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Repo on
Environmental Management Plan for
Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation Project,
Madhya Pradesh

Submi ed by

Akshay P. (103121010)
Arindam Paul(103121017)
Cyril John(103121027)
Samana Seshu(103121097)
Utkarsh Singh(103121112)

The Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation project is proposed on the Betwa River in the upper middle
Betwa sub-basin in the Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The Betwa River originates
in the Vindhya Range near Hoshangabad and flows northeast through Madhya Pradesh and
Uttar Pradesh before meeting the Yamuna River. The Betwa basin is part of the larger Ganga

Irrigation Potential in Madhya Pradesh

Before the first Five-Year Plan (1950-51), Madhya Pradesh had limited irrigation
infrastructure with only around 4.69 lakh hectares of irrigation potential. Over the decades,
through the development of major, medium, and minor irrigation schemes, the state's
irrigation potential increased steadily, reaching 31.89 lakh hectares by 2013-14. However,
the actual utilization of this potential has been lower, ranging from 33.19% in 2009-10 to
74.63% in 2013-14.

Justification for the Project

The irrigation development in Madhya Pradesh, at 28.57%, is below the national average of
38.75%. As of 2013-14, the state's total irrigation potential was 10.22 million hectares, of
which only 3.19 million hectares (31.21%) had been developed, indicating significant
untapped potential. The project area currently has only 2.38% of its net cropped area under
irrigation, leading to water scarcity and low crop yields. The development of irrigation
facilities through the Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation project aims to improve the economic
condition of farmers and promote e icient utilization of soil and water resources in the

Purpose of the Report

The primary purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report is to identify,
evaluate, and propose mitigation measures for potential adverse environmental impacts
arising from the construction and operation of the project. The report aims to facilitate the
project's environmental and social acceptability by establishing baseline environmental
conditions, identifying significant impacts, and formulating a site-specific Environmental
Management Plan (EMP).

Project and Proponent Identification
The Madhya Pradesh Water Resources Department, located in Tulsi Nagar, Bhopal, is the
inherent project proponent. The Executive Engineer, Sanjay Sagar Project Bah River Division
Ganj Basoda, Vidisha District, Madhya Pradesh, is the designated project proponent.

EIA Consultant
The task of preparing the EIA/EMP report has been awarded to M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt.
Ltd., an organization accredited by NABET/Quality Council of India to conduct
Environmental Impact Assessment studies for river valley projects, among others.

Legal and Administrative Framework Policy

India has a robust legal and administrative framework governing environmental protection
and sustainable development. The principal environmental regulatory agency is the Ministry
of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government of India. MoEFCC
formulates environmental policies and accords clearances for di erent development
projects after evaluating their environmental impacts.

Key Environmental Legislations:

1. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, 1988:

- Objective: Prevention and control of water pollution and enhancing water quality.
- Key Areas: Control of sewage and industrial e luent discharges.
- Operational Agencies: Central and State Pollution Control Boards.

2. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, 1987:

- Objective: Prevention and control of air pollution.
- Key Areas: Control of air pollutant emissions.
- Operational Agencies: Central and State Pollution Control Boards.

3. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, 1988:

- Objective: Halt deforestation and environmental degradation by regulating access to
forest resources.
- Key Areas: Restricts deforestation, categories of forests, use of forest land for non-forest
- Operational Agencies: State and Central Governments.

4. Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, 1993:

- Objective: Protection of wildlife and creation of protected areas.

- Key Areas: Establishes national parks, sanctuaries, and protects di erent categories of
- Operational Agencies: Wildlife Advisory Boards, Central Zoo Authorities.

5. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986:

- Objective: Protection and improvement of the environment.
- Key Areas: An umbrella legislation supplementing pollution laws.
- Operational Agencies: MoEFCC, delegated state departments.

