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Document Number : ENV 01

Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02

Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Environmental Management
System Manual

Revision No:02

Prepared by: Approved by :

Md. Rakib Hasan Arif Checked by : Abdul Alim Mondol
Manager Rajib Hossain Director
Environmental Engineer GM Fabric Processing

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Table of Contents Page No

1. General 4
1.1 Company Background 4
1.2 Scope of EMS 4
1.3 Purpose 4
2. Normative References 5
3.Terms and Definitions 5
4. Context of the Organization 10
4.1 Understanding the context of the organization 10
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties 11
4.3 Determining the scope of EMS 11
4.4 Environmental Management System 11
5. Leadership 11
5.1 Leadership and Commitment 11
5.2 Policy 12
5.3 Organization 13
5.3.1 Organization Chart 13
5.3.2 Responsibility 13
5.3.3 Director 13
5.3.4 Divisional Head 13
5.3.5 Sectional Head 14
5.3.6 Assistant Manager- Environment Engineer 14
5.3.7 Office – ECR 14
5.3.8 Assistant Manager (Compliance & Safety) 14
5.3.9 EMS committee (EM 02) 14
5.3.10 Product Development Committee 15
5.3.11 Waste Management Committee 15
5.3.12 Energy Management Committee 15
5.3.13 Emergency Team 15
5.3.14 Management Review Committee (EM 03) 15
6. Environmental Management Plan 16
6.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities 16
6.1.1 General 16
6.1.2 Environmental Aspects & Impacts 16
6.1.3 Compliance Obligations 17
6.1.4 Planning Action 17
6.2 Environmental Objectives and Planning To Achieve Them 17 Water Strategy plan 18

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023 Electricity Consumption Strategy Plan 19 Gas Reduction Plan 20 CFC Gas reduction plan 20 GHG reduction plan 21 Waste reduction plan 21 Waste Reduction Plan 22
7. Support 22
7.1 Resources 22
7.2 Competence, Training & Awareness: 22
7.3 Awareness 23
7.4 Communication 23
7.4.1 General 23
7.4.2 Internal communication 23
7.4.3 External Communication 23
7.5 Documented Information: 23
7.5.1 General 23
7.5.2 Creating and Updating 24
7.5.3 Control of Documents 24
8. Operation 24
8.1 Operational Planning & Control 24
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response 25
9. Performance Evaluation 25
9.1 Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation 25
9.1.1 General 25
9.1.2 Internal Audit 25
10. Improvement 26
10.1 General 26
10.2 Non conformity and corrective action 26
10.3 Continual improvement 26

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

1.0 General

1.1 Company Background

The garments industry has played an important role in Bangladesh’s economy for long time. Once
upon a time Jute, tea was the main export items but now export of textile and garments is the main
source of foreign exchange earnings. In the financial year 2016-2017 the RMG industry generated
US$28.14 billion, which was 80.7% of the total export earnings in exports and 12.36% of the GDP;
the industry was also taking on green manufacturing practices. Bangladesh is the
world's second-largest apparel exporter of western brands behind China for both Woven and Knit
Products. About 55% of the export contracts of western brands are with European buyers and about
38% percent with American buyers. Remaining 7% are exported to China, Japan, Korea and other
countries worldwide. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Turkey, Chile, Mexico, Australia,
Japan and South Korea — are 11 non-traditional markets for Bangladeshi apparel products and
each of them has the potential to be a major export destination in near future. Alim Knit (BD) Ltd.
& Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. Is a 100% export oriented readymade Knit garments factory. It is located
at Nayapara, Kashimpur, Gazipur. It falls under RED category according to ECR 1997 because of
its dyeing process. The overall production capacity is 300 tonnes fabric per month and 22,00,000
(2.2 million) pieces per month. The factory produces high prominent products for some prominent
brands. It is well recognized fact that each development activity has an impact on the natural
molding of the environment. As development activities are the prime importance for the economic
growth and fulfillment of basic needs of the society, the environmental aspects of development
activities must be taken to account and due attention must be paid to protect the environment.
Garment sector of Bangladesh is booming a giant sector and it is increasing day by day with higher
percentages. Now a day garments made in Bangladesh has a good market value. Bangladesh is
passing transition period to transform into an industrialized country. The government fully
recognized that it is the high time to think about the environmental facts before past time. At
present all the factories are pushing for more green products and the owner’s commitment to
protect the environmental and social compliance is extremely vital for future growth of this sector.

