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BSc Hons Construction Management

Academic Writing and Research

Student Name: Ruben Victor Mircea
Student ID:G79444
Name of Lecturer: Dr Alberto Urrutia-Moldes
MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................5
Academic writing and research are the kinds of execution that are objective-oriented
in the context. Academic writing is based on the argument and solutions from the derived
resources of the subject matter. Alternatively, Academic research is the process by which
authentic and efficient information on the subject matter can be extracted perfectly. This
report will give an illustration of the career for future applications. In the professional life of
human beings training, academic skills and knowledge, practical skills and competencies, and
theoretical knowledge are vital. In the ethos of Academic research professional benefits can
be utilized and these are the development of administrative skills, communication, and
leadership potential.
My intended job or professional career is based on the construction supervisor. As a
construction supervisor is a profession, the perspectives are related to the advantages to
occupational work. In the work of a construction supervisor, proper leadership skills and
analytical thinking skills are required. This will help a construction supervisor to make
progressive opportunities within the development growth of the occupational status. The
construction supervisor will preserve productivity with the aid of the development and
modification of skills, competencies, and abilities. In this consideration, the construction
supervisor needs proper use of ability potential (Garcia, 2020). In this essence, a construction
supervisor needs the value of justification and acknowledgment in their occupational code of
conduct. Attainment of career success in the field construction industry requires proper
performance and productivity maintenance with consistency. Being a construction supervisor
respect and value the policies, techniques, and practices that are needed to be involved. The
core progressive executions of the construction supervisor are to learn and use different kinds
of methods and practical implications. A construction supervisor has to properly maintain
responsibility as a feature of future career growth (Fernández Martín et al. 2020). In this
prominence, the major professional goal of a construction supervisor is to make
administrative works to have proper objective-oriented thrive and prosperity. This is
conducted by a construction supervisor with a large-scale focus and vision.

The professional and career initiation needs to use the information on the corporate
dimension. In this respect, perspectives of understanding and addressing measures are
required as the empirical potentials of a construction supervisor. A construction supervisor
has to induce responsibilities and roles to have future benevolence. There are diversified
companies that can give employment in Romania. Some of these are “A&A construction,
Saint-Gobain, Centinium, etc.”. These companies will help to have a proper professional
advantage regarding the selected career in consultation works and management (Erschens et
al. 2021). In this consideration, research on the occupational opportunities of construction
managers is also required to be accompanied. Therefore, construction supervisor has to be
dynamic and kinetic in their jobs. The career as a construction supervisor has proper use of
material handling and estimations. In this ethos, a construction supervisor has to manage
many business concerns related to the stakeholders. For example, A&A Construction
Company is the best organization that can provide surplus and diverse professional options to
have success in the profession of a construction supervisor. Through this, a construction
supervisor will have proper enabling of objectives and goals with better and superior
intelligence and wisdom.

Academic knowledge and professional success have a direct proportional relationship.

This is needed to note that academic knowledge gives practical support to the professional
works of human beings. The academic skills of a construction supervisor are strategic
thinking, interpersonal abilities, empathy, decision-making, time management, project
administration, communication, and leadership. These mentioned strengths are needed to be
possessed by a construction supervisor. This will give proper options and privileges in the
occupational arena to a construction supervisor. In this reference, management career
building will also be supervised by a construction supervisor (Prokopyev et al. 2021).
Characteristics required in the professional works of a construction supervisor are data
analysis, effective conversation, kindness, multi-tasking, problem-solving, and
responsibilities. These will help a construction supervisor to have proper achievement of their
occupational objective. Through this, essential career values can be increased for the
professional work of a construction supervisor. Training needed for a construction supervisor
is classified and these are development, evaluation, delivery, and assessing. Along with these,
diversified practical tools and training are needed to be provided to a construction supervisor
for professional advantage. The empirical and estimation skills are also needed to be ensured
by a construction supervisor. In addition to this, a construction supervisor also requires
training in software application-related project management. Along with all these
considerations, a construction supervisor has to be specific in one spectrum of professional
concerns. In this adherence, a proper gradation and degree are required for the initiation of a
construction supervisor's professionalism. In this regard, a construction supervisor also needs
proper certification and internship courses to have professional benevolence.