6. EIA Notification, 2006 (and amendments):

- Objective: Environmental Impact Assessment for project development.
- Key Areas: Environmental clearance process for projects based on their potential
- Operational Agencies: MoEFCC, State, and Central Governments.

Other Relevant Policies and Acts:

1. National Water Policy, 2012: Provides guidelines for sustainable planning, management,
and use of water resources, considering environmental sustainability and climate change

2. Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and

Resettlement Act, 2013: Addresses concerns of land owners, facilitates timely land
acquisition, and ensures comprehensive rehabilitation and resettlement packages.

The legal and administrative framework aims to balance development needs with
environmental protection and sustainable resource management. The Kotha Barrage Major
Irrigation Project must comply with these laws and policies, particularly those related to
environmental impact assessment, pollution control, forest and wildlife conservation, and
land acquisition and rehabilitation.

Baseline Conditions:
As a precursor for the prediction of various types of environmental impacts likely to arise due to
the implementation of this project, it is essential to establish the baseline environmental status of
the physicochemical, biological, and socio-economic parameters in the project area and within
the project influence area.
The information on relevant environmental parameters has been collected through primary and
secondary sources in order to understand the present environmental setting of the proposed
project site. The major purpose of describing the environmental settings of the study area is:
1. To understand the project, need and environmental characteristics of the area.

2. To assess the existing environmental quality, as well as the environmental impacts of the
future developments being studied
3. To identify environmentally significant factors or geographical areas that could preclude
any future development.
Study Area
For EIA study of the proposed project, following study areas have been considered:
1. Catchment area up to the barrage site.
2. Submergence area.
3. Project area or the direct impact area within 10 Km of the main project components
(barrage, canals etc.

Study area map comprising direct impact area which includes complete submergence area,
catchment area covered under 10 km radius from the barrage axis, and the canal system with
command area is shown in Figure 3.1

Methodology of Conducting Baseline Strategy

The guiding factors for the present baseline study are the Ministry of Environment, Forests &
Climate Change’s (MoEF&CC) requirements for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
notification and local regulations and directives. Further, a bu er area extending up to 10 km radius
from the site has also been studied, though with a lesser degree of detail. The studies were
conducted by considering the following:
1. The various environmental attributes were divided into primary and secondary studies. Primary
attributes such as air environment, water, soil, noise, flora and fauna, and Socio- economic
were assessed by conducting field studies, on-site monitoring and review of the past studies
2. Baseline data on environmental attributes (Air, Noise, Water, Soil and) have been collected for
3 seasons (post monsoon, pre-monsoon and monsoon) in the study area. Three season data

has been collected by the EIA Consultant by engaging Ultra Testing & Research Laboratory,
Noida (a NABL accredited laboratory).
3. Secondary attributes such as land use studies, geology, physiological characteristics, and
socioeconomic environment have been assessed by literature review of previous studies
conducted by various government publications.
4. An interdisciplinary team through discussions, criteria questions and professional judgement
formulated the scoping and the extent of data generation. The baseline studies started with site
visits and reconnaissance survey in the study area for fixing the monitoring locations for the
primary data. As a secondary data review, various Government agencies were approached for
procuring information and relevant data of the area.

Physio – Chemical Environment

The District Vidisha lies o the Vindhyachal Range, on the Vindhyachal pleateau with several
spures towards North and North east. The city of vidisha lies mainly in the valley of the Betwa River
which flows from South to North and the Valley is bordered by the Garhi – Teonda Range in the East
and Ganiari – Raghogarh Range in the west. These ranges extend from South to North and form a
part of the ranges of vindhyachal on the malwa plateau.
Kotha Barrage is on the junction of Upper & Medium Betwa sub-basin. This part of basin consists
of the Vindhyan ranges running east-west in the upper reaches with around 500m or above
elevation and the Malwa plateau in the middle and lower reaches consisting of scrap lands, barren
lands and cultivated lands.

