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Ta quantum Rarmonte Oscillator te molecular atomic Vibyetions ave quantizect anol Applied Quantum Mechanics 2, x a dy, , (etme, anim! yen _@ ae ( Let SOME x : ‘fe allowed enowgies of a Jwankum oscitlatey ave discrete Devivation:- Let Q particle us consider execating simple Ihe ye! OF ynass » mn Rarmonic Motion along dveckon: M20 v hthen a particle if moved a diBtance x, a Yestoring force acts $0 as fo Yehimn the pavhele | again to ts Squilibyium pesiken- To simplify the ea, Let us introduce. ‘a dimamgionless Variable yexiB =O fF -@ DIF ean® wert ‘ot we get -(? —@ We can vorite ae = ot. ag _® Subshtuling an® on o@ The restoring farce F=-ko Whee tes fora Constant Schyoedingas time independent ean for a particle moving oh Ona, climension ig given by ay , wet = a Tre PE NV ie = (eDy-o —O Ve fre ay a ee cae Diff: we get ane a B ae -© Substituting ens DED m an@ Ve kfc Ve be * Bgn © car be taritien pay + {a Fats =o p> Fy + +fe- Y] ere -O The Sdutien of en @ & Fup e d/e _—® By introductag y of eqn 9 worike ean M we can 2F 4,44 ,[2-if = 0 ag oa e- _© lee X-ls2an Bs gi ag gi r2°8= o © This is sioner do the Flevmites Lap? | The Solution of ear@ us Called Heveni te Poly aomial “H] _© yatp= NinWe Where N-> Normalization Conslant} equak @ ma Eqn (i) Yespresents the Eigen function of Ihe Paymonic oscil lye know Bo! 2 A.2nt! w-bulp —O Va SubsHhute = Sane , 4 pater] in egn D we pe ave ete = fone) (4) rs (oni 200 an0ae)'* z= Be(ono eed Ge ofrrs]- AC (eave The Sre quoney of oscillahon 4 qrven, bg 3 afk "Eq. @> es ft ]hy [The enovgy of Rarmonic oscitlaboy if Guantised in Steps of hy 7 ny yh —A) Ne 01-2, 3+ The normalized wove finchon of the harmonic O8cillalsy 1s by + Fivatray=s whee n=041,2,3 sw The generat formula foy n! normalised fenbon jn terms of Heymite. ts g 1 Yo: ma © tay cy) [Conedsers>y x The Paricles exccuking SHM will have discrete enorgy Ss & Tha Qnovgy Vokus ave eRuictistant 4 Tha rainimum energy la aot zor. A particle Raving lesser energy Ce) tRan the bavrier Potential CW) Can easily Cvoss ever Paving & the potential bavvier finite widths) ever ustiRout Clenbing overt \he tunneling Ahrough barviey by \we barrier “Tas precess According te classical mechanics the probabiliy of a pavkele the barviey vs zero, bub acceding fo penetvore Let us consider & particle with aot) Bev incidant from Le side and tunmert the 'Yegion 2 of widly 2 and comes out as A in Yegion-3 boundary Cenchtiong for rransrai Wek wave The. Shall be giver ed Various Yegions is called funnelling | to quantum mechanics itis finike + Applied Quantum Mechanics then x0 When 0g xd. then 23s Vv=0 Foy Yegion-t For Yegion-2 For ‘egion-3 Lat Wit ¥ be He wave functing Jn Regions v2, and 3 ¥espechvel)- Tho Schroedinger’s wave eqns gen 4 oy + Beh =o Since =O —O ayy BEY = aes BBE Fy + BEET =O xt sine BSN ay, , 2m Dred cee ays pare yy =o —O EC ae ae cy pod Eqns@,@b® can be written as Jy, yay,-o —@ ax Applied Quantum Mechanics ‘The solutions fey eqns OKO can be writien as “the wave function of (he misled Wave in Ragion-3 £5 w= Aes so** —@ trans — give ee Fee _creesmiied = 62 i nia L Ys = ee a Lieve ¢ 2 Ammpliede of Teaser leave aheve A,B,C, DIF,G > amples of Corresponding Tn Region-3 / Taye is no possibil Coaves } fed wave, thaefore We of vefelee the beRaviowy F