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Wrree i Basi ; Basic Suavion, Mechania Domohasse, 4. Corie Mecharioe 4 Interferena, Aitfnacton and could hot be explained. , polaniza lion The Concept % photo ebichic offect, » Compton effect | and block bod y srodiation Cannot be explained. : : ithe lectvicol conduclivity Of Rentitorduch and faulty, Cannot be explained. / oe Tt foils to explain Superconducting propeartio F metals . rent e aTe faik 4 explain He Specific (deat capachy 3 Solids at ower ‘Tempotohuns x Fomo Kem ould net be explained by his Peng. ai Which the maxtmnuri & Black, Body : Black, RX xA perfect black body a ow Whick absorbs ath Ba siadiokions Inddant on it, Fut lacod at comtant hig’ whan Gude a body, P Lamperatu. Vt -ernsta spodiatton 4 al tH Wavelzng'th- Chasacteristics ; 2k Black Body un aad fo ke & perfect. abeorer Sine Cunsorhs oak an rayeluegtes of wthe Inctolent stadiation. The black body ah dhs porpect nadiolsr because it viadiales te entive wowslingth onserred by it Black Gedy Benes Rodiation . emitled from, eth hoot radiation | Ha black bocly ‘ys Jenown oe Hadiation. Khe Wwavelong th black body enegy G _ stodialvon k emi Heel _ only” nn. Bimpora hue Bn black body 4 Ab dow not Aspend on I 2 dhe natu 4 Bhs rnaleri al « Mtn ta leone —> Ener S . FR Sperinun 4 blatk bet be ation @ | The black bedy emits all Kinds % Sacliation rangeng prom Hower Waving tt to higher Wavelen qth. : - es ' op The black body Ape +h eng dunsity Preveases with the wavelength and voaches & maximum value and than decreases With the tncvease in Wavelength . chuam hows “Haak ° . Phevease In Cory exponding to the maximum enngy densn ty ges chifted touads, Lower Wav ngth, fompesators. with the incvease a fue 4 the black #*The Klavelengit. booly kb #* Lt Ph, Armper Poeveased, . te enegy dena ly alo freveases. Laws oh Bask Belly Rpotien Iens displawet <2 ye The ow Moles ‘er ae guoduck co wewelung He (dm) tevrogensing |” maxim un nadiation ahshte in a tonptank. | v3 ° q How black lod) i ogo Et = | Den = Wralant | Ag & sence T T ET Ub. found The waelungth Cavrorpericliing oe napa ony bs Frvercely preportional be | i ae Wek deduad the law dv tha enngy | emitled hy & Vack bedy ok & ajiven Wavelet and “Temperate (1) “+0 explain the ; black body ~Aypeck mum: mt Aenoron | Webns - adiation \aw. yo The enugs dansiti tne hyawdang te and A+ aA i> feces fy | sang A Baye state on o 3 ol [' ye £] = am he ae i Er (ee lara) d e - be [arr Ey = ehe A - Ce sane , Cys: he : km vt ; , Cy or tontanks, “T> Ferparclas % Hts black ; i : body ei TW low Jastds good , oly or Athoalen dlengrts ond , not for Asean Pawelongt yh ow photo That ie eng dus-lribution 4% black boty sa dinelly” PHopor Honal do Ah abnolute Jomperatng (1) ana Payor chy proportional yo Ake fourth power 4 Abe javolength (A). Eece E. «Jt a A E, = enke £> Bolt eraannln Conant pnd Raystgh- Jeant low ' with the experinental sesulls entire Wor amt» There five ik wa toneludad that claniteal the: ory failed to | ex lain te vag? body t° tiation, emission