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rðï Wr{ÞkÄk{

ykMÚkk - yufíkk yLku QòoLkwt Äk{ hSMxÙuþLk Vku{o - h0h4-hÃk

íkkhe¾ : .........................

1. W{uËðkhLkwt Ãkwhwt Lkk{ : {ku.Lkt.

h. s.íkk. : {q¤ ðíkLk : íkk÷wfku Mk{ks

3. òrík : Ãkwhw»k Mºke 4. R-{u÷ : ............................................

Ãk. hnuXkýLkwt MkhLkk{wt :

6. rÃkíkkLkwt Lkk{ : ÔÞðMkkÞ {ku.Lkt.

7. {kíkkLkwt Lkk{ : ÔÞðMkkÞ {ku.Lkt.

8. ÃkrhðkhLke ðkŠ»kf ykðf :
9. Äkuhý 10 {kt {u¤ðu÷ xfkðkhe % ({kfoþexLke Lkf÷ òuzðe)
10. Äkuhý 1h {k {u¤ðu÷ xfkðkhe % ({kfoþexLke Lkf÷ òuzðe)
11. MLkkíkf fûkk{kt {u¤ðu÷ xfkðkhe % ({kfoþexLke Lkf÷ òuzðe)
1h. «ðuþ ÷uðk EåAíkk yÇÞkMk¢{Lkwt Lkk{ :
1h. su{kt «ðuþ ÷uðk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íku þiûkrýf MktMÚkkykuLke ÃkMktËøke : (ykÃku÷ ÞkËe{ktÚke)
rðfÕÃk-1 :
rðfÕÃk-h :
rðfÕÃk-3 :

ykÚke nwt yLku {khku ÃkkÕÞ rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk îkhk su þiûkrýf MktMÚkk{kt «ðuþ {¤ðkLkku Au íkuLkk
Lkerík-rLkÞ{kuLkwt [wMíkÃkýu Ãkk÷Lk fhðk çktÄkÞu÷k Aeyu. òu fkuEÃký «fkhLke økuhrþMík fu økuhðíkoýqtf fhíkk
{k÷q{ Ãkzþu íkku rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk yLku su íku þiûkrýf MktMÚkk rLkýoÞ ÷uþu íku y{Lku {kLÞ hnuþu. y{u
rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLkLke Mkk{kSf «ð]r¥kyku{kt Ãkqhe rLkckÃkqðof òuzkEyu Aeyu yLku MktMÚkkLke yk «ð]r¥kLku
y{u ÌËÞÃkqðf o ykðfkheyu Aeyu. rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk MkËh yr¼ÞkLk ytíkøkoík su ÃkMktËøke «r¢Þk fhþu
íku y{Lku {tsqh hnuþu.

ðk÷eLke Mkne : rðãkÚkeoLke Mkne :

MktÃkqfo Mkqºk : 7h0h0 80hhh
(ÃkqAíkkA {kxu Mk{Þ Mkðkhu 11.00 Úke çkÃkkuhu h.00 Ëhr{ÞkLk VkuLk fhðkLkku hnuþu.)
rðï Wr{ÞkÄk{
ykMÚkk - yufíkk yLku QòoLkwt Äk{

W{k rþûký MknkÞ ÞkusLkk

Wå[ rþûký «ðuþ {kxu (h0h4-hÃk)
sÞ Wr{Þk !!!
ykæÞkÂí{f [uíkLkkÚke hk»xÙ [uíkLkk yr¼ÞkLk ytíkøkoík.....

