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Learning Management System


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Bangladesh University of Business and Technology


June 2023
Learning Management System

A project
submitted to the department of Computer Science and Engineering
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Md. Azizul Hakim (ID: 18192203007)
Md. Mahbub Hasan (ID: 18192203006)
Md. Naserul Islam (ID: 18192203040)

Supervised by
Md. Mijanur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)
Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh

In this project “Learning Management System” is a system based on web application

which is useful for students. The project “Learning management system” for provides any
kind of information classes and examinations related. The Learning Management System
has been establised in a number of universities worldwide to help connect students and
lectures without the confines of the traditional classroom. LMS is Used to Web based
technology for better support where benefit of students..There are open source version for
students and they can accessed over the internet anywhere and any time.LMS including the
administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of
educational courses. By Gatharing all learning information materilas in one place. Learning

management systems have faced a massive growth in usage due to the emphasis on remote
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This model is developing by examining the
relationship between student outcomes and information quality and readiness for online
learning through system use and user satisfaction. An LMS platform is widely used in smart
classrooms, as it provides the fastest, most cost-effective, and most consistent
communication between teachers and learners. But modern E-learning sites and LMS are
dynamic and have high-quality content and instructional design that makes learning and
communication most effective.

We declare that this project and the work presented in it are our own and has been generated by us
and hereby declare that the project entitled “Learning Management System” submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Engineering in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of Bangladesh University of
Business and Technology, is our own work and that it contains no material which has been
accepted for the award to the candidate(s) of any other degree or diploma, except where due
reference is made in the text of the project.To the best of our knowledge, it contains no materials
previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

…………………. ……………………... …………………….

Md. Azizul Hakim Md. Mahbub Hasan Md. Naserul Islam
18192203007 18192203006 18192203040


This is to certify that Md. Azizul Hakim, Md. Mahbub Hasan and Md. Naserul Islam students of
B.Sc. in CSE have completed their Project work titled “Learning Management System”
satisfactorily in partial fulfillment for the requirement of CSE in Bangladesh University
of Business and Technology in the year 2023.

…………………. ……………………... …………………….

Md. Azizul Hakim Md. Mahbub Hasan Md. Naserul Islam
18192203007 18192203006 18192203040

Project Supervisor
Md. Mijanur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)


We like to say our gratitude to our creator ALLAH to let us into the world and to our
parents, who supported us in this whole study and always prayed for our success and good
health. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and profound indebtedness to our
supervisor Md. Mijanur Rahman for his guidance, valuable suggestions, commendable
support, and endless patience toward the completion of this project. We feel very proud to
work with him. Without the inspiring enthusiasm and encouragement of our supervisor,
this work could not have been completed. We thank all the staff and graduate students at
the Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) and all their friends for
their support and encouragement. We would also like to extend our elder and younger
brothers. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to the Bangladesh University of Business
and Technology (BUBT) for providing an excellent environment for research and all the
other facilities to complete the project successfully.


Dedicated to our parents and teachers for all their love and inspiration.


The project work entitled Learning Management System is submitted by Md. Azizul Hakim
(ID-18192203007), Md. Mahbub Hasan (ID-18192203006) Md. Naserul Islam (ID-
18192203040) under the department of Computer Science and Engineering of Bangladesh
University of Business and Technology is accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.

Project Supervisor
Md. Mijanur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Md. Saifur Rahman
Assistant Professor & Chairman(Acting)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)
Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh

Abbreviation & Nomenclature

Abbreviation Description
LMS Learning Management System
RAM Random Access Memory
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
PHP Hyper Text Preprocessor
SQL Structured Query Language
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
XAMPP Cross-Platform (x), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P).
DOM Document Object Model
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
DFD Data Flow Diagram
URL Universal Resource Locator
PC Personal Computer
MB Mega Byte
GB Giga Byte
OS Operating System

SL No Serial Number
GHz Giga Hertz
DOB Date Of Birth

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 2
1.3 Objective of the Project 2
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Conclusion 3


2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Correlated work 4-5
2.2.2 google classroom 5-6
2.3 Scope of The Problem 6
2.4 Challenges of This Project 6


3.1 Application Process Modelling 7
3.2 Requirement Analysis 7-8
3.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements 8
3.3 Design and Model requirements 8


