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oe P% P. vammi UNIT— } Ulkat fs qava7 2 Jaa Feo beh te vondlrg language > Crested by Games cert by sun miowosystern (1991) @ > mM &a bbject oriented Propormming lavquoue. > T4 do vorite 4 Popem on mule | Operatt tem, “I nee > BF suns on aidNerent — pladform eee > SA fs abo aatled’ Worn’, - 7 WoRA 3 torte once Pun finyeoheve. > Belore Java weave uh G, crac. > Jova fs a get t Jeacturel t trot Java Supports both Standlone Appitcotbas 1 A Stardlone APPIttatfon Dat. runn th browtey fe One that Can be aovddon't. need +o be | emecetect frdepodentty Angoullect | aid would emecute \ ind fa produce or 7 a Be Riedie _ovfented Peporomtsg lryueqeric 4 Gructered priented proproming Lonquge) . x D4 TS bovicilly Constr 4 Ub Q tastuatins, THs Insbucttons groepsore Called as, dunetons, UU r # Characdes dl POP > ath ' a Canqe prepara are dfvided inte FumctHory > Mots funetbat Shave global daha, > Pata rom one firm fo another dorm. > De follows Tep-doum appwash. ~) Bata move orenly fromm functors, do functors, Draw back ‘d pop. ‘ vt * OER thge proqines tt fs very aff f Edewttey ponte sfunetons teal dota, a TY doex not medel doy Yeal worlel problems. a Object - ovtented Pesramnig b Coop's) 5 Every prog fo Afufetedd Pato coda ard cfunediong > Memon Pree & created, for data 4 -Runetbne ' | > Pata ancl functors canbe worked whith dhe vele J olject. » ’ . ” > Pata movet dim one dunchbn to other 'ulth thé hele sf obfect . ‘ , 7 (D> Bata tHoblen & one ooply, Oop's Conce pie ¥ e be wg D clays enttres set d} date ay Code qe an, ahiea > Used dedined agate > Dt create: Nowak, obleats sbevaoe am! orn Clan Bidlrg or wrapping Code and data tyrasschey 1 1 togeiney Into a Single unit, 7 i 2) Inhalants when one object acquva ait the, properitte and behavfous ef 2 Paveut objed fy fs Kooun aS Inherflance. 5) Abstraction Heling Préemad detail ‘and shoushag Modular, Seateable ,enten sthle, reusable * and ‘Mofndalnante > BM medelg the Complen prbtem ina stmple structive, > Cole Can be vetted, > Debugging fs ceuy, Limitations cops + 4 Req estat Intensive renting Poceve. 7 ot tuilteble dor small problem, > Makes move fire to solve problem, OO ——————— Apeitatbns Gf oops': ¥ Computer avaphies applitabby) ‘ Object - orlented data kate , User. intevdace dlaign such as Laindous No Beale time — Sycters. vo UAT gyatem ¥ CAD) CAM Sumter glo * obtte automata Spt ern, Feacsture ¢ / Rure wtords + \. Girnple + fava very cary lo léarq. dyatart Mk stim ple. 2. object: ovfentedt 5 Jour f object - orventeal language everything fh java fy on object . "3. Popiable © java fk a portable antaie. , fh. Platform Independent 1- fava f platton fndepenctertt bs 5. Secuvecl 6. Roburtt TL. architecture neudral > Tre & no fmplementaditn olepended BZ. Interpeted Dor Source cole eorpited fate = Bray Che a sigh Pev4oymance . ‘to. Mublithreaded . sear yo 2p NW. OPstePputed,. », fare Ides HaboM 2. Oynamfe ghuctéd|" “oviented Pog Okject- Oented Prog pin thf, -the program fs atulded try small Part, Coiled fun cidns. 24 Follows top-down approach! IN this, , the Proprarn fy tivded into small part. called. Object. | > By follows betom- ur. > Has accor gpecifers like Prvadle, public, protected told Déetting new funeionsd ctta cet ay; 3 Hee Provided ada iniddle > over leading ts poxle. > Rajed on real word. © DS Vberthe Concect ot Data abstractin, 3} Code re usability % prees 2 NO Acces Spectfey “5 Adding new functibne 4 dota not cour, Not having prwpev iach Satta » overloading te not ponte 4 Based on the unveabuorld. > Uses-the Concept & procedu’ HTal @p abstrostbn > Code Seusabillty fy absent eel ¢ ete. @u > Gta) Python, Java ere, a soa } youn # fava fs Created by jamet apitieg by sun micio system im taat, Ayers and couromunter vd rpemage 4 method J simplify the fas euiteg video, Way f Ea 1 someat due verpostht| ier , Owe yespons (bilities 23 Covering the Concept, menages 4 Methods | Responsinitider > peti KK fntiladed {4 opp 's by the transmition Ta menage +0 an acpant+ : Din vewponse to a meviage, the vece'vev ull Perform Some method to sadtty the vequey ¥ Claes anc In stances, |? Ol objec ave Cason cer SE 4 Cte. Clamka 3 state.” ‘Instances 9 A yrarnlé 7 / > All objects Ragqhen claw wmethe same meth {e veponve’ 40) shmiby mereliye RX Clar tHevarch(e tnhevtante - , ebleet en objest has allehawvauier | | [evevartey] | fe wane] (Corsonanr] , ! ¥ Yaa shor Mtoe 38 TKD Tava mevelopement Kit TRE D Tava luntime Laubonment. TM java ultual machhe, | is : is Command tine ar uments . i ' meet nat bon abet. 2 Tt fe on fnfornedion thod Atty all cthe Prog, name, on he!” Cominard tine ulen, we axa . evecuter. enh Fae Public Clow Command Une Prog oe tana] apntes! Public, static, vold. malin (Steg avgs{1) ‘ dortiat Fre Ce aretebemphs fea) V0 OF Les elt aeah (etat 2% avangs of3)5 cava) 5 at \ €oramand Uneg. Jova gon? © a fava ¢ Corerand Line Pj avr el java Commaratinetg Welcome To java ad ongsfo \telcome - arg iL. 7 ows 29 L pe eM: [teva virtual: machine] tp ‘Sum = Mac Sounte —>CComphie?) sy ps mpecite hw vies (yan ) Gavaey ei lows file) S$ quin —Lat 3 H _tonverts Souree fode +o Byte Cede by who j compiler. VVM Arehitecduve!