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The Bride is the Holy Spirit

Quotes from Brother Branham

Original Spirit Man Adam, Third Person of the Trinity Holy Spirit


E-65 And when He did everything that seemed pleasing and good to Him, He said: "Let us make
man (plural) in Our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural Being. There is He who
could not be seen. God the Father was never seen, he never will be seen. He is all nature. And there
He is. And now, here is the Son, who is the Logos that came out of Him, made in the image of Him,
a supernatural Being that came out in the beginning. "Let us make man in our image and likeness."
After making a man in his own image, he made a supernatural being. Yes, indeed. Genesis 1:28,
read and see if it is not so. And so when He made man in His own image, He had dominion over the
beasts. He led the beasts then as the Holy Spirit is supposed to lead the Church today. That's how it
is. He led the Church and... And then he said, "There is no man to till the land." So he created man
from the dust of the ground. Now, He could have given him hands like a monkey and feet like a
bear. I don't know what he did, but he put him in five senses.And He put this supernatural being
that was called man, the third Person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, into humanity (That's exactly right.),
that man and He made him in His own image.

Trinity of Self



43 He put all those things together, and made...?... made all the other things, all the animal life,
the birds, the bees, the monkeys, and whatever, put them all here on the earth. And then He
asked this question. "Let us (Who? The Father and the Son) make man in our image and
likeness." Now, if a man was made something like that little holy Light over there, or
something like that, he couldn't be seen (that he is a spiritual Being). HEmanifested or
unfolded a little more to make a trinity of Himself through Father, Son and Holy Spirit . And
here was God, unfolding now, until "let us make man (who was His son, a descendant of His) a
man in our image and likeness (he was a supernatural being), and let him have dominion over
the beasts of the field, etc. "

Man is Deity


"John 4 says that God is a Spirit. And Hehad to make a spirit man . And she brought him down.
Now the deity cannot be seen. The deity is the supernatural.Then He makes it descend from a
sacred Halo to a small white cloud, something that is more visible; that's the man . He gives
him lordship over the Kingdom. And he ruled the beastsHow the Holy Spirit leads the church
today . But there was no man to till the land. So

He created man in the image of man on the earth, created him from the dust of the earth.This white
cloud, the Deity, descended, not into the animal, into the man. "

Man is Omnipotent


264 Now, man... I was going to choke, but I'm going to say it.Man is omnipotent . You don't believe it,
but it is.A man totally surrendered to God is omnipotent. Did He not say, in Mark 11:22, “Whatever you
say, and do not doubt in your heart, will come to pass?” What you have said will be fulfilled."? What
happens when two omnipotents come together? WhenGod and man come together through
omnipotence, something has to shake . Something... Whatever you say with that creative power of
God's omnipotence, knowing that He has promised it, and has said it in His Word, creates a power that
goes out and makes things happen, things that don't happen. They are, he makes them as if they were,
because two omnipotents have joined together. There He is! Oh, isn't He wonderful!

The Threefold Mystery of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit Is Hidden Wisdom When Spoken


Although in weakness... among you, who are perfect; but not with the wisdom of the world, but
with that of the princes of this world, which comes to nothing: But we speak the wisdom of
God in... mystery,(see, the threefold mystery of God) hidden wisdom, which God ordained
before the world for our glory:

The Church is the Blood


434The Church is the Blood of Christ , by the Spirit, because Life is in the Blood. That is the
baptism of the Holy Spirit that baptizes us into his Body, which only recognizes his Body, his
flesh, his Word.

The Church Is The Blood (b)


"John, there on the island of Patmos, a revelator for the Church, has been the type of the Church
that is elevated to Glory: "Come up here!" You say: "Did he represent the Church?" To all who hear
this Word, John represented it. Amen John!He was the representative of the Blood of Jesus Christ ,
testimony of the Word.

The Bride is the Original Spirit


557 Now, I just explained, those branches are pruned. They are dead. They are no longer
connected to Christ; they would be bringing the same Life. They are not connected to Him. But they
are like a citrus fruit. Any citrus fruit will live on a citrus tree, but will bring its own fruit. You put a
grapefruit on an orange tree, it will live next to the orange tree, but it will produce grapefruits. You
put a lemon, it's a citrus, it will produce an old sour lemon, but it's living off life. And that is what
the denominations are doing, under the name of the church. Isthe Bride who is the original Tree,
the original Spirit . Revelation comes from Christ, not from the denomination. Christ!

The Holy Spirit is the Original Spirit


83 When a man confesses his sins and is reconciled to God, and God drops the sin of this
confession in the Blood of his own Blood, and forgives that sin, and replaces in that manthe
original Spirit that should be there, His own Spirit, making him a child of God How much more
should the creative power of God be in the Church!

Who I am?


"Have you ever thought about this? Let me ask you something. This is my hand; that is my
finger; this is my ear; this is my nose; but who am I? That is not me. That is something that
belongs to me See, this is my hand, but who am I that owns the hand? See, this is just a house
that I'm living in. Well, there has to be something in there called "I." It has to be somewhere,
because this is mine. See? "I" is someone, because I own something. It's mine.Well, who does
that "I" belong to? That's your spirit . Well, it depends on what kind of spirit it is. To whom you
surrender your members, of that, you are a servant."

