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(The Hrgh Court of Assam, Nagaland. Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh)

Preliminary Examination (Objective type multiple choices) for direct recruitment
to GradeJll of Arunachal Pradesh Judicial Service

Date 27 10712019 (Saturday) Trme 10 00 am tollOO mtoN

Attempt all questions Total marks 1 00

[Total No of questrons 100, each questlon carrres 'l mark]

Choose the word analogous or nearest in meaning in the questions from 1 - 10

'1 Abominable
A) Sloppy B) Flattenng
C) Attractrve D) Detestable

2 Puerility
A) lftsrncer(y o) Chridrshness
C) Falsehood D) lnaccuracy

3 Riparian
A) Horses B) Rrverbanks
C) Rehgrous belref D) Huntrng

4 Assimilate
A) Absorb B) \-UIItsUL
C) Drsperse D) Condense

5 Diabolism
A) Sorcery B) Omnrvorous
C) Vertrcal D) Ratronahsm

6 Eqestrian relates to -

A) Brrds B) Tou0sm
C) Horses D) Water sporls

7 Obsequious
A) Servrle B) Poor
C) Cheerful D) Sullen

I Diffidence
A) Drscourage B) Humrlrty
C) Harmf ul D) Defectron

g Covenant
A) Olectrve 8) Meetrng
C) Agreement D) Reform

10 Oe facto

, A) Ord B) Actu a I

'C) Begtnntng U) Factual

Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning to the bold words in
the questions from 11 - 2O
11 Passe
A) Rude
B) OId - fashroned
C) Modern
D) Chrc

12 Emaciated
A) Tall
B) Langurd
C) Very thin
D) Wrse

13- Shrewd
A) Erudtte
B) Profound
C) August
D) Artfui

14 Vituperation
A) Morsture
B Parallel
C Maledrctron

15 Platitude
A) Tnte remark
B) Concerned feelrng
C) Drsdalnful attrtude
D) Protest

16 Grandiose
A) lmposrng
B) Unpretentrous
C) Bonng
D) Lanky

17 Spry
A) Doubtful
B) Nrmble
C) Prognostrcate
D) Leave

1 8 Parley
A) Drscuss
B) Delver
C) Sweeten
D) Race

19 Compendium
A) Summary
B) lndex
C) Reference
D) Collecton

20 Apposite
A) Inapt
B) Opposrte
C) Relevant
D) Casual

Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given bold words
in the questions lrom 2'l - 30

21 Mutability
A) Calculable
B) Movable
C) Tenaoty
D) Fragrhty
22 Excoriate
B Excommunrcate
C Abandon
D Acclarm

23 Archaic
A) Novel
B) Somber
C) Soft
D) Archeologrcalfrndrng
24 Affable
A) Fnendly
B) Surly
C) Wrnsome
D) Lrvrd

25 lmpalpable
A) Vrsrble
B) Audrble
C) Tangrble
D) Fearless

26 Parochial
A) Dogmatrc
B) Domrnant
C) Cosmopol(an
D) Nrggardly

27 Sequester
A) Clorster
B) lsolate
C) Unfy
D) Drstnbute

28 Adulate
B Admrre
D Adulterate

29 Perennial
A) Frequent
B) Regular
C) Last,ng
D) Rare
30 The Prrme lvlnrster's radro broadcast Galvanrsed the people's sprnt
A) Destructed
a\ trr'.!htana.l
C) Drstracted
D) Dampened
31 Juno rs the name of a -
A) Solar powered space craft
B) Hydrogen fuelled space craft
C) Hydrogen fuelled submanne
D) Atomrc powered submarrne
32 Whrch country 3D-Pnnted a home of 37 sq mts e
A) Sparn
B Russra
South Korea
D Tarwan