1.2 Scope of EMS

The scope of this EMS applies to the whole premises, process, services, raw materials used and
the employee. Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd, also endeavor to pursue a strategy
that not only encompasses all of our activities but also that of our suppliers, customers and
stakeholders. In doing this we aim to influence our impact on the environment, not only of our
business but of all businesses and organizations that we use or interact with.

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to support and facilitate the development of EMS of Alim Knit (BD)
Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd,. This manual will help in a systematic approach to meeting the
environmental and business goal of Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd,. Benefits of this

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

 Improving environmental performance.

 The context of the organization.
 Environmental Policy.
 Reduce liability to the world.
 Improve compliance.
 Reduce costs.
 Fewer accidents.
 Improve public image.
 Enhance customer trust.
The purpose of this manual is to demonstrate that this EMS meets all the 14001:2015 requirements.

2. Normative References.

There is no normative references.

3. Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions are considered to be those terms that are commonly
associated with this environmental standard.
Person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and
relationship to achieve its objectives.

 The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to, sole-trader, company,
corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or
combination thereof, including (an) operating unit(s) whether incorporated or not,
public or private.
Interested Party
Person or organization that can affect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected
by a decision or activity
Compliance Obligations
Requirement that an organization has to or chooses to comply with

 Obligations may arise from mandatory requirements, such as applicable laws and
regulations, or voluntary commitments to interested party requirements, such as
industry standards and codes, contractual relationships, principles of good governance
and accepted community and ethical standards.
Surroundings in which an organization operates

 Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the local, regional
and global system
 Surroundings can include air, water, land, natural resources, biodiversity and
ecosystems, humans and their interrelation.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Environmental Aspect
Element of an organization’s activities or products or services that interacts or can interact
with the environment

An environmental aspect can cause an environmental impact. Significant
environmental aspects are determined by the organization applying a range of criteria.
Environmental Impact
Change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from
an organization’s environmental aspects.

Environmental condition
State or characteristics of the environment as determined at a certain point of time.

Management System
Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives
and processes to achieve those objectives.

 A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines (e.g. quality,
environment, health and safety)
 The system elements include the organizations structure, rules and responsibilities,
planning, operation, etc. and associated processes and procedures
 The scope of the management system may include the whole of the organization, specific
and identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the
organization or one of the functions across a group of organizations.
Environmental Management System
Part of the management system that is used to manage its environmental aspects, compliance
obligations, organizational risks and opportunities

Top Management
Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level

 Top management has the power to delegate authority except for designated tasks in
CLAUSES 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 9.3 and provide the resources within the organization.
 If the scope of the management system covers only part of an organization then top
management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization.
Extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved

Intentions and direction of an organization formally expressed by its top management.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Environmental Policy
Policy related to environmental performance.

Results to be achieved

 An objective can be strategic, tactical or operational

 Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as financial, health and safety and
environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide,
project, product and process)
 An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, an
operational criterion, as an environmental objective or by the use of other words with
similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal or target)
 In the context of environmental management systems, environmental objectives are set by
the organization, consistent with the environmental policy, to achieve specific results
Effect of uncertainty

 An effect is a deviation from the expected – positive or negative.

 Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding
or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood
 Risk is often characterized by reference to potential events (ISO Guide 73, and
consequence (ISO Guide 73, or a combination of these.
 Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event
(including charges in circumstances) and the associated likelihood (ISO Guide 73,
of occurrence.
Ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results

Documented information
Information required to be controlled and maintained by an organization and the medium on which
it is contained.