The Logos has a part: A Bride



"He was God, the Logos, the Word that came out of God. When, He began to move on the earth,
and produced marine life. When the Spirit of God, the Logos, the Word, God said: "Let there be." ,
and there was the Logos, which is the Word. Because all this was in the Logos; the entire Word of
God, the entire Bible, for every age.Now that same Logos has a part, it has a Bride. "

The Bride, The Holy Spirit Is Of Female Designation


"In very clear language, the True Bride of Christ was in the mind of God eternally, although she
did not express herself until each one appeared at the appointed and decreed time. As each
member appeared, she expressed herself and took her place in the body. Therefore, this Bride
is literally the Bride of the Seed of the Spoken Word.And although she is feminine in
designation, she is also called the "body of Christ." ". It is very apparent that she must be so
called because she was predestined in Him, came from the same source, was eternal with Him,
and is now manifesting God in a many-membered body whereas once God was manifested in
ONE MEMBER, our Lord Jesus Christ."

The Logos Is A Theophany, A Body of the Word. The Bride is Made of the Same Material: Word
and Spirit



In the beginning God was this great fountain of seven colors. How many know that? Come?
And how many know that God has seven Spirits? Absolutely, seven Spirits. And there were
seven eyes on the lamb, and so on, all of that coming together now. Come? Now, that was God.
Now, when He, the Logos, came out of God, which was God coming from this great source, in a
body in the form of a man, and made the Logos, which we call theophany... Now, if you take
the theophany when you're looking at that, that's a man.Now, that's where we were in the
beginning. You don't understand it now, but it was there in the beginning that way. When God
made man in His image, He made it a theophany.

(Brother Branham continues saying)

Before the foundation of the world, when God created man in his image and likeness,and
created woman in the image of man for the glory of man, he made her a theophany like
Himself , when he said: "let us make" the creatures he had made, "let us make man in our own
image, in our likeness..." a theophany. God had not yet become flesh; he was in a theophany.
Now, there it is.That's the way we are here . We come from a higher being.In the beginning we
were in the image and likeness of God .

Everything that is not the Holy Spirit will not be resurrected


E-21 Now, the word "religion" means "covering." And Adam and Eve made themselves a
religion, a covering. But when God called them and they had to stand face to face with God,
they realized that their man-made religion was of no use.And if you are anything but the Holy
Spirit and death strikes your body, you will find that man-made religion will not serve at the
hour of death.

The Bride Is Deity / Divine


John saw the Church, he saw the end of the Church age, he saw the end of the Jews, he saw the
Second Coming, he saw the whole order. And look what God had to do; boil it in fat for about
twenty-four hours down there,to let them see that he was Divine , that the Divine Spirit had
anointed the soul (that exterior, earth, or whatever you call it), the human flesh, had been so
Divinely pressed, until fat burning for twenty-four hours did not even singe it. Trying to boil the
Holy Spirit out of a man; that can not be done. So they put him on the island of Patmos, and he
wrote the Book, and he came back and preached several years. Hmm. Hmm.

The Bride Is Deity / Divine


"The Holy Spirit is deity, God made His tabernacle in men. It is more than a sensation. It is
more than speaking in tongues. It is more than shouting in the Spirit. It is more than crying. It
is more than joining the church. It is God living in men, the deity, God Himself making His
tabernacle in that person, when he can speak and it is thesame as God speaking; that is the
Church of Jesus Christ. That's the way the first apostolic church came out. "

Part of God, You Become God in Your Whole


"If you tell this mountain to move, and do not doubt, but believe that it is going to happen; you
can have what it says", WHAT IT SAYS. The only way to move that mountain would have to be
the deity speaking. When you are a child of God you receive God, who is Zoe, God's own life,
then you become part of God."

Part of God, you become God in its entirety


"When I become part ofmy father, I become all my father. When you become part ofGod,
becomes God, in its entirety . All His Word, you believe it all.

What He Is, I Am



"Today I am glad to be one of them, being identified with the Word, which is Christ. Identified
with Him! By being baptized into Him, we identify ourselves; identified in His likeness,
identified with His Word, which is Him. Yes I am in Christ, I am His Word; because He is the
Word,and what He is, I am . Amen. Do you understand it? [The congregation says: "Amen."]

The Spirit-Filled Man Is The Same As The Deity Speaking


"Romans 8:9b "If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of Him." There it is, He is
Spirit and He is Life. That's exactly what the Word is; that's exactly what Jesus is. He it's the
word.So when a Spirit-born, Spirit-filled man in faith takes that Word into his heart and puts it
on his lips, thenthat is the same as Deity speaking . Every mountain has to go. Satan cannot
stand before that man. And just today, as the church returns to the Word in faith, we can say
without a doubt that the glory of God and the wonderful acts of God will be in its midst again."

