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I am glad to know that you are

a Muslim... If I am right in my
assumption? You seem to have
a great understanding of the
Muslim Faith, it is something I
too am curious to learn about.
I was wondering if you thought
it would be a good idea, and
would be willing to participate
in starting a thread in the spirit
forum, whereby, we could
discuss and share ideas,
questions, and knowledge,
comparing the Faiths of the
Muslims, Christians, and Jews,
in a totally peaceful manner,
where-in, intolerance,
disrespect, antagonistic
behavior, would not be allowed
from any participants
I'm not talking about anyone
trying to convert anyone else
to any other Faith, but
arranging an enviroment where
an understanding of these
Faiths can be achieved...
So many of my Christian
friends have absolutely none,
or limited background
information about the Muslim
Faith, and really do want to
understand the difference's
and similarities, anyway,
maybe you could give me
some feed back on this idea,
let me know what you

Hi starman... i took your

suggestion to heart and here is
my first contribution. Its
something most of you might
know about if not... here it
goes: Ps. this is a short

Major and Minor signs of

Qiyama(judgement day)
according to the prophet

Minor Signs:

Qiyamah will come when...

Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari

(R.A.) narrates that Rasulallah
(Sallallahu Alayhii Wassallam)
said, "Qiyamah will come...

1. When it will be regarded as

a shame to act on Quranic

2. When untrustworthy people

will be regarded as trustworthy
and the trustworthy will be
regarded as untrustworthy.

3. When it will be hot in winter

(and vice versa).
4. When the length of days is
stretched, i.e. a journey of a
few days is covered in a matter
of hours.

5. When orators and lecturers

lie openly.

6. When people dispute over

petty issues.

7. When women with children

come displeased on account of
them bearing offspring, and
barren women remain happy
on account of having no
responsibility of offspring.

8. When oppression, jealousy,

and greed become the order of
the day.

9. When people blatantly follow

their passions and whims.

10. When lies prevail over the


11. When violence, bloodshed

and anarchy become common.

12. When immorality overtakes

shamelessness and is
perpetrated publicly.

13. When legislation matters

pertaining to Deen is handed
over to the worst elements of
the Ummat, and if people
accept them and are satisfied
with their findings, then such
persons will not smell the
fragrance of Jannat.

14. When the offspring become

a cause of grief and anger (for
their parents).

The following is part of a

lengthy Hadith narrated by
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood
(R.A.) when he inquired from
Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alayhi
Wassallam) about the Signs of

1. Music and musical

instruments will be found in
every home.

2. People will indulge in


3. There will be an abundance

of illegitimate children.

4. There will be an abundance

of critics, tale-carriers, back-
biters and taunters in society.

5. People will establish ties

with strangers and sever
relations with their near and
dear ones.

6. Hypocrites will be in control

of the affairs of the community
and evil, immoral people will
be at the helm of business

7. The Masjid will be

decorated, but the hearts of
the people will be devoid of

8. The courtyards of Masjids

will be built beautifully and
high mimbars (pulpits) will be

9. Gangsters and evil people

will prevail.

10. Various wines will be

consumed excessively.

Auf bin Malik (R.A.) says: I

came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam) while he was
in his skin tent during the
Tabuk expedition. He said to
me, "Count six things before
the advent of Qiyamah:

1. My death

2. The conquest of Jerusalem

3. Mass deaths amongst you

people, just as when sheep die
in large numbers during an

4. Abundance of wealth to such

an extent that if a person were
to be given a hundred Dinars
he will still not be satisfied
5. General anarchy and
bloodshed, that no Arab
household will be spared from

6. Then a life of peace as a

result of a peace agreement
between you and the Banil
(Romans) which they will break
and attack you with a force
consisting of eighty flags and
under each flag will be an army
of twelve thousand men."
(Hadith: Sahih Bukhari).


Abu Nadhrah says: "We were

sitting in the company of Jabir
bin Abdullah (R.A.) when he
said: 'Soon the people of IRAQ
will neither receive any food
(grain) nor any money.'" We
asked, "Why would such a
thing happen?" He replied,
"Because of the non-Arabs."
(i.e they will prevent food from
going into Iraq, in the form of
"sanctions" to this day.) He
then said: "Soon the people of
Shaam (SYRIA) will neither
receive any money nor grain."
We asked as to why this would
happen. He replied: "Because
of the Romans (christians)."

