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B. M. S.


Autonomous college, affiliated to VTU

Course: Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science Stream-II (23MA2BSMCS)

Mathematical Foundation for Mechanical and Civil Engineering Stream -II (23MA2BSMCM)
Mathematical Foundation for Electrical Stream-II (23MA2BSMES)


Solution of Algebraic and transcendental equations:

An expression of the form is called a polynomial of
degree and the polynomial is called an algebraic equation of degree. If
contains trigonometric, logarithmic or exponential functions, then is called a
transcendental equation. For example, is a transcendental equation.

 Intermediate Value Theorem:

If is a function which is continuous at every point of the interval with and
having opposite signs, then there exists at least one root between ‘ ’ and ‘ ’.

 Newton-Raphson method

Figure: Typical iteration of NR method. (Differs from problem to problem)

The iterative formula is .

If a root exists in the interval then
x 0 =a or x 0 =b
x 0 = any point between a and b
x 0=
or 2 could be taken as the initial approximation.

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

f ( x0 )
x 1=x 0 −
f ' ( x0 )
For n=1 , 1st approximation/iteration

For n=2 , 2nd approximation/iteration

The iterations can be continued like this until desired accuracy.

Problems on Newton-Raphson Method:

1. Find the roots of the following equations by Newton-Raphson method

a. near a) . Ans: 0.347 b) Ans: 1.532

b. in correct to 4 decimal places. Ans:
c. in the interval correct to 4 decimal places. Ans:
d. near Ans: 0.853
e. near . Ans: 0.684
f. near . Ans:

2. Find the fourth root of 32 using Newton-Raphson method. (Hint: ). Ans:


Finite differences and interpolation for equal intervals

Forward difference: ∆ y n= y n+1− y n
Backward difference: ∇ y n= y n− y n−1
k k−1 k−1
forward difference: ∆ y n=∆ y n +1−∆ y n
k k−1 k−1
backward difference: ∇ y n=∇ y n−∇ y n−1

Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward interpolation:

 Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula

where .
 Newton’s Backward Interpolation Formula

where .

Problems on Newton’s Forward and Backward Interpolation:

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

1. The following data gives the melting point of an alloy of lead and zinc, where t is the
temperature in C and p is the percentage of lead in the alloy.

Find the melting point of the alloy containing 84% of lead, using Newton’s interpolation
2. The current in a wire is measured with great precision as a function of time:

Determine at .
3. Using Newton’s forward formula, compute the pressure of the steam at temperature 142 0 from
the following steam table.

4. The following table give the values of for . Find .

5. The area of a circle (A) corresponding to diameter (D) is given below:

Find the area corresponding to diameter 105 using an appropriate interpolation formula.

6. Distance in nautical miles of the visible horizon for given heights in metres above the surface
of the earth are given by the following table:

Find the value of when metres.

7. Extrapolate for 25.4 given the data

8. Given sin450 = 0.7071, sin 500 = 0.7660, sin 550 = 0.8192, sin 600 = 0.8660, find sin 570 using
an appropriate interpolation formula.

9. From the following table find the number of students who obtained less than 45 marks. Also,
estimate the number of students scoring marks more than 40 but less than 45.

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

10. If the number of persons earning below 1000 is 6000, estimate the number of persons having
incomes between 2000 and 2500 from the following data:

11. A survey conducted in a slum locality reveals the following information as classified below.

Estimate the probable number of persons in the income group 20 to 25.

12. Compute from the following table by applying Newton’s backward interpolation

13. Use Newton’s forward interpolation formula to find given , ,

, and .
14. Find the interpolating polynomial by using Newton’s backward interpolation formula given
that , , , , . Hence
15. From the following data estimate the numbers of students who have scored less than 70

Interpolation for unequal/equal intervals

 Lagrange’s Interpolation:
y , y ,..., y n corresponding to x=x 0 , x 1 , .. . , x n , then the Lagrange’s
If y=f ( x ) takes the values 0 1
interpolation formula is as follows:

Problems on Lagrange’s Interpolation:

1. Use Lagrange’s interpolation formula to find y at given

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1


2. The following table gives the viscosity of an oil as a function of temperature. Use Lagrange’s
formula to find viscosity of oil at a temperature of .