Three major physiographic divisions of the Vidisha District are:
 Malwa plateau
 Vindhyachal hill range
 Alluvium plain
The district is formed by the valleys of major rivers like Betwa basin and Sindh River. Most part of
the district, measuring about more than 80% is located in the Betwa River basin, which is drained
by its tributary like Bah nadi, Nion River, Keother nadi, Bina River and Kethan nadi. The presence of
elevated ground on all the sub basin marks the surface water divides. The interior area of the basin
is marked by undulating topography with elevated plains with very few low altitude isolated hills.

Vidisha district extends between Latitude 23 021' and 240 22' North and Longitude 770 15' 30" and
780 18' East. The District is situated in Eastern part of the fertile Malwa Region. The Tropic of
Cancer passes through the Southern stretch of the District about 2 km South of the District Head
Quarters. It is bounded in the North by Guna District in the South by Raisen District and in the East
by Sagar District. Vidisha is a district of Madhya Pradesh state in central India. The historic town of
Vidisha is administrative headquarters of the district. The district has an area 8,153 km².
Land Use and Land Cover of Study Area
Land use pattern has a significant influence on the quality and quantity of runo available
for a project. It plays an important role in determining the various hydrological phenomena
like Infiltration rate, overland flow, evaporation and interception. The existing and post
construction land use pattern of study area is enumerated in Table 3.4. The existing
predominant land use class is agriculture land (88.14%) followed by scrub (2.96%), dense
forest (2.60%), settlement (2.55%) open forest (2.33%) and waterbody (1.42%). After
construction of project due to formation of reservoir and its filling the riverine condition shall
change to lacustrine condition and there shall be increase in waterbody land use while there
shall be decrease in land use class of agriculture and barren land category of land use and
land cover.

Soil Characteristics
Soil fertility is an important aspect of the soil-plant relationship. Fertility status of the soils
is primarily and importantly dependent upon both the macro and micronutrient reserve of
the soil. Continued removal of nutrients by crops, with little or no replacement will increase
the nutrient stress in plants and ultimately lowers the productivity. The fertility status of soil
mainly depends upon the nature of vegetation, climate and topography, texture
&decomposition rate of organic matter in the soil. Optimum productivity of any cropping
systems depends upon adequate supply of plant nutrients.
The fertility of soil depends on the concentration of N, P, K, organic and inorganic materials
and water. Nitrogen is required for growth of plant and is a constituent of chlorophyll, plant
protein, and nucleic acids. Phosphorus is most often limiting nutrients remains present in
plant cell nuclei and act as energy storage. It helps in transfer of energy. Potassium is found
in its mineral form and a ect plant cell division, carbohydrate formation, translocation of
sugar, various enzyme actions and resistance to certain plant disease, over 60 enzymes are
known to require potassium for activation.

Soil Monitoring
For studying soil quality of the study area and with a view to ascertain the impacts due to
construction activities on the nearby agriculture land and due to application of water on the
soil of command area, eight sampling locations, representing various land use conditions,
were selected to assess the existing soil conditions in and around the project area of impact
area. The samples have been collected from the depth of 5cm to 15cm and representative
samples prepared by thoroughly mixing. The homogenized samples were analyzed for
physico chemical characteristics.

Water Environment And Hydrology

Basin Characteristics
Betwa river originates in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh near Barkhera village south-
west of Bhopal at an elevation of about 576 metres above mean sea level. The Betwa river is
also an interstate river betweenthe two states viz. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. It
flows in a northeasterly direction through Madhya Pradesh and enters into Uttar Pradesh
near village Bangawan of Jhansi district. The total length of the river from its origin to
confluence with the Yamuna is 590 km, out of which 232 km lies in Madhya Pradesh and the
balance 358 km in Uttar Pradesh. The river joins the Yamuna near Hamirpur in Uttar Pradesh
at an elevation of about 106 m. The river basin lies between the latitudes of 22 o54' N and
26o00' N and the longitudes of 77o10' E and 80o20' E. The total catchment area of the basin
is 43895 sqkm, out of which 30217 sqkm lies in Madhya Pradesh and the remaining 13678
sqkm lies in Uttar Pradesh