The Bride Is Deity

21) 49-1225 THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST_ v-20 n-12 Sunday_

"Men and women, it's time we found out who you are . The devil is trying to hide you, to tell
you that you are a little bit of something that has been trampled on. They are not. You are sons
and daughters of God. The deityIt is not in heaven; it's in you . Hallelujah. I know you think I'm
crazy, but let me tell you something, brother. When you realize that Almighty God lives in you,
Immortal Life. "My Life, I give Zoé," the Life of God is in the human being. He stood back there;
He is the Creator of all things. He made life, the frogs, and all these ducks, chickens, animals ,
created everything. "And nothing was made but what was made by Him." Who? Christ, the
Deity. "He caused the plagues to fall and everything in the days of Egypt." of the lions. He put
out the violence of the fire. He escaped the edge of the sword. He raised the dead from the
grave." Who? Christ. Oh my God, what would it be? Who is he? Christ, the Deity.And, brother,
sister, that Deity is in you. " A little while and the world will no longer see me, but you will see
me, because I will be with you, even in you, until the end of the world." Christ in the manger?
No.Christ in you . Hallelujah.We are not worshiping Christ in the manger, but Christ in you, the
Holy Spirit, the hope of Life Hallelujah), the Creator, God himself inhabiting the human being.
"What we will be does not yet appear, but we will see Him as He is. But the prophet also said:
'There will be Light in the evening time.' That's right. The way to Glory you will surely find.
That's right. The time of the evening has arrived. The church now, which was once dressed as
that little manger experience we passed through, has now come to a place thatPeople are
realizing that the Deity and power of Almighty God is living in the human being. And I tell you,
today, friend, listen to my word. There is a power of attraction, not of the church, not of the
pastor, but of the glory, this baptism of the Holy Spirit moving in that channel of life to trace a
Church. What is this? The power of God, access to his Life, Zoe. "These things that I do, you will
do also; greater than this you will do."

The Bride Is A Likeness Of The Son Of Man


204 Now, that's the Bible. That's what the Spirit said. Come? The candlesticks... Very good.
Now, Revelation 1 verse 13. And in the middle of the seven golden lampstands one like the Son
of Man...That? One like Him. Who was he? His girlfriend . One like Him, look how she was...
dressed in a robe down to her feet... The holiness of Jesus Christ covering her. He has washed
us from our sins, with his own Blood. Very good... tight around her chest... (not a man; a
woman).. . with a golden belt... (The Gospel that held the power and glory of God over the Body
of Christ.) Now, "His voice", or this Being that was standing there looking like this, Christ in His
Church, as the Bride and Christ being one,as husband and wife are one; the Church and Christ
being molded together with one Person, the same Holy Spirit . And the things that Christ did,
the Church does also. They see him?
That beautiful Church there in holiness, in power, in majesty, seeing visions, signs, wonders,
everything as He did, here it is on earth; giving all praise to God, saying, "I can do nothing unless
the Father shows it to me; but He showed it to me, and here it is." And they come to see these
things that are going to take place. Now, Christ molded into one... and the voice... of many waters...
Many people, not just one; It was the entire Church,the Seven Churches molded together as one
great rescued Body of the Lord . Everything that is born again with the Holy Spirit, speaking with
the power of God, that is the Body. That is the Body. "Out of his mouth comes a sharp two-edged
sword," out of the mouth of this one standing there,Christ and the Church as one.. . In her hand
she had seven stars. They were the seven ministers, a minister for each age of these Seven Church
Ages, comes out, holds them in his right hand. Amen. There He is. There were seven angels, seven
messengers, one for each church. Do you understand it? There He is standing. And out of his
mouth comes a sharp two-edged sword... What is a sharp two-edged sword? Hebrews chapter 4
says, "The Word of God is sharper and more powerful than a two-edged sword, piercing to the
marrow of the bones and discerning the thoughts of the mind." (Very good.) And the mystery of the
seven stars that you saw in my right hand, "the seven angels are seven ministers of the seven
churches." I want to get this to you. A star was the minister, and a minister anointed with a Spirit
from above.

The Bride Is A Likeness Of The Son Of Man (b)


180 Now, if you look at Revelation 1, we find Jesus standing in the seven church ages, the
seven golden lampstands, when he turned and saw One like the Son of man standing dressed
in a... How was it,It was a Bride standing in the candlesticks.

Kenos / Christ Empties Himself into the Bride


"Now, when it says here that He emptied Himself, or poured out, now, we would think so, that He "vomited," the
English word for emptied, or poured out of Him, you see, something came out of Him that was different.

of Him. But the word kenos, in the Greek, does not mean that He "vomited," or His arm came out, or His
eye came out, another person. That is, He "poured himself into," (Amen!), into another mask, into
another form. No other person came out of Him, called the Holy Spirit, but it was Himself. Do you
understand it? He poured himself into the town. "Christ in you!"

Adam's Original Spirit (the Holy Spirit) was his dynamic that entered into his flesh. mechanics


"Now, notice, in Romans 8:11, "ButYeah... "There is the problem. There is the condition that He
sets. ButYeah the Spirit of him (God, the Holy Spirit) who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in
you... Now, there it is, "If the Spirit of the Bridegroom dwells in the Bride! "When God made her
first bridegroom, she made the bridegroom first, and it was both a man and a woman,in spirit ;
She formed him in the dust of the earth, to make him material. And notice when He made Eve,
from Adam, He didn't take another piece of clay, He took the same piece of clay; the same
Word, because Adam was a Spoken Word. Come? He took from him, and he had male and
female spirit. And He took the spiritfeminine of Adam, and put it in Eve; so it's still part of
Adam's spirit, it's Adam's flesh.So, it was Adam's spirit, the dynamic, that vivified the mechanics
of his body. So the Bride must also be flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone. So how is this
mortal flesh to become her flesh? What is this great transformation? So,Yeah The Spirit of him
(God) who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will
also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.