rðïLkk MkkiÚke Ÿ[k Ãk04 Vqx yuðk søkíksLkLke {k Wr{ÞkLkk hBÞ - ¼ÔÞ - rËÔÞ yLku
ËirËÃÞ{kLk {trËhLkk rLk{koý MkkÚku ÄkŠ{f, Mkk{krsf, þiûkrýf «ð]r¥kykuLkk Mkhðk¤k Úkfe MktøkXeík,
rþrûkík yLku MktðuËLkþe÷ Mk{ks rLk{koý {kxu Mk{ksLkk sYrhÞkík{tË ÃkrhðkhkuLku ík{k{ ûkuºku {ËËYÃk
ÚkðkLkk yr¼ÞkLk MkkÚku MktMÚkk frxçkØ Au.
rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLku þiûkrýf MktMÚkkykuLkk MknÞkuøkÚke yuf LkðeLk Ãknu÷ fhu÷ Au. MktMÚkkLke
Mk{kòuíÚkkLkLke «ð]r¥kyku MkkÚku Mk{ks{kt þiûkrýf ¢ktrík ÷kððk {kxu rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLkLke
rð[khÄkhk{kt yLkuf ÞwrLkðŠMkxe yLku fkì÷us òuzkE yuf «uhýkËkÞe r{þk÷ çkLke Au. suLkkÚke
Mk{ksLkk yLkuf sYrhÞkík{tË íkusMðe rðãkÚkeoykuLku WÃkÞkuøke yLku yMkhfkhf þiûkrýf yLku Mkk{krsf
Ã÷uxVku{o {¤e hÌkwt íÞkhu yk yr¼ÞkLk ytíkøkoík òuzkÞu÷ MktMÚkkykuLkk Mkt[k÷fku «íÞu MktMÚkk ykËh
yLku ynku¼kðLke ÷køkýe yLkw¼ðu Au.
Mk{ksLkk ykŠÚkf heíku Lkçk¤k Ãkrhðkhku MktMÚkkLke Mkk{krsf fu MktøkXLkLke «ð]r¥kyku{kt òuzkÞu÷k
nkuÞ yLku ÃkkuíkkLkk Ëefhk - ËefheykuLkk yÇÞkMk yÚkuo yuz{eþLk fhkððk {ktøkíkk nkuÞ íkku íku{ýu
yk MkkÚku òuzu÷ hrsMxÙuþLk Vku{o yLku sýkðu÷ zkuõÞw{uLx MkkÚku YçkY{kt rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk
òMkÃkwh ykurVMk{kt íkk. 09-06-h0h4 MkwÄe Mkku{ðkhÚke þrLkðkh Mkðkhu 11.00 Úke çkÃkkuhu 2.00
f÷kf Ëhr{ÞkLk ykurVMk{kt s{k fhkððkLkk hnuþu. Mkðo Mk{ksLkk sYrhÞkík{tË Ãkrhðkhkuyu yk
ÞkusLkkLkku ÷k¼ ÷uðk {kxu Mkk{u÷ Ãkºk{kt sýkðu÷ rLkÞ{kuLkwt Ãkk÷Lk fhðwt yrLkðkÞo Au.

r«. r{LkkûkeçkuLk çke. Ãkxu÷ zkì. YÃk÷çkuLk yu. Ãkxu÷ ykh. Ãke. Ãkxu ÷
[uhÃkMkoLk [uhÃkMkoLk «{w¾
rþûký MknkÞ fr{xe fuLÿeÞ {rn÷k MktøkXLk rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk

xe{ - rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk

«{w¾ : ykh. Ãke. Ãkxu÷ WÃk«{w¾ {tºke
{nk{tºke : YÃkuþ¼kE çke. Ãkxu÷ «n÷k˼kE yu. Ãkxu÷ ËeÃkf¼kE yu{. Ãkxu÷ ze. yuLk. økku÷ Ëk{kuËh¼kE çke. ¼kðkýe
¾òLk[e : fkÂLík¼kE Ãkxu÷ (hk{) ðkze¼kE Ãke. Ãkxu÷ LkrðLk¼kE yu{. Ãkxu÷ ðe. Ãke. Ãkxu÷ - USA ºktçkf¼kE yuMk. VuVh
Off : Vishv Umiya Foundation, Vishv Umiyadham, Opp. Vaishnodevi Tample, Vishv Umiyadham Road, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-21
Mob. : 72020 80 222 / 333 I I I Reg.No.A/4445/Ahmedabad
rðï Wr{ÞkÄk{
ykMÚkk - yufíkk yLku QòoLkwt Äk{