33 The world's frrst artrfrcral rntellrgence lawyer, a robot, rs named as -

A) Ross
B) Boss
C) Watson
D) IBM-LaBrarn

34 Whrch of the followrng labels are not owned by Yum Brands ?

A) KFC C) Burger Ktng
B) Przza Hut D) Taco Bell

35 Who called the rmmrgratron the 'Trojan Horse of Terronsm" ?
A) Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
B) Theresa May Pnme Mrnrster of U K
C) Donald Trump, Presrdent of the U S
D) Vrktor Orban, Pnme Mrnrster of Hungary
36 "Greenmarl" rs a type of -
A) CurrencyManrpulatron
B) Takeover Defence
C; CorporateCommunrcahon
D) Eco-frrendly devrce

37 The 'Fnends for Lrfe" - an elephant conservatron project has been launched by
Wodd Wrde Fund for Nature lndra and
A) Adrtya Brrla Group
B) Muthoot Group
C) Manapuram Group
D) Relrance Ltd

38 What rs known as Jasmrne Revolutron ?

A) Czech upflsrng
B) Sudan upnsrng
C) Arab upnsrng
D) Lrbyan uprrsrng
39 Baglhar dam has been a matte. of drspute between whrch nattons ?
A) Bangladesh and Myanmar
B) Myanmar and Chrna
C) lndra and Chrna
O) lndra and Pakrstan
40 Safdar Hashrmr was assocrated wtth -

A) Parntrng
B) Journahsm
C) Street Theatre
D1 Hrgher educatron

41 Who among the followrng was known as the "Sarnt of the Gutters" ?
A) Baba Amte
B) Mother Teresa
C) C F Andrews
D) Jyottrao Phule
42 The acronym "YAHOO" stands for -
A) A song sung by Shammr Kapoor
B) Yet Another Hlerarchrcal ObJect Onentatron
C) Yet Another Hrerarchrcal Officrous Oracle
D) Young Amencan Hr{ech Organrsatron rn Ohro

43 The AK-47 rrfle features on the flag of whrch among the followrng counlnes?
A) Lebanon C) Mozambrque
B) Syna D) Turkey
44 The book "Theatres of Democracy'has been authored by whom ?
A) K Satchrdanandan
B) Romrla Thapar
C) Amrtav Ghosh
D) Shrv Vrsvanathan
45 Whrch state has become the frrst lndran state to draft rts own rnternal secunty Act ?
A) Tamrl Nadu
B) Maharashtra
C) Odrsha
D) Kerala

46 Who among the followrng rs the author of the book Speakrng The Modr Way"?
A) Shashr Warner
B) Rudranerl Sengupta
c) vrrender Kapoor
D) Prachr Garg
47 Justrce (Retd ) Lerla Seth, the renowned JUnst has passed away She was the frrst
woman Chref Justrce of whrch Hrgh Court ?
A) Hrmachal Pradesh Hrgh Couft
B) Karnataka Hrgh Court
C) Delhr Hrgh Court
D) Kerala Hrgh Court
48 lndra'S frrst bto refrnery plant has been set up rn wh,Ch of the foiloerlng states ?
Andhra Pradesh
B Assam
C Tamrl Nadu
D Maharashtra

49 Whrch of the followrng rs not an rnternatronal credrt ratrng agency ?

A) Standard & Poor
C) Moodys
D) Goldman Sachs

50 When rs the Unrted Natrons (UN) lnternatronal Day of Chanty observed, that
promotes chantable efforts made to allevrate poverty worldwde ?
A) July 14
B) July 15
C) July 16
D) J uly 17

Given below are Legal Principles followed by a Factual Situation. Apply the
principle to it and select the most appropriate answer for questions 51 to 55
among the four choices given -
51 Principle A person rs sard to do a thrng fraudulently, rf he does that thrng wrth
rntent to defraud, but not otherwse

Facts "A" occasronally hands over hrs ATM card to "B" to wrthdraw money for'A"
On one occasron '8" wrthout the knowledge of "A", uses'A's ATM card to frnd out
the balance rn'A's account, but does not wrthdraw any money
A) "8" has not commrtted the act fraudulently
B) "B' has commrtted the act fraudulently
C)'B' hascommrtted mrsappropnatron
D) "8" has commrtted breach of farth

