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22nd October, 2012

Subject: Minutes of Bid Clarification Meeting

Repair and Spot Improvement of Yei-Kegulu-Morobo Road
Location: UNOPS Conference Hall, Juba, South Sudan
Date: 22nd October, 2012 at 1000hrs

No. Name Organization
1 Benjamin M. Majok Liberty Engineering and Construction Ltd.
2 Richard Salah Ammars Company Ltd.
3 Bereket Petros South Sudan Mining Investment
4 Sefu Swedi Ametraf
5 Rudy Kuhamda Ameur
6 Alfred Oruma Prism Construction Co. Ltd.
7 Joseph William Labor Prism Construction Co. Ltd.
8 Geofrey Amacha Mesco Ltd.
9 Bereket Goitom Canaan Construction
10 Taddesse Haile Canaan Construction
11 Malish Martin Joseph Property Investment Agency Ltd.
12 Samuel M. Kiarle SBS (Sudan) Ltd.
13 Patrick Manano Statewide Eng. Ltd.
14 Kinumbe David Etrabat SS
15 Joseph M.C. Kuenda Etra-Im SS
16 Robert Amule RAS Multiple Services Ltd.
17 Yanga Moses Yona Mega Trading and Investment Co. Ltd.
18 Arima Apeku Primo Payii Roads and Bridges
19 Mathias Kitarujja New Daissy Ltd.
20 Mustafa Iqbal Azam UNOPS
21 Manoel Noronha UNOPS
22 Jose Nash UNOPS
23 Million Ali Abate UNOPS
24 Delelegn Mulat UNOPS
25 John Amoko UNOPS

Case Reference Numbers

UNOPS/SSOC/81706/ITB/WORKS/2012-127- Package 1
UNOPS/SSOC/81706/ITB/WORKS/2012-128- Package 2
UNOPS/SSOC/81706/ITB/WORKS/2012-129- Package 3
UNOPS/SSOC/81706/ITB/WORKS/2012-130- Package 4
The Material/Quality Engineer (M/QE) of the project (Delelegn Alemu) welcomed the
prospective bidders and introduced the UNOPS project team as:

Mustafa Iqbal Azam Programme Manager

Manoel Noronha Project Manager
Jose Nash Senior Project Engineer
Million Ali Abate Senior Project Engineer
Delelegn Alemu Mulat Material/Quality Assurance Engineer
John Amoko Procurement Assistant

Thereafter the participants were given the opportunity to introduce themselves. There were
19 participants, representing 17 companies.

No. Activity
1. The M/QE welcomed the prospective bidders and thanked them for taking the time to
attend the meeting. Following the introduction, the M/Q Engineer continue explaining
the following activities:
2. Purpose of the Pre-Bid Meeting
It was explained that the purpose of the meeting was to:
1. Introduce the Employer and the project management staff
2. Give opportunity for Bidders to clarify any issues of concern
3. Disseminate important information about the project and bidding documents
4. Advise bidders to submit substantially responsive bids

Participants were advised that:

1. Participation/attendance to Pre-bid meeting is mandatory
2. Minutes of the Pre-bid meeting will be added to the Tender document as an
3. Project Status were briefed as follows:
• Title – Repair and Spot Improvement of Yei-Kegulu-Morobo Road Project
Central Equatoria State, Republic of South Sudan
• Partners – USAID/RoSS/UNOPS
• Donor – USAID, South Sudan under Responsive Assistance for Priority
Infrastructure Development (RAPID) Programme.
• Objectives – To open supply route for agriculture products for town/villages
located along the road, to transport farm products and timber to Yei and
Morobo. Likewise, to enhance security response in the project areas
should the need arise.
• Target Counties and State – Yei River and Morobo Counties-Eastern
Equatoria State

The Project Location Map was presented and showed the extent of the project. It
started from Yei town and ends at Morobo town, passing through the villages of
Kegulu, Morsak and Kejiko. The project is consisting of four packages as indicated
below. It is intended to be done by local contractors using mixed technology of Labor-
based Method and Intermediate Equipment.

Package 1
Starting point Yei Township (Km 0+000)
End Point Kegulu Village (Km 10+000)
Length 10 Km
Package 2
Starting point Kegulu Village (Km 10+000)
End Point Ombasi Village (Km 30+000)
Length 20 Km

Package 3
Starting point Ombasi Village (Km 30+000)
End Point Godo Village (Km 50+000)
Length 20 Km

Package 4
Starting point Godo Village (Km 50+000)
End Point Morobo Town (Km 75+000)
Length 25 Km

It was further informed that:

UNOPS will be the employer and will manage the tendering process and the contract

The out puts are:

