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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON JAN 30 22 ERESL? PO REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No, 091 __, s. 2024 2024 GAWAD PAG-GABAY “PAG-PUPUGAY SA GURONG TAGA-} PUNONG GURO AT BAYANING PINUNONG MAG-AARAL” To: Schools Division Superintendents Chiefs, School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD} Division Learner Formation Coordinators Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads ‘Teacher-Advisers of School Organizations and Clubs Elementary and Secondary Student Leaders All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd) Region Ill through the Education Support Services Division (ESSD) shall conduct the Search for Gawad Pag-Gabay “Pag-pupugay sa Gurong Taga-Hubog, Punong Guro at Bayaning Pinunong Mag- aaral”. 2. The Gawad Pag-Gabay is derived from the Filipino word ‘Gabay” that translates the leamer formation programs guiding the learners to become responsible, agents of change and productive citizens embodied in the Filipino core values Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa. Thus, Gawad Pag- Gabay aims to recognize the outstanding performance, accomplishments and significant contributions of school heads, teacher-advisers, student leaders and learner formators in delivering accessible, safe and quality education for alll 3. Further, Gawad Pag-Gabay specifically aims the following, a. Recognize and appreciate the outstanding performance and accomplishments and significant contributions of school heads, teachers-advisers, students’ leaders and learner formators in implementing relevant and responsive learner formation programs contributing to the delivery of accessible and quality basic education for all and learners’ holistic development; b. Encourage and motivate learner program implementers to plan and implement significant learner formation programs, project and activities responsive to address the pressing issues concerning today's learners and; c, Sustain and promote high impact learner formation programs, projects and activities that lead leaners to become agents of change and responsible citizens. 4. The Learner Formation programs, projects and _ activities implemented /accomplished from August 2023 to April 2024 shalll only be considered for the 2024 Gawad Pag-Gabay Search. DeRED MATATAG onan ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) 5) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON 5. _ The Search is open to all public elementary and secondary schools, school heads, teacher-advisers, student leaders and division learner formation coordinators who arc excellently implementing the Learner Formation Flagship Programs namely, Student Government Program, National Greening Program, Barkada Kontra Droga, Child Protection Policy and Advocacy. 6. For this year, Gawad Pag-Gabay Awards shall be on April 25, 2024. The venue shall be announced in a separate Memorandum. 7. All expenses incurred in the conduct of this Search by the participants and the search committee shall be charged against local funds and/or downloaded learner formation program support funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 8. Refer to the Regional Memorandum No. 205 s. 2023 for the guidelines and mechanics of the Gawad Pag-Gabay. 9. Attached enclosures for reference. a. Timetable of the Search b, Endorsement and Application Forms ¢. Criteria and Score Sheet per Category 10. For any inquiries and clarifications, you may directly communicate to Dr. Ginno Jhep A. Pacquing, Regional Learner Formation Focal Person via email address at ginnojhep.pacquing:, 11. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. MA¥ B. ECLAR, PhD, CESO IIT Regional Director Enel. As stated References: None ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Indes ‘under the following subjects: 12024 GAWAD PAG-GABAY ESSD/sppi January 24, 2024 i DepED « oe we \ ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of Sen Fernando (P) / Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION IN-CENTRAL LUZON ‘Timetable for the 2024 Gawad Pag-Gabay Date ‘Activity Office In charged Last week of February | Submission of Entries Division Search 2024 |__ from the Schools __|_Committee- Secretariat Division Level Evaluation Division Search {st Week of March 2024 | and Validation of Entries Committee School Division Office- 201 Week of March 2024 ALnQUIE Sten Division Search Division Winners Deadline of Submission Committee Regional Search | E j | Mareh 11, 2028 of Entries to Regional | csrettee: Seoretariat i * Regional Level Evaluation Regional Search ieee 202% and Validation of Entries Committee | ‘Announcement of | Regional Office- Regional eo 20 | _Regional Winners _| __Search Committee ; Gawad Pag-Gabay | Regional Office- Regional eee Awarding Ceremon} ‘Search Committee DefiED ed BY erence ean en nt Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON Date Form 1 Endorsement Form for SDO MAY B. ECLAR, PhD, CESO II Regional Director DepEd Region Il Matalino St., Diosdado Macapagal Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Subject: Endorsement of the Division Entries for 2024 Gawad Pag-Gabay Dear Director Eclar: Grectings of peace and blessings be unto you! After thorough evaluation, may we respectfully endorse the following Division Entries for the 2023 Gawad Pag-Gabay “Pag-pupugay sa Gurong Taga-Hubog, Punong Guro at Bayaning Pinunong Mag-aaral’ for the following categories, to wit: Category __Name of Nominee nter- Makabansa__ jose Rizal Elementary School _| |2.__| Most Outstanding Leader- SSLG Carlos C. Rizal '3. | Most Outstanding CCP School Implementer | Bonifacio M. Zamora High School ‘Attached are the copy of the submitted documents by the nominees and vetted score sheets by the Division Search Committee. Thank you and God bless. Very truly yours; Name and Signature of the SDS DehED 4 MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) 5) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: ‘Republic of the Philippines: Department of Cducation REGION IIL-CENTRAL LUZON Form 2 Application Form for SELG/SSLG Regior Division: Wame of Nominee: ‘School Address: Contact Number: Email address: Total Enrollment: Information of Contact Person (if applicable) Full Name: Surname Given Name Middle Initial Name Extension Project Profile Contact Number: Project Title: Project Brief Description ( sentences only) | Project Timeframe Implemented: [Category ( Please Checiz One Only) ‘Maka- Diyos (Belief and Tradition)-School Maka-Tao (Human Development, Health, Well-Being)-School Makekalikasan (Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Management)-School Makabansa(Heritage, Culture, Nationalism, Patriotism and Volunteerism)-School ‘Most Outstanding Student Leader ‘Most Outstanding Teacher-Adviser Most Outstanding School Head Thereby certify upon my honor that all facts and information indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I further declare that any information given that proves to be untrue may constitute a ground for disqualification in the search and prosecution for perjury. Further, I subscribe and agree that the Department of Education Region Ill have the sole prerogative to select the winners, and that their decision is final and executory. In witness hereof, I am executing and signing this statement voluntarily and without ‘compulsion. Signature over Printed Name DehED « MATATAG Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Jbitippines Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON Region: Division: oe Profile (Name of Nominee: ‘School Address: ‘Contact Number: Email address: Total Enrollment: Information of Contact Person (If applicable) Fall Name: Surname Given Name Middle Initial Name Extension Home Address: (Date of Birth: Position in the Organization: ‘Contact Number: Project Profile Project Title: Project Brief Description (3 sentences only) Project Timeframe Implemented: Category (Please Check One Only) ‘Most Outstanding YES-O School Implementer Most Outstanding YES-O Student Leader ‘Most Outstanding VES-O Teacher-Adviser Most Outstanding YES-O School Head Thereby certify upon my honor that all facts and information indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I further declare that any information given that proves to be untrue may constitute a ground for disqualification in the search and prosecution for perjury. Further, I subscribe and agree that the Department of Education Region lil have the sole prerogative to select the winners, and that their decision, ie final and executory. | In witness hereof, I am executing and signing this statement voluntarily and without | compulsion. Signature over Printed Name ey “1f) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) MATATAG NGS Teteonone number (0s) 558-8580 to 69 Ema Adarens:replon3@deped gov oh Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION Ill-CENTRAL LUZON Region: Division: Name of Nominee: ‘School Address: Contact Number: Email address: al Enrollment: Information of Contact Person (if applicable) | Full Name: Surname Given Name Middle initial Name Extension [Home Address: Date of Birth: Position in the Organization: ‘Contact Number: Project Profile Project Title: | Project Brief Description (8 sentences only) | Project Timeframe Implemented: (Please Check One Only) Best Barkada Kontra Drogra School Implementer Most Outstanding ‘Most Outstanding ‘Most Outstanding School Head Thereby certify upon my honor that all facts and information indicated herein are true and | corzect to the best of my knowledge and abilities, | further declare that any information | given that proves to be untrue may constitute a ground for disqualification in the search and prosecution for perjury. Further, I subscribe and agree that the Department of Education Region III have the sole prerogative to select the winners, and that their decision final and executory. In witness hereof, I am executing and signing this statement voluntarily and without compulsion. Signature over Printed Name DepED w MATATAG See anconsourmas ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Femmando (°) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Region: Division’ Profile Name of Nominee: ‘School Address: Contact Numbei Email address: Total Enrollment: Information of Contact Person (if applicable) Fall Name: Surname Given Name Middle Initial Name Extension Home Address: Date of Position in the Organization: Contact Number: Project Title: Project Brief Description (3 sentences only) | Project Timeframe Implemented Category ( Please Check One Only) |__| Best Child Protection Policy School Implementer [| Most Outstanding Child Protection Policy School Coordinator Most Outstanding School Head. | Thereby certify upon my honor that all facts and information indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I further declare that any information | given that proves to be untrue may constitute a ground for disqualification in the search | and prosecution for perjury. Further, | subseribe and agree that the Department of | Education Region Ill have the sole prerogative to select the winners, and that their decision is final and executory. In witness hereof, | am executing and signing this statement voluntarily and without compulsion. Signature over Printed Name Republic of the Philippines Department of Cducation REGION lIL-CENTRAL LUZON Form 6 Application Form for LEC. Name of Nominee: ‘School Address: Contact Number: Email address: (Total Enrollment: _ Information of Contact Person (If applicable) Full Name: | Surname Given Name Middle Initial Name Extension Home Address: Date of Birth: Position in the Organization: Contact Number: Project Titles Project Brief Description (3 sentences only) Pat Project Timeframe Implemented: | Category ( Please Check One Only) ‘Most Functional Social Media Award ‘Most Innovative Learner Formation PPAs Award [Thereby certify upon my honor that all facts and information indicated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and abilities. I further declare that any information given that proves to be untrue may constitute a ground for disqualification in the search | and prosecution for perjury. Further, I subscribe and agree that the Department of Education Region III have the sole prerogative to select the winners, and that their decision is final and executory. In witness hereof, | am executing and signing this statement voluntarily and without ‘compulsion. Signature over Printed Name 1) adress: Matlin St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (°) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: eae DepED w & maTatac |S Republic of the Philippines Department of Cyucation REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Application Form Attachment 1. What is your project title? Describe your project entry not less than 500 words but not more than 800 words. 2. How does your project address the pressing issues of the youth/school/ community? (Answer must not less than 500 words but not more than 800 words.) 3. Who and how many are the beneficiaries of the project? How did they benefit from the project? (Answer must not less than 300 words but not more than 500 words.) 4. What are the significant impacts of the projects to the stakeholders? (Answer must not less than 300 words but not more than 500 words.) 5. Who are involved and describe their role to the success of the project? How did they ensure the implementation of the project? (Answer not more than 300 words) 6. How does the project promote the idea of teamwork, solidarity and goal oriented among its stakeholders? (Answer must not less than 300 words but not more than 500 words.) 7. What innovation did the team introduce in implementing and achieving the purpose of the project? (Answer must not less than 500 words but not more than 800 words.) 8. How the team was able to fund the implementation of the project? (Answer not more than 300 words) 9. What are your plan of strategies, mechanisms and measures to sustain the implementation of the project? (Answer must not less than 500 words but not more than 800 words.) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Fernando (P) g) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Dey DedED pe 7 Pat Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON | Name of Nominee: “Teacher Adviser: ‘School Head: Region / Division: ; ‘Maximum Nominee Seer wow Points Actual Points {. Excellence in Student/Pupil Governance. 