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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬

‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


‫املراجعة الذهبية يف األسئلة الوزارية‬

‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q2 A & B)
Phrasal verbs: (‫( )األفعال العبارية‬Put in the correct order)
1. I’ve already turned on / it. (2020)
2. I will turn down / it / in a minute? (2020)
3. I like these shoes, can I (try them on / try on them)? (2020, 2016).
4. I can’t remember when I / took up / it. (2021, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014)
5. I’ll (turn down it / turn it down) in a minute. (2019)
6. I like these shoes. Can I / try on / them? (2019), (2014).
7. This pencil is really old. You can /throw away / it. (2018).
8. I have already (turned down it / turned it down). (2018)
9. Stamp – collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take)? (2017) (2015, 2014).
10. I’ve already / turned down / it. (2017).
11. Most smokers (take up / it) as teenagers. (2022, 2016).
12. These trousers were too long so (I / took up / them) to make them fit. (2016)
13. Can you (turn it down / turn down it)? (2016)
14. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it. (2020, 2015).
15. I can’t remember when I took up / it. (2021)
16. Can you / the music / turn down? (2021)

Used to:
1. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down last year. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the
past or present simple). (2020, 2019, 2017)
2. She (wear) glasses, but now she (have) contact lenses. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the past
or present simple). (2019), (2018), (2017), (2014)
3. Salwa (eat) meat, but now she (be) a vegetarian. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the past or
present simple). (2018)
4. She (not be) so thin, but she got ill last year and (lose) a lot of weight. (Use the correct form of “Used
to” and the past or present simple). (2018), (2015)

‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. He (like) going out, but now he always (want) to stay home. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and
the past or present simple). (2020, 2018, 2015)
6. I (have) a bicycle, but someone (steal) it last week. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the past or
present simple). (2022, 2020, 2015)
7. We (used to / didn’t use to) have security cameras, but now we have six of them. (2014)
8. He (have) his hair cut at the hairdressers, but now his wife (cut) it for him. (Use the correct form of
“Used to” and the past or present simple). (2014)
9. Cities ________ (not be) polluted. (Used to). )2014)
10. I (drink) coffee every morning, but now I drink tea. (2021)
11. I (have) a long hair, but now I have short hair. (2021)
12. Doctors are (well / better) trained than they used to be. (2021, 2022)
13. Did you (use to / used to) fight with your brother when you were little? (2021)
14. She (smoke), but she (give) up a few years ago. (2022)

Use an imperative to give advice (Unit 1, lesson 5, page 10 SB)

1. …………., An average of eight hours a night is about right. (2021, 2020, 2017, 2014)
2. ………..., Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood pressure. (2022, 2019)
3. …………, It’s the most important meal of the day. (2020, 2018)
4. …………, Get them tested once a year. (2018, 2017)
5. …………, at least a liter and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are Not water. (2016)
6. ……….., and brush your teeth three times a day. (2021)
7. …………, Make sure you are update with vaccinations and take Malaria medication if necessary. (2022)

When, and / while, as: (correct the form of the verb)

1. I (think) about you and then you rang me. (2020x2)
2. When I met her at the airport, she (wear) a long blue dress. (2019)
3. They (camp) in the desert when they saw a large snake. (2019)
4. Khaled was playing football when he (break) his ankle. (2018), (2014)
5. I was eating breakfast and a bird (fly) into the room. (2018).
6. A thief took our clothes while we (swim). (Correct the verb). (2017)
7. While Ali was having a shower, somebody (knock) at the front door. (2022, 2017)
8. While he (skate), he fell over. (2016).
9. My sister (hide) the purse under the bed while I (not look). (2020, 2016).
10. My phone rang while we (watch) the movie. (2016).
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
11. When I (meet) her at the airport, Linda was wearing a new dress. (2015).
12. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise.
13. While my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector
14. I (clean) my room and I (find) 30$ under my bed. (2014).
15. We were speeding when we (see) the police car. (2021)
16. I was driving to the hospital when my mobile phone (ring). (2021)
17. While I was eating breakfast eating breakfast, a bird (fly) into the kitchen. (2021)
18. I was ice – skating and I (fall) over. (2022)

Adjective + ed & adjective + ing: (choose the correct word between brackets)
1. She is not very (interested / interesting) in fashion. (2020)
2. This book is very (bored / boring). I fall asleep whenever I read it. (2020, 2019, 2016)
3. We were very (frightened / frightening) when our car broke down in the desert. (2018x2), (2017)
4. He was very (frightening / frightened) when he saw the spider. (2017)
5. I saw a very (excited / exciting) film on TV. Last night. (2020, 2017x2)
6. What is the most (excited / exciting) thing you have ever done? (2016)
7. My flight was (tired / tiring) because it was a twelve – hours flight. (2016)
8. He’s a very (interesting / interested) person. He has lots of great stories to tell. (2015,2022)
9. This book is very (bored / boring). (2014)
10. It was the most (frightening / frightened) day of my life. (2014)
11. He is a very (interested / interesting) man. He’s travelled around the world. (2021)
12. The lecture was so (boring / bored) that I almost felt a sleep. (2021)

Much, a little / Many, a few (choose the correct word between brackets)
1. I’ve met her a (few / little) times. (2020)
2. I don’t think I can fit in that parking place. There isn’t (many / much) space. (2019)
3. How (a. much / b. many) time do you spend on your homework? (2020, 2019, 2017)
4. There is only a (few / little) orange juice left in the bottle. (2022, 2019)
5. How (much / many) time is left? (2018)
6. We need a (little / few) butter for this cake. (2018)
7. How (much / many) exercise does he take a week? (2018), (2016), (2014)
8. Put your case in the car. There’s still a(a. few / b. little) space left. (2021, 2018)
9. How (much / many) apples do you need? (2020, 2017)
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
10. I’ve got (a few / a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute? (2020, 2015)
11. We need a (little / few) more oranges. (2014)
12. You will have to wait a (few / little) minutes. (2020)
13. How (much / many) hours’ sleep did you get the night before? (2021)
14. The teacher gives us a (little / few) time to prepare before the test. (2021)
15. How (much, many) times a week do you wash your hair? (2022)

Adjectives (ful) & Adverbs (ly)

1. Sara (carefully / careful) lifted the box. (2018)
2. The story was (beautiful / beautifully) written. (2017)
3. He drives the car (careful / carefully). (2017)
4. We hope that we can live (peaceful / peacefully) together. (2016)
5. The story was (beautiful, beautifully) written. (2022)


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 B AND C)
1. Usual, unusual; patient, ________. (2019)
2. Joint in the leg, a _________. (2019, 2016).
3. Pushing, shaking; without success, _________. (2019)
4. Joint in the arm, e__________. (2019, 2016).
5. Usual, unusual; pleasant, ____________. (2019).
6. Joint in the arm, w__________. (2019).
7. Polite, impolite; efficient, ____________. (2018).
8. Joint in the arm, ______________. (2018).
16. Healthy, unhealthy; legal, ___________. (2018).
17. Joint in the leg, k__________. (2022, 2018, 2015).
18. Correct, incorrect; happy, __________. (2017)
19. Fair, unfair; convenient, ___________. (2017)
20. Inside the body, h______. (2017).
21. Healthy, unhealthy; polite, __________.(2017).
22. Joint in the arm, w__________. (2017).
23. Joint in the leg: a _______. (2017, 2021).
24. My (ankle / elbow) hurts. I can’t walk. (2016)
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
25. Polite, impolite; expensive, ________. (2016)
26. Ankle, joint; bandage, __________. (2016).
27. Paramedics = (a written request, medical helpers, a person who is looking for a job) (2016)
28. Happy, unhappy; efficient, _________. (2016).
29. Legal, illegal; moral, ________. (2016).
30. Direct, indirect; polite, _________. (2015).
31. Happy, unhappy; correct, _________. (2015)
32. Healthy, unhealthy; moral, __________. (2015).
33. Joint in the arm, w_______. (2022, 2014).
34. Polite, impolite; popular, __________. (2014).
35. Fair, unfair; patient, ________. (2014).
36. Usual, unusual; healthy, ………... (2020)
37. Small, smaller; cheap, …………. (2020)
38. Polite, impolite; dependent, …………………
39. Like, dislike; encourage, ……………… (2022)
40. Safe, safer; dangerous, ………………… (2022)
41. Popular, unpopular; fortunate, ………… (2022)
42. Fast, faster; violent, ………………… (2022)
43. A joint in the leg, k ……………………. (2022)


‫( القطع االستيعابية السؤال األول فرع ب‬1 – B)
1. Mustafa’s mother will be always proud of him because………………………………. (2020)
2. Who rescued Tariq by boat? (2019, 2015)
3. Why was Mustafa a little puzzled? (2019x2).
4. Zaid thought perhaps his airbed had hit ____________. (2019)
5. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator? (2019, 2016)
6. How did the paramedics know that Mustafa’s mother was diabetic? (2018)
7. What did the shark do? (2018).
8. Mustafa told the emergency operator that _____________________. (2018)
9. Where did Mustafa find his mother? (2022, 2018, 2015).
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
10. How did Mustafa open the door for the paramedics? (2021, 2017)
11. What was Zaid Tariq doing when he saw the shark? (2017).
12. Tariq was rescued by __________. (a. two children, b. sea) (2017)
13. Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious? (2017).
14. Why was Latifa proud of her son Mustafa? (2017) (2015)
15. Was Zaid Tariq bitten by the shark? (2021, 2017)
16. Mustafa was puzzled because his mother ___________________. (2016)
17. Why did Zaid Tariq scream? (2020, 2016)
18. When Zaid Tariq got back to the dry land he was taken ________.
(a. straight back to his hotel, b. to get medical attention) (2016)
19. Where did Mustafa find his mother? (2016)
20. Zaid Tariq was bitten by the dolphins. (True / False) (2015)
21. Mustafa’s father was suffering from diabetes. (True / False) (2015)
22. Six dolphins _____. (a. bit the shark b. made a lot of noise c. protected Tariq) (2015)
23. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to _____________. (2015) (2014)
24. Zaid Tariq was _________. (a. a bad swimmer b. on holiday c. working in Egypt) (2015)
25. What does Mustafa’s mother suffer from? (2021, 2014)
26. Mustafa found his mother in the (a. kitchen b. bedroom c. bathroom) (2014)
27. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa’s mother? (2014)
28. Mustafa’s mother suffers from ……………. (2020)
29. What frightened the shark away? (2021)
30. Mustafa’s mother suffers from (a. diabetes b. high blood pressure) (2021)
31. Who heard Tariq’s screams? (2022)

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q 2 A & B)
Must, Mustn’t/Need to, Needn’t/Have to, Don’t have to:
1. Abla needn’t (go / to go) to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday. (2022, 2018)
2. You (must, needn’t) go to the store today. There is plenty of food in the fridge. (2018)
3. You are driving too fast! You (need to / needn’t) slow down. (2018)
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
4. There’s petrol in the car, so you (need to / needn’t) go to the petrol station. (2017)
5. You are driving too fast! You (have to / needn’t) slow down. (2016) (2014)
6. Hiba (needn’t / mustn’t) go to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday. (2016)
7. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It is dangerous. (2015)
8. You (needn’t / mustn’t) take so much baggage on a weekend trip. (2015)
9. When you get in a car, you (must / mustn’t) put on your seat belt. (2015)
10. Please, putout your cigarette. You (mustn’t / needn’t) smoke in the hospital. (2020, 2015, 2014)
11. I (mustn’t / needn’t) be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry. (2022, 2014)
12. There’s petrol in the car, so you (have to, needn’t) go to the petrol station.

EXPECTATION: (‫)التوقع‬
(Expectation), (Re-write the sentence with should or shouldn’t), (Use “should” or “shouldn’t” to express
1. You like exercising, so I don’t think you will have trouble getting fit. (2020, 2019, 2017) (2014)
2. I’ve studied hard for the test, so I think I’ll pass. (2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2014)
3. He learnt about computers in the military, so I think he will be able to help me fix mine. (2019).
4. She is in the 6th preparatory. She (should / shouldn’t) graduate this summer. (2019)
5. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (2020, 2018x2, 2015)
6. They left three hours early. I think they will be here by now. (2018)
7. We left two hours early. We (should / shouldn’t) miss the plane. (2017) (2016)
8. He studied hard. He (should / shouldn’t) pass the exam. (2016)
9. The journey normally takes four hours so I think we will get there about six. (2016)
10. Mary has so many friends so I think there will be a very big crowd at the party. (2016)
11. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force. (2015)
12. They learnt a lot in the military, so I don’t think they will have trouble getting a job. (2014)
13. Salwa has prepared herself so well for the exam, so I think she will get high marks. (2021)
14. I’ll send you the direction by e-mail. They are very clear. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble finding us.

‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

CAUSATIVE VERBS (‫)األفعال السببية‬:

(Re-write with the correct form of have, get or make)
1. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father….. . (2021, 2020, 2016)
2. The leaves fell because of the wid. The wind…. (2019) (2017).
3. My mother told me to turn down the music. My mother…. (2019) (2018).
4. A photographer took a picture of the witness. The witness….. (2022, 2018)
5. He asked somebody to cut his hair. (2018)
6. Somebody stole my television. I…….. (2018)
7. A photographer took her picture. She……. (2017)
8. She asked somebody to fix the window. She got the window (fix / fixed). (choose)
9. My mother asked somebody to paint the house (2016) (2015).
10. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes. (2016)
11. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (2016)
12. My father asked somebody to clean the car. (2020)
13. The noise (made / had) her look outside. (Choose) (2022, 2014)
14. She had her picture (take / taken). (Choose) 2019) (2014)
15. My father made me (wash / washed) the car. (2021)

Offer, Polite request, Advice, Suggestion:

1. (Go to the shops before the plane leaves). (Make suggestion) (2021, 2019, 2015)
2. (See your ticket). (Polite request) (2019) (2018)
3. (Take a taxi to the airport). (Make suggestion) (Make suggestion with “let’s” (2019) (2017) (2014)
4. (Help you with your baggage). (Offer) (Offer use shall) (2018) (2016) (2014)
5. (Help your friend with his baggage). (Offer) (2018x2)
6. (Give me your passport) (Polite request) (2016)
7. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give an advice) (2020, 2015x2, 2014)
8. (Meet at 3.00 at the departure lounge). (Suggestion) (2015)
9. (Get me a drink of water) (Polite request) (2021)

‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 A, B AND C)
1. Empty = ___________________. (the same as, there is nothing in it) (2020, 2016)
2. Unattended = (there is nothing in it, without someone looking after it) (2020)
3. If you _______ a crime, the police will arrest you. (commit, make, do) (2020, 2015)
4. Dispose of = (throw away, get rid of / there is nothing in it) (2020)
5. Conveyor _______ (belt, deal, card) (2019)
6. appt. , appointment ; freq. , _________. (2019).
7. occurred, happened; alerted, __________. (2019).
8. Big, bigger; funny, _________. (2019).
9. Fast, faster; good, ________. (2019).
10. 18 years, 18 yrs.; driving licence, _______. (2019).
11. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a (criminal / civilian) job. (2019)
12. You must be 18 years old to (join / belong) the military. (2019)
13. Company, co. ; frequent, _________. (2019). 10. Alerted, called; injured, __________. (2019)
14. co., company; appt., ____________. (2019)
15. property, stuff; investigate, _________. (2019)
16. small, smaller; boring, __________. (2019)
17. 18 yrs., 18 years; office bldgs., _________. 2018)
18. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all (branches, types) of the military. (2018)
19. Big, bigger; dangerous, __________. (2018)
20. co., company; comp., ___________. (2018)
21. driving lic., driving licence; office bldgs., _________. (2018)
22. property, stuff; injured, __________. (2018)
23. computer, comp.; experience, ___________. (2018)
24. appointment, appt. ; company, _________. (2017)
25. injured, hurt ; occurred, __________. (2017)
26. small, smaller; expensive, ___________. (2017)
27. If you are a manager, you have to _________ other people. (Medication, supervise, spoil) (2017)
28. Freq. , frequent ; driving lic. , __________. (2017)
29. Metal ________. (lunch, fees, detector) (2017)
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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
30. Speed ________. (scene, limit, design) (2017)
31. Crime ________. (scene, fees, design) (2017)
32. Alerted, called ; property, _________. (2017)
33. The police got a call about a __________ last night. (pain, drive, robbery) (2017)
34. You mustn’t _________ without your seat belt on. (application, drive, design) (2017)
35. Computer, comp. ; appointment, ___________. (2017)
36. Injured, hurt ; alerted, _________ . (2017)
37. Throw a way, dispose of ; without success, ____________. (2017)
38. There is nothing in it. __________. (buried, empty, loan) (2016)
39. Company, comp. ; years, ___________. (2016)
40. A ___________ can hide behind a bush or a tree. (burglar, deforestation, faint) (2016)
41. (This / That) is Samir Esam. (2016)
42. 18 years, 18 yrs. ; driving licence, __________. (2016)
43. Fast, faster; funny, ___________. (2016)
44. Years, yrs. ; buildings, ____________. (2016)
45. When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and ________. (instilled, footprints, bit)
46. Don’t leave your wallet _______ on a bus bench. (hurts, commit, unattended) (2015)
47. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment. (2015)
48. Appt., appointment; exp., __________. (2015)
49. Alerted, called; investigate, __________. (2015)
50. Freq., frequent ; comp., _______. (2015)
51. A person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime. (Conference, ambitious, witness)
52. Appt., appointment ; Co., _________. (2015)
53. Injured, hurt ; investigate, _________. (2015)
54. Without someone looking after it. (Pickpocket, thief, unattended) (2015)
55. A person who steals money from your pocket. (Spreadsheet, pickpocket, vacancy) (2015)
56. Computer, comp ; experience, ______. (2015)
57. At 11.15, police were (called / alerted) by Mr. Smith. (2016)
58. Experience, exp. ; driving licence, ………….. (2021)

