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SITUATION. Refer to figure EM 20.01. A bin holds a cylinder as Given: F1 = 300 kN L1 = 3m SITUATION.

L1 = 3m SITUATION. EM-010 shows a pellet about to be fired from a sling.

shown. Each cylinder weighs 800 kN and has a diameter of 600 F2 = 300 kN L2 = 5m The total unstretched length of the rubber band is 60 mm. The
mm. The width of the bin is 1.2 m. Neglect friction. F3 = 200 kN L3 = 2m rubber band elongates 1 mm for every 15 N force. Given: a = 100
W = 500 kN L4 = 2m mm, b = 40 mm
4. At what distance, x, should the hoist be so that the resultant
of the forces with the load will be at midspan?
A. 1.0 B. 7.6 C. 5.0 D. 10.6

5. The load W is at midspan. What is the resulting reaction at A

A. 858 B. 608 C. 358 D. 650

6. The load W is at the support at A. Which of the following

gives the resulting maximum span moment? 9. As the pellet is about to be released, how much is the total
A. 2867 B. 2405 C. 1500 D. 1367 elongation of the rubber band?
A. 102 B. 42 C. 204 D. 144
SITUATION. Consider the figure shown below, neglect the self-
weight of members AB and BC. 10. What is the force exerted on each leg of the rubber band?
A. 765 B. 1080 C. 630 D. 1530
Fig. EM 20.01
11. What is the pulling force?
1. Which of the following gives the force (N) at point A? A. 1500 B. 3000 C. 2115 D. 1235
A. 462 B. 800 C. 400 D. 923
SITUATION. Personal Space Person of mass ‘m’ walks on a plank
2. Which of the following gives the reaction (N) at the wall point
resting on rough surfaces A and B.
A. 231 B. 693 C. 0 D. 462

3. Which of the following gives the reaction (N) at the surface of

point G?
A. 864 B. 1600 C. 1200 D. 800

SITUATION. Refer to EM-10.005. Beam AB supports an overhead

hoist carrying a load, W, and three (3) forces, F1, F2, and F3. Given: m = 120 kg Coefficient of friction at A = 0.40
L=4m Coefficient of friction at B = 0.20
α = 30°
7. Determine the horizontal reaction at A. 12. A what distance ‘x’ will the plank start to slide?
A. 4.59 B. 2.34 C. 2.16 D. 5.40 A. 2.33 m B. 1.69 m C. 1.62 m D. 2.29 m

8. Determine the vertical reaction at C. 13. What is the friction force at A, in N?

A. 4.59 B. 2.34 C. 2.16 D. 5.40 A. 135.6 B. 98.6 C. 256.7 D. 186.7
Fig. EM-10.005

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

14. Find the vertical force at B, in N? Given: x = 2.0 m F1 = 120 N
A. 493 B. 684 C. 235 D. 348 y = 2.4 m F2 = 90 N

SITUATION. To prevent the ladder from sliding down, a person 21. How much is the force T which should be applied at a
exerts a horizontal force F at C. distance of 0.5 m from centroidal y-axis?
Given: L1 = 1.5 m L2 = 4.5 m α = 30° A. 120 B. 160 C. 140 D. 80

22. If T = 120 N and a distance a = 0.75 m, what is the maximum

weight of the table which can be lifted without tilting?
A. 390 B. 130 C. 260 D. 520

23. If T = 120 N and distance a = 0.75 m, what is the value of the

Given: H = 3.2 m D = 1.5 m α = 60° force F3 required to lift the table without tilting?
A. 60 B. 75 C. 95 D. 120
18. Assuming a full tank, find the smallest force P required to tip
the tank. SITUATION. Refer to Fig. SM-025
A. 6.50 kN B. 14.35 kN C. 17.70 kN D. 13.82 kN

