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Shock Compression and Chemical

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Shock Compression and Chemical
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Mechanics of Advanced Materials Series
The Mechanics of Advanced Materials book series focuses on materials- and
mechanics-related issues around the behavior of advanced materials, including the
mechanical characterization, mathematical modeling, and numerical simulations of
material response to mechanical loads, various environmental factors (temperature
changes, electromagnetic fields, etc.), as well as novel applications of advanced mate-
rials and structures.
Volumes in the series cover advanced materials topics and numerical analysis of
their behavior, bringing together knowledge of material behavior and the tools of
mechanics that can be used to better understand and predict materials behavior. It pre-
sents new trends in experimental, theoretical, and numerical results concerning
advanced materials and provides regular reviews to aid readers in identifying the main
trends in research in order to facilitate the adoption of these new and advanced mate-
rials in a broad range of applications.
Series Editor-in-Chief
Vadim V. Silberschmidt
Vadim V. Silberschmidt is Chair of Mechanics of Materials and Head of the
Mechanics of Advanced Materials Research Group, Loughborough University,
United Kingdom. He was appointed to the Chair of Mechanics of Materials at the
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough
University, United Kingdom in 2000. Prior to this, he was a Senior Researcher at
the Institute A for Mechanics at Technische Universit€at M€unchen in Germany. Edu-
cated in the USSR, he worked at the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics and
Institute for Geosciences [both—the USSR (later—Russian) Academy of Sciences].
In 1993-94, he worked as a visiting researcher, Fellow of the Alexander-von-
Humboldt Foundation at Institute for Structure Mechanics DLR (German Aerospace
Association), Braunschweig, Germany. In 2011-14, he was Associate Dean
(Research). He is a Charted Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engi-
neers and Institute of Physics, where he also chaired Applied Mechanics Group in
2008-11. He serves as Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of the Elsevier book series on Mechanics
of Advanced Materials. He is also EiC, associate editor, and/or serves on the board of a
number of renowned journals. He has coauthored four research monographs and over
550 peer-reviewed scientific papers on mechanics and micromechanics of deforma-
tion, damage, and fracture in advanced materials under various conditions.
Series Editor
Thomas B€
Thomas B€ ohlke is Professor and Chair of Continuum Mechanics at the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. He previously held professorial positions at
the University of Kassel and at the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg,
Germany. His research interests include FE-based multiscale methods, homogenization
of elastic, brittle-elastic, and visco-plastic material properties, mathematical description
of microstructures, and localization and failure mechanisms. He has authored over 130
peer-reviewed papers and has authored or coauthored two monographs.
Series Editor
David L. McDowell
David L. McDowell is Regents’ Professor and Carter N. Paden, Jr. Distinguished
Chair in Metals Processing at Georgia Tech University, United States. He joined
Georgia Tech in 1983 and holds a dual appointment in the GWW School of Mechan-
ical Engineering and the School of Materials Science and Engineering. He served as
the Director of the Mechanical Properties Research Laboratory from 1992 to 2012. In
2012 he was named Founding Director of the Institute for Materials (IMat), one of
Georgia Tech’s Interdisciplinary Research Institutes charged with fostering an inno-
vation ecosystem for research and education. He has served as Executive Director of
IMat since 2013. His research focuses on nonlinear constitutive models for engineer-
ing materials, including cellular metallic materials, nonlinear and time-dependent
fracture mechanics, finite strain inelasticity and defect field mechanics, distributed
damage evolution, constitutive relations, and microstructure-sensitive computational
approaches to deformation and damage of heterogeneous alloys, combined computa-
tional and experimental strategies for modeling high cycle fatigue in advanced engi-
neering alloys, atomistic simulations of dislocation nucleation and mediation at grain
boundaries, multiscale computational mechanics of materials ranging from atomistics
to continuum, and system-based computational materials design. A Fellow of SES,
ASM International, ASME, and AAM, he is the recipient of the 1997 ASME Materials
Division Nadai Award for career achievement and the 2008 Khan International Medal
for lifelong contributions to the field of metal plasticity. He currently serves on the
editorial boards of several journals and is coeditor of the International Journal of
Series Editor
Zhong Chen
Zhong Chen is a Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. In March 2000, he joined Nanyang
Technological University (NTU), Singapore, as an Assistant Professor and has since
been promoted to Associate Professor and Professor in the School of Materials Sci-
ence and Engineering. Since joining NTU, he has graduated 30 PhD students and 5
MEng students. He has also supervised over 200 undergraduate research projects
(FYP, URECA, etc.). His research interests include (1) coatings and engineered
nanostructures for clean energy, environmental, microelectronic, and other functional
surface applications and (2) mechanical behavior of materials, encompassing mechan-
ics and fracture mechanics of bulk, composite and thin film materials, materials join-
ing, and experimental and computational mechanics of materials. He has served as an
editor/editorial board member for eight academic journals. He has also served as a
reviewer for more than 70 journals and a number of research funding agencies includ-
ing the European Research Council (ERC). He is an author of over 300 peer-reviewed
journal papers.
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Elsevier Series in Mechanics of Advanced