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


‫ القطع االستيعابية السؤال األول فرع ب‬Q 1 – B
1. How can drivers avoid radar speed guns? (2020)
2. How does radar speed gun work? (2019, 2015, 2014)
3. Footprints and fingerprints can be used by police officers to ________. (2020, 2019)
4. People have to follow the law so that they ______. (2019)
5. Some people think that radar guns don’t work well. (True / False) (2021, 2018)
6. How can witness help the police? (2108, 2015)
7. Why do police officers use radar speed guns? (2018)
8. What is a radar detector? (2018, 2016, 2014)
9. Radar guns don’t need maintenance. (True / False) (2018)
10. Do police officers have a lot of different duties? (2017)
11. A radar speed gun works by …………… (2017)
12. Police officers started using radar speed guns to ………………… (2017)
13. A radar detector is …………………… (2017) (2016)
14. One of the duties of a police officer is to …………………… (2016)
15. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly. (True / False) (2015)
16. Police departments don’t use radar speed guns anymore. (True / False) (2015)
17. Police must be trained to use the radar guns correctly. (Ture / False) (2020, 2015)
18. Radar guns don’t need any maintenance. (true / False) (2015)
19. Can radar guns take pictures? (2014)
20. Drivers mustn’t speed because speeding is …………….. (2021)

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q 2 A & B)
Define: (‫)تعاريف المهن‬
1. Define a surgeon. (Use: “operates on people in a hospital”) (2019)
2. Define a life guard. (Use: “responsible for the safety of swimmers”) (2019)
3. Define a tour guide. (Use: “show tourists around”) (2019) (2016)
4. Define a journalist. (Use “writes articles for newspapers and magazines.)” (2018)
12 | P a g e
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. Define an architect. (Use “designs buildings.”) (2021, 2018, 2017)
6. Define a secretary. (use “does general office work.”) (2022, 2017)
7. Define a cartoonist. (use “draws amusing pictures.”) (2017)
8. Define a lawyer. (use “give advice to people about the law”) (2021, 2016)
9. Define a nurse. (Use “looks after sick people.”) (2016)
10. Define a cameraman. (Use “operate the camera for films or programmes.”) (2014)
11. Define a pilot. (Use “flies a plane”) (2020)

If conditionals: (‫)الجمل الشرطية‬

1. I would have studied medicine if my parents (have) enough money to pay for the course. (2020)
2. If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, (you accept) it? (2019) (Re-write the sentence using
the correct form of the verb)
3. What would you buy first if you (win) a million pounds? (2019).
4. If I played tennis, I (join) the tennis club. (2019)
5. If Nour (not get) a loan, he wouldn’t have been able to buy a car. (2021, 2019, 2018)
6. We (not eat) at the restaurant if we had known it was so expensive. (2018)
7. If I had known it was raining when I left, I (bring) an umbrella. (2018)
8. If I (see) him yesterday, I would have told him your news. (2017)
9. If I (not have) the operation, I would have died. (2021, 2017)
10. If anyone (need) advice about their application forms, I will be here tomorrow to help (2017)
11. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he (not get through) the end of the year exams. (2016)
12. He (be) more attractive if he shaved his beard off. (2016)
13. I would learn to parachute if my friend (say) she would do it with me. (2016)
14. If she (not apply) for a scholarship, of course she won’t get one. (2015)
15. If the traffic isn’t too heavy, I (be) at the airport at 12:30. (2015)
16. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you (got) better more quickly. (2015)
17. If Noor (go) to the shop tomorrow, I won’t have to go. (2015)
18. If he (log on) the British Council Site, he (find) quite a lot of useful information about courses in
Britain. (2015)
19. If I (have) lots of money, I would buy a race horse. (2014)
20. If my plane (not leave) on time, I’ll miss my connection flight this afternoon. (2014)
21. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club. (2014)
22. They would have met my Aunt Salima if you (come) to our party. (2020)
23. She wouldn’t have got sunburnt if she (wear) a hat. (2021)
24. If I (know) it was raining when I left, I would have brought an umbrella. (2022)
25. Which course will Muna apply for if she (pass) all her exams this year? (2022)
26. If the owner hadn’t taken good care of the car, Nour (not buy) it. (2022)

Regret: (‫)التعبير عن الندم‬

1. You drank a lot of coffee. Now you are in bed and you can’t sleep. (Regret use: “I wish”, “If only”)
(2020, 2018, 2017)
2. You didn’t revise for your English exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this. (2019)
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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
Regret use : “I wish”)
3. You have eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick. (Regret use “I wish”) (2019)
4. Unfortunately, I went to bed so late yesterday. That’s why I was tired. (Regret use “I wish”) (2019)
5. Unfortunately, she lost their address. that’s why she couldn’t write to them. (Regret use: “if only”)
(2019, 2014)
6. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (Regret use “I wish”) (2018,
7. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That’s why he didn’t win. (Regret use “I wish”) (18, 15)
8. I spent all my money at the week-end, that’s why I can’t buy those shoes. (Regret) (2017, 2014)
9. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That’s why I felt sick. (Regret use “If only”) (22, 17, 14)
10. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won’t give us a lift to the cinema. (Regret use:
“If only”) (2021, 2017)
11. They lost the match. (show regret using “If only”) (2016)
12. Unfortunately, I didn’t wake up early. That’s why I missed my bus. (Regret use “I wish”) (2016, 2015)
13. You bought some shoes last week. You’ve decided you don’t like them. (Regret use “If only”) (2016)
14. They didn’t train everyday. That’s why they lost the match. (Regret use “If only”) (2020, 2015x2)
15. You drank a lot of coffee, now you are in bed and you can’t sleep. (Regret use “I wish”) (2017)
16. Unfortunately, you didn’t lock the car. That’s why a thief stole some valuable things from it. (2021)
17. You didn’t lock the car and a thief stole some valuable things of yours from it. (2022)
18. You are at the park with your friends. You would like to take some photos, but you have forgotten to
bring your camera. (2022)

Reported Questions: (‫)األسئلة المنقولة‬

1. “Will you be able to come to my party?” I asked Layla….. (2021, 2020, 2017)
2. Why haven’t you answered all the questions? My English teacher asked me ………..
(Reported question) (2022, 2019)
3. How short do you want your hair? The hairdressers asked me……… (2019)
4. Where has she been? I asked…….. (2019) (Reported question)
5. What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Adam asked me…….. (2022, 2019, 2018, 2017)
6. “How often do you clean your teeth?” He asked me……. (reported question) (2017)
7. “Is the read jacket OK for you?” The shop assistant asked me….. (2022, 2017)
8. “What are you doing?” He asked me….. (2016)
9. “Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?” She asked…. (2016)
10. “How long was the training?” He asked…. (2016)
11. “Do you still like the job?” She asked me…. (2016)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
12. “What’s your favourite route?” He asked me….. (2015)
13. “How long have you been waiting for Samir?” He asked me…. (2015)
14. “Can I borrow some money?” She asked me….. (2014)
15. I asked Saab “How do you start your business?” (2014)
16. Latifa asked Zaha “when do you decide to be an architect?” (2014)
17. “Will you be able to come to the party?” I asked Layla……. (2014)
18. “Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday?” The football coach asked me……. (2021)
19. “When did you lose your bag?” I asked her………. (2021)
20. “When are you going to get out of bed? My mother asked me……. (2021)


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 A, B AND C)
1. in demand = (Throw away, get rid of / wanted and needed) (2020)
2. Headphones. _______. (a lot of, things you put over your ears to listen privately) (2020, 2019, 2016)
3. Booth = (without someone looking after it / the box like room where interpreters work) (2020)
4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attend a big ______ in London. (conference, permit,
instalments). (2019)
5. All our teachers are qualified and highly _______. (experienced, clever, ideal). (2019)
6. Convey the sense. _______. (give an idea about the meaning, there is nothing in it) (2019)
7. A _______ is a box like room where interpreters work. (booth, room, building) (2018)
8. My sister is a ______. She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day. (tour guide, paramedic)
9. Working alone in a booth is ______. (nice, stressful, great) (2016)
10. If you (dislike / distrust) someone you don’t have confidence in them. (2016)
11. We have our own students _______. (hostels, hotels, rooms) (2016)
12. She is a (geometric / medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time. (2016)
13. Equivalent. _______. (the same as or similar to, there is nothing in it)) (2016)
14. We offer a _______ salary and excellent terms and conditions. (instilled, competitive) (2015)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


Q 1 – B )‫(أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. Why should interpreters read newspapers? (2019) (2015)
2. After leaving school, Samira did a degree in English at the university of London. (True / False) (2019)
3. A good interpreter follows the news and is well – informed on many topics. (True / False) (2019)
4. Interpreters must have three active languages. (True / False) (2020, 2018, 2017)
5. Why shouldn’t an interpreter waste time thinking? (2022, 2017, 2014)
6. Conference interpreters must translate each word literally. (True / False) (2017)
7. What does working freelance mean? (2017)
8. Who is Samira? (2016)
9. To train as an interpreter, you must get a degree in ______and _____________ in interpreting. (2016)
10. The course in conference interpreting was very (easy / difficult). (2016)
11. Freelance means people who can’t bear to be a way from their office for more than a few hours. (True
/ False) (2016)
12. Samira Al Mahmoud is (an interpreter / a banker). (2015)
13. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to______________________. (2015)
14. Interpreters have to have a degree before they do an interpreting diploma. (True / false) (2021)
15. How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth? (2022)
16. Samira Al Mahmoud grew up speaking ………………. at home but ………………. At school. (2022)

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q 2 A & B)
Present perfect simple & Present perfect continuous
(Never, Ever, Just, Already, Yet, Since, For, So far,
Past perfect simple & Past simple
‫ والماضي البسيط والماضي التام‬،‫المضارع التام البسيط والمضارع التام المستمر واألدوات الظرفية‬
1. Have you (never / ever) stayed in a really unusual hotel? (2019)
2. Have you (ever / never) flown in a helicopter? (2019)
3. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks, ………. one. (Ex. home work - example Page 93) (2019)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
4. Last week, I (meet) an old friend from primary school and he (not change). (Correct the forms of the
verbs between brackets) (2019)
5. The teacher (not know) the class for a long time. (Ex. D - 5 Page 112) (correct the forms of the verbs
between brackets) (2019)
6. I (haven’t been / haven’t gone) to China yet, but I would like to one day. (2021, 2019)
7. Sabah has (never / ever) travelled outside of Iraq. (2019)
8. My sister isn’t at home at the moment. She has (been / gone) to the dentist’s then. (2019)
9. Does Samira know about the meeting? (2019)
I’m sorry, I ………… (Complete the response, using “yet” and an appropriate verb) (2018)
10. (Have you ever / did you ever) spent the whole night a wake looking at the stars? (2018)
11. Look, somebody (drop) their wallet on the pavement. (Put the verb in the brackets into the correct
form) (Ex. F Page 114) (2018)
12. Ibrahim had to leave early because he (was having / had to) meet his friend. (2018)
13. I’m in a really good mood because (I’ve just finished / I’ve just been finishing) my exams. (2018)
14. I (didn’t go / haven’t been) to China yet, but I would like to one day. (2017)
15. When we got to the cinema, the film (has / had) started. (2017, 2015)
16. If you see Khalid, can you ask him about tonight? He can come, I………. (Complete the response, using
“already” and an appropriate verb) (2017)
17. My parents aren’t at home, they have (gone / go) out. (2017)
18. The wedding went well because they (organize) everything very carefully. (correct the verb) (2017)
19. The person (who / whose) stole the money must be punished. (2017)
20. When I entered the classroom, the teacher (start) the lesson. (Use past simple or past perfect) (2017)
21. I ……… (lock) the door before I left the house. (Use past perfect or past simple) (2016)
22. I (cook) for two hours. (Present perfect simple or continuous) (2016)
23. A scorpion (hold) (write a true sentence with “never” about you) (Ex. B Page 91) (2016)
24. I haven’t (pack) my suitcase yet. (Correct the verb) (2015)
25. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (Correct the verb) (2014)
26. (You / book) a hotel yet? (Correct according to the words between brackets). (2014)
27. Have you (never / ever) camped in the desert? (2014)
28. Layla is in the kitchen. She (has been cooking / cooks) for three hours now. (2014)
29. How many letters (did you write / have you written) so far today?) 2014)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
30. A thief got into their house because they (haven’t locked / hadn’t locked) the door properly. (2020)
31. I have never (ride / ridden) an elephant. (2020)
32. Have you ever (eat / eaten) an octopus? (2022)

Since, For
1. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes. (2019, 2017, 2016)
2. I have had this car (since / for) November. (2020, 2017)
3. I haven’t seen her (since / for) 2001. (2017)
4. He has had that motorbike (since / for) three years. (2016)
5. Have you worked here (since / for) you graduated? (2022, 2015)
6. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes. (2015)
7. They have been talking (since / for) eight o’clock. (2014)
8. My family has lived in the same house (since / for) 1970. (2022, 2020)
9. We have been married (since / for) 2013. (2021)

How long (Ex. Homework Page 96 – 97) (Use: Present perfect simple or
1. You arrived late for your appointment. You ask: (How long / wait?) (2019)
2. You have a friend who is learning Japanese. You ask: (How long / learn / Japanese?) (write a question
using the words in brackets) (2017)
3. I am sorry. I am late. (How long / you / wait). (2017)
4. (How long / you / be a pilot?) (Question use present perfect simple or continuous) (2016)
5. You meet a pilot. You ask: (how long / be a pilot?) (write a question using the words in brackets)
(2022, 2015)

Relative Clause: (‫( )جمل الوصل‬Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence)
1. I spoke to a lady on the phone she told me to call back later. (2022, 2019)
2. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (he passed his driving test last week). (2021, 2019, 2016)
3. My sister, (who / whose) favourite food is pizza, is having her birthday party at an Italian restaurant.
4. My uncle Albert still rides a bike. (He is 86). (2018)
5. My grandmother still remembers her childhood. (She is 90). (2018)
6. I always go to that garage for repairs. It was closed today. (2018, 2017)
7. Fatima (a. who b. whose) photo was in the newspaper yesterday, is a very talented girl. (2017)
8. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (you can have a meal there on summer evenings). (15, 17)
9. The person (who / whose) stole the money must be punished. (2017)
10. Beirut, (which / where) is full of cafes, is very interesting. (2016)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
11. The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big). (2016)
12. Horse riding, (whose / which) is my brother Andy’s favourite sport, is expensive. (2015)
13. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (the pool opened two months ago.) (2015)
14. Souhaib (who’s / whose) brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the USA soon.
15. The story won the first prize. It pleased many writers. (2014)
16. My uncle Ali still rides a bike. (He is 80)
17. Babylon city, (which / where) people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place.
18. His car has broken down. He bought it last month. (2014)
19. They have knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year. (2020)
20. My uncle Albert, (who, whose) is 86, still rides a bike. (2022)

CORRECT THE SENTENCE (Ex. E Page 112 – 113) (‫)صحح الجملة‬

1. What time have they gone to bed last night? (2017, 2016)
2. You look nice. Did you change your hair style? (2022, 2019)
3. I’ve woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. (2019, 2018)
4. Fadia didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding. (2019, 2015)
5. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (2022, 2017, 2015)
6. We have all been to the park last week. (2021, 2017)
7. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (2020, 2017)
8. Let’s take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (2016)
9. Salwa didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding. (2021)


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 A, B AND C)
1. Delight, delightful; spectac , …………..(2019)
2. Kerkennah is an (pressure, ideal, used) place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday. (2019)
3. Considerable. (a fine welcome, a lot of, activity in your bank account) (2019)
4. Self – catering apartment. (a lot of, a fine welcome, a place to stay where you cook your own food)
(2019, 2018)
5. Hospitality. (a fine welcome, activity in your bank account) (2019, 2017)
6. See , seen ; bite , ……….. (2019)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
7. I can (honestly / absolutely) say that it was the best holiday I ever had. (2019, 2018)
8. To cross the river we had to (sail / board) a ferry. (2019, 2018, 2016)
9. Ambitious. (give a idea of the meaning, this means that you really want to succeed) (2019)
10. Specialty. (there is nothing in it, something special to a locality) (2019)
11. Delight , delightful ; luxury , …………. (2019)
12. Encourage. (get on a list of people, to suggest that someone does something that you believe would
be good). (2018)
13. Be , been ; find , …………. (2018)
14. Luxury , luxurious ; colour , …………. (2018)
15. If you distrust someone, you: (don’t have confidence on them , don’t agree with them) (2018)
16. We (considerably, thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment. (2018, 2017, 2016)
17. See, seen ; buy , …………. (2018)
18. Say, said ; slip , …………. (2017)
19. Sea, seafront ; boarding , ………….. (2017)
20. Go, went; fall , ……….. (2017)
21. I lost my (boarding, empty) card, so I couldn’t get into the plane. (2016)
22. If you (dislike / distrust) someone you don’t have confidence in them. (2016)
23. Wonder, wonderful; luxury, ………….. (2016)


‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. Some people find out too late that (2020)
(a. they missed their holiday b. work isn’t the only thing in life c. they should have different job)
2. What can high blood pressure cause? (2019, 2017, 2014)
3. What are workaholics? (2019)
4. Holidays can give us a chance to (a. stop thinking about our problems b. learn new activities) (18, 14)
5. We need to give families and friends (a. at least an hour of our time b. a lot of our time) (2020, 2017)
6. Why are holidays important? (2016)
7. Workaholics are those people who ………………………………………………………(2016, 2015)
8. Why do brain and body need a break? (2022, 2015)
9. Holidays are important for everyone not just the businessman. (True / False)(2014)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
10. Some people don’t take holidays because ………………………………… (2014)
11. Holidays can give us a chance to (a. learn new activities b. recover from illness c. stop talking about
our problems) (2014)
12. The pressure of life will ………. (a. make us lose our jobs b. cause health problems)

