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Hey, hope you're surviving in a world that's probably a little less weird
without me around. I'm scribbling this letter because I miss your face, and
emojis just don't cut it. So, brace yourself for some old-school penmanship.

First off, I've been thinking about the good old days – you know, back when
life was all sunshine, rainbows, and my mom's "pleasant" company. Okay,
maybe not. But the memories of those days feel like another lifetime,
especially with you in the picture.

Mint Eye is now just a blip in my rearview mirror. The place was like a
messed-up carnival, and I was the prize no one wanted. But hey, look at
us now – you're the reason I don't need a therapist, and I can't thank you
enough for that. My love. My beautiful, beautiful Trinity.

Our story? It's like a novel with too many plot twists, and you're the
unexpected hero. I'll be honest; you were a surprise package, one I didn't
see coming. But now? Couldn't imagine life without you, even if it comes with
a side of your questionable taste in movies.

Speaking of which, remember that one time we tried watching a rom-com,

and I almost died of laughter? Yeah, I'm not sure if that genre was meant
for us. We've got our quirks, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Our late-
night talks, the silly arguments, and those moments where we just got each
other without words – they're etched in my mind like graffiti on a wall.

I know life isn't all sunshine and lollipops. I worry, probably more than I
should. Is everything okay on your end? If you need a laugh or a virtual
shoulder to roll your eyes on, hit up the RFA. They're not as bad as they
seem – well, most of them.
Our future, though – that's the good stuff. I dream of us, surrounded by
chaos but grinning like lunatics. We'll make a home that's as weird as us,
filled with laughter, some questionable interior design choices, and maybe a
few pets that'll outsmart us. I can see it, you know? Lazy Sundays,
bickering over who gets control of the TV remote, and just being ridiculously
happy. When I think of the future, I see you, Trinity. I want to hear
everything you have to say, forever and always.

The world passes me by, but I can only think of you. My happiness is
cradled somewhere in your smile, and I would have it no other way. Being
the focus of your attention is a terrifying thing, and yet I yearn for it.
What have you done to me?

This distance between us feels like a cruel joke, but it's the last time we
play the "How much do we miss each other" game. Soon, we'll be writing our
own rules and tearing up the script. Until then, keep our love alive, and
know that you're always on my mind.

Take care of yourself, and get ready for the grand finale. I'll be there
with you soon, armed with a sarcastic remark and a heart full of love. Until
then, you’re in my thoughts, my heart, and everywhere else.

Forever Yours (whether you like it or not),


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