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Delegate Guide
guidelines, rules of procedure
Welcome letter
from the secretary general

Dear Delegates, Advisors and Organisers,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to the third annual edition of the Al Salam
Community School Model United Nations (ASCS MUN) conference. It is an honour for me
to serve as the Secretary General of ASCS MUN 2024.

The world we inhabit today is a complex one, containing both daunting challenges and
promising opportunities, embracing the potential for growth and the risk of decline.
Humanity is at a precipice – where our progress in technology and societal changes could
propel us towards unprecedented prosperity or push us to our downfall. While fostering
growth and open-mindedness through exemplary means, we sparked the inception of ASCS
MUN, which has since evolved into a blazing fire of captivating debates and thought-
provoking discussions.

As delegates of ASCS MUN 2024, we entrust you with the responsibility of approaching
these topics with utmost regard and curiosity. Throughout this conference, we want you to
refine your critical thinking, leadership abilities and confidence through first-hand
involvement. While this conference will be many things, it will most importantly be yours -
yours to enhance your public speaking, yours to showcase journalism, yours to demonstrate
insight, or yours to simply have fun. ASCS MUN 2024 pledges to surpass your expectations.

Our dedicated team has worked tirelessly to ensure that this year’s MUN conference offers an
immersive experience for all our participants, delegates and organisers alike. We are
committed to ensuring this conference is a safe and inclusive space for you to offer a unique
perspective that will be met with respect and open-mindedness.

With the guiding principle ‘to make an impact, to change a life’, we invite you on this
journey and encourage you to participate in ASCS MUN 2024 for an enriching, enjoyable,
and memorable experience as young diplomats in the making.

Yours sincerely,

Zakariyah Saad
Secretary General, ASCS MUN 2024

Table of Contents
Overview 04

Preparing for the Conference 06

Conduct Expectations 13

Rules Governing the Conference 16

Rules Governing the Committee 19

Rules Governing Debates 21

Resolutions 24

Points and Motions 30

Rules Governing Voting 37

Awards 39

Section A


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Unquestionably, the world is left in admiration of what the United Nations has
achieved since it vowed to safeguard international law, protect human rights, and
advance sustainable development while also aiming to preserve world peace and
security. The Al Salam Community School Model United Nations seeks to replicate
the core essence of the United Nations system, to provide our delegates with the most
effective platform through which they can develop their writing, public speaking,
research aptitude, diplomacy and debating skills.

The world of politics and diplomacy are never short of rules and regulations,
unfortunately. The point of rules is to create a path, a correct and just path for
countries and organizations to follow when operating on the global stage and as
delegates it is your responsibility to know and to understand these rules so that you
may operate in the best possible manner within your respective committees. There is
an old adage that says, the rules are meant to be broken. Well, not here, not on the
international stage. Now more than ever we need to uphold the rule of law set in
order to live up to the goals that humans laid for themselves many decades ago when
the promise was laid in the UN charter to save the world from the scourge of war.
Some rules are meant to be broken, but never at the expense of peace.

The Rules of Procedure described in this Delegate Guide for ASCS MUN 2024
have been adopted with consent from the Dubai MUN Rules of Procedure.

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Section B

for the

Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

An MUN Conference demands a lot of preparation and planning to succeed. To obtain

the most out of their time at the ASCS MUN 2024, delegates should become familiar
with the Rules of Procedures for the MUN conference, the committee they are
participating in, their country's stance on the issues being discussed, drafting
resolutions, the way to present themselves in an MUN Conference and more.

Reading through this Delegate Guide, along with the Background Guides provided on
our website and additional research you can conduct online, will help prepare you for a
successful experience.

How to Research

Understanding the Conference

Model United Nations is an educational simulation of the United Nations in which
students roleplay delegates to the United Nations in different committees, debating
about contemporary issues and policies. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the
United Nations as an organization is fundamental for a strong performance as a
delegate. Learning about the United Nations' origins, history, activities and
organizational structure will form the foundation of your research.

