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Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

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Empty voting and the efficiency of corporate governance$

Alon Brav 1, Richmond D. Mathews 
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1 Towerview Dr., Durham, NC 27708, USA

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: We model corporate voting outcomes when an informed trader, such as a hedge fund,
Received 11 March 2009 can establish separate positions in a firm’s shares and votes (empty voting). The
Received in revised form positions are separated by borrowing shares on the record date, hedging economic
3 February 2010
exposure, or trading between record and voting dates. We find that the trader’s
Accepted 2 March 2010
Available online 13 October 2010
presence can improve efficiency overall despite the fact that it sometimes ends up
selling to a net short position and then voting to decrease firm value. An efficiency
JEL classification: improvement is likely if other shareholders’ votes are not highly correlated with the
G34 correct decision or if it is relatively expensive to separate votes from shares on the
record date. On the other hand, empty voting will tend to decrease efficiency if it is
relatively inexpensive to separate votes from shares and other shareholders are likely to
vote the right way.
Informed trading & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hedge funds
Corporate governance

1. Introduction or other strategic traders can also significantly affect the

efficiency of the corporate governance system.
The impact of hedge funds on corporate governance In particular, recent work has shown that some funds
has received considerable attention recently as the rise in may use ‘‘empty voting’’—a practice whereby they
popularity of hedge funds has coincided with an increased accumulate voting power in excess of their economic
focus on governance in general. Much of the attention has share ownership—to manipulate shareholder vote out-
been devoted to ‘‘activist’’ funds that take significant comes and generate trading gains. This practice is possible
stakes in firms and then advocate for change.2 However, even when one share, one vote is the explicit rule. It can
other more subtle strategies undertaken by hedge funds be accomplished, for example, by borrowing shares of
stock on the record date or hedging economic exposure in
the derivatives markets. Hu and Black (2006, 2007)
We thank Daniel Ferreira (the referee), Alex Edmans, Ron Kaniel, provide a number of examples where such behavior
Samuel Lee, Adriano Rampini, David Robinson, Zacharias Sautner, Berk seems to result in perverse voting incentives. In one case,
Sensoy, S. Viswanathan, seminar/conference participants at Boston a hedge fund acquired votes by borrowing shares, then
College, Duke, NC State, the University of Washington, Virginia Tech,
voted against a buyout proposal and apparently profited
the Financial Intermediaries and Markets at the Crossroads symposium,
the 2009 AFA Annual Meetings, and especially Simon Gervais for helpful from a short position when the share price dropped
discussions and comments. All errors are our own. following the vote.3 These authors suggest that some
 Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 919 660 8026; fax: + 1 919 660 8038.
form of regulation, starting with additional disclosure
E-mail addresses: (A. Brav),
(R.D. Mathews).
The author is also at the NBER.
2 3
See Kahan and Rock (2007), Clifford (2008), Klein and Zur (2009), This incident involved a Hong Kong company named Henderson
Greenwood and Schor (2009), and Brav, Jiang, Partnoy, and Thomas Land, which wanted to buy out a 25% minority interest in its publicly
(2008). traded affiliate Henderson Investment.

0304-405X/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

requirements, may be necessary to curb the negative literature focuses on how the one share, one vote rule
effects of such activities. affects the efficiency of the market for corporate control
Regulators have expressed significant concern over (see, e.g., Harris and Raviv, 1988; Grossman and Hart,
empty voting, particularly given the boom in the hedge 1988; Burkart and Lee, 2008), or how disparities between
fund industry and the increasing number and importance cash flow and voting rights held by insiders affects
of items requiring a shareholder vote. The Wall Street efficiency (e.g., DeAngelo and DeAngelo, 1985; Gilson,
Journal (January 26, 2007, p. A1) quotes Securities and 1987). These studies generally focus on long-term devia-
Exchange Commission chairman Christopher Cox as tions from one share, one vote that are codified in the
saying that the practice of empty voting ‘‘is almost corporate charter. An important recent exception is Kalay
certainly going to force further regulatory response to and Pant (2009), which shows that the ability to separate
ensure that investors’ interests are protected...This is economic and voting interests via derivatives markets can
already a serious issue and it is showing all signs of increase efficiency by allowing shareholders to extract
growing.’’ Many large institutional shareholders are more surplus in a control contest. Like Kalay and Pant
examining their share lending practices in response to (2009), we examine short-term deviations arising from
these concerns. In addition, some companies have activities in the derivatives or share lending markets.
recently amended their bylaws to force additional However, we focus on how these deviations affect the
disclosure of complex transactions in their securities efficiency of voting by outsiders on regular proposals (as
due to concerns about corporate governance implications opposed to control contests). We think of outsiders as
(The Wall Street Journal, July 14, 2008, p. B4). parties who do not make proposals themselves, but face
On the other hand, Christoffersen, Geczy, Musto, uncertainty over whether an insider’s proposal is value-
and Reed (2007) argue that ‘‘vote trading’’ in the share increasing or instead self-serving. There are many types of
lending market can increase efficiency because informa- proposals other than proxy contests or takeover bids for
tion about proposals can be costly to acquire. Uninformed control that can have important value implications for the
shareholders who are not willing to pay the cost to firm. Examples include proposals for the purchase of
become informed can sell their votes to informed parties another firm, a divestiture, or a change in the corporate
in order to increase the efficiency of the voting outcome. charter (often involving a takeover defense).
Of course, this argument requires that the vote buyer In our model, the firm’s management initially proposes
and vote seller have coincident interests, which often an action that requires shareholder approval. The pro-
seems to be violated in the examples cited by Hu and posed action may be either good or bad (i.e., its approval
Black (2006, 2007). To date, there is no agreement on may either increase or decrease firm value), and its value
whether empty voting constitutes a significant problem is not observable at this stage. All shares are initially held
that should be regulated. Importantly, the literature does by atomistic shareholders. After the proposal is
not currently provide an integrated theoretical framework announced, a single strategic trader can buy or sell shares
to help assess the tradeoff between increased informa- in a transparent market prior to the record date (i.e., with
tion efficiency and the cost of possible manipulations via no noise trading) and can also acquire ‘‘extra’’ votes in
empty voting. excess of its economic ownership by paying a convex cost.
In this paper, we develop a theoretical model to This cost represents, for example, increasing difficulty in
explore this tradeoff. We derive the optimal share and finding shareholders from whom to borrow shares, or the
vote position of a strategic trader that has the ability to increasing cost of finding counterparties to hedge a large
acquire unique information about the value of a manage- economic interest.
ment proposal and the ability to acquire votes separately On the record date, voting interests are set according
from shares. We show that while the trader may some- to share or vote ownership on that day. After the record
times reduce efficiency by ultimately selling to a net short date, there is a significant time lag before the actual date
position and then ‘‘voting the wrong way’’ (from a firm of the vote, so the strategic trader is able to further adjust
value perspective), the cost of these possible manipula- its economic ownership (but not its voting interest) as
tions can be offset by a greater probability that the trader well as learn about the value of the proposal.4 At this
will ‘‘do the right thing’’ and vote to maximize firm value. intermediate trading stage, however, the market is not
In other words, in equilibrium both the presence of the completely transparent because there is noise trading by
strategic trader and the ability to separate votes from atomistic investors. Finally, on the voting date the
economic ownership can increase overall efficiency by strategic trader votes according to its economic incen-
making the ‘‘right’’ outcome more likely. This occurs when tives, as determined by its net economic position in the
either the establishment of an empty voting stake on the firm, while the voting of atomistic shareholders is
record date is relatively expensive or other shareholders’ effectively random. We do not explicitly model the
votes are not very highly correlated with the true state. atomistic holders’ voting decisions; the important feature
However, we find that a negative efficiency effect is likely is that their behavior induces randomness in the final
when separating votes from shares is relatively inexpen- voting outcome.
sive and other shareholders are relatively likely to vote
the right way.
Our analysis deals with deviations from the one share, 4
The timing of when the trader becomes informed does not
one vote rule, on which there is a large existing literature matter—it can occur either before or after the record date with no
dating back to at least Manne (1964). Much of the modern significant change in the analysis.
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 291

Our assumptions are meant to reflect the realities of record date is highly restricted. Because of its long
corporate governance in the United States. Christoffersen, position on the record date, the strategic trader tends to
Geczy, Musto, and Reed (2007) report that there is a ‘‘vote the right way’’ more often than not, increasing the
significant time lag between the record date and the probability of a correct decision in these situations. As
meeting date (a median of 54 calendar days in their market depth increases, the optimal long position on the
sample) as opposed to the relatively short time between record date increases, intensifying the positive effect.
the announcement of the agenda and the record date. Thus, we find that allowing for trading gains by a strategic
Thus, it seems reasonable that there would be little ability trader can increase efficiency even though the trader
to trade strategically prior to the record date (which sometimes engages in value-reducing strategies. Also,
corresponds to our assumption of a transparent market at since the strategic trader would not acquire any votes or
that stage), but a significant opportunity to gather shares in the absence of possible trading gains, noise
information and trade less transparently between the trading improves voting efficiency.
record and voting dates. The positive efficiency effect we document for these
It is important to note that we highlight two ways in cases is driven by the fact that the strategic trader has
which empty voting can occur in the U.S. corporate unique value-relevant information that other share-
governance system. In addition to the lending and holders do not have. If the strategic trader brought no
derivatives markets, there is also the time lag between new information to the model, there would be no
record and voting dates. Even if voting and economic possibility of an efficiency improvement, but manipula-
interests have to be aligned on the record date, it is tion could still be possible. As such, our model provides a
possible to divorce the two prior to the voting date by framework for determining whether and how an informed
trading in the stock market during the intervening period. trader’s unique information is ultimately reflected in the
Our model allows us to separate the two effects. As will final voting outcome and thus firm value.
become clear, we find that the ease with which votes and On the other hand, we go on to show that efficiency
shares can be separated on the record date is of key can be reduced by the strategic trader when other
importance with respect to whether empty voting helps shareholders’ votes are sufficiently biased toward the
or hurts efficiency. correct decision and it is not too expensive to separate
In our model, we find that the strategic trader optimally votes from shares on the record date. Intuitively, when it
trades to a long economic position on the record date while is easy to separate votes from shares on the record date,
simultaneously acquiring ‘‘extra’’ votes, both of which set the trader chooses a smaller long position and the
the stage for the possibility of future trading gains. The commitment effect is attenuated. In these cases, the
number of extra votes acquired depends on the cost of the trader’s efficiency-reducing votes are relatively more
votes versus the value (in terms of larger expected trading likely than its efficiency-enhancing votes to change the
profits) of the increased ability to affect the vote outcome. actual decision if other shareholders are likely to vote the
For the bulk of the analysis, we assume that the cost of right way on their own. Thus, the negative effects can
separating votes from ownership is high enough that the start to outweigh the positive ones. This occurs despite
trader will not acquire enough votes to single-handedly the fact that the trader brings value-relevant information
determine the voting outcome. to the table.
The trader’s economic position on the record date is We also investigate how changes in the underlying
driven by a separate tradeoff. On the positive side, a larger parameters affect the trader’s strategy as well as overall
economic stake increases the trader’s voting power. This efficiency. We find that making it easier to separate votes
is valuable when extra votes are costly. On the negative from economic ownership on the record date tends to
side, greater economic ownership reduces expected decrease the trader’s economic ownership (in order to
trading gains for two reasons. First, the ‘‘future self’’ of maximize trading gains by avoiding the commitment
the trader will be concerned with protecting the value of effect, as noted above). This increases the probability that
its stake in addition to maximizing trading gains. This the trader will go net short and vote the wrong way later.
‘‘commitment effect’’ of owning an economic stake on the However, the net effect on efficiency can be positive when
record date thus reduces expected future trading profits. votes are not too cheap, since the additional votes also
Second, the strategic trader’s position reduces overall increase the trader’s ability to affect the voting outcome.
market depth. In equilibrium, the extent of the long This increased ability to affect the outcome can outweigh
position is determined by the expected amount of noise the higher probability of voting the wrong way. This result
trading between the record and voting dates, and the ease can be reversed, however, if votes are cheap enough and
with which votes can be acquired separately from shares the correlation between others’ votes and the correct
on the record date. decision is high enough.
After the record date, the strategic trader plays a mixed Our results can provide some guidance on the efficacy
strategy; it either buys additional shares and then votes to of proposed regulatory reforms designed to curb or
maximize firm value, or it sells to a net short position and eliminate the negative effects of empty voting. For
then votes to minimize firm value. We find in our example, Hu and Black (2006, 2007) advocate additional
benchmark model that the presence of the strategic trader disclosure requirements as a reasonable starting point. In
is good for efficiency overall when the other shareholders’ the framework of our model, disclosure of an ‘‘empty
votes are not highly correlated with the correct decision, voting’’ position on the record date would have no effect,
or when the ability to separate shares and votes on the because we already assume that the market maker
292 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