Hadhrat Abbas (R.A) narrates
that Rasulallah (Sallallahu
Alayhi Wassallam) has said,
"Islam will spread far and
wide, across the seas. Horses
will cross the land and seas in
the cause of Jihaad. Then a
time will come wherein a group
of people will emerge which
recites the Quraan. They will

'We have recited the Quraan

and is there anyone who
understands the Quraan better
than us? There is NO ONE
more proficient than us in the
study of the Quraan.'

Then Rasulallah (Sallallahu

Alayhi Wassallam) asked the
Sahaba, "Do you see any good
in their claims?" The Sahaba
replied, "No". Rasulallah
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam)
said, "But these conceited
claimants will be from my
Ummah and will be the fuel of
the Fire."

Major Signs:

The Major Signs (i.e. events

after the emergence of Imam
Mahdi) IMAM MAHDI and his
followers bring peace and
justice to the world.

DAJJAL ("Anti-Christ")... 3

Before the emergence of Dajjal

there will be three years of
drought. The first year, the
skies will retain 1/3 of its
water, the second year 2/3,
and all of its water the third


Dajjal appears. His followers,

the Yahudis, will number
70,000 and will wear expensive
silk attire and carry double
edged swords.


Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) descends
during the lifetime of Imam


Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) destroys
Dajjal at the Gate of Hudd,
near an Israeli airport, in the
valley of “Ifiq.” The final war
between the Yahudi's will
ensue, and the Believers will
be victorious.

With the death of Dajjal (the
anti-Christ), all wars will end.
Jihad will be stopped; peace,
harmony, and tranquility will
be on earth. The earth will
produce abundant crops and
fruit. The people will submit to
one God.


The revelation tells that the
Yajooj and Majooj will soon be
released and the believers
should be taken to Mt. Toor


and Magog") RELEASED
The Yajooj and Majooj surge
forth in large numbers. They
destroy everything in their
path in their effort to conquer
the world. They will be
released in two groups.


When they reach Mount
Khamrin in Jerusalem, they will
proclaim to have conquered
the world. Then the will shoot
arrows into the sky to conquer
the heavens. The arrows will
return blood stained.

Scarcity of provisions and
hardships will afflict the
Muslims. Hadhrat Isa (A.S.)
and the Muslims will pray for
the removal of the calamity.


Their prayers were answered
and the Yajooj and Majooj
develop boil infections, causing
them to burst simultaneously
as a result.


Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) and his
companions pray again and
huge birds are sent to pick up
the Yajooj and Majooj corpses
and dispose of them in Nahbal
(according to Tirmidhi), the
ocean or elsewhere.


It will rain for forty days and
the earth will be cleansed.
Muslims will burn the bows and
arrow of Yajooj and Majooj for
7 years. Life will be peaceful
while Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) is
alive. The earth will be
bountiful. Hadhrat Isa will live
19 years after marriage.




Jahjaan from Qahtaan, from a
tribe in Yemen, will rule as the
next Khalifa. Muquad, from a
tribe of Banu Tamim will also
be a deputy.

The Final Signs of Qiyaamah:



The ground will cave in: one in

the east, one in the west, and
one in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia.


Fog or smoke will cover the

skies for forty days. The
non-believers will fall
unconscious, while Muslims will
be ill (develop colds). The skies
will then clear up.



A night three nights long will

follow the fog. It will occur in
the month of Zil-Hajj after
Eidul-Adha, and cause much
restlessness among the people.



After the night of three nights,

the following morning the sun
will rise in the west. People’s
repentance will not be
accepted after this incident.



One day later, the Beast from

the earth will miraculously
emerge from Mount Safaa in
Makkah, causing a split in the
ground. The beast will be able
to talk to people and mark the
faces of people, making the
believers’ faces glitter, and the
non-believers’ faces darkened.



A breeze from the south

causes sores in the armpits of
Muslims, which they will die of
as a result.


The Ka’aba will be destroyed

by non-Muslim African group.
Kufr will be rampant. Haj will
be discontinued. The Qur’an
will be lifted from the heart of
the people, 30 years after the
ruler Muquad’s death.



The fire will follow people to

Syria, after which it will stop.