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q 2 A & B)
Passive voice: (‫)المبني للمجهول‬
(Re-write in passive form) (unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
1. Somebody will grade our homework over the week-end. (2014, 2015, 2018)
2. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (2014, 2015, 2022)
3. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (2014, 2016)
4. (was/ The/ Yesterday/ bank/ robbed). (2014)
5. The loan (pay back) with interest at the end of the year. (2015)
6. Were your cheques (be) sent to the wrong address? (2015)
7. (tomorrow – bill – will – The – be – paid) (2015)
8. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived. (2015)
9. My bed room (paint), so I’m sleeping in the living room. (2015)
10. My father wrote this letter. (2016)
11. (Egypt – are – in – used – coins – These) (2017)
12. My uncle deposited the money last week. (2017)
13. (wallet – week – was – my – last – stolen). (2017)
14. The business (started / was started) two years ago by two brothers. (2017)
15. (have – stairs – avoid – been – The – accidents – to – repaired) (2018, 2019, 2022)
16. Somebody will clean the house every Sunday. (2018 x2)
17. (by – The – down – the – previous – owner – were – trees – cut) (2018)
18. Somebody left these books in the classroom. (2018, 2022)
19. (next – being – are – week – The – replaced – windows) (2019)
20. (was – delivered – when – mail – the?) (2019)
21. Somebody teaches History every day. (2021)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 A, B AND C)
1. I am afraid your card is no longer ___________ (conference, expired, valid)(2014)
2. Colour, colouful; luxury, __________. (2014)
3. I’m writing to inquire ________(about my card, complain about a noise) (2014)
4. There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn’t make this (report, withdrawal, ankle) (2014)
5. Attract, attractive ; delight , …………………….. (2014)
6. Be, been ; spend, ………………………. (2014)
7. I can ……………………… say that it was the best holiday I ever had. (sneeze, stressful, honestly) (2014)
8. Go, gone ; break, ………………………….. (2014)
9. Excite, exciting; peace, ………………………… (2014)
10. Unemployed, out of a job; In a difficult situation, ………………………………….. (2014)
11. We offer a ………………………… salary and an excellent terms and conditions. (instilled, competitive)
12. Leave, left; buy, …………………………….. (2014)
13. Attract, attractive; spectac, ……………………… (2014)
14. Let’s go for a walk along the ……………….. this evening. (seafront, goes up, architect) (2015)
15. My father (opened, made) an account for me when I was quite young. (2015) (2018)
16. Some accounts (cost, pay) more interest than others. (2015) (2018)(2019)
17. Transaction. (activity in your bank account, something which is wonderful to look at). (2015) (2019)
18. Withdrawal. (there is nothing in it, money taken out from your account). (2016)
19. If I had an ATM card,………… (when I will receive my card?, I would save a lot of time). (2017)
20. I can (take, make) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time. (2017) (2018)
21. Balance. (the total amount of money in your account, get on a list of people) (2018)


‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. Financially minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares. (True/False) (2015)
2. A banker needs to be a good architect. (True/False)(2015)
3. Saving accounts benefit people who don’t need to access the money. (True/False)(2015)
4. Why should people save money for the future? (2015)(2018)
5. A difficult part of a banker’s job is that he can not ………………….. (2015) (2016)
6. What is one of the skills required from a banker? (2015)
7. Investing in stocks and shares. (a. is fun for some people b. will always make a profit)(2016)(2018)
8. What is the difficult part of a banker’s job? (2016, 2019, 2022)
9. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment? (2016) (2018)
10. How can we invest our money? (2016)
11. People save money for their retirement so that they can ……………… (2017)

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
12. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. (True / False) (2017)
13. Why is it a risk to invest in stocks and shares? (2017X2)
14. Stocks and shares for many people can be both …………….. and ……………… (2018)
15. Saving accounts benefit people who……………………. (2018)
16. Bankers that work with large companies can ………………….. (2018)
17. How can bankers attract students to open accounts? (2021, 2019X2)
18. When we work, we are encouraged to put money into pension plans to …………… (2019)
19. What makes the job of a banker interesting? (2019, 2022)
20. In the UK, the most popular investment is investing in property. (True / False)
21. What can the banks that work with large companies do?

‫( القواعد السؤال الثاني‬Q 2 A & B)
1. She (is meeting / meets) the manager tomorrow morning. (2014)
2. In my old job, my shift (started / starts) at 6:00 every Sunday. (2014, 2016)
3. She (learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills. (2014, 2017)
4. A thief got into their house because they (haven’t locked / hadn’t locked) the door properly. (2014)
5. Your room is a mess. When (are you going to clean it up l do you clean it up)? 2015
6. Dana (is going to volunteer / volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time. (2015, 2019)
7. She (learns / is learning) a lot of new things in the course. (2015)
8. He ……………… (tell) Dana she passed the exam. (2016)
9. The English course (begins / is beginning) on the first of March. (2016)
10. I’m sorry. I can’t go to the gym with you. I (see) my dentist at six. (Use the correct form of the future)
11. He (leaves / is leaving) for Cairo this week. (2017)
12. I’m sorry. I can’t go to the gym with you. I (will go/ am going) the dentist at six. (2018)
13. She (is meeting / meets) the director tomorrow morning. (2018)
14. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00. I ………….. (2018)
(a. will be taking a really difficult exam. b. will take a really difficult exam.)
15. Volunteer training (will be beginning / begins) on the first of the month. (2018)
16. She didn’t pass the exam last time. I hope (she will be doing better this time / she will do better this
time). (2019)
17. I think she (will like / will be liking) the work. (2019)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
18. Ibrahim can’t stay out late because he (was starting, is starting) his new job tomorrow. (2022)

Future in the past: (‫)المستقبل في الماضي‬

1. He is going to be a librarian. He decided he ……………… (2014)
2. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she ……………. (2014, 2016, 2018)
3. He is going to a painting class this morning. I found out he …………….. (2015, 2018, 2019)
4. The internet connection will be working again soon. Our teacher promised that…………. (15, 2X18)
5. Hassan thinks he will join a career in graphic design.
Hassan thought ……………………….., but now he isn’t so sure. (2015, 2017)
6. I am going to learn Chinese. I decided ……………….. (2015, 2017 X2, 2019)
7. He is going to be a lifeguard. He decided he ………………… (2016)
8. Ammar will be working late, so I won’t call him early this morning.
I knew Ammar ………………., so I didn’t call him early this morning.
9. I’m very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down. I was ………………. (2018 X 2, 2019)
10. They can’t come to the beach because they’re taking an exam the next day. (2019 X 2)
They couldn’t …………………
11. I’ve decided I am going to learn Arabic. (2021)
12. My employer says the company will give me on – the job training.
My employer said …………………………. (2022)


‫( المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3 B AND C)
1. Colour, colourful; luxury,…………………… (2014)
2. Attract, attractive; delight, …………………(2014)
3. Excite, exciting; peace, ……………………….(2014)
4. Register, registration; apply, ………………(2015, 2017)
5. A large meeting to discuss something. (witness, conference, hospitality) (2015)
6. Enhance, enhancement; admit,………………….(2015)
7. Apply, application; enhance,……………………(2016)
8. She is a (geometric / medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years. (2016)
9. Application. (a written request, medical helpers) (2016)
10. Attend, attendance; enhance, …………………..(2016)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
11. Apply, application; enroll, ………………………….(2016 X 2)
12. Admit, admission; enroll, …………………………..(2016)
13. Enhance, enhancement; attend, ……………………(2017)
14. Course ………………. (tax, fees, design) (2017, 2019)
15. Register. (a person who is looking for a job, get on a list of people) (2018)
16. Attend, attendance; enrol, …………………..(2018)
17. Attend, attendance; register, …………………..(2018)
18. Independ, independent; applica, …………………….. (2019)
19. Register, registration, admit, ……………………. (2019)


‫ السؤال األول فرع ب‬،‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful? (2016, 2018)
2. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True / False) (2016, 2019)
3. The writer went to Central Library in Baghdad to …………………….. (2016)
4. The writer can borrow DVDs from the library. (True / False) (2017, 2018)
5. Why did the writer go to The Central Library of Baghdad? (2017 X2)
6. Why does the writer need to improve his English language? (2018)
7. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (True/False) (18)
8. The writer could get information about evening and summer classes at the library. (True/False) (18)
9. When the writer was working in a bank, he gave people information about travelling. (True/False)(18)
10. Books with advice in the library help people to …………………………….. (2019)

‫ السؤال األول فرع ب‬،‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. What is the most important aspect of wind power? (2014, 2016)
2. Why does the author say that wind power is efficient? (2015, 2017)
3. Wind power is efficient because………………………………… (2015)
4. People complain that wind turbines are …………………… And …………………… (2015)
5. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and ……………………… (2016)
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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
6. What two complains do people who live near the wind turbines have about them? (2016, 2019)
7. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years? (2016, 2018, 2019)
8. The main advantage of wind power is that it is ………………………….. (2017, 2018)
9. In Europe the wind was used for a long time to ……………………….. (2018)
10. People who live near the wind turbines find them …………………….. and think ……………….. (2019)

‫ المفردات السؤال الثالث‬Q3/B, C

1. The opposite of deep, …………………… (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
2. The wind is (renewable / nonrenewable) source because it doesn’t runout. (2015)
3. Some people say wind farms ………………… the landscape. (2015, 2017)
4. Trees are (renewable l non-renewable) source of energy. (2015)
5. Pollution. (the same or similar, the process of damaging the air, water or land with chemicals.)
(2016, 2017)
6. Wind, power; global, ……………. (2016)
7. Logging. (damaging the air, water or land with chemicals, cutting down trees for wood) (2016)
8. Waste. (useless materials left after using something, cutting down trees for wood) (2016, 2017)
9. The remains of a building. ……………….. (2018)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

LITERATURE FOCUS (‫)القطع األدبية‬

Q4. THE SWING (‫)األرجوحة‬
1. The two main characters in “The Swing” are ………… and ………….. (22, 21, 20, 17x2, 15, 14)
2. The visitor described the child’s father as (smoke / water). (2020, 2015)
3. The Swing stresses on that war ……………………………………………………………. (2020, 2015)
4. The Swing considered as (a. tragic b. comedic) story? (2021, 2020, 2017, 2015)
5. Sattar came to his friend’s house to………………… (2019x2, 2018x2, 2017, 2016x2, 2014x3)
6. Mohammed Khudair wrote “The Swing” after …………………………………………..(2019)
7. Where was Mohammed Khudair born? (2019)
8. Mohammed Khudair is …………………………………. (2019, 2017x2, 2014)
9. What does the story “The Swing” stress on? (2019, 2018, 2015, 2014)
10. Mohammed Khudair’s first short stories appeared in …………………………………..(2019, 2016)
11. Mohammed Khudair short stories are translated into ……….., ………….and French. (2019, 2018x2, 2014)
12. How did Sattar try to convey his message to Haleema? (2019)
13. In 1967,………………………………... (2022, 2019, 2018x2, 2017, 2014x2)
14. Why did Sattar come to his friend’s house? (2021, 2019, 2015)
15. The visitor found it (easy / difficult) to convey the death message of his friend’s death. (21, 19)
16. Two of Mohammed Khudair best works are …………..and …………….. (2018, 2016x2)
17. In two lines, what does “The Swing” tells about? (2018, 2015x2)
18. The Swing is a sincere invitation to sustain ……………... (2018)
19. Discuss how the visitor, in “The Swing” tried to convey his message to the little child? (18, 16, 14)
20. Sattar and Haleema ate ……………. before lunch. (2021, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014x2)
21. Mohammed Khudair was born in (a. Nassirya b. Basra) (2017)
22. What did Sattar try to tell Haleema? (2017)
23. Mohammed Khudair wrote “The Swing” before the summer of 1967 war against Israel. (True / False)
24. The Swing is one of the best short stories about (war / peace). (2017)
25. Mohammed Khudair found it very easy to control the personal feelings storming inside him. (True /
False) (2017)
26. The Swing is a story written by ...............who was born and educated in ………….. (2017)
27. The Swing is about a soldier Sattar who ……………………………………………….. (2017)

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
28. How old was Mohammed Khudair when he wrote “The Swing”? (2017)
29. How did Sattar describe the child’s father? (2016)
30. I can see him coming out of the bag heading toward us. Without a head or hands and legs just like
…………. (2015)
31. Mohammed Khudair achieved fame after publishing his short stories The Swing and …………….. (2015)
32. Mohammed Khudair found it (easy, difficult) to control the personal feelings storming inside him.
33. The Swing was written (before / after) the summer of 1967 war.
34. When did Mohammed Khudair write ‘The Swing”? (2021, 2015, 2014)
35. Name two of Mohammed Khudair’s works? (2015)
36. What moral lessons does the writer to give in “The Swing? (2014)
37. Where was Mohammed Khudair born? (2014)
38. The visitor described the child’s father as ………………… (2022, 2014)
39. Who is Mohammed Khudair? (2014)
40. What is Mohammed Khudair? (2021, 2014)
41. How was Mohammed Khudhair’s experience in war and politics? (2021)
42. The Swing is a sincere invitation to ………………. (2021)
43. Where did Mohammed Khudair finish his primary, intermediate and secondary study? (2021)
44. What did Sattar try to convince Haleema? (2022)
45. Mohammed Khudhair was fully aware of ………………………. (2022)
46. What does war lead to? (2022)

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

THE CANARY (‫)طائر الكناري‬

1. In “The Canary”, the woman bought the canary from ………………(2020, 2014)
2. People have that idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True / False). (21, 20, 15)
3. Where did the woman in “The Canary” use to hang the canary cage? (21, 19x2, 17,16, 15, 14)
4. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous? (2022, 2021, 2019x2, 2017, 2016)
5. What did the woman in “The Canary” suffer from? (2019x2, 2018, 2014)
6. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner? (2019, 2015)
7. The Canary was written by (a. Mohammed Khudair b. Katherine Mansfield) (2019)
8. Could the woman in “The canary” have another bird? (2019, 2016, 2014)
9. How did the canary greet his owner (the woman) in the morning? (2021, 2019, 2016)
10. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus.
(True / False). (2019, 2017, 2014)
11. In “The Canary”, why did the woman’s heart feel hollow? (2018, 2015)
12. Katherine Mansfield came from a (a. poor b. wealthy) family. (2018)
13. What is Katherine Mansfield? (2018)
14. How does the story “The Canary” end? (2022, 2021, 2018, 2017x3, 2015, 2014)
15. In “The Canary”, why was the woman happy to have the canary? (2018, 2017, 2016)
16. In “The Canary”, the woman forgot …………………….. when the canary came into her life. (22, 18)
17. How did the canary sing? (2018, 2017, 2016, 2014)
18. In “The Canary”, what were the people carried away by? (2018, 2015)
19. In “The Canary”, “you can’t imagine how wonderfully he sang. (he referred to the ……..). (2018, 2017)
20. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a (a. wealthy b. poor) family. (2018)
21. What did the woman in “The Canary” use to see from the window? (2017)
22. Katherine Mansfield moved to London in 1903 to study …………. at Queen’s College. (2017)
23. The woman was happy to have the canary because she …………... (2017, 2014)
24. In “The Canary”, the woman was very sad because ………………………………... (2016)
25. What was the canary to the woman? (2021, 2016)
26. Where was Katherine Mansfield born? (2016)
27. In “The Canary”, was the canary the perfect company to the woman? (2016, 2015)
28. In 1917, Katherine Mansfield became ill with (a. diabetes b. tuberculosis) (2016)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
29. In “The Canary”, what did the washerwoman use to say every Monday? (2016)
30. When Missus said “when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim. She meant he was ………….
(2016, 2015)
31. …………………………. was the author of “The Canary”. (2015)
32. People have that idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True / False). (2022, 2015)
33. In “The Canary”, do you find it easy to sympathize with woman? Why? (2014)
34. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a (wealthy / poor) family. (2021)
35. Why did Katherine Mansfield move to London in 1903? (2021)
36. What did the woman in “The Canary” forget after she got the canary? (2021)
37. Could the woman in “The Canary” describe how the canary sang? (2021)
38. In “The Canary”, what did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner? (2021)
39. Why was the woman happy to have the canary? (2022)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

‫متارين االسقاط الوزارية‬

Sore, businessman, information, instilled, competitive, fingerprints, bit

1. The library has a range of …………………… for people who are looking for the right career.
2. We offer a ………………….. salary and excellent terms and conditions.
3. My eyes are ……………. From the chemicals of the pool.
4. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the ……………………… .
5. When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and …………
6. The shark ………………… Zaid’s arm.

Landscape, seafront, goes up, twisted, architect, placement test

1. In Britain, the number of diabetics ……………….. every year.

2. An …………………… is someone who designs building.
3. On the first day the students take a …………………….. .
4. Let’s go for a walk along the …………………. This evening.
5. Crowded areas attract ……………….. who try to steal people’s wallets.

Value, mandatory, online, valid, application, buried

1. Waste is often burnt or ………………… .

2. You must send your ………………. To the school by the 10th of May if you want to start in July.
3. A qualification in English is ………………… if you want to study in England.
4. The ………………… of an investment can go down as well as up.
5. If you have an internet access you can bank ………………….. .

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Regulations, wear, puzzled, physical, leisure, limit

1. I have to do ………………….. exercise at least four times a week.

2. Scientists are finding ways to ……………….. damage the environment.
3. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with her ……………… time.
4. We have to follow the safety …………….. at work.
5. I was …………………… to see such a strange question.

Boarding, empty, buried, withdrawal, stressful, loan

1. Working alone in a booth is …………………….. .

2. There is nothing in the bag. It is ………………. .
3. I lost my …………………… card, so I couldn’t get into the plane.
4. I got a ……………….. from the bank to buy a car.
5. Waste is often burnt or ………………………. .

Deforestation, hostels, involve, burglar, faint, spectacular

1. We have our own student’s ………………… .

2. As the sun began to set, we had a …………………. View of the city.
3. The process of cutting down number of trees is called ……………… .
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to …………………. .
5. A …………………… can hide behind trees and bushes.