Moreover, ASCS MUN 2024 will follow a unique set of rules that allow for not only
a seamless progression of committee proceedings, but also a level of integration
between the various committees never before seen in any MUN conference. This
integration will create an atmosphere that reflects how decisions made in one
committee at the UN affect other committees. Hence, the ASCS MUN Delegate
Guide, which contains our Rules of Procedure, will be an invaluable tool for
delegates to refer to in preparation for the conference.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

Understanding your Country
In the conference, you will be roleplaying the delegate of an assigned country. Hence,
it is absolutely fundamental for you to represent the diplomatic realities and stances of
your country. The essence of diplomacy is reflected by the fact that you may be forced
to take stances you personally disagree with, but are the accurate stances of your
country. It would certainly help to understand the history of your country, the way
they have acted in the past; and use this as precedence for your behavior in the

Understanding your Committee

The goal of a committee is to pass a resolution, which depends on what a
committee can and cannot do. The fundamentals of understanding your committee
includes why it was created, the extent of the committee's powers, how the
committee fits into the UN and the larger international community and
membership. Researching how your committee works allows you to come up with
more relevant and valuable solutions to your topics.

Understanding your Topic

Each committee in ASCS MUN 2024 will feature two topics. The ultimate aim of
three days of deliberations would be to pass resolutions for both of these topics.
Therefore, you would need to equip yourself with sufficient research in both topics.

Our website provides Background Guides for each topic, which you can use to
develop an overall understanding of the topic. There are also guiding questions you
can use to direct your individual research. Be sure to familiarize yourself with past
actions related to the issue, the current situation, and the future outlook on the issue.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

Drafting your Position Paper

The Position Paper is a brief document that details your country's position on the
topics given to your committee. This paper must be submitted to us, and will act as
evidence of your research as well as a submission for the Best Research Award.

Completing the position paper will aid you in summarizing your understanding of
your country's position for the conference and consequently prepare you for the

Guidelines for the Position Paper:

Use Times New Roman font, 12px font size, single-spaced, 1 inch margins,
justified paragraphs.
The paper should be entirely original. Sources must be cited unless they belong
directly to your country.
Both topics must be addressed equally.
Avoid undiplomatic comments, especially negative comments on another country.
Use the format prescribed on the next page.
It can be no longer than two pages.

Submission of the Position Paper:

The position paper must be in .pdf format.
Submit it via this Google Form (Link:
Name the file: PP23_[Committee Name]_[Country Name]
Example: PP23_UNSC_USA
Due Date: 26th February 2024

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

The format for the Position Paper is as below:

Include your Country left aligned.
Include your Organization's name right aligned.

Write "Position Paper for the [Committee name]" in Italics.

This is a brief statement that states the topics for the committee, includes a brief
description of the committee, and a brief introduction to your country's position.

Discussion of Topic 1
Begin your discussion of Topic 1 with a title numbered with a roman numeral.

Your discussion should include a background of the topic (overall understanding, past
actions taken by the global community, current situation, specific problems your
country wishes to solve); your country's position (the role your country plays with the
issue, your country's policies and stance); possible solutions (these must align with your
country's foreign policies as well as be realistic and plausible).

Discussion of Topic 2
The same rules apply for Topic 2 as they do for Topic 1.
Both topics should be addressed in equal length.

You will find a Sample Position Paper on the next two pages of this document.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

Sample Position Paper, Page 1

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Preparing for the Conference

Sample Position Paper, Page 2

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Section C


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Conduct Expectations

Dress Code
Delegates are expected to dress formally for all three days of the conference. If attire is
deemed inappropriate by ASCS MUN staff, individuals may be asked to leave the
session and return with appropriate attire.

Casual clothing; including sweaters, novelty jackets, shorts, sundresses/other casual

dresses, ball caps, jeans, sneakers, athletic wear, and sunglasses; is not appropriate.

