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B I 0 1g V6 Bai Phiic (Téng Chi bién kiém Chui bién) Nguyén Thi Ngoc Quyén TIENG ANH: erenr. 12 STUDENT'S BOOK > swe <> ®DIP Express Publishing Education Solutions B I 0 1g Preface Tiéng Anh 12 Bright is a textbook based on the 2018 English curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Training. The book is specially designed to enable students to develop the necessary skils for their future education at college or university and the skils they need for the 21¥ century. Tiéng Anh 12 Bright begins with the Hello unit, which aims to help students review thei knowledge about vocabulary and grammar from the previous level. tis followed" by eight ‘main units, each of which contains language knowledge, such as Vocabulary, Grarrimat and Pronunciation, and language skils, including Reading, Listening, Speaking aid Whiting. These Units are further enriched with sections on Values, Vocabulary Expansion, Grammar Reference ‘and Grammar Expansion. In Tiéng Anh 12 Bright, ll Reading texts are accompanied by thethie-elated videos and Grammar features language presented in context with engaging practice activities. In addition, Think! exercises aim to develop students’ critical thinking skIIS~ Study Skils sections help students become autonomous leamers while Information”and Communication Technology (C7) tasks aim to develop students’ searching sks on the Internet, There are also a variety ‘of tasks that promote collaboration and creativity. For every two units, there are Culture ‘Comer, Content and Language Integrated Leamirg (OUI) and Progress Check sections. For ‘every four units, there is a Review section. We wish to thank the Board of Review trom the Ministry of Education and Training for reviewing Tiéng Anh 12 Bright and providing valuable insights into how to bring the book to perfection. B I 0 1g Symbols Key to symbols used in the Student's Book @ ‘0 indicate that students are encouraged to answer the exercises in writing using a pencil OY audio EXT) videos thematically linked to the theme of the text they accompany DD paiwor groupwork [OD worst bs sopinrnet sing te sort mach april 2 sections to develop students’ searching skillS.on the Internet COO ‘suggestions to help students become autonomous learners Think sections to develop students’ critical thinking skills rN VE se¢fions té/help students develop critical thinking skills & values GEEDD Pieniorhelp students do their writing tasks TIBI scion to toot ste’ ocably Culture Corner sections to familiarise students with the culture oftheir country CLL sections that link the themes of the unit to a subject from the school curriculum B I 0 1g Scope) Sequence) p.6-14 | « family qualities ‘+ Present Simple & Present + commontamiy complaints) Continuous * geographical features | © inking verbe/stative verbs * culuralatractions | aricke + ecosystemsfefects of | + cleft sentences ‘global warming * paired conjunctions ferris [eee SS ‘+ landmarks and materials | ¢ future predictions (will/be * ct in the future _going to/may/mightibe * future predictions likely that & adverbs of * global problems certainty * community sci issues | + gerunds (ng form) ~ * healthy vag activites | © question tags * health problems * modals(musthave to + heath symptoms & advice| _ shauldlought tvhad bette) Life Stories | + te experences * Past Simple & = pul fal ‘main idea ee PastConimow | Inatonin sponte rernaon + Past Port oe pero, TF even) IN ttn) “The World of| » sccupations * Present Perfect wo + reedng fo main idea Work 5 obi se | + terse revew *, | anbspeati aton ® graduation & career ientence compton, ppice =o words | T/F/DS statements} The Mass | « types of media * relative clauses vowelreview | + reading for main idea Media * mediahabiathe press. | + double compa words with no |” and specific information pp. 35-42 |* fel fabe news sess {rutple choice, author’ = Purpose) Cultural . tesa» consonant [+ vad mane versity font review shecic information pp.43-s0 | Preserving curl purpose’ | * wordstress~ | (sentence completion, "aeatty ion foun and verb | question answering) pairs ‘+ reading for main ides Review (Units 14) pp. Urbanisation | + growing cf verbs wth prepositions : fal | + cauzatves with HAVE ie land specie information ‘ sand | and GET {cummary completion, ons ‘question answering) Tears Sees a Beare a ey Tames | seas, Evers tofrsy oes | [eae || eet ‘environmental problems ‘multiple matching) solutions, Rs _aH = ea me sae en ee Hee, |. Berman | meme, | saa ear irae ste) Gag pages —~ Claes Tee See Gio, | ae a a ee od cao PP. learning habits ‘sentence correction) * learning methods: pros & cons, view (Units §6) pp. 97-96 Vocabulary Expansion pp 100-74 “Grammar Expansion pp. 127-144 {Grammar Reerence pp. 112-12 Weordist pp. 45-15) py B I 0 1g * Tstening fox main dea and spectc information (sentence completion, mutiple choice) Phrasal verbs: ‘make uplmake up for * listening for speci information (fnultpe choice, gap filing) Phrasal verbs: ‘put up with/out up to * listening for pectic information (table completion, multiple matching) Phrasal verbs: run out offrun across + istenng for speci information (imap labeling, matiple choice) Phrasal verbs: 90 along withigo infor 7 meagre adore p information (shot answer ‘TF statements) Phrasal verbs: bh * listening pe eh pete fc main idea and spect Vpn ractra arma Phrasal verbs: keep offfheep back * listening for main idea and specific information fist selection, multiple choice) Phrasal verbs: Took up toook down on Pronunciation p. 154 Rules of Punctuation p. 152 talking about family complaints talking about geographical {eatures and cutural attractions talking about the ecosystems, face gy 7 nusorien doa Y emma . taking jabout media heb Bye ‘chart report «faking about eal vee nens * weting a leet ing about growing cities [Dakin about Se pes and cons 1 ctubanisation + agreeing/disagrecinglexpressing | _cisadvantage| doubt essay “talking about green energy sources| « * talking about advantages of essay renewable energy ‘suggesting + talking about environmental solutions fo ‘problems & soktions problem ‘+ expressing concerns & making ‘suggestions “taking about Arpower robots | « talking about Al apps talking about Al gadgets ‘giving instructions wating a product * Talking about Kfelong learning activites «taking about learning skils and habits «talking about leaming methods: ‘ros and cons * giving opinions * wrting an ‘opinion essay ‘American English - British English Guide p. 153 Irregular verbs p. 154 Values Unit Ourlfe exper Unit 2 Our work: p45 Unt 3 News Jit Our ims oy p59 p37 no Cheer energy p67 alineligence p. 79 etong learning p87 Culture Comer "Nauyén Ngoc Ki ~ the Extraordinary Educator 8 Kat® Festival © Building a Greener Future for Vietnam Alin Transforning Vietnam (Careers) CV B (PSHE) Being a Responsible Digital Citizen © (Science) Counter Urbarisation: Challenges and Opportunities (Histor) Students for Lite Progress Check Units 1-2 Units 3-4 Units 5-6 Units 7-8 6 B I 0 1g Hello Family qualities Fillin each gap with old-fashioned, strict, easy-going, independent, ifcut or worried. 1. Our grandfather is abit F he doesn't even use a computer 2 Beckyis very __; she never asks for help with anything, 3 Don'tbe so You can't expect everything done your way. 4 think I'm pretty lam usually very calm and don't gt upset easly 5 Whyis Mike so 7s not even his fault! 6 Myparents are quite Vm not allowed to play video games on weeknights. Common family complaints 2 A KArFHIn gps 1-9 winind ‘verbs in the list. Then listen and check, have * give * break * nag * listen help eset © lke 2. The Imperial Cathedral/Citadel of Thang Long is an ancient site that used to be the don't) __about stucies/chores. <2) enough pocket money. don't 3) hard rules. *4)___your teen's friends. (and teens please *5) good manners. *6)___to your parents advice. *7)_____ around the house. © don't 8) the rules, Geographical features 3 FG0dd Label the pictures withthe geographical features. Theta letters are Given, Thon ston and check, Ow_ Gn Cultural attractions @ choose the correct option. 