• 10m wide gravel road approximately for the first 3.5km in the Yei town section
• 6 meter wide all-weather road from km 3+500 to Kegulu (9.8km)
• 4.5 meter wide all-weather road on the remaining section
• Minor bridges
• Drainage structures (CSP, box culverts, vented fords, fords etc)
• signage for traffic safety

4 Major activities involved with the project was explained as:

1. Pre-construction Activities
 Mobilization/Project Setup
2. Construction Activities
 Clearing and Grubbing
 Provision of drainage structures
 Earthworks
 Gravel Wearing Course (GWC)
 Road Furniture

5 The contents of the bidding documents as advertise on the UNOPS web includes:
1. Invitation Letter
2. Section I - Bid Particulars
3. Section II - Instruction to Bidders
4. Section III - Evaluation Method & Criteria
5. Section IV - Returnable Bid Schedule (Note: make sure that all the
returnable are completed and returned)
6. Section V - UNOPS Short Form Construction Contract
1. General Conditions
2. Schedules
Annex 1(i): The Standard Specification
Annex 1(ii): The Particular Specification
Annex 2: Drawings
Annex 3: Bill of Quantities
Annex 4: Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation
Annex 5: Health and Safety Plan
6 The following Bidding Instructions were also discussed:
• Excluded Nationalities – This ITB is open only for local South Sudanese
construction contracting companies with legal evidence of minimum
shareholding of 51% or major trustee being owned by South Sudanese nationals
registered in South Sudan.
• Bid Submission – Financial and Technical with sealed envelope (One
Envelope System) and all returnable in the schedule shall be filled up properly.
• Bid Clarification Meeting – Participation/Attendance is Mandatory
• Site Inspection – Mandatory
Date: 24th October 2012
Time: 10:00AM (Commissioner’s Office, Yei County, CES)
• Bid Currency - USD
• Request for Clarification of Bidding Documents - 5 days prior to deadline
for submission of bids
• Bid Validity - 90 days
• Bid Security - Bidders shall provide bid security in the form set out in
Returnable Bid Schedule 2 – Form of Bid Security (see Section IV).
• Bid Returnable – All has to be completed and returned with the bid.

7 Bid Submission was also discussed and reminded the participants of the
 Submission – Mail or personal delivery by Closing Date. (No email/electronic
 Bid Closing Date – 06th November 2012, 12:00 PM Juba time, South Sudan
 Bid Opening Date – 06th November 2012, 03:00 PM Juba time, South Sudan
 Public Opening – Bidders can assign respective representatives to attend the
bid opening.

This is One Envelope Bid System and all returnables in the schedules shall be filled
up properly :
1. Schedule 1 - Form of Bid
2. Schedule 2 - Form of Bid Security
3. Schedule 3 - Bidder’s Details
4. Schedule 4 - Bill of Quantities
5. Schedule 5 - Bidders Preliminary Programme
6. Schedule 6 - Proposed Project Team & Organizational Structure
7. Schedule 7 - Capacity Building and Local Content
8. Schedule 8 - Insurances
9. Schedule 9 - Capacities, Experience, Work in Hand and Work
10. Schedule 10 - Work Management System
11. Schedule 11 – Proposed Subcontractor and Suppliers
12. Schedule 12 – Proposed Sources of Naturally Occurring Materials
and Outline Statement of proposed Methods
13. Schedule 13 - Outline Statement of Proposed Methods
14. Schedule 14 - Declaration
15. Schedule 15- Conflict of Interest
16. Schedule 16 - Dispute Details
17. Schedule 17 - Addenda to ITB
8 Bid Evaluation and Award
Prospective Bidders were informed of the following procedure in the Bid Evaluation
and Award:
 Preliminary Examination – UNOPS may reject or exclude bids that:
 Does not comply with ITB requirements, such as:
1. Bid Acknowledgement and Bid Submission Forms not filled and submitted
2. Pre Bid Meeting not attended
3. Site Visit not attended
4. Bid Security not provided
5. Non eligible Bidders
 Are incomplete and frivolous
 Contain material deviation or reservation to the terms of contract

 Evaluation Procedure – Two (2) step procedure

 1st Step: Technical Compliance – A combination of both “pass and fail”
Method based on objective thresholds and point value technical criteria
1. A minimum passing mark of 70% of the total obtainable 100 points for those
requirements given point value criteria
2. Pass requirement for the objective threshold criterion

 2nd Step: Financial – Bids found to be technically compliant will be evaluated

 Price and value for money
 Analyzing all relevant cost
 Risks and benefits of each bid

 Bidder’s Financial Offer – The Bidder’s Financial Offers must be within the
following range to be considered in the financial evaluation. Offers out of the
limits indicated below will be rejected.
 Package 1: 400,000 USD to 550,000 USD
 Package 2: 450,000 USD to 720,000 USD
 Package 3: 418,000 USD to 600,000 USD
 Package 4: 422,000 USD to 600,000 USD

9 The following Contract Data were also explained:

 Contract Time: 12 months for work completion and 12 months for Defects
Liability Period.
 Clause 4.2 Bank Guarantee for Performance shall be provided within 14 days
of exchange of contract.
 Amount of Bank Guarantee for Performance to be provided under Sub-
Clause 4.4 is the amount equal to 5% of the Contract Price.
 Contractors are advised to read the contract documents properly before
committing in to the work.