19. Find the smallest coefficient of static friction μs that would

allow tipping to take place.
A. 0.11 B. 0.13 C. 0.15 D. 0.17

15. Find the horizontal force F at C, which the person should exert 20. If the force P = 6.5 kN initiates tipping, determine the depth of
if the weight of the ladder is 500 N. Assume that surface A and water in the tank.
B are frictionless. A. 1.45 m B. 1.09 m C. 1.54 m D. 0.95 m
A. 500 N B. 250 N C. 1000 N D. 577 N
SITUATION. The table weighing 420 N is to be lifted without tilting
16. If the weight of the ladder is 500 N, what is the reaction at A? by four forces as shown in Fig. EM-008.
Surface A and B are frictionless. Given: P = 40 kN
A. 500 N B. 250 N C. 1000 N D. 577 N L1 = 2.5 m L2 = 0.3 m
W = 8 kN
17. Find the maximum weight of the ladder that can be held from 24. Which of the following gives the bending moment at C?
sliding if the person exerts force F = 200 N. Coefficient of A. 65 B. 125 C. 50 D. 100
friction at A is 0.30 and B is 0.20.
A. 359 N B. 421 N C. 308 N D. 366 N 25. Which of the following gives the twisting moment at C?
A. 12 B. 6 C. 20 D. 30
SITUATION. The weight of the cylindrical tank is negligible in
comparison to the weight of water it contains (water weighs 9.81 26. Which of the following gives the shear at C?
kN/m3). The coefficient of static friction between the tank and the A. 80 B. 20 C. 40 D. 60
horizontal surface is μs .

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

27. A car is being towed uphill, inclined at 20-deg with the B. 1.5 kips; 6.5 kips D. 2.5 kips; 7.0 kips
horizontal. What force (in kilonewtons) parallel to the inclined 31. Solve the corresponding deflection of point A, in inches.
plane is needed to pull the car with an acceleration of 1.5 m/s². A. 0.0423 B. 0.0324 C. 0.0432 D. 0.0243
Weight of the car is 25 kN.
A. 14.39 B. 6.74 C. 12.37 D. 4.73 SITUATION. A 4-ft concrete post
in reinforced with four steel bars,
SITUATION. The 1.4-kip load P is each with a ¾-in diameter.
supported by two wooden Knowing that 𝐸𝑠 = 29 × 106
members of uniform cross section psi and 𝐸𝑐 = 3.6 × 106 psi,
that are joined by the simple glued determine the ff, when a 150-kip
scarf splice shown. Determine the axial centric force P is applied to
normal and shearing stresses in the post
the glued splice.
32. The normal stress in the 36. The shaft in which the maximum shearing stress occurs,
28. Determine the normal stress steel, in ksi. A. AB B. BC C. CD D. DE
in the glued splice. A. 10.8 C. 15.8
A. 60 C. 70 B. 18.5 D. 13.0 37. The magnitude of that stress.
B. 80 D. 90 A. 58.8 B. 85.5 C. 88.8 D. 85.8
33. The normal stress in the
29. Determine the shearing stress concrete, in ksi.. SITUATION. A hollow cast-iron pole has an outside diameter of
in the glued splice. A. 1.692 ksi B. 1.269 C. 1.526 D. 1.962 450mm and an inside diameter of 350mm. It is subjected to a
A. 40.0 C. 44.0 compressive force of 1200 kN (weight included) throughout its
B. 40.4 D. 44.4 SITUATION. The 1.5-m concrete length of 1.2m. The pole is braced to prevent bending and buckling.
post is reinforced with six steel bars, E = 100 GPa
SITUATION. The ½ -in-diameter each with a 28-mm diameter.
rod CE and the 3/4-in-diameter rod DF are attached to the rigid bar Knowing that 𝐸𝑠 = 200𝐺𝑃𝑎 and 38. What is the resulting stress due to the compression force, in
ABCD as shown. Knowing that the rods are made of aluminum and 𝐸𝑐 = 25 𝐺𝑃𝑎, determine the MPa?
using E = 10.6 × 106 psi, normal stresses in the steel and in A. 19.10 B. 16.10 C. 12.47 D. 7.55
the concrete when a 1550-kN axial
centric force P is applied to the post. 39. Calculate the total contraction of the member due to the
34. The normal stress in the steel, compressive force.
in MPa. A. 0.23m B. 23mm C. 2.3mm D. 0.23mm
A. 67.1 C. 70.0
B. 76.1 D. 80.5 40. Find the load that would result to a total compressive strain of
0.003 mm/mm.
35. The normal stress in the A. 2000 kN B. 1885 kN C. 1955 kN D. 2155 kN
concrete, in MPa.
A. 3.88 C. 8.88
B. 8.38 D. 3.33