Drainage Pattern
Drainage is the single most entity, which defines the network antecedent river. The drainage
pattern of the study area exhibits dendritic pattern as shown in Figure 3.13. The drainage
pattern of the area may be classified into following classes.
The majority of the area possesses a dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage containing irregular
branching of the smaller tributaries. The closeness of these small branches is depending on
the permeability of the underlying rocks and the amount and nature of precipitation. It is the
most common drainage pattern of hillside slopes of the study area. The sub-parallel

drainage pattern comprises a series of streams which run approximately parallel to each
other. They are evolved in areas of uniformly dipping rocks

Design Flood
The design flood for the project is adopted as per the criteria laid down in IS 11223-1985. As
per the IS code, dam comes under the category of ‘Medium Dam’ because its height is less
than 30m.Therefore, its design flood would be Standard Project Flood (SPF). The peak value
of flood hydrograph is 22486 cumec, which is adopted as the design flood for this project,
which is also used to design the spillway for the safety of the dam. Design floods for di erent
return periods computed using the Gumbel distribution method are shown in Table 3.28.

Biological Environment

Forest Cover
Madhya Pradesh is located in the central part of the country is one of the major biologically
diverse state in India. It has a geographical area of 308,245 Km2. A large portion of its
geographical area comes under forest and tree cover which is very rich in biodiversity. As per
SFR 2017 report, the total forest and tree cover in Madhya Pradesh is 77,414 sq km, which is
almost 25.11 % of its geographical area. The total forest and tree cover in Madhya Pradesh is

85,487 sq km which constitutes around 10.66% of India’s Forest and Tree cover (SFR, 2017).
The per capita forest and tree cover in the state is 0.12 ha.

Forest Types
The present project (Kotha Barrage) area lies in Vidisha District of M.P. The proposed barrage
site is located on Betwa River near the village Kotha in the Tehsil Basoda of Vidisha districts
of Madhya Pradesh. The district Vidisha accounts for a geographical area of 7,371 km2
having 803 km2 forest cover which is about 10.89 % of the district’s geographical area. Most
of the forest area exists in the district comes under open forest (454 km2 ) category followed
by moderately dense forest category (348 km2 ) and there is only 01 km2 dense forest area
occurs in the district. (Indian State of Forest Report 2017) The baseline ecological surveys
were carried out, based on various secondary sources (Forest Department Data, Scientific
Studies etc.) and has been further validated through various primary surveys, and
interviewing local people. The studies were carried out in two zones: the core zone [Activity
Area of the project] and bu er zone [10 km surrounding the core zone]. The activity area
under this project is a River courses, Riparian area, and Agricultural fields to be drowned or
acquired for project activities. The bu er zone of the project area comprised with human
settlements, agriculture blocks (including command area), roads, roadside/commercial
plantations, scrub lands etc. The biodiversity present in the bu er area of the project is in
the form of scrub/degraded land biodiversity, agro-biodiversity, urban vegetation (natural,
planted & cultured), and aquatic life in Betwa and Keotan rivers.

Agricultural Practices and Horticulture

The important Kharif crops in the project area are sorghum, soyabean and corn. In Rabi, the
commonly grown crops are wheat, mustard, peas, pigeon peas, chick pea etc. Horticultural
crops include Mango, Papaya, Guava, Jamun, Grape and Banana along with vegetables

Identification of Impacts
Baseline data collection covers various aspects such as the land environment (including
1359 hectares of submergence area), water resources, water quality, terrestrial ecology,
aquatic ecology, ambient air quality, ambient noise levels, and socio-economic factors. This
data aims to predict potential e ects before implementation.