 Documented information can be in any format and media and from any source
 Documented information can refer to the management system including related processes
 Information created in order for the organization to operate (formally referred to as
 Evidence of results achieved (formally referred to as records)

Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

 Note 1 to entry: Processes can be documented or not

Specified way to carry out an activity or a process

 Procedures can be documented or not

Measurable results

 Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings.

 Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes, products (including
services), systems or organizations.
Environmental Performance
Performance related to the management of environmental aspects

 In the context of environmental management systems, results can be measured against the
organization’s environmental policy, environmental objectives and other performances of
an organization’s management of its environmental aspects requirements, including
compliance obligations
Measurable representation of the condition or status of operations, management or conditions.
Distinction can be made between Operational Performance Indicators (OPIs), Management
Performances Indicators (MPIs), Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) and
Environmental Condition Indicators (ECIs).

Make an arrangement where an external organization performs part of an organization’s function
or process.

 An external organization is outside the scope of the management system, although the
outsource function or process is within the scope.
Determining the status of a system, a process of an activity.

Process to determine a value.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Systematic, independent and documented process (3.19) for obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.

 An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit (second part or third
party), and it can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines) or an integrated
audit (an audit against two or more sets of standards criteria integrated into one
management system).
 Internal audits are conducted by the organization itself, or by an external party on its behalf
 Independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility for the activity
being audited or freedom from bias and conflict of interest.
 ‘Audit evidence’ consists of records, statement of fact and other information relevant to
the audit criteria and verifiable and ‘audit criteria’ and the set of policies, procedures or
requirements used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared, as defined in
Fulfillment of a requirement.

 Conformity related to compliance obligations.

Non-fulfillment of a requirement

 Nonconformity related to requirements in the International Standard ISO14001:2015 and

additional environmental management system requirements that an organization
established for itself
Corrective Action
Action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity and to prevent recurrence.

Continual Improvements
Recurring activity to enhance performance

 Enhancing performance related to the use of the environmental management system in

order to achieve improvement in overall environmental performance consistent with the
organization’s environmental policy
 The activity need not take place in all areas simultaneously
Prevention of Pollution
Use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or
control (separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pollutant
or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts.

 Prevention of pollution can include source reduction or elimination process, product or

service changes, efficient use of resource, material and energy substitution, reuse, recover,
recycling, reclamation and treatment

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

Value chain
Entire sequence of activities or parties that provide or receive value in the form of products or

 Parties that provide value include suppliers, outsource workers, contractors and others
 Parties that receive value include customers, consumers, clients, members and other users
 Value can be positive or negative (Source: ISO26000:2010, 2.25)
Life Cycle
Consecutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from raw material acquisition or
generation from natural resources to final disposal
Life cycle includes activities, products and services and may include procured goods and services,
as well as end-of-life treatment of products and delivery of services, for example, design,
manufacture, transport, packaging and end-use/disposal.

4. Context of the Organization

4.1 Understanding the context of the organization:

By means of a ‘Context Discussion’ with the top management and Environmental responsible,
Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd, has determined both internal and external issues
that are relevant to the organisation and that have both a direct influence on the effectiveness
of the environmental management and an impact on global environmental and sustainability
issues. In doing so Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd will consider the following
environmental issues when developing and implementing business strategy:
 Air quality, including both local and global impacts
 Water quality and preventing contamination of controlled waters
 Noise
 Land use
 Waste
 Natural resources and their depletion
 Protection and enhancement of both local ecology and biodiversity and that of the
wider community

In addition to these core values, Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd will also
consider the implications and risks to our business in respect of:
 Political changes
 Cultural and social responsibility
 Legal and regulatory regulations and guidance
 Financial implications
 Use best available technologies where financially practical and feasible

In applying the above criteria and techniques, Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
will actively manage and implement programs, procedures and its business strategy in order
to mitigate against pollution and harm to the environment and global climate change. These

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

aspects will form the core strategy of Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd when
managing both its risks and opportunities for enhancing the local and global environment.
These key strategies and management programs will form the core values of Alim Knit (BD)
Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd when implementing and managing its environmental
management system.