Shock Compression
and Chemical Reaction
of Multifunctional
Energetic Structural

Xianfeng Zhang and Wei Xiong

School of Mechanical Engineering,
Nanjing University of Science and Technology,
Nanjing, China

Vadim V. Silberschmidt
Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom
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Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi

1 Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 1

Introduction 1
Static pressing 1
Explosive consolidation 7
Casting and curing 10
Cold rolling 12
Physical vapor deposition 16
References 20

2 Hugoniot equation of state (EOS) for MESMs 23

Basic principles of shock waves 23
Hugoniot EOS for solid materials 25
Hugoniot EOS for solid multicomponent mixtures 26
Hugoniot EOS for multicomponent mixtures with porosity 32
Shock temperature of MESMs 37
References 41

3 Thermochemical modeling on shock-induced chemical

reaction of MESMs 43
Introduction 43
Mechanism of shock reaction of MESMs 44
Thermochemical model 48
Hugoniot EOS for reaction of MESMs 52
Discussion 59
References 60

4 Mesoscale modeling of shock compression of MESMs 63

Introduction 63
Mesoscale characters of MESMs 64
Mesoscale modeling of shock compression of MESMs 75
Mesoscale characters of MESMs under shock compression 80
References 94
viii Contents

5 Multiscale modeling on shock-induced reaction of MESMs 97

Introduction 97
Mass transport mechanism 98
Multiscale models based on the infinite-transport-rate assumption 101
Multiscale simulation with limited transport rate 116
Multiscale simulation with limited transport rate considering
the effects of temperature and states of stress 122
References 132

6 Mechanical testing of MESMs 135

Introduction 135
Quasistatic compression tests 135
Split-Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) compression experiments 140
Flyer plate impact experiments 147
References 158

7 Experimental studies on chemical reaction of MESMs 161

Introduction 161
DTA and DSC analysis 162
Flyer plate impact experiments 165
Two-step impact initiation experiment 166
Other experimental methods 182
References 189

8 Application of MESMs 193

Introduction 193
Reactive shaped charge liners 193
RM-enhanced warhead casing 204
Reactive fragments 222
RM-enhanced projectile used in penetration munition 223
Space debris shield structure using MESMs 225
References 231

