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Chapter 1 – RUBRICS

Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended

Concept – Demonstrates an States one relevant Does not address the Addresses the Addresses the question
inaccurate and answers. question explicitly, question explicitly explicitly
features and incomplete although does so
types understanding of the Is not clearly or tangentially States a relevant States a relevant and
question. logically organized. and justifiable justifiable answer.
States a relevant and answer.
Is not able to apply the Most of the message justifiable answer. Conceptualizes at a level
knowledge. is wrong. Presents arguments extending beyond what
Presents arguments in a in a logical order. has been dealt within
Does not provide Most of the words logical order. the actual teaching by
evidence to support are wrongly placed. Shows all steps constructing their own
their answer to the Shows all steps questions related to
problem. differentiability and
decoding the message
based on
Classification of Demonstrates an States one relevant Does not address the Addresses the Addresses the question
inaccurate and answers. question explicitly, question explicitly explicitly
business and its incomplete although does so
multiple understanding of the Is not clearly or tangentially States a relevant States a relevant and
question. logically organized. and justifiable justifiable answer.
objectives States a relevant and answer.
Is not able to apply the Most of the message justifiable answer. Conceptualizes at a level
knowledge. is wrong. Presents arguments extending beyond what
Presents arguments in a in a logical order. has been dealt within
Does not provide Most of the words logical order. Shows all steps the actual teaching by
evidence to support are wrongly placed. constructing their own
their answer to the Shows all steps questions related to
problem. differentiability and
decoding the message
based on
Business risk, its Demonstrates an States one relevant Does not address the Addresses the Addresses the question
inaccurate and answers. question explicitly, question explicitly explicitly
features and incomplete although does so
causes understanding of the Is not clearly or tangentially States a relevant States a relevant and
question. logically organized. and justifiable justifiable answer.
States a relevant and answer.
Is not able to apply the Most of the message justifiable answer. Conceptualizes at a level
knowledge. is wrong. Presents arguments extending beyond what
Presents arguments in a in a logical order. has been dealt within
Does not provide Most of the words logical order. Shows all steps the actual teaching by
evidence to support are wrongly placed. constructing their own
their answer to the Shows all steps questions related to
problem. differentiability and
decoding the message
based on

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