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Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

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Fine-grained structure and recrystallization at ambient temperature for pure MARK

magnesium subjected to large cold plastic deformation

X.M. Chena, L.T. Lia, W.Z. Chena, , W.C. Zhanga, L.X. Zhanga,b, Y.D. Qiaoa, E.D. Wanga
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai 264209, PR China
Department of Fundamental Experiment, Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute, Yantai 264001, PR China


Keywords: The cold drawing of magnesium wires has constantly been an obstacle in industrial manufacture due to the lack
Dynamic recrystallization of sufficient independent slip system at ambient temperature and the frequent intermediate annealing gives rise
Pure magnesium to regrettably low production efficiency. Aiming at the technique challenge, a feasible and effective method of
Cold drawing multi-pass cumulative cold drawing with small deformation per pass was utilized in this study and a wire of
0.625 mm in diameter was obtained out of primitive Φ2.0 mm material with the accomplishment of about 2.3 in
cumulative strain (90% in area reduction), the efficiency of which was dramatically improved. The micro-
structure, texture and mechanical properties with the variation of cumulative area reduction were investigated.
It can be apparently observed that continuous dynamic recrystallization had occurred during cold drawing. The
outcomes are displayed as follows: the transition emerged from low angle grain boundary to high angle grain
boundary; the increased fraction of undeformed/recrystallized structure first descended then ascended; the
deformed structure initially appeared yet disappeared quickly. All of above owned an almost same critical point
at around 23% cumulative area reduction. One of the most remarkable consequences of the deformation was the
degeneration of the average grain size steadily from 11.8 to 3.1 µm. 〈10-10〉//DD fiber component was gra-
dually transformed from the primitive {0002}//DD fiber texture and this deformation texture was continuously
strengthened. The enhanced mechanical properties achieved uncommonly high strength of 214.5 MPa in yield
strength and 256.9 MPa in ultimate tensile strength due to grain refinement arising from continuous dynamic
recrystallization and intense fiber texture strengthening introduced during cold drawing.

1. Introduction (MAF) of ~ 2.2 µm in AM30 at 200 °C [9]. These methods are either
expensive or immature, and have to undertake a sophisticated heating
The pursuit for lightweight in aerospace, military and transporta- system and manifold techniques. Although there are other SPD tech-
tion etc. has intrigued tremendous interest over the past few decades, niques without heating system which can achieve a more refined
which inevitably attracts attention to magnesium alloy [1]. With the structure due to the close dependence of grain size on Zener–Hollomon
marvelously low density, magnesium not only lightens the weight of the parameter [10], such as Friction stir processing (FSP) of less than
parts, but also carries relatively high specific stiffness and specific 0.3 µm in a AZ31 alloy [11], and high-pressure torsion (HPT) of ~
strength which is crucial to structural materials [1–3]. However, the 1.0 µm in a ZK60 alloy [12]. However, both of them require a certain
disappointing state quo is that the suppressed application of magnesium size of the workpiece and restrict large scale manufacture of magnesium
and its alloys are restricted by the lack of sufficient independent slip and its alloy, regardless of the immaturity in applied techniques and
systems and therefore inadequate ductility at ambient temperature hence low efficiency.
[2–5]. In current circumstances, the effective measure to alter its Taking a glance at materials with high stacking fault energy such as
property is to achieve fine-grained structure in magnesium and its al- copper alloys and aluminum alloys, fine-grained microstructure con-
loys by severe plastic deformation (SPD) with low temperatures, like sisting almost entirely of high-angle grain boundaries may be formed
cyclic extrusion compression (CEC) of ~ 3.4 µm in a Mg-1.5Zn-0.25Gd during and after cold deformation to large strains above ~ 2 [13,14].
alloy at 350 °C [6], equal channel angular extrusion(ECAE) of ~ 3 µm The strain-induced refinement can be achieved via conventional pro-
in AM60 alloy at 220 °C [7], high-ratio differential speed rolling cedures [14], e.g. drawing and rolling at lower and even ambient
(HDSR) of ~ 2.5 µm in AZ31 at 200 °C [8], and multi-axial forging temperatures, which is suitable for industrial production with high

