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JEE Main Practice Test-1

Kinematics 1D, 2D, Relative Motion

Topic : KINEMATICS Time: 1 Hr Marking +4 –1
1. A stone thrown down with a speed u takes a time t1 to reach the ground, while another stone, thrown upwards from the
same point with the same speed, takes time t2. The maximum height the second stone reaches from the ground is :
1 1 1 1 2
(A) gt t (B) g(t + t )2 (C) g(t – t )2 (D) gt
2 12 8 1 2 8 1 2 2 2

2. Two stones of mass m1 and m2 (such that m1 > m2) are dropped t time apart from the same height towards the ground.
At a later time t the difference in their speed is V and their mutual separation is S. While both stones are in flight:
(A) V decreases with time and S increases with time
(B) Both V and S increase with time
(C) V remains constant with time and S decreases with time
(D) V remains constant with time and S increases with time

3. A narrow but tall cabin is falling freely near the earth’s surface. Inside the cabin, two small stones A and B are released
from rest (relative to the cabin). Initially A is much above the centre of mass and B much below the centre of mass of the
cabin. A close observation of the motion of A and B will reveal that:
(A) both A and B continue to be exactly at rest relative to the cabin
(B) A moves slowly upward and B moves slowly downward relative to the cabin.
(C) both A and B fall to the bottom of the cabin with constant acceleration due to gravity
(D) A and B move slightly towards each other vertically

4. The co-ordinates of a moving particle at any time ‘t’ are given by x = t3 and y = t3. The speed of the particle at time ‘t’
is given by :

(A) 3t  2  2 (B) 3t 2  2  2 (C) t 2  2  2 (D)  2  2

5. Two bodies are projected from the same point with equal speeds in such direction that both start the same point on a
plane, whose angle of inclination is ‘’. If first body is projected at angle ‘’ with the horizontal, then the ratio of their time
of flight is :
cos(   ) sin(   ) sin(   ) cos(    )
(A) (B) (C) (D)
cos  cos  sin  sin 

6. A ball is projected from point A with a velocity 10 m/s perpendicular to the plane as given. The range of the ball on plane
is :
40 20 A
(A) m (B) m
3 13
13 13
(C) m (D) m
20 40
7. A particle is projected with speed 50 ms–1 at an angle 37° with the horizontal and it touches an inclined plane of
inclination 30° as shown in figure. Height of the point from the ground where particle touches the incline is (g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) m (B) 55 m
(C) 40 m (D) 18 m h
30° 37°

 
8. A particle is moving in x-y plane with v  vxiˆ  v y ˆj and acceleration a  axiˆ  a y ˆj . If the magnitude of velocity of the
particle is constant then choose the correct option :
ax ay ax ay
(A) axvx + y ayvy = 0 (B) axvx – y ayvy = 0 (C) + =0 (D) – =0
vx vy vx vy

9. A particle starts from origin O from rest and moves with a uniform acceleration along the positive x-axis. Identify all
figures that correctly represent the motion qualitatively. (a = acceleration, v = velocity, x = displacement, t = time) :

a v x

(1) (2) (3) (4)

O t O O t
t O t

(A) (1), (2), (3) (B) (1) (C) (1), (2), (4) (D) (2), (3)

10. The position of a particle as a function of time t, is given byx(t) = at + bt2 – ct3 where a, b and c are constants. When the
particle attains zero acceleration, then its velocity will be :

b2 b2 b2 b2
(A) a  (B) a  (C)  (D) a 
4c c 2 3c

11. A particle is moving with speed   b x along positive x-axis. Calculate the speed of the particle at time t = (assume
that the particle is at origin at t = 0) :

b2  b2  b2 
(A) (B) (C) b2  (D)
4 2 2

12. A car goes from A to B (without changing direction), during first part of journey its average speed is V1 and for second

part of journey average speed is V2. The ratio of path length of second part to the path length of first part is . In
that case the average speed of total path is ......... of average speeds of both parts. Choose correct option of fill.
(A) Airthmatic mean (B) Geometric mean
(C) Harmonic mean (D) Information is insufficient to answer

