Employee Engagement and The Impact It Has Within Organizations

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`Research Proposal 1

Employee Engagement and The Impact It Has Within Organizations



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`Research Proposal 2

Employee Engagement and The Impact It Has Within Organizations

Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, is a luxury hotel that opened in 1908.

The hotel is located in the Knightsbridge neighbourhood of London, near Hyde Park.

It has been owned by several companies over the years and is currently under

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group (Mandarin Oriental International Limited,2020, pp 1-

229). The hotel has 168 guest rooms and 26 spacious suites, three restaurants, a

bar, a spa, and a fitness centre. In 1996 the group bought the property and

undertook a complete renovation which cost 57 million euros, ultimately opening its

door in 2000 (Mandarin Oriental International Limited,2020, pp 1-229). Mandarin

Oriental has been visited by many notable guests over the years, including royalty,

politicians, and celebrities. The hotel experienced a fire tragedy in June 2018 which

left it destroyed and closed temporarily for six months. The establishment was

opened in December after renovations for Christmas celebrations.


This research proposal aims to identify and investigate the present levels of

employee engagement and the variations in the engagement levels ranging from the

groupings of the employees in the hotel sector with main focus on Mandarin Oriental

Hyde Park. In addition, different measures of improvements and strategies that will

significantly raise the levels of workers' engagement in the hotel and retain talented

employees will be proposed.

The proposal will also investigate some of the factors that could impact

employee engagement in Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London. Some of the factors

to be investigated are management's level of support and employee trainingtraining,

the company's culture, and the workload and hours of work..work.

`Research Proposal 3

The research proposal will measure engagement in Mandarin Oriental Hyde

Park, London using questionnaires containing a range of questions that focus on the

employees' feelings and emotions about work, how they are motivated, and how

invested they are in achieving the hotel's success. The questions will also focus on

the feeling of the employees about the hotel's culture, their co-workers, and their job

satisfaction. Similarly, as stated in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),

data confidentiality safety protocols will be adhered to, reassuring the staff

employees' anonymity (Philips, 2018. pp 575-582). One advantage of using

questionnaires in measuring employee engagement is that they are relatively easy to

administer and often act as a rich source information. On the contrary, the primary

disadvantage of using questionnaires is that they are time-consuming and may be

subject to respondent bias.

SecondarySecondary data sources will also be used to provide relevant

information on employee engagement. The sources will help identify the factors

which are essential essential for improving employee engagement and those that

contribute to disengagement. (Bhat and &Bharel,2018, pp10-20). Additionally,

secondary research is an important source of information to help

organisationsorganizations identify best practices for employee engagement and

learn from other institutions that have successfully implemented engagement

programs (Johnson,2018, pp 64-66).


Definitions of Employee Engagement

According to Sun and Bunchapattanasakda (2019), employee engagement

has a variety of definitions. The authors suggest that Kahn first initiated the ideology

of employee engagement as a way of utilizing the organization’s team selves to their

`Research Proposal 4

task responsibilities, self-employment, and self-expression of individuals' physical,

intellectual, and feelings in their employment lives (Sun and Bunchapattanasakda,

2019, pp 63-80). Since Kahn brought this ideology forward, numerous researchers

have also come up with varying ways of defining the concept of employee

engagement. These varying views from different scholars have brought confusion for

business management on whether the attempt to enhance employee engagement is

viable for all organizations (Rameshkumar,2020, pp105-112). Thus, employee

engagement can be defined as the extent to which employees feel passionate about

their jobs, are committed to the organization, and are motivated to contribute to its

success. It is also a work environment where employees are highly motivated and

involved and feel a strong sense of connection to the organization (Chakraborty and

Ganguly, 2019, pp180-198). Employee engagement is also a function of intellectual

capacity in which employees are fully absorbed in their work and are enthusiastic

about it (Kwon and& Park,2019, pp 352-370). Lastly, it is a condition in which

employees are fully committed to their jobs and are willing to put in the extra effort

required to achieve organizational goals.