The dispute with Jesus, they thought he was pretending to be God. The same with the Bride. But
she is the Word made flesh


Now look. What was their problem with Jesus? His dispute with Jesus, because He was a Man
becoming God. He was God. God was in Christ. Come? And He told them. He said, "And do not
look at Me. It is not I. He is My Father, and He dwells in me." Oh! Come? Now, they were
looking at that little body that was born of Mary. Come? That was the Son of God, but God was
in that Body. He was God. He said, "If I do not do the works of my Father, then condemn me.
But which of you can condemn me of sin, of disbelief in the Word? What Word has God spoken
that has not been fulfilled in Me?" Sin is unbelief. "Which of you accuses me of sin?" Sin is
unbelief. "Show Me. If I do not do the works of My Father, then do not believe Me. But if I do
the works of Me... Even if you cannot believe Me, believe in the works that I do, for they bear
witness." If not, "The Father is in Me, bearing witness to Himself." Because, "God was in Christ,
reconciling the world to himself." Do you understand it? [The congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]
Well, now, the same Life that is in the Vine is also in the branch.

Divine revelation of the Word made flesh in the bride


Jesus said to Peter and the apostles, after Peter had the revelation of Who He was. He said,
"Blessed are you, son of Jonah; flesh and blood have never revealed it to you, but My Father in
heaven has revealed it." On this rock I will build my Church; the gates of hell will not be able to
prevail against it. And I give you the keys; whatever you bind on earth, I will bind in Heaven; It
is that divine revelation of the Word made flesh.If it was flesh on that day through the Son, the
Bridegroom, it is flesh today through the Bride. . Come? "Whose sins you remit, they will be
remitted; whose sins you retain, they will be retained."

The Seven Spirits always associated with man


"Now, “voices,” the voices of the seven trumpets, were voices of the seven stars, seven
messengers , seven lamps. But now notice here: before the throne, which are the seven Spirits
of God. "Seven lamps." The Throne, the holy place, the congregation. And right here there
were seven stars, seven lamps, seven messengers, seven Spirits; It does not quite mean that
God is in seven Spirits, but rather "seven manifestations of the same Holy Spirit." Where is the
Holy Spirit? Here at the Throne, shining in every church age. This church age is reflecting in this
way, the voices of God, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Come, seven, there
were "voices." "And seven lamps burning," seven Spirits, "which are the seven Spirits of God."

The Seven Spirits always associated with man (b)


"To begin with, we know for a fact that these verses are not teaching a new doctrine contrary
to John 4:24 to "God is one (single) Spirit." But this is like Irafrom Corinthians 12:8-11 where we
find ONE Spirit manifesting in NINE ways. Thus we know that the seven Spirits of God mean
that it is the same Spirit appearing in a sevenfold manner.These seven Spirits are associated
with man. John the Baptist, in John 5:35, was called "burning light," which should actually be
translated "burning lamp." Again in Revelation 5:6 the seven Spirits areidentified as seven eyes
. In Zechariah 4:10, "For who has despised the day of small things? For they will rejoice, and see
the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven, they are the eyes of the Lord." It is
very evident that the word""they" refers to men. So we see that the eyes of the Lord in this case
are men--of course they will be anointed men, filled with the Holy Spirit. , because the
ministries of God are not in the power of men but of the Holy Spirit.

Bringing together our biblical discoveriesIt is evident that the seven Spirits of God refer to the
continuing ministry of the same Holy Spirit in the lives of seven men with

which God identifies himself very closely.They are His eyes, and they are His lamps . Who these
seven men are can be easily seen because the next sentence calls them the seven stars that
are already known to us as the seven messengers to the seven ages. How beautiful is this.
Look, the star was meant to reflect light at night, because the sun is gone. In the same way, the
messenger (typed as a star) for each age was to reflect the light of the Son. They all did this by
the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Spirit is not seven Spirits but ONE. He will always be the same and act
the same.And the seven messengers will have the same Spirit and they will teach the same
Word and have the same power. And if the church is the true church it will have the same Spirit
and the same Word and the same acts of power that they had at Pentecost. God will be in her
midst and God will declare Himself in her midst as He has always done.

The Devil cannot be the Holy Spirit


"And the devil can pretend to be any of those things, butIt cannot be the Holy Spirit. You can
impersonate these gifts, but it cannot bethe Holy Spirit .

The Bride is the Kinsman Redeemer on Earth


"A brother relative who knows he is out there, some night he puts his Bible under his arm, he goes
after him. A relative. He goes call him from that group.He is the kinsman redeemer. He is
representing Christ. "

The Bride is the Final Voice of the Final Age


"There is again another people on earth, who under their messenger will be the final voice for the
final age . Yes sir. The church is no longer the "mouthpiece" of God. He is his own spokesperson. So
God is turning against her. He will confuse her through the prophet and the Bride, because the
voice of God will be in her. Yes it is, because he says in the last chapter of Revelation verse 17 "The
Spirit and the Bride say come." Once again the world will hear directly from God as at Pentecost;
Oh, God still has a voice for the people of the world, just asHe has given the bride a voice. That
voice is in the Bride ..."

The Bride Holy Spirit is the part of the Head of the Bride


"But now, in this Rapture time like this (See?), there will have to come a time now that this
Bride thatrejects the part of the Bride's Head --will have to suffer for his rejection,

because the Gospel was not made clear to them back then, as it is made clear to you today.
Come? They see it so clearly. You've had all those years and examples, the Seals opened, the
church age explained, and everything like that. It is so clear that they cannot ignore it. Come?
And then, if you reject it completely, there is only one thing to do, suffer for it."

