Labour Law - I

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fi1itilll] 4009/5058/6022n022
ll Semester 3 Years LL.B.A/ Semester 5 Years B.A.LL.B. (Maj.-Min.)l
B. B.A. LL. B./B.Gom. LL. B. Exam i nation, March/A pril 2021

Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks :80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five Questions from Group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five Questions from Group (b) each
question carries 06 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada completely

Q. No. 1. a) Explain Collective Bargaining and types, methods of collective

bargaining. How the settlements done ? Marks : 10
xailoed aodde$ ? xaabobd z$oraxo$ dndorlqb,

oed urldqb ab* otad oee et$ddQ .adrdrrioeienrbdlcb


Q. No. 1. b) A Trade Union decided to change the name and wants to

amalgamate with another Trade Union. ls it possible ?
Advise. Marks : 6

r.ocb uca:rdd ioflddd: do#d dfdd] udercd# dna

"adqod: uoturdd ioSdndd doodoerd dndq: &droxraad.
qr o€g dndw radrde ? ie,rd &eA.

Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the provisions of Trade Union Act, 1926 relating to

registration and cancellation of Trade Union. Marks : 10
uo&:rd io{rt^ldrld eeeo3:d:, 1926, 6Dobd eao$O_ aaa:rd
dodrld doooadsd $dJ dqadd ufl nd>d wduofrrlddl
Q. No. 2. b) Growth of Trade Unionism in lndia and U.K. Marks : 6
?^Ddd nbQ oJr.d.dd0_ ro&:rd doSrid dddsdri.

400s/505 8t6022tr a22 -p- I lfllll lllll filll filll lflll lllll illll lllll lllll illll illl llill lllll ilill lllll lllll llil llll

Q. No. 3 a) Discuss the definition of lndustry alcng with help of

decided cases. Marks : 10
&cdrd drddroddooOd esdd dmaoS0od erDoid)
o -u

Q. No' 3 b) Write short notes on lndividual Dispute Vs lndustrial

Disputes. Marks : 6
{olrgd .)aad Bdgend aamdd eJiS udouo.
^eq "{
Q' No. 4. a) Define "Award". Explain the Law reiating to conrnrencernent
and enforceabillty of an award. Marks : 10
ecgedrd; ersJ"J&&. a,on=: ac€t*.,d a3,dced a:d;
?srorloexbad urlnd radsddi .)#o:,.

Q. No. 4. b) Powei's and functions of conciliation board under

lndustrial Dispute Act, 1947. Marks . 6
8d_oreAd anrxrdd ee&ojr*, 194"7CIaffi*?^ r:ad C.:oCEeJ:
eeu-od *:e ua*:r i,dr6m.
Q' No. 5. a) Define Strike. Explain provisiens r"eiating io prohibition of
strike. fvlarks : 10
d:r{d- oar srod e:.r o. d"4d & u r o fr dri do u o fr d g e o$d: ddde

Q" No" 5. b) R. tvl. T. co. workmen after reporting to duties without

the permission of empioyer leave the place of working to
attend the funerai ceremony Ex-employee. The employer
treats this act of workmen as illegal strike. Deeide. Ivlarks " 6
R. lv. T. dodc uoe-:r-dd: de,id* mxoaffi ddra dnoedd
ed:aj":e ddo$d &ood sddd^Hd uod, dona*dce_
4nnohdw dsddncd ddood dnerbecd. dneedd:
aoa:rdd dr dddwdo$.* uadnd":zme"d drqd cd1md.
NtQrr '.,\ rruu"
\M-^6\q a
1illlltilil lflil ilililflil tilil flil!ilfl tru ilili tflHffiiilflililit ilil!ilililtil llfl 40CI9/5$5 8t6022n022

Q. No. 6. a) Explain lay-off and its provislons r*latinE to lay-off with

decided cases. Marks : 10
wdored ztoe aodded: ? d:e erudnreil noeri douoe,rd
enoduofrr{dd1 nrarob&C
$dCmrki,toDd edor;.
Q. No" 6. b) ln an lndustry there was continLio{rs uni'est to works leading
to strike and lock outs. The empioyer ciosed down the
industry. Does this amount to closi;re. Decide r,vith reasons. Marks : 6
z"oC: {roodoJ:O_ &dodd de"rcuiauoi d"qd ajr*
at ddte
$ rle rl eD o o$d fuE *. dn CI edn: i m od eJ: d: al:, z*d,*
qcb {,rood d"q*d
"Dc!&drodq,ECcJ-.e ? mdmdgooCId

