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©️2023 BYERIM








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I’m Erim!
My story begins at the
gates of my primary
school, where my mum
would come to pick me
up and my classmates
would know her by her
long, beautiful hair. Sadly,
I lost my mum to cancer
when I was just 8 years
old. This inspired me to
work alongside my
grandma to create the
perfect solution to give
me hair like my mum's.
My Dhadi - the keeper of
magical and traditional
Indian haircare remedies At 23, with my savings from the tips I
- worked tirelessly, accumulated whilst working in nightlife,
experimenting with me I nurtured the creation and brought it
on an array of peculiar to life. Fast forward 5 years, I’m a
and whacky combos. trichologist in training and ByErim was
After much trial and error, born: a brand that has redefined luxury
we finally landed on the hair care and beard care for over
perfect formula. 88,500+ customers worldwide.

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©️2023 BYERIM
What’s My Hair Type?
(With recommendations to personalise your
hair care routine for you!)

With over 7 BILLION searches for ‘what is my

hair type?’ it can be easy to feel
overwhelmed, getting lost in pages and
pages of results. However, knowing your hair
type is essential for knowing how best to
cater to your unique hair needs.

There are four things to consider when

analysing your hair type: elasticity, porosity,
damage and texture. Once you have
established all four (you'll be able to by the
end of this chapter!), we will give you a
personalised hair care routine to make the
most of your beautiful hair.

Don’t forget to check out our What’s My

Hair Type? Quiz on!

This refers to the extent to which hair can be stretched and returned to its original shape.
Hair, when wet, can increase in length by 30% and then return to its original length once dry.
The hair’s elasticity is due to the keratin coiled structure within the cortex. Moisture is key to
elasticity - if something is supple it is stretchier, and if it is brittle it’ll break easily!

How do I test this?

Next time you see your stray hair on the floor, pick it up and gently hold from either side and
pull. If the hair is able to be stretched and returned to more or less its original length, your hair
has good elasticity! If, when you pull it, the hair breaks or is unable to return to its original
length, this is an indicator of poor elasticity.

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The solution
If your hair has good elasticity, then great! You have hair which is able to absorb liquids
easily. You can use slightly less product than those with low elasticity, but we recommend
using our hair wrap after shampooing to help remove wetness from your hair without
stripping that all-essential moisture.

For those with low elasticity, this is an indicator of low moisture in your hair. We
recommend going in with an intensive hair oil treatment 1-2 times a week, leaving it
overnight (ideally with the hair wrap for a deeper soak!) and washing out in the morning. As
your hair doesn’t absorb liquid, give yourself a little longer when shampooing in the morning
and use an all-natural shampoo so as to not irritate your scalp.

This is the hair’s ability to absorb liquids and this is affected by the condition of the cuticle
scales (outer layer of hair). If the cuticle scales have been damaged due to physical or
chemical damage (e.g. bleaching or heat) then the porosity of hair will increase.

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How do I test this?
This is a very old school method but super
effective! Grab a glass of water (2/3 full) and a
strand of hair; place it in the water and allow it
to be fully submerged. Wait 10 minutes and
come back to see where in the glass the hair is

If it is floating near the top, it has low porosity

(low ability to absorb liquids). If it is near the
bottom, it has high porosity (high ability to
absorb liquids). The ideal result is that it floats
somewhere near the middle.

The solution
For those with low porosity, you have a strong outer layer (cuticle) which sounds great but it
means that it’s harder for products to penetrate! We advise using a vegan boar bristle brush to
evenly distribute product across all hair strands and leaving in an oil treatment overnight to
allow for an intensive moisture boost.

If you have high porosity, this means your hair absorbs any and all products. This isn't all good
news, because the process of liquid being absorbed and then evaporating can cause hair
dryness over a long period of time. Ideally, use our 3 in 1 conditioner when washing hair to
give long-lasting lightweight conditioning to your hair to maintain and protect it until your
next wash! Plus, for an added boost on the ends, apply one pump of our all-natural oil to the
ends of your hair to avoid split ends.

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Generally, we can look at the three evils: colour dye, chemical treatments and heat. Of course,
it is hard to avoid all three of these but we advise picking one ‘evil’ and sticking to just that. All
of the above have different effects on damaging the hair, which can lead to dryness, scalp
irritation and potentially hair loss in extreme cases.