Some years after the fire,
Qiyaamah begins with the Soor
(trumpet) being blown. The
year is not known to any
person. Qiyaamah will come
upon the worst of creation.

check out this site for further

"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow
mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh
ree`iy bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew
Last edited by raze78 on Sun Jul 09,
2006 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total

Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:18 am

Can we first edit the Topic header to be a more neutral, an

Joined: 29 Sep 2005
Posts: 961
one, i.e. A peaceful dialogue of Muslim's, Christian's, & Je
Location: Earth something on those lines?
Jewish Messiah Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:50 am

I'd be interested to know what the facts are on the awaite

Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498
messiah. If any body knows anything about when he is su
come and what the signs are.................
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

Science and religion Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:24 pm

I find it amazing that some things that we now take for gr

Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498
our Grandfathers might have thought of as fiction, were a
centuries before 'science'.

Excerpt from


Edwin Hubble with his giant telescope

In the Qur'an, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago

when the science of astronomy was still primitive, the exp
universe was described in the following terms:

And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might

is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)

The word "heaven," as stated in the verse above, is used

places in the Qur'an. It is referring to space and the wider
Here again, the word is used with this meaning, stating th
universe "expands." The Arabic word "moosiaaoona" in th
lamoosiaaoona," translated into English as "it is We Who a
expanding it", comes from the verb "evsea," meaning "to
prefix "la" emphasises the following name or title and add
"to a great extent." This expression therefore means "We
sky or the universe to a great extent." This is the very con
science has reached today. 1

Georges Lemaitre

Until the dawn of the 20th century, the only view prevailin
of science was that "the universe has a constant nature an
existed since infinite time." However, modern research, ob
and calculations carried out by means of modern technolo
revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning and tha

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physicis

Friedmann and the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre
calculated that the universe is in constant motion and tha

From the moment of the Big Bang, the universe has been
expanding at a great speed. Scientists compare the expan
to the surface of a balloon that is inflated.
This notion was confirmed by the use of observational dat
While observing the sky with a telescope, Edwin Hubble, t
astronomer, discovered that the stars and galaxies were c
moving away from each other. This discovery is regarded
greatest in the history of astronomy. During these observa
established that the stars emit a light that turns redder ac
their distance. That is because according to the known law
light heading towards a point of observation turns violet, a
moving away from that point assumes a more reddish hue
observations, Hubble noted a tendency towards the colour
light emitted by stars. In short, the stars were moving fur
further away, all the time. The stars and galaxies were no
away from us, but also from each other. A universe where
constantly moves away from everything else implied a con
expanding universe. The observations carried out in the fo
verified that the universe is constantly expanding.
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

Polar shift Sun Jul 09, 2006 1:06 pm

This is very interesting. Think that NASA scientists are actually predic
20 Feb
the poles.(NASA Claims Polar Shift Due In 2012:
Posts: ar

North wil be South and vice versa. Now what's funny about that is, ac
prophet Muhammad(pbuh), at the advent of the antichrist, the first d
coming will last a year, the second day a month, the third day a week
will be normal days(40 days in all will the antichrist reign). Then the s
from the west.

Now.... if you take the spinning of the earth on its axis due to magne
would happen if those forces were to shift? would the earth just autom
in the opposite direction? Or would it rather first stop(one day will las
slowly gain momentum in the opposite direction(the second day will l
then speed up(the third day will last a week) then regain full moment
rest of the days will be likke normal days).
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh ree`iy bn
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:36 pm

Interesting proposition indeed...

Joined: 29 Sep 2005
Posts: 961
So, raze78,
Location: Earth I was wondering if you might be able to give a brief histor
comparison of the "God of the Holy Bible" and "Allah of Is
please guide me in making sure that any referrences I ma
respect, I don't want to offend anyone, man or God...) Are
same God? Please excuse my ignorance, but the Muslim F
an unknown mystery to me, and my study time is limited.

Yeah Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:25 pm

"Say: He is Allah,
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498 The One and Only.
"Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]

Muslims believe that the same God that created Adam and
God of Moses and abraham and all the prophets is the sam
christianity and Judaism. Infact, ask any muslim and they
that Christianity and Islam are basically the same belief w

1. Muslims believe that Jesus(pbuh) was a messenger of G

no sons or daughters. We are all of his creation. It would
abominable to equate the creator with his creation. As for
he had no biological father, but this does not make God hi
Father here or in the bible is used to show Gods love to m
some sort of paternal bond, then that is one thing. But to
God is a parent of a human being is a definate no no. Ada
father nor mother and he too was but Gods creation.