observes the strategic trader’s actions at that stage. 1.1. Related literature
Disclosure of a change in economic position relative to
voting rights between the record and voting dates would Our model obviously involves a form of stock price
have the effect of reducing or eliminating any trading manipulation, but where the manipulation is accom-
profits the strategic trader could otherwise generate. This plished by affecting the firm’s real operations. Closely
would reduce the trader’s willingness to gather informa- related are Kyle and Vila (1991), Maug (1998), and Kahn
tion and vote. Thus, the efficiency effect of such a rule and Winton (1998). In all of these models, a strategic
would depend case by case on whether the model trader can directly take an action that will affect firm
predicted a positive or negative effect from the trader’s value, and its ability to trade in a noisy stock market
presence. Overall, our results imply that regulators should affects its incentives to do so. The main difference
consider the possibility that curbs to empty voting between our analysis and theirs is that we endogenize
behavior could be costly in cases where there is significant the trader’s ability to affect firm value by modeling the
uncertainty about the value of a proposal. voting game and deriving the optimal ex ante share and
One issue we do not formally analyze is how the vote position of the trader.
equilibrium would change if the strategic trader entered Another strand of literature studies incentives for
the model with an ex ante long or short position in the manipulation by traders when managers make invest-
stock. The effect of this will be for the trader to have an ment decisions partially based on information gleaned
initial bias toward protecting firm value (if initially long) from stock prices. In particular, Khanna and Sonti (2004)
or destroying firm value (if initially short). The trader’s and Khanna and Marietta-Westberg (2005) show that
anticipation of the commitment effect discussed above informed traders may trade against their private informa-
will then cause it to choose a record-date position that is tion if that will send a valuable signal to managers about
increasing in its initial ownership. If the trader arrives investment prospects. On the other hand, Goldstein and
long, the record-date position is increased and the Guembel (2008) show that uninformed traders may take
commitment effect is strengthened, leading to a higher advantage of feedback effects and sell shares to manip-
likelihood of a positive efficiency effect. However, if the ulate prices negatively and generate trading gains. Attari,
trader arrives short, the record-date position is decreased, Banerjee, and Noe (2006) show that informed investors
possibly even to a net short position, implying a higher may have incentives to dump shares and move prices to
probability of a negative efficiency effect. induce shareholder activism. Other models of manipula-
Another issue that is not explicitly considered in our tion involving real activities include Bagnoli and Lipman
model is the possibility that the quality of managers’ (1996) and Vila (1989), both of which study manipulation
project decisions could be positively correlated with involving direct actions such as a takeover bid. Manipula-
either their ability or the extent of agency problems in tion based on information alone has also been studied
the firm. In other words, bad project proposals may be widely, such as by Allen and Gale (1992) and Chakraborty
more likely when managers have low skill or in firms with and Yilmaz (2004).
more severe agency problems. In this situation, the Many of these papers contribute to a more general
strategic trader’s information about the quality of the literature on how large shareholders affect corporate
project translates into information about the manager or governance. Other papers in this literature tend to focus
firm’s overall quality, which may not be known by the either on blockholders who exercise ‘‘voice’’ by directly
market. While we do not formally model this possibility, it intervening in the firm’s activities (Shleifer and Vishny,
has interesting implications since it could result in some 1986; Burkart, Gromb, and Panunzi, 1997), or those who
positive efficiency effects from empty voting even when use informed trading, also called ‘‘exit,’’ to improve stock
the strategic trader votes the wrong way. In particular, price efficiency and encourage correct actions by man-
when the strategic trader votes in favor of a bad proposal agers (Admati and Pfleiderer, 2009; Edmans, 2009;
there will still be an efficiency cost of the proposal being Edmans and Manso, forthcoming). Several recent empiri-
more likely to be accepted, but there could be a counter- cal papers specifically study activism by hedge funds
vailing positive effect of causing the manager’s type to be (Kahan and Rock, 2007; Clifford, 2008; Klein and Zur,
revealed more quickly than it otherwise would. This could 2009; Greenwood and Schor, 2009; Brav, Jiang, Partnoy,
increase efficiency if it led to greater price efficiency or an and Thomas, 2008). Such strategies contrast sharply with
earlier opportunity for managerial discipline or turnover. the trading strategy we study in this paper, where the
Furthermore, this effect could be intensified if the fund optimally hides its information about the value of a
strategic trader were able to condition its pre-vote trading proposal while strategically using it to manipulate real
on a good versus bad project (which we currently do not outcomes and generate trading gains. Zachariadis and
consider). In such a setting, a correlation between Olaru (2010) study the governance implications of a
manager or firm type and project quality is likely to similarly subtle strategy, wherein hedge funds may own
induce some asymmetry in the strategic trader’s strategy both debt and equity in a distressed firm, which will affect
for good versus bad projects—it is likely to make the their voting on a reorganization plan.
trader go short and vote the wrong way more often with Our analysis is also closely related to the small but
bad proposals (and thus bad managers) than with good growing literature on vote buying. For example, Blair,
ones because the fundamental value is lower in those Golbe, and Gerard (1989) and Neeman and Orosel (2006)
cases, making a short position even more attractive. We show that allowing a contest for votes in addition to a
believe this is an important avenue for further research. contest for shares can have efficiency advantages.
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 293

Fig. 1. Timeline of the model.

However, they do not model how stock trading interacts could be caused by an agency problem or a lack of ability
with vote buying. or information on management’s part.
Other authors have modeled trading and voting All players are initially uninformed about whether the
together, but without allowing for ‘‘empty voting.’’ For proposal is good or bad. We assume that H costlessly
example, Maug (1999) models a strategic voting game in becomes informed about whether the proposal is good or
which voting and trading both help aggregate dispersed bad at some point on or before the voting date (it makes
information about the value of a proposal. Musto and no difference whether this occurs before or after the
Yilmaz (2003) study how the operation of a financial record date). The market maker and the atomistic share-
market affects political voting. holders do not become informed.
Our study is also related to papers studying the value At time 0, all shares are held by atomistic shareholders.
of corporate votes. For example, Zwiebel (1995) models After the proposal is announced, but before the record
shareholders’ incentives to form blocks and participate in date (between times 0 and 1), H can submit a market
voting coalitions. Barclay and Holderness (1989) study order to buy or sell shares in the firm. The order is filled by
block trades and find that there is a significant premium the market maker at a price equal to the expected value of
paid for large minority blocks, which indicates that less the shares (the market maker and H have the same
than majority voting control can be valuable. information at this point, including any ‘‘extra’’ votes H
The paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2 we describe may acquire, and H’s trade is transparent to the market
the model. In Section 3 we derive the equilibrium. In maker). For simplicity, we assume that the market maker
Section 4 we illustrate the results with several numerical holds no inventory at any stage of the model. So, for
examples. We discuss implications and conclude in example, if it sells shares to H it is immediately able to
Section 5. purchase shares from atomistic holders at the same price.
This simplifies the analysis because it implies that all
2. The model shares will be held by H and the atomistic shareholders on
the record date. The important feature of the assumption
The model focuses on a firm with an upcoming is that ownership of shares by H reduces ownership by
shareholder vote. The firm has one perfectly divisible atomistic shareholders, who are the only other parties
share outstanding. The players, all of whom are risk allowed to vote, and who also determine later market
neutral, consist of the management of the firm, a strategic liquidity. We denote H’s final economic position on the
trader (hereafter ‘‘H’’), a market maker, and atomistic record date by aH .
shareholders. Management sets the agenda for the vote, The strategic trader is also able to acquire votes in
but does not hold any shares and cannot vote. The market addition to those represented by its record-date share
maker also does not vote. The discount rate is zero. The ownership. It can do this at a cost, cðaX Þ, that is increasing
timeline of the game is illustrated in Fig. 1. and convex in the number of ‘‘extra’’ votes, aX , as long as
At the beginning of the game (at time 0), management aX r1aH (H cannot obtain more than 100% of the votes).
proposes an action that can be either good or bad. The The cost for extra votes reflects any expense H incurs in
proposal’s ultimate approval status determines firm value, separating its voting interest from its economic owner-
which is either v or v. In particular, with a good proposal ship. For example, the votes could be purchased on the
firm value equals v if the proposal is defeated and share lending market.6 When H approaches a given
v ¼ v þ Dv if the proposal is approved. With a bad atomistic shareholder to borrow its shares, H may have
proposal firm value is v if the proposal is defeated and v all of the bargaining power, and thus be able to borrow
if it is approved.5 We do not model the reason why the shares at effectively zero cost; the shareholder does
management may make a bad proposal. As an example, it not believe its vote will be pivotal, and thus is willing to
sell the vote for any nominal price. However, since the

