Project Phase Six 55-1

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Project phase six

The test plan outlines the approach and procedures for testing the interactive kiosks at entry
points where visitors can input their information directly into the system. These self-service
kiosks is equipped with touchscreens that will guide visitors through the process of entering their
personal and vehicle information. The goal is to ensure the system meets all specified
requirements and provides a seamless user experience.
Relationship to other document
This test plan is related to the following documents by Provides detailed requirements for the
interactive kiosks Outlines the system architecture, user interface design, and integration points.
Guides end-users on how to interact with the kiosks and also provide Details of the overall
project timeline, including the testing schedule
Features to be tested:

 User Interface: Verify the functionality and responsiveness of the touchscreen.

 Data Entry: Ensure accurate data entry for personal and vehicle information.
 QR Code Generation: Confirm that QR codes are generated correctly and sent via
 Security: Validate data encryption and secure access protocols.
 Performance: Assess system performance under normal and peak loads.
Features not to be tested

 Central database: Storing of information is done by third party.

Test Case

Test Case ID Description Expected Pass or Fail

1 User login with The user is Pass
valid credentials successfully
logged in
2 Use login with The error Pass
invalid credentials message is
3 Register new The vehicle is Pass
vehicle registered
4 Data validation on Appropriate error Pass
registration fields messages are
5 Generate visitor The report is Pass
report generated
Testing Schedule
Test Schedule and duration

 Unit Testing: 2 Weeks

 System Testing: 3 Weeks
 Integration Testing: 4 weeks
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT): 2 weeks
 Performance Testing: 3 Weeks
Activities Involved in Test Schedule
Unit Testing:
Develop and execute test cases for individual components.
Check functionality and fix defects.
System Testing:
Validate overall system functionality.
Integration Testing:
Test interactions between kiosks, central database, and security interfaces.
Ensure data flows correctly between components.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
Engage real users to validate the system.
Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
Performance Testing:
Simulate peak load conditions.
Measure response times and system stability.

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