Clothing that exposes excessive bare skin, shows undergarments, or is otherwise

revealing is inappropriate.

Traditional dress is permitted only for delegations in whose home countries it is

considered professional business dress.

Code of Conduct
The conference will run fully in the English language.

The use of personal pronouns during committee session is not permitted.

Delegates must be respectful towards all members of the organizing team as well as
towards each other throughout the duration of the conference. Delegates must
refrain from profane and inappropriate language.

During the committee session, the use of cell-phones, laptops, tablets and other
electronic devices are only permitted for conference related purposes.

Note passing is strictly for conference related purposes, passing notes containing
anything not within the scope of ASCS MUN is strictly prohibited.

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Conduct Expectations

Taking pictures or video recordings of other delegates without their consent is

prohibited as per the UAE Cybercrime Law No.5 of 2012.

Registrants hereby certify by completing the registration process that all

information submitted is truthful and accurate. The registrant understands that
falsification of any information provided will disqualify him or her from
participating in ASCS MUN and future ASCS MUN activities.

Participants agree that all material produced for this conference will be original
work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at ASCS MUN and should ASCS MUN
discover instances of plagiarism, the individual shall bear consequences.

Participants are expected and obliged to obey the laws of Dubai, United Arab
Emirates while participating at ASCS MUN. Participants will be personally
responsible for all charges and damages incurred by them to facilities of the
conference and social event venues.

Participants understand full assumption of risk and acknowledge that ASCS MUN,
and its Secretariat, members, officers, elected representatives and employees assume
any responsibility for the conduct and activities of the participants.

Participants agree to accept and abide by the Code of Conduct published in the
Conference Handbook and decided by the ASCS MUN Secretariat.

Participants agree to receive any consequence and shall be held liable if he/she,
intentionally or unintentionally use the name of ASCS MUN for any kind of act
which badly affects the conference as a whole or to any delegate of ASCS MUN.

You can find a list of our Terms and Conditions on our website.

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Section D


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Governing the Conference

Authority of the Secretary General
The Secretary General (SG) of the conference holds final say over any disputed
resolutions, reports or any such related proposals that are not resolved by the acting
Security Council of the conference. In the event of a tie breaking decision, the SG can
act as a tie breaker to decide on the passing/failure of any given proposal.

Other members of the Organizing Committee

Each main role within the conference is designated specific areas of duty and authority
so as to avoid any overlap in responsibilities.

Organizers hold authority over the procedural tasks of the conference such as its
general setup, the guiding of delegates and faculty advisors and managing general
affairs and communications between different roles and the board.

Chairs moderate the events of a committee, lead discourse and debate, and preside
over any rulings that specifically impact the committee. They are further
responsible for the development, assistance and completion of resolutions initially
created by delegates. Chairs are meant to coordinate with Organizers who assist in
sending complete resolutions to the ASCS MUN Security Council for further
deliberation and final adoption

Pagers are equipped in each committee to undertake procedural tasks. This includes
note passing, taking roll call, counting votes, keeping watch over caucus time, and
other tasks as ordered by the chairs.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Governing the Conference

Non-participating attendees
At the discretion of the Chair, non-participating members of the conference can be
added to specific procedural events of the committee such as the general speakers list or
in open debates. Examples of these members may be conference members acting as
dignitaries, diplomats, journalists or other such important individuals for the purposes
of relaying narrative information that’s relevant to the committee.

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Section E


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Governing the committee

Quorum – roll call: Quorum is a requirement for a committee to operate. The

minimum number of delegates need to be present prior to continuing the session. If
this is not the case, the session cannot resume until quorum has been met. Quorum size
is dependent on the committee size. Before the start of any session, Chairs are
responsible for conducting a roll call. This entails marking every present delegate in
the committee. The official quorum at the UN is one-third of the total number of

Agenda: Every committee will progress through the discussion and debate of
committee topics that are dictated by the agenda. The agenda topics of each
committee are available in the ASCS MUN website and Background Guides.

