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MYSTUDYCART Coaching Classes At Home FREEDENO CLASS About Mystudycart Customized Online Cosching For JEE | NEET |CRSE? Tella More About Tis x Home AboutUs Examinations We Cover Online Coaching ‘Exclusive Features Online Courses Fro Rsources, Gariact Us JEE Main 2024, 2025 Syllabus - Download PDF (Chock JEE Mains Syllabus Math, Physics, Chemistry with Weightago or Download JEE Main Syllabus POF [Asa JEE aspirant. you shoul know the complete sus ofthe JEE Main exam, Th JEE Main aspirants havo to cover al he ops! cancpts of Mathomatio, Physi and Chon flats 110 and 12h whieh ate pata he JE Main yas. SEE Main 2024 Syllabus : As of now, thee ar no changes in he JE Min 202 yl, Bookmark th age for any updates in the JEE Main sls by NTA Prepare for JEE Mains 2024 rom the top faculty and expart at your home : Cours Details and Admission Proc Hore we as proving you the suboc and chapters JEE Main els. lek on any In slow see the dead JEE Man syabus of Math, Physics and Chemis wih weg JEE Main Syllabus for Papert : B.E/ B.Tech 12 JEE Main Syabus Mathematics 12 Jee Main Syabus Physics 1 Jee Main Sylabus Chemistry 1 Jee Main 2024 Syabus with Weightage 1 J Main Syabus Download POF (© JE Man syabus FAQS JEE Main Syllabus Mathematics ‘Unity Chapter Lstof Topics Sets, Relations and Sets andthe representation: Union, tersecton and complement of sets and tar gebrle properties; Power set Relaton, Type of laos, equvalenc Fenctons ‘ston: one-one, nto and ota uncon. the compassion of ness. Compl Numbars | Complex nunbets 3 ardered pas oral, Represntaton af complex numbers nthe fom @ +B anther opresentaon na plan, Aegand dagen sh and Quadiaic complex number, modus ang argument (or amplude) of 3 comsex rumor, square roto cometex number. angle inequaty, Quadra equations Equations complexnumber sytem std thei solitons Relations between rots and coffe rue of ons, the fomaton of quadrate equations wih ge oo ations ana Matos lgbra of mavices, ype o matrices dotrminats and matiasofeder wo and nee, propeias of @strminas,evaluaton of otrminats, of srutanasvs near equationsin two ores varabee using detrmnants ane mates Permutations and The fndamental prince of counting, permutation as an rangement and comsinaton as secon, Meaning a Pin) and C(n7, mpl appletons Mathematical Princ of Mattia inocton ands simple applets ‘Binomia!Thecrom Binomial theorem fora postive rtagrl inex, general frm and mice term, properties of Binomial coecess erase apocatons Applications special sees Sn, Sr2, Sn, lbmtco Geom progression, Lins, Contuity and | Real valuod funtns, algebra of unctons, palma, ranal, fgenamstr garland sxponantial functions, verso foncton. Graph of sil Diferontabity Lins, cantly and aifrenabty. iflerenttin of he sum, stference, produc and quent of Wo uncon. Difereiaton of anomalies logarithm, exponental, compose and imp fncions; cenvaives of order u fo tw, Roll's and Laprange's Vea valve Thaorems.Apskcaions of et Integra Catcuue negra as an andere, Fundamental nieqras involving algebra, tigonometc,exeonenal and gaits funcons.ntepatons by substiutn, by paral unctons. tegration using Wigan denon. Evaluation of tmpleniogals of te ype | dx 2032 [ee x24 a2 |e a2 2, (dead aided [de vax2t te | oxtghcax2tbarc,|(peegie ade bee /\a2 2 de 2-42 nega as Inf aur. The ndamerial heer Calcuks,properes of defile nopae. Evalution of sai inagral, elermining seas of he regions bounded by simple cos standard fom, DieenialEquatons | Oran ferential equations, Del order and depfee, the famation of erental equatons, slsion of erential equatan by the mebad of separaton¢ lution of homogeneous ang lina cierontal equation of he ype dy d= py =a) ceomety Veetr Ageia Probably About Mystudycart Customized Online Coaching For JEE | NEET | CBSE? ‘Straight tine \Varts fom of equations ofan, nersseon of nas angles betwsen wo Ines, condtons for eoneumenes of thee Ins, he dance of poi form @ ‘ustons of rier and extemal by sectors 2 anges between wo nes cantina fhe ceo, Baca and creuncenve ofa angle, aqusin © nos passing