1. Quantifying Impacts:
Impacts are assessed based on factors like their nature (positive/negative), reversibility,
duration (short-term/long-term), and significance. For instance, during construction,
approximately 400 workers may congregate in the project area, necessitating
infrastructure for accommodation, sewage disposal, and fuel arrangements.

2. Location-based Impacts:
Impacts due to the project's location include displacement of people (27 villages
partially impacted, 638 project-a ected families), loss of land (681 hectares of
agricultural land), and geological risks (seismic zone II).

3. Land Environment Impacts and Mitigation:

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation
Project in Madhya Pradesh identifies several key impacts on the land environment.
Firstly, it anticipates changes in land use, with agriculture and barren land transforming
into permanent water bodies due to submergence. This will a ect approximately 500
hectares of land, with 300 hectares transitioning into water bodies.

4. Water Environment Impacts and Mitigation:

Impacts encompass changes in surface and groundwater quality, necessitating
measures for monitoring and control. The project is expected to contribute to
groundwater recharge, with an estimated annual recharge of 9.71 million cubic meters
(MCM) from reservoir storage and field application.
The labor colonies are expected to house approximately 30 laborers with families and 90
individuals in bachelor accommodations during peak construction, totaling a population
of 200 individuals. The domestic water requirement for this population is estimated at 20
cubic meters per day, generating about 16 cubic meters of sewage daily with a
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) load of approximately 237.5 mg/liter. Untreated
sewage disposal poses a risk of water pollution, leading to increased coliforms and
pathogens, necessitating appropriate sewage treatment facilities and adherence to laid
down standards for e luent discharge.

5. Impact on Air Environment:

Excavation activities, including drilling, blasting, and material handling, are significant
sources of air pollution at the project site. Dust emissions from these activities are
influenced by factors such as excavation rates, transportation methods, and wind
conditions. The USEPA-approved equations and Lakes Environmental Aermod View
software were utilized for air dispersion modeling, predicting maximum ground-level
concentrations (GLCs) of particulate matter (PM10).
To control air pollution during mining activities, mitigation measures include water
spraying to suppress dust generation, wet drilling methods, provision of dust masks to
workers, regular machinery maintenance, speed control for vehicles, avoidance of
overloading trucks/dumpers, and installation of air mist spray systems at stone crushers.
These measures aim to ensure compliance with prescribed air quality standards and
minimize environmental impact during project implementation.

6. E ects on Soil Materials, Vegetation, and Human Health:
Excavation activities contribute to land degradation and the release of fugitive dust
particles, particularly during transportation on unpaved roads. These particles can
interfere with photosynthesis and physiological functions of vegetation, potentially
reducing ecological and economic productivity. However, due to the localized nature of
fugitive dust deposition and low ground-level concentrations (GLC) observed from dust
dispersion modeling (e.g., 14.14 μg/m3), significant impacts are not anticipated. Oxides
of Nitrogen (NOx) can form Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), which poses health risks, especially
to individuals with respiratory illnesses. Although air quality modeling indicates slight
increases in NOx GLC, these levels are insignificant (e.g., 0.13 μg/m3 up to 25m),
mitigating adverse health e ects.

7. Impacts of Emissions from DG Sets used for Power during Construction:

Construction power requirements, estimated at 200KW, may necessitate the use of
diesel generator sets (DG sets) during grid failure or load shedding. Emissions from DG
sets, including Carbon Monoxide (CO), NOx, Hydrocarbons (HC), and particulate matter,
must comply with emission norms outlined by the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB). These norms specify emission limits based on electricity generation and have
been revised periodically to mitigate environmental impact. Measures such as proper
location, stack height compliance, and adherence to emission norms are recommended
to minimize pollution.

8. Pollution Due to Fuel Combustion in Equipment and Vehicles:

Increased tra ic load and vehicle emissions contribute to pollution, with emission rates
varying by vehicle type. California Line Source Dispersion Model (Caline 4 ver.2.1) was
utilized to assess PM10 and NOx emission loads from transportation activities, indicating
minimal impact on pollutant levels (e.g., PM10 GLC reduced to 1.3 μg/m3 at 500m).
Control measures such as proper vehicle maintenance, adherence to emission norms,
and tra ic regulation enforcement are proposed to mitigate pollution.