4.1 System Analysis 9
4.2 Design Overview 9-12
4.2.1 Use Case Modeling 9-11
4.2.2 DFD Diagram 12
4.2.3 E-R diagram 13
4.2.4 Sequence Diagram 14
4.2.5 Database Table Structures 15-16

5.1 Front-End Design 17-26
5.1.1 Snapshots of login panel 17
5.1.2 Dashboard of admin panel 18
5.1.3 Create new user page of admin panel 18
5.1.4 All users list page of admin panel 19
5.1.5 Course list page of admin panel 19
5.1.6 Classroom inside view of Teacher panel 20
5.1.7 Classroom inside view of Student panel 20
5.1.8 Manage Blog Add Blog 21 View Blog 21
5.1.9 Notice Add Notice 22 View Notice 22
5.1.10 Manage Order 23 Payment 23
5.1.11 Event Add Event 24 View Event 24
5.1.13 Manage Course Add Course 25 View Course 25
5.2 Back-End Design 26


6.1 Implementation 27
6.2 Testing 27
6.3 Types of testes:
6.3.1 Unit testing 28-29
6.3.2 Integration testing 28
6.3.3 System testing 28
6.3.4 White box testing 28
6.3.5 Black box testing 28
6.3.6 Performance Testing 29
7.1 Conclusion 30
7.2 Limitation and Future work 30



Figure 2.1 Dashboard of Canvas 5

Figure 2.2 Dashboard of google classroom 6
Figure 3.1 LMS Model 7
Figure 4.1 Use Case Diagram of Student 9
Figure 4.2 Use Case Diagram of Admin 10
Figure 4.3 Use Case Diagram of Instructor 11
Figure 4.4 Zero Level DFD(Learning Management System) 12
Figure 4.5 E-R Diagram 13
Figure 4.6 Sequence Diagram 14
Figure 4.7 Database Table Design 1 15
Figure 4.8 Database Table Design 2 15
Figure 4.9 Database Table Design 3 16
Figure 5.1.1 Login Panel 17
Figure 5.1.2 Dashboard of admin panel 18
Figure 5.1.3 Create new user page of admin panel 18
Figure 5.1.4 All users list page of admin panel 19
Figure 5.1.5 Course list page of admin panel 19
Figure 5.1.6 Classroom inside view of teacher panel 20
Figure 5.1.7 Classroom inside view of student panel 20
Figure Add Blog 21
Figure View Blog 21
Figure Add Notice 22
Figure View Notice 22
Figure Manage Order 23
Figure Payment 23
Figure Add Event 24
Figure View Event 24
Figure Add Course 25
Figure View Course 25

1.1 Introduction

Learning Management System is a Web-based system for training programs and information
sharing between individuals giving them the flexibility to access it from their workplace or home.
Authorized individuals have 24/7 access to this unique system through URL or through a unique
User ID and Password [1]. Learning Management Systems are being extensively used in schools,
colleges, universities and of course organizations. These include Computer-Based Training or
CBTs, Web-based Training or WBTs, continuous on-line assessment and management of training,
collaborative learning i.e. application sharing, discussion, Web seminars and training resource
management, etc. The first introduction of the LMS was in the late 1990s. Learning management
systems have faced a massive growth in usage due to the emphasis on remote learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic. LMSs are focused on online learning delivery but support a range of uses,
acting as a platform for online content, including courses, both asynchronous based and
synchronous based. In the higher education space, an LMS may offer classroom management for
instructor-led training or a flipped classroom. Modern LMSs include intelligent algorithms to make
automated recommendations for courses based on a user's skill profile as well as extract metadata
from learning materials to make such recommendations even more accurate. An effective system
will allow instructors and administrators to efficiently manage elements such as user registration,
content, calendars, user access, communication, certifications and notifications. Some popular
LMS es used by educational institutions include Moodle, Blackboard Learn and Schoology.
Popular enterprise-level LMS es include Adobe Captivate Prime, Docebo LMS, TalentLMS,
iSpring Learn and eFront [2].

