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24/7 Customer Philippines, Inc Final Pay Computation November, 2023

Employee Code T24758397 Employee Name De Castro,Ma Anna Katrina Camilon

Location TIN

SSS No PhilHealth No

HDMF No Date of Leaving 11/10/2023

Date Of Joining 9/4/2023 Department

Taxable Earnings Hours/Day Amount NonTaxable Earnings Hours/Day Amount PHP Deductions Amount PHP
s PHP s
Leave Without Pay 4.5 -3827.58 13th month pay 2408.19 liquidated Damages 18500.00

Regular ND - 20% 30.72 653.25 Clothing Subsidy One Time -82.76

Regular OTND - 20% .94 19.99 Laundry Subsidy OneTime -62.07

Reg OT1 - 100% .94 99.95 Rice Subsidy One Time -310.34

Spec Hol in WD ND - 26% 11.26 311.27 SIL Amount -740

TARDINESS 1.65 -175.43 Transpo Subsidy OneTime -165.52

Regular OT ND - 25% 2.06 54.76

Regular OT - 125% 2.06 273.78

Special Hol x's of 8-169% 1.18 212.03

Spec Hol x's 8 ND-33.8% 1.18 42.41

Special Holiday - 30% 16.38 522.47


Tax Computaion sheet November, 2023 Amount Total Net Pay Amount PHP

Gross Pay YTD 36,794.01 NET SALARY -19265.60

Gross Pay Current Period -1,813.10

90K_NTAXPAID YTD 2,408.19

Net Taxable Income 37,389.10

Pagibig deducted till date 200.00

Philhealth deducted till date 740.00

SSS deducted till date 1,890.00

EXEMPT_90K 2,408.19

Total Exemption 5,238.19

Net Taxable Income 32,150.91

Taxable income after Exemption 32,150.91

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