"No son did Allah beget,

Nor is there any god
Along with Him: (if there were
Many gods), behold, each god
Would have taken away
What he had created,
And some would have
Lorded it over others!
Glory to Allah! (He is free)
From the (sort of) things
They attribute to Him!"
[Al-Qur’an 23:91]
2. That Muhammad(pbuh) was Gods last messenger.
I'd like to point out a few things. Firstly, prior to Abraham
the arabs and the jews(Ismael and Isaac) none of the pro
could be attributed to be solely Jewish, since that race did
the time. Thus all prophets before that were to all mankin
attributes over 120 000 messengers to have been sent to
peoples during different stages of history. The Quran deal
the most influential and amongst the most influential were
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Each prophet was sent to a
and made laws to suit the development of mankind at tha
and our capabilities. Thus Moses' Ten commandments, alt
and obvious to us, was pivotal and instrumental to the de
morality. Man at that time was of that stage. Not that we
but if you take the obstacles of simply surviving and procu
needs, then such advanced rules as praying 5 times a day
have been a great hardship to them.
See I think God gave us knowledge bit by bit, through diff
messengers until we were mature enough to ascend to th

Now, Jesus, like other prophets before, was to be termina

chosen people. They disbelieved and wanted a vengent m
than one who preached love and kindness etc.

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren,
thee, and will put my words in his mouth and he shall spe
all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass th
will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in m
require it of him. (Deuteronomy 18:18-19)

As we have pointed out, both the Jews and Arabs were th

Abraham and so were brethren. The one continously murd
prophets of God sent to them, the other were a group of n
whose only skill was kiling one another in the deserts.

Now, as I understand it, the above persage deals with one

that idividual shall reveal scripture word by word, through
Muhammad(pbuh) was illeterate. He could neither write n
depended all his life on his companions to write for him. H
first revelation from the angel Gabriel at the age of fourty
words commanded to him was 'RECITE!'. and thus bit by
was revealed to him. Some passages dealt with actual situ
time, thus therefor it is not prudent to read the Quran wo
and assume the literal meaning of it, without some unders
the times and the reasons for revelation.

If I might now point to you the Gospel of Barnabas, chapt


Chapter 39

Then said John: 'Well hast thou spoken, O master, but we

how man sinned through pride.'

Jesus answered: 'When God has expelled Satan, and the a

had purified that mass of earth whereon Satan spat, God
everything that liveth, both of the animals that fly and of
walk and swim, and he adorned the world with all that it h
Satan approached unto the gates of paradise, and, seeing
eating grass, he announced to them that if that mass of e
receive a soul there would be for them grievous labour; a
therefore it would be to their advantage to trample that p
in such wise that it should be no more good for anything.
aroused themselves and impetuously set themselves to ru
piece of earth which lay among lilies and roses.

Whereupon God gave spirit to that unclean portion of eart

lay the spittle of Satan, which Gabriel had taken up from t
raised up the dog, who' barking filled the horses with fear,
fled. Then God gave his soul to man, while all the holy an
'Blessed be thy holy name, O God our Lord.'

'Adam, having sprung up upon his feet, saw in the air a w

shone like the sun, which said: "There is only one God, an
is the messenger of God." Whereupon Adam opened his m
said: "I thank thee, O Lord my God, that thou hast deigne
me; but tell me. I pray thee, what meaneth the message
words: "Mohammed is messenger of God. Have there bee
before me?"
'Then said God: "Be thou welcome, O my servant Adam. I
thou art the first man whom I have created And he whom
seen [mentioned] is thy son, who shall come into the wor
hence, and shall be my messenger, for whom I have creat
who shall give light to the world when he shall come; who
set in a celestial splendour sixty thousand years before I m

'Adam besought God, saying: "Lord, grant me this writing

nails of the fingers of my hands." Then God gave to the fi
his thumbs that writing; upon the thumb-nail of the right
"There is only one God," and upon the thumb-nail of the l
"Mohammed is messenger of God." Then with fatherly affe
man kissed those words, and rubbed his eyes, and said: "
that day when thou shalt come to the world."

'Seeing the man alone, God said: "It is not well that he sh
alone." Wherefore he made him to sleep, and took a rib fr
heart, filling the place with flesh. Of that rib made he Eve,
to Adam for his wife. He set the twain of them as lords of
whom he said: "Behold I give unto you every fruit to eat,
apples and the corn" whereof he said: "Beware that in no
these fruits, for ye shall become unclean, insomuch that I
suffer you to remain here, but shall drive you forth, and y
great miseries."


and of Barnabas, he is mentioned in the bible. So any def

him would be pointless. he was one of the apostles, thoug
that has been challenged over the ages by the church. In
will find him always mentioned before Paul. as for Jesus, I
one who is a christian to add a passage from the bible in w
says that he is the son of God. As far as i know, that was
mentioned by Paul.

