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Psychology B
Session 5:
Personality Development
SACAP Online Flexi campus
(Term 1, 2024)
Educator: Tamarin Epstein
What are the characteristics of
• Personality refers to the dynamic psychological organization that co-ordinates
experience and action.
• Self concept: a collection of beliefs about oneself (a cognitive-affective view
that a person maintains of themselves, that is accessible to consciousness).
Generally, self-concept embodies the answer to "Who am I?".
• Self-schemas are ideas we have about ourselves, which regulate our behaviour
and guide our decisions.
• Selective perception: information is selectively represented in the self-
concept, in ways that are consistent with the individual’s personality traits, and
give the person a sense of coherence.
What are the characteristics of
• Self construal: a person’s perception about the self.
• Possible selves: what we would like to become (hoped for selves or ideal
selves), as well as what we do not want to become or may be afraid of
becoming (feared selves).
• Self esteem: a person’s overall subjective evaluation of one’s own worth as a
person. It involves feelings of self acceptance, self confidence and self respect.
• Identity: refers to the sense of life: “who am I, and what am I doing with my
• Emotions: complex reaction patterns that involve experiences, behaviour
patterns, and physiological elements, by which the individual attempts to deal
with a personally significant event.
What is a personality “trait”?
•A relatively stable (consistent), internal characteristic
(dimension of personality) that may cause a person
to have tendencies to behave in certain ways.
•The way a person tends to approach the world.
•Meaningful differences between people: what
makes a person unique.
•Exists along a continuum
•Abnormal behaviour (“disorders”/eccentricities) are
extreme variations
Jung: Extroversion-Introversion

• Carl Jung referred to 2 dominant personality traits, known as

introversion and extroversion:
o Extroversion: an orientation towards things outside of the
o Introversion: a tendency to turn inward and explore one’s
feelings and experiences.
Jung: Extroversion-Introversion

• According to Jung, one could have a tendency towards both

introversion and extroversion, but one will always be consciously
dominant (the other trait is experienced unconsciously)
Other early personality theorists

Gordon Allport:
• Common traits: there are 5 to 10
basic traits that people in a
population share… these became the
basis of Cattell’s work.

Raymond Cattell (1940’s): 16

Personality Factors
The 16PF: a
Personality Factor Questionnaire to
measure these traits.
Other early personality theorists

Hans Eysenck: (1940’s) the PEN

model: 3 dimensions
Psychoticism (aggression, hostility) Genes
Neuroticism (emotionality)

• Emphasize a link between genes Personality

and personality:
o Our 3 core personality traits
are associated with
physiological arousal arousal
McCrae & Costa’s FFM
(Five Factor Model)
• In the 1980’s, Robert McCrae and Paul Costa developed the Five-Factor Model (FFM),
which describes personality in terms of five broad factors (dominant personality
• The Big Five: 5 main traits with specific features… people lie on the range between the
two bipolar extremes (polar opposites) for each trait:
•Openness to experience
• HEXACO model: In the early 2000’s, Ashton & Lee added the H-factor (honesty–
humility) to the ‘Big Five’ traits.
The ‘Big Five’ traits of personality


Agreeableness Openness to

Conscientiousness (emotionality)
The ‘Big Five’ traits of personality
1. Openness to experience (intellect/imagination): imaginative, witty, creative (high),
shallow (vs insightful), plain, simple/traditional/conventional (low), broad range of
2. Conscientiousness: thoughtful, cautious, organised, responsible (high), impulsive (vs
good impulse control), careful/careless, disorderly (low), attention to detail, thoroughness,
diligence, planfulness, goal-directed behaviour.
3. Extraversion (surgency/positive emotionality): enthusiasm, dominance (vs submissive),
sociability (high, vs low/shy), quiet (low), talkative, excitability, energetic, highly
emotionally expressive.
4. Agreeableness: friendliness, sympathy, trust, altruism, co-operation, affection, optimism,
warmth (high), cold/critical, quarrelsome/aggressive, unkind (low)… prosocial behaviours.
5. Neuroticism (vs emotional stability/negative emotionality): nervousness, tension,
anxiety (high), calm, stable (vs unstable, moody), irritability, sadness.
Consistency of Traits over Time