trough he poof intrsacton of wo ines. | standard frm of equations ofa creo, the genera form ofthe equaton ofa cl, ts adus and corral, equaten ofa cco when tho endpoints of ear (ven pons of rreeton ane anda ceo wih he cane af hei an contin for ate o be angen to de, equtn ofthe tangen, sect ‘cones, equations of nic acon (arabls,elipss ana hyperbola) n andar ‘om, conan fr Y=mx-#to be a engent an ponte) of angen. ‘Skew lines tn short dance betacen thom 2d is equation. Equatons ofa Ine ana plane in ferent foe, he raracion of eine anda lane, tree produc, sdaton of vector, components ot vecarin wo dimensions and tves-dimanslonal spac, sol and vector produce, scala ar and ungrouped sata, Probably Prosi ofan event, aden and muliptiation theorem of robabily, Bay's thera, probabil ebuton ofa random visa, Bere noma rbton ‘Statement geal operations an, ope, pled by, and ent If understanding of aula, convadetlon converse and contapeative, JEE Main Syllabus Physics ne Pyle syabus of JE Nain contains two Salon And 8, Sacto ~ Ape to the Theory Part having 80% weighage, while Sections 8 contains pastes! comgonet She raving 208 Woightge, Unt Chapter asscrement Laws OF Motion Section A Dimension o Physics quant, emensonal analysis ancitsappleaons. “The fame oftefeance, maton in # saightne, Posiion. ine graph, spe an vlocty; Uniform and nan-unform motion, average speed a instant veloc, unfomly acelrated maton, vlstyime, positon-me graph relatos for untormly accelerated maton Scalrs ara Vector, Veco. As {ubvacton, zero vel, scala and vecorpreducs, Unt Vac, Reaphon of Vel Relative Vloriy, Maton a plan, Projectile Motion, Unorm Fore an nea, Newtons Fistaw of maton; Momentum, Newton's Second Law of maton, Impuses Newton's This Law of tion, Law of consona momentum ante appeatons. ulm of concurant rcs, Slate and Knoisfson lw of feto.roling fein [Dynami of untorm eeu mobon.cantrgtal are an isappestons Work, Energy and Power Work done bya content force ana varbl fore: Knead poten ners, workenergy theorem, we. Cons of he mass oa two-part syst, Contre of he mass ofa rig body Basic concepts of rotaonal ration a momont ofa foes; orque, ngul ‘momenta, conservation ot angular momartum ands eppeaons; the moment fine, ta rads of gyalon. Values of amen ota or ig ‘pomerieal sje, paral and perpendar axes theorems and he nppleations. Rigid body ointon equate fran mon “Te river aw of gravitation, Acceleration do o gravy ands variton with aiude and depth. Kepler's aw of planetary min, Graviational ple raviatona potential. Escape vec, Oral velcry of salts. Goo stationary sails. gues Tremedyramics spplestone. Viozey. Soke’ law. terminal vl srarne and bent ow. Reynlés number, Bemouls pane ands aploaton, Sur Calorimetry; change of tate, tent nat Hat vansfrconcucton, convecton and radon, Newton's lwo 2cing, “Teal equim, zeroth bw ofhemeodarics, he concept of omperatire. Het, work na interal energy, Te fr! nw of hemos. The of mamedyranies reverse and inevertle processes, Camot angina ands eftleey. Kinetic heory of gases | Equation of stato o a porect gas, werk dono on compressing a gs, Kat thery of gasos- assumptons, he concept of pressure. Knots nergy anc ‘ogadt's numb ‘Oscilaions are Waves | Periodic motion - period, requancy,dslacomet asa faction of ie. Perdis factions. Single harmonic maton (SH.M) ands equation: hese: 0 ‘eprng-reeonng free ana foros constant: enegy in SHAM, Ki and pote forced and doped oc eres; Senge pend = derwatono exorssion fr hap Elecvotates turent ra magnetism sironts val tire of Mater ‘Noms and Nut ‘nit chapter xporimntal Sis About Mystudycart Customized Online Coaching For JEE | NEET | CBSE? Elect charges: Consenaton of charge, Coulmb'slawforces btw Elect ft: Elec ald du oa pont charge, Electro fald nes. Elect polo, Eee eld due oa pole. Toque on a pola 2 unfom eectic let fa Gauss aw an is appletons lon Fel! du a inintaly ong unilornly charged sigh wie, stormy charged inte lane shes anv charged ti sphercal sell Elec’ potntal and fs calcuaton fora poat charge, lc pal ad syst of charges; Equptartalsuaces lech Conductors and naar, Dislectcs and lc polaron, capactor, he camnaten of capac in eres an pa ‘anasto wih and who acre medium between he plses. Energy sored ina caper. 