Also, the oath a person takes to become muslim is: "Ther

but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."
Also in the bible, Jesus says:

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you th

for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you
depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he
the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. .
many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them no
when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into
he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear
speak.. and he will show you things to come. He shall glor
shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. (John 16

I hope, by reffering to these issues, i don't offend nor ove

bounds, since I only wish to point out the muslim belief th
basically the same and that Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) wi
thwart the contrivances of these luciferan NWO's. I'd also
that I some how understand the racial aspect of religion. C
to white as Islam is to Arabs. Only, Arabs are actually a m
muslims. Also the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) mentioned t
amongst men will you find an Arab and the worst among
find an Arab. The prophet Muhammad's parents died when
young and his nanny was a black girl whom he also regard
mother all her life. So as a muslim, I have no association
to Arabs, it is not a social club. It is the truth I seek not th
of Saddam Hussein.

"No vision can grasp Him

But His grasp is over
All vision: He is
Above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things."
[Al-Qur’an 6:103]
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.
Last edited by raze78 on Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Oops... On one sided... Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:47 am

i had hoped we'd all add to this post from our deferring pe
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498
but so far, I have unfortunately contributed to a one sided
there no christians or Jews on this site?

Please add whatever you deem relevant, to be moderated


Ps... I wished to add a reply and instead started a new top

please delete it, since it was a mistake and I can't find a m
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:52 am

Joined: 29 Sep 2005 quote:

Posts: 961
Location: Earth
i had hoped we'd all add to this post from our deferring pe
but so far, I have unfortunately contributed to a one sided

I would encourage patience, the scope of this topic is very

touchy matter most would rather avoid... We have just be
dialogue less than 24 hours ago. Some may wonder why o
would even consider entertaining the Topic. But it is my u
that, that is what the Spirit forum is about, exploring the
Spiritual life.
I think it offers a significant alternative to the searching w
doing in the other realms and forums. It is not an imperat
Topic to dominate or distract others who are busy with the
here. Moreover, for me I think it will be just a resourceful
more knowledge about the similarities and differences of t
want to make sure no one feels antagonized, or offended
discussions, so once again please be patient. I think what
adding is quite educational, because as I said, my underst
Islam is very limited, so I thank you for your efforts. If ot
interested, no worries...

Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:14 am

Joined: 29 Sep 2005
Posts: 961
Location: Earth quote:

So unlike christianity, their are no racial aspects to Islam.

I think it would be best to try to eliminate phrases like thi

example, 1. because it suggest "Christians" are more racis
"Islamist" which most certainly would aggravate Christian
you capitalized "Islam" but you failed to capitalize the wor
"Christianity" This too might be considered disrespectful a
the little things that cause our reactions to be distracted.
eliminate the potential for the negative to arise. Ok? peac

appologia Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:36 am

I appologose, also it was my intention to spark a bit of de

Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498
not materrialise. This though is not the place for such deb
focus on the coming world events and the unity of the fait
NWO one world religion kinda sense, but as mankind. The
the book' share the same destiny. I just hope there will be
bloodshed before Jesus' second coming.
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

I'll just continue my observations................. Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:1

Joined: 20 Feb 2006 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Hindu Scriptures

Posts: 498
by Dr. Zakir Naik
Muhammad (pbuh) prophesised in Bhavishya Purana

According to Bhavishya Purana in the Prati Sarag Parv III

Adhay 3 Shloka 5 to 8.
"A malecha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking
language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companion
will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev
angelic disposition) a bath in the Panchgavya and the Gan
purifying him of all sins) offered him the present of his sin
and showing him all reverence said, "I make obeisance to
The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have colle
force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protecte
malecha opponents."

The Prophecy clearly states:

The name of the Prophet as Mohammad.

He will belong to Arabia. The Sanskrit word Marusthal mea

track of land or a desert.

Special mention is made of the companions of the Prophe

Sahabas. No other Prophet had as many companions as P
Muhammad (pbuh).