1.2 Statement of Problem
After review of some schools, the problem encountered with their system is unable to do online
video lesson for student. As a solution to the problem above, the design and implementation of a
learning management system will enable a video lesson module for online physical interaction
between the staff and student. Common problems with learning management systems include poor
usability, inadequate user support, lack of scalability, and lack of access to quality content.
Additionally, many Learning Management Systems suffer from issues related to security and data

1.3 Objective of the Project

The main objective of the learning management system (LMS) project is to provide a
comprehensive and efficient platform for managing and delivering educational content and
resources. The system aims to streamline the learning process by offering the following key
features and objectives:
▪ Developing a user-friendly interface for students. Learning management system is to
provide a user-friendly, centralized, and efficient platform for managing and delivering
educational content, facilitating effective communication, collaboration, and assessment
within an educational or training environment.

▪ The system should enable users to upload and manage educational content such as
documents, presentations, videos, and other multimedia resources. This content can be
associated with specific courses or made available for general access.

▪ The LMS aims to centralize the learning process by providing a single platform where
learners can access all the necessary resources, courses, and learning materials. This
promotes consistency and eliminates the need for multiple disparate systems.

▪ The LMS tracks learners' progress, including course completion, assessment scores, and
learning analytics. It allows instructors to monitor learners' performance, provide feedback,
and evaluate their understanding of the course material.

1.4 Scope
The LMS market is going through a period of dramatic changes. The rise of web-based study,
interactive courses, communication advancements and gamification- All these developments show
how technology is changing the conventional education system beyond imagination. After all,
technology has changed the landscape of learning environment and will continue to do so at a more
unprecedented level. In the current pandemic its of great importance and is being implemented in
all educational institutions because of its wide range and capabilities. The most important
advantage of LMS is the learning material remains saved and students can view the desired
material at their will. If the course is free, then the LMS must provide a way for users to enter their
information (name, email address) to sign up. Another aspect of the front-end is the login page for
existing users. Once logged in, users will be able to access all the course content that they signed
up for.

1.5 Conclusions
A learning management system can become an irreplaceable helper in the process of education. It
doesn’t matter if the target audience are students or your own employees – virtual learning systems
are universal and highly adaptable. There are many solutions on the market, suitable for businesses
of different sizes and from various industries.

2.1 Introduction
The languages HTML, CSS, Bootstrap are popular languages for Front End development. HTML
is used to create electronic documents that are displayed on the World Wide Web. CSS is the
language that used for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and
fonts. JavaScript used to modify website content and make it behave in different ways in response
to a user's actions. Back End part is different to Front End. CodeIgniter is an open-source software
rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP. For front end
development we have used HTML, CSS, CodeIgniter Framework , Bootstrap, and JSON in this
project. We have used the popular PHP for back-end development. We have used XAMPP server
as the local host to use the MySQL database.

2.2 Correlated work

1. Canvas
Canvas is one of the best all-in-one learning management systems in the edtech industry. It helps
connect teachers and students online with video-based learning, collaboration tools and interactive
activities to make lessons more engaging. Its high price does match the quality and features that
Canvas offer, but you can still use the free plan if you don’t want to splurge on this LMS. Its free
plan still allows users to create full courses but limits in-class options and features. The best thing
Canvas does better than Google Classroom is that it integrates a lot of external tools to support the
teachers and it’s simpler and more stable to use.

Figure 2.1: Dashboard of Canvas

2.2.1 Google classroom

Google Classroom is a free blended learning platform developed by Google for educational
institutions that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments. The primary
purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and
students. As of 2021, approximately 150 million users use Google Classroom.

Google Classroom uses a variety of proprietary user applications (Google Applications for
Education) with the goal of managing student and teacher communication. Students can be invited
to join a class through a private code or be imported automatically from a school domain. Each
class creates a separate folder in the respective user's Google Drive, where the student can submit
work to be graded by a teacher. Teachers can monitor each student's progress by reviewing the
revision history of a document, and, after being graded, teachers can return work along with
comments and grades.

Figure 2.2: Dashboard of google classroom.

2.3 Scope of The Problem

▪ Saves time spent on learning organization because of web-based course doling out, booking
and delivery.
▪ Permits teachers to distinguish every student’s information holes quickly to give a
customized learning way to them.
▪ In this project I have worked and focus on main some features. This project can’t show the
students grade sheet.
▪ This project will only applicable for educational institutions.

