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1. 52 + (-2 x 6 ) = ........

2. 1036 : 37 + 2 =.......

3. What is the form of the fraction 7/8 when converted into a decimal? 0.875

4. there is a number pattern 1,2,3,5,8,13,......,......,......, the next three numbers are? 21,34,55

5. What is the result of 7/8 + 5/6 + 3/4? 2 11/24

6. What are the characteristics of growth that occur in humans? body grows taller

7. Smoke in factories is a source of pollution to? air pollution

8. what are the respiratory organs in plants? stomata and lenticels

9. What is the largest continent on the earth? Asia

10. What is the name of an object that contains a picture of a world map and shaped like a ball? Globe

11. Who is Indonesia's current youth and sports minister? Dito Ariotedjo

12. Who is the current education minister? Nadiem Makarim

13. In which province is the national hero named Sultan Hasanuddin? Makassar, south sulawesi.

14. In which province is the national hero named Jendral Soedirman? Purbalingga, Central Java.

15. In which province is the national hero named Ki Hajar Dewantara? DIY Yogyakarta

16. What country is nicknamed the Bamboo Curtain Country? China

17. what is the capital City of Australia? Canberra

18. what is the capital City of Pakistan? Islamabad

19. what is the capital City of Netherlands? Amsterdam

20. what is the capital of Japan? Tokyo

Multiple choice

21. If x + 5 = 12, then what is the value of x?

A. 6

B. 7

C. 12

22. A child saves at a bank with a fixed difference in the increase in savings between months. In the first month he saved Rp. 50,000, second
month Rp. 55,000, third month Rp. 60,000, and so on. How much will the child have saved after two years?

A. Rp 2.640.000

B. Rp 1.315.000

C. Rp 2.580.000
23. 612 : 36 x 901 =

A. 15.317

B. 16.417

C. 15.217

24. 803 : 73 x 876 =

a. 9.636

b. 8.636

c. 6.636

25. 567 x 675 : 27 =

a. 15.175

b. 13.175

c. 14.175

26. The measuring instrument used to measure temperature in the international system (SI) is...

A. Thermometer

B. Barometer

C. Hydrometer

D. Tachometer

27. The physical quantity measured with a voltmeter is...

A. Mass

B. Long

C. Electrical voltage

28. What is the correct result of multiplying 2.5 × 10³ by 3.0 × 10⁻² in scientific notation….

A. 75 × 10⁻¹

B 7.5 × 10³

C. 75 × 10¹

29. What are the main components of the virus structure….

A. Bacterial cells

B. Nucleic acids and proteins

C. Human cells

30. What is meant by antibiotics?

A. Treatment of viral diseases with vaccines

B. Giving antibodies to fight the virus

C. Chemicals used to treat bacterial infections

31. The following is the Sukiman Cabinet's work program in the field of security and order, namely...

A. preparing for the General Election

B. division of duties between the TNI and the Police

C. maximize the performance of the TNI and Police

32. One of the things behind the creation of the Asian-African Conference was...

A. the birth of awareness among Asian and African peoples for independence

B. Asian and African nations did not want to be dragged into the Cold War

C. the need for development for the peoples of Asia and Africa after being colonized by foreign nations

33. The correct statement regarding the relationship between the implementation of the Round Table Conference (KMB) and the future of
Indonesia is...

A. Indonesia does not need to pay Dutch debt.

B. Indonesia received political sovereignty from a government recognized by the world international.

C. Indonesia will become a temporary partner country for the Netherlands.

34. The difficulty of the national automotive industry competing with foreign automotive industries in its own country is an inevitable social
reality of globalization. This case can be analyzed through theory….

A Ecumene culture.

B. Problems of globalization.

C. Global capitalism.

35. The President of Indonesia who changed the name of Irian Jaya to Papua in an effort to overcome conflict and national disintegration is….

A. Megawati Sukarno Putri

B. Abdurrahman Wahid

C. B.J. Habibie

36. Every person is given the freedom to associate and assemble in social organizations, political organizations, and to express or express
opinions is the meaning of the article....

A. 28

B. 30

C. 31

37. In accordance with the principles of a responsible free press. Mass media should serve...

A. interests of state authorities

B. common welfare of all members of society

C. the interests of capital owners who finance mass media

38. The Preamble of the 1945 Constitution is a source of motivation, aspirations and determination of the Indonesian people to achieve...

A. National Goals

B. state provisions

C. national ideals

39. According to article 26 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, matters concerning citizens and residents are regulated in...

A. Undang-undang

B. Regional Regulation


40. The principle of equality of citizens is a characteristic of the state....

A. Agricultural

B. Democracy

C. Bilateral

41. The following are legal forms in Indonesia, except...

A. Government regulations

B. Constitution

C. Community Regulations

42. An organized group whose members have the same orientation, values and ideals is called.....

A. pressure group

B. interest group

C. political party

43. Human behavior in the political field is...

A. following the party campaign

B. take part in school committee meetings

C. visit interest groups

44. The 1945 Constitution was designated as the Republic of Indonesia's Constitution, promulgated in the Republic of Indonesia News Year II
No. 7, determined by....



45. Pancasila is not only the basis for relations between citizens and the state, but also as...

A. An attempt to understand a particular social situation

B. Guidelines as the basis of the state

C. The embodiment of the national ideals and goals of the Indonesian nation

50. The Sphinx statue can be found in the country...

A. Egypt

B. Japan

C. Saudi Arabia

51. What is the name of Vietnam's currency?

A. Dollar

B. Euro

C. Dong


52. OPEC is an international organization whose members consist of countries...

A. Oil Exportir

B. Baby Community

C. Oman Pressure Engine Championship

53. Where is the financial center of the United States located?

A. Arizona

B. New York

C. Kansas

54. Who invented trains?

A. Nicola Tesla

B. Train Bush

C. Murdocks

55. If the value |-3 a -2 4)|=10, then the value of "a" is ....

A. 11

B. -9

C. 6
56. The bullet is fired upwards at an initial velocity of vo m/sec. The height of the floor after t seconds is expressed by the function h (t) = 100 +
40t – 4t2. The maximum height the ball can reach is.

A. 100 m

B. 300 m

C. 200 m

57. It is known that block ABCD EFGH has lengths AB = 6 cm, BC = 4 cm and AE = 3 cm, the distance from D to F.

A. √61 cm

B. √72 cm

C. 52 cm

58. Sticky rice can change the taste from sweet to sour. The origin of the sour taste is because.

A. Fermentation

B. Alcoholisation

C. Contamination

59. Growth is a process for?

A. Reversible volume increase

B. Irreversible increase in volume

C. On the road to maturity

60. The presence of a solute in a solution causes...

A. The boiling point of the solvent is higher than the boiling point of the solution

B. The freezing point of the solvent is lower than the freezing point of the solution

C. The freezing point of the solution is lower than the freezing point of the solvent

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