9. Fugitive Emissions from Various Sources:

Excavation activities produce primary and secondary dust sources, impacting air quality,
particularly due to drilling, blasting, and material handling operations. Mitigation
measures focus on dust suppression and containment to minimize fugitive emissions.
However, exhaust emissions from vehicles may contribute insignificantly to SO2, NOx,
and CO levels, necessitating proper emission control measures.

10. Impact on Biological Environment:

Flora Impact:
The study indicates that within the submergence and influence zones, no tree species,
shrubs, herbs, climbers, or grass species are classified as vulnerable or endangered.

Interestingly, the vegetation composition in the submergence zone mirrors that of the
influence zone, suggesting no significant habitat loss. The project anticipates transforming
riverine regimes into lacustrine environments due to dam construction. Post-construction,
floral abundance is expected to increase substantially, facilitated by catchment area
treatment, reservoir rim treatment, green belt establishment, restoration, and landscaping
e orts. Notably, no forest land will be submerged by the project.

Fauna Impact:
Concerning fauna, the project's construction is unlikely to significantly disturb major
habitats, with sparse human habitation and minimal project-related activities in the vicinity.
The presence of niche birds and other faunal species is expected to persist. Butterflies,
favored by habitat with more flowering species and moist conditions, are projected to benefit
from increased humidity and green belt development. During construction, temporary stress
on wildlife due to noise and human interference is predicted, along with potential increases
in poaching threats. However, the operational phase may o er improved habitats for various
fauna, particularly water birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians.

11. Impact on Socio-Economic Aspects:

During peak construction activity, an estimated labor force of around 400 individuals,
comprising skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers, will be engaged in the project area.
Approximately 70% of this workforce is expected to be local, while 120 individuals will
migrate from other parts of the district or adjacent districts. This influx may cause slight
demographic changes during the construction phase. Temporary labor camps will be
established with facilities including LPG and safe drinking water to prevent potential
conflicts over natural resource usage between migrated labor and locals.

Impact of Blasting:
Blasting activities associated with construction pose risks to nearby communities, including
ground vibrations, air overpressure, and noise pollution. These impacts may a ect both
terrestrial and avian fauna. Precautionary measures will be taken to minimize disturbances
to wildlife habitats and mitigate noise pollution e ects on sensitive fauna populations.

Impact Matrix Analysis:

 During the construction phase, the total score of the impact matrix is -38, with 90
points attributed to negative impacts and 52 points to positive impacts. This indicates
a predominance of negative impacts during the construction phase.
 However, during the operational phase, the total score shifts to +21, with negative
impacts scoring 18 points and positive impacts scoring 39 points. This suggests a
reversal of the trend, with positive impacts outweighing negative impacts during the
operational phase of the project.

Environmental Monitoring Plan:

The Environmental Monitoring Plan outlined in the Environmental Impact Assessment for the
Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation Project meticulously defines the strategies for continual
monitoring of environmental parameters throughout the project's construction and
operation phases. This plan is crucial for ensuring that the project complies with
environmental standards and e ectively implements mitigation measures.

Environmental Monitoring Strategy

The plan focuses on monitoring air, water, and noise quality, which are expected to
experience the most significant changes due to project activities. For air quality, monitoring
stations will track pollutants like SO2, NOx, and PM10 at critical locations around the project
area, ensuring that levels remain within safe limits. Special attention is given to managing
dust during construction through controlled blasting and use of water sprinklers. A budget
of Rs. 9.00 lakh is allocated for air quality monitoring over various phases.

