vet ait werent F Aragufecat Fer are BT WT at Soe ara TY arfea? Arguments/7%:- I. No, most of the slum dwellers are poor and illiterate /7ét, aiféreniet Piasutecat H wet are ate sit arfirfeaat 2 II. Yes, providing food and shelter to every citizen is the responsibility of any welfare state /ét, Bat “Titan at GMT ait arava Sat HeaToTeRTeT we at frtant #1 22. Statement: Should polythene bags be banned in India?/4t Aka B aicitatt at det uftafira at writ arfea? Arguments/7%®:— I. No, the polythene bags are very cheap and are very convenient,/7ét, icteit at act aga wet sik aga Afaersr 21 Il. Yes, it is not biodegrableand hence causes heavy pollution/ét, 4 arifsigac wat & gate ae art weUUT aT aT eI Statement: Should military service for short duration be made compul- sory to all eligible youth in India?en ana H ast ara gareil wt ater wate & fou aa ta afart act utee? Arguments/7%:- I. Yes, Indian defence forces are badly in need of jawans and offic- ers/ét, URdta Tat ait cat Marat ait atfrenrftat at qt ate SATA 21 Il. Yes, it will inculcate discipline and national pride in youth/ét, a aarsit F arya ait weta tka dar eh \24. Statement: Should military training of 3 years be made compulsory to all able-bodied youths in India?/aem area & wet wan ee ate Garett H few 3 ad ar & via sthrart ger urfeu? a Spine Yes, similar practice is being followed in some developed coun- tries /ét, TAA war at we fants seit A arora 21 Il. No, compulsion spoils the best in everything /7ét, facrrat et tits F Waa ates at Ae wet B Statement: Should Government standardize rent for rented houses in big, cities in India? GRAN BH ANA H IS Vet F feree H at H fore fare al Water Ae arte? saptasiae. No, it is an interference in the relationship between landlord and tenant/7él, ae Ua fren ait a rari & fea & dha weds 21 II. Yes, Government can do it. provided it has political will to do it/ét, TER Ue at Wat @, amd sa Hw few Useless series ert carfent

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