The Bride is the full 36 inches of a 36 inch ruler revealed


It's like a three-foot rule. You have twelve inches here. It's twenty-four inches here. It's thirty-
six inches here, but it's the same rule. God, the God, the Father, manifested himself in a Pillar
of Fire that hung over the mountain. Then God himself was manifested in the flesh and dwelt
among us in a virgin-born body to put away sin. Do you believe it?

That was God the Son. Do you believe it? He is the same God. "My Father and I are one. My
Father dwells in me. It is not I who does the works; he is my Father." That was Jesus talking
about his Father, the same God revealed down here in a body of flesh hanging in a Pillar of
Fire. The same God, only twelve inches, being twelve, to twenty-four inches being unfolded.
And now He reveals Himself in sinful man who has been regenerated again, living in the entire
Church. "In that day you will know that I am in the Father and the Father in me, and I in you,
and you in me." Oh! They see him? God in his people (Hallelujah.), Leaving. Clear.

The Bride made of the same material as God / I am the Vine, you are the branches

35) 62-0422 THE RESTORATION OF THE BRIDE TREE_ v-3 n-15 Sunday_

He is the Groom Tree. Do you believe it? [Congregation says: “Amen”—Ed]_So, the Bridegroom
Tree, without the Woman, does not bear fruit, so He has to have a Bride Tree.She has to be born
from the same material , The Word made flesh on the Tree. I hope you understand. Isthe same Life
in this feminine Tree, the Groom, as it is in the Bride . "The works that I do you also will do." That's
right? ["Amen"] He was the Bridegroom, remember. Do you want proof of this? He said, "I am the
Vine. You are the branches; you bear the fruit." Come? And the male tree and the female tree
produce pollen, each other brings fruit. And the branch and the vine do the same.

The Concept Of Jesus Is Expressed Through The Bride

36) Exposition of the Seven Ages of the Church - 5 - The Pergamon Age

In Saint John 1:1 it says: “In the beginning was the Word.” The root from which our translation
'Verb' comes is 'Logos' which means 'the thought or concept'. It has the double meaning of
'thought' and 'expression'. Now, an 'expressed thought' is a 'word or words'. Isn't that
wonderful and beautiful? John says that the concept of God was expressed in Jesus.

God expressed himself in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the Expressed Image of God.


37) “...A little, and the world will see me no more; however you will see me; for I will be
with you, even in you, until the end of the world.” Now we are in the time of the end.
Christ has returned in His form of the Holy Spirit, in the fullness of His Power, to the
Church, to manifest Himself. It's simple. “They are simple people.”

The Spirit and the Bride are one - - they cannot be separated

38) An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages - 5 - The Pergamon Age

The perfect manifestation of God in the Son was through the Spirit indwelling Him,
manifesting Himself in Word and deeds. That's exactly what we've been teaching all along.
25 When the Bride returns to being a Bride of the Word, she will produce the same works
that Jesus produced. The Word is God.The Spirit is God. They are all ONE only. We cannot act
apart from each other .

. . . And the Spirit and the Bride say: Come. And he who hears, let him say: Come. Revelation
22:17 33 Have you noticed that verse before? The Bride speaks the same Word as the Spirit.She
is a Wife of the Word, proving that she has the Spirit . In every Church Age we hear these words:
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” The Spirit gives the Word.

The Spirit and the Prophet and the Bride Will Say The Same Thing

39) An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages - 9 - The Laodicean Age

Yes, listen to the authenticated prophet of God, who appears in this last age. Whatever he says will be
from God, and the Bride will say the same.The Spirit, the prophet, and the Bride will say the same thing
. And whatever they say, will have already been said in the Word. They are saying it even now: “Come
out from among her right now to be a separate people.” The clamor has gone out; It's still coming out.
How long will the Voice cry out? We don't know that, but one thing we do know:

It won't be for long because this is the last age. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the
Spirit says to the churches.” The Spirit has spoken.

The Bride Will Be In His Image And Likeness

40) An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages - 5 - The Pergamon Age


One night while I was seeking the Lord, the Holy Spirit told me to take my pen and write. As I
took the pen, his Spirit gave me a message for the church. I want to bring them to you,
because it has to do with the Word and the Bride.

In these last days the true Bride-Church (the Seed of Christ) will come to the cornerstone, and she
will be the super church, a super race, as she draws closer to Him. They who are in the Bride, will
be as equal to Him who will be in His own image; This is to be united with Him.They will be one .
They will be the mere manifestation of the Word of the living God.

He did not complete all His work when He was here in His earthly ministry,so now work in and
through the Bride . She knows that, because it was not the time to do certain things that He
now has to do; but He will now, through the Bride, fulfill that work that He left for this
particular time.

The Bride is the Holy Spirit / God incarnate himself


"We found out that he was an antichrist, and that he had changed his position. We found out
that when at first he was just a white horse, he became a doctrine. The Nicolaitans had a
doctrine, it was sanctioned and it went into action. And they crowned this guy .So this spirit,
the antichrist, became incarnated in a man. See? And we find out later that he becomes an
incarnate demon too. The devil goes away, and the devil comes in. kind of antichrist church
progresses, so the Bride has come with different things; through justification, sanctification,
baptism of the Holy Spirit, moving (See?), Just they took their revival first, and the Church is.
taking the last. His first three stages that went to the dark ages, then the third three stages
comes the Church of justification, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit again,God incarnate
manifested among us. Here he enters as the antichrist, as the false prophet, then the beast,
then into the dark ages. And the Church comes out of that dark age, justification,
sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, incarnate Word.