- Claw loacler # Clorteoder> 3 veade .clandie aGove byte codedo melted, # method Mens TH holds clas tevel fafo q each claw tle # Flap ef apart J pena memory In this cbjecttare allocated #statk > Wed dor Sdon! eroporny varlables .. v pevenfstey 5s 4 Keer wlafeh iistruehbr hat been enceuled 4 which one & _qoiry to be enecuted, | q patite mesrod) 5 SE Can seembaceet yundime claba aveot, a ose San # tow do Create Object ig t _ > Clawname objname = new! clay netne()5 | | Static members p> } a> rm bs atcened boy wrth @ tay name, Methed) overriding tp [Mun have tnheriance], —_——__ = Overlding mest ctedinhe a method wh subdan by Uting Same atqratuve/ name q the gama, mecthet fh Super ctan. €*F elas one 5 , Publi vold Aino ¢ y 4 S.0.e CTam rom one clan") ; wy Ht < OY % clan Teo entends one, i Public old afiplaye) S06. U' San dom Gwe lan"): My e i | ay acre Stasic, Notd rail Catling args), un 4 = new two); . * 4 dlfiplay oO z ‘ 4° , shiv) eo) Method Overloaating [-Fome same Method name. but lift . pavanetat) * up Te HS ome F the wait trad java_fmpler ices hss poly mov phism | | ip wihen a Clay has 2 or move metiody by the dame name but Aterent pavametevs i Sgr publle nev clay everloaden t O/P i eee ‘ [loa 20” BY Publtc Vold sum inta, ints) leet = Uo q Isto age S.o.P (atb)s a 2s) Public veld sumcfata,intb, tate) 4 $0. PC Ad BACY, 43 eyed PSV M Catena, avg sea) weg Overload ex Oe: new ovectoadert)s Ge Sum (ia, Soy, Oe, Sur (51,2 4) > 5 ( ad-hoc poly morp shin 79 algo calted? OS overloactiy) , % over loachia: overviding. DHA BK performed cobthtn aclels] 37.5% Performed blur 2 clawes \ that have nhevtante velatbo 2) gnats Mure be alfhtevent DMA am Kh OGSlgeA ETE ten u) Sued to 4 eatin’ (fay 2) stqnecuve mui be abt Same BD) En df Runtime pdynorphiom 14) B (Reed +o provite uexe dentioke must declave constructor None wttn only clan name, > Trani, we can evedte mute constritors | © | with the fame name but didfererd | Pavamerer, Erl- Clots Employee i int fd 5 string name; fot age} Employee Cintn, stxfagn ) idens name>, g Employee Circivt, stg 91, foty) td =n; name =n) . Ye age . 4 a ' tl i ) partie clispiay oO sor Cid Wh std) 5 * s.00P CO" nawe ti" name) SoC" age 4 age), Be asian % | Ps Vea (tte orart) | i Employee e, = MEW employee C insu, * uithove” ); be (aa, shan gg yer i o, ‘ | thts play 03 2, dhahy 0’, 3 3 prmPafve Alon — primnrtve Uprededined) Coser ctedihad) | a \ Numedc — Non-Numerfe | Claw any Snterkace, + Chavaetey Boolean objet chay 4 " ° Beoleoen sm j | the thot Bye tong tort clouble Booleon— | tagbe bit thay — Ab byte | Tepe Short - Loyte ima — YbYyLe lonq = bytes Moor = aryte: i -) arta Fo'a atmilay type dt det colteotiby name, > aw hoa Collect st homogentiouy Clerierty DV An aevas 18 a Condatner object Had hadls a Fined Hof vabins of 4, thle dqre. | | | | | { * ae 1 { collectto homogentouy elem AnOUAT tate 4 bree hei rs sue ing 1 . | ee@Or t = “toe : e— lenqin a Sab he C1 array name 5 i 4 ® Variables t- : ; Tor T Sneha aaa et __| Sretance S4aHe —~.4 ai Eo je 7 4 j peeve Recaay ome allotadecst only once wottnty, . | mane rineclak 9 Pealayah evre State (veg torms ; © direct * Accening & |S Dfveesty atten, = .. ! Accas dene ‘ Boi | objecs a fni- ee Clans Nevlable 3 f sie., tee gale Pate = Ber aisle the claw OO IRE ee 10; — Brstance | variable outlde he metal) es ve (sty aeqs't3) } { Jetugh A ip nt | Gat FERSp— local Varleles ingiche she methow, | s.0.e (0%, Sa on siooet soP Cb)S — . | § Ges varlale v= new varlelé! ‘Ot monks gS OPCvayy —w, . pa fF i, Yo Dpratlts 4 ave $— ine peo Le Arp themedtte opevactos 3 Mech madtend ‘opevastovs coe | 3. Relational operadors used make orn poribn ee , ss) 3. Logical opevodow > Cad, t, Ve aL uy Aslgnment opevetors.-s: eps angry, vine 40 val ' €: Tneremem/.pecrement op evatol . 4, — i- ’ ‘ \G. Conditfonal operators 9, $9 Conditions 1. Biture operator 3 +4 ,A , 0, <%,>d5 999, aa_— # Supverfons Sf Java ' Combinadtion dt Operates Constant, 4 variables, BR FOS On stot ir, a) \Othoe Pedte exp: anteyy faregey value: ot Renplerret’s which Pedute ea “Ajenshy va or - Exprenbo i on = tre Unkle brit eres aie odie abut Add Comibne 20% : move velattoral enpressibvit ond Preducé true or falre reiubir, * Cortrol Statements’ / Corto) Strucctuvet > set_gf_frstmertin fe called prozram. > To handle ome statements’ ustll follow some Comhol, > Flow Sf Wwrhols ave Called) Condi! statements, y Branching looptn: pene Statementy Chetements. chatty fy 1 break i chedernens vote a8 ‘hese dowhile Tare Sutter Conalttional doy eto Operate “ , fe 4 : i ‘ eer ad Tavr ' [ & vy ‘ 4 my cy ction do Caan classe Clas fa collectbm J objects ard it oars ake any spate On riemory claw Fs alto Cattle blue pri. Clay pre-define