How do I test this?

As every strand of hair gets treated differently (e.g. front hairs suffer more traction damage
from constant friction, vs. ends of hairs which may undergo more intensive bleaching), it is
hard to apply a test to cover all factors. However, hair shine, bounce and rate of growth are all
indicators of healthy hair for you to keep an eye on! Try pinching one strand of hair between
your forefinger and thumb. Run it along the length and feel for bumpiness. The bumpier it is,
the more damaged it is.

The solution
Of course, it is a challenge to avoid all three but there are ways to support your hair whilst
maintaining your personal style! Significant contributors to hair health are your diet, stress
factors and genetics, so trying to focus on the variables you can control will be a good place to

Top Tip: Mix up where you part your hair and the placement of your ponytail on a daily basis
to reduce the risk of traction alopecia.

1. What are your hair goals?

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Now this is the fun part: texture refers to the way your hair looks! We tend to call this our ‘curl
pattern’ and all 4 types have been visualised below. Of course, through ageing, damage,
hormones etc, we can see a change to our natural hair texture (as well as different hairs
displaying different textures!) but knowing your general category is helpful in knowing the
method to apply your hair products.

Type 1: Straight

1a hair tends to be the straightest of the straight hair type. Whilst this means you may
have less volume, you likely have the shiniest hair: as straight hair is a flat surface, it is
easier for light to bounce off its edges!

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While 1b hair isn’t as straight as 1a types, it is still relatively straight! The main difference
is a few bendy strands here and there, and 1b hair can be prone to greasiness overall.

Unlike 1b hair - which can be thinner - 1c hair is typically thicker, rougher, and has a few
more visible waves. In addition, due to the higher possibility of coarseness with 1c hair,
those who often do chemical or heat treatments can fall into this subsection.

Type 2: Wavy

Your hair is fairly straight on top until reaching eye level, creating loose waves as it
moves downwards with perhaps 2-3 waves throughout the length of your hair
(depending on the length).

Similarly to 2a hair, the hair becomes wavy after eye level; however, it has more of a
repeated 'S’ defining shape. This kind of hair holds up-dos well due to the texture.

The waviest of this subsection! Compared to the 2b type, 2c hair has a curl pattern
which begins at a higher point of our head, typically the crown moving downwards,
meaning that you may have good volume at the roots. Bonus!

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Type 3: Curly

Now we start to move away from waves and into gentle curls which spiral horizontally!
This hair type is also bouncier and easily affected by mother nature; yes, we’re talking
about rain, wind and humidity, which can cause a diffusion of curls into mass.

3b curls are tighter than 3a as the circumference is smaller - about the width of a
highlighter pen! Do note that across type 3, not all curls on one head are likely to
follow the same pattern.

The 3c curls are a tight squad that are closely packed together, being the most
voluminous of the three, with baby hairs that lift off the face. The circumference is
smaller than 3b curls, decreasing to the size of a pencil. When brushed, these curls
separate to form a cloud-like halo.

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Type 4: Coily

This hair type has tight coils with an irregular pattern and consistency across the
head. Roots are almost perpendicular to the scalp and there is gorgeous volume.

4b hair is a lot denser with a zig-zag (Z-shape) pattern. Adding to this, type 4b can be
of a slightly drier hair texture than 4a, making it more fragile.

4c hair is a dramatically tighter Z-shape than 4b hair and also prone to fragility and
shrinkage. Having said this, 4c hair can actually stretch to double it's length when pulled


2. What’s your hair type?

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©️2023 BYERIM
The Top 3 Foods for Strong, Healthy Hair
Maintaining strong and healthy hair goes beyond just external care. Your diet plays a
crucial role in nourishing your hair from within. Here are the top three foods known for
promoting strong and healthy hair, so it’s time to stock up that pantry!

Greek Yogurt
Protein - present in generous amounts - fosters the growth of strong and healthy hair
follicles. Vitamin B5, a key nutrient in Greek yogurt, promotes blood flow to the scalp,
invigorating the hair follicles and encouraging lush, vibrant hair. The addition of vitamins D, E
and Biotin further enhances the overall health and shine of your tresses.