The environmental issues will be continually monitored, and reviewed at regular EMS
Committee meetings. Any changes to the issues will be assessed and incorporated into the risk
and opportunity management system.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd carries out regular reviews with regards to all
interested parties whether internal or external. In doing so, Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol
Knit Tex Ltd will consider the needs and expectations of interested parties in terms of its
overarching environmental strategy and performance.
Our identified interested parties and their needs and expectations are documented, monitored and
reviewed at regular EMS Committee meetings.

4.3 Determining the scope of EMS

The scope of this EMS applies to

 The whole premises,

 Process,
 Services,
 Raw materials used and
 The employee.
Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd, also endeavor to pursue a strategy that not only
encompasses all of our activities but also that of our suppliers, customers and stakeholders. In
doing this we aim to influence our impact on the environment, not only of our business but of
all businesses and organizations that we use or interact with.

4.4 Environmental Management System

This manual will be known as Environmental Management System of Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. &
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. which is established with collaboration with top management, interested
parties, and employees. This system will be reviewed in the annual review meeting and
emphasized on continual improvement.

5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. has already identified the environmental
requirements and improvement plan which is approved by the Director. He will review this
system’s effectiveness and limitations in the annual review meeting. He will help in allocation of

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

resource and proper support for the betterment and continuous improvement of this system through
the divisional heads.
All the members of the EMS team also have responsibilities to ensure that the EMS is implemented
in their responsible departments as stated in the system manual. They will implement this system
with the help of sectional representatives and follow the activities to ensure that the management
system is effective.

5.2 Policy

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. Is a 100% export oriented readymade knit garments
factory which is committed to protecting the environment and improves it performance by
continual improvement. A policy has been set for environmental management which includes
following commitments:

 Meet the requirements

 Specific view,
 Plans and objectives set with improvement plan
 Resource guaranty
 Continue to improve the environmental performance
And it is approved by the top management. Although the activities contained with the policy are
centrally coordinated from facilities management, the success of the policy relies on everyone’s
participation. The policy aims are embedded into facilities via following:
 All the stuffs are directed to undertake training on environmental management system and
 Contractors undertake the mandatory site induction which includes EMP.
 New version of the policy will be communicated through notice, website publication and
general awareness program.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

5.3. Organization

5.3.1 Organization Chart

5.3.2 Responsibility Director:

 Approve the environmental management policy.

 Support the management system to meet international standards. Divisional Head:

 Ensuring the commitment of top management.

 Ensure appropriate resource allocation and proper support by providing manpower &
financial support.
 Reviewing the management system annually.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023 Sectional Head:

 Provide responsibility to ensure the management system in their sections and control for
the identification of significant environmental aspects for his function.
 Provide different data for the system management and support for internal audit. Manager- Environment Engineer:

He is appointed as EMR (Environmental management representative) has the responsibility
& authority for
 Ensuring the EMS requirements are established, implemented and maintained as per
the standard.
 Ensuring sufficient resources allocated.
 Regular review of the policy and effectiveness of the EMP and ensure necessary
changes are made.
 Form EMS committee and monitor the performance of the team.
 Conduct internal audit for EMS and ensure CAP to mitigate any impacts cause.
 Reporting of the EMS performance to top management. Office – ECR

He is appointed as Deputy EMR (Environmental management representative) and
responsible for:

 Monitor the relevant data regularly.

 Collect and assess the different data e.g.: energy, water, GHG etc to evaluate the
 Assisting EMR to ensure the EMS is effectively implemented and maintained.
 Assuming the responsibility and action of the EMR when the EMR is unavailable. (Compliance & Safety)

He is responsible for
 Preparing annual report detailing H&S related matters across the factory.
 Internal H&S audit.
 Lead compliance with legislation and relevant procedures regarding occupational
safety, use of PPE, fire& other natural hazards. EMS committee (EM 02)
This committee is responsible for

 The establishment and implementation of EMS.