He is referred as the pride of mankind (Parbatis nath). Th

Qur’an reconfirms this

"And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character"

[Al-Qur'an 68:4]|

"Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah, a beautiful pat

[Al-Qur'an 33:21]

He will kill the devil, i.e. abolish idol worship and all sorts

The Prophet will be given protection against his enemy.

Some people may argue that ‘Raja’ Bhoj mentioned in the

lived in the 11th century C.E. 500 years after the advent o
Muhammad (pbuh) and was the descendant in the 10th g
Raja Shalivahan. These people fail to realise that there wa
one Raja of the name Bhoj. The Egyptian Monarchs were c
Pharaoh and the Roman Kings were known as Caesar, sim
Indian Rajas were given the title of Bhoj. There were seve
who came before the one in 11th Century C.E.

The Prophet did not physically take a bath in the Panchgav

water of Ganges. Since the water of Ganges is considered
bath in the Ganges is an idiom, which means washing awa
immunity from all sorts of sins. Here the prophecy implies
Muhammad (pbuh) was sinless, i.e. Maasoom.

According to Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III K

3 Shloka 10 to 27 Maharishi Vyas has prophesised:

"The Malecha have spoiled the well-known land of the Ara

Dharma is not to be found in the country. Before also ther
misguided fiend whom I had killed; he has now again app
sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the rig
give them guidance, the well-known Muhammad (pbuh), i
bringing the Pishachas to the right path. O Raja, You need
land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through
even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition
man, in the guise of Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, "O Raja! Y
Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but a
the commandments of Ishwar Parmatma, I shall enforce t
creed of the meat eaters. My followers will be men circum
a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution a
the Aadhaan (the Muslim call for prayer) and will be eatin
things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They
purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified throu
On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they w
as Musalmaans. I shall be the originator of this religion of
meat-eating nations."

The Prophecy states that:

The evil doers have corrupted the Arab land.

Arya Dharma is not found in that land.

The Indian Raja need not go the Arab land since his purifi
take place in India after the musalmaan will arrive in India

The coming Prophet will attest the truth of the Aryan faith
Monotheism and will reform the misguided people.

The Prophet’s followers will be circumcised. They will be w

on the head and bear a beard and will create a great revo

They will announce the Aadhaan, i.e. ‘the Muslim call for p

He will only eat lawful things and animals but will not eat
Qur’an confirms this in no less than 4 different places:

In Surah Al-Baqarah chapter 2 verse 173

In Surah Al-Maidah chapter 5 verse 3
In Surah Al-Anam chapter 6 verse 145
In Surah Al-Nahl chapter 16 verse 115

"Forbidden to you for food are dead meat, blood, flesh of

that on which hath been invoked the name of other than A

They will not purify with grass like the Hindus but by mea
they will fight their irreligious people.

They will be called musalmaan.

They will be a meat-eating nation.

The eating of herbivorous animals is confirmed by the Qur
Maidah, chapter 5 verse 1 and in Surah Muminun chapter

According to Bhavishya Purana, Parv - III Khand 1 Adhay


"Corruption and persecution are found in seven sacred cit

etc. India is inhabited by Rakshas, Shabor, Bhil and other
people. In the land of Malechhas, the followers of the Male
(Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are f
Musalmaans and all sorts of vices have accumulated in the
Aryas. Islam will rule in India and its islands. Having know
O Muni, glorify the name of thy lord".

The Qur’an confirms this in Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse

Surah Al Saff chapter 61 verse 9:

"It is He who hath sent His Messenger with Guidance and

of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the P
detest (it)".

A similar message is given in Surah Fatah chapter 48 vers

with, "and enough is Allah as a witness".


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Prophesised in Atharvaveda

In the 20th book of Atharvaveda Hymn 127 Some Suktas

are known as Kuntap Sukta. Kuntap means the consumer
troubles. Thus meaning the message of peace and safety
translated in Arabic means Islam.

Kuntap also means hidden glands in the abdomen. These

called so probably because their true meaning was hidden
be revealed in future. Its hidden meaning is also connecte
navel or the middle point of this earth. Makkah is called th
Qur’a the mother of the towns or the naval of the earth. I
revealed books it was the first house of Divine worship wh
Almighty gave spiritual nourishment to the world. The Qur
Surah Ali-Imran chapter 3, verse 96:

"The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that
(Makkah) full of blessings and of guidance and for all kind
Thus Kuntap stands for Makkah or Bakkah.