52 Principle Whoever takes away any moveable thrng from the land of any person
wrthout that person's consent, he rs sard to have commrtted theft
Facts Dunng hrs vrsrt to the house of 'C 'A asked '8, the son of 'C', to
accompany 'A' to the forest Nerther 'A' nor 'B' rnformed 'C' rn thts regard 'B'
accompanred 'A' to the forest
'A' has not commrtted theft
B 'A' has not commrtted theft trll B drd not accompany hrm
C A' has commrtted theft
D A' has commrtted theft as soon as he entered the house of 'C'

53 Principle Whoever does not arrest the krller and reporl the matter to the
concemed authortres commrts an offence
Facts 'A' a woman, sees 'B' another woman krllng a thtrd woman 'C'. 'A'netther
attempted to arrest 'B' nor rnformed the concerned authontres
A) 'B'has not commrtted an offence
B) 'A' has not commrtted an offence
C) 'B'has commrtled an offence
L)t /'1 l lds LUll r l lrrreu dr r ullEr ruc

54 Principle !t rs settled that tgnorance of law ts no excuse but rgnorance of fact may
be excused
Facts X a forergn natronal was carryrng chrld pornography matenal wlth hlm and
was apprehended when he reached lndra lt ts an offence to possess chrld
pornographrc matenal rn lndra X drd not know thrs law

Can X be prosecuted rn lndra ?

A) X cannot be prosecuted because he had actually no knowledge about the

lndran law
B) X cannot be prosecuted because rgnorance of fact rs excusable
C) X can be prosecuted because rgnorance of law rs not excusable
D) lt rs always rn the drscretron of court to decrde rn cases tnvolvtng foretgners

55 Principle False rmpnsonment rs the confrnement of a person wrthout lust cause or

excuse There must be a total restrarnt of the person and the onus of provrng
reasonable cause rs on the defendant
Facts 'A'entered rn 'B s park where there was an artrficral lake for the boattng 'A'
pard Rs 100 for enterrng the park and has to pay Rs 100 at the hme of extt 'A'
warted for 30 mrnutes but no boat was avarlable 'A' however, dented to pay
Rs 100 for exrt B'drd not allow'A to leave the park unless he pard Rs 100 for
exrt 'A' sued 'B' for false rmpnsonment

A) B' rs gullty of false rmpnsonment
B) 'B' rs not gurlty of false rmpflsonment
C) 'A' can lawfully refuse to pay Rs 100 when no boat was avatlable
D) 'A' can ask for even Rs 100 grven for enterrng the park as'B's servrces are
defrcrent rn the park and can sue B for false rmpnsonment

56 Accordrng to Artrcle 1 clause(1) of the Constttutton of lndra 1950, "lndra, that rs

. shall be a Unron of States "
A) Bharat B) Hlndustan
C) Repubhc of lndra D) Democrattc Republtc of lndra

57 Who among the followrng was not a Chref Justrce of lndra ?

A) Justrce P N Bhagwatr B Justrce R M Lodha
C) Justrce Knshna lyer D J ustrce J S Verma

58 Under whrch of the f ollowrn_o orovrstons of the Constttutron of lndra '1950, the
Supreme Court may grant specral leave to appeal from any Judgment, decree
determrnatron, sentence or order ?
A) Artrcle '131 B) Artrcle '134
C) Artrcle 136 D) Artrcle 143

59 'To provrde free legal ard to an accused rs covered under

A) Drrectrve Pnncrples of State Polrcy B) Fundamental R€hts
C) Orscretron of the State D) Moral Rrghts

60 Choose the best option for the following statement -

No one can be compelled to srng the Nattonal Anthem stnce
1lt wrll be vrolatrve of the nght to freedom of speech and expresston
2 lt wrll be vrolatrve of the nght to freedom of consctence and practrce &
propagatron of rehglon
3 There rs no legal provtsron obltgrng anyone to slng the nattonal anthem
A) 1 and 2 are correct
B) 2 and 3 are correct
C) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
D) None rs correct