The assumption that firm value can take on only two values is
made for tractability. An alternative specification, where firm value We focus on buying votes through the share lending market for
equals one if any proposal is defeated and is increased by Dv if a good expositional simplicity. The analysis is equivalent if the empty voting
proposal is approved or decreased by Dv if a bad proposal is approved, position arises because H buys shares to gain votes and then hedges part
yields the same qualitative results but requires additional simplifying of the economic exposure. In that case, the cost of extra votes becomes
assumptions. the cost of finding counterparties to hedge the economic exposure.
294 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

lending market is decentralized H must first find the proposal, and FB ðÞ with associated density fB ðÞ 2 C2 for a
shareholder. Our assumption then corresponds to a bad proposal. We assume different distributions for good
convex search cost function (it becomes harder to find versus bad proposals to allow for the possibility of
the next shareholder the more you have already located). correlation between atomistic stockholders’ votes and
For simplicity, we assume that the cost function takes the the true state. For tractability, we assume that FG ðÞ and
form cðaX Þ ¼ max½0,ðaX aX ÞK, where aX Z0 and K is very FB ðÞ are always mirror images, that is, that for any
large. Thus, extra votes are free up to aX and then Z 2 ½0, 12, FB ð12 ZÞ ¼ 1FG ð12 þ ZÞ. This implies that if
prohibitively expensive beyond that.7 Consistent with FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ (there is no correlation with the true state),
these assumptions, Christoffersen, Geczy, Musto, and then the common distribution must be symmetric around
Reed (2007) find that the average vote sells for zero in 2, and thus the expected ex ante probability of approval if
the share lending market. Furthermore, Kolasinksi, Reed, H has no votes equals 12 in this case. Note that the
and Ringgenberg (2008) show that the share loan supply atomistic holders’ total number of ‘‘yes’’ votes equals
schedule is relatively flat at lower quantity levels but Yð1max½0, aH aX Þ. After the proposal passes or fails, the
becomes very steep at higher levels, and that the share resulting value of the firm is realized and immediately
lending market exhibits features consistent with signifi- reflected in the share price.
cant search frictions.
On the record date (at time 1), voting rights are
3. Equilibrium
determined according to the share and vote positions of H
and the atomistic shareholders. In particular, H’s voting
power is set at max½0, aH  þ aX votes while the atomistic We solve the model under the following parametric
shareholders retain the remaining 1max½0, aH aX votes. assumptions:
Next (between times 1 and 2), a random liquidity shock
may hit some of the atomistic shareholders. We assume  Assumption 1: aZ 2 ð0, 12Þ.
that with probability 12 the liquidity shock hits a propor-  Assumption 2: K is sufficiently large to deter any
tion aZ of the atomistic shareholders who held shares at aX 4 aX .
time 0. Any shareholders hit by the liquidity shock  Assumption 3: aX oð2aZ Þ=2ð2 þ aZ Þ.
immediately place market orders to sell all of their
holdings. If the liquidity shock does not hit, there are no For the range of aZ allowed by Assumption 1, the
orders by atomistic shareholders. Since H owns aH shares maximum value of aX allowed by Assumption 3 varies
at time 1, this means that the total number of shares sold from just below 12 as aZ approaches zero to just above 10 3
by atomistic holders if the liquidity shock hits is 1 10
aZ approaches 2. As noted previously, we also require
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ.8 Thus, if H buys shares before the record aX r1aH since H cannot have more than 100% voting
date, market liquidity is reduced because the pool of power. We derive a perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE),
potential liquidity sellers is smaller. If H sells shares before using backward induction where possible.
the record date, liquidity is not affected because the new Behavior at the voting date (time 2) is straightforward.
atomistic holders are not subject to the liquidity shock.9 H As noted above, a random proportion Y of the atomistic
can also place a market order at this time to buy or sell shareholders vote in favor of the proposal according to
whatever quantity it wishes (without first observing FG ðÞ or FB ðÞ. H’s vote depends on its economic position in
whether atomistic shareholders sell). The market maker the shares. Since there is no information asymmetry after
observes only the total net order flow, n, which equals the the vote, the shares will trade at their true value of v or v.
sum of all orders by H and the atomistic shareholders, and Thus, if H is net long in the stock, it maximizes the value
sets the price at the expected firm value (given its of its stake by voting in the direction that makes the v
information). There are no short sale constraints. outcome more likely, i.e., in favor of a good proposal and
Finally, on the voting date (at time 2), H votes its against a bad proposal. If it is net short, it maximizes the
max½0, aH  þ aX votes according to its own economic value of its stake by voting in the opposite direction,
incentives and information. If at least 12 of the total votes making the v outcome more likely.
are cast in favor, the proposal passes. For the We now derive the expected value of the firm
1max½0, aH aX votes held by atomistic stockholders, depending on whether H is net long or short on the
we assume that the proportion of ‘‘yes’’ votes cast, denoted voting date. First consider a good proposal, and assume H
by Y, is distributed on [0,1] according to the distribution does not have effective voting control (that is,
function FG ðÞ with associated density fG ðÞ 2 C2 for a good max½0, aH  þ aX o 12Þ. If H votes in favor of the proposal,
the probability of acceptance is
All of the qualitative results of the paper are unchanged if a Pr max½0, aH  þ aX þ Yð1max½0, aH aX Þ 4
continuous, convex function is assumed for cðaX Þ, as long as the function " #
is sufficiently ‘‘steep.’’ max½0, a H a X
This is equivalent to assuming that the atomistic traders buy ¼ Pr Y 4 2
1max½0, aH aX
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ=2 shares with probability 12 and sell aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ=2
shares with probability 12.
It seems reasonable to assume that a new shareholder buying just
prior to the record date is less likely to face a liquidity shock in the short It turns out that this ensures that H will never optimally take full
run than are pre-existing, long-term shareholders. control of the vote, i.e., will never set aH Z 12 aX .
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 295

a a We define H’s (mixed) trading strategy as a probability
2 max½0, H  X
¼ 1FG : ð1Þ distribution, sðjaH , aX , aZ ,v, DvÞ, over all possible trading
1max½0, aH aX
quantities t 2 ½1,1, conditioned on the fixed parameters at
Similarly, if H votes against, the probability of acceptance this stage. The market maker’s strategy is to set a price
is 1FG ð12 =ð1max½0, aH aX ÞÞ. Now note that if H has full schedule, pðjaH , aX , aZ ,v, DvÞ, defined over all possible order
voting control, the probability of acceptance is one if H flows n. Since we are using the PBE concept, the price must
votes in favor and zero if H votes against. To economize on be consistent with the market maker’s belief about which
notation, we define g  min½12 =ð1max½0, aH aX Þ,1 and node in the game tree has been reached at any non-
d  max½ð12 max½0, aH aX Þ=ð1max½0, aH aX Þ,0. Now, singleton information sets. In particular, when the market
regardless of the value of aH , we can write the probability maker observes a given net order flow n, it has a non-
of acceptance as 1FG ðdÞ if H votes in favor and 1FG ðgÞ if singleton information set because it is faced with two
H votes against. Expected firm value conditional on a good possibilities (recall that the market maker observes only the
proposal and H being net long is then total net order flow, not individual orders): H could have
VL  v þ Dvð1FG ðdÞÞ: ð2Þ placed an order of n while atomistic holders did not trade, or
H could have placed an order for n þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ while
Similarly, expected firm value conditional on a good atomistic holders sold aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ.
proposal and H being net short is In a PBE, the market maker must have a belief over
VS  v þ Dvð1FG ðgÞÞ: ð3Þ those two possibilities for every n and price the trades
accordingly, where the belief is determined by Bayes’ rule
With a bad proposal, the probability of approval given and the equilibrium strategies where possible. Given the
that H is net long and votes against is 1FB ðgÞ, which analysis above, the important element of the market
implies that the probability of achieving the value v is maker’s belief is the probability with which it believes H’s
FB ðgÞ. Since FG ðÞ and FB ðÞ are mirror images and g ¼ 1d, final position is net long (which would imply a correct
we know that price of VL) versus net short (which would imply a correct
price of VS). Thus, for every possible order flow n we
FB ðgÞ ¼ 1FG ðdÞ, ð4Þ summarize the market maker’s belief with the function
which implies that expected firm value if H is net long mðnjaH , aX , aZ ,v, DvÞ, defined as the perceived probability
equals VL as derived above whether the proposal is good given an observed net order flow n that H’s unobserved
or bad. Using a similar argument, it is easy to see that the trading quantity leads to a net short final position. For
expected value if H is net short will always equal VS as example, if both trades that could possibly lead to a net
derived above. order flow of n leave H net long given a starting record-
Note that this implies that the ‘‘value wedge,’’ VL  VS, date position of aH , we must have mðnÞ ¼ 0. In other words,
that H can generate by varying the sign of its final position since only trades by H of n or n þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ could
on the voting date (and therefore its vote) can be lead to a net order flow of n, we have mðnÞ ¼ 0 if both
expressed as aH þ n and aH þ n þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ are positive. Similarly,
we have mðnÞ ¼ 1 if both trades that could possibly lead to
VL VS ¼ DvðFG ðgÞFG ðdÞÞ Z 0, ð5Þ a net order flow of n leave H net short, that is, if both
where the inequality follows from g Z d. aH þ n and aH þn þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ are negative. For all n
We next derive the optimal trading strategy for H such that the two possible trades leave H with net
between the record and voting dates (between times 1 positions of opposite sign, we have mðnÞ 2 ½0,1. In a PBE,
and 2) given its economic position in the stock on the this belief must be determined by the relative probabil-
record date, aH , and its quantity of ‘‘extra’’ votes, aX . H’s ities of the two trades in equilibrium if either receives
continuation payoff at this stage equals the expected positive probability in s, and can be assigned arbitrarily if
value of its existing position plus any expected traded neither is played with positive probability. Note that we
profits. This implies that H will never trade a quantity at henceforth drop the conditioning variables from the
this stage that leads to an expected trading loss. Any such functions defined above for notational simplicity.
strategy is always dominated by not trading, letting its First, consider possible equilibria with zero expected
stake remain at aH (trades at this date do not affect voting trading profits for H. In this case, H’s continuation payoff
power anyway), and voting as outlined above to maximize simply equals the expected value of its existing stake, so it
the value of its stake. Thus, we consider only equilibria will optimally want to maximize the value of that
with non-negative trading profits. position. If aH 40, this is accomplished by ensuring that
We assume H’s trading strategy cannot be conditioned H’s ‘‘future self’’ votes to maximize firm value (i.e., by
on a good versus bad proposal. Since the values VL and VS ensuring that the final position is still net long), while if
are symmetric for good versus bad proposals, this aH o 0 it is accomplished by ensuring a vote to minimize
assumption is without loss of generality.11 firm value (i.e., by ensuring that the final position is still
net short). Thus, H will be indifferent between any trading
It is easy to show that if H could condition on a good versus bad
proposal at this stage, the equilibrium we derive would still exist, but as
part of a family of equilibria where the total probability of H ending up (footnote continued)
net long or short is the same, but the probability conditional on a good the situation—H’s expected payoff to buying to remain net long versus
versus bad proposal can be different. This is because of the symmetry of selling to go net short are the same whether the proposal is good or bad.
296 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