1. Thién My Pagoda/Tomb is a significant cultural site and a place of worship in Hué. ppltical centre of Vietnam for many centuries. 3 The Independence Palace/Tower is one of the must-see destinations in Ho Chi Min Clty 5 (Duma geosrapica tatu or cultural attractions from Exercises and 4 hhave you visited/would you like to visit? Tell your partner. B I 0 1g Present Simple & Present Continuous “eepaiaent) @ Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1 & — (your parents/be) easy-going peopl B: Not realy. They often (nag) about my studies! & (your brother/ usually/help) around the house? No, he (not/do) the housework very often, (Fred/go) hiking in ‘the mountains today? No. He (stay) home today because he has chores to do, My dad is the person who always (set) the rules in ‘my house, What about in your house? B: it's my mum, but she 2 = oe (notibe) very sttict 5 A Mysister (always/take) my things withdutasking, which is so annoying, B: Same here. 1 i (notiike) that. 6 (Phoebe/get) much pocket money’at home? B: No, she, (look) for a.parttime job to earn some cash row. @ Rewrite the following sentences without cchanging'their meanings. Use the word in bold Write in your notebook. 7° Lisa has a dress on forthe tour of Mal Chau Valley today. (WEARING) 2 Jason and his fiends intend to goon a cave tour tomorrow (GOING) 3 Weare going to catch the bus tothe citadel at pum. (DEPARTS) 4. test typical that he is breaking the rues. (USUALLY) 5 Erin has a part-time job as a tour guide these days. (WORKING) Linking verbs / Stative verbs ppp. 18418 @ choose the correct option. 1. Jane's parents are/are being old-fashioned people in general 2 Itgets/s getting very col on tis modntain atright. ‘8. Sam thinks/is thinking about visting ‘Tién My Pagoda tis Weekefd 4 Eric becomessis becoming annoyed whenever his parents hag at him. 5 Sarah and her fai stay/are staying at her aunt’ house during their holiday ths year. 6 Dan tastesristasting the soup to see iit needs more sat. 7_Wihal'S wrong with An? She is seeming/ ‘Seems very quiet. 8 The noise ofthat waterfall sounds/is ‘sounding so relaxing to me. | see/am seeing why you are sad. Your parents nagged at you about your stuces. 40 A: Do you know where Mike is? B: He has/is having lunch with his ‘grandparents. Articles "3pm @ Choose the correct option. 1 Last year, Mike went hiking to__ Mount Fansipan with his fiends. Aa Ban Cthe D- 2 Itwasthe visitto_Temple of Literature that Fiona enjoyed the most. Aa Ban Cthe D- 3 Laurahas nervous expression on her face. She looks worried, Aa Ban Cth D- 4 When Mike feels stressed, he usually plays guitar A- Bte Ca Dan 5 People say that the food at_night market tastes incredible, Aaa 0 ter Cla 6 MyauntEmmais art teacher. She is ‘only art teacher in my village. A an, the B an,- © an, an D athe B I 0 1g Hello Ecosystems / Effects of global warming # Fin each gap with pond, ocean, fase, desert ewan or ingle The Mongolia Steppeisa 1)__with stunning long-distance views. Exploring the sand dunes of the Gobi2}_wasa magical experience (Cac Phucng National Park, a stunning 3) ishome tomany animal species. ‘tDonggungFalacein Gyeongiy Seuth Kore, theresa) filed with plants Watching the waves rover the golden sand at Ngapali Beach in ‘Myanmar whiehvoveriooks the Indian} is unforgettable Candaba Marsh located in the Philippines isa natural 5)__known forits diverse bid species. 2 A Goiymaten ts datomonts (1-0 the fect of pla wang (of. Thon listen ane ees [ETL] Wihen béavy ran occurs, water levels become dangerously high [2[_] Wien theres no rain foran extended period, the land becomes extremely dry [R[_] When afre breaks outin forest, itcan quicy spread, burring pant fe there, \When temperatures remain high for days or ‘even weeks, several people can get sick \When weather concitions are extremely wet ‘or dry, mountain rocks can fall down slopes. [EJ When high winds and heavy rain occur a the same time, this creates a dangerous storm ‘a wildfire ¢ landslide b heatwave drought hurricane f floods 3, ‘Diwicn one ecosystems and the otc of gob wang hom Exaosar sn ar Common norco Ta your partner, World Heritage Sites / Landmagk> & Materials 4, @ G22 choose the correct option. Then listen and check. ‘monument helps Boats to reach the coast safely. @ Apyramiarterace is a platew)here farmers: “0 their rops in ‘mountainous places. A statue/castle isa historic building that was constructed for protection, @ Asteevimarbie bridge is astong construction tat lows peopl to cross from onesie ofan area tothe other. @ aiass/concrete buildings are modem and lightweight structures fequenty employedinthe construction of skyscrapers. G Aalayistone statue is 2 type of omamental artwork often seen around temples (DD hat sinter shes ortndmarts Satna eae) Rare B I 0 1g Paired conjunctions “ppa=n15) Combine the sentences, using the paired conjunctions in brackets, 1 Pauls exploring the sand dunes tomorrow. So is David, (not only .. but also) 2 Emma doesn't know what it's ke to experience a flood. Julie doesn't, either. (neither... nor) 3 My vilage is experiencing a drought atthe moment. My cousin's vllageis experiencing one, too. (both. and) 4 Ben has never been to a swamp. Tom hasn't either. (neither... nor) 5 Greg wants to go hiking up a mountain today. He wants to visit aypagoda,"too. (both .. and) 6 That building ish/tvery tall. It isn't very beautiful, ether. (neither .. nor) Qleft¥e)itences “SR A Rewrite the sentences (1-5) with cleft Sentences with that. Use the words in brackets to emphasise the information. 4 Jack and Fiona traveled through Vietnam by motorbike. (oy motorbike) 2. Lucyis planning to take a tour of the famous Gifu Caste this month. (Lucy) 3. Are you going to explore Asmat Swamp in ‘August? (in August) 4 Mark wants to visit Mi Cang Chai rice terraces when he is in Vietnam. (Mi Cang cI terraces) 5 The power of huricanests so‘rghtening tome because they can doiot of damage. (the power of hurricanes) Compaiadnouns “Baits A Combine one wordin box Awith another word in box B to make compound nouns ‘and complete the sentences. Use a hyphen 6r space where necessary. * way * book sport #mark —* ride house * control # 1. I need to take a photo for my new 2. We were chatting happily while our train was traveling quietly along the 3. Last night's concert at the ‘was spectacular | was amazed! 4. Thomas prefers reading a Instead of looking up local information on his phone, 5 The fight attendant said that we could ‘complete our in five minutes. 6 | have no at any buffet party because | can't stop myself ‘rom eating too much, 7 The Statue of Liberty is probably the most famous InNew York. 8 The island is just a short ‘away from the mainland 10 ff] B I 0 1g Hello Cities in the future / Future predictions (:08\ Match the words/phrases in the two columns to make meaningful phrases. Then listen and check. [1 dgtar [2] vacuum [3/1 foldable [a[_] vertical [5] moving cs smart [7] underground drone hh tube trains 2 & Fillin the gaps (1-8) withthe phrases in Exercise 1. 1 With people ike, able to travel ong distances at high speeds. 2. To.use less land and prevent deforestation, ‘we can switch to . 3 Creating ‘can help to reduce surface trafficih some areas. 4 Inthe future, can provide drivers with feal-time safety information. 5 By developing we ccahsaye mofe parking spaces. 6 with between bulaiigs, people can easily get around the ity on foot without interrupting traffic flow, 7 Inthe future, could be avaliable to provide people with helpful Information for choosing the right clothing items. 8 Inadecade, everyone might be using to receive products at home. (DD wnat ao you tink cc wit be Global problems @ Match the global problems (1-5) o the solutions (a). 