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clc - Clear Command Window

This MATLAB function clears all the text from the Command Window, resulting in a clear screen.

clear - Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory

This MATLAB function removes all variables from the current workspace, releasing them from system

close - Close one or more figures

This MATLAB function closes the current figure.

VideoWriter - Create object to write video files

Use a VideoWriter object to create a video file from an array or MATLAB movie.

VideoReader - Create object to read video files

Use a VideoReader object to read files containing video data.

exist - Check existence of variable, script, function, folder, or class

This MATLAB function returns the type of name as a number.

repmat - Repeat copies of array

This MATLAB function returns an array containing n copies of A in the row and column dimensions.

writeVideo - Write video data to file

This MATLAB function writes data from an array to the video file associated with v.

disp - Display value of variable

This MATLAB function displays the value of variable X without printing the variable name.

implay - View 2-D medical image series in Video Viewer app

Medical Imaging Toolbox extends the functionality of the implay (Image Processing Toolbox) function
to display a medicalImage object.


clc % Clear command window.

clear all %Clear variables and functions from memory

close all % closes all the open figure windows

% Create a VideoReader object (replace 'your_video.mp4' with your video file)

videoFile = 'C:\Users\user\OneDrive\Pictures\Camera Roll';
videoReader = VideoReader('testvideo.mp4');

% Create a VideoWriter object for saving the output video

outputVideoFile = 'output_motion_detected_video.avi';
outputVideoWriter = VideoWriter(outputVideoFile, 'Uncompressed AVI');

% Set motion detection threshold

motionThreshold = 5;

% Loop through each frame of the video

while hasFrame(videoReader)
% Read the frame
frame = readFrame(videoReader);

% Convert the frame to grayscale

grayFrame = rgb2gray(frame);

% Compute the difference between consecutive frames

if exist('prevFrame', 'var')
frameDiff = abs(grayFrame - prevFrame);

% Create a binary mask based on motion threshold

motionMask = frameDiff > motionThreshold;

% Apply the motion mask to the original frame

motionDetectedFrame = frame;

motionDetectedFrame(repmat(motionMask, [1, 1, 3])) = 255;

% Write the frame with motion detection to the output video
writeVideo(outputVideoWriter, motionDetectedFrame);

% Save the current frame for the next iteration

prevFrame = grayFrame;

% Close the video writer


% Display a message indicating completion

disp('Motion detection completed.');

% Optionally, play the output video


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