7 two pot charges, frees between multiple charges: superposition pncle el capactance of paral lect cure. Of veloc, Ons lw. Elec resslance, Rasslances of iferentmateal. Vi characterises of Ohmi an nanonnse conduct ‘nergy and power. lecical resist. Coou” code fo rss; Srisandparalelcombinatons of resistors, Tmperature dapondenc of rsistanco. \Wheatsone bigs. Metre rape Ptentometr-emepk and ts apples, Fores ona mown charge in unferm magneto and elec es. Cyan ‘experienced by e cuent loop in @ uniform magnet fd: Moving coll gaanometer, ts current sensiviy and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter. lemons, Pare, ana ftemognetc aubstaces, Magne svcepitily ane prmesbly.Hyelerese electomapnee and permanent magnets, Flecromagnat induction: Faraday’ lw insces emf and cient Lera’s Lam, Ey cuerts, Sol and mutual inductance Aerating cents, peak value of lating curren voage: reactance and inpadance LCR sees cro, resonance: Qualy face, power inAC cul, walls cunt AC ns vanstorne, Electomagrate wave and ho charactor, Tarsveme nate of acromagnelc waves, Elecronagnetic spectrum radio waves, mcrae, Vis, raver. Xays. Ganea rays), Appeatons of er. waves. Retocion and refacton og plane an spherical surfaces, mor forma, Teta ileal raflacon ands applicators, Doiaton and Dispersion ¢ pram Lane Formula, Magneaton. Power ota Lan, Combination of hin ones ncantack. Meoacops and Astronomia Telocope (electing anal ther magritving powers. Wave opts: waveront and Huygen’ princi, Lave of eflecon and rataconuslg Huygens pip. ntetrenc, Young's oul experimen ‘suprssion for fnge widh coherent soueas and sutainadinrfronce oli. Deacon du to a single sit wid of corr maximum. Reeling pe ‘eroacopes and atonomicalelescone,Poaraton lane-planzad ight rewstar law see of plne-plaraes ight end Polar Dual nati of radon. Photoslecic ofc. Herz and Lenard observations Einslin'sphotoslacticequaton: patie nature of It. Matter waves of pai, de Bote relation. DevissonGarmer experiment ‘Apa-partclescatarng expermant Rutherford’ medal f atom: Bohr model, anergy ves, hydrogen spectrum. Compostion and size of uc, ato binang energy pernucloon and is vantion wir mass number, uckar fission ang ison tnd Zane ode; Zener chode a a volage equator, Juncton anal, vansalar ation, characterises of ansilar: wanes ae an ameter (cay anfguraton) and oxi Lage goes (OR, AND, NOT, NAND and NOR), Trantor as asic Propagaton of lacomagneie waves nb slmogphere Shy and apace wave ropegsion. Need fr madusion Aplitide and Frequency Modis of signals ho bandwid of Transmission modum, Basic Ekmonts of 3 Communication Syston (Bleck Dagyam or, stot Topics Farslary wi he basic aperoac ard observations ofthe experiments and actives 1. Varia clipart use to measure te neral and enema mater and dept of # vee 2. Seren gages uso dtornne heres! dametar otha sheet, 7 9 Moira Scalb- the mas ofa given choc By principe of oman ‘Young's modu feat of the mate ata metalic wre 8 Sur aoe tnsion of water by capil ris an fect of tegen, 1. Covicit of Viscosty of given vious quid by measuring lena vlbly of given sphere! body, 8. Plting a cocng curv forthe estonship between tho temperature of hot body and te. 10. Specie heat capacty agen () ola and) qu by method of mixtures. 12.The esizance of given wio using Ons aw. |, Resistance and fu of mer of a gavanomte by hal detacion ned 15. The focal eat af) Canvex mir) Cancave mer, and) Convex rs, using te parallax method 16-The plete angle of deviation vs angle of ineléence or teangulr prism 18, Charatrsic cuves of apn juncton aod n forward andravers is. 19. Characarisc curs af Zener dade and Fading revere rent down vllage 20, Charter euves ofa vanaistor and ting curer gain and votage ga. About Mystudycart Customized Online Coaching For JEE | NEET | CBSE? JEE Main Syllabus Chemistry Unit Chapter Inchemey (Chemical bordng an chemist quit stecrocnemisty Cchemeal Kneis Section A- Physic Chemisty