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1. We are having thanksgiving at our house.

2. My whole family is coming.
3. My parents bought a turkey.
4. It weighs 30 pounds.
5. It takes a long time to cook.
6. My mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.
7. I clean the house with my dad.
8. The house smells good.
9. We help mom in the kitchen.
10. I peeled potato’s and carrot.
11. My dad makes pumpkin pies.
12. My mom cooks squash.
13. I help my mom make stuffing.
14. I mix the bread and spices.
15. We make good stuffing.
16. It goes inside the turkey.
17. We put on nice clothes.
18. I set the table.
19. My dad carves the turkey.
20. My mom makes the gravy.
21. Our relatives arrive.
22. We say thank you for all we have.
23. We eat and eat.
24. It is a good thanksgiving.


1. Amy is 16 years old.
2. She lives in a small town.
3. Amy is learning how to drive.
4. Amy’s dad is giving her lessons.
5. Amy’s dads name is Howard.
6. Amy has had three lessons.
7. Amy and her dad argue during the lessons.
8. Amy’s mom is giving her driving lessons.
9. Amy’s mom name is Jane.
10. Jane has given Amy a lesson.
11. Jane has decided to stop giving Amy lessons.
12. Jane and Amy argue during the lessons too.
13. Amy’s parent call a driving school.
14. Amy is going to get lessons from a professional.
15. The class has cost 300 dollars for 10 lessons.
16. The lessons are very good.
17. Amy learns how to drive.
18. Amy gets her license.

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