Several people have translated these Kuntap Suktas like M

Prof. Ralph Griffith, Pandit Rajaram, Pandit Khem Karan, e

The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas i.e. in At

book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13 are:

Mantra 1
He is Narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad). He is
the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even am
of 60,090 enemies.

Mantra 2
He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heav

Mantra 3
He is Mamah Rishi who is given a hundred gold coins, ten
(necklaces), three hundred good steeds and ten thousand

Mantra 4
Vachyesv rebh. ‘Oh! ye who glorifies’.

The Sanskrit word Narashansah means ‘the praised one’, w

literal translation of the Arabic word Muhammad (pbuh).

The Sanskrit word Kaurama means ‘one who spreads and

peace’. The holy Prophet was the ‘Prince of Peace’ and he
equality of human kind and universal brotherhood. Kauram
means an emigrant. The Prophet migrated from Makkah t
and was thus also an Emigrant.

He will be protected from 60,090 enemies, which was the

Makkah. The Prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indi
cannot be an Indian Rishi, since it is forbidden for a Brahm
camel according to the Sacred Books of the East, volume
Manu pg. 472. According to Manu Smirti chapter 11 verse
Brahman is prohibited from riding a camel or an ass and t
naked. He should purify himself by suppressing his breath

This mantra gave the Rishi's name as Mamah. No rishi in

another Prophet had this name Mamah which is derived fr
which means to esteem highly, or to revere, to exalt, etc.
Sanskrit books give the Prophet’s name as ‘Mohammad’, b
according to Sanskrit grammar can also be used in the ba
incorrect to apply grammar to an Arabic word. Actually sh
meaning and somewhat similar pronunciation as the word

He is given 100 gold coins, which refers to the believers a

companions of the Prophet during his turbulent Makkan lif
due to persecution they migrated from Makkah to Abysinia
Prophet migrated to Madinah all of them joined him in Ma

The 10 chaplets or necklaces were the 10 best companion

Prophet (pbuh) known as Ashra-Mubbashshira (10 bestow
news). These were foretold in this world of their salvation
hereafter i.e. they were given the good news of entering p
the Prophet’s own lips and after naming each one he said
They were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Ab
Ibn Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Saad bin Zaid and Abu Uba
Allah be well-pleased with all of them).

The Sanskrit word Go is derived from Gaw which means ‘t

A cow is also called Go and is a symbol of war as well as p
10,000 cows refer to the 10,000 companions who accomp
Prophet (pbuh) when he entered Makkah during Fateh Ma
was a unique victory in the history of mankind in which th
blood shed. The 10,000 companions were pious and comp
cows and were at the same time strong and fierce and are
the Holy Quran in Surah Fatah:
"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those who are
strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst
[Al-Qur'an 48:29]
This mantra calls the Prophet as Rebh which means one w
which when translated into Arabic is Ahmed, which is anot
the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

Battle of the Allies described in the Vedas.

It is mentioned in Atharvaveda Book XX Hymn 21 verse 6

truthful! These liberators drink these feats of bravery and
songs gladdened thee in the field of battle. When thou ren
vanquished without fight the ten thousand opponents of t
one, the adoring one."

This Prophecy of the Veda describes the well-known battle

the battle of the Allies during the time of Prophet Muhamm
Prophet was victorious without an actual conflict which is
the Qur’an in Surah Ahzab:

"When the believers saw the confederate forces they said,

Allah and His Messenger had promised us and Allah and H
told us what was true." And it only added to their faith an
[Al-Qur'an 33:22]

The Sanskrit word karo in the Mantra means the ‘praying

when translated into Arabic means ‘Ahmed’, the second na
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh).

The 10,000 opponents mentioned in the Mantra were the

the Prophet and the Muslims were only 3000 in number.

The last words of the Mantra aprati ni bashayah means th

given to the enemies without an actual fight.

The enemies’ defeat in the conquest of Makkah is mention

Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no 9:

"You have O Indra, overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men

outstripping Chariot wheel who came to fight the praised
famed (Muhammad) orphan."

The population of Makkah at the time of Prophet’s advent


There were several clans in Makkah each having its own c

there were about 20 chiefs to rule the population of Makka

An Abandhu meaning a helpless man who was far-famed

one’. Muhammad (pbuh) overcame his enemies with the h


Muhammad (pbuh) prophesised in the Rigveda

A similar prophecy is also found in Rigveda Book I, Hymn

The Sanskrit word used is Sushrama, which means praise

praised which in Arabic means Muhammad (pbuh).