User-dlefte « Lac (7 Gelan whleh {6 eretedt by conney “ rev), = Console { ) Cc Systema stig ~ # Methods | 4 method 1c ablocle code whieh only YER when fe fy Cortech, * oy herelttng ‘ Sing Collect | Chavaaten, Wy Jax stg AK an object tak vepreseusy Sequence g Chavacter, ¥ Java lang. Sting & Used to cyesde ating objet, Seta ett, @ brarnt()-> vedteme chavousey at 2 specific pov» @ eos ( ) 9 Compan 2 qfven Strig ordh velums Prue ovtele © Contak > Avvends one string to dre enel of ormthed ® tengo) Retuans the ewan J} tne © tolorertose () 9 Converts dre stnig to lowercase le fe, do Opper(ose cy) " “ Uppevtare CeHey a fredeney (9 Pedone the dist found Porton op the Chau ® Pietrn() 4 brinekt tae Gubtinly forsed on trolened valeur Peneot a4 anarqumerf, ae HY lnhettance Concept, + BY CBHBY Ger ceqitecote 2 Defir aquiving che proportia df ore Clox to ttctey Clay. 2 Reurabtttiy % mak wef Inheritance. CHl- — CloK A { Mab; Arlo, a / Ab 20, wie } i Soe Cade"); e . Clan B entencll A . . int a,b, 65 a+ 0: b= 20, ay CF 305 7 pusiereld ¢ 0 0 ods SOP Cad iba C')5 mat clos, ‘sym ( strieg engi) 8 bf = new B03 dbf. add Ow obj. echdlec) , OO 4 5 Tyra + (nhettance ” » Strgle Inbevftonce 2) mMultinbe fev Papo [Bb]? eavent ce Ddebre. a ese hn ce [CJ sevteat tere Hy bata} | 8) fyar'cha) 4) Mulifple + 8) 4 ae ae Z~ 7 ¥ java Heat Support multple and Hybrid, 0s ie rate in | Clas & Telax & on shown () 4 : Soe Uwe ave Inelan ays tne a= 1} , y clay a entends 6 Clay & erdends & i vadel Shouse) uofd howl) 7 $.0.0C'weare Snelom 8’); Meets ee 4% Clary ¢ ented § s i u V Clan #hal veld Bowen 3s. (45 i a 5 “So. m5 fn esuM( eras z ; hee ; P Clow, Menlo, B oy sme BOF | Obf. Show); aa Cateeg angst) 3 C olf > new 60; Obf. shows (> 5 6 earichio > B obj2- new B05 obfr. thowl) 5 tat © = 405 obj2-dliptayc); Void ats) 2 3 spe Ce’); \% , g — alane enterds cle i Inla>20 } wold alfsplay ()" soe l*A")s 3 3 ~ blera relay, alas ® enterdt A | Prum( stag erst) 5 : . Peepers C objy = newe 0} : obj. dfscr5 obft- dfiplay Oo votel shoul) i 8 gopt"e')5 5 % we Super_Hey word t— +e Parent Clow ‘ oT f& uted to refer to imme: memb-x, 7 fices io Prmedate fareut clay methods, varfable, Con Struct, ety . : Clan & lay main t eee fat as20; FEU Cserlan a ty : : 1 otal alfipiay ty poe oe . € abj= newe O97 Soet*eatent', + Ob. atte O; * Obl» Showe yy Clase ensends © Verdier? We we aaa Int as 40%, ¢ YsSnto)C) oles. Voted ey loess!" ’ * brs : Ao ‘ $0.0 CTentid') Absatt method) eee S onty cectaratbo but No det tiba ny Nay jp 2 Metts mene + Peal Clas ead alorma) metinealy S Clay Contahs ateart one abstraut Method! > People metas ) Abstrotl meshed ‘uotll be. xetuan wrrtieA "In pevuted clas. 4 abstract Ke proud f uted to abitraut*ehonyt, y eo a ete lo A Chey train “ pore | ‘ ee \an, | abstracts veld dipoye y7 | Peven (ettng org] 1 clos & etrends 6 ees ec a G | obj -d%ptayey: Yoid clisplayer i 5 ee $0.90" clamn"y; | $ 5 po a fpecidtcotton SH Inheritance \ ot eee as w54 the povent eta fs abstract jive dfften Say te ate erviding a Spe ethication for ane child dan and -thevdove ft fs specification frhextunce Ly Jova tvent Lfatenens. Genesis of Inherttemeet Le] Umttating J) inhentancar Phelps. a < a < 0 e 5 rake heode ure, OTiget Coupling . relatonshiP 2 Fragile Box clase problem > Dfamond Inherttante * acteor modd_) tndien tert’ 2 Gattis bare claw com > Buevure: vevure: of Inbentan Inhentance aeciole tov keep gorné data) Al cede complenty. ene, Prvobe. Lovte f [nhevthent gy , a gz Innertiance y the ences penthe chonget a inthe Speed atutto + Lyne Paverd cla wily ajpech + lunertiance, maa he. |. tue petovbboy f chat shoo claw get airy | Claw too, couplest. fi ONT-1) eas Pactcases -§ types. ¥ Package *% a keywovel . Fe Package f$ collectoo Claner, Inder farts | and Subs- packages. ¥ Package dv lowes ave mus4 be Sa Gare podty | ped * 1) puft- tn Package/ Pro defined patkoge. 2) User- clefined pocra || MThe packoge Statement valsae Khe Piast Grotemet | _ | Rre-dedined Package i- lo ColleaHon df claves 4 Rirevdaced Whith are | already Aefined« | > There ave many Pre- -dedined Package, uch od {| » Java, lang, awt, fovarassotng » met fo, O4 ust, ale. | # User= Aebfned Package ‘- , | To create: a user cletfnect packege fr Jou 2 1) we we aa eae "Package" Syntont itd [Pocege 5 Prognarol * Pockage mypacn; my packs ae public clon, Stmmple i > ) psy CString args) ? j 9 } So.e ("talellome te my potrage");. { & A bn th i g ees ° : : forac -a ‘Simple jou e>Ye Present Curved ahivectory qova MYPACK «fava el olp< \Aleleome to my Package - # CLAS- Path a pati smaitaitl e # 4 fs an Entonment Namiable, Lehich Used by Applicatibn claxlade 40 (erate and lear the eclaw Hes. 4 Tt dledfnes the path uonere progian fs stored, a Dt dere, tre Patt, to Enel “third party are Ulex. chetined clare that ave not ov port ak pave, platform, “ ‘ v Te include all tne At tories which + ClauHhes anol jae fie, i SIC? enrenbfont Contatny e Acces poterton Ie type Specidies. fe Poslds ane [Rrstde eactzage, [oundde Parige [oussicte tm chavs | eucbidetreclesd | bud fnkevitedl | pockaqe. - _ | etsy | Ptyate| vw x hyd Achat | 7] w Protect!) — 7 PIC | ctighs ten # privabe > 4 defouts ¥ pobectel ik Pac teaqe A Package & : i ae clan entendS A 2 sy . Pubic Sully 3 Protected negyy delat Minty” mitate frDs % % Clay © Clan B 3 : i Hl tea fe225 | : : }i any E Ke 105 7 % 5 % Jmporting Rae kragyegt- SS ways +0 aLLeM the Packae dom ouargahe Lhe patkage. : . e * 1 all the cloubes Bintevdace tne 1) mmport packoge .