61 As per Constrtutronal requtrement the Parhament of lndra shall meet at least

A) Once a year B) Twce a year
C) Thflce a year D) Four trmes a year
62 Whrch of the followrng Artrcles of the Constrtutron of lndra, 1950 provrdes for the
flght to property ?
A) Artrcle 3 1

B) Artrcle 43
C) Artrcle 3'l a
D) Artrcle 300A

63 Governor of a State can make Laws durrng recess of State Legtslattve Assembly

A) Act B) Brlls
C) Notrfrcatron D) Ordrnance

64 Whrch of the followrng nghts rs a constrtutronal nght and not fundamental nght ?

A) Rrght to freedom of expressron B) Rrghl to f reedom of relrgron

C) Rrght to property D) Rrght to move freely

65 Brcameral State Legrslature consrsts of -

A) Vrdhan Sabha B) Vrdhan Paflshad
C) Governor D) All of the above

66 Under whrch of the followrng artrcles, laws rnconsrstent or abrrdgrng fundamental flghts
are declared vord ?
Artrcle 12
B Artrcle 'l
L Artrcle 14
D Artrcle 21

67 Rrght to educatron has been declared as fundamental rrght under arttcle -

A\ 21 B) 214
c) 31 D) 314

68 The Constrtutron of lndra contarns

395 Artrcles and Schedules
B 395 Anrcies anci i2 Scheciuies
a 391 Artrcles and 14 Schedules
D 359 Artrcles and 10 Schedules

69 8y whrch Constrtutron Amendment Act the antr defectron laws were tntroduced tn our
Constrtutron ?
A) 52nd Amendment Act,
.1985 B) 52nd Amendment Act. 1986
C) 52nd Amendment Act, 1987 D) 52nd Amendment Act, 1988

70 Under whrch Artrcle of lndran Constrtutron, 'That there s equal pay for equal work for both
men and women' ?
A) Artrcle 39(b) B) Artrcle 39(c)
C) Artrcle 39(d) D) Artrcle 39(e)

71 The average werght of 10 people srttrng on a boat rs 70 Kg lf one person gets up, the
average werght of remarnrng people rs 75 Kg What rs the werght of the person who got
up from the boat ?
A) 25 Kg B) 30 Kg
C) 35 Kg D) 40 Kg
72 Praveen has Rs 4,662 rn the form of 2 5 and 10 rupee notes lf these notes are ln the
rahon of 3 5 8, the number of frve rupees notes wtth htm rs -
A) 336 B) 250
c) 210 D) 84

Direction (Qs. 73- 77): These questions consist of a related pair of words, followed by
four pairs of words. Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship as the
one expressed in the given pair of words:

73 Malapropism : Words
A) Anachronrsm Trme B Elhpsrs Sentence
C) Jrnlanthroprsm Apes D Catechrsm Relrgron

74 Tax : Exemption
A) Cnme Punrshment B) Drsease lmmun(y
C) Trral Forfert D Frne Money

75 Pliant: Rigid
A) Petulant Adulterated B) Morst Wet
C) Excessrve Overgrown D) Crass Refined

76 Dulcet: Raucous
A) Sweet Song B Crazy lnsane
C) Pallratrve Exacerbatrng D Theory Practrcal
77 Sanderling: Brrd
A) Water Fish B) Frog Toad
C) Cat Mare D) Mastrff Dog

78 Examrne the followrng numbers and rdentrfy the next number

.+c. {J, .r\J, .io, i zJ,

) 17 B) 23
C) 29 D) '18

79 ln the sefles of alphabets grven below, whrch rs the mrssrng alphabet senes 2

JN -, B JO

80 Some groups of letters are grven, three of them are alke rn some manner. whrle one rs
drfferent Frnd out the odd one out
c) rwKY D ESGU

Direction (Qs. 81-83): Below is given a statement followed by two conclusions

numbered land ll. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then
consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follovt s
beyond a reasonable doubt from the in{ormation given in the statement.