Q. No. 7. a) Discuss the constitution, power and Functions of

employees lnsurance Courts under ESi Act, 1948. tVlarks : 10
'1948 uarurdd ooq Ad;a aoSJCi eiGcJ:e_
raa:rd eCD
inrCne"roJ:dd ddd, ePa-od mad,o ao$rddd1 d.:od>

Q. No. 7. b) Medical Benefit councll role under Employees state

insurance Act. Marks : 6
ma:rdd mq adn eecto3)drdmo3.:{ qio3oewd
dodqd ecg.
O. No. 8. a) Examine the different kinds of benefits available under
Employees State Insurance Aet, 1949. Marks : 10
1948 mD:rdd mr, Odro a-ce9:doJ:Go$O_ drodo$)d Sild
gio3oexdddq doseCIlo.
Q. No. 8. b) Procedure for claiming compensation under Employees
Cornpensation Act, 1 g23. Marks : 6
eeoo*d:, 1 s2s dao$q domdddl
::3l:T*^ ::uuu*d
c^JL{rl,\,}',i.rca) c"JQdCJ.
4ffiCIe/505 8t6a22ff 822 -4- I lillll lllll lllll lllll |ilil lllll lilll illll lilll illll lffi lllll lllll llill lllll llil llil llll

Q. NNo. 9" a) Explain briefly permissible deductions under Payment of

Wages Act, 1936. Marks : 10

dedd ioccoJ,: cQ&o$dr 1936, daof:e_ d$oJ:ud;cnd

dqrddd$ ado::.

{}. No. 9. b) lllegal Deductions. Marks : 6

radededd d$ddd.:.

{,1. No. 10. a) Discuss the provisions relating to welfare measure under
Factories Act, 1948. Marks : 10
raaor-d morrd sQDoJ:d: 1948 dao$O_ **EqbdCc$
g,*dsj wir,rofrdd.t zda:r:,o.
*" No. 10" b) Weekly leave and annual leave facilities. Marks : 6
aadd desa d:Q aaard dddd xPor+ird+b.
il[il1iifiifti[iilll1iiifiiiiiiiillir[illlllllliiiil 4009/5058/6022nA22
Second Semester 3 Year LL.B/ V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System/
B.B.A. LL.B./B.Com. LL.B. Examination, October/November 2021
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any 5 questions trom Group (a), each question

carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any 5 questions from Group (b), each question
carries 6 marks.
3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. (a) Explain the provisions relating to registration of a Trade

Union. Marks:1O
raa:rd dodrd doeodrdri ioz^:oQ:,d eob*ddd1 ado,tr.

Q. No. 1. (b) Write short note on Trade Union Fund. Marks : 6

ma:rd dodrd eQc: u{ ud"ga udouo.
Q. No. 2. (a) Discuss the provisions of Trade Unions Act, 1926 relating
to cancellation of Trade Unions. Marks : 10
ma:rd iodulddd e:Q&o1:ab, 1926 dO- roa:rdd io-+dd
dqldd u{ ed:d eruduoddddl a3xrx,o.
Q. No. 2. (b) Trade Unions and relevant constitutional provisions. Marks : 6
roc:rd doduldrlgri douoQxrd doapaed edabrl$b.
Q. No. 3. (a) authorities under Industrial Dispute
ffi:[He Marks : 10
eQDo3:d> 1947, da qdld &earclnQdaoiiddl
flrooaa aaaddd
d;od: z3zsrx.,"

Q. No. 3. (b) Write short note on Appropriate Government. Marks : 6

"dlog ddtad' .add t{ ,r-o'ro [^3id udogro.

e. No. 4. (a) Explain the term "lndustry" under the lndustrial Dispute Act. Marks : 10
d.naoua aroddd ocdg 4-d "{,rood" aou ddddl adox,.
Q. No. 4. (b) Distinguish workman from independent contractor. Marks : 6
uaa:rddd1 {do9 rbgrimdeod draorr,:,.
4009/5058t6022n022 -2. lllllllllillillllllllllllllilllillilllllllilllililffiilill]ilililillltilililil!iltil

Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the provisions relating to regulations of strikes

under lndustrial Disputes Act with the help of decided
cases. Marks : 10
Edorend .)aad ee&C:Crde_ dr{d Odrd# d.:ood
aadeddl Ddrod {ddeadd iaaC>ood adolo.
Q. No. 5. (b) Write short notes on illegal lockout. Marks : 6
rodo$ e,labdamrbd zeed fu{ldodneo "add r{ ,rdo
r 9;^rq ru?ahrA
t JC^Ja c,

Q. No. 6. (a) ,"1,n"lay-off. When the lay-off shall be treated as valid ?

What are its effects ? Marks : 10
wCered ?JoQ doparxo. C>aarl wdored uoeoJ:d1
aCfrdod: seC>enrbd)c: ? erdd doma*dded: ?