W{k rþûký MknkÞ ÞkusLkk

Wå[ yÇÞkMk «ðuþ rLkÞ{ku - h0h4-hÃk
(1) yk ÞkusLkkLkku ÷k¼ ÷uðk {kxu W{uËðkhu AuÕ÷k ð»ko{kt 6Ãk% fu íkuÚke ðÄw heÍÕx {u¤ðu÷ nkuðwt
(h) W{uËðkhu «ðuþ {kxu økðLko{uLxLke yuz{eþLkLke «r¢ÞkLku VhSÞkík yLkwMkhðkLkwt hnuþu.
(3) ÃkrhðkhLke ðkŠ»kf ykðf Yk. 4 ÷k¾Úke ykuAe nkuðe òuEyu.
(4) Ëhuf W{uËðkhu ÃkkuíkkLkk fku»ko yLku rzøkúe «{kýu Mkhfkh©eLkk rLkÞ{kLkwMkkh hSMxÙuþLk fhkðe yLku
«ðuþ {kxuLke fkÞoðkne Ãkqýo fhu÷e nkuðe òuEyu.
(5) su íku fku»ko{kt yuz{eþLk {u¤ððk {kxu VUF MkkÚku òuzkÞu÷ fkì÷uòu{kt rðãkÚkeoyu rLkÞ{kLkwMkkh
yuz{eþLk ÷uðkLkwt hnuþu.
(6) ykÃk©eyu ¼÷k{ý Ãkºk MktMÚkkyu Lk¬e fhu÷ íkkhe¾ yLku Mk{Þu YçkY ykðeLku {u¤ððkLkku hnuþu.
(7) ykÃk©eLku ELxhÔÞw {kxuLke íkkhe¾ E{uE÷ yÚkðk {kuçkkE÷ {uMkus îkhk sýkððk{kt ykðþu.
(8) VUF îkhk ÷uðkíkk ELxhÔÞw{kt ykÃk©eyu ðk÷e MkkÚku Mk{ÞMkh ík{k{ ykuheSLk÷ zkuõÞw{uLxMk
íkÚkk AuÕ÷k ºký ÷kExçke÷ yLku AuÕ÷k ºký IT hexLko MkkÚku nksh hnuðkLkwt hnuþu.
(9) VUF yu Lk¬e fhu÷k Äkhk-Äkuhý yLkwMkkh ykÃkLkwt rMk÷ufþLk Úkþu íkku s ykÃk yk ÞkusLkk
nuX¤ «ðuþÃkkºk çkLkþku.
(10) ykÃk©eLkwt Lkk{ su íku þiûkrýf MktMÚkk{kt MkhfkhLke «ðuþ «r¢Þk{kt ÷eMxuz ÚkÞk ÃkAe s Vishv
Umiya Foundation (VUF) îkhk Lkerík-rLkÞ{ku yLkwMkkh «{krýík fhu÷ rðãkÚkeoykuLku su íku MktMÚkkLkk
Lkk{Lkku ¼÷k{ý Ãkºk ykÃkðk{kt ykðþu. su ykÃku yuz{eþLk ÷eÄu÷ þiûkrýf MktMÚkk{kt hsq fhðkLkku
(11) rðï Wr{ÞkÄk{ MkkÚku òuzkÞu÷e þiûkrýf MktMÚkkyku{kt su «{kýu Mkex ¾k÷e nþu íku «{kýu yuz{eþLk
ykÃkðk{kt ykðþu.
(1h) òu W{uËðkhu hsq fhu÷ rðøkíkku yLku «{kýÃkºkku ÃkkA¤Úke ¾kuxk nkuðkLkwt {k÷q{ Ãkzþu íkku su íku
rðãkÚkeoLku ykÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ ÞkusLkkLkku ÷k¼ hË fhðk{kt ykðþu yLku íkuLkku «ðuþ fkÞ{e Äkuhýu
hË Úkðk Ãkkºk økýkþu.
«{w¾ : ykh. Ãke. Ãkxu÷ WÃk«{w¾ {tºke
{nk{tºke : YÃkuþ¼kE çke. Ãkxu÷ «n÷k˼kE yu. Ãkxu÷ ËeÃkf¼kE yu{. Ãkxu÷ ze. yuLk. økku÷ Ëk{kuËh¼kE çke. ¼kðkýe
¾òLk[e : fkÂLík¼kE Ãkxu÷ (hk{) ðkze¼kE Ãke. Ãkxu÷ LkrðLk¼kE yu{. Ãkxu÷ ðe. Ãke. Ãkxu÷ - USA ºktçkf¼kE yuMk. VuVh
Off : Vishv Umiya Foundation, Vishv Umiyadham, Opp. Vaishnodevi Tample, Vishv Umiyadham Road, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad-21
Mob. : 72020 80 222 / 333 I I I Reg.No.A/4445/Ahmedabad
: 02 :