Future studies and jobs in the spectrum of career management are based on the
maintenance of continuous improvement for individuals. Learning from the representative
academic course session module will allow an individual to find proper theoretical and
practical information related to the subject matter. Through this proper potentials and threats
in the professional arena can be identified and resolved (Magalhães et al. 2022). The use of
academic reflective theory will help the individuals to have specific learning and experience
conceptualization. Through this, a construction supervisor can have efficient success in
professional life with better and finer development.
Applications of Gibbs Academic Reflective Theory will he gain a proper
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the professional scale. Gibbs Academic
Reflective Theory is the dynamic model by which an individual can have proper
summarization of knowledge from the experience of learning. There are some elements of
Gibbs Academic Reflective Theory and these are as follows:

Description: In this ethos, the selection of a future professional career is very significant for
working success in the industrial field by a construction supervisor. The career will lead
through the references of classified responsibilities and roles of a construction supervisor.

Feelings: This is concerned with the emotions and thoughts related to the professional
imagination of a construction supervisor. A lot of executions related to progressing career and
professional initiation use the desire and passion of a construction supervisor.

Evaluation: In this prominence, a construction supervisor has to use perspectives related to

the core strengths and potentials. Therefore, a construction supervisor has to be proficient in
communication with the stakeholders. Planning and organization are required to be assessed
by a construction supervisor. Along with this, controlling project dynamics is the primary
role of a construction supervisor (Kurczewska et al. 2020). A safe workplace is essential for
all stakeholders and professionals in the construction field of Romania. Supervising contracts
is also practiced by a construction supervisor.

Analysis: In this preference, a construction supervisor has to be satisfied with the proper
work schedule, health and safety codes, compliance, and financial support. Administration
skills and supervising skills are also paramount in this consideration. It is required to be the
value that a construction supervisor has to be proactive and responsive in the code of conduct
(Kurczewska, and Wawrzyniak, 2020). In this adherence, a construction supervisor has to
make proper use of personnel, materials, and unification in the workplace. All kinds of
project management skills are paramount for the professional success and future applications
of a construction supervisor. Along with these organizing strength and ideas are required to
be possessed by a construction supervisor. In addition to this, a construction supervisor is also
required to be successful in future applications by the use of analytical and critical thinking

Conclusion: There are need for identification of the needs in instrument management. For this
evaluation, the value of the profession (a construction supervisor) is required to be
A personal development plan makes individuals have a proper setting of their goals
and skills. In this reference, competency development for a construction supervisor is also
related to the personal development plan. In this process, professional continuous
improvement will be achieved by an individual in the professional cosmos. The personal
development plan is the kind of framework that helps an individual to have success in the
specialization of skills and strengths related to professional needs. In this relevance, a
construction supervisor will be subjected to the framework of the personal development plan.
There is a need for modification of the academic skills and knowledge on the verge of the
professional dimension in the construction field. For this purpose, a construction supervisor
has been efficient in critical thinking, project management, and time management skills.
Through these, a construction supervisor will have proper precision in the work culture. This
will also help to manage the other project members on the construction site as a construction
supervisor (Sanders and Lamberts, 2021). In this reference, a construction supervisor needs
proper value research skills. These will help a construction supervisor to have proper
development of the upgraded needs in the occupation arena. There is diversified knowledge
related to business administration that can be indoctrinated by a construction supervisor. The
internship session will act as a tutorial help to a construction supervisor for professional
improvisation. New knowledge of the modern trends in the global construction industry has
to be summarized by a construction supervisor. In this regard, a construction supervisor has
to make proper use of social media to make connections with professional individuals. This
will give a career advantage to the ambition of a construction supervisor. There is a need for a
conversation with the construction industry by a construction supervisor for professional
affinity. Various kinds of development are required to be indoctrinated in the personal
development plan. The responsibility of daily operations has to be executed as a construction
supervisor. Quality controlling and employee development are also essential skills and
functions for a Construction supervisor. Oriented training and maintenance of materials are
the executive works of a construction supervisor. The construction supervisor needs to be
profound in taking responsibility for the administration of the project dynamics. Along with
this, the safety needs in the project management are also led by the Construction supervisor.
Construction supervisors have to be determined and devoted to the work and execution. One
of the significant work of the Construction supervisor is that they have to communicate
efficiently with the architects, engineers, contractors, and clients. Therefore, the art of
negotiation skills will be increased by a Construction supervisor for future applications in
professional development. The construction supervisor has to make compliance with
construction rules and regulations. In the construction projects Construction supervisor are
the dynamic stakeholders because they have to access different kinds of works and
executions frequently and in parallel. Construction supervisor have to formulate budgets and
project plans in their roles and executions. Monitoring schedules are also essential for the
code of conduct of the Construction supervisor. Getting permits from the government and
other authorities is also essential in the role of the Construction supervisor. Therefore, a
Construction supervisor has to be a multi-tasked individual. For this reason, Construction
supervisors have to use different and diversified skills in professionalism. The construction
supervisor is also required to handle risk and issues in the project dynamics. In the ethos of
construction works, a Construction supervisor has to work with proper vigilance and
guidance. Observation skills for the Construction supervisor have to be dynamic and linear. A
Construction supervisor has performed inspect the project sites with proper critical and
analytical thinking. Assessing the project works into small breakdowns is also required to be
indoctrinated in the future applications of the Construction supervisor (Cruz et al. 2022).
Along with these, diversified leadership styles are needed to be focused and used by a
Construction supervisor. This will increase the professional provisions of a Construction
supervisor in the modern period.
The major impact on future modules is to understand key information regarding the
core job requirements. In the ethos of Academic research professional benefits can be utilized
and these are the development of administrative skills, communication, and leadership
potential. In this periphery, the key strengths and value of the chosen profession is a most
dignified and effective opportunity. A professional career is intended to be information
related to academic skills, knowledge, characteristics, and training. The personal
development plan will describe the perspectives that were involved in describing the
professional role and responsibilities.
Books and journals