List of Topics ater ants nature, Dans stare tear: Concopl of alam, molecule, lent an compound: Pye quatiog ar tet moasuament in Chemis ans acovaay, Scant gues .LUnts,cmensional anas: Laws of ctemcaleamtinaton; omic and malcuar masses, mole concpt, molar mas terertagecompeston, empical ar molecule formes: Choma equations ad tihiomely. Clastetion of marino so, hud and gaseous sates Gaseots State Measurable properties of gas: Gas laws - Boyle's low, Che's aw, Grahan' lof tsion, Avogadro's law, Dats aw of paral pressure; Concept scale of temperature; al gas equator: Kinet theory gases (oly postulates) Concept of average, ot mean square and mos! probate veoctes;F ‘evaton tm el beravow, compressilty facto an van der Waals equation, Lge Stat: Properties of us vapour pressure, vscoay and sre tension and ter of tamper other (quattatWe treatment on). Sold Sint Clssieation of sods: molec, ene, covalent and mello, amorphous and eytaline sls (lemenlary lea). Bragg’ Law andi aptiations ans latices, packng msl (e, bee ars hep ates), vos, calelabons invaling unt call parameters, an mperfecton in sos; Electcal and mages _hyérogen atom 8 postulals, datvaton ofthe relaons forthe energy fhe electron an radi of ho arent ors, Imitators of Boh’s moda: Duel the atom is nportan features. Concept af atom eral as one-elecuon wave Lunctors: Vavaon ofan ¥2 wth for 18 an 28 otal vaious qu umber perp, angiar momentum and magnetic quantum numbers) an her Snifcance, shapes o's» and ders elcron spn ad spin que fad and compe led orb, Kostol-Lowis spproacs chemical ond fat, the concept fini and covalent bonds lente Boning Farmaton of ene bords, factor afecting he formation aol bands; clelstion of tice enthalpy. Covalent Bonding: Cansot of slcrenogatvy. Fans rule, pole moment Valonce Shall Elon Pair Ropubon(VSEPR ) thory and shapes of inp (Quantum mechancel approach to covalent bonding, Valence Bnd theo poral estes, Ne concept of ybiszaion mvaling 8 pand datas Resonance Molecular Gra Thaoy- spartan estes, LCAOS, types of molec rls (onding, niibondng), gm and p-bonds, lecular ontguratons of romerucear atomic molocules, th conopl of Sond order, Bond length ard bend ener. Elementary aa of melali onding. Hydrogen boring and ie appteatons Fundamental of thermodynamics: System and suroundngs, xtnsivo and nese gropetos sa functions, yas of aooest66. Ealpe of bore seceiaton,conbusten formation, stozaten. uolmaton pass ranstn,hyaten onasten and slson ‘The socand law of hoemosynamics- Spentanety of processes; AS fhe universe and AG of the systom as entea for sponta. AC® (Standard ibe ehange) and equa constant. Dien method or expressing te concenaon of soliton - molly, mole, male acon, pecerags (by volume and mass both) he vapour pest felutens an Racuts Law lea and noral stuns, vapeur pressure -composton fords and nora solitons, Cligatve properties of felutons relative lowering of vapour press, dapresean of feaing po the elevation of iin oil and carat pressive; Determination of molec ling cobgatve properties: Abnormal valve molar macs, vant Hot acer ands agneans, earing of saullbriu, the concept of yea equim. gute nvalieg physics! processes: Sold ud, quid gas and sol. gas puta, Hers law. Genet characters of equlum waking shy uiltrium ivoling cecal proceses: wo! ches euioam,equiloom constants (Kp and Ke) anther sirearca, the sonicanca of AG an hares equ, factor fecting equliteum concoatin, sess, tempers, he flea aaj Le Che's prince lonc egulotum: Weak ana strong slated, enzaton of lel, varous concepts of cds ans basos(Arheriv, Bronsted - Lowry and Lewis) ar Tanz, acid ese qui (cluding mullatage onzation) and enzaton constants anzaton of we. scale, common ian fet, hyo 24 thor solitons th solity of parngly soluble sas and solubty products, bur slutons Eetotc and metalic conducton, conductance in elecoytc sions, lar conducts ané ta varition Wh conoertran: KRUSH’ Wan Elscvochamicel ots -lecroyts and Gavan ols, fern: types felecsodes, electrode polantals including standard clcoe polenta ha col a resctons, emf ofa Galvani el and ts messurment