5 [a] aisease [21] racism [3]__] homelessness [4]_] unemployment |_| hunger help people find affords obing collect 00d for mines respect other nat create more | offer tree medi Comrtyhy Social issues 22 Maich the community social issues (eho the statements (1-8). “There are some people that sometimes. break laws.” “A large percentage of our national population is severely overweight.” “Many students in my school ae frequently physically and verbally abused by thelr peers.” “There are some communities n our city ‘where people barely have enough money tolive.” “Women have difficulty getting access to career opportunities where | lve.” [] “tots of people in my community struggle with extreme sadness.” “There aren't enough hospitals In my province.” “The smoke and fumes from nearby factories pollute the airin my neighbourhood.” gender inequality depression crime bullying (DD mien othe soba probioms or cdntece ereoarceer tiie country/hometown? Tell your partner. B I 0 1g Future predictions (will/ be going to/ may/ might/ be likely that) & Adverbs of certainty “S358 @ choose the option (A, B, € oF D) to Indicate the sentence that is closest in ‘meaning to the given one. 1. There's a chance that schools wil use virtual realty headsets inthe future, A. Schools wll certainly use virtual realty headsets. B._Schoolsmightuse vitual realty headsets. {© Schoo's are going to use virtual realty headsets. D Schools won'tuse vital realty headsets. 2 According to research, unemployment is expected to get worse. A” Unemployment may get worse. B__Unemploymentisnot key to get worse {© Unemployment won't get worse D_Unempioymentis going to get worse. 3. Itsunlkely that homelessness wil sb, A. Homelessness isn't going tofise, B_ Homelessness won't rise © Homelessness will never. D_ Homelessness probably won't rise Gerunds (-ing {6tta) pant complete the senténces using the correct forms of the verbs inthe list. *providé*da¥miss * help «rise + work 1. Dale Suggested ‘bobt cyborg guides. 2 The councilor hopes that financial support to the poor will help deal with the problem of homelessness 3 We should focus on awareness of racism in our community 4 Harriet dreams of for a charty that aims at solving social issues tke hunger. 5 itsworth the homeless in cour community 6 We apologise for the tak about gender inequality lst week. a project 10 Complete the second sentence so that ithas the same meaning asthe first one. Use the words in brackets. 11 Why don't we start a heatthy eating initiative to fight obesity? (SUGGEST) Hl 2 It took the local government. months=to develop a solution to the unemployment problem. (SPENT) The local government 3 Theycan' wait to participate iva campaign to help the homeless. (LOOK FORWARD TO) They 4/ I's really Uugent to start a social media ccampaign/to fight gender inequality now. (STARTING) really urgent. 5 \Jo8nsald that he didnt bully his classmate at school. (DENIED) Josh Question tags “3mii@ F choose the correct option. 1. Our community hasn't solved the problem cofracism yet, _? A doesit B hasit ¢ isit D hasnitit 2 John never wants to discuss social issues in our city, __? A ishe B has he © does he D shall he 3 Thecity government decided to construct a new heathcare centre, _? A did they B. dint they © don'tthey Do they 4 Let's set up a social media campaign to raise awareness of poverty, __? A willwe B dowe © shall we D have we 5 Noone can predict when world hunger wil come toan end, ___? A canit B willit © canthey D wilthey 6 Don't be late for the talk about gender inequalty tomorrow moming, A wil ou B wontyou © don't you D do you 1 12 B I 0 1g Hello Healthy-living activities / Lifestyle tips @ Go Complete the healthy-lving Activities and ifestye tips with the verbs in the list. Then listen and check. «meditate + manage » join + remove * tint ‘apply # floss + exercise + avoid + maintain sing your phone at bedtime your stress (or do yoga your screen time {lezy drinks from your diet ‘and brush your teeth ssuncream healthy weight ° agym 10 {for 30 minutes a day Healthy lifestyle habits Fin each gap with cut down on, stay, wal, plan, et, ornk, give up and control 1. Toavoidobesity i's essentialto ‘your food portions 2 Mike's doctor acvised him, to fizzy drinks to reduce the amount of sugar in is det. 3 Exercising promoted a gBbd mood and can help you postive. 4. To keep a balafo dle, its @ good idea to your meals each day. 5 If ob Reps getting stomachaches, he shoul@startto heathy 6 You shoud ‘enough water to prevent dehydration and skin problems. 7 sthink Jack should Junk food completely: i's bad for his health 8 Nancy tries to for 30 minutes a day so that she can keep ft. (DD rt out bout you partor healthy-living activities, habits or lifestyle, ‘A: What do you do to stay healthy? B: | eat a balanced diet, and | drink enough water every day. What about you? AA: | exercise every day and avoid fizzy drinks, Health problems @ G22b Look at the pictures and fillin the missing letters. Then listen and check. Health symptoms & Advice @ Write on the lines withthe correct symptoms/advice in thelist. symptoms + sneezing itchy eyes + dizzy, carsick * fever ‘red, hot skin «red pimples « swollen, bruised Advice * use a nose spray * use an ice pack + stay in bed, drink juice « get fresh aie «take a cool bath + use a special cream sunburn: red, hot sk hay fever: acne: _ travel sickness: the fu: __ sprained ankle: ke a cool bath (D2 iwnien ofthe hats problems and eaieaai aan crate ari ni ono yo tin Serpe B I 0 1g Participial phrases / to-infinitive clauses “aii choose th correct option. 1 Thenose spray __Inthat shop costs £5 A sald B tosel sels D that et 2 Lucyis the first student in her class__ junk food, ‘A. giving up B togiveup © gives up D giveup 3 The woman by the lake Is my fitness Instructor. ‘A tomediate —-B_medltating © medtetes who meditating 4 Is yourmum the one ___ your meals, or Go you prepare them yourself? ‘A. cooked B being cooked © cooking D tobe cooking 5 The meal __ by Jason contains lots of healthy vegetables, ‘A preparing B be prepared © toprepared being prepared Perfect gerunds /Perfec{participles peur Complete the sentences using the verbs in thelist in perfect gerund or perfect participles. ‘put pat Peut down on + notido + recelve\ feel 1..Ben tehied 100d before dinner. 2 advice from her doctor, Clare changed her diet and began leaning how to manage her stress better. 3. David praised Sam for her dally screen time junk ‘on the phone. 4 ‘an ice pack on the Injured ankle, Erica felt much better. 5 ‘pain in his tooth, Sam decided to go to the dentist. 6 Fred regrets, more exercise when he was younger. 10 Modals (must/ have to/ should/ ought to/ had better) "Sais F Choose the correct option. 1 Itsuptoyouttyouwantto comet the yoda, class. You atfend if you don’ wait tos A dont B cant © dorithaveto musty 2. According tothe rls, patients, lay in the clinics wang room pti they ae cal. A don'thaveto B Tmust © should D_musta't 3 Ann's doctor says that”she use a ‘special cream to g8t rid of her acne, A hasto B_ mustn't © cant D doesn't have 4 Hewants £6 maintain a healthy weight, so ‘he \_plan his meals carefully. a Thust B can © hasto D mustn't B Dan's sister gave him advice, saying that he ___to try to stay postive ‘A should B ought © must D had better A Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, Use should, must, mustn't, don’ have to or had better not. 1. My doctor says that’ not required to take ‘any medicine for my ness. 2 Its against the rules for students to bring Junk foodto class. 3. I's @ good idea for Jason to stay in bed when he tas the fu 4 If you keep walking on your sprained ankle, it will get more serious. 