Pe. aenplibade of veflacted wave Lok us clisenss equal te 70 wave function and the ampitudes © 1 in xegon-? is each Yegion a5 follows (s) Deo of incident Sof (ocident e fa} needle The wel wave function ©. son) 18 given bY > Amaplitted ae crw1 Aas me ion eftoctes . the wave function of *e3ie A Jupp scang a sample by eave in vegion-f 1S Gvew o4 ‘moving backs ands forth and gaiReving “tn formation About tyyCRefiected) = pe” RED the curvahuve of the surface ReieeD ae follows fe Smallest Changes The wave function of the 7 Jrangmitted Con tunnetting eave oF in fe Combouns of & Sam Pls Region-2 35 givenby Fe Ge Where Bo The wave number F>Amplihide of tunneling wave ia Region~2 G > Amplitude of Yefcted tunve| gt Ihe boundary behveen Region-| ond Region-2- Tt has the following Componne's, * Piezo electric tube - Capable ©F moving in %¥,z clivections 4% Fine needa Hip - foy Scannin Ihe suvface of the Sample - Piezo electric materials exhibit an elongation oY Conbracho} along fair Lang iy when an olachic field is applied) EF Contre (he position and movement of lhe ae Hip on an atomic scale XY, Piezos Control lhe back and for\h motion of Ihe tip, white Ihe Z piezo allow the hp to opproach Ihe Surface - +X The Kpis mechanic gity Connected to the scanner and Kz pesihoatag desice- 4 Tha Aistonce between Vhe surface 16 of the Hip and few angstrveresh)- order of & KA bias Voltage IS applied, between Whe Sample cand the tie ¥ Whoa Pesihve Voltage Can tunnel frrough Ihe gep and coe ap tannetling Curvent oh the meedte - Vhe needa fs at etactren Applied Quantum Mechanics This cuntent is ampbfiecl and ueasuved « & the Sensi hit Large Vhal etc venice cor of surface ators con be dlatected . of stT™ is So Nugaticn 4 Th Can scan, the positions & topo- = qrephy atom toy atom (oY ever, olectrens. x Very accurates resasure oan Shatle be pblained 4 Tt is latest technique used, jn Research Laborato es * & Even a veg Bma\) sound er) Vibrations wlll diatrae the yneaguremant setup: Cost is high & Move Complex & 5 Ze 16 used to prodce re's £ TE Is used is Biomedical devices - e Chemical and material sCences Yedearch labs ave She mi which it ayo 1& Used . Arend Resonant Brough apotental profile which Consists of bo potential bavvieys, Gp called doula Garviey Shruchae tohich are tocated Very Close te cock -_ Funnetling eccus Resonant tanne nthe principle of Lanning Ming diode sores © effect, in wRich the chayge cayviers cross the SONY barviercs) even toith Lesser eneyqy han the tanier potential, quantane mechanically ies Probabisg, of tunnelling lncreases With Ihe decreasing baerriey energy - \ AH ¥ hfe Sy Bo— Tego A Yesonant funnetting dicta iB Remed Using P and M—naatencls Kits Reavy doping Due to Poavy doping , Ihe barrier potestsl decreases Avashcalty, 0 Mat the charge carriers can easily tunnel Uke gunchions: ranhin lel, Skyuchute; A RTD consists of a quanten wetl Stractiyve with discrete energy Values EiiEo eter surrounded] by boo Rin layer of potenhal eavviews CV, and Ve) wilh emitter and Collector Shown in the figure - on eifer side ag Applied Quantum Mechanics Poteahal Becrriew vi Poteahal Barrier Ve Collector paring the forward ig increased then bias, voltage when, ja Ge diode varies at he current Afferent ‘Yesiatan® yegions 4 Folens cCuvvent, lifhen Voltage applied » a terahertz wave is