3. Given , , , , find by
using Lagrange’s formula, the value of Ans:
4. If y ( 1 )=−3 , y ( 3 )=9 , y ( 4 )=30 , y ( 6 )=132 , find the Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial
that takes the same values as y at the given points. Ans:
5. Certain corresponding values of x and are: (300, 2.4771), (304, 2.4829), (305, 2.4843)
and (307, 2.4871). Find by using Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
6. The following are the measurements made on a curve recorded by oscillograph representing
a change of current due to a change in the conditions of an electric current.
1.2 2.0 2.5 3.0
1.36 0.58 0.34 0.20
Using Lagrange’s formula, find at

7. Find the distance moved by a particle and its acceleration at the end of 4 seconds, if the time
verses velocity data is as follows:
0 1 3 4
21 15 12 10
8. A curve passes through the point (0, 18), (1, 10), (3, -18) and (6, 90). Find the slope of the curve
at .
9. Using Lagrange’s interpolation, calculate the profit in the year 2000 from the following data:
Year 1997 2001 2002
Profit in Lakh of Rupees 43 65 159 248

 Lagrange’s Inverse Interpolation:

Lagrange’s formula is a relation between two variables either of which may be taken as the

independent variable. Therefore, on interchanging x and y in the Lagrange’s formula, we


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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

Problems on Lagrange’s Interpolation:

1. Applying Lagrange’s formula inversely to find x when given the data

20 30 40
2 4.4 7.9
2. Use Lagrange’s inverse interpolation formula to find the value of x for y = 100 given y(3) = 6,
y(5) = 24, y(7) = 58, y(9) = 108, y(11) = 174.
3. Compute the value of x, when y = 8 by inverse interpolation using Lagrange’s formula
-2 -1 1 2
-7 2 0 11
4. Apply Lagrange’s interpolation formula to obtain a root of the equation f ( x )=0 , given that
f ( 30 )=−30 , f ( 34 )=−13 , f ( 38 )=3 and f ( 42 )=18 .

5. Apply Lagrange’s interpolation to find the value of x when f ( x )=15 from the given data:
x 5 6 9 11
f (x) 12 13 14 16

6. Obtain the value of t when A=85 from the following table using Lagrange’s interpolation.
t 2 5 8 14
A 94.8 87.9 81.3 68.7

Numerical Integration
b x 0+nh

I =∫ y dx= ∫ f ( x ) dx
a x0

where f ( x ) takes the values

y 0 , y 1 ,..., y n corresponding to x=x 0 , x 1 , .. . , x n , then

 Simpson’s Rule (n is multiple of 2)

 Simpson’s Rule (n is multiple of 3)

 Weddle’s Rule (n is multiple of 6 )

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

 When n=12
x0 +nh
∫ f ( x ) dx=
[ y 0 +5 y 1 + y 2 +6 y 3 + y 4 + 5 y5 +2 y 6 +5 y 7 + y 8 +6 y 9 + y 10 +5 y 11 + y 12 ]
Problems on Numerical Integration:

1. Evaluate using
(i) Simpson’s 1/3rd rule taking four equal strips
(ii) Simpson’s 3/8th rule taking six equal strips
Hence compute an approximate value of in each case. Ans: 0.7854,

2. Evaluate taking seven ordinates by applying Simpson’s 3/8 th rule. Hence deduce the
value of . Ans: 0.6932; =

3. Use Simpson’s 3/8th rule to evaluate . Ans:


4. Evaluate by Simpson’s rule (or ) taking seven ordinates and hence find

5. Find the approximate value of by Simpson’s 1/3rd rule by dividing into

6 equal parts. Ans: 1.1873

6. By using Simpson’s 3/8th rule, evaluate . Ans: 3.1028

7. Use Simpson’s 1/3rd rule with seven ordinates to evaluate Ans: 9.7203

8. Use Simpson’s 1/3rd rule to find by taking 6 sub-intervals. Ans: 0.5351

9. Given that

Evaluate by a) Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, b) Simpson’s 3/8th rule.