* 4 Package ® neeunble . 2) import pac Kae - clarname 5 boty declared C =) ot toitt allemoble 3, “Fully qualified name, a m ‘Tk qenearlly used usher > +00 eras Wave game clay nome . * Toterdac t P uifele hybrid In pestanee’}— D2 Uta burpiht dt clay > 4 & vnedantim fo aaneve pbstractyn — Tn the plate F multiple inhertlance ule ad / wrth thtevtare, ‘ } Used 4o athiene abstractly 1 i) By Snterdace, we Gon Support Buncdbraliiy 4 1> | the mutttple Rhentance. us => T4 Ps ned Je acttue loose courting, Sotersact Syntaw'- fntevdaced intechare name> ' # Implementatton, 4 Intevdace = 5 enterds j_tmete ments Penterds Caw EXr clam bamplemenk Interface, | PSVM (Sting ar911J) Snderface | Sannple Srarnple obj» New tworgiay 3° 7 e ok. Drink ( 4 ‘pute vole) prt); * 7 Clays Example Implements sample ae ae S,0.6 (" Aetlowlord to intertae’); | ; em nA __ditevdace 2D cantody only abottrat Pestract clan © Contai beth abchod d nNon- alostraut Miethody Metoalh, e 2 FB aoesnd cupeot rnulthle |> T+ cupeoch rou dple tnhertlance.. Rrvertane. > Cont provider tre Implement 2 pavides, che cal nation dp abstvau Clow, Penpleme rtodton of Sledace ° ° > abstratt Keyvoord & used | > Bnterface eyo Mk Used) % Nested interface: pn Palerdate Containe anéthey idedacé —=. — bay Outey Irtexdeue Ourey or Opt: ' . q af ‘o ¢ vet show); voted display cd 5 2 i ' ° £ B public Inierdace Sey. ¢ : [ ‘ ft ae / SOP CTBYE')S \ void ately. . Peuna Stig arg 01) ie - eae ¥ clan Fewrimelemenss puter. |“ otfs new eM EY) | net +1 a showe 5: Bi ei . votal sho w0¢ ); obj. de bay (5 8 er ss ) lntgvdare * _ t PouaaC sirfvy aeqit T) “ | t obj mew RO? 1 liptay ) 7 * Re akplay tl); art & Smplemeds a as ‘ : , $ + plead a vod tent): . } foo @ UT Mee teria”): t aa ® Varables tro Intevdace fe ase stant teu > By olelautty variables By nbexdowe awe Etat a Mot acces byetyed fmy tnterkare Hal [s.ope sain obf. mtn) 7 3 rel mince; 5 TublC gtadic gz elaw BR Pmplamed Hal uM Chak ¢3) ° na CSeeefng KET *& obs~ news: ¥ Entenybn G tnterfacer Ay sme fntevtace ertencl dae anorthe Ahtevdare 4 the Same wey that clas entends mote Clea a ‘Tet Iplements Faven (Sérhyy aoystt) *yold dholug ) veld dhpagey; | f g z ‘I | Inert are Bentends A. ts cr ckes Wolds aahetayor Fe Showdy) , aes hace a ( Fe aqneoletd, * ol eheved; wotd snowern =| § t 2 sopl' Seconct”)5 ¥ € — 2 GTREAM RASED Io ve (Sequence ae datey (3 A Styeam 9S path whieh data lle unihorn , obfe i ol the Uo tes oA Stream prelent a fory-toue Llane program frrcvlace 274 has both sourte and cdaltfhahde gotn cay be prgltad deve or proqvame oy Det Stearn fr thee Same popem 2 Qutaud Stream Jaa applicahin wet an output givearr to Wwite dala to @ clevtthatin » gad Java | Aadeaton SASH lapel + —— is I~ Goer siren B taped Stveary Java’ appiifeahtn use an fnpud thee ap react data ia trom a twoune. , x Stream clan!- (> abstract clanes, a 1, INPUE Stree iqned 4oY Byte Stveans. 2. outpud ele x) * 3. Reacdev z Aariqresl doy Chavatey — Stveamy | he Writer Byte_stvescro > InputStream clad + abstvat clay that debines OBA Implemend elacoble gylrpode! & Streaming byte Sept. Eunctious G 2 React ng eye 5 cleving Streams. > May whey povtin In gdveams, > snipes ahong bh steam, > Badkhey the nog. afta &s shream. Pt nt Methods ol DpPuh stream clo 1, Int veadl ey Reads byte torr tnpud ard vedunw = | rants % Tot wadlhyte butter Pq) Reads an aver 4 bytet ane! We beaery, W na available) ~>-Pehumd nod byte oratighle ov veo Hind shfh day) > Siefos evern kyter hom fhpub stveown. W vrlel vereg ty Go back to Gyakly stage. % old clot 6 -» @erelore the Mprtstreow? 2) Ourputtreare Clay 1 abstract cee : Aiea raedel ef strearinaby byte outrak > TH frplements cloreable anal tlushable helace. > dunetoy + oy wring byqed 3 Clorlmystreans. I Flahty threo, Ip Streown choad Method? a oO © Vole) urges (ht by Lorie abytedo op stream = velel corte Coyte butter) 3 uawle aut bytes fr tne butter anray to die 6[6 Stream. ® volta eloie() 5» Clore ue lp at¥eam, my *% vole) Hunt) Auster fotdebe the ofp strecarye Raoeler, ¢ havontey BATeOUWYY !+ 40 read deortte Unfoode —_—_ A aisvornrey 3) Reader Stream clawert Abstroutt claw tat pees deena stedina model af Sdreamfuy chovacter Pape . ws £4 froplemett closeable tPeadable Meares Metrods Por Real streatmatay teh? ; it abstroot Voll clover 9 lover the ‘fp stream, a fat veadts=3 Read tne chew trom Frvohy iste rclns * It dead (ebay Ludderp'] —) Peadld on arwouy ehnay toto buffer ju . 