30. Solve the force in each rod caused by the loading shown, SITUATION. Knowing that each of the shafts AB, BC, and CD
A. 2.5 kips; 7.5 kips C. 2.0 kips; 7.0 kips consists of a solid circular rod, determine

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

SITUATION. A spread footing carries two (2) column loads as A. 20.40 B. 19.45 C. 18.76 D. 20.13 A series of uniformly spaced hangers along a parabolic cable
shown. ABC supports a water supply pipeline.
47. If the uniform load is to be replaced by a concentrated load L = 60.00 m W = 2.80 kN/m
acting at the midspan such that the deflection of the beam 50. What is the maximum tension (kN) at the support if the sag is
produced by the loads are equal, find the magnitude of the 2.00 m?
concentrated load, in kN. A. 716 B. 636 C. 626 D. 726
A. 78.68 B. 75.00 C. 77.65 D. 72.35
51. What is the minimum sag (m) of the cable?
SITUATION. The water supply pipe shown in Fig. EM-965 is A. 2.00 B. 0.80 C. 1.15 D. 2.25
suspended from a 100 mmØ cable using a series of equally spaced
hangers. The length of the pipe that is supported by the cable is 50 52. If the allowable tensile load in the cable is 1100 kN, what is the
meters and the total weight of the pipe filled with water is 8 kN/m. tension (kN) in the cable at mid span, point B whose slope is
If the sag of the cable at mid length is 2.5 m. Find the maximum zero?
Given: P1 = 1200 kN b = 10 m axial stress in the parabolic cable, in MPa. A. 630 B. 1097 C. 1100 D. 560
P2 = 800 kN c=2m
53. What is the maximum allowable torque (kN-m) on a 38 mm
41. Find the minimum dimension ‘a’ in meters such that the diameter steel shaft, when the permissible shear stress is 80
resulting soil pressure shall be uniform. MPa?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 A. 0.86 B. 1.13 C. 0.57 D. 0.45
42. Given: P1 = 1200 kN a=3m c=3m SITUATION. A 50-mm diameter shaft is transmitting a torque of T
P2 = 1200 kN b=6m = 2.4 kN-m and a tensile force P = 125 kN.
What is the maximum shear (kN) at the footing? Assume 1 m Fig. EM-965
width of footing. 48. Determine the minimum tension in the cable, in kN.
54. Determine the maximum tensile stress of the shaft, in MPa.
A. 300 B. 900 C. 600 D. 1200 A. 1000 B. 0 C. 1020 D. 200
A. 135 B. 64 C. 98 D. 71
43. Given: P1 = 1200 kN a=3m c=3m 49. Determine the maximum axial stress in the cable, in MPa.
55. Determine the maximum compressive stress of the shaft, in
P2 = 1200 kN b=6m A. 127.32 B. 135.42 C. 129.85 D. 132.14
Locate the point of inflection from the left end of the footing, in A. 135 B. 64 C. 98 D. 71
meters. SITUATION. Refer to Fig. SAM 10.015
A. 1.5 B. 3 C. 6 D. 9 56. Compute the maximum shear stress of the shaft, in MPa.
A. 67.5 B. 102.8 C. 35.5 D. 97.8
SITUATION. A 6-m long simply supported timber beam is
subjected to a uniform load of 20 kN/m. Given: b = 200 mm, SITUATION. A pressure vessel 500 mm in diameter is to be
h = 500 mm, E = 8.33 GPa, Specific Gravity = 0.72. fabricated from steel plating. The allowable stress is 138 MPa.
44. Calculate the maximum moment, in kN-m. 57. The vessel is to be cylindrical and will be subjected to an
A. 93.18 B. 86.82 C. 94.41 D. 90.00 internal pressure of 4 MPa. Which of the following gives the
required thickness (mm) of the plate?
45. What is the maximum flexural stress developed in the beam, A. 6 B. 10 C. 8 D. 4
in MPa?
A. 10.80 B. 11.33 C. 11.18 D. 10.42
46. Calculate the maximum deflection of the beam, in mm.
(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB
58. What is the required plate thickness (mm) of the vessel if it is 64. What in the angle of twist (degrees) due to the torque? SITUATION. Given a cast iron bracket as shown:
to be spherical and will be subjected to an internal pressure of A. 0.54 B. 0.46 C. 0.04 D. 0.15
4 MPa?
A. 8 B. 6 C. 10 D. 4 65. Find the maximum flexural stress (MPa) at the base of the pole
due to the lateral force alone.
59. Which of the following gives the maximum internal pressure A. 3.4 B. 8.0 C. 22.5 D. 14.1
(MPa) that a cylindrical vessel, 12 mm thick can be subjected
to, if the allowable steel stress is 120 MPa? 66. A hollow pole weighing 150N/m is 3m high, 6mm thick and with
A. 11.5 B. 4.5 C. 9.3 D. 5.8 outside diameter of 300mm. The pole is fixed at the base and
is subjected to a compressive force of 3 kN acting at an
SITUATION. The unpressurized eccentricity of 100mm from its centroid and a lateral force of
cylindrical storage tank shown has 0.45 kN applied at the top. Calculate the maximum tensile
a 5mm wall thickness and is made stress at the base of the pole. 70. Determine the largest load P that can be supported by the
of steel having a 414 MPa ultimate A. 2.51 B. 3.51 C. 5.12 D. 1.35 platform if the allowable stress in tension is 30 MPa.
strength in tension. A. 43.4 KN B. 32.9 KN C. 34.3 KN D. 41.3 KN
SITUATION. An open-ended thin-walled cylinder is subjected to an
60. Determine the maximum internal pressure, p and an axial force, F. The resulting tensile SITUATION. Given the figure shown:
height h to which it can be filled stresses are in the Mohr’s Circle shown in Fig. SM-501. The
with water if a factor of safety cylinder has a diameter of 500 mm and thickness of 3 mm.
of 4.0 is desired.
A. 13.8 C. 14.4
B. 13.2 D. 12.4