Index 233

This book is the outcome of the authors’ more than 15 years of research on multifunctional
energetic structural materials (MESMs), which are evolving as a class of materials that
integrate desirable characteristics of high energy density and rapid energy release prop-
erties along with an ideal combination of both mechanical properties. The purpose of the
book is to provide a systematic overview of both shock compression and shock-induced
reaction of MESMs, including preparation, mechanical properties, mathematical model-
ing, and numerical simulations as well as experiments and applications of MESMs. This
book serves as a systematic reference resource by providing readers with a brief introduc-
tion to the special functions of MESMs to further specific research methods. It contains
the most existing methods and related samples on solving shock-induced chemical reac-
tion problems. The book will not only assist researchers in this area in identifying theo-
retical, numerical, and experimental methods, but it will also serve as a comprehensive
guide for new learners who are interested in this field.
Following are the contents of the book, which are described in short and presented
in logical order so as to assist the readers.
Chapter 1 introduces the main preparation methods for MESMs, which correspond
to different types and microstructures of MESMs. Following this, theoretical models
for the equation of state and shock temperature in solid or porous MESM mixtures
subjected to shock compression are introduced in Chapter 2. The calculated temper-
ature owing to shock compression serves as an important input for the thermochemical
model to calculate the chemical reaction efficiency (Chapter 3). In addition, the micro-
structures, including particle sizes, shapes, and distributions, have significant effects
on the shock wave propagation and energy release capacity of MESMs. Therefore,
Chapters 4 and 5 propose typical mesoscale modeling or multiscale modeling methods
to calculate the dynamic response and shock-induced reaction behaviors of MESMs.
Experimental and measuring methods to test the two important properties, namely
mechanical properties and energy release characteristics, under elevated strain rates
are proposed in Chapters 6 and 7. Finally, Chapter 8 is devoted to the application
of MESMs, including the structures, action principles, and experimental methods
to evaluate capacities.
The authors hope that this book will serve as a useful reference resource for readers
by providing a systematic summary of MESMs from existing research studies. Any
constructive suggestion or feedback from readers about the contents of this book is
Xianfeng Zhang
Wei Xiong
School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
and Technology, Nanjing, China
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It took us more than 3 years to complete this book; however, it has been more than
10 years to put forward the conception of the book. We thank all the organizations
and individuals who supported us during this period.
We also thank the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NJUST) for
offering us excellent academic resources and research platforms to refer to literature
studies, to establish theoretical or simulation models, to carry out experiments, and to
conclude the research results.
Furthermore, we thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China for
supporting us with several projects (No. 12141202, No. 12002170, and No.
10902053) to investigate the shock reaction mechanism of MESMs and to explore
their applications.
We are very grateful to the following people for offering their research support and
assistance on this book: Dr. Liang Qiao (Beijing Institute of Space Long March Vehi-
cle/China), Mr. Anshun Shi (No. 52 Institute of China North Industries Group/China),
Mr. Jiang Zhang (Ningbo Branch of China Academy of Ordnance Science/China), Dr.
Mengting Tan (NJUST, China), Dr. Chuang Liu (NJUST, China), Prof. Zhongwei
Guan (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom), Dr. Ning Du (Shenyang Ligong
University/China), Ms. Xianwei Hou (NJUST, China), Dr. Jiajie Deng (Shanghai
Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences/China), Dr. Fei Gao (NJUST,
China), Dr. Haihua Chen (Shanghai Electro-Mechanical Engineering Institute/China),
Dr. Kuo Bao (NJUST, China), Mr. Bingyu Huang (NJUST, China), Mr. Haiyang Wei
(NJUST, China), Mr. Junwei Liu (NJUST, China), Mr. Pengcheng Li (NJUST,
China), Mr. Guoqing Han (NJUST, China), Mr. Yizhou Fang (NJUST, China), Mr.
Chaoping Zhang (NJUST, China), Mr. Jiamin Wang (NJUST, China), Mr. Weijing
Sun (NJUST, China), Mr. Yuxuan Deng (NJUST, China), Mr. Pengpeng Ge (NJUST,
China), and Ms. Yi Li (NJUST, China). We also thank all the editors of this book for
their generous help.
Finally, thanks are also due to the family members of the authors—Yu Leng, Hao
Zhou, Honghao Zhang, Hongjin Leng, and Mo Zhou—for their love and continuous
support in overcoming difficulties and finishing this book successfully.

Xianfeng Zhang
Wei Xiong
School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
and Technology, Nanjing, China
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Preparation and microstructures
of MESMs 1
Multifunctional energetic structural materials (MESMs) are a special category of
energetic materials that integrate desirable characteristics of a high energy density
and rapid energy release properties along with at least one other designed functional-
ity, for example, mechanical strength. These materials can be combinations of ther-
mites, intermetallics, metal-polymer mixtures, metastable intermolecular composites
(MICs), matrix materials, and hydrides (Thadhani, 1994). Such mixtures are inert
under ambient conditions, and the traditional initiation methods such as flame initi-
ation are not sufficient to sustain a reaction; however, they will be triggered into reac-
tions in the case of energy supplied by the passage of sufficiently strong shock waves
(Reding & Hanagud, 2009). Therefore, one of the key technical issues on application
of MESMs is to ensure them with the two typical characteristics after preparation: one
is to ensure them with enough strength to realize specific structural functions and the
other is to give them energy release capacity.
This chapter gives detailed introduction on five main preparation methods for
MESMs, namely, static pressing, explosive consolidation, casting and curing, cold
rolling, and physical vapor deposition (PVD). The first three methods are used to fab-
ricate powder composites of MESMs, and the other two methods are used to fabricate
multilayered composites of MESMs. The fabrication process, machines, and typical
microstructures of MESMs are described in this chapter.

Static pressing
Static pressing, in other words, compression molding, is one of the most commonly
methods to prepare MESMs. With this method, multicomponent MESM powder mixtures
are pressed into entities with specific densities, which are often with porosity. The prep-
aration process is shown in Fig. 1.1. Static pressing takes advantage of a less expensive and
simple process, which is applicable for most of MESMs with different reaction types.
The fabrication process of MESMs by means of static pressing can be described as

Raw powder preparation

The constituents of MESMs are essentially chosen according to their properties,
including both the mechanical properties and energy release characteristics. Further-
more, some polymer or metal additives such as magnesium (Mg), tungsten (W),
Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials.
Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Fig. 1.1 Schematic diagram of static pressing.