Importance of Employee Engagement

Saks (2022), illustrated that most organizational processes such as human

resource management (HRM) and systems depend on employee engagement. The

study proposes that a system that is caring is essential for an excellent

organizational climate. In other words, employees who are given a conducive climate

respond by caring for the organization, leading to higher productivity (Saks,2022).

Therefore, the primary reason employee engagement is essential is that it makes the

employees feel accommodated and in turn, work hard to ensure the organization

achieves its objectives and profitability. Thus, employee engagement is critical to an

`Research Proposal 5

organization's successuccess since engagedengaged employees are more

productive, have increased levels of job satisfaction, and are likely to stay with an

organization for longer periods (Turner,2020, pp257-271). Additionally, engaged

employees contribute to a positive work environment, improving morale and

teamworkand teamwork.

In Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, employee engagement is important

because it will increase productivity. According, to Gallup polls, workers who are

perpetrated to their organizations are 22% more productive when juxtaposed to

those employees who are not committed (Kokkina,2018, pp 124-133). This is

because the more the employees engage within the organization, the better their

communication leads to teamwork and positivity (Lemon and Palencher ,2018,

pp142-155). Thus, a good way to enhance employee engagement is to build up

challenges for professional employees and understand the encouragement

strategies for workers dragging behind to improve their participation and


Another benefit workplace engagement will have on Mandarin Oriental Hyde

Park is unmatched customer satisfaction. This is because when the employees are

happy and passionate about their work within the hotel setup, they will serve the

customers appropriately and warmly. The level of customer satisfaction within the

hotel will significantly improve. Hence, they will keep coming back because of the

treat and warm service given by the employees at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,

London. More customers make more profit; thus, employees will be compensated

well with incentives and remunerations.

Furthermore, another benefit employee engagement will have on Mandarin

Oriental Hyde is unmatched retention. Every organization usually has its level of
`Research Proposal 6

employee retention (Hinzmann et al.,2019). Mandarin needs to retain its most

committed and involved employees. The Mandarin Oriental Hotel group

management must be able to comprehend the employee's needs and feelings at the

workplace and offer support all the time to them. It will not be good for Mandarin to

risk losing its top-notch employees due to a lack of involvement. Hence the

management must detect this early enough to make sure that they satisfy their


Work culture will also be unmatched within the Mandarin hotel due to
workplace engagement. The employees will enhance and promote a vibrant, happy,
and productive work culture (Lemon,2019, pp176-199). This will enable them to work
more flexibly and have a proper work-life balance. Good work culture in Mandarin
will erase specific lethal and outdated mindsets and traditions that might spread out
at the top levels. Blazej Motyka (2018) acknowledges that researchers and
professionals may have indicated that decreased levels of employee engagement at
work are, at the moment, a potential threat to global economic prowess
(Motyka,2018, pp 227-234). The possible risk of this is a significant decrease in the
performance level of employees within the organization. Thus, the Mandarin Hotel
management should strive at promoting a positive work environment to avoid
possible risk of low performance levels of employees.

Additionally, workplace engagement in Mandarin will yield exceptional

management. Low inclusion of the employees in the managerial decisions can make

the employees have bad energy against the medium and the top-level management.

Thus, the management of Mandarin should avoid low levels of employee

engagement and a toxic work climate at all costs (Turner,2020, pp257-271). Thus,

the management of Mandarin involving the employees in managerial decisions will

ensure that they outline their needs effectively and feel involved within the

`Research Proposal 7

Consequently, positive work environment will also lead to improved customer

service and increased sales at Mandarin. Finally, engaged employees are more

likely to be healthy. This is because engaged employees tend to have lower stress

levels, improving physical health (Albrecht &Marty,2021, pp 40-45). Additionally,

engaged employees are more likely to access health insurance and participate in

wellness programs.