Picture a vibrant bunch of fresh spinach leaves, verdant and teeming with nutrients. With
each bite, you ingest a powerhouse of hair-boosting benefits. Iron, folate, vitamin A, and
vitamin C collaborate harmoniously to promote healthy hair growth. By facilitating the
production of sebum, the scalp's natural conditioner, spinach ensures your locks are
nourished from the roots, while its antioxidant properties shield your precious hair follicles.

Sweet Potatoes
Packed with beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A, sweet potatoes contribute to
the production of sebum, the natural moisturiser for your scalp. By keeping your scalp
hydrated, they help prevent dryness and promote healthy hair growth.

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©️2023 BYERIM
Why Is Scalp Massaging SO Important?
Many of us are looking for ways to promote healthy hair growth and improve the
condition of our scalp. One technique that has been gaining popularity in recent years -
hailing from ancient Ayurveda techniques - is scalp massage. Not only does it feel
relaxing and rejuvenating, but it also has a range of benefits for hair growth and overall
hair health.

The Benefits
Stimulates Blood Flow: Scalp massage helps to increase blood flow to the hair follicles,
providing essential nutrients and oxygen needed for healthy hair growth.
Reduces Stress: Stress is a leading cause of hair loss, and scalp massage is an excellent
way to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Encourages Lymphatic Drainage: Scalp massage can help to stimulate lymphatic
drainage, which can help to remove toxins from the scalp and promote healthy hair
Strengthens Hair: Massaging the scalp regularly can help to strengthen hair strands,
preventing breakage and promoting healthier, shinier hair.
Relieves Dryness and Itchiness: Scalp massage can help to relieve dryness and
itchiness of the scalp, making it a great option for those with dandruff or dry scalp.

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Scalp Massaging
1. Begin by using a small amount of ByErim's Luxury Hair Oil. Gently massage it into your
scalp ensuring not to rough up the hairs, but press the oil into the scalp.
2. Using your fingertips, make partings throughout your hair to access the scalp itself. Start
at the base of your neck and work your way up to the crown of your head.
3. Applying gentle pressure to your scalp as you go and be careful not to scratch or rub the
roots too vigorously which can cause damage.
4. Continue massaging your scalp for at least five minutes, or longer if desired. You can do
this as often as you like, but once or twice a week is recommended for optimal results!

Hair facts you probably didn’t know...

The average head contains over 100,000 hair follicles.
If you're seeing hair in the drain, don't worry! We naturally lose 50-150 hairs a day. An
excess of this can signal the entering of the telogen phase of the hair cycle, which is
Each strand of hair is made up of the cuticle, the cortex and the medulla.
Dandruff is the most common scalp condition which is actually due to a fungal infection
which causes skin to over-produce.
For it to be apparent that you’re balding, you would have to lose 50% of your hair.
Growing your hair out? For the average person, it will take about 7 years to grow your hair
to your waist and three years to grow it to your shoulders.
The major cause of dandruff is a fungus called Malassezia globosa, which pushes dead
skin cells to the surface much faster than normal.
Greying can be reversed but it is usually caused by premature ageing of a hair follicle -
plucking can accelerate this process.
You can tell which phase of the hair cycle a strand of hair is in with epilation and
observation of the colour and shape of the bulb.
ByErim was the 2022 and 2023 winner at The Hair Awards in the categories of Best Hair
Oil and Scalpcare!

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©️2023 BYERIM
Our Award-Winning Hair Oil &
Everything You Need To Know…
We are proud to announce that we are the official winners of the Best Hair Oil from the
2022 & 2023 Hair Awards! It's no small feat winning this prestigious prize so we thought
we'd share a little more about what made our formula so special...

Each of the oils inside our magical formula has a different molecular weight, meaning that
the larger molecules, e.g. castor, can coat the cuticle, sealing in all the goodness while the
smaller molecules e.g. rosemary/amla are able to penetrate into the cortex of the of the
hair. What does this mean? Healthy hair from the inside out.

How to make the most of your hair oil?

As everyone's hair and lifestyle are different, it's important to find a routine that works for
you. Erim uses the oil twice a week on an overnight treatment before washing out with
our shampoo & conditioner in the morning. Furthermore, due to her having long hair her
ends are prone to dryness, so every day she uses one pump of oil and presses it into her
ends to keep them silky whilst preventing split ends.