Also compare it with the exact value.
Ans: a)1.8278472, b) 1.8278470, Exact: 1.827822556

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

10. Evaluate using Simpson’s rule (or ). Ans:


11. By using Simpson’s 3/8th rule with h= 0.2 find the approximate area under the curve
between the ordinates x = 1 and x = 2.8. Compare the result with the exact result.
Ans: 0.9152, Exact: 0.9152
12. Find the distance travelled by a train between 8.20 AM and 9 AM from the following data.
Time 8.20 am 8.30 am 8.40 am 8.50 am 9 am
Speed (miles/hour) 24.2 35 41.3 42.8 39.4
Ans: 25.411
13. A plane area is bounded by a curve, the x – axis and two extreme ordinates. The area is divided
into six figures by equidistant ordinates 2 inches apart, the heights of the ordinates being 21.65,
21.04, 20.35, 19.61, 18.75, 17.80 and 16.75 respectively. Find the approximate value of the
areas by numerical integration. ` Ans: 233.616
sq. inches
14. Use Simpson’s rule to compute the area bounded by the curve y = f(x), x – axis and the
extreme ordinates from the following table.

Ans:11.49 sq units
15. A solid of revolution is formed by rotating about the x – axis the area between the x – axis, the
lines x = 0 and x = 1 and a curve through the points with the following co-ordinates.

Using the Simpson’s rule, find the volume of the solid formed. Ans: 0.897395 π

16. A river is 80 feet wide. The depth d in feet at a distance ‘x’ foot from one bank is given by

Find approximately the area of cross section of the river. Ans: 710 sq. feet
17. The velocity ‘ ’ of a particle at distance ‘ ’ from a point on its path is given by the table:

Estimate the time taken to travel by using Simpson’s rd rule. Ans: 1.062s
18. The velocity v(km/min) of a moped which starts from rest, is given at fixed intervals of time
t(min) as follows:

Estimate approximately the distance covered in 20 minutes. Ans: 309.33km

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

19. Find the value of by Simpson’s rule (or ), Hence obtain approximate value of

. Ans: 0.693
20. A curve is drawn to pass through the points given by the following table:

Apply Simpson’s rule (or ) estimate the area bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the
lines . Ans: 3.032
21. A body is in the form of a solid of revolution. The diameter D in cms of its sections at distances
x cm from one end are given below. Estimate the volume of the solid.

22. The following table gives the velocity of a particle at time :

Find the distance moved by the particle in 12 seconds and also the acceleration at .
Ans: 30.87m/sec
23. A rocket is launched from the ground. Its acceleration is registered during the first 80 seconds
and is given in the table below. Using Simpson’s 1/3rd rule, find the velocity of the rocket at

24. A reservoir discharging water through sluices at a depth h below the water surface has a surface
area A for various values of h as given below:

If t denotes time in minutes, the rate of fall of the surface is given by .Estimate the
time taken for the water level to fall from 14 to 10ft above the sluices.

−( )
25. The growth rate of a certain tree (in feet) is given by y= 2 + e 2 , where t is the time in
years. Estimate the growth of the tree at the end of the second year by applying Simpson’s rd
Rule of integration by dividing the time interval into four equal subintervals. Present your
answer after rounding off to the nearest hundredth.

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Unit 4: Numerical Methods-1

26. Given that

Evaluate by Weddle’s rule. Ans: 1.8278

27. A curve is drawn to pass through the points given by the following table:

Apply Weddle’s rule, estimate the area bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the lines
Ans: 3.032

28. Evaluate by using Weddle’s rule. Ans: 1.4056

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