OF black F Planck They. Planck Mat: te Correct endl lould be obtained i4 dhe enugy oF oscillate electro folen os discrete seth than Suggested lLontinuow - \le Sug uated, fn derving the firmula, which agrees“ extremdy wall with — experimental oesulls- : ; *% He dovwed the vyodiation low hoy Wars the. following Onsump Hons . | Apdeonptions Seb A, b \acle body > ok only filled but also wrth O Aooge ibe 4 fing oscillators - They an % atomic Hena, Tey ve Known ow» atomic Planck osullatos. with no diaHons dimension, oSsullabys 0 % a The Frreopen, 4 soclation emi Hee hy an oscillator ts dome dhat % oscillator | : frequency, sparta osdllaby Cannot | Ahir OF Omit | enn “in a tontinuous manner. TE . CO” Cbasrto | or om ene in rnultiples 4 “gral unite called Quantum. Th quantum $ nadiation Us calle photon. e-40 . Ro peopor tional! Unfant hz beats Ts. 4 Ache 0Stllatey Vibvating with fredmens | cam only emit enegy ba yada d volun 27 Tt taicates that othe osetllators Vitbnating with frequen vy y Can ony dave discrete oringy Volut fn. E,- nhd = PF ay Where n & posi live Integer enue, Bwercce KIL means that -bhe eng 4 be oscillator a» quantized and Sndegey on Grantor number « atomic ts known [placks Lak a. Bodialien mony x Consida & black body with a domge number & atomic — oscillators: Average enogy Es pe osek llaloy given BE —+O where, N E> Toi enngy duc do all Moa Oscillators . N-> Total Number 4 oscillators. bX NCOrOe ‘ "GO Maxwells enegy listribulon Law, “Ge ae OF oscillators with onergy c, i \ Nn = othr 7® | o —— | Wese N, —> Numb $ atomic — oscilbtors in Qavund State T > Absolute dernperatume 4 te black bedy k — Boltarnann’s Contant ‘Nixthe otal nunther Sf ocdllabys and aa llatore with OSciIla’ wi Ny, Ni Wg ow th number % erage €o, fra cae de Ngt Net Ngacce Ns Fsiom th eqn (2) We fave, - Sly; ~e hes -oo he N= N, ‘ + No e Nye vr angele #& Faom Planck. Quantum only a Guanhim 9 View wot F can eke E,=2 nh neo, 1,2 €,20 €,=h? 2 2h7 €,=nho Substituting cehese Volus m san (3) We tae © -h [er -2h] py , ; e ae] N=N,e +N,e + Ne /. vane ene (ea 9 ee abo |e “sider il 1 -n aT N= Nt Ne save Ie sae re 38 g. a . : Ne =a ¥ N 4 £2 3h) 7 $,=2h9 : Enogy © =h9 » =o N, a : Neo No Enagy diogcarn for a Planck’ Oscillator. 4 prequanuy 7. Wp) pub x= e€ |e eae N= N, + Np% + Not 4 Nyt + - a + Nhu 3@ N= No [ite tah tate . as) 9 i N= No 5 ae) —®© oe 2 UH) = eta tn” hy rung, binomial Soa a KTotal enoyy 4 the black body dus to att -\e Okillatxs given hy E=€.N, 18% 48n, 4 TEN : Oa % Substituting type fo €,, £ and No, N, No ™ in CD We fave ce -49 la _ abd], E = OxXNy + hone + 2h, "ar 4 nrcug ler shay -2h?, oy) E = bone + Qhn,@ Mer nye tle Ls® —hy pt ET a fae. E = WYN * + Ato) Noga hie! U5 E = h?N,% fa 2 +---- oa] \ E = hyn, fed) y+ " 3 a(x) \ee 304 ~ (In) sent By wrt} benoncia) Senies Sub Gan (6) ond Cio) in Sn() we gek B= HY Ny 7 tH —1)" No , (i-x) BE. bonxn 0240 ~ h? Ne (= No U4) 9 = pee hae ©” Es oe le] On Aue ee oP ler We Rave Se oe 1 eer | E- _ —+®@ ola -l > Nusthey ef osullabys Pex unit Volume and y | tte