13. Two balls are thrown simultaneously from a top of a building with same initial velocity u. One ball is thrown vertically
upwards and the other ball is thrown vertically downwards. The distance between the two bodies after time 5s is (take,
g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) 10 u (B) 5 u (C) 15 u (D) 20 u
14. A body is falling freely from a point A at a certain height from the ground and passes through points B, C and D (vertically
as shown) so that BC = CD. The time taken by the particle to move from B to C is 2s and from C to D is 1s. Time taken
to move from A to B in seconds is :
(A) 0.6 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.4

15. A car accelerates from rest in the 1st part of its journey with a m/s2 and then it retards with 2a m/s2 so as to bring it to rest
again. If t is the total time of journey, then the distance travelled by car is :

at 2 at 2 at 2
(A) (B) (C) at 2 (D)
3 2 4

16. Passengers in the jet transport A flying east at a speed of 800 kmh–1 observe a second jet plane B that passes under the
transport in horizontal flight. Although the nose of B is pointed in the 45° north east direction, plane B appears to the
passengers in A to be moving away from the transport at the 60° angle as shown. The true velocity of B is :

60° B


(A) 586 kmh–1 (B) 400 2 kmh–1 (C) 717 kmh–1 (D) 400 kmh–1

17. Two balls A and B are projected simultaneously from the origin with initial velocities 50 m/s and 20 m/s at angle 60° and
30° respectively, with horizontal. The position of the ball A with respect to ball B after 3s in y-direction is given by :
(A) 117.79 m (B) 112.30 m (C) 94.50 m (D) 100 m

18. A person climbs up a stalled escalator in 60s. If standing on the same but escalator running with constant velocity he
takes 40s. How much time is taken by the person to walk up the moving escalator?
(A) 37 s (B) 27 s (C) 24 s (D) 45 s

19. A staircase contains three steps each 10 cm high and 20 cm wide as shown. The minimum horizontal velocity of a ball
rolling off the uppermost plane so as to hit directly the lowest plane is:

(A) 1 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 3 m/s (D) 4 m/s

20. A projctile is thrown with an initial velocity of (aiˆ  bjˆ) m/s. If the range of projectile is twice the maximum height reached
by it, then :
(A) b = (B) b = a (C) b = 2a (D) b = 4a

21. A ball is projected with initial velocity u making angle  with horizontal and its range is found to be R. Now if the ball is
dropped and its velocity after travelling distance R is u, find  in degrees.

22. A boat crossing a river moves with a velocity v relative to still water. The river is flowing with a velocity with respect
to the bank. The angle with respect to the flow direction with which the boat should move to minimize the drift is: (In

23. A swimmer can swim in still water with a speed of 5 m/s. While crossing a river his average speed is 3 m/s. If he crosses
the river in the shortest possible time, what is the speed of flow of water in SI unit?

24. A particle is projected with initial velocity u = 10 m/s from a point (10 m, 0m, 0m) m along z-axis. At the same time, another
particle was also projected with velocity v( iˆ  ˆj  kˆ ) m/s from (0m, 10m, 0m). It is given that they collide at some point
 2 (  k̂
in the space. Then find the value of v. [ g )]

25. The velocity of projection of a body is increased by 2%, other factors remaining unchanged, what will be the percentage
change in the maximum height attained.

26. A disc of radius 50 cm is projected from the ground with its plane vertical, such that the velocities of the topmost point
(A) and lowest point (B) are :
 
v A = 20iˆ + 10 ˆj m/s, vB = 10iˆ + 10 ˆj m/s

at the instant of projection. Here, iˆ and ĵ are unit vectors in the plane of the disc, along the horizontal and vertically
upward directions respectively. The range of the disc is (in metre):

27. If a body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 3 cm in a wooden block, then how much will it penetrate more before
coming to rest (in cm)?