5 it's urgent that someone calla doctor right B I 0 1g Hello THIS YEAR IS MY YEAR, AND ID LOVE TO ... ‘At the beginning of the academic year, set your goals and create your list. Which of these do you plan to do? You can add your own ideas if you want: @ ‘become more independent spend quality time with family members and elderly relatives eat superfoods to\improve my health 4 adopt an animal © start’aSavings account ANimprove my fashion choices *\become a tourist in my town/city for a day ‘learn to cook food from another culture attend a festival from another culture get a part-time job © participate in a charity or an environmental event start learning another foreign language (eg. Japanese, Spanish or italian) © manage my stress meditate, do yoga or join a gym ‘Spt tho ond of the year, check your list again. How many did you manage to do? Share your accomplishments with your friends and family. HAVE A SUCCESSFUL, ADVENTUR: AND FUN YEAI 14 B I 0 1g Were ries Life experiences (129) Fin each gap with sing, win, meet, swim, run, go, Sleep or tek Then isten and check. ‘on a safari ‘with dolphins ‘xfamous person in public ae “amarathon under the stars Segue Es) Sacuetca Canta nents) ning for specific information (senten | (rere Wo 2. @ (1304 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. Then listen and check. Practise saying them with a partner. 1A mountain B shoulder © ground D proud rhe 2 A flower B town = sng =D eyebrow nan tee 3A blow —B follow borrow D allow bes nal icy 4A cloud — B south = house poutry about life GENE 3 F Geaiv Listen to Ann, Joo and Petor talking about thei ‘summer holiday. Which life experiences (1-8) in Exercise 1 oe did each have? ‘Ann Joe ] Peter | | make up 4, (DDduicn rhe ite experiences inexacse 1 kyou aviv jie an Wel Your pate, 15 B I 0 1g Reading 12) Listen/Watch and read to check. 4. Look atthe picture, What do you think the text is about? Hireaders. | want to tell you about a person that I really admire and had a chance to meet last month. I was Gary Hall Jr, a great Olympic swimmer. Gary Hall Jr. was born and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and he was an excellent swimmer from a young age. People were amazed at his incredible speed, and hhe competed at a very high level. However, fe didn't ‘make things easy for him and he had to overcome ‘major challenges to achieve his success. By the age of 22, Gary had already competed at the +996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, where he won four medals - two sivers and two golds - and sat an Olympic record. Gary was so happy and excited about his career. Then, when he was 24 years old, his doctor told him that he had a health condition called type 1 diabetes, and that he might not be able to continue swimming. Gary was devastated, but after a short break, he decided he wouldn't give up and ‘continued to rain wth all his strength. Iwas dificult and hh often fet frustrated, but he mace great progress. ‘obstacle * glory * determination (Cis sortaamtan 16 Multiple choice ‘+ Read the text quickly to\get the general idea. ‘+ Read each question and ansiver choices, then undertine the K8y words. ‘© Locate the refefence inthe text to choose the ccorrect/ansiver. _ Read the toxt For questions (1-4), hoose the best answers (A, B, C or D). 4 Which ofthe folowing can be the best tle forthe text? ‘A An impossible Task B Chasing Glory © Close to Gold D_ One Last Chance 2 What had Gary done by the time he was twenty-two years old? He had won four gold medals. He had set several records. He had competed in the Olympics. He had leamed about his ciabetes. voa> ‘A year later, at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney ‘Australia, Gary gave an amazing performance and won four more medals: two golds, a siver and a bronze: He continued his career and competed at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece, where he won another gold and a bronze medal ‘According to Gary, people (dolbted his chances of ‘success in 1996 because fe was foo young, and in 2000, because he had a health condition. In 2004, people doubted him because they thought he was too old, However, he proved that they were wrong, Gary Hall J.js @)epeeial person in regard to all of the ‘obstacles he oVercame on his path to glory. | admire him because, he didn’t give up, even when he was ‘exhausted! struggling to train and compete. With his determination, he achieved great success. From his ‘story, We can all learn an important lf lesson: *To be 1 5 A Purthe Verbsin brackets into the correct forms of the Past Porfct. 1We __ (buy) the tickets before we went to the dolphin show. 2 (you/win) 2 medal before the 2020 Winter Olympics? 3 Steve (not/book) a safari tour yet when I spoke to him. 4 (you/meet) a famous person before the event yesterday? 5 My aunt let me use her camera on holiday only after she (show) me how to use it. Affirmative Negative Simple. Add commas where necessary. Weare | routinet 1 We / a o/s tate! tori son map. Interrogative ‘Short answers Vd yet | Yo, oul 2. akon ity caren hetero? tye hd tine ay Wo, youu Ne they/he/she/it 3 Before / Anna / go / the Maldives / last hadn't, month / she / never#-swim /edolphins. 4. When / we / come back / to / campsite / Emma / finish cooking / our meal. 5 you/ theeb/ famous person /by the time / Yyou/inish / holiday / Los Angeles / last ‘month? # combine the sentences using the Past Perfect and the words in brackets 1 Mary came tothe staium at 11:00. Susan lfte stacium at 10:30, (WHEN) 2 Susan and Sam put on suncream. Then they start trekking n the mountains. (BEFORE) 3. Wiliam competed and came frst in lots of marathon races. A year later, he was offered to join the national team. (AFTER) 4 Jim explained all the rules. Then we started putting up tents in the camp. (AFTER) 5 Jim reached the finish line. We arrived at the marathon event, (BY THE TIME) (DD vee tn te words to make sentences that are true for you, using the Past Perfect and your own ideas. Tell your partner, before + when « after by the time | had never trekked in the mountains before | went on that trip, 19 B I 0 1g Listening Sentence completion CO. 2 Paul didn’t compete on the camp's sports pa Ene ean Sea ye er E eraiiaeetceraei tes A hecoent a cokgsnats emo ta erie Che went on a trek in the mountains Fae sees aoa pee eae Bear vad asada Nee ‘Think about the parts of speech you will need 3 After the musical, Trisha fel to fill the gaps (e.g., nouns, verbs, adjectives, A. excited to work with a,famous singer came B onbarasea a orginpuste Seater eee © ramet ual pas ey ta was meena) D paulattpepabdomrce Pay attention to spelling and grammatical | accuracy when you write the answers, b) What do you think the dialogue o i about ue and check a eecravespariree ()Diwnatis one memorabi ite Batra e theatre perfomance Spans nesie von ages ter O \atrag fet actos a camp Yourore? What mone? How dat > \empay nears oe Mak yo en? pion (steno te dou gn Fr ay Youare aba totn to sacay, SF Zt te do oot ‘akg abuts ere Rede auton sentences (1-5) below. What information is, missing in each gap? ~ ~ P? ‘ook at the picture, Circle Wadi Rumisabig_{ ee eas the correct phrasal verb. Jacob travelled fo Wadi Rum by ‘id Tim moke up for! make up that story about going on a safari on hldoye OF course! Have you ‘ever heard of someone going on a safari in Jacob learhied aout the history of Wadi Rum fromthe In the degert, people usually cook | ‘heirmeals on the ‘Jacob felt about the idea of sleeping under the stars, ‘an incredible experience with nature. b) A Wis Listen and complete the ‘sentences (1-5). Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS foreach answer. Multiple choice 3 a A Youare going to listen toa dialogue between two fiends. Read the sentences arent (1-8) and undertine the key words. oral on ecmen aeaie aia 1 When Paul was kayaking, he felt __. 9N} },USI JeYY AUO}S B YUBAU! O} :cin EYELU e A tered B confused 20 © nervous D tired B I 0 1g Speaking re ) Tusk Which of the underlined sentences are used for asking about an explanaton?/askng Life achievements for more details of an achievement?/expressing admiration? ) Replace the underlined sentences with What did he do afterwards? How come? That) ‘incredible! Think of more similar sentences: 4 9 A (a0) Match the verbs (1-8) tothe pases (e+). Then listen and check. 