• According to the FFT:

o Personality naturally unfolds and adapts to the environment over the
lifespan (especially during the first 1/3rd of the life span)
o Traits are relatively stable/mature by adulthood (at least by age 30)
o Experience does not shape our personality traits, but affects how
they manifest (are displayed), e.g. behaviour
o Personality traits, although fairly stable, do change with age
o e.g. as people grow older, they seem to experience an increase in
traits related to social interest and tend to decrease in traits
related to activity and liveliness.
Consistency of Traits across

• Although there is evidence for trait consistency over time, there is a

lot of debate over consistency across contexts (situations/settings).
• Behaviour is often relatively consistent across situations:
o e.g. if you are conscientious at work, you tend to be so at home, or
in other contexts

• Apperception: individuals attend to and construe the environment in

ways that are consistent with their personality traits.
• Reciprocity: individuals selectively influence the environment to
which they respond.
Consistency of Traits across

• Behaviour can also be situation-specific:

o According to Mischel (1968), behaviour is a function of the
interaction between personality traits and situational forces, e.g.
➢ a person may be shy around new people, but not around
people s/he knows well
➢ we feel sad at a funeral, but happy at a party
➢ conscientious behaviour lessens when we experience time
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
• Developed by Myers, McCaulley, Quenck, and Hammer
• Grounded in Jung’s theory of psychological types:
4 dichotomous scales:
1. Extraversion–Introversion (E–I)
2. Sensing–INtuition (S–N)
3. Thinking–Feeling (T–F)
4. Judging–Perceiving (J–P)
• A person is identified as 1 of 16 personality types, e.g.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
How does personality develop?
Some theories…
• Biological theories propose that personality is largely
determined by biological factors (e.g. genetics, brain
functioning, physiological arousal; injury, illness,
substance use).
• Psychoanalytic theory proposes that we develop
through a series of psychosexual stages.
• Erikson’s psychosocial development theory:
personality development occurs through the life span
and in 8 sequential stages. Each stage is characterized
by a crises or a challenge, to develop a specific ego
How does personality develop?

• Interactionist theories propose that the social and

physical environment interacts with personality
dispositions, to shape characteristic adaptations
o The social and physical environment and our characteristic
adaptations to these, regulate the flow of our behaviour.
• Group-socialisation theory proposes that our peer
group has a great effect on our personality
o According to this theory, niche fitting takes place (children’s
personalities are affected by the available niches in their group, e.g.
if the role of a leader is taken, a member can take an alternative
role/find another niche, or compete for the role of the leader).
How does personality develop?
an African perspective
• The African Worldview and Spirituality: a
common African personality derives from a
common African worldview.
• This worldview is holistic and humanistic,
and focuses on:
o interdependence
o collective survival
o harmony between people and nature
o an important role for the aged
o the oral tradition
o rhythm and continuity of life
How does personality develop?
an African perspective
• Nsamenang describes the human life span and
life cycle as 3 phases of selfhood:
1. Spiritual selfhood: - begins with
conception, as a reincarnation of an
ancestral spirit.
2. Social selfhood: - develops through 7
3. Ancestral selfhood: -following the
biological death of a person,
incorporation into the spiritual selfhood
follows with ritual initiations.
• These 3 aspects are integrated with one
another, and are central to the traditional
African way of life.
Personality tests used in South Africa
• Basic Traits Inventory (BTI)Myers-
Briggs Type Indicator – used across the diversity of
• Neo-Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R) –
cross culturally applicable
• The South African Personality Inventory (SAPI)
• Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
• 16 Personality Factor (16PF)
• Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.

• Louw, D. & Louw, A. (2019). Adult development and ageing (2nd ed. Ch.
4). South Africa: Haga Haga: Psychology Publications.
• Santrock, J. W. (2017). A topical approach to lifespan development (9th
ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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