30 points: ‘a. Implementation of sApproved General Mandated /Recommended | Plan of Action (GPOA) PPAs: : Approved ¥ Implemented 1-3 _ | Resolutions/Project PPAs=11 points | Proposals Y Implemented 4-6 |+ Signed School ic PPAs=13 points | SPG/SSG ¥ Implemented 7-10 | Memorandum (PPA PPAs=15points —_| Implementations) + Activity Completion Report duly signed by Peer tian the school head. | _ : SAE b. Efficiency in the | SPG/SSG Reports submission of necessary | based on DO 47 . report 2014) v Submitted 1-8 | 1. Approved General reports= 11 points | Plan of Action (GPOA) ¥ Submitted 4-5 2.Approved reports= 13 points | Resolutions ¥ Submitted 7-10 | 3.Approved Minutes reports= 15 points | of the Meeting 4.Duly Signed Financial Reports 5.Activity Completion 5 [Evaluation Reports 6.Filing of List of Recognized School Clubs/ Organizations 7.Approved Project Proposals 8.School Memorandum duly ‘signed by SH/SP | 9. Accomplishment Report 10.Election Reports 2, Networking, Linkages and Collaboration-5 points a Initiated and | Duly approved project, a Implemented community | proposal DepED * 2) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) MATATAG 7 Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: are Republic of the Philippines Department of Education AEGION II-CENTRAL LUZON outreach /extension ‘Activity report with programs/activities for the | pictures youth: Attendance of the |" One (1) initiated | participants | and implemented | program /activity = 3 points Participation in | Certificate of | outreach /extension participation (in the | programs/activities for the | last 2 years) | youth: | © Participated in 1 outreach/extension programs/activities | for the youth= 1 2 point ¥ Participated in 2 outreach/extension programs/activities for the youth= 2 points 3. Experience as a Student Leader- 5 points ‘The nominee has been | Appointment/Election SPG/SSG officer for: Report that the name ¥ 6 months but less | of the nominee was than 10 months= 1 | reflected as duly point appointed /elected. ¥ 10 months but less | Certification that the Ss than 15 months= 3 | nominee is serving as points student leader v 15 months or more | indicating his/her = 5 points term of office. :| 4, Embodiment of DepEd Core Values- 40 points: a. Tnitiated ‘and | Approved project implemented Maka- | proposal/s Diyos(upholds/respects | School Memo on the belief and faith, Manifests | implementation of the moral standard, right | project conduct, honesty, | Accomplishment Involvement in religious | report/s activities) PPAs: 1 PPA conducted = 3 points Y 2PPAs conducted = | 6 points 3 PPAs conducted = L 10 points 10 DepED MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Femando (°) Eo) epnone Nem (085) 58-5801 89 Ea ras eon dened oh Republic of the hilippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON b. Initiated and | Approved project implemented Maka- | proposal/s ‘Tao(charity/kindness, ‘School Memo on the empathy and sympathy, | implementation of the compassion, human dignity | project and equality and multi- | Accomplishment culturalism) PPAs: report/s 10 ¥ 1 PPA conducted = 8 points ¥ 2 PPAs conducted = 6 points ¥ 3 PPAs conducted = 10 points a & Initiated and | Approved project implemented proposal/s Makakalikasan (cleanliness | School Memo on the and orderliness, proper | implementation of the waste management, energy | project conservation, ‘Accomplishment environmental protection | report/s and preservation and wise 0) use of natural resources) PPAs: Y 1 PPA conducted = 3 points ¥ 2PPAs conducted = 6 points ¥ 3 PPAs conducted = 10 points i @Initiated and | Approved project implemented —Makabansa | proposal/s (takes pride for being a | School Memo on the Filipino, resiliency in times | implementation of the of need crisis, obedience to | project existing rules and | Accomplishment regulations, community | report/s service involvement and promotes and patronizes 10 local products, services and practices) PPAs: |" v1 PPA conducted = 3 points ¥ 2PPAs conducted = 6 points ¥ 3 PPAs conducted ~ 10 points 5. Leadership Advocacy, Governance and Development-20 points The nominee has been | Certificate of a invited as _a_resource | Recognition indicated » |) Address: Matalino st.D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Femando (P) Fg) *sisoone Numan (045] 58685808069 Ena Ares regan 3@deped gov ph Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON ‘speaker to promote | the name of nominee influence other youth | as Resource Speaker through his/her advocacy: | Invitation letter ¥ School —_Level=1 | Activity report point indicated the salient Y District Level- 2 | points of his/her points discussion. ¥ Division Level= 3 points ¥ Regional Level= 4 points ¥ National Level= 5 points The nominee has been | Certificate of Participated in leadership | Participation workshops, seminars and | indicated the name of webinars: nominee. (in the last, ¥ School —_Level=1 | 2 years) point Activity report Y District Level+ 2 | indicated the points highlights of the 5 ¥ Division Level= 3 | seminar. points Plan of action how ¥ Regional Levele 4 she/he will cascade points what she/he has ¥ National Level= 5 | learned from the points seminar The flag ship PPA/s of the | Approved project Nominee has been adopted | proposal and implemented in the: | Memorandum stating ¥ School __Level=1 | the implementation of point the PPAs ¥ District Level= 2 | Accomplishment points Report. 5 Y Division Level= 3 points | ¥ Regional Level= 4 4 5 | points ‘Awards and Recognition, | Certificate or Plaque Outstanding of Recognition Accomplishment Received | indicated the name of . by the Nominee: the nominee. (in the ¥ School __Level=1 | last 2 years) point 2 aire a DepED er fe *) ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, ity of San Ferando (P) ane fg GD) Teesheve tanta sb nb 8 nl aes: gorse goon MATATAS erat tere Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON lana 2 iu | Divison Level 9 | points | ¥ Regional Level= 4 | points ¥ National Level= 5 points (Total Seore Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) | Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Aepublic of the Philippines Department of Education AEGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON ame of the Nominee: ‘School Head: Region/Divisior Category: (please check one) () Elementary (} Secondary Maka-Diyos Maka Tao Makakelikasan Makabansa riteria Nominee s Actual Points 1. Impact of the Project - 30% @. Addresses the |The SPG/SSG was able to|The SPG/SSG was|The SPG/SSG was |The SPG/SSG_ was problem/issues of identify and address a| able to identify and | able to identify a| able to identify a the specific problem of the school | address a specific | specific problem of | specific problem of school/community by providing a solution such | problem of the school | the school and | the school and just (Moximum of 15 as sustainable and long-term | by providing | provide solution that | plan to address the points) program/project - 15 points | solution such as is relevant but did | problem- 9 points information not hit the problem of MOVs: dissemination, the school. - ‘seminar, orientation, | 11points Approved proposal trainings, etc. - 13 Workable Action Plas points aa EN DefED Ae] FGA 3) Adres atalino 5.01. Government Center, Mam hyo San Ferman (P) MATATAG Sey) Tenhone number: (45) 59085000 a Era ee: regons@cened ovoh Republic of the Dbhilippines Bepartment of Egucation REGION lIl-CENTRAL LUZON Proofs/evidences that the problem was address Bb. Frequency of the | Thrice per sch. quarter= 10 Project points Implementation (Maximum of 10 points) | MOVs: | Approved project | proposal | School Memo on the | implementation Complete Number of Accomplishment Report Needed ‘Once per month -8 points Twice per sch. quarter= 4 points ‘Once per sch. quarter 2 points DepED w & MATATAG = 9: wns at ®) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Ma Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: region3 ¥ of San Fernando (P) Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON & Scope of | Region wide- 5 points Division wide- 4 | District wide- 3] School wide -I point Implementation points points (Maximum of 5 points) MOVs: Approved project proposal Memorandum on the implementation of | the project | Workable | Implementation Plan | Accomplishment — | Report L | 2, team Work on the Implementation of the Project 5% Engaged Stakeholders (Maximum of 25 points) MOVs: Signed Pledge Commitment Attendance Activity Implementation Notarized MOA with in the of | in |The SPG/SSG was able to | engage 100% Barangay Officials, 100% PTA Officers and parents and five (5) relevant Civie Society Organizations were involved the project implementation- 25 points The SPG/SSG was able to engage 80% Barangay Officials, 80% PTA Officers and parents and three (3) relevant Civic Society Organizations were involved inthe project implementation- 20 points The SPG/SSG was able to engage 60% Barangay _ Officials, 60% PTA Officers and parents and two (2) relevant Civic Society Organizations were involved in the project implementation 15 points The SPG/SSG was able to engage 59% & below of Barangay Officials, 59% — & below PTA Officers and parents and one (i) relevant Civic Society Organizations were involved in the project implementation- 10 points DepED MATATAG os cso | Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpls, City of San Fernando (P) j) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: region3@deped Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Involvement of the |The School Head, 100% of| The School Head, |The School Head, | The School Head, 59 School teachers and ‘personnel, | 80% of teachers and | 60% of teachers and _% & below of teachers (Maximum of 10 100% SPG/SSG officers were | personnel, 100% | personnel, 100% and personnel, points) involved and engaged in| SPG/SSG officers | SPG/SSG'__ officers 100%SPG/SSG planning and implementation | were involved and | were involved and officers were involved MOVs: ofthe project- 10 points | engaged in planning | engaged in planning and engaged in Attendance with and implementation | and implementation | planning and picture in planning of the project- 8|of the project- 6 implementation of and implementation points points | the project- 4 points of the project. if 3. Creativity and Innovation of the Project 25% Uniqueness of the |The approved project was | The approved project | The approved project | The approved project approved project | new, unique and beyond the | was patterned but | was patterned but | was totally adopted (Maximum of 15 mandated PPAs of the| modified on the| modified from the |from the other points) SPG/SSG-15 points mandated PPAs of | other SPG/SSG | SPG/SSG the SPG/SSG-13 | organizations -9 | organizations and or MOVs: points points mandated PPAs of Approved project, SPG/SSG -7 points proposal- explicitly stated the background of the project in the | rationale. DeRED ead ws Republic of the 2 Department of Sbilippines €ducation REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON The project provides innovative solutions. (Meximum of 10 points) MOVs: Accomplishment Report how the The approved project solved | The approved project the problem beyond its| nearly solved the | nearly solved the expectations, introduced | problem, its promote | problem, it highly innovative solution, it | the intended values and 100% of the| the learners promote core | the intended core | promotes the intended core | values and 80% of | values and 60% of are|the learners are learners are aware or | aware/participated _| aware/participated participated in the project-10 | in the project - 8| jin the project - 6 ‘The approved project | The approved project neatly solved the problem, its promote the intended core values and 59% or below of the learners aware/ participated Liquidation report Receiving copy of the report. Boards/Official FB page of | Tcacher-Adviser and | and Teacher-Adviser- the organization-S points | the School Head-4 | 3 points points identified problem | points points points in the project - 4 was solved. points Attendance of the | leamers participated | in the project. Narrative of the impact of the projects to the leamers. ‘Accountability and | The SPG/SSG | The SPG/SSG | The SPG/S8G | The SPG/SSG ‘Transparency provided/submitted/posted | provided/submitted | provided/submitted | provided/submitted (Maximum of 5 | the signed disbursement and | the signed | the signed | the signed points) liquidation report: (financial | disbursement and | disbursement and | disbursement and report / in-kind donation) to | liquidation report: | liquidation report: | liquidation report: Movs: SPG/SSG Officers, Teacher- | (financial report / in- | (financial report / in- | (financial report / in- Signed Adviser and the School Head | kind donation). to| kind donation) to | kind donation) to Disbursement/ and posted in Bulletin | SPG/SSG Officers, | SPG/SSG Officers | Teacher-Adviser only -2 points: DepED MATATAG 9 ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, 4) Telephone Number: (045) 598-2580 to 89 Email Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) ress: Republic of the Dhilippines Department of Education REGION IILCENTRAL LUZON Collaboration for support in in the school clubs/organizations with | The SPG/SSG was able to| The SPG/SSG was other school | partner and engage the 100% | able to partner and clubs/organization | of listed clubs or | engage the 70% of the | organizations in school in the | listed clubs or implementation implementation of the | organizations in (Maximum of 5 project- 5 points school in the points) implementation of MOVs: the project- 4 points Signed Pledge of Commitment of other Clubs: and organization in the school. List of all |The SPG/SSG was |The SPG/SSG was able to pariner and able to partner and engage the 50 % of engage the 49% & listed clubs or | below of listed clubs organizations in or ‘organizations in school in the | school inthe implementation of | implementation of the project- 3 points | the project- 2 points ‘Total Score ‘Signature Over Printed Name of the Evaluator i Date of Evaluation Designation and DepED ws MATATAG fey &; Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Addres :) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) 7 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Name of Nominee: Region /Divisio: Maximum | Actual points | Score I. Organizational Leadership-35 points Implementation of all mandated Programs, y Projects, and Activities (PPAs) : Approved ‘* Implemented 1-3 PPAS- 5 points proposal | + Implemented 4-6 PPAs- 10 points Implementation | + Implemented 7-9 PPAs- 15 points Plan 20 | + Implemented 10 PPAs- 20 points Activity Compietion | Report | Governance: 1. Calendar of Annual Proposed Activities | (CAPA) 2. Certificate of Registration 3. Registration Form 4. Membership Form 5. Biannual Accomplishment Report (BAR) SY 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 | 6. Activity Completion Report | 7. Monitoring and Evaluation form by MOVs listed in Division YES-O Program Coordinator ‘Gamecemse 15 8. Five Year Targets from 2022- 2027 | 9. Financial Reports |. 