3 DD act outa clogs tte one Erie 2, Ue agra lo da ‘Mind the intonation ahd|the rhythm. promising career A B f from high schoo! ‘Mention a person Mention his/her 9 andhave children to actiere NCIS. | ectioverent eel hh onasports team something, ee ‘comment on his/her ——— life story. Ask fora. explanation J [Exp ») Which of the ife achievements ee in Exercise 1a would you like to have? Can coves ea ‘Say how he/she you think of others? IN| Ghalenges and Express your 7 | acne Everyday Englis| ‘admiration. ‘something. Talking about life achievemeéfits Pronunciation a) Gi DD) uate anata 0 Intonation in questions (review) clalogue. What are the teens talking about? 66 4 Z.Ga0) Mark the questions with the Correct intonation. Listen, check and then Jack: Hey Stacy, [saw dip of your brother, Tom, inthe newspaper theother day! eee Stacy: Oh yes, ha ight He's jut won the Payer of 1. Isthis your od college? the Year. anard th his unvesiy footbal eam, 2. Whereis your hometown? Butt aa Tong roa to his succes. ‘3 How about starting a new business? Jack: «wh that 4 Do youtike history or iterate? Stacy: Whe Tom vas growing up he eally struggled 5 Mary graduated from high school with at school He was unsure if he could eve get honours, didnt she? (We are sure.) the gad ogo to university {6 You wll goto university this year, won't jack: Oh, I did't know that So, what happened you? (We ae not sure) then? Stacy: Wellin his final year of high school, he ‘worked extremely hard and gota place at his preferred university Jack: Wow, and now he's the ‘Player ofthe Year’ for that university’ football team! What an amazing story! ” B I 0 1g Writing Alife story 2 F Read the stor about Arnel Pineda and match the paragraphs 3 (A-D) to the descriptions (1-4). ) Ame Pineda was bom in Sampaloc, Manta, the Philippine 1967, and he is an inspiring person. He has been passionate about singing since he was five years old and has achieved orat, success as a professional singer. However, he faced a lot of chellenges during his eal fe. When Amel was thirteen, his mother ded, so his family had 2 lot of financial problems. Then, Amel became homeless for several years, During that time, he tok efferent low-paying jobs like collecting old bottles and seling newspapers to hep him survive. In 1982, atthe age of teen, he joined alocal band asa) lead singer, singing pop songs by famaus bands. Amel dc’, ‘make much money this way, but he never gave upon his passion, © © by the fate 1990s, he had achieved some success, but itwas, inthe early 2000s that he finally got his big break Indunte 2007, Neal Schon, a member of the famous band Journey Viewed a video of Arnal online. Schon contacted him and invited him to an auction forthe band’s new ead singer position. Six months ater, ‘Amel joined Journey and they have hath sucess since then. The band has released theé studio albums and sold milion of records worldwide. 5 @ Ame! Pineda is a special person because he overcame his Gifcut beginning, | admire him because he stayed committed to his passion and achieved gteatness, Are!’ success shows that anyone can achive their creams if they try hard enough. introduction (Paragraph 1) writing about a person's general What tenses did the writer use in the model writing in Exercise 12 Why? @ Read the Useful Language box. Find ‘and undertin the phrases the writer used, the sto Personal information + isiwas a... person * HeiShe was born in ‘Turning points and life achievements * AUBy the age of 4, he/she «. © When he/she was... he/she + Two/Five, ete. years later, he/she .. Reasons for admiration * Tadimie him/her because ... ‘+ -qis/W¥as @ special person because .. Yopirtdin CLAIMING) Your school English magazine has asked its readers to send life stories of people they admire, Answer the questions. 11 What's his/her name and where is he/she from? What is he/she famous for? 2. What difficulties did he/she face during his/ her eaty life? 3 What are his/her achiovernents? 4 Why do you admire hinvher? GHIMD rite your story of someone you admire. (about 180-200 words). Information (name, where from, (2 }easons Arnel is admired and the lesson from ‘what famous for) history Main body (21 general information about Amel (name, where (Paragraph 2) wiling about dificutties in hisfher from, what famous for) early life [3] iictis in his eary ite (Paragraph 3) wating about hisher turing [4177 his turing points and achievernents aay (Paragraph 4) wing the reason(s) you admire hive, lesson from his/her story (GIELATCORREST) Check your story for spelling/ grammar mistakes. Then, in pairs, swap your stories and check each other's work. OO Tenses When writing about a person's if story, we use past tenses to refer to that person's early life and achievements, We use the present tense ifthe person {salve and to refer to that person's current status, 22 B I 0 1g = I A. re uno) Occupations A £638) Fit in each gap with constuction manager, bank clon, Sy ar taf controle, software developer, social worker or ( entrepreneur. Then listen and check. ay ere Oo» Seen tc eg i a Ne handles customers and starts and runs'thelr manages and directs their financial matters. own Private uses planes on and off the arms of ‘round safely, fie one Occ Se an a) nea teal ere T/FIDS statements) Mo) —______ An) re) sap aiyts organises buleing ares Commmuntyand hops programmes and prj to make Sure information (multiple them soWe their applications for ‘that they are completed 0 problems. computers. safely and on time. ors \ = ee ae) eee ei Word stress a Ey, (1289 Choose the word that has a stress pattern PR 2 Sirerottrom the otters Men lsten and check. Pracve ; saying them with a partner. ahs 1A create B handle support _D_ complete is 2 A manager B controller C computer D_ construction Oe 3A engaging B rewarding © financial D challenging writing a job application 4A developer B community © security D entrepreneur ei «6 ae ESCH ra 3 A GezidLston and match the speakers &-D) to thejobs ORR they do (1-6) in Exercise 1. put up with / put up to 5 [SpeakerA] ] [SpeakerB] | (SpeakerG] | [SpeaxerD| | Oa Which of the jobs (1-6) in Exercise 1 do you think are the most rewarding? challenging? Tell your partner. 5B) 24 B I 0 1g Reading 4, Read the title and look atthe pictures. What do you think the text is about? (Ga Ltt ana cnck. VIDEO landing your DREAM JOBE: Have you ever wondered what it could be lke fo do your dream job? We interviewed two people who found thes te always been someone who loves inferacting wih other people and | also have o stong sar interest in technology. Therefor, | was realy motivated fo find a job where | could use my RUHL ual M4 communication skis, Fortuny | found a prec ob, working as a social mea manager fora [ee at smal local company. Ive done this job for almost twelve months, and I love it. | get 1o write] Ga =. interesting online poss and come up wih soci media strategies fo help our company get MO fag ‘tention online nome-based oo, whichis great because I ee! much more creative when | ‘con work fom my own space. Of cours, stil have fight dealines to mee, and | need fo Be, fete, too, ccasionaly, | have fo goto the ofce for cleh-up mestings fo get ups on new project ‘developments for example, but lucky that doesnt happen very often. Alin al, vey fb! ‘Since | was a child, computers have always foscnated me, and I loved Jearing Out al of the : amazing things | could do with them. AS | grew up started to foke more Interest in working with ‘computes and using them. | began by making simple quiz apps and pfogrommes for faking notes, ond then when I finished high schoo, | went to university and completed « course in software development. That course helped me develop my Yechnigol cblties and problem solving si When got my degre, |finaly found a job as.asofwa developer at anT company inthe capital city and! couldn’ believe my luck. Now geNo do what I ove ~ something Ihave been doing for years for fee — ond get a great sola, Whats even more attractive is that since joined the company, ve had the chance to werk on widely Used software with millions of downloads worldwide, I's realy been a dream come tue! ye, * creative * catch-up meeting Sentence completion’ ‘* fascinate * technical * problem-solving Go. ——— + Read the sentences arid deine the key words. 