Urea LOI

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Office # 2O4, NBQ Euilding,
Ktglid bin Al waled Strcet, Surdubai
"V{s lilake ii Po::ibie"
P0 8ox 6275?, Dubai. UAE

Letter of Intent
This is an official letter of intent for the purchase of Urea .

We hereby confirm with full corporate authority and responsibility that we are ready, willing and able
to purchase from you the commodity mentioned above, under the terms and conditions specified in
this letter of intent and in the contract to be agreed between us and your company.

Company: Betterbond Financial Services LLC

Cempany Address: Office # 204tU*Q Building. Khalid bin Al Waleed Street,
Burdubai PO Box 52752Dubai, UAE

Commodity Required: Urea


Sl.No. Charaeteristics Requirements

1 Total Nitroaen o6aqe bv weioht (on drv basis) 46.00 Min.
I Moisture %ace bv weiqht C"50 t*Eax"
3 Biuret 7"aoe bv weioht 1.00 Max.
4 Particle Size {Prilled)
{i) Maierial passingthrough 2.8mm IS Sieve (Tyler Sieve 7)
and retained on 1 mm lS Sieve (Tyler Sieve 16) by weight

(itiTo pass tltrough 'l mm IS Sieve by ir-eighi i, /o tvtct ..

Quantity and Frequency: 15,000 MT/month

Origin: Kajakistan
*est!l:atE*n: Vlundra Fsrt - !ildi=
*s FoErm0ff0mm|tm6ag,
Shipping Terms: CIF
Payment Terms Required: 1-00%

Maximurn Price: 5375

Additional Requirements & lnformation


wp Vat,eL htl t/of uz3

,q pwtr


We authorize DEP IMPORT EXPORT to source/procure the above item on our behalf. We will take
We authorize LLC AZRO OIL to source/procure the above item on our behalf. We will take over
over communications with the supplier at an appropriate stage in the purchase process.
communications with the
supplier at an appropriate stage in the purchase process.

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