Nem! equalon ands sppleaions; Relsonsip Bebween call poten and Gib’ energy ange Rate of chemical rection, factors sfecng te rte of ractons: concerto, lepers, pressure and catalyst slerary and complex reactons, roleculay of eactons, ate lw ate constr and Uns, fecental ara iogtl ors of ao and store! teacons elf characterises and hal fect of temperature on he rato of roactons, Ahenus theory, activation energy ais caleulaton, olson theory ofbmeleculrgasoous reactions (ro ‘sorption tom edutons Collis! ite ainenon among nie soins alia and pansion, dasaifonion acl anh oghote aimoboiie, earromelacar Do You Know About Mystudycart Customized Online Coaching For JEE | NEET | CBSE? Unit Chapter ements an perogcty propecios General pci ane processes ofssaton of metals Hysogen (Akal nd Aang Earth as) Pec elements ‘band block sloents compounds Environmental Unt Chapter Pureton ana craractraton of organe eompounds Section B-Inorganie Chemisty Lstof Topics dom peed aw and present fom athe period abl, , pd and Bek elemen’s, paved Herds proertas af element lame and ion a, o onthapy,elocron gan enthalpy, vance, odaton sates and chemical react. Nodes of eccrence of lemons nate, inert, oe; Stops nvaved nth extraction of maals-caneenraton, retin (chemical and lactate and refining wah saci ference te euracion ofA Cu, 2 and Fe, Thermodynamic and lectechemical ances iwoWedin the axracton of mete Poston of hyrogenn peo tabletops, peparatn, properties and uses ofhydrogen; Physical and chanical properties of wale and heavy war proparaton,roactons and uss of hyéogsn peo: Classfcation of ysis ion, covalent are rerio Hyérogon asa fs Group ant 2etements ‘Cereal rireductn,elcronc configuration and general vend in physical an chemical popes of fous. dagoralreatorshipa Preparton and papers of sve inprint compounds oi careonae and sodium nose ana sodim hysrogen carbonate; Inve ses ol limestone Plaster of Paris and comant: ological signieance of NB K. Mg an Ca ons, anomalous properties ofthe rt elame! Croup 180 Croup 18 Elements CGenaralroducton-Electoniccanbgratan and general rend in physial ard chemical ropes af elments aro he paid and down he aoupe behaviour ofthe fea slimenti ean gov. Groupwise study ofthe p- lock elements Group 13, Prepaaton, properties and uses of boon and aluminum; Struct Group 14 “Th tondenoy for catenton: Seuctro, propertes and uses of Aloeopss and oxios of carbon, silicon otachbde silat, zols and stones. Group 15 Propertes and uses of nitogen and phosphors; Atopic forms of phosphons Preparation, epee, ructre ans uses of ammonia, ii acd, phe Phosphor hala, (PCL, PCL): Stuctures of oxide and axoacss of nbegen and phosshars Group 18 Preparaton, properties, trues ard uses of zone: Alorop crms of subhur Prepraten properties, structures and use of sulphur acid fretudng proparaton) Scr of exoaeds of sup, Group-t? Proparaton, properties and uses of hyracloresid Tren in the aie nature of hyaogen halides ticles of erhslagan compounds and oxides of aogens. Sroup-18 (ceurrence and uses ot noble gases; Sues of Muerdes and ox properties and ses of bora, bol acs, borane, Soon ture, aluminum eho xenon Transion Een General teat, electronic configuration, accutence and crates, generalirends in properties of he stow tansion elements srysical pe lonizatonentapy, exten states, atomic rai, sour, calle behaviour, magnst poperos, complex femation, erst compounds, ally format Proparaten properties and ues of 01,0, and KM, Inner Taniton Elements Larthanads -Electone coguraton, oxidation states and lnthaald contraction. Aetnoie Electronic configuration ad oxidation stata. Irveducionocoination compounds. Wemars teary; Kands, c-ratlon number, dente. chelation; IUPAC namandatre of mananudearco~ 0) compounds, somes; Bonding Valance bond approach and basic doas of Crystal floor, calour and magnet roperies; mporance ef co ors amrpounds ( qultave analy, exrecbon ol mal ard bole salen) Endfonmerta poten -Armospheri water ad sol ‘mosphere potion -Troposphric and Satoepherc “Tropospherepolitane - Gaseous polaris: Oxdoe of carbon, nrgen and