eneigs ducal guaidiation tr “Fle | Weve A and Atdd A given hy | _ [Rumber 4 oscillators BydA - per wit Vobuwe x (s oa tn coaudlogtte Sowa pe osulla A ank Atd> | 9 Eda = dA x eae nee we wie e eal hely = gTdr x oe THe, (- ] E ie = grhe | XY 3e) YF er lar_, Shea gthe > (er) % Eqn Cb) sruprorents » Planck's Racialion \ve lucas la ct + Plane x's w Je ” nent % jmantal Value or entive which od Uondiimed hy dedackon eee Lak td Rayligh Teowletion, Plan Redaction a Rayleigh Tears lax 4pm. Planch ou ¥ Rayhigh Jeans \aw hold» Good only of Longer Wavaling th. There fre , when \ » very Jonge, Dp As vou Zeroall ond WD 2 kT fo Inge 99 Soll HB hi/g > ane AT Eqn Cle) Steduws to ae C4: FA ° py ae atthe > — B[wtd af] Pe 7 RT asa > ewkT wm 4 “ei a RT E, = 8ktT @®@. | A 1250 Ta Rapala Celie low. 1 Lanets { shaun © . Pal dong > Raefuigi Seow law at Jonge Wavelangtt . Deduction J. wets Radiation low x We Rnow Abak, Vee dow fol tds Good ow ak hoy ter Waveling th. A > Vou Amall — D> veng Jonge Ron hy ee \ “ re Stand eo), Thus | ws woglected vo the de nominal R aA ccording to Efnsteins mans - enmqy ulation E=me" 30 whore t | m— mans. 4 Mu photon cH Celocity 3 aL photon Eating cD and Ca) We get = men alive £7 hd = mc 8 ee x ] be. inc® WF : bh =me A tke = Da tov electromog netic . ‘ ee Kadiakon. Cine me = Pp where po momentum ip _ phohn Bw A= nh ‘+0 . P The jwovelength $ de- Raoghte wave | WxSocated worth any moving poatiche % Moy mn vith Selouily oe CPems) & geen he R Lh 36 Po tm # Vhs aayration (5) & ‘Reown ab | deo - Prroghie wave <€aration. * We throw Dhal- Ba Rinclie enegy E= me” —@O multiply by ‘mn’ on doth sides we gk : a? ME = tome dame. we Taking —Souana Moot on both Sides Tro = ame mo = ame @ wwe foe Ml, “sub @ io G we Have, Ne bh _ oA me AME Ae - Borogh'e wavelen ohn - — rk | Tame “| x leg Warglengtn Eo to. tere Kpeceloraby poleabian axsouiated with electors x When an @lectron 4 Change ad accelerated by a potential | dicFfevena 4 V Vo Shen the elechronyains a velouty © and bene, , Hs, IWovkdone on Hu eleclron = eV 36 x WS Wworkdona is Conveited flo fe Rivaki : weNic enugy 4 lu electron as oon md workdone = Rineke enugey 2a eV = me _3@ mole y= me roultiply by a on both sides, we rave ee = ameV Feo the de Buegfie tna, le lonely ankociaked with an moving pokele we geen Jy om oo He odes, we get i decbatituting She Given yolus, we have he 6. 5 N= 6.b26x 10° Je esroxie tc m=: Gf x10"! b 3 -3y bb25 xo —3) -l AXA-}uto X16 nie v -l = 1a-AS X'O gdre Tv d= \228 f Ww Vv or Ughter is Be posticle, gpuaker ds Ue wavolengt arsodated with tt Smaller ve thy veloddy of pantich, Greater 2s wavelength agsociated with it. These wows ou nok electrornagnell ¢ UDVE + . yThe velooity 4 de- Brodie usowe equal to He veloity 4 maten’oh Por ticke. Heisen bey Lin corlani Veipl : Aare R sel poarle ae Htletsenborg veer fansil ear ARok ik be mneonue 0 aie exactly both the Powition and Moomondim an object. “This Prnciple kened on the wide panicle dualsy Y smarter “hoy l. yi. | Anx% ap Zt . Qy soteedinder axe equatton x Schrodinger