 The establishment and review of objectives, targets and programs.
 Ensuring the effective implementation of environmentally related operational controls
and programs

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

 Internal communication of environmental matters between management and

 Promoting environmental awareness among the company.
 Providing leadership in the pursuit of environmental issues.
 Holding regular meeting (in every six months). Product Development Committee

This committee is responsible for

 The green product development.

 New technology adaption to reduce environmental impact. Waste Management Committee

This committee is responsible for

 Manage proper waste management.

 Reduce waste and manage reuse of waste.
 Maintain data and report it to EMR to review. Energy Management Committee

This committee is responsible for

 Responsible for energy management of the factory.

 Reduce energy consumption by planning and implementing new technology, process,
reuse etc.
 Ensure proper utilization of each resources and transportation to avoid misuse and
 Maintain data and report it to EMR to review. Emergency Team

This committee is responsible for

 Considering the impact and mitigation necessary to minimize any potential

emergency. Management Review Committee (EM 03)

The committee systematically examines the EMS to ensure the stability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the EMS. The committee comprises of the top management, EMR, DEMR
and designated functional heads.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

6.0 Environmental Management Plan:

6.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities
6.1.1 General
A general meeting has been held to determine the particular context in which Alim Knit (BD) Ltd
& Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. operates and needs to meet the expectation of stakeholders including
compliance obligation. The risk and opportunities associated with the following:
 Environmental aspects and impacts
 Compliance obligation.
 Internal and external issues.

6.1.2 Environmental Aspects & Impacts

The factory is now in operation phase. The aspect and impact is evaluated during the operation
phase and have been recorded within an Environmental Aspect Impact Register (ENV 02).
The aspect impact register the aspects are sorted in following categories for Alim Knit (BD) Ltd.
& Mondol Knit Tex Ltd.,
1. Natural resources
2. Land development
3. Pollution prevention
4. Waste management
5. Transport
6. Sustainable procurement.
The aspect Impact and steps of risk reduction and impact mitigation require some essential steps.
The steps are

 Risk identification.
 Measuring intensity of identified risks.
 Knowing the standards or baseline of mitigation.
 Making an importance hierarchy.
 Essential planning to achieve the goals.

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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023


Risk Ranking Matrix
Minor Moderate Significant Major `Catastrophic
11 16 20 23 25
Likely 7 12 17 21 24
Possible 4 8 13 18 22
Unlikely 2 5 9 14 19
Rare 1 3 6 10 15

1 – 5 Low Risk 6 – 17 Medium Risk 18 – 25 High Risk

6.1.3 Compliance Obligations

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd Legislation Register (ENV 03) in maintained by the
EMR and use local, international websites to get update regularly. As per his concern he will
update the register whenever needed and plan the management system as required.

6.1.4 Planning Action

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd identified significant environmental aspects and
associated risk and opportunities that need to be addressed are used to priorities the actions to
manage and mitigate the aspects. For this the EMS team will follow the PDCA cycle:



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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

6.2 Environmental Objectives and Planning To Achieve Them

An EMP (Environmental Management Plan) for ALIM KNIT (BD) LTD., & MONDOL KNIT
TEX LTD., have been prepared to address potential issues based upon discussion with factory
management, workers, local community‘ s view, stakeholder consultation and from the site visit
of experts and monitor the continual improvement. The EMP is additional to and compliments
the factory’s safety management system. The main objectives of EMP are:

1. Energy/Carbon Reduction
2. Water reduction
3. Pollution prevention
4. Waste reduction
5. Sustainable procurement.
The plan is 03-5 years plan which is updated annually by EMR in agreement with the assign
objectives lead. DEMR will monitor the KPI regularly to chase the target.

6.2.1 Environmental Strategy plan Water Strategy Plan




Total water

Cost (BDT)
Per kg

Year How to do


To Calculate total water consumption for every month (meter


2021 data) and total water consumption divided by total production

which indicate that per kg consumption.

