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Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Session Plan

Course Title: Operations Management-I Course Credit: 3

Instructor: Atul Sangal Acad.Year:2014-15
E Mail:
PGDM: 2014-16

In this age of information and technology boom and the era of increasing integration of
economies where geographical boundaries are becoming meaningless for trade and business,
winning firms and managers will be those who are in sync with the fast changing business
dynamics. Business managers need to identify the sources of and scan for relevant information.
They need to collect and analyse them scientifically and cost effectively, interpret them properly
and apply them effectively to meet and even periodically revise their business goals. In this
context, the course aims to provide students with a methodological framework and foundation
for management decision making and to be of long lasting value through their careers
irrespective of the management field that they choose.

 Introduction to Operations Research
 Transportation Problem
 Assignment Problem
 Game Theory
 Linear Programming Problems
 Linear Programming-Sensitivity Analysis and Duality
 Integer Programming
 Goal Programming
 Network Models

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course students will be able to:

LO1: Appreciate the application of optimization techniques in Managerial Decision Making

LO2: Model some real time business situations
LO3: Formulate a problem, work out its optimum solution and interpret the result

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Session 1-2 Topic (LO:1) : Introduction to Operations Research

Case :
Session 3-5 Topic (LO:1) : Transportation Problems
Case :
Case :
Session 6-7 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Unbalanced Transportation Problems
Case :
Session 8-10 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Assignment Problem
Case :
Session 11-12 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Game theory
Case :
Session 12 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Linear Programming Problems-Formulation
Case :
Session 13 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Graphical Solution and Interpretation of LPP
Case :
Session 14-15 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Simplex method to solve LPP
Case :
Session 16-18 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Sensitivity Analysis for LPP
Case :
Session 19-20 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Duality, Shadow Price and Shadow Cost
Case :
Session 21-22 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Integer Programming
Case :
Session 23-24 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Goal Programming
Case :
Session 25-27 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Introduction to Project Management and Network
Case :
Session 28-29 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)
Case :
Session 30 Topic (LO:2 &3) : Estimation of Project Completion time
Case :

Guest lectures will be arranged from the industry to deliver lectures on a topic relevant to the session.


 Concept building by lecture method

 Developing analytical skills through problem solving
 Exposure to decision making through case lets
 Using step by step approach in applying Excel to solve optimization problems

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Time Distribution of Session (60 Mins.)

10 Minutes: First five minutes for attendance+ Five minutes for Recap
45 Minutes: Lecture/case discussion/statistical analysis/problem solving
5 Minutes: Summarization


Class test/Quizzes/ Surprise Test/Class participation: 10%

Proficiency in using Excel: 10%
Mid Term Exam: 20%
End Term Exam: 60%

Indicative Grading Scheme:

Letter A+ A B+ B C D F Letter A+
Grade Grade

Grade 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Grade 10
Point Point

Assessment Rationale:

1. Group Project/assignments: Students will prepare project/assignment/cases in groups Case

assignments and due dates will be indicated in the class.
2. Class participation / Reflective Notes: Students are expected to have read the material for
class and to participate actively in every class. Class participation marks will be given on the
quality of the comment, not the quantity and how these comments relate to the ongoing
discussion. Reflective notes should mention only the key learning from each session (point
wise and very briefly) + mention of student’s own contribution to that particular session.
3. Students are expected to enter in to the class with full preparation and enthusiasm
4. There will be no re-examination for any missed evaluation component


1. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Ed. (Pearson Education,

2. Balakrishnan, N, Render, B and Stair, R.M. (jr), Managerial Decision Modeling with
Spreadsheets Second Edition (Pearson Education).
3. Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, Quantitative Methods for Business (Thomson
Learning Publication)
4. John A. Lawrence, Jr. and Barry A. Pasternack, Applied Management Science, 2nd Ed.
(John Wiley Publication, New Delhi)
5. Hillier Frederick S. and Gerald J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research,
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Eighth edition(Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi)
6. Rardin Ronald L. Optimization in Operations Research (Prentice Hall, New Jersey)
7. Lapin Lawrence L., Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions(The Dryden Press)


 Economic and Political Weekly

 Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
 Vikalpa: Journal of Indian Institute of Management-Ahmadabad
 Business Today
 Business World

Web Source:

Economic Times
Business Standard
Times of India

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