61. When the tank is filled to capacity, determine the maximum

normal stress in the cylindrical wall.
71. Determine the degree of indeterminacy.
A. 54.68 B. 109.36 C. 82.02 D. 27.34
A. 0 B. 3 C. 1 D. 2
62. When the tank is filled to capacity, determine the maximum
72. Determine the moment at the fixed end.
shearing stress in the cylindrical wall.
A. 147 B. 294 C. 74 D. 588
A. 54.68 B. 109.36 C. 82.02 D. 27.34

Fig. SM-501 SITUATION. In the propped beam shown, Wo = 15 kN/m and L =

SITUATION. A hollow circular pole 3 m high is fixed at the base. It
is 6mm thick and its outside diameter is 300mm. The pole is
subjected to a torque and a lateral force at the free end. 67. How much is the internal pressure?
Torque, T = 25 kN-m A. 0.36 B. 0.12 C. 1.08 D. 0.48
Lateral Force, P = 3 kN
Shear Modulus of Elasticity = 78 GPa 68. What is the axial force?
Allowable Shear Stress = 60 MPa A. 518 B. 141 C. 283 D. 424

63. What is the maximum shear stress (MPa) at the outside 69. Find the maximum shear stress. 73. What is the reaction at the roller support?
surface of the pole due to the torque, T? A. 30 B. 60 C. 50 D. 40 A. 12 B. 48 C. 24 D. 36
A. 42.1 B. 4.7 C. 19.5 D. 31.3

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

74. What is the reaction at the fixed support? SITUATION. A transmission tower is loaded as shown.
A. 12 B. 48 C. 24 D. 36

75. What is the moment at the fixed support, in kN-m?

A. 64 B. 104 C. 56 D. 80

SITUATION. An 8-m long propped beam is subjected to a uniform

load varying from 70 kN/m at 1 m from the fixed end to 50 kN/m at
2 m from the roller support.