1. Installing meter for every machine to monitor the

per kg production.
consumption for

consumption separately.
3% reduction of

Nazmul Hasan

Sn Manager-
2. Pestering in every sphere to raise awareness.




2022 3% 3. Training to raise awareness.

4. Introduction of new chemicals for dyeing which can be used in
low temperature and will use less water.
5. Reducing liquor ration for dyeing machines.
1. Reducing process by introducing new fiber content and
per kg production.
consumption for

reducing wash facilities by utilizing maximum water during

3% reduction of

Nazmul Hasan
Sn Manager-
wash. Electrical


2023 2. Decreasing the water flow in each tap so that people can
use water more efficiently.
3. More awareness in dyeing about liquor ratio and
1. Introduction of low liquor ratio machine.
3% reduction of water
per kg production.

2. New chemicals and process with less water use.

Nazmul Hasan
Sn Manager-

3. Motion sensor based tap introduction.


2024 4. More awareness by providing training and proper follow-

5. Introducing sensor tab in some basins.
6. Rainwater harvesting.
Hossain GM

Set new plan based on upgraded technology.




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Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023 Electricity Consumption Strategy Plan

Production (Kg)
Total Electricity

Estimated Cost



Per kg

Year How to do

1. To estimated total electricity

Zahid Hossain

consumption for every month and total

Base year.

electricity consumption division with

2021 ……
total production which indicate that per
kg consumption.

1. Replace tube lights with LED in

consumption for per

AGM- Maintenance
different sections by 100%.
2% reduction of

Zahid Hossain
kg production.

2. Replace clutch motors to servo

2022 0.74% motors by 80%.

3. Maximum use of sunlight.
4. New machineries of less electricity

1. Emergency lights will be managed to

per kg production.
consumption for
3% reduction of

Zahid Hossain

work whenever needed.


2. Inverters for all machines over 5kw.

3. New machineries of less electricity
4. 100% LED bulb usage.

1. Increase solar capacity.

per kg production.
consumption for
5% reduction of

Zahid Hossain

2. Motion sensors in office rooms.

3. Good practices introduction to

minimize electricity consumption.
4. New machineries of less electricity

Zahid Hossain


Introduction of new plan with new


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Total Gas
Total Diesel 4799852
5613048 Consumption
74727 34220 Consumptio
n Ltr
4010978 3822848
Production (Kg)
5% reduction 10%
reduction of Base
of diesel Target
diesel year.
consumption. Per kg
consumption 1.196678715 1.46828961
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.&
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd Gas Reduction Plan

. Diesel Reduction Plan

Not Achievemen 5% reduction of 10% 10% reduction of
achieved t gas consumption reduction of gas consumption
Sustain Base year. Target
for per kg gas for per kg
production. consumptio production.
n for per kg
2% Achievement

System Manual

How to do
1. G-trap garments iron.

Purchase Data

1. Use of gas burner instead of diesel burner.

Meter data
How to do

2. Condense recovery of garments Iron.

1. 50% condense recovery at dyeing end.
Environmental Management

1. Increase REB supply to decrease diesel consumption from

2. 50% condense recovery at dyeing process.

1. Hot water generation from hot drain of dyeing machine.

1. Hot water generation using gas generator's Jacket water.

Cost (BDT)
Estimated Cost
180000 1500000 2500000
Zahid Hossain Zahid Hossain Hossain

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Responsible Zahid Zahid
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenan Zahid Hossain Zahid Hossain Zahid Hossain
Date : 01/01/2023

ce AGM- AGM- AGM- Responsible
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance
Revision Number : 02

Maintenanc Maintenance
Document Number : ENV 01
Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023 GHG Reduction Plan

Estimated Cost
Year Target How to do
2021-2022 (20028 Metric tons) Calculated Data
1. By reduction of using diesel in the generator.
2. Reduction of paper use by 5%
2022-2023 6% reduction of CO2
3. Reduction of water consumption by 3%
4.Tree Plantation
1.Not using diesel for power generation.
2.Reduction of paper use by 10%
2023-2024 5% reduction of CO2
3.Reduction of water consumption by 5%
4. Tree Plantation Waste reduction plan