4 Sitotfeet, Wt S) Reach numeher, # becleon veooly (Reruns drudi Ch nen {Ip veqperd volt) No wt otherwhe fh veluue fedye aa a. _._ on clan Hand lela, —_ 25i Implements cloieatle Plubablo L Pprendable ‘a Pieler). methadt). = UD Utley Stream clay 1, abet eS eeaacley cor Strearnly Charscten ofp, parsstrack Voll clore() 9 close -tredlp stream we aestract voll SIlumey 3 Flurney the ofp Stream p writer append (ehaych)— Appends ch to endo] dp ttrean « wold Lorite Cint ch) covlle a shuqle Onowas ey tothe dlp Stren » vote write (trteg GLa write etihelng he te oe thy eann. Bike Stearn e boaees Sdycarn us pee dank aie hee Hod Pedornant {Ip anclo/e % &- bite bytes ‘Ip anddp & th bit Unctode 4 petdoeas Common Close ™ Commo Clones ave ave Pile Input streamad Pte Peaday A mite ur ser Atle Output Sty ccm 7; oe # Reading esonle Ye 4 wiviiey Conssle ofp 3 Reaching Console {[P ( key boovd ) 2 ways 40 Yaad data. tn console ile & I7p StreanpReadev > Cla% Canbe Ltectdo vead cota ¥ Console. ova & Cranney ® Data lnpud stream ete ¥ Butlevedl Roooley Clay ». > dats Com be rset to vead oad Une ‘he Ue by read Bre O ; : ( | ‘ bo aes Brg import java .to-* 5 Clax to demo i PS um Cetving anys) thous fcepHn . { ' Ampud StreamReasky Y = New Ineud HrcamReoolav pte ins Butleveal Renderby= new BuddevedRedey Soph Center your name’; String name = (fners S010 (‘welome" 4 hooey 3 # Scanner clay 1 3 breays the f/p frfo tokens ui as { atetimiter cower fs usbflespice bydedault, 2 Sut ie a import java-udtl.Seanneys Claw ScomnevText- 5 ye posan fa Psven (Stray argsby) Saannev $= new Seanney (Systern ain) System. oud - Prinadn, (“Enter anf nuiibev'); | 2 int r@’ num = & nent Snt O35 % g Fhe clay + Jay oy be foo Nh 1D fracfo. prctage frolutera Mer abi Be i" an, ak rote) :1) Creating filet and (airectoned othe sy temne * operators + eee 5 Creetting adie ° coring a dle 2 Opening afte ~ delettg le ° aetting vame Sf the fle 4 Peraring oAl. 2 Getting the Cize ot the Ale. 2 Check lb awe eniddence gt able. D cheekdhg Whetuer -the die % writable, a checking Whetmey the Lte vy yeadeble, Syntane for Creat « fhe L File Hleokecp e new File C “Alaname'y = 3 nb “Phe fdfie = nev File C"demoetet *); ¥ Readhnad Create, Writhg Fes | + Creating fle wil ue » fhe. CresteNewFile O meted , > Flleoutpudstrean Ca | D File. Greate HALO) mathod, | ¥ Readtthg Pile 4 tind ate ~) ReaterInpudstreamesdor realy chta th Pe, 9 lainfteyoupud Stream Clan fov uni tata hi die Phe udev ‘ fmport {ava . fo. Ee tate! evs Bn port jase . &, loexepttn, Claw Create a Lm cemtyontty) | i : siefrg sty 2" File renal injove sity ‘elleunttey d File vol | 7 | | File Whitey f= mew Fleorter Coutpuds ded Ve Sov (doa fs 05 Fest, levatn Oo; Pay y fwrtonite (str chavar tty); Sorat" tah Succesidad 4: ft. cloret 4 4 4 File Reader, import java «fo, Flenot Found Excentinj impura fava. tole Reaal ev; : , troport fav Fo Toeacee ptan 5 , olor Red file i . peuna C Strahg argtt) i ing chy Pile Renoley dy nulls try i feo new Cepeadder (Lent!) « 5 Cobeh (File Not Round-4nte pHi te) ' G ; \ $.0.p.0 “Ale ot founel "5. & hile Cth 4rreadl)) [= -U 4.0.P¢ ¢ chav) ch)? Fr. lore cy} % —_— wy Rarclon) ( Fler : | The. Pardom Accom Pile nue ya part Ff packoge albus uy fo treate Pile exh peadstihle Can ELON @ chat con Wed for veadd varie. dada Ido ile, any Foy how to ule RAF te read afile Rardom acter tiles new Random accen File (ent it Prt cata s file veadte) j while (deta] = -1y 4s ‘Erdor nowtowse RAF towne ——e——ee—erer Umica die » _ ad ‘Rardonperertde= nevs Radom nccevee, C"@n.dng "tv us") 5 Hewes Hello!” gee eaten) ; be. dose ys, ee meron |) Ipuypore t) * ' “ Bile epenedl for weodleg yw —— ured toumte data ir Ale i olata = Ale. reac! ¢5 ; Flac tose. C5 ywos,, —b *® Console Clay t- oo > console clan ha predefined clay thot & ‘avetlable fo lO patkaqe > Console $s wed fo actentra the tlp kepoordfiom Utey, ? Metnods — provided by console clay. Methods 9 Public stra readline) —) Wed to read 2 Urale kine Q dent SL Bom Concole! Clow >public chav? Trend panwol J Used tovead partworel thet : | not ditplayed on the Conole. Ss ¥vold dlucht) 3 uled to flurh thetentole and to. | forte ding budteved ofp to umitten Srnmectode, + 1% Console prthad (stag frat Stag objet... orgs) teh ars te 4n2 contole: eal tne format specitled by fret stieg, | # Reader veaderid Ured to ger the veodtey objet apoclotest Latah the Conde af ubster uorllevey-» Gare 40 gedHre "usrhev dyfect ¢ omedlabeal Lodth tne Cctote ® Covaligation }- : chet Me the mechanism a Saul Bet aimeneaty in the dorm & tile. Converting object Snto bytes and uatthy, that eu lado die. > de sertall Rabin! | ome vevese pre J] creating cect from Sequence of bytes Collec! Cerevloloabtn Ule cy teralitadioy + an ances fe Sextclietion Will -pantate the Object Mebe fo Kyte Steams. SD sthh Gite Shean Gw be wd boc op os ugrite to ok ‘ ao & wine Mm Memo . 7 ® Seub We “straam do other plaffmn over redusovte Yr # Enumerattan |. [enum Keyra 9 Spest then * ee ° 5 &k TS. cvented ust the enur kKeyroord 4 ne 4 ns =_— Ji special chy thot reprerendes the qour f° Contemts , eS gyn ENUM enumeradbatyre § fentttey, --- J 25 enunr dow doein'} modtly ugk Lr enum Level f Low, MEDIUM, Lint Claw Demo 6 Py Low) : h psvm Cskrivg agit) tauel my fer = Level. Low ; \ S.0+e (mystry, % % + epee Clase. Wappeveas, bE fava slang. ]-veppevetad, pre’ ; 2 Bn jove provicles tre Uwiappey Clad fe a mechantin | 1 do Concho) prmtdcve types indo object 2 object Ky pes | 9 9, . types lato