3 F7 Read the text again, Then decide it + Guess the missing information and pay attertion ‘ach ofthe statements (1-5) is T (rue), tothe pumber of Words that shouldbe writen in F (als) or DS (doosn't say). each go; 1 Jenna has been a social media «+ Scarihe te forthe missinginfomation, undeine ‘manager for more than a year. ‘therelavant parts and decide on the word(s) to fil 2. Jenna has friends who are also inthe.gaps.. social media managers. Jenna works from home, 2» A Read the text. Complete each sentence with 4. Peter started developing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text. ‘software at university. — 1 Jennaisin charge of developing 5 Peter has worked on some to raise her company’s onine profile. very popular software since 2. Jenna sometimes attends he became a staff member in to get information about how projects ave the compary. = progressing. 3. Peter developed his technica sks while obtaining ¢ » tig___ 4, hie CO Whats your dream job? 4 Peter now eams a doing Tol your partners something that he has always done for free. B I 0 1g Vocabulary Job qualities & Skills 5 PGA tuna antag Mate aod Sala ea} thestomats A. motivated E respect B flexible F decisive © cooperative & responsible D_ punctual H_ reliable [4] “tm always on time." [2[_] “I mable to adapt to new situations.” [S]__] “Itreat everyone as my equal.” “enjoy working with other people.” enjoy working peopl “You can always depend on me.” ays dpe [6[_] *Ymwiting to putin alot of efort to succeed.” “1 make important choices quickly and por quickly efficienty.” [BI] “Iaways cary out my tasks carefully and fx any problems by myselfimmediately.” 6 A Complete the sentences with the job ‘qualities (A-H) from Exercise 5, 1 Marthaisa(n) ____{_ employee, sso her boss can trust her with many projects inthe company. 2 Heisavery = employee; he never arrives late 3 Tom's working houts Ghange every week, s0 he needs tobe 4 Ms Jones would make a good chief executive officer (CEO) because she is very ‘and able to solve problems quickly. % Jasonisa{n)___ employee, Whenever he makes mistakes, he admits and corrects them to ensure the task can be completed effectively. 6 Ifyou work as part of a team, i's important tobe so that everyone ccan achieve their goals efficiently. 7 Everyone must be to their colleagues so that all employees feel comfortable n the workplace, 8 Kevinis extremely and Intends to have a highly successful career. a) # (2a) Flin each gap with communication, mutitasking, teamwork, deadlines or fluent. Then listen and check. SKILLS AND REQUIREMENTS ‘have good leadership skills * be able to work under pressure and meet tight y * have good time management skills * be skied at operating machinery” * be 2) inet leodughayorien languoge + demonstrate problemsoing skills + have 3) kilt and hep collegues ‘* have strong 4) 9 _ skills and be able to exrese egg Boar + nave 5) skis and work on several projectsatthe'same time oy Yat (DID wnat ob quates and Skills do you tink are the most important? ‘Why? ‘Dimer ot tne toting job apect wo you costar ten chobong #7 Tote our ure es nt cx 29-5 job full-time joba 8-12 job (part- work _time)/shifts/overtimerat weekends/iong hhours/with a teanvat my own pace get Pad wolcompeive saarylow wages! pay rse/promoted/regular training/halidays ‘A: I'd ke to work in hotel management. B: Really? Why? ‘A: Well, don't mind working at weekends or ‘working long hours. In addition, | can get pal well spe LUE OUR WORK EXPERIENCE a ® Do you agree with the following statements? Why/Why not? Work experiance can help young people .. 11 understand the world of work. 2 decide on their future careers. 3 become more employable, 26 B I 0 1g Grammar Present Perfect 4 7 Putthe verbs inthe brackets (1-5) into the Present Perfect. Then mateh them to thelr uses (2-2) [A] ] lam exhausted because | (work) along shit [21] stephen Gstiretur) trom his companys headquarters. [31-1 Tisisthefrsttime Olver a job interview. He forajob before [a] We {work on this project this month. It's such a large project that we (not/inish) yet. (51 kevin {work for this company since he was a young man. He (devote) himself tothe company forthe last twenty years. person's experience ‘recent action that has a visble result in (attend) (never/apply) present an action that has just happened in the ‘recent past and the time Is not. NX ‘d_ an action that stared in the past continues up to the present e Siena as cn of ‘time but is not comy A) =n 2 Acnoose the correct verbs inthe ist to complete the sentences. Put them into the Present Perfect. stavel (+noviind + not/decide work shave * spend 1. Mark is very tired because he ___ots of time revising the sales report. 2 Etc ajo yet. 3. Fiona and Tina at this company for nearly a decade, 4 Vicky ever abroad for work? 5 Myfriend and | ‘whether to start a business together or not. 61 allot of meetings with clients this month. @ Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the Word in bold and the Present Perfect. 1. Viis stil working on the project. (YET) Vihas not rished working on the projet Yo 2. Thisis the fst time I've gone on a business trip by plane. (BEFORE) Uhave — 3. I's been two years since the Vast time they met their former boss, (FOR) They haven't 4am 30 now and | faye worked as an air trafic controllesincé | was 22. (FOR) have 5. Elena’atténded a sales conference in June ‘and December this yea. (TWICE) Elena has Make complete sentences using the prompts and the Present Perfect. 1. Julie and Susan / be / colleagues / years. 2 I/not speak / Paul /since /he / move / new company. 3 This is/ second time / An/ get /pay /rise. 4 I/be/ many /interviews / my career. 5. they /arrange / a staff meeting / next week / yet? 6 Jack / change / job / twice / this year. 7 How many customers / we / serve / today? 8 Cindy is happy / because / she / just / receive / job promotion. DW vars satencos soa yurvat using these time words. ‘already * yet just » ever * before ‘never * so fare since * for recently | have already finished my work project. B I 0 1g Tense review Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect. + Lucy and Jennifer (g0) to London for a conference last week. 2 Oliver {not/meet) James before they started working together. 3 We (discuss) an Important work issue when the phone suddenly (ring). 4 Joe (find) a job by the time he graduated from university. 5 The CEO (start) this ‘company ten years ago. 6 (anie/write) report at 4pm. yesterday? @ choose the verbs in the list to complete the sentences. Put them into the Prasent Perfect or the Past Simple. * quit © receive * notireturn + go. * work 1 Sue to the bank to pay Some: ‘company bills. She'll be back soon: 2 Last month, | my job because | wasn't happy with the loluwages. 