Correspondence to: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Room A301, Weihai 264209, PR China.
E-mail address: (W.Z. Chen).
Received 4 April 2017; Received in revised form 3 October 2017; Accepted 4 October 2017
Available online 05 October 2017
0921-5093/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 1. Microstructural characteristics of the as-received pure Mg wires in DD-TD plane: (a) optical morphology; (b) inverse pole figure map; (c) area fraction vs. grain size map; (d)
frequency vs. misorientation map;(e) {0002} pole figure and (f) [001]//DD inverse pole figure (LAGBs: low angle grain boundaries with misorientation between 2° and 15°; HAGBs: high
angle grain boundaries between 15° and 180°).

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of cold-drawing (a) and corresponding photographs of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires with diameter varying from 1.95 to 0.625 mm (b).

quality and productivity. It is reasonably expected that this mechanism Subsequently, the evolution of the microstructure, the texture and
can also be applied to low stacking fault energy materials when large mechanical properties was analyzed to hanker for a reference for later
strain is reached like magnesium alloys in which dislocation motion is refinement by cold deformation and enhancement of cold formability.
inhibited by the lack of slip systems [2,5,14]. Aiming at achieving large
cold strain in magnesium alloys, it is feasible to maintain large cold
2. Experimental procedures
strain by means of multi-pass cumulative deformation with small re-
duction per pass [15–17]. The precedent can be found in cold-drawn
Hot-drawn pure magnesium wires (purity: Mg ≥ 99.98%) with a
AZ31 alloy of ~ 1.2 [15] and cold-rolled pure magnesium with strain of
diameter of 2.0 mm were investigated as the starting material in the
~ 0.74 [17].
present work whose microstructural characteristics were obtained by
More importantly, as reported by our previous work [15,17], ul-
optical microscopy (OM) and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD)
trafine grains with relatively equiaxed shape can also be generated in a
heavily drawn AZ31 alloy after lower temperature annealing, which is
Table 1
closely related to dislocation recovery during plastic deformation, in- Multi–pass cold drawing of pure Mg wires.
dicating a possibility of refinement via static recrystallization [15].
Meanwhile, pure magnesium has advantage over magnesium alloy in Pass Diameter Diameter after Pass reduction Cumulative
the rate of dynamic recovery. Impaired by solid solution, the recovery before drawing, mm (required passes) reduction
drawing, mm
rates of alloys are displayed in the sequence as: PureMg > MgHR >
ZK61LA > AZ31HR > ZK61HR [17]. Therefore, the present work at- 1–3 2.000 1.750 7.74–9.75% (3) 23.44%
tempts to achieve a larger cold strain in pure magnesium via cold multi- 4–5 1.750 1.600 8.39–8.75% (2) 36.00%
pass drawing, considering this accelerated dynamic recovery. Funda- 6 1.600 1.525 9.16% (1) 41.86%
7–8 1.525 1.400 9.59–6.78%(2) 51.00%
mental regulations of the changes of the microstructure and properties
9–14 1.400 1.100 7.02–8.51%(6) 69.75%
along with the mechanisms of cold deformation and possible refine- 15–28 1.100 0.625 5.80–8.88% (14) 90.23%
ment throughout dynamic recrystallization were explored.

