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4/25/2023 David Hilbert

contribution to
Mathematics &

Roll no. 0782-BS-SP-
Submitted to: SIR

David Hilbert contribution to Mathematics
& Geometry
ROLL NO. 0782-BS-SP-PHY-22

Brief history:
David Hilbert was a German mathematician. He was extremely
influential person in the field of mathematics during the 19th and
20th century. He made significant contributions to a diverse range
of areas, including commutative algebra, algebraic number theory,
invariant theory, the calculus of variations, special theory of
operations, mathematical physics, the foundations of geometry and
foundations of mathematics particularly proof theory.

Hilbert is perhaps best known for his work in the field of
geometry. Hilbert attempted to provide complete and consistent set
of axioms for geometry, which had previously been based on
intuitive notation and vague assumptions. This work was
influential in the development of the axiomatic method in Figure 1: David Hilbert
mathematics. Hilbert also made a significant contribution to the
study of higher dimensional geometry. In particular, he developed the concept of n-dimensional
space and introduced the notion of a polytope. His work in this area laid the foundation for the
study of geometry in higher dimensions and has had important applications in the field such as
physics and computer science.

Axioms of geometry:
Axioms are the fundamental assumption of geometry. They are taken as self-evident or intuitive,
and they provide the starting point for the logical deduction and
mathematical reasoning. Hilbert axioms are grouped into four
categories: incidence, order, congruence and continuity. The
order axioms introduce the concept of betweenness and establish
an order relationship between points on a line. The congruence
axioms define the concept of congruence between geometric
figures. Finally, the continuity axioms establish the concept of
limit and continuity in geometry. Hilbert axioms were notable
for their rigor and completeness. They provide a logical
foundation for Euclidean geometry that is independent of any Figure 2: axioms of geometry
physical or intuitive interpretation. This means that the axioms
can be used as the basis for logical deductions and proofs
without relying on any specific interpretation of geometry
objects in the physical world.

N dimensional space:
Hilbert concept of n-dimensional space refers to a
mathematical space that can have any number of dimensions,
rather than just the three dimensions, we are familiar in our
daily life. In this kind of space, each point is referred by a set
of n coordinated, where n is the number of dimensions of the
space. For example, a point can be represented by its x, y, and Figure 3: three dimensional object
z coordinates. His concept of n-dimensional space has been
extremely influential in the development of modern mathematics, especially in areas of
geometry, topology, and linear algebra.

The theory of Algebraic Number Fields:

It is the branch of mathematics concerned with the study of extensions of the field of rational
numbers by adjoining roots of polynomial equations with integer coefficient. His contribution in
this field is explained briefly net. In the field of Algebraic number field, Hilbert gave
information about prime factorization and the class group. He also proved Minkowski bound.
Hilbert also gave information about biquadratic number fields in detail and studies the behavior
of prime numbers in the above mentioned fields. Diophantine equations are also defined by
David Hilbert at some extent.

Minkowski bound:
The minkowski bound gives us an upper bound on the absolute value of the discriminant of a
number field, which is a measure of a number field is at its prime idea ideals. Specifically, the
bound states that the absolute value of the discriminant is bounded by a constant multiple of the
product of the absolute values of the coefficient of the defining polynomial of the number field.
This was first proved by David Hilbert the Minkowski bound specializes in the case of
quadratic fields to the following formulas:
(1/2)√|disc(K)| in the real quadratic case (n = 2, r2 = 0) and (2/π)√|disc(K)| in the
imaginary quadratic case (n = 2, r2 = 1).

Prime factorization:
Prime factorization is the process of breaking down a composite number into its prime
factors, which are the prime numbers that can be multiplied together to obtain the
composite number. For example, the prime factorization of 12 is 2*2*3. Hilbert showed
that every positive integer greater than 1 can be uniquely as a product of power of
prime numbers. This is known as the theorem of arithmetic, and it forms the basis for
prime factorization. He was one the earlier mathematician who worked on prime

Figure 4 prime factorization

Biquadratic Number Field:

It is a number field obtained by adjoining the square roots of two distinct irrational
numbers to a base field. Specifically, if D is a field with characteristics not equal to 3,
and if a, b are the elements of D that are not squares in D, then the biquadratic
extension of D will be D(√a,√b). David Hilbert proved many important results of
biquadratic number fields. For example, he showed that the class number of a
biquadratic number field is always a power of 2, and he gave a formula for the regulator
of such a field in terms of the regulators of any of two quadratic subfield. These results
are now part of the standard toolkit of algebraic number theory.

Mathematical problems:
David Hilbert is also known for his 23 problems he
proposed in a lecture to the international Congress of
Mathematics and also in his book mathematical
problems. These problems cover a wide range of topics
including algebra, number theory, topology and
analysis. His goal was to stimulate research and
progress in mathematics and to encourage
mathematicians to think about fundamental questions in
their field. Many of that problems after that. Overall this
provide boast to mathematical research of that time.
Figure 5: mathematical problems by David
Students of David Hilbert: Hilbert

Many of the students of Sir David Hilbert played a

significant role in the history of mathematics and applied Physics. Some of these
names include Hermann Weyl, Ernst Zermelo, Carl Gustav Hempel and Emanuel

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