Water quality monitoring is extensive, given the project’s significant interactions with local
water bodies. The monitoring includes assessing levels of suspended solids, organic matter,
pathogens, nutrients, and dissolved inorganic solids. The water quality standards are guided
by national guidelines, and detailed tables in the EIA document specify the permissible
limits for various pollutants. Protective measures to manage potential contaminants from
construction runo and labor activities are planned, with a proposed budget of Rs. 7.20 lakh
for water quality monitoring.

Monitoring Implementation

The monitoring activities will be implemented by reputable agencies, possibly including the
M.P. Pollution Control Board or other MOEFapproved agencies. The financial implications for
the monitoring activities are thoroughly detailed, ensuring accountability and adherence to
environmental management commitments.

Community and Ecosystem Monitoring

In addition to the environmental factors, the plan addresses socioeconomic impacts and
ecosystem health. This includes monitoring changes in community health and biodiversity,
ensuring that the project does not adversely a ect local communities or ecological

The Environmental Monitoring Plan is designed to ensure that all potential environmental
impacts of the Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation Project are e ectively managed and mitigated,

supporting sustainable development objectives while minimizing adverse e ects on the
environment and local communities.

Analysis of Alternatives:
The report summarizes the analysis of alternatives for the canal system design of an
irrigation project.

Key Considerations:
 Geological conditions of rocks
 Elevation di erence between the command area (irrigated land) and the reservoir
water level (TSL)
 Minimizing head loss in the canal system for a gravityfed pipe canal system

Alternatives Evaluated:
Original Proposal (4m Barrage):
 4meter high barrage with storage within a gorge section of the river.
 Irrigation water lifted from the barrage pond (no canal system proposed).
Present Proposal (16.5m Barrage):
o Increased barrage height to 16.5 meters based on Central Water Commission
(CWC) recommendations.
o Larger reservoir storage due to the increased water level.
o Two main pressurized pipes (telescopic) on the left and right banks (11.5 km
and 8.5 km long, respectively) to irrigate an area of approximately 20,000
The report doesn't explicitly state a decision, but the information provided suggests a
preference for the present proposal (16.5m barrage with pressurized pipes) due to:
o Increased storage capacity.
o Ability to irrigate a larger area (20,000 hectares) through a canal system.
Next Steps:
 Detailed surface investigations at alternative sites are recommended during the
investigation and planning stage, and during the preparation of the Detailed Project
Report (DPR).
 A final decision on the optimal canal system design will likely be based on a cost
benefit analysis considering factors like construction costs, operation and
maintenance requirements, and irrigation e iciency.


Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation (AME) strategy to ensure that all environmental
impacts are e ectively managed and mitigated.

1. Assessment Phase
 Baseline Data Collection: Initially, comprehensive baseline data on environmental
parameters such as water quality, air quality, noise levels, and biodiversity are
collected to understand the preproject conditions.
 Impact Prediction: Using predictive models and comparison with baseline
conditions, potential impacts of the project during construction and operation
phases are estimated. This includes both direct impacts, like pollution, and indirect
impacts, such as changes in land use and socioeconomic factors.

2. Monitoring Phase
 Regular Monitoring: The project entails continuous monitoring of key environmental
parameters. This includes the quality of air, water, and soil, as well as the health of
local ecosystems and community health aspects.
 Specific parameters monitored include pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates,
and heavy metals in water; particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in
air; and noise decibel levels around the project area.
 Technology Utilization: Advanced technologies such as remote sensing are
employed for realtime monitoring and to track the progress of mitigation measures
like a orestation and erosion control.

3. Evaluation Phase
 E ectiveness of Mitigation Measures: The evaluation focuses on the e ectiveness of
implemented mitigation strategies. This is achieved through comparing monitored
data with both the baseline conditions and regulatory standards.
 Adaptive Management: Based on evaluation outcomes, adaptive management
practices are applied. This means that if certain mitigation measures are found
lacking, adjustments are made in realtime to enhance their e ectiveness.