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

along the drawing direction (DD) (Fig. 1). It evidently shows that the OIM Analysis 6 system. Typical microstructures of the specimens during
as-received pure magnesium exhibited a typical recrystallized micro- cold drawing were also performed on OLS3000 laser scanning confocal
structure [7,8,18], as characterized by the uniform and equiaxed grains microscope (OM) and TECNAI transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
of ~ 11.6 µm in average diameter and HAGB-dominated (HAGB: high parallel to DD. The accelerating voltage used in TEM was 200 kV. All
angle grain boundaries between 15° and 180°) grain boundaries ac- the observation planes were parallel to the DD. Tensile mechanical
counting for 86%. Fig. 1(e) and (f) shows that the initial material ex- properties of the wires were measured on INSTRON5569 with a con-
hibits an intense {0002}//DD fiber texture with 〈11–20〉 crystal or- stant speed of 6 mm/min equal to an initial strain rate of 1.0 ×
ientation concentrated at the DD apparently, which implies that the 10−3 s−1, and repeated three times for each. Tensile specimens with a
primitive material undertaking hot drawing and annealing fostered gauge length of 100 mm were cut from the wires along the DD. Vickers
obvious recrystallized texture [17,19]. hardness (HV) was measured at an 88-7000 OMnimetMHT machine
The pure magnesium wires were processed by successive cold- with a load of 100 g and a dwell time of 15 s, and averaged the values of
drawing passes with ~ 8% area reduction per pass. The schematic five times for each.
diagram of multi-pass cold drawing and corresponding photographs of
pure magnesium wires varying from 1.95 to 0.625 mm in diameter are 3. Results and discussion
illustrated in Fig. 2. The detailed parameters during processing are in
Table 1. A cold-drawn wire of 0.625 mm in diameter with cumulative 3.1. Microstructure characteristics during the cold drawing
area reduction of about 90% was achieved finally. The drawing rate
was about 0.2 m/min. Microstructure and texture were investigated by Fig. 3 shows the microstructural evolution of pure magnesium wires
Electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) in Quanta 200FEG field during the multi-pass cold drawing. IQ maps of grains were outlined by
emission scanning electron microscope, which was equipped with TSL grain boundaries (point pairs with misorientation exceeding 2° are

Fig. 3. Microstructural characteristics of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires at different cumulative area reductions: (a) 0%, (b) 23.%, (c) 36%, (d) 42%, (e) 51%, (f) 70%, and (g) 90%,
respectively; (h) Variations of SGBs, LAGBs, and HAGBs as a function of cumulative area reduction (IQ map: mapping the IQ obtained for each point in an OIM scan onto a gray scale,
where darker gray shades denote lower IQ values; here, grains are defined as the sets of connected and similarly oriented points within the tolerance angle of 5°; SGB: sub-grain boundary
with misorientation less than 5°shown in yellow; LAGBs: low angle grain boundaries between 5°and 15° shown in green; HAGBs: high angle grain boundaries higher than 15° shown in
blue). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 4. Grain size distribution (a) and its average grain size value (b) under each cumulative area reduction ranging up to 90%.