No Permission Required.

Fig. 1.2 Photograph of typical raw powders.

No Permission Required.

copper (Cu), Teflon, and epoxy polymer binders are usually used to improve one or
both of the properties. All the raw powders should have a purity exceeding 99%.
Fig. 1.2 shows the photograph of typical raw powders, and Fig. 1.3 gives the initial
morphology of each metal component visualized by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). The Al particles have relatively homogeneous (spherical) shapes and smooth
surfaces, whereas the Ni and Cu particles have arbitrary (dendritic) shapes and rougher
surfaces that may be attributed to the electrolysis production method. The Al particle
size is less than 23μm, whereas Ni and Cu particles have a size less than 75 μm.

Mixing of the powders

The raw powders were mixed with a specific mass or volume ratio. Dry powder mix-
tures were first placed in a container and then milled at room temperature in a blender.
Then, the mixture powders can be dried again at 57°C on a conductive tray for approx-
imately 24 h.
Xiong et al. (2015) fabricated three composites, namely, Al/Ni, Al/Ni/poly-
tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and Al/Ni/Cu with volumetric ratios of 50:50,
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 3

Fig. 1.3 SEM of typical metal components.

From Xiong, W., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., He, Y., Wang, C., & Guo, L. (2015). Influence of additives
on microstructures, mechanical properties and shock-induced reaction characteristics of Al/Ni
composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648, 540–549.

45:45:10, and 45:45:10, respectively. The SEM images of the three powder mixtures
are shown in Fig. 1.4A–C, whereas the optical microscopy (OM) image of Al/Ni/Cu
powder mixtures is shown in Fig. 1.4D. In the three mixtures, Al particles are easy to
be identified because of their smooth surface and relatively darker phase. The reddish-
brown phase shown in Fig. 1.4D is Cu, the black phase is Ni, and the white smaller
phase is Al. All the images in Fig. 1.4 show a uniform distribution of particles after

Quasistatic pressing
The powder mixtures are then pressed into samples of a specific size using compres-
sors, as shown in Fig. 1.5. The powder mixture is measured out and then added into a
die. The weight of the powder is decided by the desired volume and density of the
sample. The pressing cycle included pressing for at least 1min at a given pressure
and then releasing.
Fig. 1.4 SEM micrographs of the powder mixtures: (A) Al/Ni, (B) Al/Ni/PTFE, and (C) Al/Ni/
Cu and OM micrographs of (D) Al/Ni/Cu powder.
From Xiong, W., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., He, Y., Wang, C., & Guo, L. (2015). Influence of additives
on microstructures, mechanical properties and shock-induced reaction characteristics of Al/Ni
composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648, 540–549.

Fig. 1.5 Typical compressors: A four-column hydraulic press (left) and the universal testing
machine (right).
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 5

Fig. 1.6 Initial power mixtures (left) and pressed samples (right): (A) Al/Ni, (B) Al/Ni/PTFE,
and (C) Al/Ni/Cu.
From Xiong, W., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., He, Y., Wang, C., & Guo, L. (2015). Influence of additives
on microstructures, mechanical properties and shock-induced reaction characteristics of Al/Ni
composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648, 540–549.

The powder mixtures and the pressed samples of the three Al/Ni composites fab-
ricated by Xiong et al. (2015) are shown in Fig. 1.6. The fabricated samples have
94.3% to 98.5% theoretical material densities by the static pressing method.
The microstructure images of the corresponding pressed samples are shown in the
SEM micrographs in Fig. 1.7A–C and the OM micrograph in Fig. 1.7D, respectively.
Similarly, the smoother and darker phases shown in SEM images are Al. All the
images reveal that the spherical Al particles are surrounded by a continuous Ni matrix.
This phenomenon existing in the microstructure of the pressed sample can be
explained by the morphology of the initial powders (Wei et al., 2012). The Ni powders
are dendritic and agglomerated in the pressed samples. The Ni powders plastically
deformed and became interconnected as a continuous phase and thus surrounded
and enveloped the Al particles during static pressing. The additive PTFE was histioid
after pressing and tended to adhere to Al particles. In the case of Cu as an additive, the
continuous Ni phase was partly broken and reconnected with similar-shape Cu