save equotion desevibes tthe wave Nodwe $ O poaticle nm mocthemaltcal fovm. Foums 4 Schmdingen wave equation, # Time Independent wave equation ge Tima dupendent wave © eayatfon Sologdiraer Tine, lodeewndbal tone. Savablen vy Poaticle ' se bonsiden a wove ANsouated Saas ee Pee Pee onsoclahed write bo the ‘Co-ordinates 3 the partele, | wove postcle X ¥ The classical Aeffevential equadion -foy Wave motion is Given LL oxy + Sw ay 1 8% +O Oat ay* dz ow BE The Eamon) weoitten os ura wore velosy wap = 1 day where D > Be at> } 4 3 42. -— Tt 7 2 L3:@ xt ay OF 2 . . Vo > }splacian vow cide ater) Operator Diffountiat Cand with rerpet ta ‘ dy ~iust yu - ONO Caw) , aug ey vy, e. 3 @é Agatn Drfferentati ng ean CH) wrth vonpect be ap . a De = Cid ye (ius) po -fwWwe = 4 us Yo & oy 2 an wey oer = v > © Yee. Substituting eanch) wy wants) we fave 2 Ves 1 C-us"ry) v Vips 8 oe * Viap - ren =o —> © fenows Thal = us OTIY = TE OF, we ~ ; X F993 VoFrequancy a 2 +@ yA Squaring tte ean (CH) on both sides L amy” acute 36 ex az Sub 2an (8) % ean Ch) We Rave 2. 2 , Vet or tt =° — @ fuse Azb 1 Cq) We Aave ee m €ay a) W vow 4+ AW” wy <0 mn?» v y+ firme, 20 — & a ah E & th pla ergy. 4 fhe posi Vt Ah polential Anesgy cond me bs eae ences, than x Tolal Enegy “potential euugy + \eeneli C Cnbagy Ee: Vetime E-v = sme a wu AaCE-V) = mu roulttply by on both srdes amtezy) teen @ Sub @ vw @ we get © yr no V4 AT xam(ev)y 0 | Vy+ ate ceyy @O@ he Vv 2 For Pace Moving fporticl dus is sdingen Time independant Une funcHon. > ® =e vy + VY = By am stem ee Aimonsional motionS-2) KT we Consider he me partic vis moving along only y — direcki on becomes Ahan He qn CI) dx Seating Tle depend Woe Sawatien ¥ Scloroctinger Time Aeperdlunt wave equakion us derived Thom Schodingyr Hw independent rave equation . ge The Solution ty Clonsical differential wraue ,, Caprofion 4 wave iotion is given hy ft de thy youy2) = Ga EME sy Pi fferontialing eqnci) with wetpect te time Ye ay a sib ae ey > 5E we 36 : | oy . -lWe 7 = 971 yee Pee 5 [oye Yee J Y - -ianyy = » 22S [Es boon ? 4 oy _ _fanve at h (= ae] = Ey Ooh E y Qn Go Le ge ey +e both sod wy eqnty) 4, maltipljong 17 2 | ry, cers) TOW 48 _opyais € OY 2S Higbee oF 4 ‘. e (Mey (we. e ot + th 0 rh = = & p —s ® Scha ee We findlpendlont wave eqpation Ko ay gprvy=s EP o@® bub the Value 4 Ey in zap (6) ate — Boe gy vy = fh oY dk Tat 2 am i ae a @ wire " i he 4 a) js Harnil toruar opesahy hy ee ee operat ot Now 5 . eam @ becomes [ Fy eevl 7* x Bqn CP es Renown ccbuoddinge’ Lime Aspendant wave eayration. Ricel Significance K baw furction: ¥ The WOVE fenekton (¥) vulates “he partele ard Wave hatwe + Matier Statistically, *TIt usa Complex aon’ ty and hence. we | Cannot toanune it. | Th We pankele as quantised 1 be found Somewhere im a Spaw $ dimension dr, dy, de tan chs puolahilily Value ds yal Be ove. | 2 | co p= Sff byl? andy ae = V | | Bean's oterpratation gt, wenve fnstion: #Y fs 2 wave function #1PI” does not measure He pox ticle density ot Amy poink and giver fu paohaliliby 4 finding paaticle at thot