Canteen, obey, excursion, skill, register, recycled

1. In some countries, more than 50% of waste is ………………… .

2. Hotels will often give you packed lunch if you are going on a full day ………………… .
3. You can ……………… for this class by completing a form online.
4. Drivers must …………….. the speed limit.
5. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on-site ………………….. .
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Postgraduate, branch, invest, translation, spoil, wellbeing

1. Taking holidays and leaving your mobile switched off is good for your ……………….. .
2. He has a ………………… diploma in tour guiding.
3. Try to ……………….. your money. Don’t keep it in a box under the bed.
4. People claim that wind turbines ………………….. the landscape.
5. Literal ………………. translation doesn’t always give the right meaning.

Supervise, wisely, maintain, crops, occurred, ruins

1. We have to use natural resources ………………. .

2. Our company needs technicians to …………………… new employees.
3. Wheat and barely are ……………….. grown in Iraq.
4. A robbery ………………….. yesterday and valuable things were stolen.
5. If you have a current account, you have to ……………….. your balance.

Application, drive, pain, enhance, robbery, pills

1. The police got a call about a …………………. Last night.

2. You have to take two of these ……………… three time a day.
3. You mustn’t …………………. Without your seatbelt.
4. You can ……………………. Your computer skills by taking an evening class.
5. Where exactly is the ………………. And how long have you had it.

Tour guide, university, stressful, hurts, let, skin

1. My back ……………… all the time, it only feels OK. When I am laying down.
2. The …………….. on my legs are very dry.
3. My sister is a …………… . she takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
4. You must …………………… people cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.
5. I want to go to ……………… and get a science degree.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Supervise, venue, dispose of, mandatory, spoil, medication

1. Some people say that wind farms ……………….. the landscape.

2. If you are a manager, you have to ……………… other employees.
3. Have you taken any ……………….. for the pain?
4. The place where you hold a course or concert for example. ………………………..
5. A qualification in English is ………………… if you want to study in England.

Fasten, broken, pain, maintain, balance, faint

1. She can’t play tennis. She has …………………. Her right arm.
2. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ………………………. .
3. When the plane takes off, you have to ………………… your seatbelt.
4. The minimum …………………… is 1,000 Iraqi Dinars.
5. Where exactly is the …………….. and how long have you had it?

Car hire, canteen, details, register, value, spoil

1. Some people say that wind farms ……………………….. the land scape.
2. You can …………………… for this class by completing a form online.
3. The …………………… of investment can go down as well as up.
4. You can’t rely on public transport on that Island. You should find about ……………… so you can travel more
5. Pleas fill in this form. Write your name here and all the other ……………….. underneath.

Balance, buried, qualification, career, pain, title

1. Where exactly is the …………….. and how long have you had it?
2. The minimum ………………….. is 1,000 Iraqi Dinars.
3. What is your ……………………? is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?
4. Waste is often burnt or …………………… .
5. When I left school, I had few ……………………, but I got good job after taking a computer class.
6. What is your ……………………? is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Medical, sore, maximum, wisely, branch, limit

1. I went swimming yesterday, and now my eyes are ……………… because of the chemicals in the pool.
2. We need to use the earth resources …………….. .
3. Scientists are finding ways to …………………… damage to the environment.
4. She’s ……………………….. student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time.
5. The ……………….. number of students is 10.

Scared, ecology, workshop, staff, energy, exceptionally

1. I’m on my way to register for a computer …………………… .

2. I am interested in the environment. I would like a career In …………………….. .
3. The food was ………………………… good.
4. Wind is a renewable source of ……………………….. .
5. I’m a bit ……………… of heights.

Waste, booth, replace, involve, environment, statement

1. We need to ……………………….. the trees that are cut down.

2. This bank …………………… shows I have a lot of money in my account.
3. A ……………….. box – like room where interpreters work.
4. Today, more and more people are recycling their ………………… .
5. Children need a happy home …………………….. .

Intensive, cancel, branch, refinery, current, sneezed

1. A …………………… account comes with a cheque book.

2. Ali covered his mouth when he ……………………… .
3. If we ……………………….. your cards now, no one else will be able to use them.
4. Many students take an …………………… language course.
5. There is a …………………….. of our bank near the university.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Architecture, disaster, deforestation, expired, condition, mandatory

1. If ………………………. Continues, many species of animal will disappear completely.

2. A qualification in English is ……………………. If you want to study in England.
3. Zaha Hadid started to teach ………………….. students in famous universities like Harvard.
4. I bought a used car, but it is in a very good ……………….. .
5. There have been a lot of natural ……………………… in the last few years.

Pain, deforestation, replace, dizzy, intensive, branch

1. We need to ……………………….. the trees that are cut down.

2. Where exactly is the …………….. and how long have you had it?
3. Many students take an ……………………….. language course.
4. There is a ………………………. Of our bank near the university.
5. Many animals are endangered because of ………………………… .

Destruction, enhance, illegal, credit card, waste, investment

1. I haven’t got a ……………………….. yet, so I pay for everything by cash or by cheque.

2. It is essential that something is done about the …………………………. Of the rainforests.
3. The value of an …………………….. can go down as well as up.
4. The river has been polluted by ……………………. Products from the factory.
5. It is ………………………….. to sell cigarettes to children under the age of 18.

Online, career, ideal, pressure, used, experienced

1. I am interested in the environment. I would like a …………………. In ecology.

2. The cards can be ……………………… at any ATM.
3. If you have internet access you can bank …………………. .
4. All our teachers are qualified and highly ………………………….. .
5. Kerkennah is an …………………… place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday.

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Conference, instalments, withdraw, maximum, mandatory, permit

1. How many …………………. Do you have to make to pay back your loan?
2. A qualification in English is ……………………. If you want to study in England.
3. Most private homestays do not ………………. Smoking indoors.
4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attend a big ………………….. in London.
5. You can ……………………… money from an ATM machine.

Vital, swollen, university, terms, arrest, staff

1. Studying engineering needs knowledge in technical ………………

2. If you commit a crime, the police will ……………… you
3. I’ve got pain in my knee. It’s really ………………………..
4. All ………………………. Are really friendly and helpful.
5. Holidays are ………….. to our general wellbeing.

Career, dizzy, roundabout, suit, broken, exceptionally

1. Your car mustn’t have …………………….. lights.

2. You must slow down at a …………………….
3. The food was ………………………… good.
4. I’d like a ………………………. In ecology.
5. I feel ……………………… . I think I am going to faint.

Qualification, sightseeing, stressful, conference, seafront, permit

1. Most private homestays do not …………………. Smoking indoors.

2. My career as an interpreter is ………………………… .
3. I can’t get that job because I don’t have the right ……………………….. .
4. Let’s go for a walk along the ……………………… this evening.
5. In the afternoon we did some ………………………. .
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Chemicals, tour guide, bleeding, package, dry, pain

1. The skin on my leg is very ………………, so I have to put this cream on every day.
2. My toe is ………………………. . I cut it on a piece of glass on the beach.
3. Where exactly is the ……………….. and how long have you had it?
4. My sister is a …………………………… . She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
5. My eyes are sore from the ……………………… in the pool.

Screen, pay, canteen, sneezes, title, broken

1. What is your …………………… ? is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?

2. We often say “Bless you” when somebody ………………….. .
3. The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the ………………….. .
4. She can’t plat tennis. She has ………………………. Her right arm.
5. You must ……………………. A fine when you get a ticket.

Throat, obey, sneeze, hurts, dry, pickpocket

1. My back ……………… all the time. It only feels OK. When I am laying down.
2. Crowded areas attract ………………….. who try to steal people’s wallets.
3. I can’t swallow. I have sore …………………. .
4. My lips are really ………………… and sore.
5. Drivers must …………………. The speed limit.

Sneeze, thief, commit, painkillers, faint, goes

1. I’ve got a terrible headache. Can I have some ……………………… .
2. In Britain, the number of diabetics …………………… every year.
3. “Have you got cold?”. “No, I always ………………. when I put pepper on my food.
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ………………….
5. If you ………………….. a crime, the police will arrest you.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Broken, hurts, faint, pain, beautifully, journalist

1. My back ………… all the time.

2. Where exactly is the …………….. and how long have you had it?
3. The story was ……………………... written.
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to ………………. .
5. She can’t play tennis. She has ………………….. her arm.

Skills, balance, cartoonist, hurts, used, faint

1. The minimum ……………….. is 1,000 Iraqi dinars.

2. The cards can be ………………. At any ATM.
3. I would like to go on computer course to improve my ……………..
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to …………………..
5. My back …………… all the time.

Convenient, paramedics, register, harm, branches, withdrawal

1. You can ……………….. for this class by completing a form online.

2. The land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all ……………………. of the military.
3. She made a ……………………. from her checking account.

4. One of the main advantages of the internet is that it is …………………..

5. Sometimes, the way we use natural resources can ………………….. the environment.

Non – renewable, architect, pills, locations, level, course fees

1. They didn’t know what class I should be in, so I did a test to find out what ………….. my English was.
2. Take two ………………….. with water after each meal.
3. Petrol is considered a …………………… resource because it takes thousands of years to form.
4. You have to pay your ……………………. In advance.
5. “Who designed that amazing building?” “My uncle. He is a famous ………………., you know?

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

[Materials, register, canteen, title, branch, loan]

1. Natural resources are ………………………… that are found in nature.
2. What is your …………………? Is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?
3. There is a ………………. Of our bank near the university.
4. If you don’t have enough money to buy something, you can ask the bank for a ……………….
5. You can ………………….. for this class by completing a form online.

[islanders, advert, successful, course fees, suit, burglar]

1. you have to pay your …………………. In advance.
2. Several ……………. Invited us into their homes for mint tea and cakes.
3. We offer a choice of accommodation to ………………… your needs.
4. A ……………………… can hide behind trees and bushes.
5. Look at the notice board. There’s an ………………. For English courses.

[intensive, pilot, energy, brain, medical, expectations]

1. Capitan Yousouf has been a ……………… for ten years now. At the moment, he flies planes from Europe
to the Gulf.
2. She’s a ………………… student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time.
3. Many students take an ………………. language course.
4. The holiday completely lived up to my ………………….
5. We use petrol and gas for ………………….

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

‫األجوبة النموذجية الوزارية‬

‫‪41 | P a g e‬‬
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

(Q2 A & B)
Phrasal verbs: (‫)األفعال العبارية‬
1. I’ve already turned on / it. (2020) turned it on
2. I will turn down / it / in a minute? (2020) Turn it down
3. I like these shoes, can I (try them on / try on them)? (2020, 2016).
4. I can’t remember when I / took up / it. (Put in the correct order). (2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2014)
Took it up
5. I’ll (turn down it / turn it down) in a minute. (Put in the correct order) (2019)
6. I like these shoes. Can I / try on / them? (Put the verb and the object in the correct order). (2019),
(2014). Try them on
7. This pencil is really old. You can /throw away / it. (Put in the correct order). (2018) . throw it away
8. I have already (turned down it / turned it down). (2018)
9. Stamp – collecting is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take)? (Put in the correct order). (2017)
(2015), 2014). Take it up
10. I’ve already / turned down / it. (Put in order) (2017). Turn it down
11. Most smokers (take up / it) as teenagers. (Put in the correct order) (2016). Take it up
12. These trousers were too long so (I / took up / them) to make them fit. (Put in the correct order.)
(2016) Took them up
13. Can you (turn it down / turn down it)? (2016)
14. Smoking is terrible. You should / give up / it. (Put in the correct order) (2020, 2015). Give it up
15. Can you / the music / turn down? (2021) turn down the music / turn the music down

Used to:
1. There (be) a house here, but they (knock) it down last year. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and
the past or present simple). (2020, 2019, 2017)
There used to be a house here, but they knocked it down last year.
2. She (wear) glasses, but now she (have) contact lenses. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the
past or present simple). (2019), (2018), (2017), (2014)
She used to wear glasses, but now she has contact lenses.
3. Salwa (eat) meat, but now she (be) a vegetarian. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the past or
present simple). (2018)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
Salwa used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian.
4. She (not be) so thin, but she got ill last year and (lose) a lot of weight. (Use the correct form of
“Used to” and the past or present simple). (2018), (2015)
She didn’t use to be so thin, but she got ill last year and lost a lot of weight.
5. He (like) going out, but now he always (want) to stay home. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and
the past or present simple). (2018), (2015)
She used to like going out, but now she always wants to stay home.
6. I (have) a bicycle, but someone (steal) it last week. (Use the correct form of “Used to” and the past
or present simple). (2022, 2015)
I used to have a bicycle, but someone stole it last week.
7. We (used to / didn’t use to) have security cameras, but now we have six of them. (2014)
8. He (have) his hair cut at the hairdresser’s, but now his wife (cut) it for him. (Use the correct form of
“Used to” and the past or present simple). (2014)
He used to have his hair cut at the hairdresser’s, but now his wife cuts it for him.
9. Cities ________ (not be) polluted. (Used to). (2014)
Cities didn’t use to be polluted.
10. I (drink) coffee every morning, but now I drink tea. (2021)
I used to drink coffee every morning, but now I drink tea.

11. I (have) long hair, but now I have short hair. (2021)
I used to have long hair, but now I have short hair.
12. Doctors are (well / better) trained than they used to be. (2022, 2021)
13. Did you (use to / used to) fight with your brother when you were little? (2021)
14. She (smoke), but she (give) up a few years ago. (2022)
She used to smoke, but she gave up a few years ago.
Use an imperative to give advice
1. (Get enough sleep), An average of eight hours a night is about right. (2021, 2020, 2017, 2014)
2. (Don’t drink too much coffee), Tea is better for your heart and can even lower your blood pressure.
3. (Never miss breakfast) It’s the most important meal of the day. (2018)
4. (Look after your eyes), Get them tested once a year. (2018, 2017)
5. (Drink plenty of water), at least a liter and a half every day. Tea, coffee and soft drinks are Not
water. (2016)
6. (see the dentist for regular checkups)…. And brush your teeth three times a day. (2021)
7. Be safe when travel, make sure you are up to date with vaccinations and take Malaria medication if

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

When, and / while, as:

1. I (think) about you and then you rang me. (Correct the form of the verb) (2020)
Was thinking
2. When I met her at the airport, she (wear) a long blue dress. (Correct the verb) (2019)
Was wearing
3. They (camp) in the desert when they saw a large snake. (Correct the verb) (2019)
Were camping
4. Khaled was playing football when he (break) his ankle. (Correct the verb) (2018), (2014)
5. I was eating breakfast and a bird (fly) into the room. (Correct the verb) (2018).
6. A thief took our clothes while we (swim). (Correct the verb). (2017)
were swimming
7. While Ali was having a shower, somebody (knock) at the front door. (Correct the verb) (22, 17)
8. While he (skate), he fell over. (Correct the verb). (2016).
Was skating
9. My sister (hide) the purse under the bed while I (not look). (Correct the verbs). (2016).
Hid , wasn’t looking
10. My phone rang while we (watch) the movie. (Correct the verb). (2016).
Were watching
11. When I (meet) her at the airport, Linda was wearing a new dress. (Correct the verb). (2015).
12. She (tell) us to be quiet as we (make) too much noise. (Correct the verb)
told, were making
13. While my baggage (go) through the X-ray machine, I walked through the metal detector. (Correct
the verb). Was going.
14. I (clean) my room and I (find) 30$ under my bed. (Correct the verb). (2014).
Was cleaning, found
15. We were speeding when we (see) the police car. (2021) saw
16. I was driving to the hospital when my mobile phone (ring). (2021) rang
17. While I was eating breakfast, a bird (fly) into the kitchen. (2021) flew
18. I was ice – skating when I (fall) over. (2022) fell

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Adjective + ed & adjective + ing:

1. She is not very (interested / interesting) in fashion. (2020)
2. This book is very (bored / boring). I fall asleep whenever I read it. (2019), (2016)
3. We were very (frightened / frightening) when our car broke down in the desert. (2018x2), (2017)
4. He was very (frightening / frightened) when he saw the spider. (2017)
5. I saw a very (excited / exciting) film on TV. Last night. (2017x2)
6. What is the most (excited / exciting) thing you have ever done? (2016)
7. My flight was (tired / tiring) because it was a twelve – hours flight. (2016)
8. He’s a very (interesting / interested) person. He has lots of great stories to tell. (2015, 2022)
9. This book is very (bored / boring). (2014)
10. It was the most (frightening / frightened) day of my life. (2014)
11. He is a very (interested / interesting) man. He’s travelled around the world. (2021)
12. The lecture was so (boring / bored) that I almost felt a sleep. (2021)

Much, a little / Many, a few

1. I’ve met her a (few / little) times. (2020)
2. I don’t think I can fit in that parking place. There isn’t (many / much) space. (2019)
3. How (a. much / b. many) time do you spend on your homework? (2019), (2017)
4. There is only a (few / little) orange juice left in the bottle. (2022, 2019)
5. How (much / many) time is left? (2018)
6. We need a (little / few) butter for this cake. (2018)
7. How (much / many) exercise does he take a week? (2018), (2016), (2014)
8. Put your case in the car. There’s still a(a. few / b. little) space left. (2021, 2018)
9. How (much / many) apples do you need? (2017)
10. I’ve got (a few / a little) work to finish, so can you wait a minute? (2015)
11. We need a (little / few) more oranges. (2014)
12. You will have to wait a (few / little) minutes. (2020)
13. How (much / many) hours’ sleep did you get the night before? (2021)
14. The teacher gives us a (little / few) time to prepare before the test. (2021)
15. How (much, many) times a week do you wash your hair? (2022)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Adjectives (ful) & Adverbs (ly)

1. Sara (carefully / careful) lifted the box. (2018)
2. The story was (beautiful / beautifully) written. (2017)
3. He drives the car (careful / carefully). (2017)
4. We hope that we can live (peaceful / peacefully) together. (2016)
5. The story was (beautiful, beautifully) written. (2022)