Because of the reaction characteristics, most MESMs are assembled without sintering
and melting, which are related to high temperatures. However, the sintering process is
also applied, especially for low-strength MESMs such as fluorine polymer matrix
materials, to improve their mechanical properties.
Zhang et al. (2013) fabricated Al/W/PTFE granular composites with the mass
ratios of 24:0:76, 12:50:38, and 5.5:77:17.5, respectively. The specimens from the last
step (Fig. 1.8) were relaxed at ambient pressure and temperature prior to sintering to
remove entrapped air and to remove residual stress. A relaxation dwell time of about
4 h was thought to be satisfactory for our experiments. The pressed specimens were
then inserted into a vacuum sintering oven with the temperature set at 380°C. The
sintering furnace and the temperature history in the sintering cycle are shown in
Fig. 1.9. The oven temperature was ramped up to 380°C at a rate of about 50°C/h.
6 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Fig. 1.7 SEM micrographs of the pressed samples: (A) Al/Ni, (B) Al/Ni/PTFE, and (C) Al/Ni/
Cu and OM micrographs of (D) Al/Ni/Cu sample.
From Xiong, W., Zhang, X., Wu, Y., He, Y., Wang, C., & Guo, L. (2015). Influence of additives
on microstructures, mechanical properties and shock-induced reaction characteristics of Al/Ni
composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 648, 540–549.

Fig. 1.8 Mixture powders and pressed samples of Al/W/PTFE granular composites. (A) Al/W/
PTFE ¼ 24:0:76, (B) Al/W/PTFE ¼ 12:50:38, and (C) Al/W/PTFE ¼ 5.5:77:17.5.
From Zhang, X. F., Zhang, J., Qiao, L., Shi, A. S., Zhang, Y. G., He, Y., et al. (2013).
Experimental study of the compression properties of Al/W/PTFE granular composites under
elevated strain rates. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 581, 48–55.
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 7



Temperature (°C)



0 6 12 18 24
Time (hrs)
(a) The sintering furnace (b) The temperature history of a sintering cycle
Fig. 1.9 Sintering device and the temperature history.
From Zhang, X. F., Zhang, J., Qiao, L., Shi, A. S., Zhang, Y. G., He, Y., et al. (2013).
Experimental study of the compression properties of Al/W/PTFE granular composites under
elevated strain rates. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 581, 48–55.

The pressed specimens were held at about 380°C for 6 h; then, the temperature was
reduced to 310°C at a rate of 50°C/h and held for 4 h. The specimens were further
cooled to ambient temperature at an average cooling rate of 50°C/h.

Explosive consolidation
Explosive consolidation is a technique that employs shock waves to compress pow-
ders to form components under high temperature and high pressure instantaneously
and is the idiographic application of shock wave physics in engineering (Wang
et al., 2014). It should be noted that because of the high peak pressures, these powder
mixture compacts might have certain amounts of intermetallics and preexisting cracks
after shock consolidation. These intermetallics and preexisting defects may influence
the mechanical properties of the shock-consolidated powder mixtures significantly
(Wei, 2011). Therefore, explosion consolidation is rarely used in fabricating MESMs.
Wei et al. (Wei, 2011; Wei et al., 2012) prepared metal-Al powder composites by
using double-tube explosive shock consolidation. The double-tube explosive consol-
idation system is shown in Fig. 1.10, which was developed by Meyers and Wang
(1988). This setup had a cylindrical geometry with two co-axial tubes. An outer cyl-
inder isolated the inner cylinder of the inner tube, and the powder mixture was placed
in the inner tube that surrounded the Al mandrel, which helped to prevent the Mach
stem (Meyers & Wang, 1988). The inner tube containing the powder mixture was
enclosed by ammonium nitrate/fuel oil, which detonated and obtained the explosive
velocity of 2.6 km/s. The peak pressure was in the range of 4–7 GPa throughout the
entire explosive consolidation process (Du et al., 2009).
8 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials


Inner AI
cylinder mandrel



End cap

Fig. 1.10 Double-tube explosive consolidation setup.

From Wei, C. T., Vitali, E., Jiang, F., Du, S. W., Benson, D. J., Vecchio, K. S., et al. (2012).
Quasi-static and dynamic response of explosively consolidated metal–aluminum powder
mixtures. Acta Materialia, 60(3), 1418–1432.