Chevactey byte — Byte short =—3 Shove a) Orteyer bong oma) Leng Load —) toot | doutle— Doutle . -_ TO clan Weopro Ga \ fet £ public peblic hase voicl math Mt 04 avg sf) $ pr oe fat actos sory . ber] retegu Ts totegeys value df (a) 5 Wwteqey \ra; | j s wy beat at ae at ee laes ebm ny te | [ } J eusic claw wropper er $ esum( sty ams qa) new weg ev cs)‘, Ineqey o> ’ rT o . faa fx a. tntualue LY, fat fray Le.pcag Mata” “4s ¢ q abe yt x Geneve wn Jae Fae 5 gene) nes 2 7 f& wed +o deal uth Type safe object D fon with oc al vaseafcomeliey tne Seaty endifted ancl vemovest. # Code Pouyg & Type ~ onde. EXCEP LOL Intexbuption chy thw q mq “ aeotdting the abnomal Terentabin weyers lox Eneeption monet | Us vty -) & Cader a Thow w Thrptes a Arally rer Ty + = Block f statements > we, have to unite -the Code fh cohfth we ave expecting cthe encep-tidns we Coteh'- Block | staremertts , ~ a . D Haretles eneeptbns yasecl In oy block. Synter , Coulel (énception é -. -) Thea SH Encephd) + a 9. 40 ® Checked Eneephbas — Complier time — * Unchetked ' excenttar'—s Punttme Cit Leptin eneep by ce’ ¥ Enovs G patie tree etn > Number format , 9 Thowalle D array lnclenQuet 6 Gore ' > Nullpotiitey excepto eas, pee * trithmete Enceptfoor — |e 20 9 Ihta= 8s # Nutt polntey-Enceptibn | ~ String Str= null) ” S-0.p (atrlengint)); 4 Alumberformed cuceptity 1 the User uted to Converting seoing +0 tnt, : a Prvay tralenbUt OF Board’! Tt \ndew values df are ¥ [Rule Pernt Eueptdn + Tha value fa cadarype Nutes Ghd eneepthn 4a kts Place | Poemanet d Lwepthy Henathy > 3 allows ws to fin the envy. 3M prevents from fall A rogram automatiial 4 Aexm inact . 7 Sepavat mr hardltg Code fin Regular eae - aprogyam » AA Arbthemedte Conception y “ Clays Ex tora Afpayes { ay LO int as Silos y ¢atth (drithemake Enceptidn e) Sionp (E)j. 44 hee C"Enteptby hardlect"); Clas Eneept Fave avgst J) et obf = new En 09, obj: Afsplay “, % : a, Aeplay oy ao oA ” Kd tid | ' c cd o \ > Po@g. oe 7d ’ # Program fot byvey =e oae of ound * eee Clay En aa void aisplaye d 4 Hey] i ° fat ap] = newint {s]; $7] ate] aS 5. % Catch ( Arvay Wretert Oud O&- Bound Exepttin €) S.o.pcey’, 5 " 9, i" S.0-PC" Exception hardledl), $ 3 clay €neert ; a rave (Skeing saegst)* 3 en Obj = Helw Ene; SoCooeE_ |¥ Program dor i ~—.. a Nlull Porter -LrcepHon lr 5 eee aa Clary €n tsa void display ¢) . § ‘ . , String gty= fULES S.o.p (str-lengtht)) 5 Coden ( Nupl PointerEnceptione) s.0.P Ce); | cpt teneep tin howell’) 5 5 Clow, Grucept f “oovnneGhey ao 1) é en oby = new Ext )) of. diipay Os Sty A poutble 40 create tnutthle cetehs der single a / oy 4 Intel 1 = new fra (6J als] =6 5. ° sting Ste null y. Srp ( Sr. leanane)); 3 |m Popar dor number formed —tnteptibe '- claw &n fudiel ctisplay ey § L oy 4 ; string str= “beyo"s Feat = Integer Parselni C4). % Chadch (Number Fred En ceothy oy 5 ) Sop le)s 3 | 50: (Exeptin tical"), | 3 15 clas Gieept | i vr( Stvq avs) 2g en offs new EXC) 5 obj. deploy 5 4 Cotth (Eneeptone) |” * owpctary traleh out of Bourd} 4 . - Catch (Eneeptbn e) ‘5.0.pL Null Podeven ecptibn); % 4 4 Creactng oun encepton » tyfeokn . Nested bry block + Plated chy block ('hskte anobe, Ay bleek, ate en Cerich (Exceotion €) as display) ‘ opt takai se i 4 5 ae 6 UlHavatled oy 4 i 34 fnt af Je new ines] | claws Enecpt ated =6; Xoeuene Seg anges) i % cach Ceneptiin €) eo eC Sates"); 4. Ex Obj = New Ens; ob atiiplay oO S (wr {nt ball = 400; Clas myo. cxtlerdlt Geep ton | 94 pal enceehn vohfen ave emer Cored Aime Callecl cureckedl éntep-ton D (da metrock Hdous AS Pibeeucel eweeplony eae dl ne method muir eff’ hanale due cnceptn svt Mus spectty Hue erceopibn oss Hous Keyuard “) Eur > 10 €1ropHry > 5 > SOL n fed ovbici getferachy of Jail -Beeepton. Clny | Scanner $= new Seeanney.” = . (System. in) 5 oe, {obfect] Goel "Entevavalut")s az S.parselnt(); Ne (i Thowable So. (* Rvalus’); eo be Spamelntt); ([Erceptibn ] core coat ultuad mochiredrey CaS. poke Mtl) 5 2 MecHpeney c=a/by Cesk fis. Grpreckedd, ae ee tay: avtthematt. a 8.0,0U otatsibn 84 yy Toe Keepin eee & 7 a Null polatey ¥ 5 ca Ane Irclewout OF Cound < Numbev Formed Unchertsed —Entephba, _toonaliey Exo = 5 Eneep Hon Whoe vavclng Tyrs_of Erors ro eunaime -Extor- Not verified dusty comlia 5) mistake get lead #0 be an env cowry the | Hog poyam to pedute unenpectect refuts wy There exception ave bardled : ot yuneddme by VM ) Compile 4fne ervey 2) Runtime Enoy- addey trey oceuredd p f SThee