(Q3 B AND C)
1. Usual, unusual; patient, ________. (2019) impatient
2. Joint in the leg, a _________. (2019) (2016). ankle
3. Pushing, shaking ; without success, _________. (2019) to no avail
4. Joint in the arm, e__________. (2019) (2016). elbow
5. Usual, unusual ; pleasant, ____________. (2019). unpleasant
6. Where exactly is the ______. (pain, dizzy, intensive) (2019). pain
7. Joint in the arm, w__________. (2020, 2019). wrist
8. Polite, impolite ; efficient, ____________. (2018). inefficient
9. Joint in the arm, ______________. (2018). Shoulder OR elbow OR wrist
10. Healthy, unhealthy ; legal, ___________. (2018). Illegal
17. Joint in the leg, k__________. (2018) (2015). knee
18. Correct, incorrect; happy, __________. (2017) unhappy
19. Fair, unfair; convenient, ___________. (2017) inconvenient
20. Inside the body, h_______t. (2017). heart
21. Healthy, unhealthy; polite, __________.(2017). impolite
22. Joint in the arm, w__________. (2022, 2017). wrist
23. Joint in the leg: an_______. (2017). ankle
24. My (ankle / elbow) hurts. I can’t walk. (2016)
25. Polite, impolite; expensive, ________. (2016) inexpensive
26. Ankle, joint ; bandage, __________. (2016). treatment
27. Paramedics = (a written request, medical helpers, a person who is looking for a job) (2016)
28. Happy, unhappy ; efficient, _________. (2016). Inefficient.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
29. Legal, illegal ; moral, ________. (2016). immoral
30. Direct, indirect; polite, _________. (2015). impolite
31. Happy, unhappy; correct, _________. (2015) incorrect
32. Healthy, unhealthy; moral, __________. (2015). immoral
33. Joint in the arm, w_______. (2022, 2014). wrist
34. Polite, impolite; popular, __________. (2014). unpopular
35. Fair, unfair; patient, ________. (2014). Impatient
36. Usual, unusual; healthy, ……….. unhealthy (2020)
37. Small, smaller; cheap, …………. Cheaper (2020)
38. Polite, impolite; dependent, independent (2021)
39. Like, dislike; encourage, discourage. (2022)
40. Safe, safer; dangerous, more dangerous. (2022)
41. Popular, unpopular; fortunate, unfortunate (2022)
42. Fast, faster; violent, more violent (2022)
43. A joint in the leg, knee (2022)


(1 – B)
1. Mustafa’s mother will always be proud of him because he was calm an intelligent when he needed
to be. (2020)
2. Who rescued Tariq by boat? (2019) (2015)
Jameel Al Alawi did.
3. Why was Mustafa a little puzzled? (2019x2). Because his mother normally came into his room
first thing in the morning. OR Because his mother didn’t come to his room first thing in the
4. Zaid thought perhaps his airbed had hit ____________. (a piece of wood) (2019)
5. What did Mustafa tell the emergency operator? (his mother is sick and she needs a doctor) (2019,
6. How did the paramedics know that Mustafa’s mother was diabetic? (2018)
They spotted her insulin user’s identity card.
7. What did the shark do? (2018). The shark bit Zaid’s arm.
8. Mustafa told the emergency operator that _____________________. (2018)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
His mother is sick and she needs a doctor.
9. Where did Mustafa find his mother? (2022, 2018, 2015). He found her in her bed room.
10. How did Mustafa open the door for the paramedics? (2021, 2017) He stood on a chair to open the
front door for the paramedics.
11. What was Zaid Tariq doing when he saw the shark? (2017). He was swimming
12. Tariq was rescued by __________. (a. two children, b. sea) (2017)
13. Why was Mustafa’s mother unconscious? (2017).
Because her blood sugar dropped too low during the night.
14. Why was Latifa proud of her son Mustafa? (2017) (2015)
Because he was calm and intelligent when he needed to be.
15. Was Zaid Tariq bitten by the shark? (2021, 2017) Yes, he was.
16. Mustafa was puzzled because his mother ___________________. (2016)
(because his mother didn’t come to his room first thing in the morning)
17. Why did Zaid Tariq scream? (2016) Because he though he was dying.
18. When Zaid Tariq got back to the dry land he was taken ________.
(a. straight back to his hotel, b. to get medical attention) (2016)
19. Where did Mustafa find his mother? (2016) In her bed room.
20. Zaid Tariq was bitten by the dolphins. (True / False) (2015)
21. Mustafa’s father was suffering from diabetes. (True / False) (2015)
22. Six dolphins _____. (a. bit the shark b. made a lot of noise c. protected Tariq) (2015)
23. Mustafa had to stand on a chair to _____________. (2015) (2014)
Open the front door for the paramedics.
24. Zaid Tariq was _________. (a. a bad swimmer b. on holiday c. working in Egypt) (2015)
25. What does Mustafa’s mother suffer from? (2021, 2014) She was suffering from diabetes.
26. Mustafa found his mother in the (a. kitchen b. bedroom c. bathroom) (2014)
27. How did the paramedics treat Mustafa’s mother? (2014)
They gave her an injection of insulin to raise her blood sugar level.
28. Mustafa’s mother suffers from diabetes (2020)
29. What frightened the shark away? (2021) The dolphins frightened the shark away.
30. Mustafa’s mother suffers from (a. diabetes b. high blood pressure). (2021)
31. Who heard Tariq’s screams? (2022) Jameel Alalawi did.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

(Q 2 A & B)
Must, Mustn’t/Need to, Needn’t/Have to, Don’t have to:
1. Abla needn’t (go / to go) to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday. (2022, 2018)
2. You (must, needn’t) go to the store today. There is plenty of food in the fridge. (2018)
3. You are driving too fast! You (need to / needn’t) slow down. (2018)
4. There’s petrol in the car, so you (need to / needn’t) go to the petrol station. (2017)
5. You are driving too fast! You (have to / needn’t) slow down. (2016) (2014)
6. Hiba (needn’t / mustn’t) go to the supermarket today because Dana went yesterday. (2016)
7. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It is dangerous. (2015)
8. You (needn’t / mustn’t) take so much baggage on a weekend trip. (2015)
9. When you get in a car, you (must / mustn’t) put on your seat belt. (2015)
10. Please, putout your cigarette. You (mustn’t / needn’t) smoke in the hospital. (2015) (2014)
11. I (mustn’t / needn’t) be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry. (2022, 2014)

EXPECTATION: (‫( )التوقع‬Expectation)

1. You like exercising, so I don’t think you will have trouble getting fit. (Expectation) (2020, 2019)
(2017) (2014)
You like exercising, so you shouldn’t have trouble getting fit.
2. I’ve studied hard for the test, so I think I’ll pass. (Expectation use: “should”) (2019) (2018) (2017)
(2022, 2014)
I’ve studied hard for the exam, so I should pass.
3. He learnt about computers in the military, so I think he will be able to help me fix mine.
(Expectation) (2019).
He learnt about computers in the military, so he should be able to help me fix mine.
4. She is in the 6th preparatory. She (should / shouldn’t) graduate this summer. (2019)
5. This is a new computer, so I think it is faster than the other one. (Expectation) (2018x2) (2015)
This is a new computer, so it should be faster than the other one.
6. They left three hours early. I think they will be here by now. (Expectation) (2018)
They left three hours early. They should be here by now.
7. We left two hours early. We (should / shouldn’t) miss the plane. (2017) (2016)
8. He studied hard. He (should / shouldn’t) pass the exam. (2016)
9. The journey normally takes four hours so I think we will get there about six. (Expectation) (2016)
The journey normally takes four hours so we should get there about six.
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
10. Mary has so many friends so I think there will be a very big crowd at the party. (Expectation)
Mary has so many friends so there should be a very big crowd in the party.
11. You have always wanted to fly. I think you will like the Air Force. (Use “should” or “shouldn’t” to
express expectation). (2015)
You have always wanted to fly. You should like the Air Force.
12. They learnt a lot in the military, so I don’t think they will have trouble getting a job. (Use “should”
or “shouldn’t” to express expectation). (2014)
They learnt a lot in the military, so they shouldn’t have trouble getting a job.
13. Salwa has prepared herself so well for the exam, so I think she will get high marks. (Expectation)
Salwa has prepared herself so well for the exam, so she should get high marks.
14. I’ll send you the direction by e-mail. They are very clear. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble
finding us. (2021)
I’ll send you the directions by e-mail. They are very clear. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding us.

CAUSATIVE VERBS (‫)األفعال السببية‬:

(Re-write with the correct form of have, get or make)
1. My father asked somebody to fix the computer. My father……………. (Re-write with the correct
form of “have”) (2020)
My father had the computer fixed.
2. The leaves fell because of the wid. The wind…. (Re-write with the correct form of “make”) (2019)
(2017). The wind made the leaves fall.
3. My mother told me to turn down the music. My mother…. (Re-write with the correct form of
“make”) (2019) (2018). My mother made me turn down the music.
4. A photographer took a picture of the witness. The witness….. (Re-write the sentence with the
correct form of “have”) (2022, 2018)
The witness had his picture taken.
5. He asked somebody to cut his hair. (Rewrite using the correct form of “get”) (2018)
He got his hair cut.
6. Somebody stole my television. I…….. (Rewrite the sentence with the correct form of “have”) (2018)
I had my television stolen.
7. A photographer took her picture. She……. (Rewrite using the correct form of “have”) (2017)
She had her picture taken.
8. She asked somebody to fix the window. She got the window (fix / fixed). (Choose)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
9. My mother asked somebody to paint the house. (Rewrite using the correct form of get or make).
(2016) (2015). My mother got the house painted.
10. I asked the mechanic to check the brakes. (Re-write with the correct form of have or make) (2016)
I had the brakes checked.
11. He looked outside because he heard a noise. (Rewrite using the correct form of get or make)
The noise made him look outside.
12. My father asked someone to fix the computer. My father….. . (Use get) (2016)
My father got the computer fixed.
13. The noise (made / had) her look outside. (Choose) (2022, 2014)
14. She had her picture (take / taken). (Choose) 2019) (2014)
15. My father made me (wash / washed) the car. (2021)

Offer, Polite request, Advice, Suggestion:

1. (Go to the shops before the plane leaves). (Make suggestion) (2021, 2019, 2015)
Let’s go to the shops before the plane leaves.
2. (see your ticket). (Polite request) (2019) (2018)
Can I see your ticket, please?
3. (take a taxi to the airport). (Make suggestion) (Make suggestion with “let’s” (2019) (2017) (2014)
Let’s take a taxi to the airport.
4. (help you with your baggage). (Offer) (Offer use shall) (2018) (2016) (2014)
Shall I help you with your baggage?
5. (help your friend with his baggage). (Offer) (2018x2)
May I help your friend with his baggage?
6. (give me your passport) (Polite request) (2016)
Can you give me your passport, please?
7. Keep your passport in a safe place. (Give an advice) (2015x2) (2014)
You should keep your passport in a safe place.
8. (Meet at 3.00 at the departure lounge). (Suggestion) (2015)
Let’s meet at 3.00 at the departure lounge.

9. (Get me a drink of water) (Polite request) (2021)

Could you get me a drink of water.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


(Q3 A, B AND C)
1. Empty = ___________________. (the same as, there is nothing in it) (2020, 2016)
2. If you _______ a crime, the police will arrest you. (commit, make, do) (2020, 2015)
3. Conveyor _______ (belt, deal, card) (2019)
4. appt., appointment; freq. , _________. (2019). frequent
5. occurred, happened; alerted, __________. (2019). called
6. Big, bigger; funny, _________. (2019). funnier
7. Fast, faster; good, ________. (2021, 2019). better
8. 18 years, 18 yrs.; driving licence, _______. (2019). Driving lic.
9. When you leave the military, your training can help you find a (criminal / civilian) job. (2019)
10. You must be 18 years old to (join / belong) the military. (2019)
11. Company, co. ; frequent, _________. (2019). freq.
12. Alerted, called; injured, __________. (2019) hurt
13. co., company; appt., ____________. (2019) appointment
14. property, stuff; investigate, _________. (2019) find out
15. small, smaller; boring, __________. (2019) more boring than
16. 18 yrs., 18 years; office bldgs., _________. 2018) office buildings
17. The Land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all (branches, types) of the military. (2018)
18. Big, bigger ; dangerous, __________. (2018) more dangerous than
19. co., company; comp., ___________. (2018) computer
20. driving lic., driving licence; office bldgs., _________. (2018) office buildings
21. property, stuff; injured, __________. (2018) hurt
22. computer, comp.; experience, ___________. (2018) exp.
23. appointment, appt. ; company, _________. (2017) com.
24. injured, hurt ; occurred, __________. (2017) happened
25. small, smaller; expensive, ___________. (2017) more expensive than
26. If you are a manager, you have to _________ other people. (medication, supervise, spoil) (2017)
27. Freq. , frequent ; driving lic. , __________. (2017) driving licence
28. Metal ________. (lunch, fees, detector) (2017)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
29. Speed ________. (scene, limit, design) (2017)
30. Crime ________. (scene, fees, design) (2017)
31. Alerted, called; property, _________. (2017) stuff
32. The police got a call about a __________ last night. (pain, drive, robbery) (2017)
33. You mustn’t _________ without your seat belt on. (application, drive, design) (2017)
34. Computer, comp.; appointment, ___________. (2017) appt.
35. Injured, hurt; alerted, _________ . (2017) called
36. Throw a way, dispose of; without success, ____________. (2017) to no avail
37. There is nothing in it. __________. (buried, empty, loan) (2016)
38. Company, comp. ; years, ___________. (2016) yrs.
39. A ___________ can hide behind a bush or a tree. (burglar, deforestation, faint) (2016)
40. (This / That) is Samir Esam. (2016)
41. At 11.15, police were (called / alerted) by Mr. Smith. (2016)
42. 18 years, 18 yrs. ; driving licence, __________. (2016) driving lic.
43. Fast, faster ; funny, ___________. (2016) funnier
44. Years, yrs. ; buildings, ____________. (2016) bldgs.
45. When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and ________. (instilled, footprints,
bit) (2015)
46. Don’t leave your wallet _______ on a bus bench. (hurts, commit, unattended)(2015)
47. We (considerably/thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment. (2015)
48. Appt., appointment; exp., __________. (2015) experience
49. Alerted, called; investigate, __________. (2015) find out
50. Freq., frequent ; comp., _______. (2015) computer
51. A person who saw or heard something at the time of a crime. (conference, ambitious, witness)
52. Appt., appointment ; Co., _________. (2015) company
53. Injured, hurt ; investigate, _________. (2015) find out
54. Without someone looking after it. (pickpocket, thief, unattended) (2015)
55. A person who steals money from your pocket. (spreadsheet, pickpocket, vacancy) (2015)
56. Computer, comp ; experience, ______. (2015) exp.
57. At 11.15, police were (called / alerted) by Mr. Smith. (2016)
58. Experience, exp. ; driving licence, driving lic.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


1. How can drivers avoid radar speed guns? (2020)
By using radar detectors.
2. How does radar speed gun work? (2019) (2015) (2014)
By sending radio waves toward a car.
3. Footprints and fingerprints can be used by police officers to ________. (2019)
Identify the criminals.
4. People have to follow the law so that they ______. (2019)
Can all live together safely.
5. Some people think that radar guns don’t work well. (True / False) (2021, 2018)
6. How can witness help the police? (2108) (2015)
By telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed.
7. Why do police officers use radar speed guns? (2018)
To catch speeders.
8. What is a radar detector? (2018) (2016) (2014)
It is a machine that makes a peeping sound when it detects a radar near by.
9. Radar guns don’t need maintenance. (True / False) (2018)
10. Do police officers have a lot of different duties? (2017)
Yes, they have.
11. A radar speed gun works by …………… (2017) sending radio waves toward a car.
12. Police officers started using radar speed guns to ………………… (2017) catch speeders.
13. A radar detector is …………………… (2017) (2016)
a machine that makes a peeping sound when it detects a radar near by.
14. One of the duties of a police officer is to …………………… (2016) to direct traffic
15. Radar speed guns can be maintained if they are checked and fixed regularly. (True / False) (2015)
16. Police departments don’t use radar speed guns anymore. (True / False) (2015)
17. Police must be trained to use the radar guns correctly. (Ture / False) (2015)
18. Radar guns don’t need any maintenance. (true / False) (2015)
19. Can radar guns take pictures? (2014) Yes, they can.
20. Drivers mustn’t speed because speeding is one of the leading causes of death on the roads.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

(Q 2 A & B)
Define: (‫)تعاريف المهن‬
1. Define a surgeon. (Use : “operates om people in a hospital”) (2019)
A surgeon is someone who operates on people in a hospital.
2. Define a life guard. (Use : “responsible for the safety of swimmers”) (2019)
A life guard is someone who is responsible for the safety of swimmers.
3. Define tour guide. (Use : “show tourists around”) (2019) (2016)
A tour guide is someone who shows tourists around.
4. Define a journalist. (Use “writes articles for newspapers and magazines.)” (2018)
A journalist is someone who writes articles for newspapers and magazines.
5. Define an architect. (Use “designs buildings.”) (2021) (2018) (2017)
An architect is someone who designs buildings.
6. Define a secretary. (use “does general office work.”) (2022, 2017)
A secretary is someone who does general office work.
7. Define a cartoonist. (use “draws amusing pictures.”) (2020, 2017)
A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures.
8. Define a lawyer. (use “give advice to people about the law”) (2021, 2016)
A lawyer is someone who gives advice to people about the law.
9. Define a nurse. (Use “looks after sick people.”) (2016)
A nurse is someone who looks after sick people.
10. Define a cameraman. (Use “operate the camera for films or programmes.”) (2014)
A cameraman is someone who operates the camera for films or programmes.
11. Define a pilot. (Use:” flies a plane”) (2014)
A pilot is someone who flies a plane.