Cruz, J.M., Schregel, J.P. and Zülch, H., 2022. Measuring robustness: sustainable success
factors affecting professional football clubs. Sport, Business and Management: An
International Journal, 12(3), pp.323-341.

Erschens, R., Herrmann-Werner, A., Schaffland, T.F., Kelava, A., Ambiel, D., Zipfel, S. and
Loda, T., 2021. Association of professional pre-qualifications, study success in
medical school and the eligibility for becoming a physician: A scoping review. Plos
one, 16(11), p.e0258941.

Fernández Martín, F.D., Arco Tirado, J.L. and Hervás Torres, M., 2020. Grit as a predictor
and outcome of educational, professional, and personal success: A systematic review.

Gallo, G., Mostaert, M., Faelli, E., Ruggeri, P., Delbarba, S., Codella, R., Vansteenkiste, P.
and Filipas, L., 2022. Do race results in youth competitions predict future success as a
road cyclist? A retrospective study in the Italian cycling federation. International
Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 17(4), pp.621-626.

Garcia, L.G., 2020. Strategic intelligence teaching to leverage professional success. Форсайт,
14(3 (eng)), pp.101-112.

Kurczewska, A., Doryń, W. and Wawrzyniak, D., 2020. An everlasting battle between
theoretical knowledge and practical skills? The joint impact of education and
professional experience on entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurial Business and
Economics Review, 8(2), pp.219-237.

Magalhães, C.S., Tasca, L.R. and Pereira, T.N.F., 2022. Mapping soft, hard and digital skills:
factors for a professional success: Mapeamento das soft, hard e digital skills: fatores
para sucesso profissional. Brazilian Journal of Development, 8(10), pp.66458-66483.
Marneros, S., Papageorgiou, G. and Efstathiades, A., 2020. Identifying key success
competencies for the hospitality industry: the perspectives of professionals. Journal of
Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 20(4), pp.237-261.

Prokopyev, N., Mamadjanova, S. and Ustin, P., 2021. Application of social media text
content analysis for personal professional success prediction. In EDULEARN21
Proceedings (pp. 5213-5222). IATED.

Sanders, D. and Lamberts, R.P., 2021. Maintaining Power Output with Accumulating Levels
of Work Done Is a Key Determinant for Success in Professional Cycling. Medicine
and science in sports and exercise, 53(9), pp.1903-1910.

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