strategies s that have zero expected trading profits as For any given quantity pair used in equilibrium, we let
long as s gives zero probability to trades that change the qaB 2 ½0,1 denote the relative probability with which H’s
sign of H’s net position. strategy s has it selling to end up short, so we have
Next, consider possible equilibria with positive qaB  sðaS Þ=ðsðaS Þ þ sðaB ÞÞ. Since the atomistic holders’
expected trading profits. For any particular trading trades occur with equal and independent probability, this
quantity t to have a positive expected trading profit, the means that for quantity pairs used in equilibrium, the
market maker must sometimes be uncertain after obser- market maker’s belief at naB must be mðnaB Þ ¼ qaB , leading
ving one of the equilibrium n that could follow that trade, to a required price pðnaB Þ ¼ qaB VS þ ð1qaB ÞVL .
i.e., t or taZ ð1max½0, aH Þ, whether H will end up net Given this, H’s expected continuation payoff for buying
long or net short. Otherwise, the price will always be aB shares and voting to maximize firm value is
correct at those n and the expected trading profit will be
aB ðVL ð12 VL þ 12ðqaB VS þ ð1qaB ÞVL ÞÞÞþ aH VL ð7Þ
zero. Thus, for any t to have a positive expected profit in
equilibrium, H’s strategy s must also put positive ¼ 12aB qaB ðVL VS Þ þ aH VL : ð8Þ
probability on another quantity that leads to the same
net order flow some of the time, and that also leads to a The first term in (7) is H’s expected trading profit. The
different sign for H’s final net position. expected price at which H buys shares,
This implies that we must consider only the universe ð12 VL þ 12 ðqaB VS þð1qaB ÞVL ÞÞ, reflects the fact that half of
of strategies s that put positive probability on both the time, no atomistic holders sell and the net order flow
elements of one or more ‘‘quantity pairs’’ defined by the is aB , leading to a price pðaB Þ ¼ VL . This must be the price
fact that the market maker is sometimes unable to since a net order flow of n ¼ aB could only be reached if H
distinguish between cases where atomistic holders sell bought aB or more, which means the market maker must
while H buys and cases where H sells while atomistic believe H’s position on the voting date will be net long,
holders do not trade, and by the fact that the two trades in implying mðaB Þ ¼ 0.12 The rest of the time, H’s trade
the pair lead to different signs for H’s final net position. successfully hides among the noise, and the market maker
For any possible such quantity pair, we define the two sets the price at the ‘‘uninformed’’ expected value,
elements of the pair as one quantity that is bought, aB (i.e., pðnaB Þ ¼ qaB VS þð1qaB ÞVL . The second term in the equa-
a trading quantity of aB ), and one quantity that is sold, aS tion reflects the value of H’s existing stake in the firm
(i.e., a trading quantity of aS ), where we specify that given that H will ultimately vote to maximize firm value.
aB 4 aS . We later show that aB , aS 4 0 is also required for Similarly, H’s expected continuation payoff for selling
a pair to feasibly be part of an equilibrium, so these are and voting to minimize firm value equals
truly a buy and sell trade. ðaS ÞðVS ð12 VS þ 12ðqaB VS þ ð1qaB ÞVL ÞÞÞþ aH VS ð9Þ
For a given quantity pair, Table 1 gives a matrix of
possible net order flows following trades by H and the ¼ 12ðaZ ð1max½0, aH ÞaB Þð1qaB ÞðVL VS Þ þ aH VS , ð10Þ
atomistic holders. Since we have specified aB 4 aS , the
only two of these four order flows that could ever be made where in (10) we use ðaB aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ to replace
equal are aS and aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ. Thus, we have the aS given the constraint in (6). In this case, note that
following constraint on the quantities within any given pair: the price when atomistic holders also sell is
pðaS aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ ¼ VS since that n could be
aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ ¼ aS : ð6Þ reached only by a sale of aS or more and therefore,
mðaS aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ ¼ 1. Eq. (8) must equal (10) in
For each possible quantity pair, the buy and sell trades
order for H to be indifferent and willing to put positive
will result in the same net order flow only if the atomistic
probability on both elements of the pair.
holders sell when H trades aB or do not sell when H trades
Now, note that for the trading profit portion of (7) to be
aS . We denote the associated ‘‘hidden’’ net order flow,
positive, it must be the case that aB 4 0, and similarly for
after which the market maker cannot determine H’s trade,
the trading profit portion of (9) to be positive, it must be
as naB  aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ ¼ aS . Each quantity pair
the case that aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ ¼ aS be negative, i.e.,
can be indexed by any of these three quantities, naB , aB , or
that aS 4 0. As noted above, if expected trading profits for
aS , which then determines the other two according to (6)
any quantity are negative, H will be better off by not
and the definition of naB . In what follows, we generally
trading. Thus, aB , aS 4 0 is another necessary condition for
index them using naB .
a feasible quantity pair.
We next solve for the qaB that makes H indifferent
Table 1
between the two quantities in a given quantity pair. For
Shows possible net order flow combinations depending on the trades of
the strategic trader, H, who either buys aB or sells aS shares, and
any given quantity pair indexed by naB to feasibly be part
atomistic holders of the stock, who either do not trade or sell an
aggregate quantity of aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ.
As noted previously, any net order flow n could result from two
H Buys aB H Sells aS possible trades by H, depending on the actions of the atomistic
shareholders. Thus, when a net order flow of n ¼ aB is observed, the
Atomistics do not aB aS market maker’s beliefs could conceivably place positive weight on two
trade: possible trades by H: aB and aB þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ. The latter trade is not
Atomistics sell aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ aS aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ part of the quantity pair under consideration, but we have so far not
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ: ruled out the use of other trades in s, so we note here that the belief will
be the same even if some probability is ascribed to this quantity.
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 297

of an equilibrium mixed strategy, it must be the case that union of the ranges provided by conditions (a) and (c)
the associated qaB 2 ½0,1 makes H indifferent between the (condition (b) becomes irrelevant since the range pro-
two quantities in the pair. Setting (8) equal to (10) and vided by condition (c) changes faster in aH Fi:e:, the union
solving for qaB yields of the other two ranges is always contained within the
1 aB range given by condition (b)). The union of the two ranges
a a
2 B q ðVL VS Þ þ H VL is defined differently depending on the sign of aH . First,
¼ 12ð Z ð1max½0, H Þ B Þð1qaB ÞðVL VS Þ þ
a a a aH VS , ð11Þ consider aH 4 0. Note that both limits of the range given
by condition (c) are clearly decreasing in aH , so in this
qaB ð12 aB þ 12ðaZ ð1max½0, aH ÞaB Þ case, the lower limit of the true feasible range will be
¼ 12ðaZ ð1max½0, aH ÞaB ÞaH , ð12Þ determined by condition (a) while the upper limit will be
determined by condition (c), i.e., the range of naB for
aB þ 2aH feasible pairs must be
qaB ¼ 1 : ð13Þ
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
naB 2 ½aZ ð1aH Þ,2aH : ð15Þ
We can also express this in terms of the corresponding
hidden net order flow, naB , by replacing aB according to By similar logic, the range of naB for feasible pairs given
the identity aB ¼ naB þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ from above. This aH o 0 must be
yields qaB ¼ 1ðnaB þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ þ 2aH Þ=aZ ð1max
½0, aH Þ, or, simplifying, naB 2 ½2aH aZ ,0: ð16Þ
naB þ 2a H The range in (15) shrinks as aH rises above zero, so an
qaB ¼  : ð14Þ
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ equilibrium with positive trading profits is feasible only
This condition must be satisfied by any equilibrium up to the point where it collapses to a single point. This is
strategy s that uses the pair indexed by naB . when the limits are equal, or aZ ð1aH Þ ¼ 2aH
We now have three conditions that must be met for a ¼)aH ¼ aZ =ð2þ aZ Þ. Similarly, the range in (16) shrinks
given quantity pair to feasibly be part of an equilibrium as aH falls below zero, so an equilibrium with positive
mixed strategy for H: (a) it must be such that aB , aS 4 0 trading profits is feasible only down to the point where
(for both to have any chance of yielding a trading profit); the limits are equal, or 2aH aZ ¼ 0¼)aH ¼ aZ =2. Thus,
(b) it must be such that H ends up net long after buying aB equilibria with positive trading profits are feasible only
shares and net short after selling aS shares (to induce for stakes aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. For all other values of
uncertainty in expected firm value); and (c) it must be aH , the equilibrium must have H maximizing the value of
such that the associated qaB that makes H indifferent is in its existing stake by either not trading, or always trading
the range [0,1] (for H to be indifferent between the two in a way that the sign of its position does not change, so
trades). that its voting incentives are not affected by its trade (see
Condition (a) implies that aB ¼ naB þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ the proof of Lemma 1 in the Appendix for a verification of
40 must hold, which translates to naB 4 aZ the existence of such equilibria). Note that since we have
ð1max½0, aH Þ. It also implies that aS ¼ naB 40 must assumed aX o ð2aZ Þ=2ð2 þ aZ Þ (Assumption 3), the max-
hold. That is, feasible pairs must have naB that fall into the imum voting power H can have in an equilibrium with
range ½aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ,0. positive trading profits is less than ð2aZ Þ=2ð2þ aZ Þ
Turning to condition (b), for H to end up net long after þ aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ ¼ 12.
buying, it must be the case that aH þ aB ¼ aH þ naB For aH within the specified range, an equilibrium with
þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ 40, or, rearranging, naB 4aH aZ positive trading profits is possible. Now we must
ð1max½0, aH Þ. For H to end up net short after selling, it determine which feasible quantity pairs are used by H if
must be the case that aH aS ¼ aH þnaB o 0, i.e., that such an equilibrium exists. First, we find which quantity
naB o aH . Thus, feasible pairs must also have naB that pair, if used in equilibrium, gives the highest expected
fall into the range ½aH aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ,aH . Note that payoff for H. To do this, we must simply maximize either
this range coincides with that from condition (a) when (8) or (10) with respect to aB using the qaB defined in
aH ¼ 0, but then diverges as aH rises or falls. (13)—they will have the same payoff since this qaB was
Finally, consider condition (c). Note from (14) that the qaB chosen to make them equal. Using (13) in (8) yields
required for indifference within pairs is monotonically  
1 aB þ2aH
decreasing in naB . Thus, to find a feasible range for quantity ðVL VS ÞaB 1 þ aH VS : ð17Þ
2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
pairs we can set (14) equal to zero and one and solve for naB .
Setting (14) equal to one yields naB ¼ 2aH aZ Taking the derivative of (17) with respect to aB yields
ð1max½0, aH Þ, while setting it equal to zero yields  
naB ¼ 2aH . Thus, feasible pairs must also have naB that fall 1 aB þ 2aH aB
ðVL VS Þ 1  ð18Þ
into the range ½2aH aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ,2aH . As with 2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
condition (b), this corresponds to the range given by
condition (a) when aH ¼ 0, but diverges as aH rises or falls  
1 2aB þ2aH
(but faster than the condition (b) range diverges). ¼ ðVL VS Þ 1 : ð19Þ
2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
For any pair to be feasible, its naB must fall within all
three ranges. Thus, to find the relevant feasible range of The second-order condition is clearly satisfied, so the
quantity pairs for a given aH , we need consider simply the maximal profit is found by solving the first-order condition
298 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

(19)=0 for the optimal aB as follows: (8) where we set aB ¼ aB and qaB ¼ q , or
2aB þ 2aH q ð12ðaZ ð1max½0, aH ÞaB Þð1q ÞðVL VS Þ þ aH VS Þ
1 ¼ 0, ð20Þ
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ þð1q Þð12aB q ðVL VS Þ þ aH VL Þ ð25Þ

2aH 2aB ¼ 12ðVL VS Þq ð1q ÞaZ ð1max½0, aH Þþ aH ðq VS þ ð1q ÞVL Þ:
1 ¼ , ð21Þ
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ ð26Þ

aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ Using (24) we have

aB ¼ aH : ð22Þ   
2 1 aH 1 aH
q ð1q Þ ¼  þ
The corresponding ‘‘hidden’’ net order flow is then 2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ 2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
n  naB ¼ aB aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ ¼ aH 

