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Code OP CRIMINAL PROGE Dt) 1¢ 13 _D® RD Sire Wb thas ane the “maximum sértenceo that can be parsed by diftenest claro —2 of Count 2 Levevy (ov Magdtmate am Ricmta Oi Otten dem 2 TE so) eum toy What Cinemotances 2 O+©@ by State tho Powens of vanious counts J t0 PAM Peortencer ot-imprisonment in ' deterth—eorn—Hne. aceonding to the Cape. @ Wheat ane. tho Provisions tn +the Code ton parsing nentence ob ‘Umorisonment in ig defautt of Hne.2? @ YUMA Mention the canes in Lohtely a Penson} SH may be Convicted ‘o¢ RweNAl ottencey ~ at one trial. @ | fi e) Cana Nagisotpate and privote a ns, Penson thems elven | annert an Qi} e Inteoovetion 2 reennaeas ote 2 4 Chapten 1 Of the Code of Criminal couate Procedune, 1978; Containing Aenciea_ 25A deal with the Provisions Relating to " Constitution of Cniminal Counts ang oftceo 7 But the tard‘ Count” Naa net been! pac eie i | defined Mm the Code on MH any othen Ack Broadly Peaking, ‘Count’ may be olefin ~d a2" Place Whene Akistice to juci i ) Dea sren ky tis woanye oem 4 ea Megrtivat “being sunonyumous +enms, le ane intenchangeabie and, thenetone, a |Q| €etmihad Court means and includes | | es tm Ks 2) Maximum Sentences THAT Can BE Dalssen | By OQUERERENT CLASSES @F CouRT 1 m Clacoe of Criminal Counts > Aceovding #5 section 6 of the Code of Grin) Procedure, 1798; bentde2s the om : High Counts and the Counts constty+t ~2d under any law, cthen than thro Code, there prhath be, in eveny Atak, the tollowing clanoesa of Cniminal Counts, namely + a Counts of Sexaion ; GY Iudicio! Magistrates of the finan Clem, and, in any metnopolitan Metropolitan. Magiotnate; Wii) Dediciol Magwtrates of the ¢ clan ; and Ww Execrtve Macgiotnatenr, ™ Sentences Lohich High Counts Semions Tdgeo may poss — er ee) ee eae ' Acconding to Section 28 ot the Gde emerge! | Procedunc, lane) r Gea gb. Count may pag 20y Bao =nee Jarthonreod by Lar, \ pee eee YSIS OY OO: @)y A PSescions Uudge en Additenein Sersions Uuidge may pars an sonte —nee authorned by law but ae | —tence oF death passed by any such ‘ | eye be subicc: 1 —aton by the tHah Count Se | @® An_Assistant poss any sentence authorised by law except a Rentence oc of death on for @—teem Ut pony _ teem NS Tkkidge may imey impri ten bament eae Yoans. mw Sentenees Which Magiotnates may According to Section 2q of tha Ce Criminal Pnocedun Reo WO a Chief Inrclical may Pp an any senten ce -Ornned by law except a fentence —oth or oct iUnPnisonment fon Ute oom —prisonment tor a tenm exceeding Be yeans. @ The Count of a_ Magiotnate of th tnst clans may pan imprisonment for a +tenm +hmee yeans, on of fine ten thoirand apecd, on of both, Recond dax may por. @ pe imprisonment for ai tenm one Year, on ef fine pope thousand rupee, on of both. @ The Count of a Chief Metnop Magiotnate hau have the pewe the Count of a Chiet Incdeial 4) ote and that of a Metnape | -ptrote, the powens of the Cou 4 Magronate of the tinst cLapno ® Sentences Lohich Executive Ae According te section 2A of Cn.AQ.c mai pando 9 Dentente of Ummms onment fay | ve yen ont kat excaaliy” surg) gaa) ( Qe spianiation + ae ovgam2zaton oF ae Lise eee pao oes ea) Cnrunn2 a6 es may be shoitn an . a ee following Chont ® The Supneme Count : Op eSunt oF Inca’ — Any Th High es auxhormmed by law) lt The High Count €Tthe Kughest Count in a State — Any | Aentence outhonrined by Vena Suu sce Sa eae 2, IS High—ceount .) HIDES 22clan cd gat Cthe Sesaions Indge, the Additional Seni -ons Judge — any ventence atthoniocd by law. But deoth nentence muiurt be Confirmed by High Count). e@ Assistant Sensions Judge € Impnisonment On. wee i upto 10 yns$ and/ al Chiet “Magistn Meteo Utan Mag a So Gn me eee ge Ov ( Tmerisonment upto Ehe Aaa) % Y2ens on/ ang Chick dud. tine) wes, cs on ting) CImenison 4 Imprisonment oto 3 yMs and/on fen & to tha aac / Sentence mannan poesiribed Sng ico ~ aaa ae, m iki g OtiN@ attr ceumatancoo, yp ang. @ In Modi Ram “ etete, AER !AF2 Sc 2u38. tho S.C epsenved that ee tho Qirantny Rieti samen (Or qdequiac } of the rentence, the. Count sh oulo @ keep in. mind that UU bk neither too : povene non too Lentent. ® In Stoke SPUse) eae nUSinmocn-ms 2 (ACO tw Was held that Section: 2! (Se 905; | of the Prevention of Food Acliitenctio, | Act, 1954 authornes a Magistrate of » fcnst claro te awand Qa Xentence beyond the liumus PrReoentbed ton hi | Lnden “this 8.24 of the Gr.Pc. © In Pankaj Brine sii 5 i : | of GWanat, AFR 200i 80 e% > the sc bald that unden 8. 24/0) ; tho Me ee ee agisma

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