76. Calculate the vertical reaction at the roller support (kN).

A. 76.62 B. 112.43 C. 223.38 D. 187.57

77. Calculate the maximum positive moment at the span.

A. 275.65 B. 209.76 C. 341.54 D. 395.35 Fig. TOS-027
P1 = 10 kN P2 = 13 kN P3 = 16 kN.
78. Find the location of the maximum deflection of the beam from SITUATION. An 8-m high retaining wall is subjected to lateral earth
the fixed support, in meters. 82. Determine the total reaction at H, in kN. pressure increasing from 34 kPa at the top to 136 kPa at the base.
A. 3.17 B. 3.54 C. 4.83 D. 4.46 A. 25.41 B. 39.00 C. 46.55 D. 52.11 Flexural rigidity EI = 4.5x1014 Nmm2. Analyze per meter length of
the wall.
SITUATION. The truss shown in on a roller support at A and hinged 83. Determine the force in member CJ, in kN.
at B. It is subjected to a lateral load F = 12 kN. A. 9.7 B. 6.1 C. 10.7 D. 16.1 87. What is the moment at the base of the cantilever retaining wall,
Given: a = 1.5 m b = 4 m c = 3.5 m in kNm?
SITUATION. Refer to TOS-027. Wood planks are used to retain 3 A. 2176 B. 3264 C. 707 D. 1469
m height of backfill. The active earth pressure increases from zero
at the free end to 14.5 kPa at the fixed end. 88. What is the force to be applied at the propped end to limit the
Given: Plank dimensions deflection to 35 mm, in kN?
Thickness = 100 mm A. 91.37 B. 69.63 C. 92.29 D. 183.60
Width = 300 mm
Modulus of Elasticity = 8.5 x 103 MPa 89. What is the moment at the base when the wall is propped at
84. Which of the following gives the lateral reaction (kN) at the the top?
fixed end if the planks are propped at the free end. A. 2176.0 B. 3644.8 C. 1468.8 D. 707.2
A. 21.75 B. 10.15 C. 4.35 D. 17.40
SITUATION. A 6m long beam is supported by a roller at the right
79. Determine the reaction at A, in kN. 85. If the wood planks are supported by a strut at mid-height, end and a fixed support at the left end. It carries a uniform load of
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 what pulling force (kN) should be applied at the strut to ‘w’ kN/m throughout the beam.
prevent the free end from deflecting?
80. Determine the force in member AE, in kN. A. 11.1 B. 13.9 C. 9.3 D. 16.6 90. Compute the safe value of ‘w’ so that it will not exceed the
A. 1.91 (T) B. 4.19 (T) C. 14.40 (C) D. 8.98 (C) flexural capacity of the beam of 270 kN-m, in kN/m.
86. Which of the following gives the maximum bending stress A. 60 B. 90 C. 180 D. 30
81. Determine the reaction at D, in kN. (MPa) in the cantilevered wood planks?
A. 13.4 B. 6.0 C. 12.0 D. 9.1 A. 16.6 B. 14.5 C. 15.6 D. 13.0

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

91. Compute the safe value of ‘w’ so that it will not exceed the 98. What should be the thickness (mm) of the planks to prevent SITUATION. The trusses are pin connected and suspended from
shear capacity of the beam of 180 kN, in kN/m. failure? the parabolic cable as shown in FIG. THEORY 3001.
A. 80 B. 72 C. 64 D. 48 A. 35 B. 90 C. 55 D. 120

92. Compute the safe value of ‘w’ so that it will not exceed the SITUATION.
deflection of 30 mm at the right end when the roller support is Given: a = 1.5 m, b = 1.5 m, L = 2.4 m
removed. Flexural rigidity of the beam is 432x1012 Nmm2, in
A. 70 B. 80 C. 90 D. 100

SITUATION. A cantilever beam 4 m long deflects by 16 mm at its

free end due to a uniformly distributed load of 25 kN/m throughout
its length.