Speakers list: A variety of different speaker lists can be utilized. The first one most
delegates will be exposed to is the General Speakers list. This list is set towards the very
start of the session after formalities have concluded and roll call has been completed.
Delegates will be able to, through a motion, add themselves to the list in order to speak
on any relevant issues to the committee or formalize a starting point with which the
agenda can be established. The first speakers list of the conference is referred to as the
General Speakers List. Other speakers lists include:
» Moderated Caucuses
» For & Against speeches for Resolutions, Reports, Amendments

Yielding the floor: When delegates speak, they are provided with a specific amount of
time to speak. Once the delegate has concluded their speech and there is still time
available to them, they may yield the time to:
» Any Points of Information
» The next Speaker
» The Chair

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Section F

the Debates

Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Rules Governing Debates

Powers of the Chairs during the debate
The Chairs of the committees are vested with the authority to suspend any
proceedings if they deem it appropriate. Delegates must adhere to the directives set out
by the Chairs during committee proceedings.

There are two types of caucuses that are used to moderate discussion and debate within
a committee:

A Moderated Caucus is usually motioned in as part of the agenda established by the

Chair or can similarly be motioned by any delegates. There are three components
to this motion:
(1) Topic
(2) Overall Time
(3) Individual Speakers Time

Once the caucus has concluded, the committee returns to the General Speakers list
where delegates can then make motions, points or speak once more.

An Unmoderated Caucus is a suspension of formal committee proceedings to allow

for an informal session wherein delegates may move about freely within the
committee and speak to each other about the agenda topics. There are two
components to an unmoderated caucus:
(1) Purpose
(2) Overall Time

Treaties are internationally binding agreements and hence no resolutions may go
against any treaty obligations placed upon the signatories/sponsors of a resolution.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Rules Governing Debates

Right of reply
A right to reply is a request to reply to another delegate after they have posed a
question or to posit a rebuttal.

Closure of debate
When this motion is called for, all matters related to the adoption of a resolution,
report or any subsequent amendments related to it will be voted on immediately. This
motion can only be used for substantive procedures of the committee. Essentially,
voting will move immediately on whether a proposal on the floor passes or not. After
this motion has concluded, the committee will move into beginning debate on the
next item in the committees’ agenda.

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Section G


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024


At ASCS MUN, delegates will be required to pass at least one resolution by the end of
the conference. Resolutions at ASCS MUN are made up of four primary components:

(1) Header - this consists of the committee name, the topic of the resolution, the main
submitter (one person in charge of drafting the resolution) and the list of sponsors (up
to five). Sponsors are those who are involved in drafting the resolution.

(2) Preambulatory clauses - this section outlines the issues that are before the committee,
outlines the history of the issue and references previous commitments and texts
regarding the issue. This section requires

(3) Operative clauses - this section lists what the committee is proposing to resolve the

(4) Signatories - all signatories to the resolution must be mentioned at the bottom of the
resolution. A signatory is a country that is not involved in drafting the resolution;
however, it is interested in debating the resolution. Being a signatory does not state
any means of an agreement with the resolution. There is no limit on the number of
signatories, but the minimum is usually 1/3 of the committee.

The purpose of a resolution is to have the members of a committee agree on a set of

solutions to resolve the issue brought before them. Resolutions will have to take into
consideration treaty obligations, feasibility and conflicting interests. Furthermore, the
solutions put forward must be realistic in terms of timeframe.

If a delegate in the committee wishes to amend any part of a resolution they may
motion for an amendment whereby they state what it is that they wish to change

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024


about the resolution. There are two types of amendments:

Friendly amendments: these are amendments that are not objected by the sponsors
of the resolution. Friendly amendments do not require a vote.

Unfriendly amendments: these are resolutions that are objected by the sponsors of
the resolution. The delegate who motions for this amendment will have one
minute to speak for the amendment and one of the sponsors will have one minute
to speak against the amendment. After they both speak the committee will vote on
whether to approve the amendment.