The Father, the Son and the Bride, (not three people) but ONE Person sitting on His Throne


29 And then we went back to look for the kinsman redeemer and took him to see what his
work was. And now, all these years, Christ has been doing the work of the kinsman redeemer.
Now, everyone who understands that, says, "Amen." He has been doing the work of the
Kinsman Redeemer, but there will come a time when the redemptive work is finished, and
when the redemptive work is finished, then He leaves the throne of God, where He is sitting
now, but that is not His throne. . "He who wins will sit with me on my throne as I have
overcome and sat on my Father's throne." That is not His throne. That belongs to the Spirit, to
God. Christ, the Lamb, does not belong to Him. He is God incarnate (See). , who is the same
God incarnate?

The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this Hour


The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour ; Him vindicating his Word, testing it. The Holy Spirit
was the Prophet of Moses' hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah's hour. The Holy
Spirit, who wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.

(Personal note from Brother Goyco: would not the Bride, after the prophet is gone, be the Holy
Spirit of this hour?)

She is he

44) 65-0418M – It's Sunrise

And like Him, being the Bridegroom, the Bride must appear, because it is part of Him. And it can only be the
manifestation of the fulfillment of all the revelations that anyone else has spoken of the Bride; she can only
manifest. If he does anything different from the Bridegroom, she is not the Bride. Because, She is flesh of his
flesh, bone of his bone; Life of his Life, Power of his Power! Sheis he! As the man and the woman are one, and
the woman taken from his side; She had taken a Spirit, the feminine Spirit, from Him. The flesh of her side
became both Mechanic and Dynamic, the Bride. The spiritof Him and the flesh of Him, and he put it together,
and made the Mechanics and the Dynamics.

The Third Man Is The Holy Spirit


Then He began to create. And he made the fish of the sea, the plant life. He put the turtles on the hill.
Everything seemed fine to him.

Then He said, "Let us make man in our image and likeness." That's right? Very good. So He
made a man. God was Spirit; he had to be a spiritual man made in his image. He put it here on
earth to direct animal life and so on, just as the Holy Spirit should be directing the Church
today. That was the man.
E-19 So when He put it... There is no man to till the land, and He put it in five senses. There is
where scientists could... They are afraid, confused. He could have given him a hand like a
monkey and a foot like a bear, put whatever He wanted, but He put the Spirit of him in him,
and made him a soul.There is the difference. We do not come from any animal life. No sir. We
are not in any sense animal life . God made us. That's how it is.
However, notice. Then he was here on earth, and He gave him a help, and so on. He had a
blessed communion with his Father, speaking.
E-20 And then, let's make this second man...The first man, you can't see him. God... the
second man was a halo. And now He takes a third man and does it

Like a little white cloud, coming, we can see it; the Holy Spirit descending. And he is quite a
man. That is the soul of man, eternal then .
And after this man sinned, he ruined that soul. The blackness, the darkness enters her. And then
God came down and lived in man, suffered with man, and redeemed man; and the Holy Spirit
enters into man and drives that blackness and sin out of him, and brings him back into perfect
communion, a part of God. And now, we, through the Blood of Christ, which cleanses us from sin,
become sons and daughters of God.

Who is God? He who is there and makes the stars come out of his hands, and makes the worlds
come out of his hands, and makes things that are not seen: The Deity.And the Deity Himself lives in
man. The Creator, who made the heavens and the earth, lives in humanity .

God in us
46) 64-0206b - "Paradox"
206And the Father now dwells in us, through his death.He sanctified a Church; that absolutely,
this Church, the clean-...filthy, dirty.God condescending, from a Pillar of Fire; until he became a
man; and then the Holy Spirit right in us. Don't you see what it is? The same God descending all
the time, now. GodAbout us; God with us; God in us.Come? Like thethoughts of God; the Word
of God; and the manifestation of the Word.

There is your Triple Revelation:

FATHER - The thoughts

47) (Apostle Coleman took the above quote and said the following)

So now, "Christ is the Mystery of God revealed."

Page I think it was '65. Jesus said, "On that day," I quote, is this day. "In that day," when this
revelation is revealed, "you will know that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; I in you,
and you in me." When the revelation is revealed, "In that day you will know that I and the
Father are one; I am in the Father, and the Father is in me."Then when the revelation appears,
then it is, "I in you, and you in Me."

Man Was Created To Be An Amateur God

48) 60-0522E - Adoption #4
And now, this can choke you. But did you know that men who are children of God are amateur
gods?How many know that? How many know that Jesus said it? The Bible, Jesus said, "Did not
his law say that you are gods? And if you call them gods..." Which,

God said in Genesis 2 that they were gods, because they had full dominion over the dominion
of the world. He gave him dominion over all things. And he lost his deity; he lost the position of
his son; he lost control of it; and Satan took it.But, brother, we are waiting for the
manifestations of the children of God, who will return and take it again. Waiting for the fullness
of time, when the pyramid reaches the top, when the complete children of God will be
revealed, when the power of God will come out (Hallelujah.) and take every power that Satan
has away from him. Yes, sir, it belongs to him.

The Deity Lives In Man

49) 50-0815 - Who is God?
Who is God? He who is there and makes the stars come out of his hands, and makes the worlds
come out of his hands, and makes things that are not seen: The Deity. And the Deity Himself lives in
man. The Creator, who made the heavens and the earth, lives in humanity.

