CH- 3 Object Oriented Analysis

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Chapter Three

Object Oriented Analysis

Introduction to OO Analysis

• Your requirements model, although affective for

understanding what your users want to have built, is not as
effective at understanding what will be built.

• Requirements engineering focuses on understanding users

and their usage, whereas analysis focuses on understanding
what needs to be built.

• Object-oriented analysis techniques are used to bridge the

gap between requirements and system design.

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Analysis Artifacts and their relationships
Essential Use
CaseModel UseCase
CRCModel Diagram

User Interface Diagram
Flow Diagram

Prototype User Interface
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System Use Case Modeling

• The main difference between an essential use case and a

system use case is that in the system use case you include
high-level implementation decisions.

• A system use case model is composed of a use case diagram

and the accompanying documentation describing the use
cases, actors, and associations.

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• Use Case describes a sequence of actions that provide a

measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse

• An actor is a person, organization or external system that plays a

role in one or more interactions with your systems
• Drawn as stick figures

• Associations between actors and classes are indicated in use case

diagrams, a relationship exists whenever an actor is involved with
an interaction described by a use case
• Depicted as a line (arrows are optional)

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• Writing system use cases is straightforward.

• If you have created essential use cases then you can simply evolve
them into system use cases.

• A system use case considers technical considerations, such as

usage issues resulting from user-interface choices that you make.

• For example, a system use case refers to specific user- interface

components—such as screens, HTML pages, or reports—
something you would not do in an essential use case.

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Reuse in Use case models
• One of your goals during analysis is to identify potential
opportunities for reuse;

• Potential reuse can be modeled through four generalization

relationships supported by UML use case models:
extend relationships between use cases,
include relationships between use cases,
inheritance between use cases,
and inheritance between actors.

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Extend Associations between use cases

• The <<extend>> stereotype is used to indicate an extend


• It is a generalization relationship where an extending use

case continues the behavior of a base use case

• Accomplishes this by conceptually inserting

Additional action sequences into the base use case
Alternate course of the base use case

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Extend Associations between use cases

• Introduce an extending use case when

The logic for the alternate course of action is at a
complexity level similar to that of the basic course of
There is a need for an alternative course for an
alternative course of action

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Include Associations between use cases

• Denoted by the <<include>> stereotype

• Generalization relationship denoting the inclusion of the behavior

described by another use case

• Invocation of a use case by another one

• Used when a use case needs the behavior of another

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Use Case Documentation (Use Case Description) Cont.
• When you document your use case, the following sections are

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• There are two Cont.
common styles
exist for writing use

1. Narrative Style –
it is used to write the
basic and alternative
courses of action one
step at a time.

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Narrative Style Cont.

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• There are two common styles exist for writing use cases:

2. Action-Response Style – it is used to present use case steps in

columns, one column for each actor and a second column for the

The advantage of the action-response style is, it is easier to see

how actors interact with the system and how the system

The disadvantage is, it is little harder to understand the flow of

logic of the use case.

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Style Cont.

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Use Case Modeling Tips and Techniques
Association between actors and use cases imply the need for

You should be able to exit from a use case anytime

Write from the point of view of the actor in the active voice

Write scenario text, not functional requirements

Organize your use case diagrams consistently

Don’t forget the system response to the actions of actors

Alternate courses of action are important

Don’t get hung up on <<include>> and <<extend>> associations

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Sequence Diagrams
• It is an interaction diagram that shows how the objects and classes
involved in the scenario operate with one another and the
sequence of messages exchanged.

• It is used to model the logic of usage scenarios.

• A usage scenario is exactly what its name indicates – the

description of a potential way your system is used.

• The logic of a usage scenario may be part of a use case.

• It may also be one entire pass through a use case or the logic
contained in several use cases

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• The boxes across the top of the diagram represent classifiers

or their instances, typically use-cases, objects, classes, or

• Because, you can send messages to both objects and classes,

• objects respond to messages through the invocation of an
operation, and
• classes do so through the invocation of static operations,
it makes sense to include both on sequence diagrams.

• Because actors initiate and take an active part in usage

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scenarios, they are also included in sequence diagrams.
Notations in sequence diagrams Cont.
• Objects – format – “Object name: Classname”

• Classes – format –“ClassName”

• Actors – format – “ActorName”, <<actor>>

• User Interface elements - <<UI>>

• Dashed lines – object lifelines

• Long thin boxes – method invocation boxes indicating that

processing is being performed by the target object/class to fulfill a

• X at the bottom of a method invocation box – object have been

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Notations in sequence diagrams Cont.
• Messages – labeled arrows

 When the source and target of a message is an object or

class the label is the signature of the method invoked in
response to the message

 If either the source or target is a human actor, then the

message is labeled with brief text describing the
information being communicated

 Return values are optionally indicated as using a dashed

arrow with a label indicating the return value
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How to draw sequence diagrams Cont.

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How to draw sequence diagrams Cont.

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How to draw sequence diagrams Cont.

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Alternate course of action Cont.

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A way to indicate looping logic Cont.