Preambulatory and Operative Phrases

These are suggestions for terms you could use to begin a clause in a resolution.

Preambulatory Phrases

Affirming Keeping in mind Deeply regretting

Guided by Convinced Recognizing
Alarmed by Noting with satisfaction Desiring
Having adopted Declaring Referring
Approving Noting further Emphasizing
Having considered Deeply concerned Seeking
Bearing in mind Observing Viewing with appreciation
Having examined Deeply conscious Expecting
Believing Reaffirming Fulfilling
Having received Deeply convinced Taking note
Confident Realizing Fully aware
Contemplating Deeply disturbed Welcoming
Noting with concern Recalling

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Operative Clauses
Accepts Requests Further recommends
Notes Confirm Encourages
Affirms Solemnly affirms Transmits
Proclaims Congratulates Endorses
Approves Strongly condemns Further reminds
Reaffirms Considers Further invites
Authorizes Supports Further resolves
Recommends Designates Further proclaims
Calls Takes note of Expresses its hope
Regrets Draws the attention to Further requests
Calls upon Declares accordingly Expresses its
Reminds Emphasizes appreciation
Condemns Trusts

On the next two pages, you will find a Sample Resolution. Follow the annotations to
learn the format of a resolution.

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Sample Resolution, page 1

Header includes
committee, topic,
main submitter and
list of sponsors..

First section includes

phrases are in
Each clause ends
with a comma.

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Sample Resolution, page 2

Second section
includes operative
Operative phrases
are in italics.
Each clause ends
with a semi-colon.

Signatories are
included at the end
of the document.

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Section H


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Points and Motions

Point of Personal Privilege
In the event that a delegate requires attention, is in some discomfort or needs to attend
to a personal matter, they may call on this point and be excused by the Chair.

Point of Parliamentary Inquiry

This point specifically deals with clarification of a procedural matter. If a delegate, for
example, is unsure of what’s currently occurring in session or needs to have explained a
motion, action or activity that they are unfamiliar with, this is where this point would
be used.

Point of Order
In the event that something occurs and is either a procedural mistake, an unfactual
statement, or a blatant disregard for committee etiquette, on part of another delegate
or the Chair, this point may be raised. It should be noted that both the Chair and
delegates are able to use this point. Only a point of order may interrupt a speaker.

Point of Information
If a delegate requires clarification on something stated either by another delegate or
the Chair, they may raise this point.

Right to reply
When a delegate’s speech has concluded and another delegate would like to provide
some input, they may raise this point even if they weren’t initially going to be
speaking. However, the Chair will have to rule on whether the right to reply is

Motion to Set Agenda

At the very beginning of the first session, after roll call has concluded and all
preliminary motions and points have been cleared, the Chair is ready to accept this

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Points and Motions

motion to deliberate on the direction of the committee. Two topics will be given to
delegates prior to the conference and they must then discuss the merits of each before
choosing the first one to proceed with. This motion only requires a second.

Motion to Open a General Speakers List

A variety of different speaker lists can be utilized. The first one most delegates will be
exposed to is the General Speakers list. This list is set towards the very start of the
session after formalities have concluded and roll call has been completed. Delegates will
be able to, through a motion, add themselves to the list in order to speak on any
relevant issues to the committee or formalize a starting point with which the agenda
can be established. The first speakers list of the conference is 16 referred to as the
General Speakers List. Other speakers lists include:
• Moderated Caucuses
• For & Against speeches for Resolutions, Reports, Amendments

Motion to Introduce Working Paper

As part of how ASCS MUN operates, prior to the conference starting, delegates will be
provided preliminary resources to develop an introductory resolution to then later
present within the sessions. Delegates will likely find colleagues with introductory
resolutions that contain similar points, proposals and components. An important part
of how committees will then operate would be based on delegates’ abilities to
consolidate information and present to the Chair a more complete and comprehensive

This would form a Draft Resolution that can then later be presented. In this phase,
Chairs are provided room to assist delegates with the development of this Draft
Resolution but are cautioned against influencing the direction of the given proposal.
Delegates should also consider that a handful of Draft Resolutions may be developed as
a result of this process. This motion only requires a second.