considered boundaries) including sub-grain boundary (SGB-mis- local shearing near grain boundaries as previously discussed by Galiyev
orientation angle less than 5°), low angle grain boundary (LAGB-mis- et al. [21], and CDRX divided the coarse grains into smaller ones.
orientation angle between 5° and 15°) and high angle grain boundary Consequently, the evident strain relaxation within grains in the heavily
(HAGB-misorientation angle larger than 15°). The fraction variations of drawn pure magnesium wires was responsible for the superior cumu-
SGBs, LAGBs, and HAGBs with cumulative area reduction were de- lative area reduction up to about 90%.
picted in Fig. 3(h). Compared with the initial, the grains changed their Fig. 5 shows the corresponding distributions of undeformed/re-
shape subtlely when cumulative area reduction reached 23% (after crystallized structure and deformed structure of the cold-drawn pure
three cold drawing passes). But curved SGBs mounted rapidly up to magnesium wires at different cumulative area reductions. Kernel
43.2% in fraction mainly around prior boundaries, and LAGBs almost Average Misorientation (KAM) of a point representing the average
doubled in fraction, which revealed a significant increase in grain misorientation with all of its neighbors was utilized [24]. Higher KAM
boundary area and naturally in dislocation density as strain adding value generally represents denser dislocation density and of course
[20]. As drawing proceeded, fibrous structures were formed hetero- higher residual strain. Variations of undeformed/recrystallized struc-
geneously and enriched with elongated boundaries at the cumulative ture and deformed structure as a function of cumulative area reduction
area reduction of 36%. More areas in the map were occupied by the are shown in Fig. 5(h). When cumulative area reduction achieved 23%,
new grain boundaries of SGBs and LAGBs from prior boundaries to the the fraction of recrystallized structure plunged and a mass of deformed
interior of grain. Interestingly, the HAGBs increased obviously in cur- structure appeared. As it was over 42% (about 0.54 in strain) re-
rent phase although their fraction maintained at about 50%, indicating crystallized structure leveled up rapidly and deformed structure des-
a gradual transformation from deformed SGB/LAGBs to HAGBs cended quickly. Neither of their fractions fluctuated apparently when
[14,20–22]. Accompanied with the descending of SGB/LAGBs (lower the cumulative area reduction was over 70%. The changing tendency of
than 30% in fraction), the transformation was remarkably accelerated the recrystallized structure and deformed structure rarely resembled
by further drawing deformation like 42% and 51% in cumulative area the structure evolution in normal cold deformation [20,22] but was
reduction, the result of which was that new fine and equiaxed grains identical to that in continuous dynamic recrystallization [21,22]. More
emerged progressively within the deformed prior coarse grains. Fig. 4 evidences can be found in the TEM micrographs in Fig. 6. As shown,
displays the grain size distribution and its average grain size at each there abundantly emerged lamellar substructure parallel to DD and full
cumulative area reduction ranging up to 90%. It is clear that the mi- of dislocations in forms of pile-ups and tangles when cumulative area
crostructure and its homogeneity were strikingly improved as the cu- reduction arrived at 23% and more clearly at 36%, showing the severe
mulative reduction increased. A refinement in average grain size from interaction between dislocations and dislocations, dislocations and
11.6 µm down to 3.1 µm had been achieved, and meanwhile the grain boundaries. At 51% cumulative area reduction, the dislocation density
size distribution fitting well with log–normal function presented a seemingly ceased to increase and evident grain boundaries appeared
narrow dispersion [23]. inside. The diffraction contrast between the fine grains and the coarse
It can be concluded from the constituent of the grain boundary and grains was significantly distinguished, indicating the large misorienta-
evolution of grain size that in pure magnesium cumulative cold de- tion between them. When the cumulative area reduction reached 70%,
formation, dislocation accumulation and incorporation were expected the dislocations were greatly reduced and new fine grains developed
to realize polygonization and completed the birth of SGB/LAGBs and clearly [22]. The TEM strongly proved and coincided with the ob-
their transformation to HAGBs processed by continuous accumulation servations in EBSD, which adequately testified that continuous dynamic
of lattice dislocations [14,22]. The progressive transformation from recrystallization happened during cold drawing.
SGB/LAGBs to HAGBs rather than the direct formation of HAGBs as Fig. 7 depicts {0002} basal pole figures and corresponding DD//
reported in common discontinuous DRXs [14,22], apparently reflected [001] inverse pole figures at different cumulative area reductions. After
a typically continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) occurred successive cold drawing, although at first sight the intense {0002}//DD
arising from dislocation incorporation (dynamic recovery) based on fiber texture of pure magnesium wires remained steadily, evident

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 5. Corresponding distributions of undeformed/recrystallized structure and deformed structure of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires at different cumulative area reductions: (a) 0%, (b)
23%, (c) 36%, (d) 42%, (e) 51%, (f) 70%, and (g) 90%, respectively; (h) Variations of undeformed/recrystallized structure and deformed structure as a function of cumulative area
reduction (KAM: Kernel Average Misorientation, here, misorientation between a grain at the center of the kernel and all points at the perimeter of the kernel are measured; The local
misorientation value assigned to the center point is the average of these misorientations. Recrystallized structure is distinguished when the average misorientation is less than 0.5°(blue),
and deformed structure including misorientation between 0.5° and 1°(yellow), and between 1° and 5°(red)). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article).