Amla Oil

Amla oil is filled with antioxidants, nutrients and fatty acids, which all work together to
strengthen and increase the health of your hair. Its deeply moisturising properties like
Omega-3 and Omega-6 work together to help prevent hair loss. It also has antibacterial
properties which help prevent the growth of dandruff that is caused by an imbalance in
the bacteria itself. Further to this, due to its high vitamin C content, Amla oil helps to aid
hair growth and prevents premature greying.

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Argan Oil

There are countless benefits of Argan oil. Similar to Amla, it is rich in Omega-6 and
Omega-9 which help to maintain a healthy scalp and activate hair cell growth (MPDI). Not
only does it improve the health of your hair and scalp, but it also increases the elasticity
and shine of the hair. This means that the hair is less prone to breakage and filled with
nutrients (like vitamin E) to keep its healthy shine.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is rich in protein, an essential property that aids hair strength and growth. The
protein and rich fatty acids protect the hair from breakage and damage caused by
external factors like heating tools and tight hairstyles by lubricating the hair shaft and
making it flexible (NBCI). At ByErim, we use cold-pressed castor oil as it is purer and more
natural in form. The purer form allows for improvement in blood circulation when
massaged into the scalp which is vital for hair growth!

3. Outline your hair plan

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Coconut Oil

Similar to Castor Oil, we use unrefined and cold-pressed coconut oil. This means our oil is
minimally processed and not stripped of its nutrients when refined by filtration. Coconut oil is
a favourite within the haircare community for its famous moisturising and sealing qualities
that help to reduce breakage and split ends.

Sweet Almond Oil

Fuelled with vitamins A, E and vitamin B-7 (also known as biotin), sweet almond oil works to
strengthen the hair while reducing the appearing of frizz. As an added bonus, it keeps the
scalp clear of all bacterial and fungal infections. Overall, it is great for hair growth, shine,
dryness and dandruff, and this is a single oil alone!

Essential Oils

Our final ingredients are three essential oils: lavender, rosemary and bergamot. Lavender oil
soothes the scalp, while rosemary stimulates the hair follicles, and bergamot is a natural
stimulant that helps to release all the goodness of each oil. There isn’t much more you could
want in an oil!

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Are there additional benefits?
Well of course! We aren’t just the best for the oils themselves, but the technique behind it
too. As a result of our well-balanced formula, our oil is non-greasy and non-sticky, meaning it
washes out in a single wash and can be used after styling. Being 100% natural and with the
assistance of the essential oils, it smells amazing.

Plus - if you didn't know - we are proud to be vegan, unisex, cruelty-free, dermatologist
approved, clinically tested and paediatrician approved!

A message from our founder, Erim Kaur:

“We’ve been dreaming of

creating an ebook since
ByErim was founded,
without you all we wouldn’t
be here, so thank you!”

©️2023 BYERIM Page 19

Our award winning all natural hair and beard oil
combining 8 pure. Oils became a viral sensation
after launching as our hero product 3 years ago.

A one of a kind formula which innovated the hair

wash category. Our shampoo is made with 100%
naturally derived ingredients.

A 4-in-1 conditioner which is 100% naturally

derived, vegan and cruelty free. This works
brilliantly as a wash-out, leave-in, hair mask
and for beards.

Made with premium, double-layered vegan silk,

our iconic hair wrap is designed to use after
washing to absorb wetness without stripping

With 5 star ratings, our luxury hairbrush gently

detangled hair whilst cleansing with halal boar

A revolutionary pre-wash formula combining

gentle melting beards and chemical exfoliants is
designed to remove all flakes, product build up
and prime the scalp.

©️2023 BYERIM
‘s ByErim
Hair Journey

Month 1 Month 2

Month 3 Month 4

Month 5 Month 6

Don’t forget to update your 6 month hair journey so you

can see how far you’ve come!
It’s Time To Begin Your Hair Journey
It’s time to invest your time and money into haircare products that will actually help
support your hair journey. Our award-winning, 100% naturally derived ingredients make
for the best recipe for your hair.

Shop your favourite ByErim products exclusively on and watch your hair

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Instagram @ByErim where we have a dedicated 24/7
hair concierge that’ll help answer any and all questions you have regarding your hair

*Since you’ve made it this far, here’s a little treat: Use “EBOOK10” for a 10% discount to get
started with your haircare! Make sure to add this during checkout and keep it a secret.

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