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1. Fish and Fishing
1. Is fishing popular in your country?
2. Do you like eating fish?
3. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you?
4. Have you watched the TV program about fish?
1. What films do you like?
2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?
3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?
4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?
5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?
1. Do you know something about robots?
2. Did you like any film has a robot in it when you were a child?
3. Do you use robot in your daily life?
4. Will you be comfortable if you are on a car driven by a robot?

6. Describe a foreigner you know 1. What foreign languages do
who speaks your language Vietnamese children learn?
(Vietnamese) well 2. Why do Vietnamese children learn
You should say English?
Who this person is 3. Why are so many people learning
Where he/she is from English?
How he/she learns Vietnamese 4. How can you help children learn
And explain why he/she can speak English?
Vietnamese well 5. Do you think the way people learn
English today is the same as in the p
31. Describe a person you know who 1. How should parents encourage their
likes to talk a lot children?
2. How should people encourage
You should say:
children to express themselves when
Who this person is being asked questions that
How you knew this person they are afraid to answer?

What he/she usually talks about

And explain how you felt about
23. Describe an exciting activity that
you experienced with someone else
You should say
Who you were with
When and where it happened
What the activity was
And explain how you felt about it
33. Describe a peson who is good at 1. How do other people in your team
teamwork think he is?
You should say: 2. What do you think are the
What team he/she joined characteristics of a good leader?
What work he/she did 3. What happens if you don’t have a
What his/her role was good leader?
And explain what makes him/her a 4. Why do some people not like
good member of that team teamwork?
5. Do you think young people are
suitable for teamwork?

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