There are many reasons why employee engagement is essential. First,

engaged employees are more productive. They are more likely to have higher job

satisfaction levels and stay with an organization. Additionally, engaged employees

contribute to a positive work environment, improving morale and increasing

teamwork (Lemon,2019, pp176-199). Second, engaged employees are more likely to

be satisfied with their jobs. This satisfaction leads to increased productivity and a

willingness to stay with an organization for longer. Additionally, job satisfaction is

linked to other positive outcomes, such as increased creativity, better decision-

making, and improved physical health.

Third, engaged employees are more likely to stay with an organization. This

loyalty leads to increased productivity and decreased turnover costs. Additionally,

engaged employees tend to be more passionate about their work and more

committed to the organization's goals (Hinzmann et al.,2019). This passion and

commitment can lead to improved morale and increased teamwork. Next, engaged

employees contribute to a positive work environment. A positive work environment is

linked to improved confidence, increased productivity, and decreased turnover. A

positive work environment can also lead to improved customer service and

increased sales. Finally, engaged employees are more likely to be healthy. This is
`Research Proposal 8

because they tend to have lower stress levels, improving physical health (Albrecht

&Marty,2021, pp 40-45). Additionally, engaged employees are more likely to access

health insurance and participate in wellness programs.

In summary, employee engagement is essential because it leads to happier, more

productive, and more loyal employees. Additionally, engaged employees can act as

ambassadors for the company, promoting its products and services to friends and

family (Kokkina,2018, pp 124-133). To increase employee engagement, companies

should focus on hiring the right people, providing employees with the resources and

support they need to be successful, and creating a culture of engagement.

Reasons why Employee Engagement is Beneficial Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,


Employee engagement is a crucial driver of organizational success. It leads to

improved communication and collaboration, which in turn results in better business

outcomes. Some of the reasons why employee engagement will be beneficial to

Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, include;

 Increased productivity; Engaged employees are more productive and work

harder than those who are not engaged. This leads to higher quality work and

better business outcomes.

 Improved communication and collaboration: Engaged employees are more

likely to communicate and collaborate effectively. This leads to better

decision-making and improved business outcomes (Lemon &Palenchar,2018,

`Research Proposal 9

 Lower turnover: Engaged employees are less likely to leave an organization.

This leads to lower costs associated with recruiting and training new


 Higher client’s satisfaction: Engaged workers are likely to provide high levels

of customer service. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

 Improved financial performance: Engaged workers lead to improved financial

performance for organizations. This is due to increased productivity, lower

turnover, and higher customer satisfaction.

 Increased employee satisfaction: Engaged employees are more convinced

with their jobs and feel a greater sense of purpose. This leads to improved

morale and motivation.

 Improved organizational culture: Engaged employees help create and

maintain a positive culture. This leads to improved recruitment and retention.

Ultimately, employee engagement is one of the critical factors for the success

of an organization. Blazej Motyka (2018) acknowledges that researchers and

professionals may have indicated that decreased levels of employee engagement at

work are, at the moment, a potential threat to global economic prowess

(Motyka,2018, pp 227-234). The possible risk of this is a significant decrease in the

performance level of employees within the organization.

How to measure Employee Engagement please propose one method here

(questionnaires? That’s what you should be discussing and how they will be used

within Mandarin)why is this paragraph only 1 sentence?

How Mandarin Oriental Hyde, Park, London Will Measure Employee Engagement
`Research Proposal 10

According to Vijay Kumar Shrotryia and Upasana Dhanda, the overlapping

and fluctuating perceptions of various scholars and academicians on the concept of
employee engagement have yielded many measurement instruments that vary
depending on the variables (Shrotryia & Dhanda,2019). There are a variety of ways
to measure employee engagement. Some standard methods include surveys, focus
groups, interviews, employee questionnaire and observation. Surveys are perhaps
the most common method of measuring employee engagement (Othman et al.,2018,
pp 863-869). They can be administered online, paper surveys, or even via phone.
Surveys typically ask questions about employees' satisfaction with their job, their
commitment to their organization, and their level of engagement with their work.