Man Is The White Cloud, The Holy Spirit - Is The Man

50) 51-0729A - The Raising of Lazarus
And then, after He had made all His creation, He said, "Let Us make," plural, "man in Our own,"
plural, "own image." Now, if God cannot be seen, if the Logos was in the form, just mythically
speaking, drama, in the form of a Halo, then it is supernatural.
Then he had to make a man in his image and likeness. John 4 says that God is a Spirit. And He
had to make a spirit man. And He brought it down now; there the Deity cannot be seen.The
Deity is the supernatural. Then He brings it from a sacred Halo to a small white cloud,
something that is more visible; that's the man.He gives him authority over the

You are the Spirit of God

51) 1205 - Things That Are To Be
106 This old earthly tabernacle here, do you know what it is? This body is like an old coat that
you wear, a coat that you once wore. But now he has a much better one, he doesn't use it
anymore. What do you do? He hangs it in the closet, because he has a better one. You have a
better coat. It is more current than the one I used, which is worn out. That? It's that item of
clothing. *YOU ARE THE INSIDE OF THAT GARMENT.* That article of clothing only did what?
Carry your image. Come? But now he doesn't need it anymore. You have hung it. It's a rag.

And so is this old body, you, who bears the image of the heavenly. *HOWEVER,IS NOT YOU.
brings the outside into subjection, because the inside is pulling it, see, bringing it into line with
the Word of God; your interior, yourself, your being.

* THIS BODY IS JUST AN OLD COAT.* And someday, what will you do with it, since only you
were in the garment for a while? That's like the earthly dress; this body. *HIS-HIS TRUE BODY,

Quotes from Apostle Joseph Coleman

You are the Holy Spirit
52) The Spirit of Adoption - Guayama, PR Nov-11-1983
There is no much time. There's not much time left. A short and quick message that will shake the
entire nation. Glory. Amen. Oh, waiting for the time of the manifestation. Because? Before the
atonement was made. Before the Holy Spirit was poured out. Before the Old Testament and
everything that is there. There could not have been a demonstration. He had to wait until this time.

Now everything has been brought. The coming, the formation to a Crown Stone. To a
manifestation of the children of God. The pyramid, formed from a Crown Stone.And the Holy Spirit
is the manifestation of the children of God.The pyramid giving shape, giving it shape, giving it
shape. ANDyou are the Holy Spirit, the Image of the Word will be quickened in you, made alive.
Glory, transfigured, changed from Glory to Glory to Glory to Glory. Oh, praise God.

53)Extract 1:
Brother Coleman...
We are calling the chosen ones to form the Crown Stone to enter it. Amen. The same type of
ministry coming in him. Calling your children from denominations and from all walks of life to
form the Capstone. ¡Oh! We are the Crown Stone. The earthly Christ.The fullness of the Holy
Spirit . The ministry we're supposed to have, Ephesians.

Another quote I want to give you here. To put it on the tape:

54)Elijah and the food offering

128 That during Luther's day, we lived by justification. During Wesley's day, we lived by
sanctification, the church became the minority. In the days of Pentecost, we have lived by the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of the gifts.
Now we are truly in the minority, the coming of the Son of God. Here they believed by faith; here they
cried out under sanctification; here they spoke in tongues as a gift; but now the negative and the
positive, and the--the crown is coming on the pyramid, and it's the end time, when the Christ and His
church is so alike until He's going to call the dead of the Methodists, Lutherans, and all those there, and
there will be a resurrection. Those who slept in the first, second, third,

fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh vigil, they will rise one of these days, to meet Jesus in heaven.
The time has come, friends, the Coming of the Lord is near. We look at Jerusalem and see
that the Jews were blinded because of us. The fig tree is putting out its buds. He said, "And
the other tree." Billy Graham has caused a revival among nominal people. Oral Roberts has
caused a revival among Pentecostals.
(Brother Coleman: Now here it is - don't miss it)
And now Jesus, the Son of God, has come to this remnant, topull people to the Capstone, to
bring back the Son of God , to complete the thing for the Coming of the Lord Jesus.

55) 60-0310 - Elijah and the Food Offering

So here it is.... So Christ comes into us to pull us to the Thunder to make the Capstone. Oh!
What a powerful quote.
When it comes together it makes the Capstone for Christ to enter into it. Oh! So Jesus comes to
this remnant (Bride) to pull the Capstone. What is the purpose? To bring back the son of God.
Now the Son of God is the Holy Spirit. The Son of Man is God in ONE MAN - Prophet.But the
Son of God is the supernatural Holy Spirit throughout the Church Ages . Son of Man - CHRIST.
Son of God
So the Son of Man comes to take out the seeds and make The Holy Spirit on the earth to bring
back the Son of God. Dynamics to mechanics. Oh! It's all over the place.
To bring back the Son of God for the coming of the Lord Jesus. To complete it for the
coming of the Lord Jesus.

56) 2doExtract:
The 7 Church Ages will complete it. When the 7 angels came in '63 they were representing
that the 7 church ages had ended. The age of the Bride. Time of the Eagle. This is the only
age, all 7 church ages go through one to another, but we are called “out of.” Out of the
whole thing. Do you see the pyramid, do you see that space?