2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ2aH aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ þ 2aH
ð23Þ ¼ ð28Þ
2aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ 2aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
The corresponding probability of H selling aS ¼ aZ ð1max
½0, aH ÞaB shares as opposed to buying aB shares, i.e.,
a2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2 4a2H
¼ : ð29Þ
q  qaB ¼ sðaS Þ=ðsðaS Þ þ sðaB ÞÞ, is given by (14) using the

4a2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2
n* from (23), or
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ Substituting this into the first term of (26), we can
aH  þ2aH 1 aH rewrite (26) as

q ¼ 2 ¼  :
aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ 2 aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
ðVL VS Þða2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2 4a2H Þ
ð24Þ þ aH ðq VS þð1q ÞVL Þ:
8aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
Now we have the question of when the pair indexed by
The first term represents H’s expected trading profit,
n* is feasible. First, note that n* is clearly within the
while the second is simply the expected value of its stake
feasible range when aH ¼ 0, and it is decreasing in aH . As
given its mixed strategy. For cases where trading profits
aH increases above zero, n* falls, but not as quickly as the
are zero (aH not in the range given by Lemma 1), the
upper limit of the relevant feasible range in (15). Also,
expected payoff is simply aH VL or aH VS depending on the
as aH increases, n* is clearly always greater than the
sign of aH .
lower limit of (15). The upper limit and n* converge
We now proceed to solve for H’s optimal share and
when 2aH ¼ aH aZ ð1aH Þ=2¼)aH ¼ aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. As aH
vote trading prior to the record date (between times 0
decreases below zero, n* increases, but not as fast as the
and 1). H’s expected profits viewed from this stage of the
lower limit of (16). As aH approaches aZ =2, the lower
game include its expected future trading profits plus the
limit of (16) approaches zero, as does n*. Thus, whenever
expected value of the stake it acquires today, less the price
any quantity pairs with positive trading profits are
it pays for the stake and the cost of any ‘‘excess’’ votes,
feasible, n* is one of them.
cðaX Þ. From above, H’s expected future trading profits are
In the Appendix, we show that since the pair indexed
ðVL VS Þða2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2 4a2H Þ=8aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ if aH 2
by n* is always the most profitable feasible pair, it is the
½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, and zero otherwise. Given our
only pair used by H in equilibrium when positive trading
assumption that the shares H buys at this stage are priced
profits are feasible. We also prove the existence of this
at their true expected value, the price of the stake exactly
equilibrium when aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ =ð2þ aZ Þ, and prove the
offsets its expected value, so H chooses its economic and
existence of the zero trading profit equilibrium otherwise.
voting stakes solely to maximize expected future trading
To do so, we must consider all possible deviations by H
profits less the cost of extra votes. We thus have the
given out of equilibrium prices set by the market maker.
objective function
See the Appendix for the full details, which gives the
following result. ðVL VS Þða2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2 4a2H Þ
max 1aH 2½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ
aH , aX 8aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ
Lemma 1. If aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, then in the unique
perfect Bayesian equilibrium of the post-record-date sub- max½0,ðaX aX ÞK, ð31Þ
game, H plays a mixed strategy in which it sells aS shares
where 1aH 2½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ is an indicator function equaling
with probability q*, resulting in a net short position on the
one if aH is in the specified range, and VL  VS is given by
voting date, and buys aB shares with probability (1 q*),
(5) above.
resulting in a net long position on the voting date. Otherwise,
The basic tension in H’s stake purchase decision can be
H plays a strategy with zero expected trading profits, and its
seen in this expression. For a given value wedge (VL  VS),
final net position on the voting date has the same sign as aH .
trading profits are maximized by choosing a stake of
We can now characterize H’s expected continuation aH ¼ 0. This is reflected in the term ða2Z ð1max½0, aH Þ2
payoff at this stage of the game. For aH 2 ½aZ = 4a2H Þ=8aZ ð1max½0, aH Þ, which decreases as aH rises or
2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, H sells with probability q*, leading to a falls from zero. Intuitively, the larger the stake H holds
total expected payoff of q* times (10) plus (1 q*) times (in absolute value) at the later trading stage, the more it
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 299

will worry at that point about protecting the value of that Proposition 2. Whenever FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ, the presence of the
stake rather than generating trading gains. Furthermore, strategic trader (weakly) increases the ex ante probability of
positive economic ownership by H offsets ownership by a correct decision.
atomistic shareholders, and thus reduces market depth
Thus, despite the fact that H will seek to generate
and the potential for profitable trading. On the other hand,
trading profits by sometimes going net short, voting the
the greater the (positive) stake, the more voting power H
wrong way, and manipulating the firm’s decisions to
has, so the larger is the value wedge it can generate. This
decrease value, its presence overall is actually beneficial
is reflected in the expression given in (5) for VL  VS, in
to the firm from an ex ante perspective whenever other
which g is increasing in aH and d is decreasing in aH over
shareholders’ votes are uncorrelated with the true state.
the range for which positive trading profits are feasible.
(The only times this is not true are in the exceptional
The optimal stake trades off these effects. The optimal
cases discussed above where aH ¼ 0, in which case H’s
amount of extra votes, aX , affects trading profits only
presence does not affect efficiency). This is because the
indirectly, through the increased value wedge. Thus, this
positive economic position H takes in order to increase
positive effect is weighed against the direct cost
voting power and help generate a value wedge causes it to
max½0,ðaX aX ÞK.
vote the right way more often than not. Thus, the more
Analyzing (31) yields the following result.
rare cases where H manipulates negatively can be seen as
the ‘‘price to be paid’’ for greater overall voting efficiency
Proposition 1. The strategic trader’s optimal record-date when H’s information is particularly valuable. Note that if
share and vote position is characterized by a long economic there were no liquidity and thus no possibility of trading
position, 0 r aH o aZ =ð2þ aZ Þ, and an optimal number of gains ðaZ ¼ 0Þ, H would have no incentive to purchase
‘‘extra’’ votes aX ¼ aX . shares or votes, or to try to learn the value of the proposal.
It is the possibility of trading gains introduced by noise
The solution for H’s optimal quantity of extra votes,
trade that induces the information gathering and thereby
aX ¼ aX , is trivial given the votes’ usefulness in generating increases efficiency.
a value wedge together with the assumed cost function.
The key to the unambiguous nature of Proposition 2
The economic stake, aH , is determined by the tradeoff is that the ‘‘noise’’ induced by the random votes is
between voting power and trading gains. Going short at
centered around the threshold when FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ. In
this stage is never optimal since it confers no votes and other words, the expected proportion of yes votes by
has no effect on liquidity, but reduces future trading gains
atomistic stockholders is the same as the acceptance
by biasing H toward value destruction. A long position threshold, 12. When that is not the case, it is possible for
reduces trading gains both by reducing liquidity and by
H’s presence to reduce overall efficiency. Thus, a correct
biasing H toward value creation (the commitment effect). interpretation of Proposition 2 is that finding a negative
Indeed, if the stake gets too large (larger than aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ),
overall efficiency effect will require that atomistic
the desire to protect the value of the stake will completely shareholders’ votes be correlated with the actual value
overcome any incentive to profit by trading (q* goes to
of the proposal. We now proceed to investigate these
zero). Thus, when choosing an ex ante stake purchased at issues in greater depth. In order to do so, we must
its expected value, H will significantly limit the size of the
make further assumptions on the distributions FG ðÞ
stake purchase. However, the stake is generally positive
and FB ðÞ.
since a long position increases H’s voting power and
For the remainder of this section, we assume that the
enhances its ability to generate a value wedge. Note that
underlying probability density functions, fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ, are
without further assumptions on the other shareholders’
linear on [0,1]. Further, we assume that fG ðÞ is (weakly)
vote distributions, we cannot show that there is a unique
positively sloped while fB ðÞ is (weakly) negatively sloped
optimal aH , just that it is weakly positive and within the
by the same magnitude (to maintain the distributions’
specified range. Also, the only instances where H does not
mirror image quality). Thus, we have fG ðyÞ ¼ 1 þ aðy 12Þ,
buy a strictly positive stake are when aX is sufficiently
where a 2 ½0,2 is the slope parameter, and fB ðyÞ ¼
large and/or the distribution of Y is sufficiently concen-
1aðy 12Þ. When a= 0 the distributions are uniform, and
trated that the extra votes are essentially worthless.
as a increases the probability of acceptance increases for a
Now that we have the solution to H’s share and vote
good proposal and decreases for a bad proposal. Using
purchase strategy, it remains to determine how H’s
these properties, we derive the following comparative
actions will affect efficiency. We measure efficiency by
statics for the optimal stake size.
the probability with which the correct value-maximizing
decision is made. H votes to minimize firm value with Proposition 3. Assume fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear on [0,1].
probability q*, so the ex ante probability of the correct Then there is a unique optimal stake size aH 4 0. The optimal
decision is stake size is increasing in aZ , decreasing in aX , and unaffected
by Dv and a.
q ð1FG ðgÞÞ þ ð1q Þð1FG ðdÞÞ: ð32Þ
The greater the market depth ðaZ Þ, the greater is the
Here, we again use the mirror image property of FG ðÞ and potential for trading profits, and the more equity H will
FB ðÞ to express the probability in terms of FG ðÞ alone purchase, in general, in order to take advantage. On the
regardless of the true state. Analyzing (32) yields the other hand, as votes become easier to purchase directly,
following result. i.e., aX increases, control can be achieved by other means,
300 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