28. For an airplane to take-off it accelerates according to the graph shown and takes 12 s to take-off from the rest position.
The distance travelled by the airplane is : (in metre)
(Acceleration) m/s


t(in s)
O 6 12
29. Position of a particle moving rectilinearly over x-axis is given by x = t3 – 6t2 + 9t + 2 m. How much distance is covered by
particle in first 6s? (answer in metre)

–2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6

30. A ball rolls up a slope. At the end of three second its velocity is 20 cm/s, at the end of eight second its velocity is 0. What
is the average acceleration from the third to the eight second (answer in cm/s2)?

* * * * *
JEE Main Practice Test-2
NLM & Friction
Topic : NLM & FRICTION Time: 75 Min Marking: +4 –1
Section - A : MCQs with Single Option Correct
1. A car of mass m is accelerated by applying a triangular force profile shown in figure (a) same speed achieved at t = T sec

 t  F (t)
with a sinusoidal force profile, F(t) = FS sin   , F (t)
T 

(A) Speed of the car at t = T sec is FS

(B) Speed of car at t = T sec is
4m O T/2 T t O T/2 T t
(C) FS > FT
(D) FS < FT

2. In the arrangement shown, pulleys and string are massless and all the surfaces are frictionless. Wedge and block have
equal mass M. The string is pulled by a constant force F at an angle  with horizontal. The block is pulled horizontally
by the string and that the wedge has pure translation. Then relative acceleration between the block and the wedge is :


F cos  F cos  F F
(A) (B) (C) (2  cos ) (D) g
2M M M 2M

3. Two identical particles A and B, each of mass m, are interconnected by a spring of stiffness k. If the particle B experiences
an external force F along the line of spring and outward (as shown) and the elongation of the spring at this instant is x,
the acceleration of particle B relative to particle A is equal to :
A k
F F  kx F  2 kx kx B
(A) (B) (C) (D) m m
2m m m m

4. In the figure, the wedge is pushed with an acceleration of 10 3 m/s2. It is seen that the block starts climbing up on the
smooth inclined face of the wedge. What will be the time taken by the block to reach the top? (g = 10ms–2).

2 1
(A) s (B) s 1m
5 5 a  10 3m/s 2

(C) 5s (D) s
2 30°
5. The system shown below is initially in equilibrium. Match the entries of Column-I with the entries of Column-II. The
masses of pulleys, strings and springs are neglected mA = 3m, mB = 3m, mC = 2m, mD = 2m, mE = 2m.

Spring-1 C




Column-I Column-II
(A) Just after the spring 2 is cut, the block D (P) Accelerates up
(B) Just after the spring 2 is cut, the block B (Q) Accelerates own
(C) Just after the spring 2 is cut, the block A (R) Momentarly at rest
(D) Just after the string connecting A and B is cut, the block D (S) Moves up with acceleration g
(A) A-P, B-R, C-R, D-R (B) A-P, B-S, C-Q, D-R (C) A-R, B-Q, C-S, D-R (D) A-P, B-R, C-R, D-S

6. A small child tries to moves a large rubber toy placed on the ground by applying a force in a direction at an angle to

horizontal obliquely upward. The toy does not move but gets deformed under her pushing force ( F ). Then :
(A) The resultant of the pushing force ( F ), weight of the toy, normal force by the ground on the toy and the frictional
force is zero
(B) The normal force by the ground is equal and opposite to the weight of the toy

(C) The pushing force ( F ) of the child is balanced by the equal and opposite frictional force

(D) The pushing force ( F ) of the child is balanced by the total internal force in the toy generated due to deformation

7. Two spherical objects each of radii R and masses m1 and m2 are suspended using two strings of equal length L as shown
in the figure (R << L). The angle,  which mass m2 makes with the vertical is approximately:
m1 R 2m1 R
(A) (B) 
(m1  m2 ) L (m1  m2 ) L