Q. No. 6. (b) Write short note on closure of an industry. Marks: 6

slJoa3ro$q C"S"ddd* douo6&dod e-rfiu u:{ed zodoeoo.

Q. No. 7. (a) Discuss the procedure

for claiming compensation under
Employees Compensation Marks : 10
eDddC d{ dooed eQec:d:d d-d dooaCddl ded:d
Egobo$d> aJ*r:,o.
Q. No. 7. (b) Write short note on the salient features of Employees
Compensation Act, 1 923. Marks : 6
aaddd/ua,brdd d{ doaad cQoo$c> 1923d dfua)
e-td*rodd ,{ [Jied udouo.
Q. No. 8. (a) Mention the various purposes on which the Employees
State lnsurance Funds may be spent. Marks : 10
aaa:rdd @B,s a*ad deaddl o$ad ctad wdedripri
$z$r dndud:ci: dd:oo:ro.
Q. No. B. (b) Employees State lnsurance Couft. Marks : 6
aa:rdd cDrld Q)dJa oaroJneoJ:.
1fftililtilIilililililtililil[fliitllll!i[]ifliitfiif1llIllli .3. 4009/5058t6022n022
Q. No. 9. (a) Explain the deductions which may be made from wages
under the Payment of Wages Act, Marks : 10
dedddd dooaoJ: e:Q0olld:, 1936d d-d deddaod
oJDd)dq dadrlopdud>doz.::dd1 adoxr.
Q. No. 9. (b) Write short note on Payment of Wages Authority. Marks : 6
dedd iooaoJr BQrodrld ,{ od*, r^3{rd udouro.

Q. No. 10. (a) Discuss the provisions relating to welfare measures under
the Factory Act, 1 948. Marks : 10
roanrddd roo3:o, 1948d u6oi:O_ *d"qbrdo$ $abrfd
$od: wduot'dddl a*^:rxro.
Q. No. 10. (b) Write short note on safety measures. Marks :6
$d{dri drld;dooa&d g*rid ,{ odo r^3{rd udoqro.
IiililtililIililiilfi iltlilt 4009

ll Semester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2az2 (Dec. z0z1)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : g0

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answer should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. a) Discuss the provisions relating to registration of a Trade

Union. Marks : 10
e;;-5 icw.d iesc;rtn ioz-cQ.-,. l3x5Jdq$ *z:.!,c.
Q. No. 1. b) Collective bargaining. Marks : 6
E:5)t6"8 l,5;e:,.

Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the provisions of Trade Unions Act, 1926 relating

to cancellation of registration of Trade Unions. Marks : 10
mrord ic{.d# eei,ci:*, 1g26dBc$e de ecCSc;oC
a;"-:i-d Ic+.d+ d;gra z:ry tc; :;-r:.::dd#d: z3d-ic.
Q. No. 2. b) Change of name and Amalgamation of Trade Unions. Marks : 6
B.)c^D-6 ;c+C erlOr zJ63D5# ilJgJ ;Cct:i 5*l

aa:rd io#"ucdd r"cC;doa*a*.

Q. No. 3. a) Explain the provisions relating tc reference of an industrial

dispute. Marks : 10
lccJ: SCn.sird
- ---r--; ica:odd$L
wia:c{dd:l: ;do:,o.
Q. No. 3. b) Labour court. Marks : 6
mt:rd m.oinecl:.

4009 .2- Ifi|illlilIililtiltitililfil

Q. No. 4. a) Explain the term 'lndustry' under the lndustrial Disputes

Act. 1947. Marks : 10
EiJi ihd ..rtddd sQl:lJ5J. 19476 de: ':;i$' rc.c-- / J
J)a-- .)..