so a smaller economic stake is taken to reduce the provides the equilibrium result that efficiency will not rise
commitment effect and increase future trading gains. as quickly with a when H is present versus when there is
The importance of the proposal, Dv, does not affect H’s no strategic trader.
stake purchase decision. The magnitude of Dv will Putting Propositions 4 and 5 together with Corollary 1
certainly affect the magnitude of trading profits H is leads to the following conclusion.
able to generate, but it does not affect the tradeoff
between trading profits and the ability to generate a value Corollary 2. Assume fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear on [0,1]. Then
wedge, which determines the optimal stake size. Finally, H’s presence is more likely to decrease efficiency the larger is
the fact that changes in a, which measures the correlation a, and a negative efficiency effect requires a sufficiently large
between other shareholders’ votes and the true state, do aX .
not affect aH 40 is a function of the linear distributional
Not surprisingly, H is more likely to reduce efficiency
as other shareholders are more likely to arrive at the
Next we consider how efficiency is affected. First, we
correct decision on their own. Furthermore, as noted
derive results on how the probability of a correct decision
above, a negative efficiency effect requires that a
depends on H’s economic and voting positions. We derive
significant empty voting stake be created on the
the first result without taking into account the equilibrium
record date.
choices of aH and aX (though we do assume that H does
Finally, we relax the conditions that ensure H never
not have full voting control, i.e., aH þ aX o 12, as is always
optimally takes full control of the vote by looking at the
true in equilibrium).
extreme case where separating votes from ownership at
Proposition 4. Assume fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear on [0,1]. the record date is effectively unlimited ðaX Z 12Þ. The
Then the probability of a correct decision is increasing in aH . equilibrium is as follows.
When a 40, the probability of a correct decision is increasing
in aX for sufficiently large aH , and decreasing in aX for Proposition 6. Assume aX Z 12 and fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear
sufficiently small aH . on [0,1]. Then H will not trade in the stock prior to the record
date (i.e., aH ¼ 0), but will accumulate sufficient votes to
An increase in aH increases both H’s voting power and determine the election outcome (i.e., aX Z 12). The probability
the probability that H will vote to maximize firm value, of H selling short and voting to minimize firm value will be 12
tending to reinforce a positive efficiency effect. On the in equilibrium, and H’s presence will not affect ex ante
other hand, an increase in aX increases only H’s voting efficiency if FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ, but will decrease efficiency if
power, so its effect on overall efficiency depends on H’s FG ðÞaFB ðÞ.
propensity for voting the right way, measured by the
extent of its long position aH . These findings lead directly This result reflects the fact that H’s trading gains are
to the following important result. maximized when its stake is zero. Since buying enough
votes to swing the election maximizes the value wedge,
Corollary 1. Assume fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear on [0,1]. Then if VL VS, there is no longer any reason for H to take a
aX is sufficiently low, H’s presence always (weakly) increases position in the stock on the record date. It maximizes its
efficiency. trading profits by buying/selling with equal probability. It
is interesting to note that this is an extreme version of the
When H’s voting power is closely tied to its economic
model in which H’s ability to manipulate firm value is
stake on the record date, we see that allowing H to ‘‘play
maximized, yet the overall effect is neutral for firm value
games’’ by sometimes selling to a net short position and
in the absence of correlated voting by others.
voting to destroy value always increases efficiency. In
other words, allowing for empty voting stakes generated
between the record and voting dates always improves 4. Numerical examples
efficiency as long as the record-date stakes are close
enough to being equal, implying that the commitment We now provide some numerical examples to illus-
effect is large. Similar to Proposition 2, the negative trate the above results. Continuing with the assumption of
outcomes are the price to be paid for inducing H to linear probability density functions, we consider the cases
participate and contribute its information to the voting a = 0 (uniform), a =1 (the probability of a correct decision
process. in the absence of H is 58), and a =2 (the probability of a
Next we consider how efficiency is affected as other correct decision in the absence of H is 34). We also set
shareholders’ votes become more correlated with the true aZ ¼ 0:2.
state. We first consider how H’s optimal record-date eco-
nomic ownership, aH , varies as votes become easier to
Proposition 5. Assume fG ðÞ and fB ðÞ are linear on [0,1].
acquire in the lending market, i.e., as aX increases. Fig. 2
Then the probability of a correct decision is increasing in a,
graphs this relationship. As noted in Proposition 3, aH does
but the rate of increase decreases in both aH and aX .
not depend on a so this graph has a single line.
As expected, as others’ votes become more ‘‘informed,’’ As indicated in Proposition 3, the extent of H’s long
efficiency improves. However, this is attenuated when H position on the record date is clearly decreasing in the
controls more votes. As shown in Proposition 3, changes number of extra votes it can buy in the share lending
in a do not affect aH in equilibrium, so Proposition 5 market. In this case, it falls from a maximum of about 25%
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 301

way more often than not) outweighs the negative effect of

a greater probability of going short.
With the correlated distributions (a =1, 2), H’s presence
still improves efficiency when aX is sufficiently low, as
shown in Corollary 1. However, as indicated by Proposi-
tion 4, the extra votes at some point start to reduce
efficiency as aH is reduced and H’s increased voting power
together with the reduced commitment effect works
against the other shareholders, who are now fairly likely
to arrive at the correct decision on their own. Ultimately,
H’s presence reduces efficiency overall when aX is
sufficiently large, as indicated by Corollary 2.

5. Implications and conclusion

Fig. 2. Shows the strategic trader’s optimal record-date holding, aH , as a Our model is stylized, but it nevertheless provides a
function of the quantity of votes available in the lending market, a X .
number of useful empirical implications. Most obviously,
it implies that empty voting behavior should result in
both positive and negative outcomes from an efficiency
perspective. Thus, the negative anecdotes described by Hu
and Black (2006, 2007) should be only one side of the
story. However, it is likely that direct, large-scale evidence
of favorable (or unfavorable) empty voting behavior
would be difficult or impossible to gather.
Our model can also guide less direct empirical
investigations. For instance, with slight adjustments to
the model, we could predict which types of firms and
proposals are more likely to be targeted by strategic
empty voters. In particular, if we add an information cost
that the strategic trader must pay after the record date to
become informed about the value of the proposal, the
model would predict that such traders are likely to target
Fig. 3. Shows the incremental probability of a correct decision as a result firms where the strategy is most profitable. This would
of the strategic trader’s presence as a function of the quantity of votes tend to be firms with:
available in the lending market, a X , for varying levels of correlation
between atomistic holders’ votes and the correct decision, indexed by a
(larger a implies a greater positive correlation). (a) high liquidity (high aZ ), which could be measured by
trading volume or a statistic summarizing the disper-
sion of share ownership;
of aZ to about 8% of aZ as aX approaches its maxi- (b) potentially important pending proposals (high Dv),
mum value. which could be measured either directly by looking at
Next we consider how the ease of purchasing extra types of proposals, or indirectly using a proxy for the
votes affects efficiency. Fig. 3 graphs the relationship quality of corporate governance;
between the number of extra votes available, aX , and the (c) greater availability of ‘‘extra’’ votes (high aX ), which
difference in the probability of a correct decision caused could be measured by volume and specialness in the
by H’s presence. In particular, the graph plots the lending market, dispersion of ownership, or the avail-
probability when H plays its optimal strategy minus ability of derivatives to hedge economic exposure; and
the probability when H is not present in the model. Here, (d) voting outcomes that are uncertain (i.e., the vote is fairly
the results depend critically on the correlation between likely to go either way) but where relatively few votes are
others’ votes and the true state. needed to swing the result (which would correspond to a
When atomistic holders’ votes are uniformly distributed tighter distribution of non-strategic votes).
(a=0), making more votes available to H always improves
efficiency as long as aX o 12. This occurs despite the fact This last point could again be related to the quality of
that extra votes result in a smaller economic stake (as in corporate governance (outcomes are likely to be less
Proposition 3 and Fig. 2), and therefore a smaller commit- certain when bad proposals are more likely). Another
ment effect and a greater probability that H will go net example could be a vote with a supermajority rule where
short and vote to minimize firm value. The offsetting force a high percentage is needed for approval of the proposal.
is the greater voting power H has in equilibrium despite his The distribution of share ownership between institutions
reduced economic stake; i.e., the direct increase in voting and individuals could also be important if different types
power via aX is greater in equilibrium than the decrease in of shareholders have different information or voting
aH . This direct positive effect (with H still voting the right incentives.
302 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

Our model would therefore predict that more empty While our model provides a coherent framework for
voting activity should occur in these types of settings. addressing the efficiency consequences of empty voting,
Direct evidence could be sought by looking at share there are a number of issues that remain unexplored. First
lending volumes around record dates and/or share trading of all, it would be interesting to allow for some correlation
by certain types of investors (such as hedge funds) between managers’ project selection and their ability. As
before and after record dates. The comparative statics in noted in the Introduction, if project choices are correlated
Proposition 3 could also be tested in this context. with managerial ability or agency problems, empty voting
Furthermore, the model provides predictions about could have additional efficiency implications. Further-
when the actual decisions are likely to be more efficient more, it would be interesting to study how the results
when empty voting occurs. Thus, an indirect test of the would change if there were multiple strategic traders who
model could focus on ex post measures of how voting compete to generate trading gains. It would also be
outcomes affect firm value. interesting to study the interaction between a strategic
As noted in the Introduction, our results may also trader with no initial interest in the stock (such as in our
provide some guidance on the efficacy of proposed model) and an existing large shareholder who could also
regulatory reforms designed to curb or eliminate the act to influence the vote outcome. Finally, we would like
negative effects of empty voting. For example, Hu and to more closely investigate specific mechanisms by which
Black (2006, 2007) advocate additional disclosure require- shares and votes can be separated, such as the share
ments as a reasonable starting point. In the framework of lending market. For example, if the uninformed share-
our model, disclosure of an empty voting position on the holders were not all atomistic, how would they analyze
record date would have no effect, because we already the decision of whether to lend their shares on the record
assume that the market maker observes the strategic date? How would this affect pricing in the lending
trader’s actions at that stage. The effect of a rule requiring market? Our framework should provide a platform for
disclosure of a change in economic position relative to exploring these issues in the future.
voting rights between the record and voting dates
depends on how the rule is implemented. If the rule Appendix
made it more difficult for the trader to hide its trades from
the market maker, this would have the effect of reducing
Proof of Lemma 1. First, we show that if n* is feasible
or eliminating any trading profits the strategic trader
and aB and aS receive positive probability in H’s mixed
could otherwise generate. Thus, the rule could reduce
strategy s, then no other quantities can receive positive
efficiency if it causes the trader not to accumulate votes in
probability. From the text, any feasible quantity pair that
the first place (which is likely if there is a cost to gathering
receives positive probability in equilibrium must have
information about the quality of the proposal) in cases
pðnaB Þ ¼ qaB VS þð1qaB ÞVL at its associated hidden order
where the trader’s presence improves efficiency. As noted
flow, where qaB is determined by (14), while pðaB Þ ¼ VL
previously, such cases are likely when either separating
and PðaS aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ ¼ VS . But at these prices, it
shares from votes is not very expensive or other share-
has been shown that trading profits are superior for the
holders’ votes are not too highly correlated with the
quantities in the n* pair, so H cannot be indifferent
correct decision. Otherwise, such a rule is likely to
between the quantities in that pair and any quantities in
improve efficiency.
any other feasible pair. Furthermore, no quantity with
Extending the model to allow for initial holdings by the
zero or lower expected trading profits can receive mixing
strategic trader would lead to some additional implica-
weight in an equilibrium where the n* pair is used. Any
tions (as noted in the Introduction). In particular, if the
such quantity will be dominated by one of the n*
strategic trader were an existing blockholder with a long
quantities (either aB or aS will have the same value for
position, it would have an increased incentive to protect
the existing stake as the no trading profit quantity, but
the value of its initial stake, meaning that its record-date
will also have positive expected trading profits).
stake would be increasing in the size of its initial position.
Thus, the commitment effect would be intensified and the Next, we show there cannot be an equilibrium with
trader’s actions would be more likely to increase effi- positive trading profits when aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ that
ciency. Indeed, if initial ownership were large enough, the places zero weight on the quantities in n*. First, note that
trader may actually find it optimal to forgo trading gains, even if the order flow is not reached in equilibrium,
instead buying enough shares and/or votes to ensure that pðaB Þ ¼ VL must still hold since the market maker cannot
the vote outcome always maximizes firm value.13 On the believe H is short with any probability, and similarly
other hand, if the trader arrived with an initial short pðaS aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ ¼ VS . Clearly, then, if the off-
position, its record-date position would be reduced equilibrium price p(n*) were expected to be q*VS +(1 q*)VL,
(potentially to a net short position) due to the existing
then the n* quantities would always offer higher expected
incentive to decrease firm value, and the trader’s presence
profits than the quantities in any other feasible pair used in
would be more likely to decrease efficiency overall.
the proposed equilibrium. Next, note that if p(n*) is expected
to be higher than q*VS +(1 q*)VL, a trade of aS will look
even more profitable, while if p(n*) is expected to be lower
A full analysis of the case of arrival with a long position is than that, a trade of aB will look even more profitable. Thus,
available from the authors upon request. no p(n*) exists that can prevent a deviation to one of the n*
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 303