If conditionals: (‫( )الجمل الشرطية‬Correct the form of the verb)

1. I would have studied medicine if my parents (have) enough money to pay for the course. (2020)
Had had
2. If you are offered a place at Carnegie University, (you accept) it? (2019)
Will you accept
3. What would you buy first if you (win) a million pounds? (2019).
4. If I played tennis, I (join) the tennis club. (2019)
Would join

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. If Nour (not get) a loan, he wouldn’t have been able to buy a car. (2021, 2019, 2018)
Hadn’t got
6. We (not eat) at the restaurant if we had known it was so expensive. (2018)
Wouldn’t have eaten
7. If I had known it was raining when I left, I (bring) an umbrella. (2018)
Would have brought
8. If I (see) him yesterday, I would have told him your news. (2017) had seen
9. If I (not have) the operation, I would have died. (2021, 2017) (Hadn’t had)
10. If anyone (need) advice about their application forms, I will be here tomorrow to help. (2017)
11. Unless he makes a big effort this term, he (not get through) the end of the year exams. (2016)
Will not get through
12. He (be) more attractive if he shaved his beard off. Would be (2016)
13. I would learn to parachute if my friend (say) she would do it with me. (2016)
14. If she (not apply) for a scholarship, of course she won’t get one. (2015)
Doesn’t apply
15. If the traffic isn’t too heavy, I (be) at the airport at 12:30. (2015)
Will be
16. If you had stayed in bed and rested, you (got) better more quickly. (2015)
Would have got
17. If Noor (go) to the shop tomorrow, I won’t have to go. (2014)
18. If he (log on) the British Council Site, he (find) quite a lot of useful information about courses in
Britain. (2015)
Logs on, will find
19. If I (have) lots of money, I would buy a race horse. (2014)
20. If my plane (not leave) on time, I’ll miss my connection flight this afternoon. (2014)
Doesn’t leave
21. If I (play) tennis, I would join the tennis club. (2014)
22. They would have met my Aunt Salima if you (come) to our party. (2020)
Had come
23. She wouldn’t have got sunburnt if she (wear) a hat. (2021)
Had worn
24. If I (know) it was raining when I left, I would have brought an umbrella. (2022)
had known

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
25. Which course will Muna apply for if she (pass) all her exams this year? (2022)
26. If the owner hadn’t taken good care of the car, Nour (not buy) it. (2022)
Wouldn’t have bought

Regret: (‫)التعبير عن الندم‬

1. You drank a lot of coffee. Now you are in bed and you can’t sleep. (Regret use: “I wish”) (18, 17)
I wish I hadn’t drunk so much coffee.
2. You didn’t revise for your English exam and you got a bad mark. You feel sorry about this. (2019)
Regret use : “I wish”)
(I wish I had revised for my English exam.)
3. You have eaten too much chocolate and now you feel sick. (Regret use “I wish”) (2019)
I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate.
4. Unfortunately, I went to bed so late yesterday. That’s why I was tired. (Regret use “I wish”) (2019)
I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late yesterday.
5. Unfortunately, she lost their address. that’s why she couldn’t write to them. (Regret use: “if only”)
(2019, 2014)
If only she hadn’t lost their address.
6. You decided not to go to the park with your friends. Now you regret it. (Regret use “I wish”) (18,16)
I wish I had gone to the park with my friends.
7. Unfortunately, he fell over during the race. That’s why he didn’t win. (Regret use “I wish”) (18,15)
I wish he hadn’t fallen over during the race.
8. I spent all my money at the week-end, that’s why I can’t buy those shoes. (Regret) (2017, 2014)
I wish I hadn’t spent all my money at the week-end.
9. Unfortunately, I ate three bars of chocolate. That’s why I felt sick. (Regret use “If only”) (22, 17, 14)
If only I hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate.
10. Unfortunately, you were rude to your brother. Now he won’t give us a lift to the cinema. (Regret
use: “If only”) (2021, 2017)
If only I hadn’t been rude to my brother.
11. They lost the match. (show regret using “If only”) (2016)
If only they hadn’t lost the match.
12. Unfortunately, I didn’t wake up early. That’s why I missed my bus. (Regret use “I wish”) (16, 15)
I wish I had woken up early.
13. You bought some shoes last week. You’ve decided you don’t like them. (Regret use “If only”)
If only I hadn’t bought any shoes last week.
14. They didn’t train everyday. That’s why they lost the match. (Regret use “If only”) (2015x2)
If only they had trained everyday.
15. You drank a lot of coffee, now you are in bed and you can’t sleep. (Regret use “I wish”) (2017)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
I wish I hadn’t drunk so much coffee.
16. unfortunately, you didn’t lock the car. That’s why a thief stole some valuable things from it. (2021)
I wish I had locked the car.
17. You didn’t lock the car and a thief stole some valuable things of yours from it. (2022)
If only I had locked the car.
18. You are at the park with your friends. You would like to take some photos, but you have forgotten
to bring your camera. (2022)
I wish I hadn’t forgotten to bring my camera.

Reported Questions: (‫)األسئلة المنقولة‬

1. “Will you be able to come to my party?” I asked Layla…. (2021, 2020, 2017)
I asked Layla if she would be able to come to my party.
2. Why haven’t you answered all the questions? My English teacher asked me … (2022, 2019)
My English teacher asked me why I hadn’t answered all the questions.
3. How short do you want your hair? The hairdressers asked me……… (2019)
The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted my hair.
4. Where has she been? I asked……... (2019) I asked where she had been.
5. What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Adam asked me……. (2022, 2019, 2018, 2017)
Adam asked me what I was doing on Friday afternoon.
6. “How often do you clean your teeth?” He asked me……. (2017)
He asked me how often I cleaned my teeth.
7. “Is the read jacket OK for you?” The shop assistant asked me…. (2022, 2017)
The shop assistant asked me if the red jacket was OK for me.
8. “What are you doing?” He asked me…. (2016)
He asked me what I was doing.
9. “Have you ever had a scary experience when flying?” She asked…. (2016)
She asked if I had ever had a scary experience when flying.
10. “How long was the training?” He asked…. (2016)
He asked how long the training had been.
11. “Do you still like the job?” She asked me…. (2016)
She asked me if I still liked the job.
12. “What’s your favourite route?” He asked me…. (2015)
He asked me what my favourite route was.
13. “How long have you been waiting for Samir?” He asked me…. (2015)
He asked me how long I had been waiting for Samir.
14. “Can I borrow some money?” She asked me…. (2014)
She asked me if she could borrow some money.
15. I asked Saab “How do you start your business?” (2014)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
I asked Saab how he started his business.
16. Latifa asked Zaha “when do you decide to be an architect?” (2014)
Latifa asked Zaha when she decided to be an architect.
17. “Will you be able to come to the party?” I asked Layla……. (2014)
I asked Layla if she would be able to come to the party.
18. “Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday?” The football coach asked me……. (2021)
The football coach asked me if I would be able to play in the match on Saturday.
19. “When did you lose your bag?” I asked her……… (2021)
I asked her when she had lost her bag.
20. “When are you going to get out of bed?” My mother asked me………. (2021)
My mother asked me when I am going to get out of bed.


(Q3 A, B AND C)
1. In demand = (Throw a way, get rid of / wanted and needed) (2020)
2. Headphones. _______. (a lot of, things you put over your ears to listen privately) (2020, 2019,
3. Booth = (without someone looking after it / the box like room where interpreters work) (2020)
4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attend a big ______ in London. (conference, permit,
instalments). (2019)
5. All our teachers are qualified and highly _______. (experienced, clever, ideal). (2019)
6. Convey the sense. _______. (give an idea about the meaning, there is nothing in it) (2019)
7. A _______ is a box like room where interpreters work. (booth, room, building) (2018)
8. My sister is a ______. She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day. (tour guide,
paramedic) (2017)
9. Working alone in a booth is ______. (nice, stressful, great) (2016)
10. If you (dislike / distrust) someone you don’t have confidence in them. (2016)
11. We have our own students _______. (hostels, hotels, rooms) (2016)
12. She is a (geometric / medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time. (2016)
13. Equivalent. _______. (the same as or similar to, there is nothing in it)) (2016)
14. We offer a _______ salary and excellent terms and conditions. (instilled, competitive) (2015)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬


1. Why should interpreters read newspapers? (2019)(2015)
They should read newspapers to have good knowledge and know what is going on in the world.
2. After leaving school, Samira did a degree in English at the university of London. (True / False) (2019)
3. A good interpreter follows the news and is well – informed on many topics. (True / False) (2019)
4. Interpreters must have three active languages. (True / False) (2018) (2017)
5. Why shouldn’t an interpreter waste time thinking? (2022, 2017, 2014)
So as not to miss the rest of the speech.
6. Conference interpreters must translate each word literally. (True / False) (2017)
7. What does working freelance mean? (2017)
It means working independently. OR it means working when you want and for the organization you
want to work for.
8. Who is Samira? (2016)
She is an interpreter.
9. To train as an interpreter, you must get a degree in English and a post graduate diploma in
interpreting. (2016)
10. The course in conference interpreting was very (easy / difficult). (2016)
11. Freelance means people who can’t bear to be a way from their office for more than a few hours.
(True / False) (2016)
12. Samira Al Mahmoud is (an interpreter / a banker). (2015)
13. Samira read about the subject of oil in order to get familiar with the technical terms. (2015)
14. Interpreters have to have a degree before they do an interpreting diploma. (True / False) (2021)
15. How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth? (2022)
They can take turns.
16. Samira Al Mahmoud grew up speaking ……………….. at home but ………………. At school. (2022)
Arabic, English

(Q 2 A & B)
Present perfect simple & Present perfect continuous
(never, ever, just, already, yet), Past perfect simple & Past simple
1. Have you (never / ever) stayed in a really unusual hotel? (2019)
2. Have you (ever / never) flown in a helicopter? (2019)
3. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks, ………. one. (Ex. home work - example Page 93) (2019)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
I have just had one.
4. Last week, I (meet) an old friend from primary school and he (not change). (correct the forms of the
verbs between brackets) (2019) Met, hadn’t changed.
5. The teacher (not know) the class for a long time. (Ex. D - 5 Page 112) (correct the form of the verb
between brackets) (2019)
Hasn’t known
6. I (haven’t been / haven’t gone) to China yet, but I would like to one day. (2021, 2019)
7. Sabah has (never / ever) travelled outside of Iraq.
8. My sister isn’t at home at the moment. She has (been / gone) to the dentist’s then.
9. Does Samira know about the meeting?
I’m sorry, I ………… (Complete the response, using “yet” and an appropriate verb) (2018)
I haven’t told her yet.
10. (Have you ever / did you ever) spent the whole night a wake looking at the stars? (2018)
11. Look, somebody (drop) their wallet on the pavement. (Put the verb in the brackets into the correct
form) (Ex. F Page 114) (2018)
Has dropped.
12. Ibrahim had to leave early because he (was having / had to) meet his friend. (2018)
13. I’m in a really good mood because (I’ve just finished / I’ve just been finishing) my exams. (2018)
14. I (didn’t go / haven’t been) to China yet, but I would like to one day.
15. When we got to the cinema, the film (has / had) started. (2017, 2015)
16. If you see Khalid, can you ask him about tonight? He can come, I………. (Complete the response,
using “already” and an appropriate verb) (2017)
I have already asked him.
17. My parents aren’t at home, they have (gone / go) out. (2017)
18. The wedding went well because they (organize) everything very carefully. (correct the verb) (2017)
Had organized
19. The person (who / whose) stole the money must be punished. (2017)
20. When I entered the classroom, the teacher (start) the lesson. (Use past perfect or past simple)(17)
When I entered the classroom, the teacher had started the lesson.
21. I ……… (lock) the door before I left the house. (Use past perfect or past simple) (2016)
Had locked

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
22. I (cook) for two hours. (Present perfect simple or continuous)
I have been cooking for two hours.
23. A scorpion (hold) (write a true sentence with “never” about you) (Ex. B Page 91) (2016)
I have never held a scorpion.
24. I haven’t (pack) my suitcase yet. (correct the verb) (2015)
25. After we (speak) to the teacher, we left the classroom. (correct the verb) (2014)
Had spoken
26. (You / book) a hotel yet? (correct according to the words between brackets). (2014)
Have you booked a hotel yet?
27. Have you (never / ever) camped in the desert? (2014)
28. Layla is in the kitchen. She (has been cooking / cooks) for three hours now. (2014)
29. How many letters (did you write / have you written) so far today?) 2014)
30. A thief got into their house because they (haven’t locked / hadn’t locked) the door properly.
31. I have never (ride / ridden) an elephant. (2020)
32. Have you ever (eat / eaten) an octopus? (2022)

Since, For
1. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes. (2019, 2017, 2016)
2. I have had this car (since / for) November. (2020, 2017)
3. I haven’t seen her (since / for) 2001. (2017)
4. He has had that motorbike (since / for) three years. (2016)
5. Have you worked here (since / for) you graduated? (2022, 2015)
6. She has been talking on the phone (for / since) the last 20 minutes.
7. They have been talking (since / for) eight o’clock.
8. My family has lived in the same house (since / for) 1970. (2022, 2020)
9. We have been married (since / for) 2003. (2021)

How long (Ex. Homework Page 96 – 97)

1. You arrived late for your appointment. You ask: (How long / wait?) (2019)
How long have you been waiting?
2. You have a friend who is learning Japanese. You ask: (How long / learn / Japanese?) (write a
question using the words in brackets) (2017)
How long have you been learning Japanese?
3. I’m sorry. I am late. (How long / you / wait) (2017)
How long have you been waiting?

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
4. (How long / you / be a pilot?) (Question use present perfect simple or continuous) (2016)
How long have you been a pilot?
5. You meet a pilot. You ask: (how long / be a pilot?) (write a question using the words in brackets)
(2022, 2015)
How long have you been a pilot?

Relative Clause (Combine the sentences to a defining relative clause)

1. I spoke to a lady on the phone she told me to call back later. (2020, 2019)
The lady who I spoke to on the phone told me to call back later.
2. Bashir is going to buy a car very soon. (He passed his driving test last week) (use the correct
relative pronoun to make one sentence) (2021, 2019, 2016)
Bashir, who passed his driving test last week, is going to buy a car very soon.
3. My sister, (who / whose) favourite food is pizza, is having her birthday party at an Italian
restaurant. (2019)
4. My uncle Albert still rides a bike. (He is 86) (use the correct relative pronoun to make one
sentence) (2018)
My uncle Albert, who is 86, still rides a bike.
5. My grandmother still remembers her childhood. (She is 90). (use the correct relative pronoun to
make one sentence) (2018)
My grandmother, who is 90, still remembers her childhood.
6. I always go to that garage for repairs. It was closed today. (use the correct relative pronoun to
make one sentence) (2018, 2017)
The garage (that/ where) I always go to for repairs was closed today.
7. Fatima (a. who b. whose) photo was in the newspaper yesterday, is a very talented girl. (2017)
8. The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden. (you can have a meal there on summer evenings). (use the
correct relative pronoun to make one sentence) (2017, 2015)
The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden, where you can have a meal on summer evenings.
9. The person (who / whose) stole the money must be punished. (2017)
10. Beirut, (which / where) is full of cafes, is very interesting. (2016)
11. The hotel has a swimming pool. (It is very big). (use the correct relative pronoun to make one
sentence) (2016)
The hotel has a swimming pool, which is very big.
12. Horse riding, (whose / which) is my brother Andy’s favourite sport, is expensive. (2015)
13. The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool. (The pool opened two months ago.) (Use the correct relative
pronoun to make one sentence) (2015)
The Tigris Hotel has a fabulous pool, which opened two months ago.
14. Souhaib (who’s / whose) brother lives in California, is planning a trip to the USA soon. (2014)
15. The story won the first prize. It pleased many writers. (use the correct relative pronoun to make
one sentence) (2014)
The story which pleased many writers won the first prize.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
16. My uncle Ali still rides a bike. (He is 80) (Join use “who”) (2014)
My uncle Ali, who is 80, still rides a bike.

17. Babylon city, (which / where) people like to go sightseeing, is a beautiful place. (2014)
18. His car has broken down. He bought it last month. (Combine the sentence with a relative clause)
His car which he bought last month has broken down.
19. They have knocked down the restaurant. We had a meal there last year. (2020)
They have knocked down the restaurant where we had a meal last year.
20. My uncle Albert, (who, whose) is 86, still rides a bike. (2022)

CORRECT THE SENTENCE (Ex. E Page 112 – 113)

1. What time have they gone to bed last night? (2020, 2017, 2016)
What time did they go to bed last night?
2. You look nice. Did you change your hair style? (2022, 2019)
You look nice. Have you changed your hair style?
3. I’ve woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. (2019, 2018)
I woke up really late this morning and I was late for school.
4. Fadia didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding. (2019, 2015)
Fadia hasn’t spoken to me since her sister’s wedding.
5. Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday. (2022, 2017, 2015)
Adam came back from Beirut yesterday.
6. We have all been to the park last week. (2021, 2017)
We all went to the park last week.
7. I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. (2017)
and he has already lost it.
8. Let’s take Jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. (2016)
He has never been there.
9. Salwa didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding. (2021)
Salwa hasn’t spoken to me since her sister’s wedding.


