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1 9341-E081 1 How to Insert the Batteries/How to Turn the Power On and Off Cleaning

Frying Oil Monitor

DOM-24 Cat.No.9341
Instruction Manual
aTurn the battery
compa rtment cover as B lnsert the 2 AAA alkalin e
batteries with the positivo
◊Fasten the battery compa rtment cove r tightly to p revent
water ing ress o r poor connection, which will cause
e rroneous measu rements. Push the cove r in fi rmly and turn.
Cleaning the sensor

DOM-24 Ti Cat.No.9344
shown in the pictu re
and remove the cove r.
(+) terminal ends first.
Place the cove r back onto
◊When the O- ring on the cove r is dirty o r damaged, the Afte r taking measu rements, wait until the inst rument has
. Sensor cover

water resistance may be comp romised. tho roughly cooled off befa re washing. Remove the senso r

the battery compartment
Names and Functions of Components ◊When the batte ry icon indicates the low powe r level (::::::;¡¡i), cove r (tu rn it according to the picture) and gently wash the
and turn to secure ,,/

< LCD and Control Panel > Battery compartment ��:i:::

� •/.

replace both batteries with a brand new set of AAA alkaline

batteries (1.5V).
surface of the senso r with mild soap and a soft sponge,
then rinse with water. Wipe off the water with a clean cloth tiq, Cfo

Open the cover to insert or remove ◊Check the expiration dates on batteries befa re purchase. and d ry the senso r thoroughly.
Clean the sensor cove r and the tip of the inst rument in the
Battery indicator Stability / Limit indicator

Lanyard hole same way as the senso r.

Take ca re to avoid burns. The senso r section (below the immersion line) may become ext remely hot due to the oil

[ How to Turn the Power On [ How to Turn the Power Off
¡€1 ...TAGOº DOM-24
sample. Do not touch the tip of the instrument after measu ring.
Press and hold the START button for 1 second. The scale The instrument will power off automatically afte r 2
that was last set will be displayed: "o ,L 1: P" (TPM% scale) minutes of inactivity after a fixed measurement value is
SW1 button,SW2 button o r "o ,L Ru" (AV% scale). displayed. lf you wish to manually tu rn the powe r off,
p ress and hold the START button until the LCD tu rns off.
1 second
Temperature is displayed in Used for selecting/confirming
°C or F. individual settings.

Measurement value display START button

This unit measu res and displays Total Pola r Materials (TPM) o r Acid Value (AV)%.
Displays percentage (%) of Total Press to take measurements or to
Polar Materials (TPM) or Acid
Value (AV).
turn On/Off the instrument. T (1 ) Total Polar Materia Is (TPM) %

[ �� ,L Displays the amount of substances that are produced by the deterio ration of cooking oil. It is primarily used in Eu rope as
\ 1 \ 1

Stability / Limit indicator (LED)

A red or green light will appear when
[ ��,L AV
an indicator of cooking oil freshness and quality.
In arder to accurately and precisely measure Total Pola r Materials (TPM) %, it is necessary to use the column
the measurement value exceeds the chromatography method for measurement, as based on the findings from The JOCS (Japan Oils Chemists' Society)
:>:<:The default factory setting is TPM%. " Standard Methods for the Analysis of Fats, Oils and Related Materials" research report.
upper limit value, when
measurement is complete, or when
measurement errors arise. Press the SW1 button to change the scale. The column chromatography method requi res 1 entire day for measurement. It cannot be conducted without the proper
The LEO that illuminates once a reagents, equipment, and facilities necessary far analysis.

The instrument measures the dielectric constant (permittivity) properties within heated cooking oil and fats and converts
stable measurement is displayed will
automatically turn off after 30 Measurement Method
seconds. them into Total Polar Materials (TPM) %. This allows for quick measurements.
G)Press and hold the START The instrument was developed and manufactured through rigo rous performance testing, with the aim of establishing a
[ip,L button for app roximately 1
@The temperature and the
standard unit that produced the measurement values of oils and fats comparable to the amounts of Total Polar Mate rials

1 1 1
obtained through research and analysis facilities.
\ I
Measurement results, temperature,
and remaining battery charge are
displayed. 19, /3.5.l,;d measurement value (TPM% or
AV) will flash on the LCD.
*lf you would like case studies fo r measurement values of oils and fats obtained with the instrument, please feel free to
TPM contact ATAGO for more information.
*AV will be indicated by a "u" to the
right of the value.

(2)Acid Value (AV)
\ 1 1 1 I

19, 2.3 u lr!d Acid value is one type of numerical value used as an indicator to quantify the deterio ration of cooking oil. It is commonly
used in Japan.
lmme rsion line
(Z)P ress the SW1 button to
This inst rument detects the capacitance of the substances within cooking oil and displays it as acid val ue (AV).
Do not submerge the instrument
change the scale. However, the co rrelation between capacitance and acid value (AV) will somewhat differ, depending on the type of
above this line (do not submerge the
T cooking oil and frying method.