quantities from the quantities in any feasible pair in any Next we rule out deviations to any quantity not in a
proposed equilibrium. feasible quantity pair. First, assume aH o0. The analysis in
Finally, to prove that the equilibrium given in Lemma 1 the text shows that the upper end of the feasible range has
is unique if it exists, we must show that a no trading naB ¼ 0, and that for all pairs with higher naB , aS must be
profits equilibrium cannot exist when aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ negative, i.e., no sale trade can lead to a higher net order
=ð2þ aZ Þ. As noted in the text, any no trading profits flow. Finally, note that at the price specified above for
equilibrium must leave the sign of H’s stake unchanged these order flows, p(n)= VL, H cannot expect a trading
after all trades with positive probability in s. First, assume profit, so such deviations have an expected payoff of aH VS
aH 4 0. Now note p(n*) =VL is the only possible off- or aH VL or less, all of which are dominated by the
equilibrium price that could prevent a deviation to aB expected payoff to one of the quantities in the pair
from any other trade that maintains a long position indexed by n* given their positive expected trading
(otherwise both trades would have a stake value of aH VL , profits. The lower end of the feasible range with aH o 0
and aB would additionally have positive expected trading has naB ¼ 2aH aZ , at which point we have qaB ¼ 1 and
profits). Next, note that at this price, deviating to aS the price equals VS, since at this point H has no more
yields expected trading profits of ðaS ÞðVS ð12 VS þ 12 VL ÞÞ incentive to buy the corresponding quantity in the pair,
¼ 12 ðaZ ð1aH Þ=2 þ aH ÞðVL VS Þ while the cost of decreasing only to sell at the equilibrium prices. Now, consider
the value of the existing stake is aH ðVL VS Þ. The former quantity pairs with hidden net order flows in the range
exceeds the latter for all aH o aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, so the deviation ½aZ ,2aH aZ , where qaB 2 ½0,1 does not hold (condition
is profitable. Similarly, if aH o 0, a price p(n*)= VS is (c) fails) but aB , aS 4 0 still holds (condition (a) is satisfied).
required to prevent deviation to aS from any other As specified above, we keep the price at those order flows
trade that maintains a short position, but this price makes at VS. To get to those lower order flows, H must either sell
deviating to aB profitable. more or buy less than the quantities in the pair with
Next we prove the existence of the equilibria given in naB ¼ 2aH aZ , but at the same expected price. This
the result by characterizing the prices set by the market leaves the expected sell profit the same (since VS is the
maker on and off the equilibrium path and checking for correct price from H’s perspective) while decreasing the
deviations. expected buy profit. Thus, since the quantities in the pair
First, consider the case with feasible positive trading indexed by naB ¼ 2aH aZ do not have higher expected
profits, aH 2 ½aZ =2, aZ =ð2þ aZ Þ. From the text, the equili- profit than the quantities indexed by n* (from above),
brium has prices p(n*)= q*VS + (1 q*)VL, pðaB Þ ¼ VL , and those indexed by these lower naB also cannot. Finally, for
pðaS aZ ð1max½0, aH ÞÞ ¼ VS . These give the market quantity pairs with naB oaZ , the discussion in the text
maker zero expected profit in equilibrium by construc- shows that only sell orders can result in those order flows,
tion, which is the market maker’s objective function, so so a price of VS as specified prevents trading profits.
deviations by the market maker along the equilibrium Now, assume aH 40. The analysis in the text shows that
path are not a concern. Since the PBE concept puts no the lower end of the feasible range has naB ¼ aZ ð1aH Þ, at
constraints on off-equilibrium path beliefs, we also do not which point aB ¼ 0. Thus, any trade that leads to a lower
have to worry about deviations by the market maker at naB must be a sell trade, and H cannot profit given the
those nodes as long as the prices we specify are consistent price of VS (as specified above). The upper end of the
with the beliefs we specify. feasible range has naB ¼ 2aH , at which point we have
We now rule out deviations by H to different trading qaB ¼ 0 and the price is VL, since at this point H has no
quantities. In order to test for such deviations, we must incentive to sell the corresponding quantity in the pair,
specify the market maker’s beliefs and thus prices that only to buy at the equilibrium prices. Now, consider
will be set at out-of-equilibrium net order flows. For all quantity pairs with naB 2 ½2aH ,0, where qaB 2 ½0,1 does
feasible ‘‘hidden’’ order flows naB as defined in the text, we not hold but aB , aS 4 0 still holds. As specified above, we
assume mðnaB Þ ¼ qaB where qaB is as in (14). Thus, keep the price at those order flows at VL. To get to these
pðnaB Þ ¼ qaB VS þ ð1qaB ÞVL . For all order flows n above the higher order flows, H must either buy more or sell less
range given by (15) if aH 4 0 or (16) if aH o0, we assume than the quantities in the pair indexed by naB ¼ 2aH , but
mðnÞ ¼ 0, so that p(n)= VL, and for all those below the at the same expected price. This leaves the expected buy
relevant range, we assume mðnÞ ¼ 1 and thus, p(n)= VS. This profit the same (since VL is the correct price from H’s
implies that for any feasible quantity pair, the price will perspective) while decreasing the expected sell profit.
be VL if H buys aB and atomistic holders do not trade, Thus, since the quantities in the pair indexed by
while the price will be VS if H sells aS and atomistic naB ¼ 2aH do not have higher expected profit than the
holders also sell. Thus, the analysis in the text showing quantities indexed by n* (from above), those indexed by
that the quantities in the pair indexed by n* have superior these higher n also cannot. Finally, for quantity pairs with
profits implies that H will not deviate to any quantity in naB 4 0, the discussion in the text shows that only buy
such an alternative feasible quantity pair. orders can result in those order flows, so a price of VL as
304 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

specified prevents any trading gains. This suffices to prove aH 4 aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ (note that aZ ð1aH Þ ¼ 2aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ when
the existence of the positive trading profit equilibrium aH ¼ aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, and is decreasing in aH ). Thus, as above, H
described in the result. is better off trading any quantity with zero expected trading
Now, consider the no trading profit cases aH o aZ =2 profits that keeps the sign of its stake constant. The pricing
and aH 4 aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ, where H’s equilibrium strategy s scheme outlined above is therefore optimal for the market
places weight only on quantities that do not change the maker (again, there is no uncertainty about how H will vote
sign of H’s position (and where all such s are equally valid in equilibrium, and all trades t that do not change the sign of
equilibrium strategies). Take the case aH oaZ =2 first. We H’s position and can therefore have positive weight in s lead
specify beliefs (both on and off the equilibrium path) as to a price of VL, which is correct). &
follows: for n 4 0, mðnÞ ¼ 0 so p(n)= VL, and for n r0,
mðnÞ ¼ 1 so p(n) =VS. For n= 0 to occur with any probability, Proof of Proposition 1. Taking the derivative of VL  VS
H either must buy aZ shares or not trade. Thus, to reach with respect to aX using (5) yields
any higher order flow, it must always buy, and a price of     
@g @d
VL prevents any trading profits. To reach any lower order Dv fG ðgÞ fG ðdÞ : ð33Þ
@aX @aX
flow, it must either sell some quantity, in which case the
price of VS eliminates trading profits, or buy some Note that
quantity. A buy at a price of VS has positive expected
@g ð1Þ 12 1
profit if the buy quantity exceeds aH , so that H’s final ¼ ¼ ð34Þ
@aX ð1max½0, aH aX Þ2 2ð1max½0, aH aX Þ2
stake is positive and expected firm value is VL. The largest
possible expected trading profit occurs at the largest and
possible buy that sometimes leads to an order flow  
weakly less than zero, i.e., a buy of aZ . The expected @d ð1Þð1max½0, aH aX Þð1Þ 12 max½0, aH aX
trading profit to that trade is 12 aZ ðVL VS ÞFhalf of the time @aX ð1max½0, aH aX Þ 2

atomistic holders will not trade and the trade will be 1

¼ ð35Þ
priced at VL. However, since a buy with positive trading 2ð1max½0, aH aX Þ2
profits changes the sign of H’s final position, H takes an
when aH o 12 aX , which is always true over the range of
expected loss on its existing stake of aH ðVS VL Þ, which
feasible positive trading profits. Using these in (33), (33)
loss is larger than the above trading gain since becomes
aH o aZ =2. Thus, H is better off trading any quantity !
with zero expected trading profits that keeps the sign of 1
Dv ðfG ð gÞ þ fG ð dÞÞ 4 0: ð36Þ
its stake constant. The pricing scheme outlined above is 2ð1max½0, aH aX Þ2
therefore optimal for the market maker (there is no The result for aX is then immediate conditional on
uncertainty about how H will vote in equilibrium, and all aX o1aH , which is shown to hold in equilibrium below.
trades t that do not change the sign of H’s position and can Next, note that when aH o 0,
therefore have positive weight in s lead to a price of VS, ! !!
1 1
2 aX
which is correct). VL VS ¼ Dv FG FG 2 ð37Þ
1aX 1aX
Finally, take the case aH 4 aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. We specify mðnÞ ¼ 0
so p(n)=VL for all n ZaZ ð1aH Þ, and mðnÞ ¼ 1 so p(n)= VS does not vary with aH . Given this, it is obvious that (31) is
for all lower order flows. For n ¼ aZ ð1aH Þ to occur with increasing in aH for all aH o0, so aH Z 0 follows.
any probability, H must either not trade or sell aZ ð1aH Þ Now, consider aH Z 0. Given that the second term in the
shares. Thus, to reach any lower order flow, it must always objective function (31) equals zero in equilibrium (since
sell, and a price of VS prevents any trading profits. To reach aX ¼ aX ), the entire objective function equals zero for
any higher order flow, it must either buy some quantity, in aH 4 aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. However, it is positive at aH ¼ 0 (it equals
which case the price of VL eliminates trading profits, or sell ðVL VS ÞaZ =8), which proves aH o aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. Taking the
some quantity. A sell at a price of VL has positive expected first derivative of (31) with respect to aH assuming aH 2
profit if the sale quantity exceeds aH , so that H ends up ½0, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ and aX ¼ aX yields (noting that
short and the expected firm value is VS. The most profitable VL VS ¼ DvðFG ðgÞFG ðdÞÞ and that @g=@aH ¼ @g=@aX and
possible such sale occurs at the largest sale quantity that can @d=@aH ¼ @d=@aX , which were calculated above for the
lead to an order flow weakly above aZ ð1aH Þ, i.e., a sale of assumed range of aH Þ:
aZ ð1aH Þ. The expected trading profit to such a sale is !  
a2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H @g @d
1 Dv fG ðgÞ fG ðdÞ þ DvðFG ðgÞFG ðdÞÞ
2 aZ ð1aH ÞðVL VS ÞFhalf of the time atomistic holders will 8aZ ð1aH Þ @aH @aH
also sell and the price will be VS. However, since a sell with !
positive trading profits changes the sign of H’s position, H ða2Z 2ð1aH Þ8aH Þ8aZ ð1aH Þð8aZ Þða2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Þ
takes an expected loss on its existing stake of aH ðVL VS Þ, 64a2Z ð1aH Þ2
which loss is larger than the above trading gain since ð38Þ
A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307 305