(Q3 A, B AND C)
1. Delight , delightful ; spectac , spectacular 2019)
2. Kerkennah is an (pressure, ideal, used) place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday. (2019)
3. Considerable. (a fine welcome, a lot of, activity in your bank account) (2019)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
4. Self – catering apartment. (a lot of, a fine welcome, a place to stay where you cook your own food)
(2019, 2018)
5. Hospitality. (a fine welcome, activity in your bank account) (2019, 2017)
6. See , seen ; bite , bitten (2019)
7. I can (honestly / absolutely) say that it was the best holiday I ever had. (2019, 2018)
8. To cross the river we had to (sail / board) a ferry. (2019, 2018, 2016)
9. Ambitious. (give a idea of the meaning, this means that you really want to succeed) (2019)
10. Specialty. (there is nothing in it, something special to a locality) (2019)
11. Delight , delightful ; luxury , luxurious. (2019)
12. Encourage. (get on a list of people, to suggest that someone does something that you believe
would be good). (2018)
13. Be , been ; find , found
14. Luxury , luxurious ; colour , colourful
15. If you distrust someone, you: (don’t have confidence on them , don’t agree with them) (2018)
16. We (considerably, thoroughly) enjoyed all the entertainment. (2018, 2017, 2016)
17. See , seen ; buy , bought. (2018)
18. Say , said ; slip , slipped. (2017)
19. Sea , seafront ; boarding , boarding card. (2017)
20. Go , went ; fall , fell. (2017)
21. I lost my (boarding, empty) card, so I couldn’t get into the plane. (2016)
22. If you (dislike / distrust) someone you don’t have confidence in them. (2016)
23. Wonder, wonderful; luxury, luxurious. (2016)


1. Some people find out too late that (2020)
(b. they missed their holiday b. work isn’t the only thing in life c. they should have different job)
2. What can high blood pressure cause? (2019, 2017, 2014)
It can cause stoked and heart attacks.
3. What are workaholics? (2019)
They are people who think that their work is too important to be left in the hand of others.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
4. Holidays can give us a chance to (a. stop thinking about our problems b. learn new activities) (2018,
5. We need to give families and friends (a. at least an hour of our time b. a lot of our time) (2017)
6. Why are holidays important? (2016)
Because life is so fast and we spend such a large part of our time working.
7. Workaholics are those people who think that their work is too important to be left in the hand of
others. (2016, 2015)
8. Why do brain and body need a break? (2022, 2015)
They need a break so as eventually not let us down.
9. Holidays are important for everyone not just the businessman. (True / False)
Some people don’t take holidays because they think that their work is too important to be left in the
hand of others.
10. Some people don’t take holidays because they think that their work is too important to leave in
the hands of others.
11. Holidays can give us a chance to (a. learn new activities b. recover from illness c. stop talking
about our problems)
12. The pressure of life will ………. (a. make us lose our jobs b. cause health problems)

(Q 2 A & B)
Passive voice: (‫)المبني للمجهول‬
(Re-write in passive form)(unscramble the words to make a passive sentence)
1. Somebody will grade our homework over the week-end. (2014, 2015, 2018)
Our homework will be graded over the week-end.
2. Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (2014, 2015, 2022)
The room is being cleaned right now.
3. Somebody stole my wallet last week. (2014, 2016)
My wallet was stolen last week.
4. (was/ The/ Yesterday/ bank/ robbed). (2014)
The bank was robbed yesterday.
5. The loan (pay back) with interest at the end of the year. (2015)
The loan is paid back with interest at the end of the year.
6. Were your cheques (be) sent to the wrong address? (2015)
Were your cheques being sent to the wrong address?
7. (tomorrow – bill – will – The – be – paid) (2015)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
The bill will be paid tomorrow.
8. Somebody was opening the gates when we arrived. (2015)
The gates were being opened when we arrived.
9. My bed room (paint), so I’m sleeping in the living room. (2015)
My bed room is being painted, so I’m sleeping in the living room.
10. My father wrote this letter. (2016)
This letter was written.
11. (Egypt – are – in – used – coins – These) (2017)
These coins are used in Egypt.
12. My uncle deposited the money last week. (2017)
The money was deposited last week.
13. (wallet – week – was – my – last – stolen). (2017)
My wallet was stolen last week.
14. The business (started / was started) two years ago by two brothers. (2017)
Was started.
15. (have – stairs – avoid – been – The – accidents – to – repaired) (2018, 2019, 2022)
The stairs have been repaired to avoid accidents.
16. Somebody will clean the house every Sunday. (2018 x2)
The house will be cleaned every Sunday.
17. (by – The – down – the – previous – owner – were – trees – cut) (2018)
The trees were cut by the previous owner.
18. Somebody left these books in the classroom. (2018, 2022)
These books were left in the classroom.
19. (next – being – are – week – The – replaced – windows) (2019)
The windows are being replaced next week.
20. (was – delivered – when – mail – the?) (2019)
When was the mail delivered?
21. Somebody teaches History every day. (2021)
History is taught every day.


(Q3 A, B AND C)
1. I am afraid your card is no longer ___________ (conference, expired, valid)(2014)
2. Colour, colouful; luxury, __________. (2014) (luxurious)
3. I’m writing to inquire ________(about my card, complain about a noise) (2014)
4. There must be a mistake in my statement. I didn’t make this (report, withdrawal, ankle) (2014)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. Attract, attractive ; delight , …………………….. (2014) delightful
6. Be, been ; spend, ………………………. (2014) spent
7. I can ……………………… say that it was the best holiday I ever had. (sneeze, stressful, honestly) (2014)
8. Go, gone ; break, ………………………….. (2014) broken
9. Excite, exciting; peace, ………………………… (2014) peaceful
10. Unemployed, out of a job; In a difficult situation, …………………(2014) under pressure
11. We offer a ………………………… salary and an excellent terms and conditions. (instilled, competitive)
12. Leave, left; buy, …………………………….. (2014) bought
13. Attract, attractive; spectac, ……………………… (2014) spectacular
14. Let’s go for a walk along the ……………….. this evening. (seafront, goes up, architect) (2015)
15. My father (opened, made) an account for me when I was quite young. (2015)(2018)
16. Some accounts (cost, pay) more interest than others. (2015)(2018)(2019)
17. Transaction. (activity in your bank account, something which is wonderful to look at). (2015)(2019)
18. Withdrawal. (there is nothing in it, money taken out from your account). (2016)
19. If I had an ATM card,………… (when I will receive my card?, I would save a lot of time). (2017)
20. I can (take, make) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time. (2017)(2018)
21. Balance. (the total amount of money in your account, get on a list of people) (2018)


‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. Financially minded people who follow the markets invest in stocks and shares. (True/False) (2015)
2. A banker needs to be a good architect. (True/False)(2015)
3. Saving accounts benefit people who don’t need to access the money. (True/False)(2015)
4. Why should people save money for the future? (2015)(2018)
So that they can continue to enjoy in good standard of living when we they are older.
5. A difficult part of a banker’s job is that he can’t ………………….. (2015) (2016)
Always approve a loan.
6. What is one of the skills required from a banker? (2015)
He has to be good at Math.
7. Investing in stocks and shares. (a. is fun for some people b. will always make a profit)(2016)(2018)
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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
8. What is the difficult part of a banker’s job? (2016, 2019, 2022)
That he can’t always approve a loan.
9. What is the most popular investment in the UK at the moment? (2016) (2018)
Investing in property.
10. How can we invest our money? (2016)
by putting it into saving accounts and in stocks and shares.
11. People save money for their retirement so that they can ……………… (2017)
Enjoy a good standard of life when they are older.
12. Bankers only need to know about financial subjects. (True / False) (2017)
13. Why is it a risk to invest in stocks and shares? (2017 X 2)
Because you can certainly lose a lot of money as well as gain it.
14. Stocks and shares for many people can be both …………….. and ……………… (2018)
a hobby, a way of making a lot of money.
15. Saving accounts benefit people who……………………. (2018)
don’t need to access this money.
16. Bankers that work with large companies can ………………….. (2018)
has to be quite knowledgeable about many different subjects.
17. How can bankers attract students to open accounts? (2021, 2019 X 2)
By offering special students accounts if the bank is close to university or college.
18. When we work, we are encouraged to put money into pension plans to …………… (2019)
put money into pension plans to save for our retirement.
19. What makes the job of a banker interesting? (2019, 2022)
The variety makes his job particularly interesting.
20. In the UK the most popular investment is investing in property. (True / False) (2021)
21. What can the banks that work with large companies do? (2022)
Banks that work with large companies can help them to improve and extend their business.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

(Q 2 A & B)
1. She (is meeting / meets) the manager tomorrow morning. (2014)
2. In my old job, my shift (started / starts) at 6:00 every Sunday. (2014, 2016)
3. She (learns / will be learning) a lot of new skills. (2014, 2017)
4. A thief got into their house because they (haven’t locked / hadn’t locked) the door properly. (2014)
5. Your room is a mess. When (are you going to clean it up / do you clean it up)? 2015
6. Dana (is going to volunteer / volunteers) at the hospital when she has more time. (2015, 2019)
7. She (learns / is learning) a lot of new things in the course. (2015)
8. He ……………… (tell) Dana she passed the exam. (2016)
will tell OR is going to tell.
9. The English course (begins / is beginning) on the first of March. (2016)
10. I’m sorry. I can’t go to the gym with you. I (see) my dentist at six. (Use the correct form of the future)
(2017). Iam going to see
11. He (leaves / is leaving) for Cairo this week. (2017)
12. I’m sorry. I can’t go to the gym with you. I (will go/ am going ) the dentist at six. (2018)
13. She (is meeting / meets) the director tomorrow morning. (2018)
14. Think of me tomorrow at 9.00. I ………….. (2018)
(a. will be taking a really difficult exam. b. will take a really difficult exam.)
15. Volunteer training (will be beginning / begins ) on the first of the month. (2018)
16. She didn’t pass the exam last time. I hope (she will be doing better this time / she will do better this
time). (2019)
17. I think she (will like / will be liking) the work. (2019)
18. Ibrahim can’t stay out late because he (was starting, is starting) his new job tomorrow. (2022)

Future in the past: (‫)المستقبل في الماضي‬

1. He is going to be a librarian. He decided he ……………… (2014)
he decided he was going to be a librarian.
2. She is going to her computer course tomorrow. I found out she ……………. (2014, 2016, 2018)
I found out she was going to her computer course tomorrow night.
3. He is going to a painting class this morning. I found out he …………….. (2015, 2018, 2019)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
I found out he was going to a painting class this morning.
4. The internet connection will be working again soon. Our teacher promised that………….
(2015, 2018 X 2)
Our teacher promised us that the internet connection would be working again soon.
5. Hassan thinks he will join a career in graphic design.
Hassan thought ……………………….., but now he isn’t so sure. (2015, 2017)
Hassan thought he would join a career in graphic design.
6. I am going to learn Chinese. I decided ……………….. (2015, 2017 X2, 2019)
I decided I was going to learn Chinese.
7. He is going to be a lifeguard. He decided he ………………… (2016)
He decided he was going to be a lifeguard.
8. Ammar will be working late, so I won’t call him early this morning.
I knew Ammar ………………., so I didn’t call him early this morning.
I knew Ammar would be working late.
9. I’m very disappointed to hear that the health club is closing down. I was ………………. (2018 X 2, 2019)
I was very disappointed to hear that the health club was closing down.
10. They can’t come to the beach because they’re taking an exam the next day. (2019 X 2)
They couldn’t …………………
They couldn’t come because they were taking an exam the next day.
11. I’ve decided to learn Arabic. (2021)
I decided I was going to learn Arabic.
12. My employer says the company will give me on – the job training. My employer said …………. (2022)
My employer said the company would give me on – the job training.


(Q3 B AND C)
1. Colour, colourful; luxury,…………………… (2014) luxurious
2. Attract, attractive; delight, …………………(2014) delightful
3. Excite, exciting; peace, ……………………….(2014) peaceful
4. Register, registration; apply, ………………(2015, 2017) application
5. A large meeting to discuss something. (witness, conference, hospitality) (2015)
6. Enhance, enhancement; admit,………………….(2015) admittance / admission
7. Apply, application; enhance,……………………(2016) enhancement
8. She is a (geometric / medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years. (2016)
9. Application. (a written request, medical helpers) (2016)
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
10. Attend, attendance; enhance, …………………..(2016) enhancement
11. Apply, application; enroll, ………………………….(2016 X 2) enrollment
12. Admit, admission; enroll, …………………………..(2016) enrollment
13. Enhance, enhancement; attend, ……………………(2017) attendance
14. Course ………………. (tax, fees, design) (2017, 2019)
15. Register. (a person who is looking for a job, get on a list of people) (2018)
16. Attend, attendance; enrol, …………………..(2018) enrollment
17. Attend, attendance; register, …………………..(2018) registration
18. Independ, independent; applica, …………………….. (2019) application
19. Register, registration, admit, ……………………. (2019) admittance / admission


‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. How is the daily selection of newspapers and magazines in a library useful? (2016, 2018)
We can look through these magazines and newspapers to know what jobs are available.
2. At the library the writer can learn how to apply for jobs. (True / False) (2016, 2019)
3. The writer went to Central Library in Baghdad to …………………….. (2016)
Look for information on how to find a new job involved travelling.
4. The writer can borrow DVDs from the library. (True / False) (2017, 2018)
5. Why did the writer go to The Central Library of Baghdad? (2017 X2)
He went there to look for information that might help him finding a new job involved travelling.
6. Why does the writer need to improve his English language? (2018)
The writer needs to improve his English language since he wants to travel.
7. The writer decided to look for a new job because he failed in his work for the bank. (True/False) (18)
8. The writer could get information about evening and summer classes at the library. (True/False) (18)
9. When the writer was working in a bank, he gave people information about travelling. (True/False) (18)
10. Books with advice in the library help people to …………………………….. (2019) find job vacancies

‫ السؤال األول فرع ب‬،‫أسئلة القطع االستيعابية‬
1. What is the most important aspect of wind power? (2014, 2016)
It is a clean energy.
2. Why does the author say that wind power is efficient? (2015, 2017)
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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
Because the land under the turbines can also be used for agriculture.
3. Wind power is efficient because………………………………… (2015)
Because the land under the turbines can also be used for agriculture.
4. People complain that wind turbines are …………………… And …………………… (2015)
Unattractive, think they spoil the land scape.
5. People think that wind turbines are unattractive and ……………………… (2016)
Think they spoil the land scape.
6. What two complains do people who live near the wind turbines have about them? (2016, 2019)
They are unattractive and noisy.
7. In what ways has wind power been used for thousands of years? (2016, 2018, 2019)
The wind power has been used to power sailing boats all over the world and to grind corn into flour.
8. The main advantage of wind power is that it is ………………………….. (2017, 2018)
Clean energy.
9. In Europe the wind was used for a long time to ……………………….. (2018)
Power sailing boats and grind corn into flour.
10. People who live near the wind turbines find them …………………….. and think ……………….. (2019)
Unattractive, they are noisy.


(Q3 B AND C)
1. The opposite of deep, …………………… (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
2. The wind is (renewable / nonrenewable) source because it doesn’t runout. (2015)
3. Some people say wind farms spoil the land scape. (2015, 2017)
4. Trees are (renewable / non-renewable) source of energy. (2015)
5. Pollution. (the same or similar, the process of damaging the air or water or land with chemicals.)
(2016, 2017)
6. Wind, power; global, ……………. (2016)
7. Logging. (damaging the air or water or land with chemicals, cutting down trees for wood) (2016)
8. Waste. (useless materials left after using something, cutting down trees for wood) (2016, 2017)
9. The remains of a building. ……………….. (2018)

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Q4. THE SWING (‫)األرجوحة‬
1. The two main characters in “The Swing” are Sattar and Haleema. (2020, 2017x2, 2015, 2014)
2. The visitor described the child’s father as (smoke / water). (2020, 2015)
3. The Swing stresses on that war destroys everything, and it leads to nothing but destruction, death
and deprivation. (2020, 2015)
4. The Swing considered as (a. tragic b. comedic) story? (2021, 2020, 2017, 2015)

5. Sattar came to his friend’s house to convey a message that their son Ali was killed in the battle.
(2019x2, 2018x2, 2017, 2016x2, 2014x3)
6. Mohammed Khudair wrote “The Swing” after the summer of 1967 war against Israel. (2019)
7. Where was Mohammed Khudair born? (2019)
He was born in Basra.
8. Mohammed Khudair is an Iraqi writer. (2019, 2017x2, 2014)
9. What does the story “The Swing” stress on? (2019, 2018, 2015, 2014)
It stresses on that war destroys everything, it leads to nothing but death, deprivation and
10. Mohammed Khudair’s first short stories appeared in Al Adeeb Al Iraqi Magazine. (2019, 2016)
11. Mohammed Khudair short stories are translated into English, Russian and French. (2019, 2018x2,
12. How did Sattar try to convey his message to Haleema? (2019)
He tried to convince her that her father is like smoke and she can see him only if she closes her
13. In 1967, a war broke up against Israel. (2019, 2018x2, 2017, 2014x2)
14. Why did Sattar come to his friend’s house? (2021, 2019, 2015)
He came to his friend’s house to convey a message that their son Ali was killed in battle.
15. The visitor found it (easy / difficult) to convey the death message of his friend’s death. (2019)
16. Two of Mohammed Khudair best works are The black kingdom and Autumn dream. (2018, 2016x2)
17. In two lines, what does “The Swing” tells about? (2018, 2015x2)
It tells us about a soldier, Sattar, who has just returned from the hell of war carrying a massage for
the family of his friend, Ali, who has killed in Battle, leaving his mother, wife and little daughter,
18. The Swing is a sincere invitation to sustain family life. (2018)
19. Discuss how the visitor, in “The Swing” tried to convey his message to the little child? (2018, 2016,
He tried to convince her that her father became like smoke and she can see him only if she closes
her eyes.
20. Sattar and Haleema ate a loaf bread before lunch. (2021, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014x2)
21. Mohammed Khudair was born in (a. Nassirya b. Basra) (2017)
22. What did Sattar try to tell Haleema? (2017)
He tried to tell her that her father is like smoke and she can’t see him only if she closes her eyes.
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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
23. Mohammed Khudair wrote “The Swing” before the summer of 1967 war against Israel. (True /
False) (2017)
24. The Swing is one of the best short stories about (war / peace). (2017)
25. Mohammed Khudair found it very easy to control the personal feelings storming inside him.
(True / False) (2017)
26. The Swing is a story written by Mohammed Khudair who was born and educated in Basra. (2017)
27. The Swing is about a soldier Sattar who came to his friend’s house to convey a message that their
son Ali was killed in the battle. (2017)
28. How old was Mohammed Khudair when he wrote “The Swing”? (2017)
He was 25 years old.
29. How did Sattar describe the child’s father? (2016)
He described the child’s father as smoke.
30. I can see him coming out of the bag heading toward us. Without a head or hands and legs just like
smoke. (2015)
31. Mohammed Khudair achieved fame after publishing his short stories The Swing and Melodies on
the string of Rubaaba. (2015)
32. Mohammed Khudair found it (easy, difficult) to control the personal feelings storming inside him.
33. The Swing was written (before / after) the summer of 1967 war.
34. When did Mohammed Khudair write ‘The Swing”? (2021, 2015, 2014)
He wrote “The swing” in 1967.
35. Name two of Mohammed Khudair’s works? (2015)
The Black Kingdom, Autumn Dream. (‫)أو أي عملين آخرين‬
36. What moral lessons does the writer to give in “The Swing? (2014)
War destroys everything and it leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.
37. Where was Mohammed Khudair born? (2014)
He was born in Basra.
38. The visitor described the child’s father as smoke. (2022, 2014)
39. Who is Mohammed Khudair? (2014)
He is an Iraqi writer.
40. What is Mohammed Khudair? (2021, 2014)
He is an Iraqi writer.
41. How was Mohammed Khudhair’s experience in war and politics? (2021)
Crude experience.
42. The Swing is a sincere invitation to ………………… (2021)
Sustain family life, make childhood secure, and love one another.
43. Where did Mohammed Khudair finish his primary, intermediate and secondary study? (2021)
In Basra.
44. What did Sattar try to convince Haleema? (2022)
Sattar tried to convince her that her father is like smoke and she can see him only when she closes
her eyes.
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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
45. Mohammed Khudair was fully aware of the conditions of story writing. (2022)
46. What does war lead to? (2022)
It leads to nothing but death, deprivation and destruction.