Muhummad (pbuh) is also prophesised in the Samveda

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is also prophesised in the Sam

Hymn 6 verse 8:

"Ahmed acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal l

light from him just as from the sun." The Prophecy confirm

The name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an Ara

Many translators misunderstood it to be Ahm at hi and tra
mantra as "I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my f

Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.

The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet Muha

Qur’an says in Surah Saba chapter 34 verse 28

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to

them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but mo
understand not."
[Al-Qur'an 34:28]

I realise mention of the word Sharia might invoke a gag re

some of you. But do not miscontrue the stupidity of male
societies that misuse religion inorder to advance their sup
Sharia forbids such things as usury. And promotes fair tra
profit margins, non monopoly laws etc.
The aspect of these laws most known to the west is that o
adulteres. In reality, such a thing should almost be an imp
since four witnesses are required to have actually seen th
sexual misconduct. But in primitive societies where wome
subjugated, the laws are conducted as they themselves se
law in particular was meant to (I think) uphold the sanctit
family and also honesty. If one does not desire ones wife
then divorce is also paperless in the Sharia. One just says
couples have to co-habit for over a mounth, and if no sex
emotional contact is achieved, they may separate, with th
required to maintain the ex wife financially until such a tim
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.
Last edited by raze78 on Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in tota

Zoroastrian prophecies Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:25 pm
Joined: 20 Feb 2006 The Epistle of Sasan I in Dasatir contains the prophecy. Sa
Posts: 498 reformer of the Zoroastrian religion. It is believed that thi
part of the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster, to which Sasan
explanatory notes. Some scholars have suggested that th
‘Dasatir’ means ten (das) parts (tir) while others contend
is derived from Dasatur, meaning religious law. The Zoroa
also known as ‘Magians’ and ‘Fire Worshipers.’

The Epistle of Sasan I describes future events at a time w

Zoroastrians will have forsaken their religious practices. T
translation of the Epistle of Sasan I is presented below.

“When the Persians will do such deeds, a man from amon

will be born whose followers shall overthrow and dissolve
and religion of the Persians.
And the arrogant people (Persians) will be subjugated.
Instead of the temple of fire and the house of idols they w
House of Abraham without any idols as their Qibla.(The sh
was constructed by Abraham)

“And they will be a mercy to the worlds.

And they will capture the places of temples of fire, Madain
nearby lands, Tus and Balkh, and other eminent and sacre
And their leader will be an eloquent man whose words and
be clear and far-reaching.”
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.
The freemasosns: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:49 pm

Devil worshipping luciferan cults have existed a long time

Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 498
masonist for example... meet at night in their lodges.

Here is what it says in the Quran;

4:108 They may hide (Their crimes) from men, but they c
(Them) from Allah, seeing that He is in their midst when t
night, in words that He cannot approve: And Allah Doth co
all that they do.


3:53 "Our Lord! we believe in what Thou hast revealed, an

the Messenger. then write us down among those who bea

3:54 And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah

and the best of planners is Allah.

3:55 Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and rais
Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who bla
will make those who follow thee superior to those who rej
the Day of Resurrection: Then shall ye all return unto me,
judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wze
bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.
The Matrix Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:44 am

Hi. It's me. I know you're out there. I know you're working as
Joined: 20 Feb
can to catch me.
Posts: 498
I thought I should call and let you know how things stand.

I know you're real proud of this world you've built, the way it w
nice little rules and such, but I've got some bad news.

I've decided to make a few changes.


Now that line is from the first matrix film. Now instead of neo,
character name with lucifer and it all makes so much sense do

Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie, but I can't help think t
so many hidden truths in it.

Look how the movie starts;

-He is ejected from heaven
-He views us all as slaves in the realm of reality.
-His people are in Zion... I know that is contoversial of me but
-He dabbles in the occult (bend the spoon)

I mean what is really wrong about being plugged in to the mat

the the way it is depicted in the movie; People die and their el
reconstituted to feed the young. In reality, doesn't that happen
we not die and are our elements not returned to the earth? Wh
with that?

And what if their is another reality other than this one. What w
I'm guessing it would be that of the enlightened ones. The Illu

I for one do not want to be saved by the 'one'. I'll stay in realit
the cycle. And I will respect the Architect.
"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh re
Song of Solomon 5:16, Hebrew original.

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