The process of explosion consolidation can be concluded as the following steps

(Wei et al., 2012):

Raw material preparation

This process is introduced in detail in “Raw powder preparation” in "Static pressing"
section. Six metal powders, namely, Al, Ni, Nb, W, Mo, and Ta, were employed for
producing metal-Al composites by Wei et al. (2012). The initial particle morphologies
of the five metals are shown in Fig. 1.11. The Ni, Al, and W powders (Fig. 1.11A, B,
and E) have relatively homogeneous shapes and particle sizes of 30–80 μm diameters.
On the other hand, Nb, Ta, and Mo (Fig. 1.11C, D, and F) have arbitrary shapes and
sizes (in a range of less than 1–50 μm diameter).

Mixing of the powders

This process is introduced in detail in “Mixing of the powders” in "Static pressing"

Explosion consolidation
The powder mixtures are measured out and assembled into an explosion consolidation
device. Once the explosive is initiated, a combustion wave will load on the powder
mixtures and produce the powder compaction.
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 9

Fig. 1.11 SEM images of original (A) Ni, (B) Al, (C) Nb, (D) Ta, (E) W, and (F) Mo powders.
From Wei, C. T., Vitali, E., Jiang, F., Du, S. W., Benson, D. J., Vecchio, K. S., et al. (2012).
Quasi-static and dynamic response of explosively consolidated metal–aluminum powder
mixtures. Acta Materialia, 60(3), 1418–1432.

In Wei’s research (Wei et al., 2012), the five powder mixtures, Nb/Al, Ni/Al, Mo/
Al, W/Al, and Ta/Al, with equivolumetric ratios were placed into the inner tube of the
double-tube explosive consolidation system. By using the double-tube explosive con-
solidation, these compacts could reach very high densities, which are about 99%
theoretcical material density (TMD). These highly dense compacts had the mechan-
ical properties close to the fully densified bulk materials. The cross-sectional SEM
micrographs of the five powder compactions are shown in Fig. 1.12, which will be
described in detail in Chapter 4.
10 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Fig. 1.12 Cross-sectional SEM micrographs of consolidated mixtures: (A) Ni/Al, (B) W/Al,
(C) Mo/Al, (D) Nb/Al, and (E) Ta/Al (the darker areas represent aluminum).
From Wei, C. T., Vitali, E., Jiang, F., Du, S. W., Benson, D. J., Vecchio, K. S., et al. (2012).
Quasi-static and dynamic response of explosively consolidated metal–aluminum powder
mixtures. Acta Materialia, 60(3), 1418–1432.

Specimen processing
After consolidation, the powder compactions are machined into desired sizes for
experimental or application use. For example, cylindrical rods with a diameter of
3 mm were machined to conduct the mechanical property test from the middle part
of compacts, parallel to the tube axis.

Casting and curing

Casting and curing are manufacturing processes in which a liquid material is usually
poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then
allowed to solidify. This method is commonly used in fabrication of reinforced
polymer composite materials. Fig. 1.13 gives an example for the die and product
by casting and curing.
Martin (2005) fabricated Ni/Al composites by means of epoxy casting and curing.
The fabricated process from Martin (2005) can be concluded as follows:

Raw material preparation

This process is introduced in detail in “Raw powder preparation” in "Static pressing"
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 11

Fig. 1.13 An example of casting and curing: (A) Top view cross section of the die and
(B) illustration of a casting that was produced.
From Hamasaiid, A., Dargusch, M. S., & Dour, G. (2019). The impact of the casting thickness
on the interfacial heat transfer and solidification of the casting during permanent mold casting of
an A356 alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 47, 229–237.

Mixing and drying of powders

The powder constituents are mixed according to their mass or volume ratio. Then,
the powder mixtures are heated in an open container in a 120°C furnace for several
hours, which is an important step to eliminate the moisture of the powder mixtures.
After heating, the desired amount of powder mixture was measured out and placed in
a plastic container.

Heating of the polymer and mixing with powder mixtures

In order to decrease the viscosity of the polymer, the heating process should be carried
out on it. Martin (2005) heated Epon Resin 826 at 120°C and then added the desired
amount of the resin to the powder mixture. The resin and powder were mixed for about
3min using a mixing blade mounted on a drill. The mixture was then placed back into
the 120°C furnace (Fisher Oven) for about 15min to aid the mixing by decreasing the
viscosity of epoxy.

