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Group number: ____3D________

Group members: ___Morris Man, Sachit Ravikumar,Ziwei He, Haipeng Qiu, Jiajun

Research Question (Main question that will be answered by the user study.)

Can robots that incorporate music influence relaxation more effective than the robots
without music?

Hypotheses (A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a
tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. Example: For the
research question “Do people prefer a robot with personality over a robot without personality?”
you could state the hypothesis “Introvert people will prefer a robot that displays introvert
personality traits and extrovert people will prefer an extrovert robot.”)

Robots equipped with music will be more effective at inducing relaxation compared to
robots lacking musical features

Study Setup (Description of implementation in bullet points. Describe the environment in which
the study takes place and the placement of robot and participants in this environment (you can
draw a picture for that), the implemented robot behaviour, experiment conditions, and tasks
carried out by user and robot.)

Environment and robot/participant placement:

 Places the user go to when trying to relax.
 Most likely danger-free
 User can decide where to put the robot.
 Indoor
 Places where user are more often lonely in

Robot behaviour:

 Gestures (rock-paper-scissors)
 Speech recognition
 Text to speech
 Computer vision (dice face recognition, hand gesture recognition)
Experiment conditions:

1. Have the user fill in the Relaxation state questionnaire before interacting with nao
2. one group will engage with Nao with music, while the other group will engage with Nao with
absence of music
3. After the experiment, have the user fill in the form again.
4. Compare the change in the 2 form

Robot/participant tasks:

Robot (chatbot and playing game):

 Chat with the user
 Lead the conversation(generate topics to say)
 Gesture recognition
 Perform different pose
User (chatbot and playing game):
 Answer the question/have a conversation with nao robot
 Or ask the nao robot some question
 Play rock paper scissor

Participants (Description of the ideal participants. We will not be able to run user studies with
many participants, but please describe who your end user group would be assuming we do have

young adults:
Young adults do not normally possess enough experience to be confident and the need to
“perform well” in academic leads to pressure and leads to inability to relax.

Measurements (Any measurements taken during the study. Separate the measurements into
subjective measurements, e.g. a questionnaire or interview, and objective measurements, e.g.
time needed to complete the task.)

Have the user fill in a survey and tell us the immediate change they feel

The Relaxation state questionnaire form

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