(13) yuz{eþLk ÷eÄk ÃkAe su íku þiûkrýf MktMÚkkLkk rLkÞ{kuLkwt [wMíkÃkýu Ãkk÷Lk fhðkLkwt hnuþu.
(14) yuz{eþLk ÷eÄu÷ fku÷us{kt ÷uðkíke Ëhuf ÃkheûkkLke {kfoþexLke Íuhkuûk YçkY VUF {kt Mkur{Mxh/
ð»koLkk ytíku s{k fhkððkLke hnuþu.

(1Ãk) yÇÞkMkLkk ð»ko Ëhr{ÞkLk W{uËðkh òu su íku fuBÃkMk{kt økuhrþMík fhíkk Ãkfzkþu íkku íkuLku ykÃkðk{kt
ykðu÷ ÷k¼ MÚkrøkík fhðk{kt ykðþu yLku fkì÷us su rLkýoÞ ÷uþu íku {kLÞ økýkþu.
(16) su íku fku÷usLke Ãkheûkk{kt A.T.K.T yÚkðk LkkÃkkMk heÍÕx ykðþu íkku ykÃkLkku ykøk¤Lkk yÇÞkMkLkku
÷k¼ çktÄ Úkðk Ãkkºk økýkþu.
(17) yk MkkÚku òuzu÷ VUF ¼÷k{ý Ãkºk W{uËðkhu ÞkuøÞ heíku ¼he rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLkLkk
fkuEÃký ËkíkkxÙMxe©eyku, MktøkXLkLkk su íku rsÕ÷k fu íkk÷wfkLkk [uh{uLk©e/[uhÃkMkoLk©e/«¼khe©eLke
VhSÞkík Mkne fhkðe MkkÚku òuzðkLkku hnuþu.
(18) Vku{o s{k fhkððkLke AuÕ÷e íkkhe¾:
1. zeÃ÷ku{kt yLku zeøkúe yuÂLsrLkÞ®høk : 09-06-h0h4
2. çke.çke.yu., çke.Mke.yu., yu{.Mke.yu., yu{.çke.yu., çke.ykfo. : 09-06-h0h4
3. Lk‹Mkøk yLku rVÍeÞkuÚkuhkÃke : 09-06-h0h4
4. çke.yuz., yu{.yuz. : 09-06-h0h4
5. yLÞ fku»ko : 09-06-h0h4
(19) yk MkkÚku ykÃk©eyu Lke[uLkk zkuõÞw{uLxMk yhS MkkÚku VhSÞkík Mkçk{ex fhðkLkk hnuþu.
1. Vkuxku 6. rLkÞ{ Lkt.-17{kt sýkðu÷ VUFLkk nkuÆuËkh©eLkwt ¼÷k{ýÃkºk