4. Documentation and Reporting

 Regular Reporting: Findings from monitoring activities are documented in detailed
reports submitted periodically to the environmental authorities. These reports
include data analysis, interpretation of trends, and recommendations for future
 Stakeholder Engagement: Results are also shared with stakeholders, including local
communities and environmental groups, to maintain transparency and involve them
in decision making processes.

5. PostProject Monitoring
 Longterm Impact Studies: After the project's completion, longterm monitoring
continues to assess residual impacts and the success of rehabilitation and
restoration e orts.
 Sustainability Assessments: Longterm environmental sustainability of the project is
evaluated to ensure that the environmental quality is maintained or enhanced over


 The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Kotha Barrage Major Irrigation
Project provides a comprehensive set of recommendations and an action plan
designed to mitigate potential negative impacts while enhancing the project's
positive outcomes.

1. Catchment Area Treatment Plan (CAT)

 Objective: To rejuvenate various potential and degraded ecosystems in the
catchment area for the longevity of the reservoir's storage capacity.
 Actions: The plan includes soil conservation through biological and engineering
measures, prevention of gully erosion, and enhancement of the forest cover to
increase soil holding capacity and arrest total sediment flow into the reservoir .

2. Community Engagement and Development

 Infrastructure Development: The plan recommends the construction of
infrastructure for drinking water, sanitation, health, education, and electrification,
including the use of solar power. These developments are aimed at improving the
quality of life for the local communities directly a ected by the project .
 Human Resource Development: Training programs will be implemented for the
projecta ected families, including vocational training in tailoring, knitting, and
computer courses, to enhance employment opportunities within and outside the
project area .

3. Environmental Monitoring and Management

 Continuous Monitoring: Implementation of a detailed monitoring plan for air, water,
and soil quality to ensure compliance with environmental standards and to assess
the e ectiveness of the mitigation measures implemented.
 Adaptive Management: The EIA emphasizes the need for an adaptive management
approach, allowing for modifications in management practices based on
monitoring data to better address any unforeseen environmental impacts .

4. Emergency Preparedness and Response
 Dam Safety and Maintenance Manual: A manual will be prepared, focusing on
safety inspections, routine maintenance, and emergency repair work. This includes
identifying necessary materials and equipment for emergency situations.
 Emergency Action Plan (EAP): The EAP includes procedures for potential dam
failures, delineating roles and responsibilities, and establishing communication
and warning systems to ensure swift response in emergency situations .

5. Sustainability and Longterm Impact Mitigation

 Sustainable Practices: Recommendations for sustainable water management and
agricultural practices to ensure longterm benefits from the project.
 Restoration and Rehabilitation: Plans for ecological restoration and rehabilitation
of areas disturbed during construction, including a orestation and biodiversity
conservation initiatives .

6. Command Area Development Plan

 The proposed command of this barrage is situated on the left and right bank of river
Betwa. On right bank, the command boundary is made by Bina river and the district
boundary of Sagar whereas on left flank, command area is confined to Naren river
on upstream side and Kaithan river. The proposed command area is covered under
79 villages in tehsil Kurwai and Basoda of district Vidisha.

7. Wildlife And Biodiversity Management Plan

 Objective: This plan envisages wildlife management and the conservation of

biodiversity and sustenance of livelihood as long-term goals. A plan for conserving
the biodiversity of the area, ecological rehabilitation of the tract by pasture
development and enrichment, a orestation and land stabilization measures,
improving water regime, control of illicit poaching are some of the steps to protect
and conserve the biodiversity of the area.

8. Green Belt Development Plan

 Green belt around the reservoir would be created to avoid erosion of soil and
prevention of land slips from the banks surrounding the pond. Most of the area near
proposed reservoir of the Project is under cultivation. The green belt will start from
the immediate vicinity of the reservoir rim on both the banks, where moderate slopes
are available for plantation. The average width of the green belt will be around 10 m
varying depending upon the physiographic and land features.


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