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Sl. Topic Page No. Date Sign. /

No. Remarks
1 Create an HTML document with the 1-2 25/08/23
following formatting options:
1. Bold
2. Italics
3. Underline
4. Headings(Using H1 to H6
leading styles)
5. Font(Type,size and color)
6. Background(Coloured
background/Image in
7. Paragraph
8. Line Break
9. Horizontal Rule
10.Pre tag
2 Create an HTML document which 3-4 26/08/23
implements internal linking as well
as External linking.
3 Create a table using HTML which 5 26/08/23
consists of columns for Roll No.,
Student’s name and grade.
4 Create a table with the given view. 6-7 27/08/23

5 Create an HTML document which 8-9 27/08/23

consists of
1. Ordered List
2. Unordered List
3. Nested List
4. Image
6 Create a form using HTML which has 10-11 27/08/23
the following types of controls:
1. Text box
2. Option/radio buttons
3. Check boxes
4. Reset and submit buttons
7 Create HTML documents (having 12-13 29/08/23
multiple frames) in the given format.

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