81 Statement : The old order changed yreldrng place to new

I Change rs the law of nature
ll Drscard old rdeas because they are old
A) Only conclusron lfollows B) Only conclusron llfollows
C) Erther I or ll follows D) Both I and ll follow
82 Statement : Populatron rncrease coupled wrth depleting resources rs gorng to be the scenano
of many developrng countfles rn days to come
I The populahon of developrng countrres wrll not contrnue to rncrease rn future
ll lt wrll be very drffrcult for the governments of developrng countnes to provrde its people
decent qualrty of hfe

A) Only conclusron I follows B) Only conclusron ll follows

C) Efther I or ll follows D) Both I and ll follow

83 Statement : The TV programmes telecast specrally for women are packed wtth a vanety of
recrpes and household hrnts A major portron of magaztnes for women also
contarns the rtems mentroned above
I Women are not 'nterested tn other th,ngs
ll An average woman's pnmary rnterest les rn home and specrally rn the krtchen

A) Only conclusron I follows B) Only conclusron ll follows

C) Erther I or ll follows D) Both I and ll follow

Direction (Qs. 84-87): Choose the exact meanrng of the idioms/phrases -

84 To play truant
A) To make a narrow escape B) To run away from work wrthout permrssron
C) To be clever D) None of these

85 To flog a dead horse

A) To do a thrng rn varn B) To act rn a foohsh way
C) To crrtrcrze strongly D) Try to revrve Merest rn a subject that rs out
of date

86 To play truant
A) To make a narrow escape B) To run away from work wrthout permrssron
C) To be clever D) None of these

87 Gift of the Gab

A) Grfl for hard work B) Grft underserved
C) Grfl from unknown person D) Grft of berng a good conversatronahst

88 Contours on a map show places havrng same -

A) Temperature B) Pressu re
C) Altrtude D) Topography

89 What rs shown wrth the help of rsobars ?

A) Humrdrty B) Pressure
C) Temperature D) Elevatron

90 What rs the relatronshrp between solar day and srdereal day ?
A) There rs no relatronshrp between the two B) Solar day rs shorter than sidereal day
C) Both are equal D) Solar day rs Ionger than srdereal day
91 Evergreenrng of Patents means -
A) Grantrng patents rn perpeturty B) Grantrng patents for 100 years
C) Patentrng the forest products D) Grantrng protectron to rncremental
rnventrons havrng no substantral

92 Arunachal Pradesh was eslab|shed rn the year

A) 1985 B 1987
c) 1989 D 1992

93 The AJr Lhamu rs a folk dance of whrch trrbe

A) Adr tnbe B) Apatanr tnbe
C) Nrshr tflbe D) Monpa tnbe

94 When was establshed Namdapha Natronal Park ?

A) 1984 B) 197 4
c) 1954 D) None of these

OE By wirrch name outer/sub Hrmaiayan range are called rn Arunachai Fraciesh ?

A) Shrvahk Hrlls B) Mrshmr Hrlls
C) Cachar Hrlls D) Bararl range

96 Whrch one rs the largest drstnct rn Arunachal Pradesh ?

A) Kurung Kumey B) Upper Drbang Vally
C) West Kameng D) Upper Srang

o7 Whrch rs the Arunachal Pradesh State Flower ?

A) Mangold B) Lady Sftpper Orchrd
C) Rhododendron D) None of these

98 Medrcal Junsprudence rs another name of -

A) Forensrc Scrence B) Forensrc Medrcrne
C) Phrlosophy of Medrcrne D) Medrcal Cntrcrsm

99 A sudden secretly planned attempt to remove a governmenl by force rs -

A) Reflatron B) Rehc
C) Reqursrtron D) Putsch

100 ln some prrmrtrve tnbes an alleged offender ls made to walk on a network of red hot rron
rods lf he burns hrmself, rt ls taken as gurlty and krlled and rf he crosses the network
unharmed he rs taken as rnnocent and rs acqurtted Thrs method of tnal is called -
A) Tnal by Ordeal B) Tnal by God
C) Tnal by Conscrence D) Arbrtrro Judrcrs


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