2. ykÄkhfkzo 7. EWS Lke rðøkík, òu nkuÞ íkku

3. ÃkkA÷k ÄkuhýLke {kfoþex 8. økwsMkux, òu nkuÞ íkku

4. yu÷.Mke. 9. ðk÷eLkk Lkk{Lke AuÕ÷k ºký ÷kEx çke÷Lke Íuhkuûk

5. íkksuíkhLkku ykðfLkku Ëk¾÷ku 10. ðk÷eLkk ÃkkA÷k ºký ð»koLkk ykExe ( I T ) hexLkoLke Lkf÷
LkkU Ä : yk ð»ko Lkw t Äkuhý-10 yLku Äkuh ý-1h Lkwt heÍÕx ykÔÞk çkkË íku L ke fku à ke zku õÞw {u L xTM k{kt
òu zâk çkkË s Vku{ o VUF s{k fhkððkLkw t hnu þ u.
rðï Wr{ÞkÄk{
ykMÚkk - yufíkk yLku QòoLkwt Äk{

VUF Lkk xÙMxe©e / MktøkXLkLkk [uh{uLk©e/[uhÃkMkoLk©e/«¼khe©eLkwt

¼÷k{ý Ãkºk - h0h4-hÃk
rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk
òMkÃkwh, y{ËkðkË

rð»kÞ :W{k rþûký MknkÞ Þku s Lkk yt í køko í k rLk:þw Õ f «ðu þ {kxu ¼÷k{ý fhðk
çkkçkík :

ykËhýeÞ Mkknu ç k©e,

WÃkhkuõík çkkçkíku MkrðLkÞ sýkððkLkwt fu nwt rðï Wr{Þk VkWLzuþLk MkkÚku Mkr¢Þ Ãkýu Lke[u
«{kýu òuzkÞu÷ Awt.
 ¼÷k{ý fhLkkhLkwt Lkk{ :
 MkhLkk{wt :
 {kuçkkE÷ Lktçkh :
 VUF MkkÚkuLkwt òuzký : xÙMxe©e /MktøkXLk [uh{uLk©e / [uhÃkMkoLk©e /«¼khe©e :
 íkk÷wfku / rsÕ÷ku :
W{uËðkhLke Lke[u «{kýuLke rðøkíkLke ¾hkE {U fhu÷ Au. íkuýu 6Ãk% fhíkkt ðÄkhu Ãkrhýk{ «kÃík
fhu÷ Au, íku{s íkuLkk ÃkrhðkhLke ðkŠ»kf ykðf [kh ÷k¾ fhíkk ykuAe Au. íkuLku yk ÞkusLkk nuX¤
÷k¼ ykÃkðk {khe rðLktíke.

 W{uËðkhLkwt Lkk{ :
 AuÕ÷k ÄkuhýLkwt Ãkrhýk{ :
 yuz{eþLk ÷uðk {køkíkk nkuÞ íku fku»koLkwt Lkk{ :
LkkUÄ : ¼÷k{ý Ãkºk ykÃkLkkh nkuÆuËkh©eyu rðãkÚkeoLkk ykŠÚkf ÃkkMkkLke YçkY íkÃkkMk yð~Þ fÞko ÃkAe s Mkne fhðe.

¼÷k{ý fhLkkhLke Mkne
Vishv Umiya Foundation
2024-25 List Colleges/University
Name Of Educational
No Name Of Courses
1 Kadi Sarva Vishv Vidhyalaya Automobile Engineering Electrical Engineering
Sarva Vidyalaya Campus, GH-6
Circle, Sector 23, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat 382024 Mechanical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Computer Engineering

Electrical Power System Engineering

Civil Infrastructure Engineering

Mechanical-Automobile Engineering

Mechanical-Production Engineering

Mechanical-Thermal Engineering



Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance,

Kadi Sarva Vishv Vidhyalaya Clinical Pharmacy,

Sarva Vidyalaya Campus, GH-6
Circle, Sector 23, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat 382024
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs




Computer Science

Master of Science (MSc)

Chemistry (MSc)





Information Technology (IT)

MBA Integrated

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Master of Computer Application (M.C.A.)