are Suman erors ae a wet Baked oy the Comilfer on Llothe hoes oe | SThee ave the ewe whith ave 7 fot detected by -the coma . and peclute ung reall sohey preveut He Cocle en ps es ps Tre prevent the Cecte From ee po Yanning wie | gome Syndan erry 7 rithenrable fucluded ewos Uke : OT) Grcludey Suntan enostite [D4 le Nomberforeaat 4 Abvltly 4 number = NO Artouy Inlen OutOE Road") mibchee f senrfelon’ 3), ‘fe ee Boa ise speating 4 . Fedley squave veut Yesyword cealged wumbe ote fdensiflon(ete .. ¥ EiCeption Teeitradion by Reumptive | Mocle/'t - 4 femiradkion oy “me D> when an Eneeptbn (thw, Comhol i%s Hansddeved vto the Catch bloek “Had handle the oy. os programm ey Now has’ two" ‘Chotees. Ye Can Pun? the envy mexog 2 are ent _Prom ~he proqien, THR Fecimgue a tolled cLevm Proton mooted, ' othe Uten ato contre. erection by ub Otwer metho after prtadteg. the Tred ~ based enultf- taathy a 1) Peas -based mulitarkhe TH f& about altosing Seven} Programs. to, enecde Concuvrentty K Procee are heavy weight dark, a) Thread bared Mutif--ear iy rh He cboul, 4 cad! Based Mullt-at) Stine frome program? enceud re] concunveselty x Thyead’s breed ave Uigieoetyht 4 tails . ¥ Java muir toring fs thecal - bur edt. ity Proce based Mutittas tele Ato thls. two or move Pree oss44 ane yun Programs Can be Concuvvuen wn this, the ® Proc-en OY api & Smatterd unit. + > In tere procet Communteoddn SB ceatty anal frettteted by proceed tate! more téme’ tov Content swhtehig — tf Uheble to ein over CPO time anes rele ~> Every Preqvam 14 fe CW addven fpace > Ovevheall 8 more Pele ave eau hie teak Threact bared saul testaly > Tn this, {HO OY More siveads | Conaurventty, Din ths, the thyeael & Smalled Unit ’ « > Ine fs iWenpentive end eddicted Can be re0 ane SS! Thvenott) bake lemtBaue fow Content stottathey > Pd Can qain Ceced ovey cou tale 48x, + Theadls shave the Lame Adavils Space > over head fe ley, tothe Thveale ave leprtiwethn task, ! ny , Advantages df ae , i rer ¥ Doesn't block He User oe 2A pevderrraame. may piel “afether do FH Paver 4fme. ¥ ~Thyeads ave indepircdews,So, & toeiny afect “other tye Threacks \ 7) B thread ts a afmilay 40 ctewqvam that hay a Stree How af cont. Creatine Q Thyrecol + ctheve ave +wo Wort to Create athyeod ) By endending thread clay 2 By Praple menting Runnable tnterdace. Or entendtng cthread clay 1. oypetre a clay & extends thread clay Ywerride vun(y ft Contains the Code, gay Mee a elon, we eet “thyeaeh| Psum ( Saxtng ogst3) ‘ tk , i paalt olef= news saute; Obf- ery Stavtt )5 $.0-p (“-+thyead f vunnthg "5 Pu olpr “rend yenniny publte) void wunc) | i" a : ® 8 froplernthng Runnable frtertare Slelan mauttt Fmptementt Rumable | PSU Citrag avast yy 2 ope er publ® vofd rund) Mult? obf= newmuiti ry 5 ae, “Thread y= meted S-0.pU"-thvead 8 wunnig")5 ce Coby; % . Ar. Start OY), ae _ 5 eee fnterkeare. 2 > Ren oventle vine fH Contatty the cote. | | | | : agit 2) Star) ‘Rlon~. RUNMABTE a {toc wed] Sleeplyolock omyo, : wate) A . ° Runnin. wong Glevenirede) 4 ~yuuthen one “HW crentect fe alwons \. New nthe new stad “ceaaly dorun &%, trek Ts a. eres P nameens sunnarte § eS t mous cro fy ‘ oy eas qed fntO ade. &. Rooning oe eens ss munniny 34 ty NOn- Runnable» iaihenever actiwrecia & fracttve 40r | [Bteckeal] span ot -tfme -thens the thiead in None. Runnable Staten S ulhen +hveacl has ofahronl &s fob C0) Untardied emeeptfon Cer) : : abnormal event, then 4 move 40 +-evm fnoded State. S. Terminated . Merttrod ef Theat Clays, Commonly Used) —___——. te . Constructors wolcvun ty! pers 1 THT thveaot | * Volel stave) : # vofel gleepcy> eee © vol’ yond) | ft Thy eal Ostnugnane) ee qe pribvtiye) & Thyead CRunable vy ast qe Nawet) |e Thvesied (unnablev, aavoFel ae) Nani ty Piri rows) % Thyead Currews Theeadlé) w Int getidey ¥ rola yetales w vole tuspeude) ! 4 uoibl vesume cy 4 » volel stopcy xvod Petoyup+() Pres Fitortyy te IHC onsand, a SThread ty! & > Thread Priowity set bly t+tolo- constants aftwad Oley Go, tun ppublic gtatfe fai mint PRIOR UTY —[—> 7 a Public Siatte nt Norm PRIORI public static fat Mik — Por ty 10 rn 3) \ clas Sample extends Thread puble void vuncy i g.0P (" vunnthg tnvead'): te: wteLeobae's % psu ¢ Stvfing aveSt3) 4 Sample 3, = New Sample ( ); Sample ao new Sampie()> Gy. set Prfortty (Thread. Min — PRIORITY )5 Sn- Set pvfenty (Threact Mpx- PRIORGY); Sy. Start (95 32+ Start (5 % 4 ’ “Threstol_ Synahrontaation » J Java gymehbonPeactiba / thread Synchion! gat f uted +o make sure by Some Synch nl zechion metnod thect only one thread Can alee the Vevourte och a aver Point fr Hine. " Key worel r Synchdon? red. © TH lock 2s cuwentty unowalble thred wot block, | we el e witey Gtrmerna “Thread Communitation's _ Girmerra’“V nveaa! Commu ni¢att . Java Cupport interthyead tommunfeation sting. wait 0), notity 15, notthy all U) metros, ~Y “Thee methods ave faplemated as ral methods fy obf ect. Q * Dotty OC) wakeup the fd threaal trac # uatt() 4 tes the calling shred “to qtve Un - tne monftoy and go fo leer unt! Some Othe +H Sead entey the dame moltov. le ant) wake UP all the Hrreads Pothe highest priority wvead willun FM, Suk claw Rank-jctount tnt balance Svob 5, Synehwnieed vold ustthaaw (te amount) "Before vwtthdiaw balance {" + blance); Sop C IWant 49 — usttrdyaw")* . Pt ( balance & amount) a S.0.P( *eeaystved amount { méve than babhte, You have-tousals +f. deypold")* oy z ° board() 5 % Cadel Cénception ob) $ 5 2.0.e( Ob) 4 % % S-OPL"Ready do wltnraraus'y 5 balance = balance — amount 5 S.o.