1-2 accomplished documents- 5 points | + 3-4 accomplished documents- 7 points * 5-6 accomplished documents- 9 points | + 7-8 accomplished documents-13 points | + 9 accomplished documents- 15 points | 2. Networking, Linkages and Collaboration- 40 points a Tavolvement and Participation in Certificate of community civic/organizations/associations and _| Membership its activities Certificate of + 1-2 participations/involvement- 6 points | Participation (in| 1 + 3-4 participations/involvement- 8 points _| the last 2 years) * 5 participations/involvement- 10 | Re-entry plan on points how he/she can fe share his/her | a mararas SEF? % EGG 2) Adress: aan st. 0. Government Center, Maimos, hy of San Fernando) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON es sagt ‘anoe activity Initiated and implemented outreach programs/ Approved activities in the community. outreach ee |e aaa ees pecan 5 een [Peer program/activity- 10 points explain oe the 20 © 4 initiated and implemented outreach en cl Teed ee SERS om the activity. Attendance of the participants | Outstanding Accomplishments as Makakealikasan | Certificate or | Advocate Plaque of © 5 initiated and implemented outreach program/activity- 20 points Y Award Recognition (in * School Level- 2 points the last 2 years) © District/Municipal Level -4 points 5 * Division/Provincial Level- 5 points If the award is given by National or International aiving body, it shall correspond to highest points. Serve as Resource Speaker in any trainings, | Certificate of webinars and workshops offered by DepEd and | Recognition (in private sectors related to Environment Protection | the last 2 years) | and Awareness Highlights of the ‘+ School Level- 2 points Talk + District/Municipal Level ~4 points _| Invitation letter % ‘+ _Division/Provincial Level- 5 points If the trainings, webinars and workshops were organized by the National or International Entity, it shall correspond to highest points. (3. Embodiment of the Core Value Makakalikasan- 25 points Promoting and Practicing SRs (Refuse, Reduce, | Video advocacy Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle) at school, home and | or IEC material in the community Picto Narrative + Lindicator- Ipoint 5 + 2indicators- 3 points * 3 indicators- 5 points Promoting and Practicing Vegetable Gardening at | Video advocacy school, home and in the community or IEC material ‘+ 1Lindicator- Ipoint Picto Narrative 5 * 2indicators- 3 points * 3 indicators. 5 points ‘Addrass: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-2580 to 89 Email Addrass: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON | Promoting and advocating the practice of not Video advocacy using single-used plastic at school, home and in | or IEC material the community Picto Narrative | © Lindicator- Lpoint 2 | * 2 indicators- 3 points |__ «3 indicators- 5 points | Promoting and Practicing energy, water and Video advocacy | electric supply conservation at echoal, home and | or IEC material in the community Picto Narrative * Lindicator- point 2 * 2 indicators- 3 points * 3 indicators- 5 points | eau the environment protection and preservation | Video edvocaay | at school, home and in the community | or IBC material ® 1 indicator Ipoint Picto Narrative a + 2indicators- 3 points | |__+ Sinaicator: 5 pointe | [Total Score Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date of Evaluation DepED é ® MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Emall Address: oe Republic of the Philippines Department of Education EGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Name of Nominee: Region / Division: Category: () Elementary () Secondary Maximum | Actual Criteria MOVs points | Score ‘Implementation of School Inside a Garden (SIGA) “Clean and Green Campaign”. 25 | points ‘+ Seed bank and Nursery Picture of Seed Cabinet Establishment and Nursery with label ¥ 25 or more variety of seeds and | PP“ seedlings- 5 points Y 20variety of seeds and seedlings: 4 points 5 v 18variety of seeds and seedlings- 3 points Y 10 variety of seeds and seedlings- 2 points YS variety of seeds and .s- 1 point Establishment of Flowering Picto-Narrative signed Garden by the School Head Y 25 or more variety of flowering plants- 10 points Y 20variety of flowering plants- 8 points 10 Y 15 variety of flowering plants- 6 points ¥ 10 variety of flowering plants- 4 points Y Svariety of flowering plants- 2 point__ s ‘+ Native Endemic and Indigenous | Picto-Narrative signed ‘Trees Planted/Tree Seedlings | by the School Head For tree seedlings: ¥ 150 pes or more with 5 variety 5 of Endemic and Indigenous tree seedlings- 5 points | ¥ 149-130 pes with 5 variety of | Endemic and Indigenous tree | seedlings: 4 points | MATATAG == ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Femando (°) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON ¥ 120-110 pes with 5 variety of Endemic and Indigenous tree seedlings- 3 points ¥ 109-90 pes with 5 variety of Endemic and Indigenous tree | seedlings- 2 points | © 89 pcs and below with 5 variety of Endemic and Indigenous tree | seedlings- 1 point | For planted trees: ¥ 5 Endemic or Indigenous tree planted in school- § points ¥ 4 Endemic or Indigenous tree | planted in school- 4 points ¥ 3 Endemic or indigenous tree planted in school- 8 points Y 2 Endemic or Indigenous tree | planted in school- 2 points |v 1 Bndemie or Indigenous tree planted in school- 1 point Whichever is applicable to school. + Initiated and conducted Arbor _| Activity Day and Earth Day Celebration | program/matrix % Signed ¥ 100% of School Population Retnepiatee Attended- 5 points Repart ¥ 99%-80% of School Population | Attendance of the Attended- 4 points peniperea e ¥ 79%-60% of School Population Attended- 3 points Y 59%-40%% of School Population Attended- 2 points ¥ 39% && below of School Population Attended- 1 point 2, Awareness and Outreach Programs. 25 points |" + Environmental Educations, | Video Advocacy or BIC | Awareness Campaigns and | material Symposia on Environmental | Approved Project Issues and Call to actions Proposal : Program Matrix esi List Winners Photo documentation 5 ¥ Video Advocacy or BIC material ¥ Seminar-Workshop, Trainings, Webinars ¥ Enviro-related contest ¥ One tumbler for every learner campaign oe Activity Report (Cy) 18) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Ld Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Department of Education REGION ICENTRAL LUZON 7 Build Material Recovery Facility (MRF) All indicators shall be provided to obtain the highest points, absence of the given indicators correspond to deduction of point/s. + Environmental Youth Camp —_| Approved Project Y Conducted one (1) Proven ynducted one Program Matrix Environmental Youth Camp in| attendance of the collaboration with existing rariieipaatsl 5 cb /(ocmesestcn fe Activity Completion report with proper photo documentation + Watershed Protection and Activity request Conservation Photo documentation ‘Attendance of the Initiated and conducted one (1) | participants Mangrove planting. Minimum | Certifieate of Number of 500 mangrove seedlings of Mangrove Secsilinge i planted Planted ¥ Manila Bay Conservation Program/Activity powitet + Clean-up drives (coastal or Activity Request community clean-up drives) | Photo documentation Certification of ¥ 350 kis. or more collected solid | Collected Solid Waste vwaste- 5 points Sete ¥ 201-250 ks. collected solid | Retaabey Omal = waste- 4 points 6 ¥ 151-200 ks. collected solid waste- 3 points ¥ 101-150 kis. collected solid waste- 2 points ¥ 100 ks & below collected solid waste- 1 point = Adopt a Memorandum of river/community/forest Agreement Implementation Pian 5 Progress Indicators Activity Report 3. Solid Waste Management, Entrepreneurship and Energy Conservation. 