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How to draw sequence diagrams Cont.
 Identify the scope of the sequence diagram

 List the use case steps down the left hand side

 Introduce boxes for each actor

 Introduce a box for each major UI element

 Introduce a box for each included use case

 Identify appropriate messages for each use case step

 Add a method – invocation box for each invocation of a


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How to draw sequence diagrams Cont.
 Add destruction messages where appropriate

 Add your business classes and objects

 Update your class model

 Update your user interface model

 Update your use case model

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Why and When should you draw sequence diagrams

 Sequence diagrams are a great ways to validate and flesh

out your logic

 Great mechanism for detecting bottle necks in your


 Gives a feel for, which classes in your application are

going to be complex

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Conceptual Modeling using class Diagrams
• Class models are the mainstay of the OO analysis and design.
• Class models show the classes of the system, their
interrelationships (including inheritance, aggregation, and
association) and the operations and attributes of the classes.
• The conceptual models are used to depict your detailed
understanding of the problem space and solution for your system.
• The easiest way to begin conceptual modeling is to convert the
CRC (as a base) directly to UML class diagram.
• While a CRC model provides an excellent overview of a system, it
doesn‘t provide the details needed to actually build it.

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• The CRC model for the University represented here below:

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• The collaborators on the CRC cards indicate the need for an
association, aggregation, or dependency between classes.

• Dependencies are modeled between UI classes and the

business classes with which they collaborate because UI
classes are transitory in nature, implying the associations
they are involved with are transitory.

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• The corresponding class model of the CRC model:

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• To create and evolve a class model, you need to model:
Methods or operations

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Modeling Classes, Methods and Attributes

• Representation of an object, template of which objects are

created Name
• Modeled as rectangle with three sections
• Model your classes to an appropriate level of detail

Eg. Take out address as a class

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Modeling Classes, Methods and Attributes

• Class normalization – refactoring the behavior of classes to

increase their cohesion and/or to reduce the coupling between

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Modeling Associations

• Objects are often associated with other objects

• Modeled as lines connecting the two classes whose instances

are involved in the relationship

• Identifying the multiplicities of an associations is an

important part of modeling it

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Modeling Associations Cont.
• Indicate the direction in which the label should be read

When it is not clear which way a label should be read

This is depicted using a filled triangle, called a direction indicator

• Roles may also be indicated only when the information adds value
• It is not clear from the association label what the roles are
• If there is recursive association
• If there are several associations between two classes

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Modeling Dependencies

• Are used to model transitory associations

When one of the two classes is not persistent

• UI classes

• Use Dashed arrow

• Transitory classes are not three sectioned boxes

• Only indicate name of the class


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• the concrete classes that made class diagrams: Cont.

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Activity Diagrams

• Activity diagrams are used to document the logic of

• a single operation/ method
• a single use case
• the flow of logic of a business process

• it is the object-oriented equivalent of flow charts and data-

flow diagrams (DFD) from structured development.

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The filled circle represents the starting point of the activity diagram

The filled circle with a border represents the ending point.

The rounded rectangles represent processes or activities that are


The diamond represents decision points.

The arrows represent transitions between activities

The text on the arrows represent conditions that must be fulfilled to

proceed along the transition and are always described using the
format [condition]

The thick bars represent the start and end of potentially parallel
processes Unity University 43

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How to draw Activity Diagrams Cont.
• Identify the scope of the activity diagram.
• Is it a single use case? A portion of a use case? A business process that includes
several use-cases? A single method of a class?

• Add start and end points.

• Every activity diagram has one starting point and one ending point, so you
might as well add them right way.

• Add activities.

• Add transitions from the activities.

• It is always mandatory to exit from the activity, even if it is simply to an ending

• Whenever there is more than one transition out of an activity, you must label
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each transition appropriately.
How to draw Activity Diagrams

• Add decision points.

• Sometimes the logic of what you are modeling calls for a decision to be made.

• Identify opportunities for parallel activities.

• Two activities can occur in parallel when no direct r/ship exists between them
and they must both occur before a third activity can.

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User Interface Prototyping

• It is an iterative analysis technique in which users are

actively involved in the mocking-up of the UI for a system.

• UI prototyping has two purposes:

It is an analysis technique because it enables you to explore the problem
space your system addresses.

It enables you to explore the solution space of your system, at least from the
point-of-view of its users, and provides a vehicle for you to communicate the
possible UI design(s) of your system.


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• There are four high-level steps are in the UI prototyping

Determine the needs of your users
Build the prototype
Evaluate the prototype
Determine if you are finished.

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Determine the needs of Users Cont.
• Evolve all or part of your essential user interface prototype

• Convert your hand drawings, flip chart paper and sticky notes into
something a little more substantial

• Begin this process by making platform decisions

 Browser or GUI, Java, mainframe based
Building the Prototype

• Use prototyping tool or high level language develop the screens, pages,
and reports

• Don’t invest a lot of time in making the code “good” because, chances
are high you will scrap large portions of your prototype code, when
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portions or all of your prototype fail the evaluation
Evaluating the prototype
• Evaluation is done by the Stakeholders to verify that it meets their

• Three basic questions

• What is good about the UI prototype?
• What is bad about the UI prototype?
• What is missing from the UI prototype?

• After evaluating the prototype, you may find you need to scrap parts of
it, modify parts, and even add brand-new parts.

• You want to stop the UI prototyping process when you find the
evaluation process is no longer generating any new ideas or it is
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generating a small number of not-so-important ideas

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Your project
At this stage

• Model your system use case (with system use case description)

• Draw sequence diagrams for your use cases (determined by your

system complexity)

• Model your Analysis class diagram

• Draw Activity diagrams (determined by system complexity)

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