differences could be found in maximal pole intensity in {0002} pole 3.2. Tensile properties of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires
figure and also the intensity distribution in DD//[001] inverse pole
figure. Contrary to the initial, the maximal {0002} pole intensity gra- The normal stress–strain curves at ambient temperature are clearly
dually increased to 8.9 at 42% cumulative area reduction, and se- illustrated in Fig. 8. With the cumulative area reduction amounting, the
quently decreased with cold drawing proceeding, matching well with yield strength increased monotonically and the fracture elongation
the basal texture weakening introduced by the process of CDRX ad- decreased generally. Compared to the initial pass, the typical pow-
dicted above [21]. The concentrated direction of DD//[001] inverse er–law curve with yield strength (YS) of 109.3 MPa, the final pass sa-
pole intensity gradually changed from 〈11–20〉 crystal orientation to tisfactorily obtained 214.5 MPa, showing a continuous strain hardening
random in basal plane at 36% cumulative area reduction, and then before failure. Similarly, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) also de-
concentrated at 〈10-10〉 crystal orientation as the cumulative area re- veloped from 202.4MPa to 256.9 MPa. This usually reflected a better
duction surpassed 50%. It meant that an intense 〈10-10〉//DD fiber potential of strain hardening. These results clearly indicated that the
component developed under cold drawing strain of about ~ 0.7 enhancement of mechanical properties was facilitated by the multi-pass
[15,20], and was continuously enhancing with the forward increase of cold drawing, with benefit from grain refinement and {0002}//DD fiber
cumulative area reduction. This was mainly attributed to the pro- texture strengthening [3,5,17]. The corresponding Vickers Hardness,
gressive rotation of {10-10}〈1–210〉 pyramidal slips subjected to yield stress and ultimate tensile stress, fracture elongation are specifi-
stretching strain (e.g. drawing and tension) [2,5,19]. cally depicted in Fig. 9. The Vickers Hardness change of pure

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 6. TEM micrographs of the cold-drawn pure magnesium wire at different cumulative area reductions: (a)0% (b)23% (c)36% (d)51% (e)70% (f)90%.

magnesium subjected to multi-pass cold drawing is depicted in 251.8 MPa at 80% cumulative area reduction. In term of elongation, it
Fig. 9(a). When the cumulative area reduction was less than 30%, a slowly rose up and peaked at 15% cumulative area reduction. Then it
remarkable surge from 33.93 kg f/mm2 to 44.4 kg f/mm2 with the in- was followed by a markedly descent until 9.4% when cumulative area
crease of cumulative reduction could be observed. The reason was reduction was 40%. As it surpassed 40%, elongation sketchily stabilized
likely to be ascribed to the density of location amounting rapidly and at 9.5% and altered in a considerably minor range
consequently the pining from entangled dislocations which led to strain
hardening in macroscopical scale. As the cumulative area reduction 3.3. Stress vs. strengthening
continued to add, the hardness gradually descended in that the sub-
grain boundaries turned into low angle grain boundaries and deformed For comparison, the normalized work hardening rate Θ via dis-
structures tardily decreased. With the cumulative area reduction ar- location accumulation with the increase of true strain ε during tension
riving at 70%, the dislocation density markedly dropped and the are illustrated in Fig. 10, where Θ = (∂σ / ∂ε ) ε /̇ σ and σ is the true stress.
hardness descended to 39.7 kg f/mm2 and stabilized at 39 kg f/mm2 Meanwhile, the work hardening factors n is calculated and added in the
afterwards. figure defining as by σ = Kε n in which K is a constant. The value of n
Fig. 9(b) indicates the mechanical properties fluctuation including well characterizing the work hardening rate was first continuously
yield strength and tensile strength with the cumulative area reduction descending from 0.24 of the initial to 0.05 of the 51% cumulative area
variation. Generally speaking, after multi-pass cold drawing the yield reduction due to the increasing of residual strain (seen in Fig. 5 of KAM
strength improved from 109.3MPa to 214.5 MPa and the tensile values) and the enhancing texture pole intensity (seen in Fig. 7). The
strength developed from 202.4MPa to 256.9 MPa. To be specific, as for rising tendency was followed by an ascending to 0.13 of the 90% cu-
yield strength, when the cumulative area reduction was less than 35%, mulative area reduction resulted from the softening of CDRX, which
the yield strength gradually enhanced with cumulative area reduction revealed the feasibility of the marvelous drawability at ambient tem-
and reached 175.2 MPa at 35%. Meanwhile in the structure the grains perature.
were considerably refined and the texture was comparatively advanced Yield stress σ0.2 during the cold drawing as a function of grain size is
and the sub grain boundaries were dramatically added, which greatly presented in Fig. 11. The presentative Hall-Petch parameters in dif-
improved the yield strength. When the cumulative area reduction fell ferent regions were determined from the linear regression lines, re-
within the range of 35–60%, the yield strength increased slightly in that spectively. An obvious positive slope up to 662 MPa μm1/2 evidently
the retard of recrystallization rate and the dislocation declining rate surpassing the normal slope values in Refs [4,8,17,25,26], which were
played a less important role in softening materials than texture hard- able to be attributed to the hardening mainly stemmed from the re-
ening and fine grain strengthening. When the cumulative area reduc- sidual strain. During the occurrence of the softening in CDRX, an ap-
tion was between 60–90%, intensive texture brought about an en- parent decline of the slope to 66 MPa μm1/2 were expected to emerge.
ormous improvement in yield strength that eventually reached a The aforementioned sharp variation exhibited a direct reflection of
maximum at 214.5 MPa. With respect to fracture elongation in residual strain on the presentative Hall-Petch slope k (as well as the
Fig. 9(c), it increasingly climbed when cumulative area reduction was frictional stress, σ0 ). A rather high slope of 384 MPa μm1/2 was ac-
less than 23%. Afterwards the fracture elongation gradually head down complished by the fitting of the initial and the 90% without the cor-
and ceased at 232 MPa as cumulative area reduction was 50%. poration of residual strain, reflecting a brilliant strengthening from the
Whereafter, tensile strength drifted slightly higher and achieved grain refinement compared to that in extrusion and rolling [25,26].