20 points + Promoting and Practicing 5Rs | Video advocacy or EIC (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, ‘material posted in _ Repurpose, Recycle) in Schoo! | conspicuous vicinity of the school. ‘ 1) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION Ill-CENTRAL LUZON ~ | Narratives from students the importance of 5Rs ‘* Punctional Material Recovery Facility (MRF) ¥ 10 months photo documentation and Sale Report- 5 points ¥ 8-9 months photo documentation and Sale [Monthly photo Report- 4 points \documentation of MRF ¥ 6-7 months photo lana 5 documentation and Sale [Sale Report signed by Report- 3 points Ithe School Head ¥ 4-5 months photo documentation and Sale Report- 2 points ¥ 1-3 months photo documentation and Sale Report- 1 point # + Environmental Entrepreneurship Indicators: \Activity Request Photo documentation of Recycled Product Corner ¥ Conduct environmental entrepreneurial skill development. Y Recycled Product Comer __ Sal report of recycled SI % Sale Report of Recycled Product PTOdUcE SIEM All indicators shall be provided to obtain the highest points, absence of the given indicators correspond to deduction of point/s. Promoting and Practicing No to Single Use Plastic Indicator: Y One tumbler for every learner [Approved Project and school personnel Proposal © 100% of School Population has School Memorandum a tumbler- 5 points Photo documentation © 99%-80% of School Population [Certification that all the > has a tumbler- 4 points learners and school © 79%-60% of School Population [personnel — have al | has a tumbler- 3 points tumbler. © 39%-40%% of School Population has a tumbler- 2 points {2 Address: Mataino St. D.M. Government Center, Maps, city of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: DehED MATATAG Republic of the ‘Poipines Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON © 39% & below of School Population has a tumbler- 1 | peint | y"Bheray, Water and Power | Video advocacy or BIC | 2 | Supply Conservation material posted in | conspicuous vicinity of the school. | Narratives from the students the importance of Energy, | Water and Power Supply Conservation ‘Collaboration to Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP)- 20 points ‘+ Crop integration (fruit, leafy | Narrative report with, vegetables, root vegetables, Proper photo s indigenous plants) documentation + Use of organic fertilizer and/or | Narrative report with, pest control Proper photo 8 documentation * Properly maintained compost | Narrative report with pit and heap Proper photo 2 documentation ‘© Utilization of Garden Space | Narrative report with | Proper photo 5 documentation + Utilization of Garden Produce | Narrative report with (School Feeding) Proper photo 5 documentation eer Forged and engaged the ‘community and local government unit (LGU) in clean | MOA/ MOU/Letter of and green program of the Understanding school. Implementation as Indicators: raised tal tie G Y Forged partnership with ‘MOA/MOU/LOU eee (Barangay) and Accomplish Activity LGU (MAO, CENRO, MENRO, _| Report with proper PENRO)- 5 points photo documentation. Absence of one indicator- 2 pints [© Established partnership with | MOA/ MOU/Letter of Non-Government Understanding Program Implementation as DehED « MATATAG oi Ten ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON ‘Organization/s and or/ Civic | stated in the Society Organization/s MOA/MOU/LOU Accomplish Activity Report with proper PU erteed nertneratin eins photo documentation NGOs or CSOs- § points Y Forged partnership with 2 NGOs or CSOs- 8 points ¥ Forged partnership with 1 NGO ‘or CSO- 1 point Total Score Indicators: Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date of Evaluation we DED (ig CY sates weiner 0 server ceo onton tern MATATAG| eS ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address region3@deped gov ph ==9: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Name of Nominee: Region /Division: | Criteria MOVs ‘Maximum points ‘Aetual Score [T Exemplary Student Leadership- 40 points ‘* Organized and Implemented BKD of | Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) | Approved project | on Drug Prevention proposal Implementation ¥ Implemented 1-3 BKD relevant PPAs- 10 | Plan | points Activity ¥ Implemented 4-6 BKD relevant PPAs- 15 | Completion points documentation Implemented 10 BKD relevant PPAs- 30 points x points Report with ¥ Implemented 7-9 BKD relevant PPAs- 25 | proper _photo 30 ‘Governance General Annual BKD Action Plan of PPAs Contextualized BKD School Charter approved by the School Head List of BKD Officers List of Members Registration Form ‘Membership Form Minutes of the Meeting BKD Resolutions ‘Communication /Request/Support MOVs listed Letters Guvernante Biannual BKD Accomplishment Report (BAR) SY 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 K88snen sce S 1-3 accomplished documents. 2 points 4-5 accomplished documents- 4 points 6-7 accomplished documents- 6 points 8-9 accomplished documents-8 points 10 documents provided/submitted- 10 | points 10 2, Networking, Linkages and Collaboration on Drug Abuse Prevention- 40 points 2 DepED MATATAG ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Involvement or Participation in BKD_ Certificate of community /civic/organizations/associations _| Membership and its activities Certificate of ‘+ 1-2 participations/involvement- 6 points | Participation {in © 3-4 participations/involvement- 8 points | the last 2 years) ‘© 5 participations/involvement- 10 points | Re-entry plan on | 10 how he/she can share his/her learnings on. the Drug Abuse Prevention, ‘Initiated, Organized and implemented BKD ‘Approved outreach programs/ activities in the community. | outreach © 1-2 initiated and implemented BKD ‘program / activity outreach program/activity- 10 points ‘Accomplishment ‘+ 3initiated and implemented BKD Report-Explicitly | outreach program/activity- 15 points | explain how the| 95 | © 4 initiated and implemented BKD community outreach program/actiaty-20 points _| benefited from the | © S initiated and implemented BKD_ Pies 2 = ene Attendance of the yutreach program/activity- 25 points Sanaa [© Forged Partnership MOA/MOU/Letter | ¥ NGAs (PNP, PDEA, DDB) of Understanding | ¥ LGUs Approved ¥ NGOs, Program or | ¥ cso Activity ¥ Religious Organizations Implementation 5 | At least 5 indicators are provided to obtain the | as stated in the | highest points. MOA/MOU/Letter | of Understanding | Activity Report with proper photo documentation [S. Outstanding Accomplishments - 20 points | Outstanding Accomplishments as BKD Advocate | Certificate or | ¥ Award Plaque of + School Level- 6 points Recognition (in | + District/ Municipal Level -8 points | the last 2 years) ‘0 * Division/Provincial Level- 10 points If the award is given by National or International giving body, it shall correspond to highest points. Serve as Resource Speaker in BKD_ related | Invitation Letter | trainings, webinars and workshops offered by | Certificate of | DepEd and private sectors related to Environment | Recognition (in| 10 | Protection and Awareness the last 2 years) «School Level- 4 points DeED w ( meee ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M, Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 588-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON + District/Municipal Level 8 points | Highlights of the + _Division/Provincial Level- 10 points | Talk If the trainings, webinars and workshops were organized by the National or International Entity, it shall correspond to highest points. Total Score ‘Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date of Evaluation DeaED ey DepED ws & Nay celeste ot on eae tcc See MATATAG. Cae Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION lIl-CENTRAL LUZON ‘Score Sheet for BKD Best ‘School Implementes Secondary Only Name of Nomince: Region/Division: = ‘Maximum | Actual Leste Points Score 1. Functionality of Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) Program on Drag Abuse Prevention in Secondary Schools- 20 points © General Annual Action ‘Signed Approved Plan for BKD PPAs ‘Annual Action Plan for r ¥ Achievable and responsive | BKD PPAs BKD activities E + Grand Launching of BKD | Approved Activity program in School Request Y _BKD Kick-Off Activity ‘School Memorandum e Program Matrix Registration list of the ee participants, + Organized and Functional | List of BKD Officers BKD School Chapter (elected or appointed) ¥ Officers and Teacher- Designation of Teacher- 5 Adviser Adviser as BKD ae Coordinator aoe + Contextualized BKD ‘Submit hard copy of School Charter BKD School Charter ¥ Rationale approved by the School Y Roles and Responsibilities | Head 5 of each Officers and teacher adviser and its members. 2, Scope and Coverage of Implementation- 20 points ‘School wide implementation ‘School Memorandum Advocacy video posted in the official BKD FB account of the School and or Official FB o account of the School or EIC materials posted in the conspicuous vicinity ‘of the school ___| Photo documentation i ies Community involvement and Memorandum of partnership Agreement with the Barangay/s covering the 5 school Pledge of commitment of the Barangay Officials DeED MATATAG 2) Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Malmpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the ‘Philippines Department of Education [REGION I-CENTRAL LUZON Roles of Barangay in 1 implementation of BKD Program ‘Adopt a School on the BKD Memorandum of Program Agreement ¥ 5BKD related activities | Implementation plan of conducted -5 points the BKD PPAs V 4BKD related activities | Activity Report with conducted -4 points proper photo e | © 3BKD related activities | documentation conducted -3 points Y 2BKD related activities conducted- 2 points |v 1 BKD related activity conducted -1 point 3 Nature of Extent of Drug Abuse Prevention Activities/ Projects Initiated/Implemented and Organized- 40 points * Information or Advocacy | BKD videos | ‘Campaign Film Showing | indicators: BKD jingle |v BKD advocacy video Hugot lines related to ¥ Film showing BKD |v BKD jingle EIC material (posters) Bo) ¥ Hugot lines related to BKD | Photo documentation ¥ BIC material (posters) Each indicator is equivalent to 2 | points. + BKD Education ‘Approved Project Indicators: proposal/ Activity ¥ Integration of drug abuse | Request prevention concepts and | School Memorandum | BKD components in Activity Report with classroom instruction proper photo Y Organizing Seminar- documentation | workshops, Webinars on | Drug Abuse Prevention Y Conduct BKD Student 10 | Forum/Conference/ Summit Y Capacity Building for BKD Officers ¥ Integrate one session of BKD (Drug Prevention) in Learning Action Cell (LAC} Bach indicator is equivalent to 2 | points. [e School Intervention Process flow how to 3 | | indicators: conduct each service DepED | atess Matto 50, Gvenent eter Mal hy Sn ean MATATAG S; j) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON, | % Provision of guidance and | Report relative to illegal | counseling services to | drugs if any and action learners taken ¥ Peer Coaching ¥ Referral Services | % Assistance to Student | Surrenders if any | ¥- Provision of guidance and | counseling services Parents/ Guardians. Bach indicator is equivalent to 1 point. ‘+ Alternative Intervention | Approved Activity Indicators: Request ¥ Friendly Sports/Athletics | Activity report with Competition proper photo ¥ Cultural Presentation documentation ¥ BKD Arts and crafts Registration of the S ¥ Religious Activities participants ¥ Civic Engagement/ Activity | IFit is contest, list of ¥ Other Recreational winners duly signed by Activities authorized person. Each indicator is equivalent to 1 point. ale ‘+ Establish and Functional | Approved request on the BKD Corner/Space establishing BKD Indicators: Comer ¥ Advocacy posters on BKD | Proper documentation ¥ Reading materials of BKD Corner Y Output of learners on BKD ib activity ¥- BKD school news paper ¥ BKD Accomplishment Report ¥- Other materials relevant for BKD Corner/ Space 4, Extent of Involvement of the following in terms of providing Assistance, Leadership and Support (ALS) in the implementation of the BKD Program- 20 points © Learners Approved Project Indicators: Proposal ‘+ Active participation in the | Program Matrix: ‘Activity /iaa Registration list of the + Minimum of four (4) (at__| participants per activity. least 1 per quarter) BKD | Activity Report with 10 related activities proper photo | conducted documentation | ¥ 90-100% of the target | learners participated in the activity- 10 points o | \ DefieD w ee eee {g/ Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89. Email Address: matatag SS a Department of Education REGION IIL-CENTRAL LUZON Y 80-90% of the target learners participated in the activity- 8 points Y 60-70% of the target learners participated in the activity- 6 points | ¥ 40-50% of the target learners participated in the activity- 4 points Y 39% & below of the target | learners participated in the activity- 2 point | +” Parent Teacher Association | Attendance in the | (PTA) ALS Activity Involvement in planning | Photo documentation 3 | Financial support if applicable Pledge of Commitment + School Head, Teaching | Attendance in the and Non-Teaching ALS | Activity Involvement in planning Photo documentation Financial Support from the school budget or a other source Provision of Technical assistance Pledge of Commitment + ALS involvement of MOA/MOU/Letter of ¥NGAs (PNP, PDEA, Understanding pps) Program Matrix ¥ LGUs indicating the active ¥ NGOs, involvement. a | 4 80 Activity | ¥_ Religious Organizations | Activity Report with At least 5 indicators are provided | proper photo to obtain the highest points. documentation Total Score Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date of Evaluation DefED w f maaras SF oe! Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Score Sheet for Best Child Protection School Implementer Region/Division: Category: () Elementary ()Secondary Criteria MOVs ‘Maximum | Actual | Points ‘Score I. Functionality of Child Protection in School- 40 points ‘+ Establish and Functional | List of the Composition of Child Protection School Child Protection Committee (per DepEd ‘Committee 9 Order No. 40 s. 2012) Minutes of the Meeting © Contextualize School Child | School Child Protection Protection Policy duly Policy iH approved by the members of SCPC. + Establish School Referral | Process flow of the School and Monitory System Referral and Monitoring System School Protocol on Reporting and Referring child abuse cases + Annual Child Protection | Copy of Annual Child Plan of Programs, Projects. | Protection of Activities and Activities Signed by the School Head + Conducted Child “Approved Project a Protection Activity/ies as | Proposal/ Activity Request stated in the Annual Child | Program Matrix Protection Plan of PPAs | Registration of the ¥ 10 organized and attendees implemented CP PPAs- 20 | Activity Report with points proper photo Y 9-8 organized and documentation implemented CP PPAs- 16 points 20 Y 7-6 organized and implemented CP PPAs- 12 points |v 8-4 organized and | implemented PPAs- 8 implemented PPAs- 4 points 2 i. AE 6 DepED bg 4) address: Matalino St. .M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Fernando (?) MATATAG SE 9) elena number (0s) 358880 89 Ema Ades repon38 dpe go 9h Republic of the Dbilippines Department of Education REGION IIl-CENTRAL LUZON Organize and_ implement | Approved Seminar-workshops, proposals webinars or _ integrate | Program Matrix during the Learning Action | Registration list of the Cell/School ‘Gender | participants Sensitive Training Activity Report with Indicators proper photo | V Training on awareness and | documentation understanding of child maltreatment and its common contributing | | factors and immediate and | | teiemr ape |v ‘Training on classroom | | frariageenenthendll gestive | discipline, in order to | minimize’ the use of | corporal punishment and | student-teacher and peer | bullying. ¥ Training on how to | recognize signs and symptoms of child abuse, | neglect or exploitation and | make appropriate reports | and referrals in line with procedures established by the school child protection, policy. v Training for school personnel to be sensitive toward and supportive of students who have experienced child maltreatment. Y Capacitate school | personnel to what actions to take if they suspect a child is being maltreated within or outside of school | settings. ¥ Re-orientation on Personal Safety Lessons (PSL) (DepEd Order No. 45 s. 2009) + 6 trainings conducted relative to child rights and protection- 30 points 2 DepED MATATAG SO scone rr nas ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Malmpis, City of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Dbilippines: Department of Education REGION lIl-CENTRAL LUZON relative to child rights and protection- 25 points + 4 trainings conducted relative to child rights and protection- 20 points * 3 trainings conducted relative to child rights and protection- 15 points + 2 trainings conducted relative to child rights and protection- 10 points + [training conducted relative to child rights and protection- 5 points 3, Networking, Collaboration and Partnership on Child Protection 15 points + Collaboration and | Notarized Coordination with other | MOA/MOU/Letter of partner agencies such as | Understanding NGAs, NGOs, CSO, | Approved Project Religious Groups and | Proposal/ Implementation + S trainings conducted | among others. as stated in Indicators: MOA/MOU/LOU Y Pool of external experts _| Program Matrix ¥ Network of volunteers Registration list of the Y¥ Youth observatory participants Activity Report with | Y Forged 5 partnerships | proper photo on school child | documentation protection PPAS implementation- 15 | points ¥ Forged 4 partnerships ‘on school child | protection PPAs | implementation- 13 | points | V Forged 3 partnerships | ‘on school child | protection PPAS | implementation- 9 | points Y Forged 2 partnerships ‘on school child protection PPAs implementation- 7 points DehED ¢ MATATAG — i ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, ity of San Fernando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON 7 Forged 1 partnership fon school child protection PPAS implementation- 5 ts 4, Child Protection Advocacy- 10 points * Raise awareness of child | Copy of all the indicators protection issues and abuse in schools and communities Indicators: Y Communication campaigns Advocacy videos BIC material (poster) Newsletter Let's protect our friends from violence and abuse ‘campaign. Y Positive Discipline booklet or pamphlet (How to handle violence and problematic student behavior) | Scope and Coverage of the | Campaign: School wide and Community All indicators must _—_be | submitted presented to obtain the highest points, '5. Record Keoping and Information Management. 5 points ‘* Mechanism of School on | Process Flow of the how the information on | Mechanism child protection concerns | Reported Cases and should be recorded and | action taken managed, as well as shared with persons in positions of 3 authority while assuring victim privacy and that such information is shared strictly on a need-to know basis. * Annual Accomplishment | Copy Annual Report Accomplishment Report, © Plan of Action on Child | Plan of Action and CP 2 Protection Implementation | Best Practices for the following SY. KA88 10 Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: =—_ zat DepED ws & 2 Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of Sen Fernando (P) — Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON Protection Implementation | [© Best Practices of Child (Total Seore Signature over Printed Name of the Evaluator Designation and Date of Evaluation fo%, = Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) = Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION Il-CENTRAL LUZON Name of Nominee: Region/Division: WAME OF NOMINEE: [Drviston: i ‘MAXIMUM | PARTICIPANT” errata L Move Ee eo Facebook Page Community: 40 points (1) Facebook Page Followers | Screenshot of the * 1,000 above followers = | Professional ao patote ag | Dashboard: Insights © 700-999 followers = 18 | - Page Overview (Your points Page Pane) © 400 - 699 followers = 10 20 points points | © 100-399 followers =5 | NO. of Page followers a as of June | ‘© Below 100 followers = 3 | points | {(@) Facebook Page Likes | Screenshot of the © 1,000 above likes =20 | Professional | points Dashboard: Insights ~ | # 700-999 1ikes = 18 Page Overview (Your | points Page Pane) ; * 400-699 tikes = 10 20 points points, Jo. of Page likes as o + 100-399 tikes «5 Ske See a ae points aes + Below 100 likes = 3 points oe Facebook Page Activeness and Impact - 60 points zi {l) Frequency of posting / | Screenshot of the sharing of materials end_| Professional videos Dashboard: (Posts © Tpost everyday=20 | Pane) points © Tpost every 2 days =18- | rimetine: points ere 20 points eegrery $ days = 20 | sco September 2022 © I post every 4 days =§ | “June 2023 | points © Tost every 5 days =3 points DefED MATATAG SAPS encore PMs ‘Address: Matalino St. 0.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fermando (P) Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89 Email Address: Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Cducation REGION IIL-CENTRAL LUZON (2) Average reach of ‘Screenshot of the ae posted/shared video _| Professional * More than 2,000 reached | Dashboard: (Posts = 20 points Pane) * 1500-1999 reached = 15 points t at | © 1000-1499 reachea = _| Simeline Covered: | 20 points 10 points: nae | # 500-999reached = | fom Seprember 2022 | aS = June 2023 | © 1-499 reached =3 points By Average reach of Screenshot of the posted/shared photo Professional * More than 2,000 reached | Dashboard: (Posts = 20 points Pane) + 1500 1999 reached = AS points: ‘Timeline Covered: 20 points COO aac ‘Summary of Posts r poncines, from September 2022 © 500 - 999 reached = 5

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