3. Susan and Thomas from the staff meeting yet, \Ne are waiting for ther. 4 Mary and Fred their degrees yesterday after years Of hard work. 5 Sam; Howlong, Greg ‘as aSales Manager in Madrid headquarters? ‘Ang: I's 0 years. Brchoose the correct option. “4, Michael and Tom ____with a client when their boss entered the room. A talked B were talking © havetalked Dare talking 2 Maya three different part-time jobs so far A has B has had © washaving =D had 3. Robert and Lucas __to the business conference together a few days ago. A are going B_ have gone © were going =D. went 10 4 Ben___his job a few weeks ago because he wasn't happy with the salary he was earning, ‘A has changed —_B had changed changed D was changing 5 When John finished his work, he off his computer and _ A switchediett B switched/was leaving had switched/eft D was switching/was leaving’ 6 Before Mary ___to this company, she ___five years [of relevant experience, ‘A came/has gained B camefnad gained had.confegained D comes/has gained A ctroosaitie option (A, B,C or D) to indicate the sentence that is closest in mearing to the given one. “Wie last worked overtime five days ago. ‘A. We have worked overtime for five days B_ Wehaven't worked overtime or ve days. © We didnt work overtime fo ve days. D_ Wehadh't worked overtime for five days, 2 The two companies were in discussion for weeks, and then they reached a deal ‘A. Thetwo companies reached a deal ater they had been in cscussion for weeks B The two companies were in discussion before they have reached a deal © Thetwo companies had reached a deal ater they were in dscussion for weeks, D_Thetwo companies have reached a deal afte they had been in dlscussion for weeks. (DD compat the sentences so that ina os is br aw vor pat 1 Last weekend, 287 pm et iy eanen 27 B I 0 1g Listening Multiple choice OO. Before you listen, read the questions and underine the key words. * Look at the pictures and think of words related to each picture as they might appear in the recording. + All three pictures will be mentioned in the recording but only one picture is the correct | answer. The other two will be distractors. 4 Mires prcosomrasne el ee eeciostrcaea eater aa Sema ecto [4] What is Dave's new job? ‘a afta Ee i € \ [2] Whereis James working now? a £2500, £2,000 £1,500 ‘What time does Chris typically finish work? «i ‘mS 2 AEB steno the daloges. For questions (1-4), choose the best answers (A, Bor). 28 Gap filling OO. ‘+ Before you listen, read the note carefully. ‘+ Guess what kind of word may goin eactr ap a name, a number, a place, an acti), et) ‘and guess possible answers.) “+ Ustencarefuly and write the exct words you hear fom the recording, Payattention to | spalng and grate acctass. 43, Thicree ne te what yest information are missing in the gaps (1-5)? "Name: Andy Jobson Qualia: eAtayein). fom te University of Huddersfield vsbie2} tnd ge ceiing (‘sil » Aral pei * Gon rata © Ability to 3) in three different ‘programming languages co iotdat 6) eos ‘© Finished a(n) 5) internship at 2a mp 4B G28 Listen and fin the gaps (1-8) in Exercise 3, Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Wim, Look at the picture. Circle the correct phrasal verb. fy ofce is so loud. How cat 35 (__ youput up with/put up to your noisy coworkers? Buyyyeuios 0p 0} (uosied 8) apensiad 0} :0} cin and « 242440} yon cin nd» B I 0 1g focabulary Graduation & Career 4 9 A (zi Fin cach gap with bachelors, cetiate, application, qualcatons, knowledge or candidate, Then listen and check. Speaking ) Replace the underlined questions with Have you done this job before?/How ald you find out about this job2%Why should we choose ‘you as ..2/and When are you available to work? ‘Think of more similar questions. 3 Oa ‘You are applying forthe job in SCENE Mag Exercise ta. Your friend is the interviewer. Act outa dialogue similar to thé one Ih poe Ao OE Boke ere Exercise 2a. Use the diagram below. Mind The sucessful 1) should have some the intonation and rhythm. ofthe following 2) ‘and qualities: @ a A033) degroo English + aa) in Journalism Greet 8. Ask howB |S“ Rapiy ‘work experience in Creativ Writing neatsbote pb _| V7 = astrong 5) af iferent writin eon ‘rent wing ase why B thinks wevshe |< E&P ‘© two years’ experience writing onine content _{ iS Sultableforthajob. wy Talk about your «alto wert under restr raxaba@eaipererca}<_7 eres. ‘inst be responsible, creative and fleible Reply mal your 6) to scene@magcom. _LASK,yhenB can work = b) Oa Would you like to do the job) advertised? Why/Why not? Tell your partnet. Asking and responding jajob interview 2 9 Ka DD toad ote dialogue. What is it about? 66 Interviewer! Hello, Jasoh. So, how did you hear about tfisjob? ‘saw it advertised on your website. 31 thnk youare the best candidat | {forthe positon of social media manager? Wel, I'm decisive and creative, and 1 have a good knowledge of social media. Tlerviewer: Do you have any previous experience in this line of work? Yes. ve written social media poss fora local company in my town for three yeas Interviewer: Fantastic! And when can you start work? Jason: I can start right away. Interviewer: Excellent! Thanks for coming, Jason. We'll be intouch and let you know our decision. ‘Thank you. | look forward to hearing from you 99 Jason Interviewer Jason Jason Jason: Repiy‘that you willbe in touch, Strong & weak forms of function words ‘Many function words such 2s arces (a, an, ) the), modals and alas can, do, does, has, ft) prepostion (rom, to, at tc), pronouns and possessive adjectives my, hs, your etc) and conjunctions fut, of etc) are pronounced with both strong and weak forms. ‘When a function word emphasises important informatio or appears at the end ofa sentence, its often pronounced witha strong form, | know who this email is from. (from/— strong) | Hav you gt an erafrom oY —wea) J 4 2 Gast adnate tinton words inl ae tong or weal Usten gah andre racecar Does Jak dats conpan/s comet b tiet se what Pelerdos, Did sonata nao you? —— Miho cco send tonal? —— 1a 30 B I 0 1g Writing A job application letter 4, Read the letter. Whats it about? HR Manager The Hillview Gazette Ben Watts 53 Main St 23 Green Lane Hillview Hillview UK uk Date o7/042008 Dear Sir oF Madam, Lam writing to apply forthe IT support technician position advertised in the local newspaper on Tuesday 5 July. Qibetiveam perfect sued for ths role. hie abachelors deggee nT from the Univers of Leeds, and Ihave ecenly completed a master’s in IT management. Las yea, | gained rakuable experience working part-time at a acl computer repair cere, and | also spent six months a a tech support tree ata major Tf. Q Lam very adaptable, reliable and excellent at multitasking, and {have strong communication sis and natural proble- sohing sits | can work independently ora part of team as Ihave experience working in collaborate evironment. I would be very gratefl Ifyou woud consider me fort positon of IT support technician. | am available for an Interview at any time. have attached a copy of my CY tots, letter for your review. Ifyou have any questions abt, please letme knw. ener ete Yours fay, tats oe 2 7 Read theletior again. n which Paragraph does Ben 1 mefilon i @vatebe time fran imentow? _ ‘mention his reason fr writing? 3 describe his work experience? = 4 present his qualifications? = 5. tak about his personal quai? When writing a letter applying for @ job, we use {formal language. | would be grateful if you would consider my application. Read the informal sentences (1-4) and replace them with their formal ones (a-<). (ET | cant wait for you to wrt back! [2[ JI tink rm perfect or the job. [31] ! want to ask about the onine ob posting. [4[_] lean come and see you whenever you ike: | believe I would be an excellent for the postion. ~ 4d ook forward to heating from you soon. Your turn: (GAIT) You are going to write an application to the job below. Read the job advertiand answer the questions (1-4). 