2m2 R m2 R
(C) (D)
(m1  m2 ) L (m1  m2 ) L m1 m2

8. A simple pendulum is attached to the block which slides without friction down an inclined plane (ABC) having an angle
of inclination  as shown. While the block is sliding down the pendulum oscillates in such a way that at its mean position
the direction of the string is: C
(A) at angle  to the perpendicular to the inclined plane AC
(B) parallel to the inclined plane AC
(C) vertically downwards

(D) perpendicular to the inclined plane AC A B
9. Two blocks (1 and 2) of equal mass m are connected by an ideal string (see figure shown) over a frictionless pulley. The
blocks are attached to the ground by springs having spring constants k1 and k2 such that k1 > k2 .Initially, both springs
are unstretched. The block 1 is slowly pulled down a distance x and released. Just after the release the possible values
of the magnitude of the acceleration of the blocks a1 and a2 can be :

 (k  k ) x   k1 x k x 
(A) Either  a1  a2  1 2  or  a1   g and a2  2  g 
 2m   m m 

 (k  k ) x 
(B)  a1  a2 1 2  only
 2m 
1 2
 (k  k ) x 
(C)  a1  a2  1 2  only k1 k2
 2m 

 (k  k ) x   (k1k2 ) x 
(D)  a1  a2  1 2  or  a1  a2   g
 2m   (k1  k2 )m 

10. In the given figure, the wedge is acted upon by a constant horizontal force F. The wedge is moving on a smooth
horizontal surface. Find ratio of reaction force on ball of mass ‘m’ by the wedge when F is acting, and when wedge is kept
at rest will be: (assuming no friction between the wedge and the ball) :

(A) sec2  (B) cos 2  (C) 1 (D) cot 2

11. A force F of constant magnitude acts on a block of mass ‘m’ and t = 0, initially along positive x-direction. The direction
of force F starts rotating with a constant angular velocity  in anticlockwise sense. Then the magnitude of velocity of the
block as a function of time ‘t’ is (initially block was at rest) :
F  t  2F  t  F  t  2F  t 
(A) sin   (B) sin   (C) sin   (D) sin  
m  2 m  2 2m  2  3m  2

12. A block of weight W rest on a horizontal floor with coefficient of static friction µ. It is desired to make the block move by
applying minimum amount of force. The angle  from the horizontal at which the force should be applied and magnitude
of the force F are respectively :

W 1 W
(A)  = tan–1 (µ), F = (B)  = tan–1   , F =
1  2  1  2

   W
(C)  = 0, F = µW (D) = tan–1  ,F=
 1   1 

13. A block is placed on a rough horizontal plane. A time dependent horizontal force F = kt acts on the block, where k is a
positive constant. The acceleration-time graph of the block is :
a a a a

(A) (B) (C) (D)

t r r r
14. A block of mass m is placed on a surface with a vertical cross section given by y =
. If the coefficient of friction is 0.5,
the maximum height above the ground at which the block can be placed without slipping is :
1 2 1 1
(A) m (B) m (C) m (D) m
6 3 3 2

15. The masses m1 = 5 kg and m2 = 10 kg, connected by an inextensible string over a friction less pulley, are moving as shown
in the figure. The coefficient of friction of horizontal surface is 0.15. The minimum weight m that should be put on top of
m2 to stop the motion is :

m T


m 1g

(A) 18.3 kg (B) 27.3 kg (C) 43.3 kg (D) 10.3 kg

16. A given object taken n times more time to slide down a 45º rough inclined plane as it takes to slide down a perfectly
smooth 45º incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the incline is :

1 1 1 1
(A) 1  2 (B) 1  (C) (D)
n n 2 2n 2
1  n2

17. A body of mass 2 kg slide down with an acceleration of 3 m/s2 on a rough inclined plane having a slope of 30º. The
external force required to take the same body up the plane with the same acceleration will be : (g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) 4 N (B) 14 N (C) 6 N (D) 20 N