93. To prevent beam deflection at the free end, what force P (kN) FIG. THEORY 3001
is needed at that point?
A. 18.8 B. 37.5 C. 75.0 D. 56.3 102. Determine the vertical reaction at the left support, in kips.
A. 0.25 B. 0.50 C. 0.75 D. 1.00
94. What force P (kN) should be applied at the mid length of the
beam for zero displacement at the free end? Beam properties: I = 198 x 106 mm4 E = 200 GPa 103. Determine the intensity of the uniformly distributed load
A. 120.0 B. 51.2 C. 60.0 D. 37.5 Rod properties: Diameter = 12 mm E = 200 GPa acting on the parabolic cable, in kN/m.
A. 1.67 B. 1.71 C. 9.55 D. 0.12
95. To reduce the deflection at the free end to 10 mm, how much 99. Due to the load, W, rod BC elongates by 1 mm. Find the force
force is needed to be applied at that point? (kN) in rod BC which caused the elongation. SITUATION. Refer to figure THEORY-010. Diagonals BH, CG,
A. 14.1 B. 23.4 C. 10.5 D. 28.1 A. 4.4 B. 6.4 C. 9.4 D. 11.4 HD, and CI are flexible cables.
Given: P1 = 2.5 kN L1 = 3m
SITUATION. 100. Due to the load, W, the force developed in rod BC is 12 kN, P2 = 1.2 kN L2 = 2.25m
Given: Plank dimension: 300 mm wide x 75 mm thick what is the value of W (kN)? P3 = 1.2 kN L3 = 3m
Height = 2.4 m A. 20.47 B. 56.33 C. 6.82 D. 24.00
Plank allowable stresses:
Bending = 10.4 MPa 101. Due to a load, W = 40 kN, the force developed in rod BC = 10
Shear = 0.8 MPa kN. The diameter of rod BC is 16 mm. Find the moment (kN-
Unit weight of soil = 17.3 kN/m3 m) at the fixed end.
Active earth pressure coefficient, Ka = 1/3 A. 90 B. 60 C. 45 D. 30
96. Which of the following gives the maximum flexural stress, in
A. 14.2 B. 11.8 C. 23.6 D. 47.2

97. Find the maximum shear stress, in MPa.

A. 0.17 B. 0.33 C. 0.68 D. 1.11 FIG. THEORY-010
104. What is the force in member HD?
A. 0.000 B. 0.800 C. 0.784 D. 0.792

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

105. What is the force in member CI? SITUATION. A 12-meter-long beam is simply supported at the right SITUATION. The beam in the figure supports a distributive load of
A. 0.00 B. 0.800 C. 0.792 D. 0.784 end and at 2 meters from the left end. It is subjected to a highway 1.5 kN/m and a single concentrated load of 8 kN. The dead load
load consisting of 9.35 kN/m uniformly distributed load and 116 kN is 2 kN/m.
106. What is the force in member BH? concentrated load. Based on the influence line for maximum
A. 0.000 B. 0.800 C. 0.792 D. 0.784 moment at midspan,

107. What is the force in member CG? 111. What is the total length in meters of the beam which should be
118. Determine the maximum positive moment at C, in kN-m.
A. 0.000 B. 0.800 C. 0.792 D. 0.784 subjected to a uniformly distributed load to obtain the
A. 13 B. 23 C. 12 D. 18
maximum positive moment at midspan?
SITUATION. Refer to figure THEORY-020. Diagonals BH, CG, A. 12 B. 10 C. 2 D. 5
119. Determine the maximum positive shear at C, in kN.
HD, and CI are flexible cables.
A. 3.45 B. 4.78 C. 4.34 D. 6.50
112. What is the total length in meters of the beam which should be
Given: P1 = 2.5 kN L1 = 3m subjected to the uniformly distributed load to obtain the
P2 = 0.0 kN L2 = 2.25m maximum negative moment at the midspan?
P3 = 1.2 kN L3 = 3m A. 5 B. 2 C. 10 D. 12

113. What would be the critical positive moment (kN-m) at midspan

due to the highway lane load?
A. 214 B. 407 C. 325 D. 154

SITUATION. A simply supported girder of a bridge spans 25 m.

The standard truck load (H load) consists of 2 moving loads, 4.3 m
apart. The loads are as follows: P1 = 35.6 kN; P2 = 142.4 kN

114. Calculate the maximum support reaction (kN).

A. 142.4 B. 92.1 C. 198.0 D. 171.9
115. Calculate the maximum moment (kN-m) in the girder.
108. Determine the force on member CG, in kN. A. 1037.3 B. 984.3 C. 890.1 D. 1112.5
A. 1.850 B. 0.445 C. 1.697 D. 2.093
116. Calculate the maximum shear (kN) at midspan.
109. Determine the force on member DH, in kN. A. 171.9 B. 86.0 C. 95.1 D. 82.9
A. 1.850 B. 0.445 C. 1.697 D. 2.093
117. A 10 m long beam is simply supported at the left end and at 2
110. Determine the force on member DI, in kN. m from the right end. It is to be analyzed for uniformly
A. 1.66 B. 1.80 C. 1.48 D. 1.64 distributed moving load. For maximum reaction at the right
support, what is the total beam length (m) which should be
subjected to the moving load?
a. 10 c. 8
b. 12 d. 6

(c) The Art of Civil Engineering / JGB

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