Between Brotherly Affection and the Crown Stone. Come the Holy Spirit.Well, the Holy Spirit is
7 thunders. That crowns the pyramid and GOD has called you stones of Laodicea and has
placed you in the Holy Spirit and when youtogether you are the Holy Spirit .You are the stones
that fit the Crown Stone. Christ the hope of glory. Oh! We are someone. Raise your shoulders.

57) 3erExtract
What can I say church. We are here. It has already begun. It will devastate overnight. Sealed
and filled.The time has come to make the Crown Stone so that Christ enters it.

183 Now, the Coming of the Lord Jesus is so imminent, the coming of judgment, He's calling
His Elect together in unity with Himself, with the same kind of ministry that He had. You know
how I formed in the Church Ages, here not long ago, about the--the great tower that was
built, called the pyramid, but the Capstone was never put in it. Remember how the Lutherans
came, then the Wesleyans in the minority, and then until Pentecost. And now what He's
doing, calling from that. What did he do? He called the elect, to make the Lutherans; He called
the elect, of the Lutherans, to make the Wesleyans; He called the elect, from that, to make the
Pentecostals; Now He is calling the elect Pentecostals, toform the Crown Stone to enter it.
The same type of ministry falling right into him, calling his children from all denominations
and all walks of life.

62-0211 - Unit


Glory. Remember the pyramid now. Let's hammer it home. P45 Height of the Perfect Man.

58) 4toExcerpt - Brother Coleman

You are in this space here. A stone. Youbecomes the Holy Spirit . You escape the corruption
and lust that is here in these times. You are the escapees.

(Pointing to the space of the Holy Spirit):

This is AMBER. The glory of the Lord, not the Lord. He has a body. That's Him coming in the
air, Jesus. But this here is the Glory of the Lord.
. . . We have now left the Pentecostal age. Christ will fit into the Ministry of Christ. In the
space of the Holy Spirit.
The Ministry of Christ AND Christ. See, the 7 colors of the rainbow is the ministry of Christ.
Christ is LOVE, Jesus, it has to fit with the Ministry of Christ. He doesn't understand that you
become his Spirit. He the male and you the female. Youcame out of His side, THE HOLY
SPIRIT. Then He comes down to His own Spirit, He is the Word. You identify with the Word
through signs, wonders and miracles, love, peace and joy.

It will fit and that will make the redeemed fit everything again.

59)62-0211 - Unit
19 And if you notice, Eve joined Adam, became part of him. God, you noticed in Genesis 1:27,
He created man male and female, He created them. Now, the man was a... both man and
woman when it comes to being in the spirit of the feminine and the masculine. Then God took
a rib from his side. Did you notice that the body part was a byproduct, but not the spirit?The
woman's body part was a byproduct, after creation had been completed, God took a rib from
Adam's side and made a woman.
But not the spirit,The spirit was part of Adam, for it was both man and woman, fem...
spiritually speaking, both masculine and feminine . 20 Now, don't you see the big picture?We,
in the flesh, are different. We are like a byproduct, a being created, by holy matrimony. But in
spirit we are sons and daughters, not of another spirit, but of the Spirit of the living God. We
are in his likeness, as his unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become
sons and daughters. Not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person,
united in marriage with the Eternal. See how God plannedwe were not one different, but Him.
Not another being from another tribe, but a true union and offspring of the Almighty, made by
a holy union.
Now, the body comes from the mother and the father,but the Spirit comes from God , God
separating as Adam was separated. 21 On the Day of Pentecost, we find the Holy Spirit, the
Pillar of Fire, separated.

60) P25 In The Beginning, Puerto Rico / Apostle Joseph Coleman

Adam: Now, Adam was made in the image of God. He was a seed of the Word of God. Adam
was the seed of the Word. And each seed according to its own kind.AND ADAM WAS MADE A
THEOPHANY. And we were in Adam . Therefore. We were after our kind.

Genesis 1v26 "And Elohim said: Let us make man in our image and likeness; and may they
(they, you) have dominion...
When God made Adam, God made you. May they have lordship.


61) Brother Coleman:
When you see me, you see Elohim. I AM the whole Word. I, in my flesh,
Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in me. And in Me is the water
and in me is the blood. Life is in Me. The Word is in Me.
So, you were in His flesh. You walked with Him, you talked with Him, you suffered with Him,
you died with Him, you rose with Him. And now in the last Church Age, you are being
manifested. It is because you are an attribute child of his Spirit.


But Malachi 4 revealed the Seven Thunders, who God is, His nature, His Being, everything
about Him, who He is. I AM the Father, I AM the Son, I AM the Holy Spirit, the three are one.

63) P17 In The Beginning - Brother Coleman

"He already called you and justified it... you hadthe Glory that Christ had with the father before
the world was. AND THAT WAS HIS SPIRIT of him, A THEOPHANY."

64) P13 From the beginning / Apostle Joseph Coleman

Now look at verse 26. And Elohim said "Let us make man in our image" now look "in our
likeness and in their likeness." Now, wait a minute. Let us make man and let them" A man?
SO GENESIS 1 v26 was - EVERYTHING THAT WAS IN THE LOGOS was poured into Genesis
Because in ADAM was the book - Every seed. The entire ocean was ALL IN ADAM..
What happens here - "Let us make man and let them." He made man in HIS OWN IMAGE of
him and not a singular man, the WHOLE MAN, the whole man in the IMAGE of him. After his
image he created THEM IN HIM. Then HE said, Male and Female he created THEM.

Now Genesis 2:7, so it's different, it changes

And the LORD GOD FORMED man from the dust...

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