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)

Kadi Sarva Vishv Vidhyalaya Master of Social Work

Sarva Vidyalaya Campus, GH-6
Circle, Sector 23, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat 382024 Bachelor Basic of Nursing (B.Sc Nursing)

Post Basic Nursing (PB Nursing)

Child Health Nursing

Community Health Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing

Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing

Bachelor in Physiotherapy (В.Р.Т.)

Master in Physiotherapy (M.P.Τ.)


Sports Science

Neuro Science


Cardio Respiratory Disorder

Kameshwar College of Education M.Ed
Anandnagar, Vejalpur

Kameshwar B.C.A. College

Kameshwar College of Science

5 Shree Murchant Charitable Trust (B.E)

Basana Mahesana Visanagar
Shree Murchant Charitable Trust Electronics & Communication Engineering
Basana Mahesana Visanagar

Computer Engineering

Civil Engineering

Mechenical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Automobile Engineering
Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Civil Engineer

Electronics & Communication Engineering

B.Tech In Automobile Engineering

B.Tech In Computer Engineering

B.P.T- Bachelor of Physiotherapy

B.S.C Nursing



6 Umiya Mata Kadva Patidar Mechanical Engineering

Education & Samaj Seva Trust
KIRC Campus,
Ahmedabad-Mahesana ECE

Civil Engineering

Umiya Mata Kadva Patidar Electrical Engineering

Education & Samaj Seva Trust
KIRC Campus,
Ahmedabad-Mahesana Physiotherapy

LLB (3 Years)

Integrated LLB (5 Years)




7 Parul University P.O Limda Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch.)

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
Master of Planning (M. Plan)
Bachelor of Design (B. Des.)

Master of Design (M. Des.)

Diploma in Architecture (D. Arch)

B.Tech Aeronautical Engineering

B.Tech-Civil Engineering

B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering

B.Tech Computer Engineering

B.Tech-Electrical Engineering

B.Tech-Electronics & Communication Engineering

Parul University P.O Limda B.Tech Information Technology

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering

B.Tech-Agricultural Engineering

B.Tech Automobile Engineering

B.Tech-Bio-Medical Engineering.

B.Tech Chemical Engineering

B.Tech-Mechatronics Engineering

B.Tech Petroleum Engineering

B.Tech-Robotics and Automation

B.Tech-Dairy Technology


B.Tech Food Technology

M.Tech-Computer Engineering

M.Tech-Information Technology

M.Tech-Internal Combustion and Automobiles

M.Tech-Power Systems

M.Tech-Structural Engineering

M.Tech-Transportation Engineering

Parul University P.O Limda M.Tech-Production Engineering

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
M.Tech Construction Project Management


M.Tech Chemical Engineering

Master of Computer Application-MCA

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

BCA (Hons)

B. Sc-IT (Hons)

Integrated Master of Computer Applications (IMCA)

M.Sc (IT)

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

BBA (Hons)

Integrated DBA ВВА

Integrated BBA MBA

Master of Physiotherapy-Cardio-Respiratory Disorders and

Intensive Care
Master of Physiotherapy - Community Based Rehabilitation

Master of Physiotherapy-Paediatrics

Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate)

Parul University P.O Limda M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Technology

M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Analysis

M.Pharm in Pharmacy Practice

M.Pharm in Industrial Pharmacy

M. Pharm in Phytopharmacy and Phytomedicine


BSW (Hons.)

Master of Social Work

Master of Social Work (Human Resource Management)

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Geology (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (Hons)

Bachelor of Science in Genetics (Hons.)