1i '3 • 5 • 1 ;
LCD section in oil).
Sensor cover �- - - - - - -
7@Measurement results green This inst rument's acid value (AV) scale is based on the ave rage co rrelation between capacitance and acid value (AV).
Protects the sensor. Remove the
,1 ;;J,
(temperature and measu rement
1 lf you wish to use the acid value (AV) as a general estímate, o r as a quantitative way (with a nume rical value) of
value) will be displayed once managing the state of cooking oil dete rioration (acid value (AV) will increase as cooking oil continues to dete rio rate),
cover only when cleaning the unit.
� -------�
- stability is reached. The the instrument's scale can be used as is (�p roceed to the " Measu rement Method" section).
flashing values on the display However, if you wish to match the acid value (AV) with an official method of analysis, o r if you would like to obtain
Detects percentage (%) of Total Polar T will become fixed, and the LED p recise and accu rate measu rement values, c reate you r own customized use r scale (Grproceed to the Settings Menu

@P ress the START button.

Materials (TPM) in oil.
located at the uppe r right @ "Acid value (AV) scale setting").
r-;- '-C:, 5'-c I
The instrument will begin taking
measurements. co rne r of the LCD will turn
green. This indicates that the

' '
measu rement values have
stabilized. Error Messages
Contents @Inse rt the sensor into the

13.s.1 •
oil, and sti r the oil. red
� ------ 1 The following messages alert the user when an operation has failed.

[1 ,_' ,_' ,_'

1 ,'-1,'-1,'-I
7 *If measurement values have not
♦Main unit" • ·1 ♦Inst ruction Manual (this book)· ···1 ♦AAA batte ries····2 ♦Inspection Ce rtificate····1

--- 1
: *ºº not submerge the instrument

stabilized after approx. 20 seconds,
: above the immersion line (do not

the flashing values on the display
ATAGO inst ruments a re rigo rously inspected to ensure each unit meets the highest standa rds of quality assu rance. TPM
¡ submerge the L�D section in oil). Be ¡ will become fixed, and the LED ■
1 sure the sensor 1s completely 1 located at the upper right corner of T T
! submerged in the oil. ____________ ! the LCD will turn red. red red
1 1
Measu rement tempe ratu re is 226 C Measurement temperatu re is -fe
*Press the START button for 1

or higher. o r lower.

[1 1 [1
second to quickly display fixed
measurement values.

19 ,'-1,'-l,'-I

79 ,_ ,_ ,_ 1
(Z)Press the START button to T T
°C red red
r¡--',o ,3 5
JF7 continue taking additional
: L='.__ fJ-c ' L� .. ¡ measurements.
Measurement value (TPM%) is 40.5% or
Measurement value (TPM%) is O.O or
! TPM mo re. less.
Thank you for purchasing the instruments. Carefully read and follow all instructions. Keep this manual for future reference. Measurement value (AV) is 10.0 o r Measurement value (AV) is -0.6 or
mo re. less.

11 79 - - - 1 [1
How to Switch Scales (TPM '!,�AV)
Safety Instructions
Read and follow all safety instructions before operating the instrument. Failure to comply with the following instructions may result in

79 33.5%1
personal injury or property damage. m
(1 )After taking a measurement, perfo rm the following steps to switch scales while the T
red re d
temperature and measurement values (TPM% or AV) are displayed. °C °C
&WARNING Measu rement value significantly Measu rement value (TPM%) exceeds
◊ Take care to avoid burns. The sensor section (below the immersion line) may become extremely hot due to the oil sample. Do not touch (2) P ress the SW1 button.
(3)1f TPM% is currently shown, the display will switch to AV. lf AV is currently displayed, it will fluctuates. the set upper limit value.

1� 1
the tip of the instrument after measuring.
◊ Ensure safety when handling hazardous materials. Observe precautionary measures and use protective equipment, Be aware of the switch to TPM%. Measu rement value (AV) exceeds the

hazards of such chemicals and emergency response guidelines. ( 4) Repeat the steps to retu rn to the original scale. ■ set "USH" value at "Acid Value (AV)
◊ ATAGO may not be held liable for any injury or damage arising in connection with handling of hazardous materials during the use of the scale setting".
◊ Do not drop the instrument or subject it to strong physical shock. The battery is low.
◊ Do not attempt to repair, modify, or disassemble the instrument. The unit will power off after 10 seconds.
Do not submerge the inst rument past the immersion line.
Complete each measu rement within 1 minute.
◊ Carefully read this manual to have basic knowledge of the function of each component. Do not keep the instrument subme rged in the oil afte r each measu rement.
◊ ATAGO is not liable for any loss and damage caused by the measurement and use of this instrument.
◊ Only use the specified battery type. Observe proper polarities, properly aligning the anodes and cathodes. An increase in the inte rna! tempe ratu re of the instrument may result in measu rement e rrors.
◊ Store the instrument away from direct sunlight/heat sources and excessive amounts of dust/debris. Accurate measu rement results cannot be obtained if bubbles a re present in the oil sample. Wait for bubbles to
◊ Do not subject the instrument to strong vibration. dissipate (mínimum 1 minute) befa re taking measu rements.
◊ Do not subject the instrument to extreme cold temperature. When food particles are p resent on the sensor section, submerge the inst rument to the immersion line. Sti r to
◊ Do not place the instrument under anything heavy. remove the particles befare taking a measurement.

Take care to avoid bu rns. The sensor section (below the imme rsion line) may become ext remely hot due to the oil
sample. Do not touch the tip of the inst r ument afte r measuring.

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