! !
DvðfG ðdÞ þfG ðgÞÞ a2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H aZ 1aX ð1aX Þ
¼ þ DvðFG ðgÞ ¼ Dv 40: ð45Þ
2ð1aH aX Þ2 8aZ ð1aH Þ 8 ð1aX Þ2
aH ðaH 2Þ aZ To prove there is a unique maximum, it suffices to show
FG ðdÞÞ  : ð39Þ
2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8 that (31) is concave in the relevant range,
Finally, we show that this is positive when aH ¼ aX ¼ 0, aH 2 ½0, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ. Taking the derivative of (43) with
implying that aH will be positive at least for sufficiently respect to aH yields
! ! !
small aX . First, note that g ¼ d ¼ 12 when aH ¼ aX ¼ 0, so a2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H 2 Dv aH ðaH 2Þ aZ
Dv þ 
FG ðgÞFG ðdÞ ¼ 0 and (39) reduces to 8aZ ð1aH Þ ð1aH aX Þ 3
ð1aH aX Þ 2
2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8
  ! !  
aZ 1 aH ðaH 2Þ aZ ð1aH aX Þ þ ðaH þ aX Þ aH þ aX
Dvf G 4 0: & ð40Þ þ Dv  þ Dv
1aH aX
8 2 2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8 ð1aH aX Þ2
ð2aH 2Þ2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 4aZ ðaH 1ÞaH ðaH 2Þ
2ð 4
Proof of Proposition 2. If FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ, then, as noted in 4a a Z H 1Þ

the text, FG ðÞ must be symmetric around 12. This implies

4aH ðð1aX Þð6aH 3ð1aX ÞÞa2H ð3aX ÞÞ þ aX ða2Z ð1aH Þ3 4ðaX 1Þ2 Þ
both that the probability of approval without H is 12 and ¼ Dv o 0:
4ðaH 1Þ3 ðaH þ aX 1Þ3 aZ
that FG ðdÞ ¼ 1FG ðgÞ. Thus, if aH ¼ 0, from (24) the optimal
mixing probability is q ¼ 12, and the probability of a
correct decision becomes 12 FG ðdÞ þ 12 ð1FG ðdÞÞ ¼ 12, so H The sign is derived as follows. The denominator is clearly
does not affect efficiency regardless of aX . Thus, it suffices positive given aH þ aX o 12. The term 6aH 3ð1aX Þ is
to show that (32) is increasing in aH for aH 2 maximized when aH and aX are large, and with aX ¼ 12 it
½0, aZ =ð2 þ aZ Þ and any feasible aX . Taking the derivative is negative for all aH 2 ½0, 15, which is the maximum
of (32) with respect to aH yields
allowable range. The other terms in the numerator are
    clearly negative.
@q @g @d
ð1FG ðgÞÞ þ q fG ðgÞ þ ð1q Þ fG ðdÞ
@aH @aH @aH Next, note that VL  VS is independent of a (see the
  expression derived above), so aH will also be independent
þð1FG ðdÞÞ  : ð41Þ of a. This proves the last comparative static result.
For the first two comparative static results, it suffices to
Now, note that @q =@aH ¼ ðaZ ð1aH ÞðaZ ÞaH Þ=a2Z
sign the appropriate cross-partial derivative. Taking the
ð1aH Þ2 ¼ 1=aZ ð1aH Þ2 . Also noting that fG ðgÞ ¼ fG ðdÞ
derivative of (43) with respect to aZ yields the cross-
when FG ðÞ is symmetric around 12 and using the expres-
sions derived in the proof of Proposition 1 above for partial
@d=@aH and @g=@aH , (41) simplifies easily to Dv 2aZ ð1aH Þ2 8aZ ð1aH Þ8ð1aH Þða2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Þ
FG ðgÞFG ðdÞ fG ðgÞð12q Þ ð1aH aX Þ2 64a2Z ð1aH Þ2
þ 2
40, ð42Þ !
aZ ðaH 1Þ 2ð1aH aX Þ  
aH þ aX 2ðaH 1Þ2 aH ðaH 2Þ 1
þ Dv  ð48Þ
where the inequality follows from q o 12. & 1aH aX 4a2Z ðaH 1Þ4 8

" !
Proof of Proposition 3. First, note that given fG ðyÞ ¼ 1 Dv 4a2H
Ry ¼ 1aH þ
1 þaðy 12Þ, we have FG ðyÞ ¼ 0 ð1 þ aðw 12ÞÞ dw ¼ ðð2a 8 ð1aH aX Þ2 a2Z ð1aH Þ
ð1yÞÞ=2Þy. Thus, FG ðgÞFG ðdÞ ¼ FG ðgÞFG ð1gÞ ¼ ðð2a aH þ aX 4aH ð2aH Þ
ð1gÞÞ=2Þgðð2að1ð1gÞÞÞ=2Þð1gÞ ¼ 2g1. Using the þ Dv 1 þ 2 4 0: ð49Þ
1aH aX aZ ð1aH Þ2
definition of g and noting from the text that aH þ aX o 12
in equilibrium, this implies VL VS ¼ Dvð2g1Þ The inequality is derived as follows. First, note that
¼ DvðaH þ aX Þ=ð1aH aX Þ. Also note that since d ¼ 1g, Dv=ð1aH aX Þ2 Z4DvððaH þ aX Þ=ð1aH aX ÞÞ given aH þ
we have fG ðgÞ þ fG ðdÞ ¼ 1 þ aðg 12Þ þ1 þ aðð1gÞ 12Þ ¼ 2. aX o 12. The result then follows from the fact that
With these, (39) becomes
ð1 þ 4aH ð2aH Þ=a2Z ð1aH Þ2 Þ Z1 clearly always holds,
while ð1aH þ 4a2H =a2Z ð1aH ÞÞ Z 45 must hold given that
Dv a2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H
8aZ ð1aH Þ aH o 15 in equilibrium according to Proposition 1 given our
ð1aH aX Þ2
! assumption that aZ o 12 (Assumption 1).
aH þ aX aH ðaH 2Þ aZ Next, taking the derivative of (43) with respect to aX
þ Dv  : ð43Þ
1aH aX 2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8 yields the cross-partial
! !
a2 ð1aH Þ2 4a2H 2
Dv Z
Now, to prove aH 40, we evaluate this setting aH ¼ 0. 8aZ ð1aH Þ ð1aH aX Þ3
This gives ! !
aH ðaH 2Þ aZ ð1aH aX Þ þ ðaH þ aX Þ
  þ Dv 
Dv aZ aX  aZ 2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8 ð1aH aX Þ2
þ D v  ð44Þ
ð1aX Þ2 8 1aX 8 ð50Þ
306 A. Brav, R.D. Mathews / Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2011) 289–307

" !
Dv 2 a2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Taking the derivative with respect to a yields
ð1aH aX Þ 2 ð1aH aX Þ 8aZ ð1aH Þ gð1gÞ dð1dÞ
!# q þ ð1q Þ : ð57Þ
aH ðaH 2Þ aZ 2 2
þ  o 0: ð51Þ
2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8 Note that gð1gÞ=2 ¼ dð1dÞ=2 since d ¼ 1g, so, noting
that we always have aH þ aX o 12 in equilibrium, (57) equals
The inequality is derived as follows. Consider the terms in ! !
1 1
the square brackets. The last term is clearly negative, 2 2 aH aX
while the first is positive. Now, note that in the first-order gð1gÞ 1aH aX 1aH aX 12ðaH þ aX Þ
¼ ¼ 4 0:
condition [(43) =0], ðaH ðaH 2Þ=2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 aZ =8Þ multi- 2 2 8ð1aH aX Þ2
plies DvððaH þ aX Þ=ð1aH aX ÞÞ, while ðða2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Þ ð58Þ
=8aZ ð1aH ÞÞ multiplies Dv=ð1aH aX Þ2 . As above, we
Finally, taking the derivative of this with respect to aH or
have Dv=ð1aH aX Þ2 Z 4DvððaH þ aX Þ=ð1aH aX ÞÞ, so,
aX yields
from the first order condition we must have ðaH ðaH 
2Þ=2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 aZ =8Þ Z 4ðða2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Þ=8aZ ð1aH ÞÞ 2ð8ð1aH aX Þ2 Þ16ð1aH aX Þð1Þð12aH 2aX Þ
in equilibrium. This proves the result since 64ð1aH aX Þ4
2=ð1aH aX Þ r 4. aH þ aX
¼ o0: & ð59Þ
For the third comparative static result, note that when 4ð1aH aX Þ3
setting (39) equal to zero and solving for aH , Dv will drop
out of the solution. &
Proof of Proposition 6. With aX Z 12, votes are free up to
Proof of Proposition 4. The derivative of (32) with the point where H takes complete control of the vote. It is
respect to aH is given by (41) above. Evaluating easy to see that the value wedge H can create, VL  VS, is
this with linear density functions (and noting from above maximized when H can single-handedly determine the
that @q =@aH ¼ 1=aZ ð1aH Þ2 , FG ðgÞFG ðdÞ ¼ ðaH þ aX Þ= outcome. Furthermore, its maximized value equals Dv.
ð1aH aX Þ, @g=@aH ¼ 1=2ð1aH aX Þ2 , and @d=@aH ¼ 1=2 Thus, H will acquire at least 12 of the votes, and the value
ð1aH aX Þ2 Þ yields wedge will no longer depend on aH . H’s maximization
!  problem with respect to aH is therefore given by (note
1 aH þ aX 1 that there is still no incentive to go short, as the analysis
aZ ð1aH Þ2 1aH aX 2ð1aH aX Þ2 in the proof of Proposition 1 above is valid here):
1 1
ð1q Þ 1 þ a d q 1 þ a g ð52Þ ðDvÞða2Z ð1aH Þ2 4a2H Þ
2 2 max : ð60Þ
aH 8aZ ð1aH Þ
aH þ aX aðaH þ aX Þ Taking the derivative of this with respect to aH , using
aZ ð1aH Þ2 ð1aH aX Þ 4ð1aH aX Þ3 results derived above, yields
4aH !
þ 40: ð53Þ aH ðaH 2Þ aZ
4aZ ð1aH Þð1aH aX Þ2 Dv  o 0: ð61Þ
2aZ ðaH 1Þ2 8
The inequality is derived as follows. The last term is
clearly positive. The second term is negative and its Finally, with respect to the efficiency results, note that the
absolute value increases in a. Setting a= 2, the sum of probability of approval is 12 with or without H’s presence
the two terms is positive if aZ ð1aH Þ2 ð1aH when FG ðÞ ¼ FB ðÞ. On the other hand, when FG ðÞaFB ðÞ,
aX Þ o2ð1aH aX Þ3 ¼)2 4 aZ ð1aH Þ2 =ð1aH aX Þ2 , Proposition 4 implies that the probability of a correct
which always holds (the denominator is larger than 14 and decision is decreasing in aX when aH ¼ 0. &
the numerator is at most 12Þ.
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