Parul University P.O Limda Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry (Hons.)
Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science in Physics (Hons.) with Minor in Data


Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Hons.) with Minor in Physics

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Hons.) with Minor in Data


Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science (Hons.) with Minor in


Master of Science in Biotechnology

Master of Science in Biochemistry

Master of Science in Microbiology

Master of Science in Physics

Master of Science in Chemistry

Master of Science in Applied Mathematics

Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

Master of Science in Geology

Master of Science in Forensic Science

Master of Science in Genetics

Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry

Master of Science in Environmental Science

Parul University P.O Limda Master of Science in Food Technology

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
Bachelor of Visual Arts

Diploma in Performing Arts (DPA)

Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA) (Hons.)

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in English (Hons.)

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Psychology (Hons.)

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Economics (Hons.)

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Political Science (Hons.)

Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Journalism and Mass

Communication (Hons.)

Master of Liberal Arts

B. Com. (Hons)



Bachelor of Design

B.Sc in Design

Master of Design

Diploma in Design

Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Medical

Laboratory Technology

Parul University P.O Limda Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) -Operation
Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara - Theatre Technology
Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Anaesthesia
and Critical Care

Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Cardiac Care


Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Neuroscience

Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.)-Optometry

Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Renal Dialysis

Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) (Hons.) - Radiography

D. Voc. Emergency Medical Services

D. Voc. Medical Laboratory Technology

D. Voc. Operation Theatre Technology

D. Voc.-Anaesthesia and Critical Care

D. Voc. Cardiology

D. Voc. Neurology

D. Voc. Radiography

D. Voc. Renal Dialysis

D. Voc. Optometry


M.Sc-Emergency and Critical Care

Parul University P.O Limda M.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -

M.Sc Operation Theatre and Anaesthesia Technology

M.Sc Optometry

M.Sc-Clinical Embryology and Reproductive Biology

Diploma in Health Assistance - General Medicine

Diploma Clinical Medicine

Master of Public Health (MPH)

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (Hons)

Master of Health Administration (MHA)

M.Sc Health Economics and Technology Assessment

Integrated B.Sc in Public Health - MHA

Integrated B.Sc in Public Health - MPH

B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture

Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology

B.Sc in Hotel Management (Hons.)

BBA Hons Aviation, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism


Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering Technology

Parul University P.O Limda Diploma in Aviation Management (DAM)

Ta.Waghodiya Dist: Vadodara -
Diploma in Civil Engineering

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Diploma in Electrical Engineering

Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Diploma in Computer Engineering

Diploma in Automobile Engineering

Diploma in Chemical Engineering

Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering

Diploma in Biomedical Engineering

Diploma in Information Technology

Diploma in Agricultural Engineering

Diploma in Petrochemical Engineering

Diploma in Dairy Technology

Diploma in Biotechnology

Diploma in Food Technology

Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering

Diploma in Automation and Robotics


Sankalp School Of Nursing

Dabha,Bayad B.Sc. Nursing

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Ahmedabad Institute Of
Mechanical Engineeing
Technology Nr.Vasantnagar
Township, Gota-Ognaj Road,
Automobile Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

K. M. Patel B.Ed College
Diploma SI
Diploma Fire & Safety
Chitreni Nursing College ANM
for women Prantij GNM
BSc Nursing

Shree Kalavardhan Education M.Sc.
Trust, Navyug Vidhyalaya, Morbi MBA
B.Sc. Nursing

B. Sc.
Kadva Patidar Kanya Kelavani
13 Mandal, MORBI

Diploma Engineering (Electrical,Civil,Mechanical)
14 Arpit University Morbi

Gurjat Utkarsh Sanchalit Sheth BBA

15 Shree P. G Patel commerse
College Morbi


Shree Saraswati Kanya Kedavni

16 Mandal , B Raja Vidhya Sankul, BA
Nani Kadi, B.Com

B. Com
The Challenger for Adventure and B.Sc.
Culture activities trust Sanchalit
17 Sarvopari College Nava Sadhula,
8-A, National Highway, Morbi-

B. Tech.
Dr. Kiran and Pallavi Patel
Global University Krishna
Education Campus, Vadodar,
Only for children of widow and one parent
Mumbai N.H.-8