18. A block of mass 10 kg is kept on a rough inclined plane as shown in the figure. A force of 3 N is applied on the block.
The coefficient of static friction between the plane and the block is 0.6. What should be the minimum value of force
P, such that the block does not move downward ? [Take g = 10 ms–2]



(A) 32 N (B) 25 N (C) 23 N (D) 18 N

19. A block kept on a rough inclined plane, as shown in the figure, remains at rest upto a maximum force 2 N down the
inclined plane. The maximum external force up the inclined plane that does not move the block is 10 N. The coefficient
of static friction between the block and the plane is : [Take g = 10 m/s2]
2 3
(A) (B)
3 2
3 1 30°
(C) (D)
4 2
20. An uniform bar of mass m and length L lies on a horizontal floor as shown in the figure. Region X > 0 has coefficient of
friction  while Region X < 0 is smooth. A constant external horizontal force F = mg starts pulling the bar as shown in
the figure. Speed of block when its rear end crosses origin is :

m F = µ mg
///// /// /////// /// // ////////// /// //////////// ////////// // x
x =0

gL gL
(A) gL (B) (C) zero (D)
2 2

Section- B: INTEGER Answer Type Questions

21. In the system shown, the acceleration (m/s2) of the wedge of mass 5M is (there is no friction anywhere) :



22. The maximum magnitude (in N) which is possible by adding four forces of magnitudes 1N, 3N, 9N and 10N is :

23. A solid sphere of mass 2kg is resting inside a cube as shown in figure. The cube is moving with a velocity V  5tiˆ  2tjˆ
m/s. Here t is the time in seconds. All surfaces are smooth. The sphere is at rest with respect to the cube. What is the
magnitude of total force (in N) exerted by the sphere on the cube? [g = 10 m/sec2 & ĵ is the unit vector along vertically
upward direction].


24. A ball is suspended from the accelerating car by two cords ‘A’ and ‘B’. The acceleration ‘a’ of the car which will cause the
tension in ‘A’ to be twice the tension in B, then a = 10y & g = 10m/s2. Find the value of y.

B 37° 37° A
m a
25. A block can slide along incline plane as shown in figure. The acceleration of chamber is g m/s2 horizontally as
shown. The time when the block collide with the vertical wall AB of the chamber is t then find t2. (take g = 10 m/s2).


20 m

26. In the setup shown, blocks of masses m, 3m and 4m are placed on a frictionless horizontal surface and the free end ‘P’ of
the thread is being pulled by a constant force 2F. The acceleration of the free end P is KF/m. Find K.

4m 3m

27. The minimum force required to start pushing a body up a rough (frictional coefficient µ) inclined plane is F1 while the
minimum force needed to prevent it from sliding down is F2. If the inclined plane makes an angle  from the horizontal
such that tan  = 2µ then the ratio is.

28. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly. The coefficient of friction between the insect and the surface
is 1/3. If the line joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle  with the vertical, the
maximum possible value of cot so that the insect does not slip is given by.

29. A body starts from rest on a long inclined plane of slope 45º. The coefficient of friction between the body and the plane
varies as µ = 0.3x, where x is distance travelled down the plane. The body will have maximum speed at x (in cm) = y/30.
Find y.

30. Given in the figure are two blocks A and B of weight 20 N and 100 N, respectively. These are being pressed against a wall
by a force F as shown. If the coefficient of friction between the blocks is 0.1 and between block B and the wall is 0.15, the
frictional force (in N) applied by the wall on block B is.