Mixing with a hardener and solvent

After the resin and powders were fully mixed, the diethanolamine hardener (7.7 wt%
of epoxy) was added to the mixture and blended using a homemade mixing device.
The mixture was again placed in the furnace for about 15min. If this mixture was
not fluid enough that it could be poured out of the container, a small amount of toluene
anhydrous 99.8% was added as a solvent and evaporated later. After the addition of
toluene, the mixture was placed back in the furnace for an additional 15min.
12 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Next, the mixture was degassed in a desiccator for about 5min (until a pressure of
1–2 Torr was achieved) to remove air bubbles, and then, it was placed back in the
furnace for about 30min, taking care not to stir it and introduce new air bubbles.

Curing in the molds

Finally, the mixture was poured into molds (coated with grease on the inside) of a 0.600
diameter and a 600 length, and placed in a 70–80°C furnace for 48 h to cure. After the
samples had cured, they were removed from the molds. The samples were then cut and
machined into various sized rods for testing.

Cold rolling
The three above methods are all used to fabricate powder compaction of MESMs. In
recent years, the multilayered composites of MESMs have attracted widespread atten-
tion ( Ji et al., 2017; Specht, Thadhani, & Weihs, 2012; Specht, Weihs, & Thadhani,
2016). Cold rolling (Specht et al., 2012, 2016) and PVD (Kelly & Thadhani, 2016;
Knepper et al., 2009) are common methods to manufacture multilayered composites
of MESMs. Cold rolling is a process by which a metal is passed through rollers at
temperatures below its recrystallization temperature. The metal is compressed and
squeezed, increasing the yield strength and hardness of the metal. The microstructure
of the multilayered MESMs mainly depends on the manufacturing method and
manufacturing process. In most studies of multilayered composites, the bilayer spac-
ing (Knepper et al., 2009), in other words, the reactant spacing referring to the total
thickness of the two layers, is an important parameter.
Studies on the energy releasing aspect of multilayered MESMs mainly focused on
the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) via differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) at normal heating rates (20–40°C/min) (Gavens, Van Heerden,
Mann, Reiss, & Weihs, 2000; Knepper et al., 2009; Kuk, Yu, & Ryu, 2015; Ma,
Thompson, Clevenger, & Tu, 1990). Ji (Hugus, Sheridan, & Brooks, 2012) studied
the shock-induced chemical reaction (SICR) characteristics of Al/Ni multilayered
composites with 4 rolling passes via two-step impact initiation experiments and ana-
lyzed the relationship between the released energy and the impact velocity. The shock
wave propagation in multilayered composites is affected by the orientation of the
material interfaces, the interfacial strength, and the bilayer spacing, according to
the mesoscale simulation by Specht et al. (Kelly & Thadhani, 2016; Knepper et al.,
2009). These simulations showed that the interfaces between component layers would
cause the dispersion and dissipation of the shock waves when the impact direction is
parallel to them.
Xiong et al. (2019) investigated the microstructural effects on the SICR behaviors
of Al/Ni composites with different manufacturing methods, namely, powder compac-
tion and cold rolling with 3–5 passes, by mesoscale simulation and two-step impact
initiation experiments. The fabrication process is illustrated in Fig. 1.14, which can be
described as follows:
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 13

Fig. 1.14 Schematic diagram for the cold rolling process.

No Permission Required.

Original foil preparation

The stoichiometric ratio of Al to Ni in the specimens was designed nearly to 1:1 in
order to obtain the greatest chemical release capability (Wei, 2011). Al 1060 and
Ni with sizes of 200  30  0.8 mm and 200  30  0.5 mm shown in Fig. 1.15 were
chosen to fabricate the cold-rolled specimens, respectively.

First rolling pass

The initial Al and Ni foils were assembled alternately with nine layers and eight
layers, respectively. Then, the assembly was rolled to achieve sufficient deformation
by the two-roll reversible rolling mill as shown in Fig. 1.16. In order to eliminate the
residual stress during the rolling pass, the rolled composites were annealed in an inert
atmosphere at a temperature of 550°C by the box resistance furnace as shown in
Fig. 1.17. This process is referred to as one rolling pass.

Fig. 1.15 Photograph of the original foils.

No Permission Required.
14 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Fig. 1.16 Two-roll reversible rolling mill.

No Permission Required.

Fig. 1.17 Box resistance furnace.

No Permission Required.