sulphur hyérocarbens ther ours, han ects and pevensen; Gren na Goal warring: Ae as Pniculata potas: Smoke, dust, smog, fumes, mith sources, narl affects and provention. ‘Stalasphari pesion-Forson and breakdonn of zane, depleton ote azane layer =i machanem and fet. Wat Potiton - Majer polutarts suchas. pathogens, organic wastes and chemical polutars; mar namrul ects and prevention. Sol polision - Major polutant suchas; Posies (nectedesherbies and ungcies), har harmfl eects an proven. Satie lo conta ns posto. Section ¢ -Organle Chemistry Lister Topics Purtcabon -Crstalization, sublmtin, asian, aferntalextacion and chomateraphy - inc taltajve analysis -Detecton of ritogen, sulphur, phosphors and halogens ‘Guantatve analy (ase prniles ony -Esimatonocaroon, hydrogen niga, halgene. eushur,shossneus Calelatons of empl formule ans molecular frmulse: Nance pobisn organie qunslave analy ad ne eppestons, Hydrosareons Organ compounds cartanng ralogens organ compounds Organs compounds Polymers ‘Chemisty in everyay Prins lated 1 Practel Cnemsty About Mystudycart Customized Online Coaching For JEE | NEET | CBSE? Noman (Twang WPAC) Colon bona feson - Homa and heer rea adel, carbocatons ard carbanon; stably of carbacatons ane radical, elacropies and ruceoptas Elctonic diplacomentin a covalent Sond - Inductive oft, lector fc, resonance and ypsrcaniugaton, Canon pes of ergeiereactonaSubeltton, addon, elation and retrangerent hye Acces ston tye, apn, tanya aes Pyro, Frat Cufeahytsn nd nye rere nferset te hctoa guuphmenosasinnedomeme nn General methods of reparation sropertes ana rections; Nature af C-X bon Mechanar of substuton reactions General methods of prparationeroperts, reactions and sss. ‘oho Intaion of primary secondary and ertaryalecholx mechanism of dhyertn. Evers: Stuer, [éehyée and Kelones: Nalue of avtony! group: Nucleic wdtion lo >C-O group, eave reacties of adehydes an kets; Important rettons Nuclophiic aden eacion (adton of HCN. NH, ands denvatve), Crane reagant xin: reduction (Wot Kshner ara Clanmensen): tha 3c hydrogen. all condensation, Canrizzaroreaton. Haltom reaction, Cherical tess lo étingush between aldehydes and Ketones. Catboryte Ales ee strange an factors afectng ‘General methods of praparaton. Properties, eactons and uses, ‘Amines: Nrsneltre,classaton stuctre, asc craracar an idenfcaon of primary, sscndary an trary amines an thor asi chart Diazanium Salis: importance in ayn eran emit, ‘General nzeaucon an classification of plymars, ganerl matheds of polmarzaton,- Adon and condensation, copaymerzaton, Natural and enti uber an larization, some important pobmers wih emphasis on her monemers and aes polene, yl, polyester and CCARBOHYORATES -Clasiflestonaosar ans kotoss: monosaccharides aloes ard tor) and consttoot monasaccharies of lgoancchaides lacose and ose, Protons -Elemertary lea of amino acts, peptide bond, polpeies ross primary, secondary. teary and quatemary srctre (quale lea teraturton of protein, enzymes \Vtaring = Classifeation and nctons, Nucleic Ales Chemical consttuten of ONA and RNA. Blolopeslunctlons of dle al Chericals in Msicines - Analgesic, tangullzars, arteeps, csifectant,antmirobias,aetty drugs, antbiotcs,antacds. Ant-itamines tal ‘Chenical in oe - Prosorvatnes artical swostaning agers - common exameles Cleaeing Agents - Soaps end dlergens, lansing econ Detection a ex laments (Nzogen, Susur, slogans) a agane compounds; Detection of me fllowing unctonel groups yéoxy(lehote and phe «arbony (aldehyde ad kotanes) carbo! and ano gros in organic compounds. The chemstyinale inte preparation othe folowing Inorgenie compounds: Mots sl poinsh ak, Organic compounds: Acsanige, iv acetani,aniine ytow, door. ‘The chemist iniohed inthe emote execees~ Acide, tases andthe ue finders, oxake-aid vs KM Mo's sal we KO, [Chemical pine inated inthe qulitv sat ant: Catons - Pb", Cu, AP Fo", Zn. N@", Ca, Ba, Mag NH rions- 052,82 $0, NO, NOC Br, (Insoluble sats exhute 4. Emly of sluton of Cu80, 2, Ena a nevralzstion of song sd and strong bas, 8. 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