* * * * *
JEE Main Practice Test-1
WEP & Circular Motion
Topic : WEP & CIRCULAR MOTION Time: 75Min Marking +4 –1

Section - A : MCQs with Single Option Correct

16 3
1. Two particles of the same mass m are moving in circular orbits because of force, given by F (r) = – r . The first
particle is at a distance r = 1, and the second, at r = 4. The best estimate for the ratio of kinetic energies of the first and
the second particle is closest to :
(A) 10–1 (B) 6 × 10–2 (C) 6 × 102 (D) 3 × 10–3

2. A body of mass m starts moving from rest along x-axis so that its velocity varies as v = a s where a is a constant and
s is the distance covered by the body. The total work done by all the forces acting on the body in the first t second after
the start of the motion is :
1 1 42
(A) ma4t 2 (B) 4 ma4t2 (C) 8 ma4t2 (D) ma t
8 4

3. A small spherical ball is released in a viscous liquid whose density is half that of density of the ball. After attaining
terminal speed, ratio of work done by viscous force to work done by gravity on ball during a certain displacement is :
1 1
(A) (B) –2 (C) – (D) 2
2 2

4. A particle moves in one dimension from rest under the influence of a force that varies with the distance travelled by the
particle as shown in the figure. The kinetic energy of the particle after it has travelled 3 m is :

(in N)

1 2 3 Distance
(in m )

(A) 6.5 J (B) 2.5 J (C) 4 J (D) 5 J

5. A ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity V0 from the surface of the earth. The motion of the ball is affected by a
drag force equal to mv2 (where m is mass of the ball, v is its instantaneous velocity and  is a constant). Time taken by
the ball to rise to its zenith is :

1    1    1  2  1   
sin 1  V tan 1  V tan 1  V ln 1  V0 
g  g 0  (B)
g  g 0  (C)
2 g  g 0  (D)
g   g 
     

6. A spring whose unstretched length is l has a force constant k. The spring is cut into two pieces of unstretched lengths
l1 and l2 where, l1 = nl2 and n is an integer. The ratio k1/k2 of the corresponding force constants, k1 and k2 will be :
1 1
(A) 2 (B) n 2 (C) (D) n
n n
7. Velocity-time graph for a body of mass 10 kg is shown in figure. Work done on the body in v(m/s)
first two seconds of the motion is : 50 ms –1
(A) – 9300 J
(B) 12000 J
(C) – 4500 J
(D) – 12000 J (0,0) 10s t(s)

8. Two cars A and B are allowed to slide down a steep slope and are stopped by a large spring. The cars start from rest, it
mA= 2mB and xA and xB are compressions in spring, caused by cars A and B respectively then,
(A) xA =
(B) xA = xB
(C) xA = 2 xB
(D) xA = 2xB

9. A cyclist is moving on a circular path with a constant speed, the value of normal v
reaction for the complete path :
(A) Increase R
(B) Decrease
(C) Remains constant
(D) First increase then decrease

10. If the road is banked and circular, choose the incorrect option :
(A) There may be no need of friction for centripetal force
(B) If N sin  > FC, friction must act in the upward direction
(C) If N sin  < FC, friction must act in the downward direction
(D) None of the above

11. Two particles A & B are moving uniformly round concentric circular paths of radii rA & rB. If two particles completes one
rotation in same time then :
(A) Ratio of their angular velocity is 1
(B) Ratio of their linear velocity is r

(C) Ratio of the force required for their motion may not be
(D) All the above

12. A boy of mass m is in touch with the wall of a rotating cylinder. The boy will stay in touch with wall and rotate if :
g 
(A) 
s R
s R R
(B) 
mg s
(C) 
A rotating
mg cylinder
(D)  without floor
13. A box is placed on a semicircular convex surface. It is given a horizontal speed v. Choose the correct option :

m v


(A) If v = Rg , the block will leave the surface at the same instant

(B) If v > Rg , the block will leave the surface after sliding for a very short duration

(C) If v < Rg , the block will leave the surface after moving some distance along the surface
(D) None of the above

14. For vertical circular motion as shown in figure, if


vlowermost point < 5rg , then :