point ab ony given momunt. ly['= py 4 More exactly te pusbabn iy 4 He patel being poosak Ww a Volume Andyd2 i Ty” dadyde [ey] dxdyd2 =| +The _ wave funcKen ¥ Lay colds 1 Fn Omang Ee aid D]* da dy = [np] da dyer ao ise Atnanvional ue at ad (aitie tn One dimunsional Bon "g Conside a panticl: v20 yoeo $ mans” im troving behween | ive suigid walls q Sa a apse! thong Hac ott. te Pe a 4Tho panticle gs sot Lk ed | forth between th walls hee Ee : nor : box, The potential _ the pasiticle Toh oe bo Uonstank. The potential eniiay out aide tho beef wall & fnfinitr. * Potential function ws given he Vix =o When ofxea box. aft X=0 and aa "yzo Vea hen 0 ee perso: _ OFnza - / athe potential “ction ke“ Rnown as Loprore well .. potential. ASemnodingens wave eapation fn! bs geen Any One - Limon ove - 2, 2 Ceyy =o 20 dx t ay 2mE os = +e dx +* Ne pile. £52 2me. wy “en Cr) we gek hr i & da re +k ap =o —@0 The — genal — Sotistion % Hal G given fy Wet) = Asinka 4+ Beoskr — A,B > Two unknown conforts ¥Th. Value ¢ A and B ou dietevrnensd by applying th Houndau) conditions. WRoundany tonclition Meo Oh too Applying thas tondition 4 seancny, we ave oO = ASino + Beoso Conc oz OF8x] oc! Hen civ Bound ay condition veo af Aaa Ap pligeny this tondition by equ (uy we Rave o- Adinka + BLska - ip p= A Sinka , St as found Mat Azo °° Sinha =o TV nkazo = - i > Aa = Riv "Go | ka =n Sto eng | Pa ts | mec > Positive Pntegen s a|~® nel23 Waring on both Cider Be at | =n ee 6 we know thal | kL ame 2m | = s E Tye h? h* ’ [°4 7 al am * ida. Pg Eeuating ean Cb) anda (7%) we aye itt = eat E at : h> Egy 9 Lu pan Kol | 2 &mEq =. nh E,o Eigen Value. E . nth 7 —>© 4 Eigen func, | ui 8ma* Substituting an iB) vo eanh) we Lave YW, tt) = A sin MR => et,2,3h 8 sin | ‘| e ~The = ponticle fra bex Cannot possess Ouny arbi tary om ounk Cregy. Te Gan ih iserete enugy Values . j my 3 Novma izacti Mevmalieations wave Punetion hovmal Gowran 4 & dubermdued hy zation 4 Wave — function, Probable ly cleat mas even fay en we Rnow that yc = A Sin Pan yy - A Sin it x A Sin Min fe OL Oo NG EWA SiR (ox] — © a particle 4s Some ye TE as Gaoin ‘hal i onde Wwheve inside the box. Thus, He probailily 4 be 4 ths portiele fnside ty box 4 dura fe ‘a ta given by { apiey dx =| = @ o g iting fy from an (102) wo CH) we fave, a, J AaSine (2) dx = 1 TY fae os (22) 4] = £ fot. je = a ant a derm a She : i Dinar te ak Second ital Wes zen ch Pe eat © bo @ we Dove ATW Rigen funchon \velongs to Bgen 0. Values E, And it 8 expruried ov, Py Now = Sin = al Gost >@® exprenmon (13) 4 Known aw function eT his Nosmahiae d \ \ 7 n=3 Sts i See gk WN, oO n= \ 2 a SPeeel. cases ee n= p> a Yh = [2° sin (2) a when n=\ . EY = ie fz x Caen A Sma? > (% sin (% = [= sv (| Fy = = — W, OD Uk maki mum hn 7 ble 4, the th gmaz ab exac um 4 nee co oe Ey, =- ah Sma i B= 4ht 5 [= | wofE Sy on =) iu at fe ool disfonce Hence YC) maximum : dom either sidn 3 te box, 4 Hane, Wel) is maximum ak exactly middle and Owt- Sixth Astana {wm ectuy du 3 Ma box.

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