¢ CiRalance afted wither fs." 4 terlances! synchronized é velcl ctepoutt (int amount) .0.p Ul Bedore iclepoute the balance ft balance); S.0-PC" Lam veacly to derosit"); balance = balance + amount 4 SOP" Deport yey and now you ean ust-+hdvavo")) noetde c) 5 class Stucens ertend threaal Bank Acwunt ob; Public vod vunc) Student (Bank Actount Ob) | oe (x 000)3 clay Pmbent ented Ther sce t \ Banew Adtound Ob4) | Obl. Start (4 Oby - Stax 05 4 bby ebb, 8 \ Paveut ols = Mew Raven Cob), & ob? = ob; ‘ % Clay Test intev Thread pubtic volt runt) : 4 psum ( Strlvg avqi 23) { oleg, Ustttdvaw(2sva)* | 3 | Bank Actount bb New CackAdount fs Og . SLualert obl = new sued thy, { Parents (Bankpctouht ob) | | D Embedded ust, yova + HTML ye ; > TA fa Small Jawa Program fA uted fn twbavinee Computing, > “appier wlewey" oy" web baceuwcey" Ubect dg VOR OV ALLE -the apted. TA Can pevdorm avfinematic opevediba avd a Aptoy qrephics, Play goundb, anfenedioas ete, Gr+ye4 ; y logical Applet ayLemoie Apple. go Apples y “SAN Applet evetepeal Logtlly aud Soved ei! leea) Spiem f& “now at local Apres. DTS Loted system does nod vequive fnternet Compe cHan : 2) Beroie Aere y . : lntemet lec! Computer, ek Remote compute (cllent) Denote © Chevery. at : Dpplet au & locaded | oy available on a wermote Compaky tthad 1 Commected do the! fteynet , = wy Skep_are involuel fry applet Cred toe ty BUlding an appled Code (.qave tle } ae 9) Create an executable apples C-elay 3) Deinging 2 webpage Ulihg HTL to4t a) Pre Pans ZApplet > staq, 5) Creating wT bile dora wenpage in costed bs teed dine attest Corte. ge a Ppret Lele cyete 2 1. APPlet 1s Inika ae) — Rom ke © cts (Gerty toitey 0 Ronnie | Bow ” patties! > } ae ea Ue ow ‘Sto pedl | tolle Pe PAO S 4 olertoryar mpord fava. apolh,* » la . A, impor java. awt.* ; any Poo aces PUBIC clad Grape | Lepote st hoalys entendi(Apel code : “shapet fava _ | alot ="aoe Tak Weer) eto, Yes | hetqua ="“ro00"> publ vol ER Cem Zjappleds 3 “este 1 4 booty s 1 chvaw Une ($0, 860,2v, lo), 4 oy Z [heeds Je drawl Coy, y-¥ 0p 4 tEColor ( telov. veel )e 7 drarReud (400, ty, 20600), b 4 ae” | tti—‘i_OOSCSY Adciamtage ef Applet). © Ub word af -elifeub stale doy 440 retponle. Hine a Secuyvedl, kB Ik Com be ertecuteol by browueen Uneey moly » pladforns, inetluoldly Lfnun , uindowt te Phaduerdnge DO Plugin i requtved a Chew browse 40 rnewcete applet. Callec-Hon Fearne works, posal Collection fn qaval & a Ayame worls that providiy an architectye,. 4a More anol sath manieubde Ane qoupe gy obfects. Frameioovs |, > Provide ‘veadymacle Alenaue. > ee Sef of clan es aval Retevdored me oe Collector “Srdvibhiory \ N Collection Framédork veBreteuds * Only | a tee cfoy org and rant pul “y poupst objects tdeexe Colleeten + dese Queue’ * aerial Prionity Buew Unkealtfit Bequene vector f ) St4aUs Pray Dagu eu H Sttralekenteer clay wv dat available Javerudil obs y The Claw allows Yyouto break a strtrg {nto tokens, (+ fs etmele Loewy to bre k Seb Congtwictons -- Q) fe String Rk oniter St = new Geng toleeniner ( String); 2 String Tokente ev St = new String Qyenteey ( String , cLebintte ) ¥ Event Handling Tavs \ 2 an Bert Can be Atfhed ay Chang the. Shae J an object (or) behavivuy by performing atten. My t. elicit on button a. hogging mode Pryde Java,awt eat aust 3 abrtpad Wwhdow «ih. 0 thee eveuts ave that requtve an Srtevaction +o qeneate eu , Le dorequouna events _awe-qenevebeok tu to beevathn by the Wey br Componentr fy GUT ¥ Background © Evewt tat cloesnte vey uivs i usey hitevauron to generale are nous AK Re Lxqprounel : Eves hanctlty | eee Pt GK a mechanism o Control fhe -everte & What should happen aptey oc} an eveutr occur Delegectbo Eveut mole} LT Souvte SBacnen C components) harellng he events Sub Button ? Pst, cnofce Coole - AP DIDOA chd “pevdorndg everd renllly fr thee ways / Wwhtht, ale , pu ult ave \ 2s Obey olay Se tnonymoas alow ) per import fava, Wd. % } Sport Jove. aut, evert™ > Claw EAL extends Frame finplements Acton Li¥erer i Tent fietd 44} Evil $ Geen td = new Tend felal 0, dha Sed Bouncls Clo, 80, ITO, 20)+, Rution b= new Suton (Veliek me "ys, b Set Bourels ( (00, 0,20:30) 5 bee adel Ae Hon Uteney Chait): etelol tb)’ old (44): serSite (sov, 200); Sdtayout ( null): seriitsle Cus); 4 Public void a etn pertormedl (Aetbr Event €) £ ft sve Tens ("Lab meus"); 5 Psum( Stang awgs£3) t new €HNC)+, 33

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