Discussion of the Proposed Method and the Reasons for Recommending it the
General Manager
For Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, employee engagement will be
measured using employee questionnaires. One of the reasons for recommending
employee questionnaires as the primary measurement method that the General
manager will use in measuring employee engagement at Mandarin Oriental Hyde
Park is because the employee questionnaire will provide insightful information and
data on employee perceptions of the organization (Othman et al.,2018, pp 863-869).
Ultimately, measuring employee engagement is essential because it is a
crucial predictor of employee retention. Organizations with engaged employees are
more profitable than organizations with disengaged employees. There are a few key
reasons why measuring engagement would support Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,
London, in driving employee engagement and retention:
1. It would help identify areas where employees are disengaged and understand
what is causing that disengagement.
2. It would help identify areas where employees are most engaged and
understand the factors contributing to their engagement.
3. It will assist in tracking engagement initiatives' progress and assessing their
impact on employee engagement and retention.
`Research Proposal 11

According to Vijay Kumar Shrotryia and Upasana Dhanda, the several

overlapping and fluctuating perceptions of various scholars and academicians on the

concept of employee engagement have yielded many measurement instruments that

vary depending on the variables (Shrotryia & Dhanda,2019).

There are a variety of ways to measure employee engagement. Some standard

methods include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and observation. Surveys are

perhaps the most common method of measuring employee engagement (Othman et

al.,2018, pp 863-869). They can be administered online, paper surveys, or even via

phone. Surveys typically ask questions about employees' satisfaction with their job,

their commitment to their organization, and their level of engagement with their work.

Focus groups are another popular measure of employee engagement

(Saarinen,2021). In a focus group, a group of employees is brought together to

discuss their work experiences and their level of engagement with their jobs. Focus

groups can help identify both positive and negative aspects of employee


Similarly, interviews are another option for measuring employee engagement.

Interviews can be conducted one-on-one or in a group setting. They offer a more in-

depth look at employee engagement than surveys or focus groups and can be used

to identify both the positive and negative aspects of employees' experiences

(Gallant,2018). Finally, observation is another way to measure employee

engagement. This method involves observing employees at work to see how they

interact with their work and co-workers. Observations can be conducted informally or

as part of a more formal study.

`Research Proposal 12

Reasons for Recommending to the General Manager to Measure Employee


Measuring employee engagement is essential because it is a crucial predictor of

employee retention. Employees who are engaged with their work are more likely to

stay with an organization than employees who are not engaged. Second,

engagement is linked to productivity. Employees who are involved with their work are

more productive than employees who are not engaged. Finally, attention is related to

profitability. Organizations with engaged employees are more profitable than

organizations with disengaged employees.

Evaluations and Summaries

There are a few key reasons why measuring engagement would support Mandarin

Oriental Hyde Park, London, in driving employee engagement and retention:

It would help identify areas where employees are disengaged and understand what

is causing that disengagement.

It would help identify areas where employees are most engaged and understand the

factors contributing to their engagement.

It will assist in tracking engagement initiatives' progress and assessing their impact

on employee engagement and retention.