4 “BANK CLERK REQUIRED COurbankis seeking a new bank clerk. ‘bachelor's degre in business is prefered. Previous experiance is desirable but not essential Please send your application tothe HR manager at bankinggjobscom 285 Lloyd Stet, Beringha, UK. What postion are you going to apply for? Who are you going o write to? What language style ae you going to use in your letter? What information ae you going to include in each paragraph? (GUAT) Write your job application letter. ‘Dear Sir or Madam, (Paragraph 1) writing your reason for writing, when and where you saw the advert (Paragraph 2) witing about your qualifications and work experience (Paragraph 3) writing about your personal qualities (Paragraph 4) writing about your avaiabity for an interview Your faithtuly, (your fuit nae) 6 (GAEGHIDORREST) Check your letter for spelling/ grammar mistakes. Then, in pairs, swap your letters and check each other's work. B I 0 1g Culture Corner 4, Look atthe picture and read the tile. What is special about this person? Read the text to check. > An Extraordinary Educator \ Nguyn Ngoc kjis one ofthe most inspiring people in modem cqurasnit done. ‘Vietnamese history. He was not only an excellent teacher, buthe was also an inspiration to many Vietnamese people due td the passion and determination he showed throughout his if, 'Nguyén Ngoc Ky was born in Nam Binh Provincejin 947 and he was a gteat teacher in Vietnam. However, he had avery tough early childhood. [4] _] As a result of his.tliness he lost the ability to use his arms. This made his life extremely challenging, but Nauyén Ngoc Kj was determined to live a full life ike any «ther child and insisted on attending school. He learned how to write using his feet and performed very well at school. [2] _] For this achievement, he Was awarded two medals from President H6 Chi Minh, ‘After earning a degree in literature at H3 N6i National Univesity, Nguyén Ngoc Kj.bectine a teacher. Over the years, Nguyén Ngoc Kj had helped many students and gained a reputation as an incredible insping teacher. In 1992, he was awarded the title “ha gido ut ti for his outstanding contributions. Nguyen Ng ig the fom eaching 05 but war i He wrote thirty books in total, including three best: scl ‘autobiographies, titled To’ Bi Hoc (I Went to ‘School), Téi Hoc Dai Hoc (| Went to the University) and Nouyén [Ngoc Kj- Tam Huyét Tao Bet Nguyn Ngoc Kj- Passion for Lif}. He passed away in 2022, but his legacy will continue to inspire many generations of Vietnamese students, and people will remember hs incredible achievements for many years to come, 2 ¢ wy ‘inspiration * passion * determined ‘* reputation * autobiography * legacy Spit 2) A Read the text again. ‘Then read the sentences (A-D) and choose the one that best fits each gap (1-3). There is one extra sentence. ‘A. He worked asa psychotherapist and continued writing books after his retirement, B_ Nguyen Ngge Kyexperienced difficulty atte beginning of his cafest as a teacher © Atthe age-6t 4, he became very ifwith a ife-threatening tdisease called polo. 1B. He achieved excellent grades throughout his school yeas, and he was even placed in the top 5 of anational maths competition. by (120) Lister/Watch and read to check. sta DP an lear from the story of Nguyén Ngoc Kj? Tell the class. Goes a about one inspirational life story of a Vietnamese person you know and prepare a presentation. Talk about: — * hissher early years, * his her achievements ‘his/her influence on people 3] B I 0 1g CLIL (Careers) Real th EV What do you think a CVs? What for? 1 VIDEO i CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) y faL] \ "Taman ambitious, professional manager looking forthe next excitng challenge i © career. Ihave backgroundin IT repair asa technician and valuable experience workingin ‘management. have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and am currently prsuitg | amaster’s degree inthe same field. In my career, |have worked with var6u tedins and ‘eared a reputation as a hardworking, intelligent and motivated indvdulef Rave strong ‘Adam Smith, ‘organisational skils and a sharp eye for trends inthe T industry IT Manager Sep 2022 - present: University of Leeds i + Candidate for Masters degree in Computer Science ; "Sep 2016 May 2020: University of Leeds Adress: ag, | + cated abathls degen Computer Sconce [7 Drve Leeds, aug 2010 June 2015: Wetherby High School werd, ‘+ Completed 3 A-levels in Computer Sciefiee(A)Math (A) and Physics (B) hon (1264) 4811919 (cl) Email: (Oct 2015 - June 2016: Jeffs IT Repair, IT Repair Technician asmith@xyzcom + Worked as a trainee under the supervision of an experienced technician, repairing customer devices and resoling [related issues. Tam ‘August 2019 — January 2021: The TechCo, IT Manager + Investigated and fésolyadT issues with company computer systems, Researched IT trends, prepared reports and suggested ways to improve systems. + Software development i + Web and mobile (ol design | + Enjoy designiigand developing my own website in my free time, «Coding languages. | * Manage a personal blog about new IT developments. Javascript Python | _ + Wil@afietes for several popular oiine tech magazines = Sipoh Peters, (Owner), Jeff's IT Repair, Chester. Tet: (0113) 6189191 Yohn White, (HR Manager), The TechCo, Leeds. Tel: (01244) 6774462 rece ioe 3 @ Read Adam's CV again and complete the sentences (amano trend (1-5). Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. ppt ‘Adam is currently studying to complete a(n) 1 . 2 Adam worked with a(n) asatrainee, 2 By ead Adam Sits 3 AtThe TechCo, Adam fixed compary curticulum vitae (CV). Match the 4 as designed meeeings (t-7) to the information, 5 Adam has contributed articles to some well-known sections (A-G), 41. Persona Interests 2 Education 3 skis Fe 4 Work Experience ¢ d ) 5. Personal Detais 4 Think about your career options. Do some 6 Profle Description research online and create your own Cv. Include: 7 References + Personal Detals + Sills + Profle Description + Personal interests by Ghai) Listen/Watch and read + Education ¢ References 32 to check. ‘Work Experience B I 0 1g Progress Check (Units 1-2) Vocabulary 4 A Choose the correct option. 41 Simon's goal for this years to run/gofewiny ‘trek a marathon in Quang Binh, Vietnam. 2 Groghas.atearofdogs, sohewas tetfied/ amazed/happy/depressed when he saw a big one at the park. 3. Laura intends to pursue/graduate/apply/ become a career in joumalism after she graduates trom university. 4 Thomas won/raised/started/got his own business last year and it's doing very well. 5 Eric has just got a job as a bank worker/ controller/clerk/developer in New York. 6 | work hard because am very responsible? flexible/punctual/motivated to succeed. 7 Joseph alvays aries on time; he's avery punctual/decisive/respectfu/cooperative employee. 8 Anis good at handling many tasks at the same time, o communication/teamwork/ deadina/mutttasking isnt a problem for het. 9 t's typical for candidates to include a cdpy oftheir CVanda() qualification/certifiate/ application/advertisement form. 40. Emma felt very trustrated/embarrassod/ bored/exhausted at her fight being delayed for one hou (10% 18» 150m) 2. PFWineach Bap with make up for, make Up, putip fo Or put up with. 1. Yau stodid never any information on your CV. 2 Mr-Jones hired two new employees to the ones who had quit ast month, 3. Your job sounds so stressful | don't know how you it 4 Was it Jen who you going on a safari? Grammar, 3&7 Choose the correct option, 1. Ben ran/was running/has run/had run a marathon at 7 am. yesterday. (4x1 =4 pons) 2. Tinals pleased because she got/has got/ had got/was getting a new jo. 3. Sam said he attended/was attending/has attended/ad attended some interviews before he got a well-paid job. 4 Paul and | talked/had talked/nave talked were talking about university courses. when my phone rang. 5 She had been/had had/has had/Was with her company for three yéars when she won the title “Employee ofthe Year” 6 Ihave applied/had applied/was applying’ applied thre jobs already this week. 7. David went/was going/had gone/has gone ‘swimming vit dolphins last year. 8 This isthe fist ime Sally was working/ worked/has worked/had worked at such ‘large company. 9 (have graduated/was graduating/graduated! hhad graduated from university in 2020, 10 | slept/was sleeping/had slept/have slept under the stars when the storm hit the area, (1015 15port) Pronunciation @ Choose the word that has the undertined part pronounced differently from the others. 1A doubt B proud ¢ soul D accountant 2 A crown B power © show D brown choose the word that has the stress pattern different from the others, 3A interview B safari © obstacle D graduate 4A graduation —_B embarrassment © cettiicate iD decisiveness (xt =4poh) Everyday English Choose the correct response, 41. Johns in ab interview Interviewer: "Great So, when are you availabe to work?” John: AA I'be in touch soon B | have experience. © {can start right away. D ook forward it.

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