10 Equipment - It was explained that the employer will supply the following equipment at
an hourly rental price indicated in the table below. The contractor shall rent these
equipments, hire their own operators, maintain them, supply fuels and all necessary
running costs. The contractor shall supply any other equipment, hand tools, traffic and
safety equipment, etc which deemed necessary for the works.

The contractor’s price shall consider employer’s rental costs for the following
equipment necessary to complete the work.
Equipment Rental
S/N Equipment Description
(Cost/Hour in USD)
1 80 Hp Tractor 10
2 4 Ton Towed Grader 12
3 Towed Water Bowser 10
4 4 Wheel Tractor Drawn Trailer 10
5 Tipper Truck 15
6 Attachment for Excavator/Loader 15
7 3 Tons Twin Drum Pedestrian Vibrating Roller 10
8 1 Ton Plate Compactor 3

11 The following General Notes were also advised to the prospective Bidders:
 To make sure that:
 All the returnable documents are not left untouched
 All the evaluation criteria are adequately addressed
 Contractors are also advised to read the contract documents properly before
committing in to the work.

12 Questions and Comments

Mustafa – UNOPS Programme Manager has explained that the Labor-Based Method
will be used in the implementation of this project. This is a relatively new approach in
South Sudan. Thus, as part of capacity building for the contractors and for them to
provide substantially responsive and realistic bids, UNOPS will present/explain how to
derive a realistic Unit Rates. In addition, UNOPS will show a Video Clip on how Labor-
based Method is done.

Q1: Benjamin Majok – Liberty Engineering and Construction Ltd.

Can Sec. III – Evaluation Method and Criteria be provided to the prospective bidders?

UNOPS Reply: Yes, it can be provided to the bidders, upon request and can be easily
copied using flash drive.

Q2: Some participants have asked if they can be awarded 2 or more contract packages.

UNOPS Reply: There are 4 contract packages in this project. A contractor can
participate in the bidding for all packages, but he can only be awarded a maximum of 2
packages. However, the award for 2 contracts will still depend on his capacity to
implement the work.

Q3: Samuel M. Kiarle – HBS (Sudan) Ltd.

He asked for clarification for the nationality of contractors who are eligible to
participate in the bidding.

UNOPS Reply: As specified in the ITB, the companies who are eligible to participate
in the bidding are those local South Sudanese construction companies with a minimum
share holder of 51% or major trustee being owned by South Sudanese nationals
registered in South Sudan.

Q4: Geofrey Amacha – Mesco Ltd.

He requested to confirm the date and schedule of the site visit.

UNOPS Reply: It was realized that the original schedule of 23 Oct 2012 set for the site
visit is too close for the bidders to prepare. Thus, it was decided to move it on 24 Oct
2012 (Wednesday) with assembly area and time – Commissioner’s Office of Yei
County at 10:00AM.

13 Million – UNOPS Senior Project Engineer discussed the topic on Building Realistic
Unit Rates for Labor-Based Method. The breakdown of unit rates were discussed:
 Direct Cost - cost of materials, equipment/tools and labour
 Indirect Cost – cost to include overhead, taxes, price escalation and profit margin

In addition, the steps to determine the rates were explained, such as:
 Resource estimation/allocation (materials, labour, equipment)
 Output of work (based on the resources deployed)
 Costing (rates based on the prevailing market rates of materials, labour and
 Utilization Factor (equipment and labour)

Likewise, he also presented a sample breakdown/derivation of unit rate for work items
both using heavy equipment and intermediate equipment.

UNOPS Team has also reminded the participants that the derivation should be
consistent and records to be kept, so that when question arises, there is a possibility that
UNOPS might require the submission of unit rates derivation for review.

14 Video Clip regarding Labor based Construction Technology - The Video Clip
presentation is an overview of 15 training modules of Labor based Construction
Technology captured in Thailand and is widely used by International Labor
Organization (ILO). It fairly gives knowledge on how LBAT is used in implementing
road construction project.

15 Additional Question/s

Q5: One participant has asked whether there are some land mines on the project road.

UNOPS Reply: As per UNMAO information, there are no land mines in the project
road as it was cleared already.

With no further question from the prospective bidders/participants, the meeting ended at
around 11:40AM. UNOPS Project Team thanks the participants for coming.

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