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 7. {0002} basal pole figures and corresponding DD//[001] inverse pole figures of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires at different cumulative area reductions.

Hence magnesium with excellent strength and ductility could be

obtained from the multi-pass cold drawing with small reduction
per pass.

4. Conclusions

Pure magnesium wire with large strain up to ~ 2.3 was successfully

fabricated through multi-pass cold drawing with small reduction per
pass at ambient temperature and their influence on microstructure has
been systematically investigated. The pure magnesium was able to
suffer considerably large cumulative cold drawn and pure magnesium
wire of 0.625 mm in diameter was attained out of Φ2.0 mm primitive
material, surprisingly achieving 90% severe plastic deformation. The
main conclusions are as follows:

(1) Transition from low angle grain boundary to high angle grain
boundary rather than the direct formation of high angle grain
Fig. 8. Typical normal stress–strain curves of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires at ambient boundary apparently reflected that continuous dynamic re-
temperature at different cumulative area reductions.
crystallization was unceasingly occurring with the cold drawing

X.M. Chen et al. Materials Science & Engineering A 708 (2017) 351–359

Fig. 9. Variations of Vickers Hardness (a), ultimate tensile stress and yield stress (b) and fracture elongation (c) of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires as a function of cumulative area

Fig. 10. Normalized work hardening rates Θ vs. true strain ε where Θ = (∂σ / ∂ε ) ε̇/ σ and σ
is the true stress; the work hardening factors n is defined by σ = Kε n in which K is a

proceeding. As a result, when over 36% cumulative area reduction,

the fraction of recrystallized structure consisting of fine and
equiaxed grains levelled up rapidly with straining increasing, and a Fig. 11. Variations of stresses of the cold-drawn pure Mg wires as a function of grain size
using Hall–Petch relationship: σ0.2 = σ0 + ky d−1/2 , where σ0 is the frictional stress and k is
refinement in average grain size of about 3.1 µm was achieved at
the slope.
90% cumulative area reduction.
(2) {0002} pole intensity initially increased and sequently decreased
with cold drawing proceeding, closely related to the process of Acknowledgement
continuous dynamic recrystallization. Meanwhile an intense 〈10-
10〉//DD fiber component developed under cold drawing of about This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
~ 0.7 in strain due to the progressive rotation of {10-10}〈1–210〉 China (Grant no. 51401064), Sci–tech Major Project in Shandong
pyramidal slips, and was continuously enhancing with the forward Province (Grant no. 2015ZDJQ02002) and Key Research and
increase of cumulative area reduction. Development Plan in Shandong Province (Grant no. 2017CXGC0404).
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