Year Total Waste Per Kg waste Target How to do Estimated Remark
Production Cost (BDT)/

2021 Material 0.00397740 Base Year Normalized Calculation (Total Waste 250000 taka
(15205 kg) divided by total production)

Plastic 0.01117596 Base Year Normalized Calculation (Total Waste

(42724 kg) divided by total production)

Paper (13023 0.003406622 Base Year Normalized Calculation (Total Waste

kg) divided by total production)

2022 Material .00289979 3.1% 1. Highly efficient Chemical 300000 taka

(11631 kg) reduction of 2. Reduction of paper use by 5%
Total 3. Training and awareness buildup

Plastic .00720971 3.9% reduction 1. Poly Recycling

(28918 kg) of Total 2.Chemmical drum reuse as a wastebin and
flower tree tub.

Paper (8633 .0021523428 1.2% reduction 1. both side paper use

kg) of Total

2023 Not yet Not yet 10% reduction 1. Improvement of garment cutting system 500000 taka
Calculated Calculated of total waste 2.Starting maximum recycle and reusing
trend in full industry

Page 21 of 26
Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023 Waste Reduction Plan

Year Total Wastewater Per Kg waste Target How to do Estimated Cost Remark
produced(m3) Production (BDT)/ Year

2021 369661 0.0966978 Base Year Normalized 00 taka

(Total Waste
devided by total

2022 357770 0.08919769 0.75 % 1. Car washing 30000 taka

reduction of

2023 Not yet Calculated Not yet 2% reduction 1. Gardening 50000 taka
Calculated of total waste water
2.Flor washing

7.0 Support

7.1 Resources

Top management of Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. is committed to provide
resources (including human resources and specialized skills, organizational infrastructure,
technological and financial resources) essential to the implementation and control of this EMS.
The roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel is defined, documented, and
communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management.

7.2 Competence, Training & Awareness:

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. has ensure all persons performing tasks for it or on
its behalf, whose work may have a significant impact on the environment, are competent on the
basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience, and shall retain associated records.

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. ensures that all people performing tasks for or on
behalf of the organization, which includes contractors, sub-contractors, temporary staff and remote
workers, have had an appropriate assessment for their potential to cause a significant
environmental impact and the associated competence required.

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. established, implemented and maintained
procedures to identify the training needs associated with its environmental aspects and its EMS,

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

and develop programs to ensure awareness and competence, at each relevant function and level,
by addressing:

• The roles and responsibilities in achieving conformity with the environmental management

• The importance of conformity with the environmental policy, the procedures and the
requirements of the structured EMS;

• The significant environmental aspects and related actual or potential impacts associated from
their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance;

7.3 Awareness

In order to aware all the staffs of the factory, Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. has
training program for the staffs on Environmental management system. All the new stuffs are
required to have this training and every staffs will be revised in every three years regarding this

7.4 Communication

7.4.1 General

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. is concern about the sustainable development and
as stakeholders requirements it has becomes compliance obligation. All the policies have their
communication system to set out the process of communication, what to communicate, how and
when to communicate. EMR will be responsible for communication of this EMS.

7.4.2 Internal communication

For internal communication, the EMR ensures information regarding the EMS (such as the policy,
objectives, targets and programs) and environmental performance is readily available to employees
on notice board, or is published on the intranet or newsletters. Employees with enquiries /
complaints regarding to the EMS and/or environmental issues of Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol
Knit Tex Ltd. shall inform their Function / Departmental Manager. The designated member of
EMS Committee representing each division maintain a log for the relevant enquiries / complaints.
Depending on the nature and scope of the enquiry / complaint, the EMR shall determine the
corresponding action and maintain relevant records to demonstrate the response / corrective
actions taken.