Evaluation and Conclusions

Employee questionnaires are a common and effective way to measure

employee engagement. By asking employees questions about their satisfaction with
their job, their level of commitment to the organization, and their perceptions of their
co-workers, managers can get a good sense of how engaged employees are.
Questionnaires can measure employee engagement in several ways (Louzao and
Crespi-Vallbona,2022, pp 73-75). For example, they can identify employees who are
`Research Proposal 13

most satisfied with their jobs and are least comfortable. They can also determine
which employees are most likely to leave the organization and which are most likely
to stay.
Questionnaires can also identify which employees are most engaged in their work.
This information can be used to develop strategies to increase employee
engagement. For example, if managers know which employees are most engaged,
they can identify what they have in common and try to replicate these conditions for
other employees.
Thus, questionnaires are a valuable tool for measuring employee engagement
(Louzao and Crespi-Vallbona,2022, pp 73-75). However, it is essential to remember
that they are only one tool and should be used in conjunction with other methods,
such as interviews and focus groups, to get a complete picture of employee
Moreover, the employee questionnaire will facilitate Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,
London, in driving employee engagement and retention by helping to identify the key
drivers of employee satisfaction and motivation. By understanding what employees
value most in their work, the hotel can make changes to improve the work
experience and encourage employees to stay with the company. In addition, the
questionnaire can help identify areas where employees are not satisfied and make
changes to improve the situation. The company can improve employee satisfaction
and retention by engaging employees in this way.
Similarly, the advantages of an employee questionnaire for Mandarin Oriental
Hyde Park, London, are that it can help identify the key drivers of employee
satisfaction and motivation, make changes to improve the work experience and
encourage employees to stay with the company. Additionally, the questionnaire will
help identify areas where employees are not satisfied and make changes to improve
the situation (Saarinen,2021). In summary, an employee questionnaire will be a
valuable tool for Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, in driving employee
engagement and retention. By understanding what employees value most in their
work, the hotel management can make changes to improve the work experience and
encourage employees to stay with the company. Additionally, the questionnaire can
help identify areas where employees are not satisfied and make changes to improve
the situation (Gallant,2018). The company can improve employee satisfaction and
retention by engaging employees in this way.
`Research Proposal 14

Employee questionnaires are a common and effective way to measure

employee engagement. By asking employees questions about their satisfaction with

their job, their level of commitment to the organization, and their perceptions of their

co-workers, managers can get a good sense of how engaged employees are.

Questionnaires can measure employee engagement in several ways (Louzao &

Crespi-Vallbona,2022, pp 73-75). For example, they can identify employees who are

most satisfied with their jobs and are least comfortable. They can also determine

which employees are most likely to leave the organization and which are most likely

to stay.

Questionnaires can also identify which employees are most engaged in their work.

This information can be used to develop strategies to increase employee

engagement. For example, if managers know which employees are most engaged,

they can identify what they have in common and try to replicate these conditions for

other employees.

Thus, questionnaires are a valuable tool for measuring employee engagement

(Louzao & Crespi-Vallbona,2022, pp 73-75). However, it is essential to remember

that they are only one tool and should be used in conjunction with other methods,

such as interviews and focus groups, to get a complete picture of employee


Moreover, the employee questionnaire will facilitate Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park,

London, in driving employee engagement and retention by helping to identify the key
`Research Proposal 15

drivers of employee satisfaction and motivation. By understanding what employees

value most in their work, the hotel can make changes to improve the work

experience and encourage employees to stay with the company. In addition, the

questionnaire can help identify areas where employees are not satisfied and make

changes to improve the situation. The company can improve employee satisfaction

and retention by engaging employees in this way.

Similarly, the advantages of an employee questionnaire for Mandarin Oriental

Hyde Park, London, are that it can help identify the key drivers of employee

satisfaction and motivation, make changes to improve the work experience and

encourage employees to stay with the company. Additionally, the questionnaire will

help identify areas where employees are not satisfied and make changes to improve

the situation. In summary, an employee questionnaire will be a valuable tool for

Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London, in driving employee engagement and

retention. By understanding what employees value most in their work, the hotel

management can make changes to improve the work experience and encourage

employees to stay with the company. Additionally, the questionnaire can help identify

areas where employees are not satisfied and make changes to improve the situation.

The company can improve employee satisfaction and retention by engaging

employees in this way.

`Research Proposal 16
`Research Proposal 17


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`Research Proposal 18

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`Research Proposal 19

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