Successive rolling
The deformed sheet was cut into two pieces and stacked by repeating the above pro-
cess. Al/Ni multilayered composites with 3–5 rolling passes were obtained to study
their SICR behaviors. The specimens were obtained by wire-electrode cutting from
the rolled foils, which are shown in Fig. 1.18. The cutting direction is perpendicular
to the surface of the foils to avoid delaminating. The average TMD % values of all the
Al/Ni composites are within a narrow range from 92.0% to 94.2%.
Fig. 1.19 shows the microstructures of Al/Ni multilayered composites man-
ufactured by cold rolling with 2–5 passes. With successive rolling passes, the Ni foils
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 15

Fig. 1.18 Rolled multilayered composites and the specimens.

No Permission Required.

Fig. 1.19 Microstructures of Al/Ni multilayered composites manufactured by cold rolling with
2–5 passes.
No Permission Required.

were fractured into small pieces and surrounded by a continuous Al matrix. The Al/Ni
multilayered composites with 2–5 rolling passes showed a similar microstructure with
parallel Al and Ni layers. The typical layer thickness of Ni and the bilayer spacing
were measured, and the dimensions indicate that the thickness of the constituents
was reduced during the rolling passes.
Wei (2011) manufactured two kinds of Al/Ni multilayered composites by cold
rolling; one was made of a 25 μm thick Al sheet and an 18 μm thick Ni sheet, and
the other was made of a 178 μm Al sheet and a 127 μm Ni sheet. These two Ni/Al
16 Shock Compression and Chemical Reaction of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials

Fig. 1.20 Cross-sections of two different laminates have three distinct morphologies: The
nonuniform multilayered composite in the thicker bilayer sample (top-left inset) and the wave
form layers with isolated Ni fragments in the Al matrix in the thicker bilayer sample.
From Wei, C. T., Maddox, B. R., Stover, A. K., Weihs, T. P., Nesterenko, V. F., & Meyers,
M. A. (2011). Reaction in Ni–Al laminates by laser-shock compression and spalling.
Acta Materialia, 59(13), 5276–5287.

multilayered composites had bilayer thicknesses of 5 and 30 μm, respectively. Fig. 1.20
shows morphologies of the cross-sections of the Ni-Al multilayered composites. Because
of the high strain caused by the cold rolling process, the multilayered composites had dis-
tinguishable morphologies depending on the rolling direction, the dimension, and the
mechanical properties of the materials. The thicker bilayer samples have two different
morphologies of the cross-sections. The nonuniform multilayered structure was along
with the cold-rolling direction, and the wavy layer structure was perpendicular to the
rolling direction in the multilayered composites with a 30μm bilayer thickness. However,
for the sample with a thinner bilayer thickness (Fig. 1.19 lower insets), the micromorphol-
ogy showed only the localized homogeneous distribution of the Ni-Al binary phase.

Physical vapor deposition

PVD cases
PVD is one of the vacuum coating processes in which the film of the coating material
is usually deposited atom by atom on a substrate by condensation from the vapor phase
to the solid phase. This technology improves durability, and higher surface hardness
and increased service temperatures can be achieved from less expensive processes
(Zalnezhad & Sarhan, 2014).
Vapor deposition for multilayered MESMs, such as sputter deposition, can be used
to precisely control the layer thickness and obtain a uniform multilayered microstruc-
ture but consumes a lot of time and money. As for the vapor-deposited multilayered
composites with nanoscale thick layers, the diffusion distance and interface impurities
in multilayered composites were reduced compared to the powder-compacted
Preparation and microstructures of MESMs 17

composites (Gavens et al., 2000). Thus, the initial purpose of the studies on multi-
layered MESMs by vapor deposition was to increase the reaction velocities and to
enable self-propagating reactions in the materials. The fewer impurities also cause
metastable intermetallic phases at the interface, which dominate the reaction veloc-
ity of the multilayered composites with thin bilayers. The intermetallic layers have
little effect on the reaction velocity of thicker bilayers, which is mainly controlled by
the bilayer spacing and layer thickness (Gavens et al., 2000). Kelly and Thadhani
(2016) investigated the shock compression response of Al/Ni multilayered compos-
ites with a 150 μm thickness by laser-driven flyer impact experiments. Comparing
the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization of
recovered unreacted specimens with that of the original specimen, they suggested
that chemical reactions are most likely to be initiated at preexisting microstructural
Fig. 1.21 shows the scheme of the electron beam PVD chamber (Wolfe,
2000). The designs of PVD machines could vary greatly depending on the

Fig. 1.21 Scheme of the electron beam physical vapor.

From Wolfe, D. E., & Singh, J. (2000). Titanium carbide coatings deposited by reactive ion
beam-assisted, electron beam–physical vapor deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology,
124(2), 142–153.
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