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Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Points and Motions

Motion for a Moderated Caucus
A Moderated Caucus is usually motioned in as part of the agenda established by the
Chair or can similarly be motioned by any delegates. There are three components to
this motion:
• Topic
• Overall Time
• Individual Speakers Time
Once the caucus has concluded, the committee returns to the General Speakers list
where delegates can then make motions, points or speak once more.

Motion for Unmoderated Caucus

An Unmoderated Caucus is a suspension of formal committee proceedings to allow for
an informal session wherein delegates may move about freely within the committee
and speak to each other about the agenda topics. There are two components to an
unmoderated caucus:
• Purpose
• Overall Time

Motion for Open Debate

If a delegate wishes to debate another delegate without having to resort to a right to
reply, they may motion for an open debate whereby they will be allowed to debate
with no time limit until the issue is settled or at the discretion of the chairs.

Motion to Join an Open Debate

If a delegate seeks to join an already existing open debate, they may motion to join it.

Motion to Appeal the Gavel

In the event that a delegate disagrees with a Chair decision they may motion to appeal
the gavel. If allowed the delegate will be given 2 minutes to speak to the committee

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Points and Motions

and then the committee will vote on whether to reverse the Chairs’ decision.

Motion to Introduce Draft Resolution

In the event that Draft Resolutions are completed, the committee must firstly decide
which Draft Resolution to begin with. This will decide the flow of debate and can
augment the trajectory of the committee should a particular resolution be chosen over
another. Once the order of Draft Resolutions has been decided on, a rigorous
examination will take place where each aspect of the resolution can be debated on,
scrutinized and amended. Once this has concluded, the committee can then move to
voting on the resolution. This process will repeat for each resolution presented. This
motion requires a second and a simple majority.

Motion to Move Into Voting Procedure (Closure of Debate)

In the event that delegates decide that debate on a resolution should immediately
conclude, this motion can be called for. Committee will immediately move into a
voting procedure where the resolution can either pass or fail.

At this point in time, delegates can interject with a motion to a specific form of voting
(DTQ, Roll Call or Acclimation). After this has concluded, the committee will move
into the next resolution for debate. If all resolutions have been debated and voted on,
the committee can then move onto the next item on the Agenda. This motion requires
a second and a simple majority.

Motion to Divide the Question (DTQ)

If this motion passes then a resolution will be voted upon one clause at a time rather
than the whole resolution as a whole. If half of the clauses in a resolution are voted
against then the whole resolution fails.

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Points and Motions

Motion to Invite Resolution Authors

When this motion has passed, the primary authors of a resolution (those who initially
provided introductory resolutions that they eventually combined to form a Draft
Resolution) are provided the floor where they can be asked a series of questions in a
less formal manner. The session will take on the form of a Q&A where delegates can
freely ask the authors questions about the resolution. A duration of time has to be
stated prior to the passing of this motion. This motion requires a second and a simple

Motion to Vote by Roll Call

In this form of voting, delegates are required to vote and no abstentions are allowed.
reasoning behind their vote. This motion can only be called after voting has
concluded. This motion requires a second and a super majority.

Motion to Split the House

If this motion passes, all members of the committee will have to vote either for or
against the resolution/amendment and no abstentions will be allowed.

Motion to Adjourn the Debate

This motion is used at the end of a conference day to temporarily table the debates and
discussions, with an aim of returning to it the next day.

Motion to Adjourn Agenda Topic

In the event that this motion passes, the current item of discussion or Agenda is tabled
and all matters relating to it are no longer debatable. The committee will then move
onto the next Agenda topic to be discussed. If there are no other Agendas in line, the
committee will move back into ordering the General Speakers list, accepting
procedural motions, or suspending the meeting entirely.