Q. No" 4. b) Award. Marks:6

*e\,rt i- ,

Q. No. 5. a) Discuss the provisions relating to Lay-off under lndustrial

Disputes Act, 1947. Marks: 10
BCo"end ;;rCdg seio$eb, 1947d ed::;J :ij;il
*vW, I ?.^- '^1:..:
J,rw_!"Jiit,a! ela j-:
i,vwi- -i,

Q. No. 5. b) GMR Co. workmen after reporting to duties without

the permission of employer leave the place of working
to attend the funeral ceremony of ex-employee. The
employer treats this act of workmen as illegal strike.
Decide. Marks: 6
GMR Aodi a*":r3d: *ei{ rtroJC g6-s: drg:dJ e-.IJiJg
i'*^'^* e ^ 6.! **c;ne.:C acg.ic;ucg
l"J0.iqivL"i(DuUra\i,".Jj_ :,J: ncJ.)ld9J
fav.n J--J--? J J- -o -JJ- - -
".:J ry\/(r-(,^-!
c^^reLt,vcJ =J:Jc -J ^ -J--\J9rU. ;JJrJiO:J.J
Of,Jdr-/ -6:;_r -r)3i.) C5
t-s ) +..-J-l
qJ9(I)(J j!,U\U -J.-..1 - - -^:\r <
C-l)t Uur;JU.

Q. No. 6. a) Define strike. what are the various kinds of strikes

mentioned in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1g4T ? Marks : 10
d)qddcl 5sr.:;ri". tae.sns :,,;Edrl# eQ[,]:r*, 1947 ir^
'f-.q-eDr,d ;;; ilii3iJ J::{cdnde t
Q. No. 6. b) Kumar and Co. Ltd. directed its workmen not to report for
work for 15 days due to water scarcity in the industry, the
workmen claimed lay-off compensation. Kumar and Co.
Ltd. re{used to pay. Decide. Marks : 6
d:drC ai:d: dciD eardefd drsedd: e:dd$*
ieod eqndidJd adea mo oe;rdori de-rd{
15 Dddd
soddoii lderdd Oed:oo. a.)Jrdcb asq$E er!C.d;
zrcQn 5( ibmd s:+a?:. dr;rrd *+ e;u:r
i,* \r(D:, (.,
^ l,-..- e - .JJ- - J-c.
iuj ir- cJUtO UnOUJ. JqJ i- U ij(r,
=cia a
Ilillllfitlltililil!iltllil 4009
Q. No. 7. a) Discuss the constitution, power and f unction of Employees
lnsurance Courts under ESI Act, '1948. Marks : 10
u::;rdd c;tr.L'E;-; =eicJ:i;, 1948daiJJ9_ Ec,.Jrd ;iE
=::.. eSAd *J-,. =:::;-dgi:{ z3j-t2..
Q. No. 7. b) Benefits under ESI Act, 1948. Marks : 6
il;Jr-Sd Gr,. ;dD sQl]J:;:. 194BuE- :,dJd aJd
I a.ri *.r.
^. - _ -J-t \.!-
-. .

Q. No. 8. a) Erplain employer's liability under the Employee's

Compensation Act, 1923 for personal injuries. Marks : 10
S3JJ ii ioaod seiloJ:;i, 1923d s.3:;;rd m,l.rdd
1,*_9J .lraw/ lwI l :Jvi-/iUU .JrQ.9-Uj:r_. ;:JU;.iU.

Q. No. 8. b) Partial disablement and total disablement. Marks : 6

,,add: 5r.rde drq ioffsr -"rdi.

Q. No. 9. a) Explain the various deductions which may be lawfully

made by an employer under the Payment of Wages
Act,1936. Marks:10
aedC icor oi: t: QDo$dJ, 1 93 6 de_ €?irdcd z-z;, i do ead.i:
- . Ja^a-^r-- ]--...
-r^-JJ<q rJJiCAlJco-CJr(,J rr,,
-r--r^.---) 0099/tvc,)-l eJ$O4U,

Q. No. 9. b) Write short notes on . Marks : 6

e+) u=ai aocg:o:
400e -4- lllllllillllllllllllllllllilli

Q. No. 10. a) Discuss the provisions relating to safety measures under

the Factory Act, ',1948. Marks : 10
aarrid.i eQec$*, 1g48dG3;re* i:dgsc d,dJdd d:o*
erudrofiil#.i: zizgrio.

Q. No. 10. b) Write short notes on : Marks : 6

s'{.J sir6 gcdc0Jo:
po*err*of an lnspector under the Payment of Wages
Act, 1936.
ded.3 iccacJ: eQ&c$eir, 1936d&:i:r_ :q=d*od
uU0rUI lY-.

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