7.4.3 External Communication

For external communication, the environmental policy is available at the office and company web
page. All internal and external enquiries / complaints / communications shall be discussed and

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

reviewed during the EMS Committee meeting and the decision shall be recorded on meeting
minutes. The EMS Committee may discuss and decide whether to communicate externally about
its significant environmental aspects, the decision shall be documented in the meeting minutes. If
the decision is to communicate, the EMS Committee shall establish and implement a method(s)
for this external communication.

7.5 Documented Information:

7.5.1 General
A comprehensive list of documents of EMS is listed in ENV Index and include both hard and
electronic copies It include the EMS, EMP, Aspect Impact Register Different team etc.

7.5.2 Creating and Updating

All EMS documents are listed in the ENV Index with revision no. and retention period where
relevant. EMS index also records the storage place and retention time. It will be updated
periodically whenever it is needed. It is available to all the interested parties on request.

7.5.3 Control of Documents

EMR will have the control of these documents and he will update is and keep it. Only DEMR can
handle it in absence of EMR. Therefore:
 Retain hard copies of authorized documents within FM Resource Centre controlled
document library;
 Publish latest versions and authorized documents to the FM Resource Centre which acts as
a controlled document library;
 Maintain a list of documentation within EMS Index detailing versions, review dates and
 Discourage the printing of controlled documents or saving to file and instead encourage
access directly from the FM Resource Centre to ensure the current version is always

8.0 Operation

8.1 Operational Planning & Control

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. has identified its environmental aspects. An
overarching environmental management operational procedures has been created for that and
following operational plan has been created:

 ENV … Energy Management

 ENV Waste Management
 ENV Transport Management

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

 ENV Pollution Prevention (Air, noise, waste water)

 ENV ….Soil Management
 ENV … Ecological Flora & Fauna management
 Sustainable procurement Operation

The relevant environmental management operational procedures are also applicable to outsourced
processes including those undertaken by contractors, the level and extent of control or influence is
defined within the relevant procedure. For example, the Sustainable Procurement operational
procedures(HR0041) defines how suppliers are influenced and controlled via purchasing
consortiums and the use of framework agreements.
Where applicable a life cycle approach is taken within the operational controls so that the
environmental impacts at each stage can be controlled or influenced. The controls are defined
within the relevant procedure.

8.2 Emergency preparedness and response

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. is well prepared for emergency response.
Emergency Management Plan:

9. Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation
9.1.1 General
Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. monitors environmental performance by following

 EMS team and their performance.

 Environmental objectives and performance.
 Operational procedures.
 Energy and water data collection
 Waste data
 Carbon emission data
 Calibration of equipment
 Compliance audits

9.2 Internal Audit

A key of checking the EMS is internal audit. An internal audit team has been set to audit the EMS
periodically. An audit program is set and coordinated by EMR which is recorded and documented.
A sequential number is given to identify each audits.

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Document Number : ENV 01
Alim knit (BD)Ltd.& Environmental Management Revision Number : 02
Mondol Knit Tex Ltd
System Manual Date : 01/01/2023

9.3 Management Review

Alim Knit (BD) Ltd. & Mondol Knit Tex Ltd. has set an environmental management policy to
ensure thorough consideration and review of the continued adequacy of the EMS. Details will be
found in ENV 01.

In summary the director will have the report of annual review meeting conducted by EMR with
the divisional heads and sectional heads and will ensure the improvement of this EMS by providing
proper resource allocation and guideline.

10. Improvement

10.1 General

The EMR will use the performance evaluation as per section 9 to make recommendation for
improvement and to achieve the intended outcomes of this system,

10.2 Non conformity and corrective action

Any non-conformities with the EMS need to be reported to the EMR. He will investigate and take
proper corrective actions. All the details will be documented. These conformities and non-
conformities will be raised via internal audit, interested parties comments, from internal and
external issues. The corrective action will be reviewed during the review meeting also.

10. 4 Continual improvement:

Opportunities of continual improvement will be identified by the objectives lead and the EMS
team. Within the sector there are a number of resources and tools available to assist the system
improvement. EMR can have a look at any other documents and tools for the help of this EMS and
will include the better options for this system to lead the world as a leader in sustainable EMS

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