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Points and Motions

Motion to return to tabled debate
When an Agenda topic has been tabled, delegates are given a one time opportunity to
return to it. The Chair will present this opportunity for delegates to take this motion
when necessary. When the motion has passed, any prior Agenda topic that has been
previously dismissed will now return to the regular course of debate. This means that,
from whichever point the Agenda topic had been tabled, the passing of this motion
will allow for the resumption from that previous point.

Motion to Suspend the Meeting

When this motion is passed, all committee proceedings will immediately conclude and
all items of discussion will no longer be applicable. The committee officially closes and
delegates will no longer be able to operate within it. This motion is typically one of
the last motions accepted at the conclusion of the conferences’ three day run. This
motion requires a second and a super majority.

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Section I


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024

Rules Governing Voting

Simple majority
This threshold of voting requires that 50% of the committee + 1 delegate vote in favor
of the motion. If the vote does not reach this threshold, it fails.

Two-Thirds majority
This threshold of voting requires that two-thirds of the committee votes in favor of the
motion. If the vote does not reach this threshold, it fails.

Substantive voting
This form of voting relates to matters of determining parameters of resolutions,
reports, amendments or related proposals or on fully accepting or rejecting such
proposals. In this voting, delegates can abstain from voting.

Procedural voting
This form of voting relates to matters of procedure within the committee such as
motions to caucuses. In this voting, delegates are not able to abstain from voting.

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Section J


Delegate Guide ASCS MUN 2024


At ASCS MUN, we want to recognize the outstanding levels of participation, soft

skills and sportsmanship that the most talented delegated embody and demonstrate. For
this reason, we are presenting three awards within each committee to the Best
Research, Best Delegate and Honorable Mention.

Best Research
This award is presented on the basis of the quality of a delegates' position paper, as well
as their foreign policy accuracy depicted throughout the conference, and a consistent
display of substantive knowledge of the agenda topic through and thorough.

Best Delegate and Honorable Mention

These awards are presented based on a more holistic evaluation of the delegates:

Participation: skill in impromptu speaking, opportunities taken to lead debates,

sending private messages, engaging with other delegates and the chairs, and
writing working papers and resolutions, overall ability to contribute to the general
committee’s course of action and debate.

Skill: ability to speak with eloquence and conviction in committee sessions, to

work well alongside other delegates in their block, to maneuver and lead the
committee through its discussion of the topics at hand, knowledge and fluency in
MUN parliamentary procedure, resolution writing skill.

Sportsmanship: ability to effectively promote their own initiatives, while also

serving as leaders in their committee that are able to teach and inspire others to
participate and thrive.

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At ASCS MUN, we want to recognize the outstanding levels of participation, soft

skills and sportsmanship that the most talented delegated embody and demonstrate. For
this reason, we are presenting three awards within each committee to the Best
Research, Best Delegate and Honorable Mention.

Best Research
This award is presented on the basis of the quality of a delegates' position paper, as well
as their foreign policy accuracy depicted throughout the conference, and a consistent
display of substantive knowledge of the agenda topic through and thorough.

Best Delegate and Honorable Mention

These awards are presented based on a more holistic evaluation of the delegates:

Participation: skill in impromptu speaking, opportunities taken to lead debates,

sending private messages, engaging with other delegates and the chairs, and
writing working papers and resolutions, overall ability to contribute to the general
committee’s course of action and debate.

Skill: ability to speak with eloquence and conviction in committee sessions, to

work well alongside other delegates in their block, to maneuver and lead the
committee through its discussion of the topics at hand, knowledge and fluency in
MUN parliamentary procedure, resolution writing skill.

Sportsmanship: ability to effectively promote their own initiatives, while also

serving as leaders in their committee that are able to teach and inspire others to
participate and thrive.

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thank you.
We look forward to potentially seeing you participate in ASCS
MUN 2024 and demonstrate the skills of a future global leader.

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