emitted and jRerefere at tesonana Us ercriy Ey becomes equal & Ihe energy Fe in the ennitley side (AF low vot ge Gy wee At Yesonance, \Ke charge Cavviers| tunnel the potential bavrieys and Neaches Yegion toy Me Process called Yesonant Eunne ling, Collector Applied Quantum Mechanics x Yesislane yegion: Novena Dies) Iho nk olta The curvent and Volege When the \rottesp @ Pea current (Ip) further eyend valley peln 4 -equel due to bunnetiieg effect and Yeaches Ihe ‘peak pome P- imereased au Callod « e% and Peak voltage Cp) yespechvely be come: Us energy Eo ty the energy Eo * 2, The currfenk Ogain increases Wis yogion is called posiive fe 2.The charge Cormiers cannot Lunnel the barieys and ‘Rus Ime decreases % Tr Is used a8 high Frequency Current in (Ra Aide eosei\laleys. and reaches the Valley point ¥ yovcrowove be used aS Normal * DF con This mmini¢um Current is fe Aicdes also X RTD 15 USed Im memory Called Valley cuvvent and Covres— - pending voll g voltage 1s callecl Valley Cells, tnuttivalued logic Curveat Voltege . Consider a particle of mass ‘rn’ moving with Velocihy & along x0 b XD lhe x-clivection behoean E> Total energy of Ite 2 ° UY Parke, Va Potenhal Energy. Ihe box Let 1S zen wilkia in outside of 'ha boy. The PE land ik is Vy axe Ved = Vo SO Region-r Vexd=0 Nod) = Vp O Periodicity of the pohental Periodic Vcd) = Veta) The goluton of 9n@ & Fiver by x fven Whe particle energy & Fran te PE eo, there probability Chat is loss | is a definite L* Partcte ig found outside Uebel 4 eqn@® 1s Called Bloch funckon. we yo: e ue] —@ —© Who ed = UncHr™ How @™* yepresents he paths wave \he periodic Juncker Ean ® is called Blech tReovem, Usa “Yepresents Applied Quantum Mechanies Were we have tivo Yegions, By use of er@ bbe can Worle Ike wave function Coan) ag follews Tn this Yegion , between Re imits ocxca, te PE 1S Ze7v0 land hance \he efectron 1s assumed to be o fre payhce. ite (se409, yeata) = ent) Yee) = elk gi tor0) The Schroedinger's eqn is Gea by Py 4 we Ce-aby =O oc Since Uxgtxta) = Apt) We can covike ike ycered = ele FS) in Since yOd= eh HEED oO SY 4 hyo das ate 2mE bee, Card = EO YD —© a tohove yesded = AYO? Whee @zelka “ In this Yegion betwen tke Linits —bdx60 Tha PE Of Re efectyon TF Wis a singe-vatue funcko is Ve. yoo = yCrrad The schwedingey’s eqn 's gee we (ewyro Hence Bloch tHorern vv prawel # TE is a simplest example for ID periodic pofental- ¥ The PE of an electron Bas ie form of a periodic array of Square wells NO 1 For bot, Yegion the appropriate] olution suggested: by BlocW’s 1B Of the faren yoo se acd —® Applied Quantum Mechanics Difsereatiohing eqn@ and Sabstituking HF un 2ansD® and “ion sofuing we get The Alicwed band is decreased: (he bincting decreased, $o Wat Whe increased. x han P ig decreased + energy + Cosa cos Ki widlh of allowed band i T+ & the Measuve Of the Strength with which The electrons lay The We Tons fo infinity we get IRs enorgy pectra of all vanges: are ativacted bebooearL A plot |S made and ga for the Lug of 2an®@ aValue of P= BE as Shown om Riguve- , oa PSin de, cogae geo joan EM at fhe CCH 4% Tho widllh of allowed band increases wilh Ihe increse in Ga- & When P increases ; fhe binding enargy energy of the és Is also incraosed 2, Tho electron will Not Obie te rove frely and

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