Kadav Patel B.Ed. College

Visnagar Ghagharat



M.Sc. Chemistry

Siddhi Vinayak Education & M.Sc. Micro Bilogy

Charitable Trust Sanchalit Allit
20 Institution Of science &
Management Hadmatiya
Ta.Tankar, Dist.Morbi



Om Vidhya Vasini Institute of
21 Management, Sardarbag Same, Shanala
Road, Morbi
22 Mother Teresa Nursing College G.N.M

B.S.C Nursing

23 Sankalchand University - Visnagar Mechanical Engineering

Computer Engineering

Informarion Technology

Civil Engineering

Artifical Intelligence and Data Science

Electrical Engineering

Bechlor of Science (Information Technology)

Mechanical Engineering (CAD/CAM)

Mechanical Engineering (Production Technology)

Civil Engineering (Structure Engineering)

Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering)

Environmental Engineering

Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)

Electrical Engineering

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Integrated MBA (IMBA)

Master of Computer Application-MCA

Diploma In Engineering

Sankalchand University - Visnagar Civil Engineering

Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Information Technology

Bachelor Of Pharmacy (B.Pham.)

Bechelor Of Computer Application (BCA)

Bechelor Of Business Administration (BBA)

Bechelor Of Science ( FDM)

Bechelor Of Design (Fashion Design)

Bechelor Of Design (Graphics & Communication Design)

Bachelor Of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication)

Bechlor Of Commerce (B.Com)

Master Of Commerce (M.Com)

Bachelor Of Science(B.Sc)

(B.Sc) Microbiology

(B.Sc) Biotechnology

(B.Sc) Chemistry

Sankalchand University - Visnagar (B.Sc) Mathematics

(B.Sc) Physics

Master Of Science(M.Sc)

(M.Sc) Microbiology

(M.Sc) Biotechnology

(M.Sc) Chemistry
(M.Sc) Mathematics

(M.Sc) Physics

Post Graduate Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology


Bachelor Of Physiotherapy (BPT)



B.Sc (Nursing)

24 Silver Oak University S.G Road Gota B.Sc






25 Kansagara Colleage (Rajkot) B.C.A



26 Swaminarayan University KALOL Diploma

Automobile, Mechinacal, Electrical, Computer, Information
Technology, Civil

Automobile, Mechinacal, Electrical, Computer, Information
Technology, Civil

Mechanical (CAD & CAM) Computer engg. And Civil (Struct.

MBA (Finance, Marketing, HR, Hospital Magt, Helth Care
Managemtn and Digital Marketing .



D.Design (Deploma in Design, Fasion and Communicaiton,

Graphic and Amination)

B.Design (Bechlore and Design, Fasion and Communicaiton,

Proudct and insitrual, Graphic and aminiaiton.

M.Design ( Master in Design. Fasion Design and UI/UX Design.

B.A Hons. (journalisam and Mass communicaiton

M.A Hons. (journalisam and Mass communicaiton

B.A - English, Guj. Sanskrit, Economics, Hindi, Hisotry

M.A - English, Guj. Sanskrit, Economics, Hindi, Hisotry


Swaminarayan University KALOL LL.M-1 Year ( Business & Corporate Law/Criminal and Security
Law Intellectual Property Law/IPR & Cyber Law)

LL.M-2 Year ( Business Law & Criminal Law)

BCA (Hons)

B.Sc.IT (Hons.)








BSW (Hons.)

B.Sc (Chemistry, Micro Bio, Botony, Zoology, Mathematic,
Phisics, Nutrician and Dieatetics and Food Technology.

M.Sc - Organic Chamistry, In-organic chemistry, Phy.

Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Microbilogy, Botany,
Biochemistry, Zoology, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Physics.
Enviroment Science, Pharmacutical Chemistry

B.Sc - Public Health

M.Sc (Public Health)

Swaminarayan University KALOL B.Sc Nursing

G.N.M Nursing

Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing

A.N.M Nursing

M.Sc Nursing

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