(A) The rope will slack when T = mg cos 
Rope slacks
 here
(B) The rope will slack when  mg cos 

mv2 v  5 rg
(C) The rope will slack when  mg cos 
r Ball

mv 2
(D) Rope will leave the circular path at the very next moment when = mg cos 

15. A emispherical bowl is rotating with an angular speed . If there is no need of friction in revolving a box with bowl, which
is placed inside the bowl as shown in the figure, then : 

g R2 R
(A) cos = 2
(B) sin  =
R g 

s box
R R
(C) tan  = (D) tan  =
R2 g

16. A box is given a speed v at point A of a hemispherical bowl, then : O

Am B
mv 2 mv 2 v R
(A) NC = 2mg + (B) NC = 3mg +
s = 0 v'
2 2 C
mv  mv 
(C) NC = 2mg + (D) NC = 3mg +

17. A stone of mass M is tied at the end of a string, is moving in a circle of radius R, with a constant angular velocity . The
total work done on the stone, in any half circle is :
(A) MR22 (B) 2MR22 (C) MR22 (D) 0

18. A body is moving with a constant speed of 5m/s in a radius of 2m. The acceleration of the body is :
(A) 0 (B) 12.5ms–2 (C) 25m–2 (D) None of these
19. A light rod of length l carries two equal masses m, one fixed at the end & other fixed in middle of the rod as shown. The
rod can rotate in vertical plane about A. Then horizontal velocity imparted to end C of rod to just deflect the rod upto
horizontal position is : A

12 gl
(A) (B) 3gl B m

16 gl C m
(C) (D) 2gl

20. A train rounds an unbanked circular road of radius 50m at a speed of 54km/hr. If g =10m/sec2, the angle of banking
required to prevent wearing out of rails is given by :
(A)  = tan–1(0.15) (B)  = tan–1(0.25) (C)  = tan–1(0.35) (D)  = tan–1(0.45)

Section- B: INTEGER Answer Type Questions

21. A small sphere of mass m is suspended by a light string of length l. It is raised upto the height of suspension with thread
fully stretched and released. Then the maximum tension in thread will be nmg. Find the value of 'n':

22. A force acts on a 2 kg object so that its position is given as a function of time as x = 3t2 + 5. What is the work done (joule) by this
force in first 5 seconds ?

    
23. A particle which is experiencing a force, given by F  3i  12 j , undergoes a displacement of d  4i . If the particle had
a kinetic energy of 3J at the beginning of the displacement, what is its kinetic energy (joule) at the end of the displacement ?

24. A body of mass 1 kg falls freely from a height of 100 m on a platform of mass 3 kg which is mounted on a spring having
spring constant k = 1.25 × 106 N/m. The body sticks to the platform and the spring's maximum compression is found to
be x. Given that g = 10 ms–2, the value of x (cm) will be close to.

25. A uniform cable of mass ‘M’ and length ‘L’ is placed on a horizontal surface such that its   part is hanging below

the edge of the surface. To lift the hanging part of the cable upto the surface, the work done is . Find the value of 'k' :

26. Starting from rest, a particle rotates in a circle of radius R = 2 m with an angular acceleration  = rad/sec2. Calculate
the magnitude of average velocity of the particle over the time it rotates quarter circle.

27. A jet travelling at a constant speed of 1.20 × 102 m/s executes a vertical loop with a radius of 5.00 × 102 m. Find the
magnitude of the force (N) of seat on a 70.0 kg pilot at the top of the loop. (Take, g = 10m/s2) :

28. A block of mass m, lying on a smooth horizontal surface, is attached to a spring (of negligible mass) of spring constant k.
The other end of the spring is fixed, as shown in the figure. The block is initially at rest in its equilibrium position. If now
the block is pulled with a constant force F, the maximum speed of the block is . Find the value of ‘n’.

m F

29. A block of mass m is kept on a platform which starts from rest with constant acceleration g/2 upward, as shown in figure.

kmg 2 t 2
Work done by normal reaction on block in time t is . Find the value of k.

m g
a =–

30. A ring which can slide along the rod is kept at midpoint of a smooth rod of length L. The rod is rotated with constant
angular velocity  about vertical axis passing through its one end. The ring is released from midpoint. The velocity of the

ring, when it just leaves the rod is L . Then x is equal to :

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