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

THE CANARY (‫)الكناري‬

1. In “The Canary”, the woman bought the canary from a Chinaman. ( 2020, 2014)
2. People have that idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True / False). (22, 21, 20,15)
3. Where did the woman in “The Canary” use to hang the canary cage? (21, 19x2, 17, 16, 15, 14)
To the right of the front door.
4. Why does Katherine Mansfield remain famous? (2022, 2021, 2019x2, 2017, 2016)
She remains famous because of her collection of poems and short stories.
5. What did the woman in “The Canary” suffer from? (2022, 2021, 2019x2, 2018, 2014)
She suffers from loneliness.
6. What did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner? (2019, 2015)
He used to hop, hop from one perch to another sip alittle of water, and tap against the bars of the
7. The Canary was written by (a. Mohammed Khudair b. Katherine Mansfield) (2019)
8. Could the woman in “The canary” have another bird? (2019, 2016, 2014)
No, she couldn’t.
9. How did the canary greet his owner in the morning? (2021, 2019, 2016)
He used to greet her with a drowsy little note.
10. The nail to the right of the front door brought back the sweet memories of the bird to Missus.
(True / False). (2019, 2017, 2014)
11. In “The Canary”, why did the woman’s heart feel hollow? (2018, 2015)
Because of the death of the canary.
12. Katherine Mansfield came from a (a. poor b. wealthy) family. (2018)
13. What is Katherine Mansfield? (2018)
She is a short stories writer from New Zealand.
14. How does the story “The Canary” end? (2022, 2021, 2018, 2017x3, 2015, 2014)
By the death of the canary.
15. In “The Canary”, why was the woman happy to have the canary? (2022, 2018, 2017, 2016)
Because she was suffering from loneliness.
16. In “The Canary”, the woman forgot the evening star when the canary came into her life. (2018)
17. How did the canary sing? (2022, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014) Wonderfully.
18. In “The Canary”, what were the people carried away by? (2018, 2015)
They were carried away by the beautiful singing of the canary.
19. In “The Canary”, “you can’t imagine how wonderfully he sang. (he referred to the canary). (2018,
20. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a (a. wealthy b. poor) family. (2018)
21. What did the woman in “The Canary” use to see from the window? (2017)
She used to see people stop at the gate to listen to the singing of the canary.

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
22. Katherine Mansfield moved to London in 1903 to study music at Queen’s College. (2017)
23. The woman was happy to have the canary because she was lonely. (2017, 2014)
24. In “The Canary”, the woman was very sad because she was living a lonely life. (2016)
25. What was the canary to the woman? (2021, 2016)
He was the perfect company.
26. Where was Katherine Mansfield born? (2016)
She was born in New Zealand.
27. In “The Canary”, was the canary the perfect company to the woman? (2016, 2015)
Yes, he was.
28. In 1917, Katherine Mansfield became ill with (a. diabetes b. tuberculosis) (2016)
29. In “The Canary”, what did the washerwoman use to say every Monday? (2016)
She used to say that there is no comfort in a canary.
30. When Missus said “when I found him lying on his back with his eyes dim. She meant he was dead.
(2016, 2015)
31. Katherine Mansfield was the author of “The Canary”. (2015)
32. People have that idea that birds are heartless and cold little creatures. (True / False). (2015)
33. In “The Canary”, do you find it easy to sympathize with woman? Why? (2014)
Yes, I do, because she was living a lonely life.
34. Katherine Mansfield was the third of five children in a (wealthy / poor) family. (2021)
35. Why did Katherine Mansfield move to London in 1903? (2021)
She moved to London in 1903 to study music at Queens College.
36. What did the woman in “The Canary” forget after she got the canary?
She forgot the evening star.
37. Could the woman in “The Canary” describe how the canary sang? (2021)
Yes, she could.
38. In “The Canary”, what did the canary do to attract the attention of his owner? (2021)
He hopped, hopped from one perch to another, tapped against the bars of the cage and sip a little
of water to attract the attention of his owner.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

‫متارين االسقاط الوزارية‬

Sore, businessman, information, instilled, competitive, fingerprints, bit

1. The library has a range of (information) for people who are looking for the right career.
2. We offer a (competitive) salary and excellent terms and conditions.
3. My eyes are (sore) from the chemicals of the pool.
4. Holidays are important for everyone, not just the (businessman).
5. When the police got to the crime scene they found footprints and (fingerprints).
6. The shark (bit) Zaid’s arm.

Landscape, seafront, goes up, twisted, architect, placement test, pickpockets

1. In Britain, the number of diabetics (goes up) every year.

2. An (architect) is someone who designs building.
3. On the first day the students take a (placement test).
4. Let’s go for a walk along the (seafront) this evening.
5. Crowded areas attract (pickpockets) who try to steal people’s wallets.

Value, mandatory, online, valid, application, buried

1. Waste is often burnt or (buried).

2. You must send your (application) to the school by the 10th of May if you want to start in July.
3. A qualification in English is (mandatory) if you want to study in England.
4. The (value) of an investment can go down as well as up.
5. If you have an internet access you can bank (online).

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Regulations, wear, puzzled, physical, leisure, limit

1. I have to do (physical) exercise at least four times a week.

2. Scientists are finding ways to (limit) damage the environment.
3. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with her (leisure) time.
4. We have to follow the safety (regulations) at work.
5. I was (puzzled) to see such a strange question.

boarding, empty, buried, withdrawal, stressful, loan

1. Working alone in a booth is (stressful).

2. There is nothing in the bag. It is (empty).
3. I lost my (boarding) card, so I couldn’t get into the plane.
4. I got a (loan) from the bank to buy a car.
5. Waste is often burnt or (buried).

deforestation, hostels, involve, burglar, faint, spectacular

1. We have our own student’s (hostels).

2. As the sun began to set, we had a (spectacular) view of the city.
3. The process of cutting down number of trees is called (deforestation).
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to (faint).
5. A (burglar) can hide behind trees and bushes.

Canteen, obey, excursion, skill, register, recycled

1. In some countries, more than 50% of waste is ………………… . (recycled)

2. Hotels will often give you packed lunch if you are going on a full day ………………… . (excursion)
3. You can ……………… for this class by completing a form online. (register)
4. Drivers must …………….. the speed limit. (obey)
5. Breakfast is provided and students can buy other meals in the on-site ………………….. . (canteen)

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Postgraduate, branch, invest, translation, spoil, wellbeing

1. Taking holidays and leaving your mobile switched off is good for your (wellbeing).
2. He has a (postgraduate) diploma in tour guiding.
3. Try to (invest) your money. Don’t keep it in a box under the bed.
4. People claim that wind turbines (spoil) the landscape.
5. Literal (translation) doesn’t always give the right meaning.

Supervise, wisely, maintain, crops, occurred, ruins

1. We have to use natural resources (wisely).

2. Our company needs technicians to (supervise) new employees.
3. Wheat and barley are (crops) grown in Iraq.
4. A robbery (occurred) yesterday and valuable things were stolen.
5. If you have a current account, you have to (maintain) your balance.

Application, drive, pain, enhance, robbery, pills

1. The police got a call about a (robbery) Last night.

2. You have to take two of these (pills) three time a day.
3. You mustn’t (drive) without your seatbelt on.
4. You can (enhance) your computer skills by taking an evening class.
5. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it.

Tour guide, university, stressful, hurts, let, skin

1. My back (hurts) all the time, it only feels OK. When I am laying down.
2. The (skin) on my legs are very dry.
3. My sister is a (tour guide). She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.
4. You must (let) people cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. I want to go to (university) and get a science degree.

Supervise, venue, dispose of, mandatory, spoil, medication

1. Some people say that wind farms (spoil) the landscape.

2. If you are a manager, you have to (supervise) other employees.
3. Have you taken any (medication) for the pain?
4. The place where you hold a course or concert for example. venue
5. A qualification in English is (mandatory) if you want to study in England.

fasten, broken, pain, maintain, balance, faint

1. She can’t play tennis. She has (broken) her right arm.
2. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to (faint).
3. When the plane takes off, you have to (fasten) your seatbelt.
4. The minimum (balance) is 1,000 Iraqi Dinars.
5. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it?

Car hire, canteen, details, register, value, spoil

1. Some people say that wind farms (spoil) the land scape.
2. You can (register) for this class by completing a form online.
3. The (value) of investment can go down as well as up.
4. You can’t rely on public transport on that Island. You should find about (car hire) so you can
travel more independently.
5. Pleas fill in this form. Write your name here and all the other (details) underneath.

Balance, buried, qualifications, career, pain, title

1. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it?
2. The minimum (balance) is 1,000 Iraqi Dinars.
3. What is your (title)? is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?
4. Waste is often burnt or (buried).

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. When I left school, I had few (qualifications) but I got good job after taking a computer class.

Medical, sore, maximum, wisely, branch, limit

1. I went swimming yesterday, and now my eyes are (sore) because of the chemicals in the pool.
2. We need to use the earth resources (wisely).
3. Scientists are finding ways to (limit) damage to the environment.
4. She’s a (medical) student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time.
5. The (maximum) number of students is 10.

Scared, ecology, workshop, staff, energy, exceptionally

1. I’m on my way to register for a computer (workshop).

2. I am interested in the environment. I would like a career in (ecology).
3. The food was (exceptionally) good.
4. Wind is a renewable source of (energy).
5. I’m a bit (scared) of heights.

Waste, booth, replace, involve, environment, statement

1. We need to (replace) the trees that are cut down.

2. This bank (statement) shows I have a lot of money in my account.
3. A (booth) box – like room where interpreters work.
4. Today, more and more people are recycling their (waste).
5. Children need a happy home (environment).

Intensive, cancel, branch, refinery, current, sneezed

1. A (current) account comes with a cheque book.

2. Ali covered his mouth when he (sneezes).
3. If we (cancel) your cards now, no one else will be able to use them.
4. Many students take an (intensive) language course.
5. There is a (branch) of our bank near the university.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Architecture, disaster, deforestation, expired, condition, mandatory

1. If (deforestation) continues, many species of animal will disappear completely.

2. A qualification in English is (mandatory) if you want to study in England.
3. Zaha Hadid started to teach (architecture) students in famous universities like Harvard.
4. I bought a used car, but it is in a very good (condition).
5. There have been a lot of natural (disasters) in the last few years.

Pain, deforestation, replace, dizzy, intensive, branch

1. We need to (replace) the trees that are cut down.

2. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it?
3. Many students take an (intensive) language course.
4. There is a (branch) of our bank near the university.
5. Many animals are endangered because of (deforestation).

Destruction, enhance, illegal, credit card, waste, investment

1. I haven’t got a (credit card) yet, so I pay for everything by cash or by cheque.
2. It is essential that something is done about the (destruction) of the rainforests.
3. The value of an (investment) can go down as well as up.
4. The river has been polluted by (waste) products from the factory.
5. It is (illegal) to sell cigarettes to children under the age of 18.

Online, career, ideal, pressure, used, experienced

1. I am interested in the environment. I would like a (career) in ecology.

2. The cards can be (used) at any ATM.
3. If you have internet access you can bank (online).
4. All our teachers are qualified and highly (experienced).
5. Kerkennah is an (ideal) place for tourists who want a peaceful holiday.

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‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
Conference, instalments, withdraw, maximum, mandatory, permit
1. How many (instalments) do you have to make to pay back your loan?
2. A qualification in English is (mandatory) if you want to study in England.
3. Most private homestays do not (permit) smoking indoors.
4. Last summer my father, who is a scientist, attend a big (conference) in London.
5. You can (withdraw) money from an ATM machine.

Vital, swollen, university, terms, arrest, staff

1. Studying engineering needs knowledge in technical (terms).
2. If you commit a crime, the police will (arrest) you.
3. I’ve got pain in my knee. It’s really (swollen).
4. All (staff) Are really friendly and helpful.
5. Holidays are (vital) to our general wellbeing.

Career, dizzy, roundabout, suit, broken, exceptionally

1. Your car mustn’t have (broken) lights.

2. You must slow down at a (roundabout).
3. The food was (exceptionally) good.
4. I’d like a (career) In ecology.
5. I feel (dizzy) . I think I am going to faint.

Qualification, sightseeing, stressful, conference, seafront, permit

1. Most private homestays do not (permit) Smoking indoors.

2. My career as an interpreter is (stressful).
3. I can’t get that job because I don’t have the right (qualification).
4. Let’s go for a walk along the (seafront) this evening.
5. In the afternoon we did some (sightseeing).

Chemicals, tour guide, bleeding, package, dry, pain

1. The skin on my leg is very (dry), so I have to put this cream on every day.
2. My toe is (bleeding). I cut it on a piece of glass on the beach.
3. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it?
4. My sister is a (tour guide). She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day.

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‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
5. My eyes are sore from the (chemicals) in the pool.

Screen, pay, canteen, sneezes, title, broken

1. What is your (title)? is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?

2. We often say “Bless you” when somebody (sneezes).
3. The security guard saw the thieves because he was watching the (screen).
4. She can’t play tennis. She has (broken) her right arm.
5. You must (pay) a fine when you get a ticket.

Throat, obey, sneeze, hurts, dry, pickpocket

1. My back (hurts) all the time. It only feels OK. When I am laying down.
2. Crowded areas attract (pickpockets) who try to steal people’s wallets.
3. I can’t swallow. I have sore (throat).
4. My lips are really (dry) and sore.
5. Drivers must (obey) the speed limit.

Sneeze, thief, commit, painkillers, faint, goes


1. I’ve got a terrible headache. Can I have some (painkillers).

2. In Britain, the number of diabetics (goes up) every year.
3. “Have you got cold?”. “No, I always (sneeze) when I put pepper on my food.
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to (faint).
5. If you (commit) a crime, the police will arrest you.

Broken, hurts, faint, pain, beautifully, journalist

1. My back (hurts) all the time.

2. Where exactly is the (pain) and how long have you had it?
3. The story was (beautifully) written.
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to (faint).
5. She can’t play tennis. She has (broken) her arm

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

Skills, balance, cartoonist, hurts, used, faint

1. The minimum (balance) is 1,000 Iraqi dinars.

2. The cards can be (used) At any ATM.
3. I would like to go on computer course to improve my (skills).
4. I feel dizzy. I think I am going to (faint).
5. My back (hurts) all the time.

Convenient, paramedics, register, harm, branches, withdrawal

6. You can (register) for this class by completing a form online.

7. The land Force, the Navy and the Air Force are all (branches) of the military.
8. She made a (withdrawal) from her checking account.

9. One of the main advantages of the internet is that it is (convenient).

10. Sometimes, the way we use natural resources can (harm) the environment.

Non – renewable, architect, pills, locations, level, course fees

1. They didn’t know what class I should be in, so I did a test to find out what (level) my English was.
2. Take two (pills) with water after each meal.
3. Petrol is considered a (non – renewable) resource because it takes thousands of years to form.
4. You have to pay your (course fees) In advance.
5. “Who designed that amazing building?” “My uncle. He is a famous (architect), you know?

[Materials, register, canteen, title, branch, loan]

1. Natural resources are (materials) that are found in nature.
2. What is your (title)? Is it Mrs., Miss or Dr.?
3. There is a (branch) of our bank near the university.
4. If you don’t have enough money to buy something, you can ask the bank for a (loan).
5. You can (register) for this class by completing a form online.

87 | P a g e
‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
‫كراسة املراجعة الكاملة يف االمتحانات الوزارية‬
‫األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬
[islanders, advert, successful, course fees, suit, burglar]
1. you have to pay your (course fees) In advance.
2. Several (Islanders) Invited us into their homes for mint tea and cakes.
3. We offer a choice of accommodation to (suit) your needs.
4. A (burglar) can hide behind trees and bushes.
5. Look at the notice board. There’s an (advert) For English courses.

[intensive, pilot, energy, brain, medical, expectations]

1. Capitan Yousouf has been a pilot for ten years now. At the moment, he flies planes from Europe to the
2. She’s a medical student. She should qualify as a doctor in two years’ time.
3. Many students take an intensive language course.
4. The holiday completely lived up to my expectations.
5. We use petrol and gas for energy.

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‫مجع وإعداد األستاذ أمحد أديب الصاحل‬

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