2.4 Challenges of This Project

These projects have many challenges. The main challenges of my projects is assure
Security. The other challenges are given there:
▪ Ineffective Training For Teachers
▪ Issues With User Interaction
▪ Database conjunction and data passing should be maintained.
▪ Approval should be maintained.
▪ Reactivity should be maintained.
▪ Accurate contract should be maintained.

3.1 Application Process Modelling

This application process modeling presents the entire systems whole working procedure. The
method can represent the all thoughts of a process. So, we are creating many diagrams to fulfill
our requirements. The diagram will be like E-R diagram, use case diagram, block diagram, context
diagram. Learning Management System (LMS) is a web application which was designed and
modeled with standard tools of software engineering.

Figure 3.1: LMS Model

3.2 Requirement Analysis

For software requirement

▪ Admin panel, Teacher panel, Student panel

▪ User friendly
▪ Time amenities

▪ Impressibility
▪ Easily suitable for any device
▪ Login System for Admin panel, Teacher panel, Student panel
An admin can login directly the system but teacher and student cannot login directly. The user can
login using their email and password which is established for them.

3.2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements:

▪ Storage: Minimum 1.5GB Storage.

▪ Ram: 4GB.
▪ Minimum Intel Pentium Processor 1.5ghz
▪ A monitor, Keyboard, CPU / Laptop
▪ A mouse
▪ Internet connection

Software Requirement:

▪ Language: CodeIgniter 3 Framework.

▪ For Design: HTML, CSS, JSON, PHP and Java Script.
▪ Database: XAMPP SQL Server
▪ Platform: Sublime, Brackets, Visual Studio Code.
▪ Operating System: Windows, Linux

3.3 Design and Model requirements

This system has three types of panel, Admin panel, Teacher Panel and Student panel. If user want
to proper output then the database design would have be perfectible and systematic way.

4.1 System Analysis
This project is concerned with the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation
of a learning management system to provide a user friendly environment for prospective students
to acquire knowledge at any educational level and to bridge the gap between teachers and students.
The web has become a public square, a library, a doctor’s office, a shop, a school, a design studio,
an office, a cinema, a bank, and so much more.

4.2 Design Overview

4.2.1 Use Case Modeling
A use case model describes different types of user interacts and their activities into a system. It is
also a list of action which done by the user. The number of elements like as: An actor, an event, a
use case. The major component is the actor. I have two actors in my projects, they are:
• Admin
• Student/User
• Instructor

Figure 4.1: Use Case Diagram of Student

Figure 4.2: Use Case Diagram of Admin

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Figure 4.3: Use Case Diagram of Instructor

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4.2.2 DFD Diagram
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of how data flows within a system. It
is used to model the flow of data through a system or process, and is often used in systems analysis
and design to help clarify requirements and identify opportunities for improvement.

Figure 4.4: Zero Level DFD (Learning Management System)

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4.2.3 E-R Diagram

Figure 4.5: E-R Diagram

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4.2.4 Sequence Diagram

Figure 4.6: Sequence Diagram

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4.2.5 Database Table Structures

Figure 4.7: Database Table Design 1

Figure 4.8: Database Table Design 2

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Figure 4.9: Database Table Design 3

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5.1 Front-End Design
Everything you see on a website, like buttons, links, animations, and more, were created by a front-
end web developer. It is the front-end developer's job to take the vision and design concept from
the client and implement it through code.
Front-end developers work with various technologies, tools, and languages, including:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The standard markup language used to create the
structure and layout of web pages.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): A stylesheet language used to control the presentation, formatting,
and appearance of web pages, such as colors, fonts, and layout.
JavaScript: A programming language that allows developers to add interactivity, animations, and
other dynamic elements to websites and web applications.
Front-end developers may also use libraries and frameworks, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, to
streamline their work and create more sophisticated and interactive UIs.
5.1.1 Snapshots of login panel
This is the login page for user admin. To login the user email and password will be used.

Figure 5.1.1: Snapshots of login panel

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5.1.2 Dashboard of admin panel

This page is also for admin panel. Here admin can see the whole system of update data.

Figure 5.1.2: Dashboard of admin panel

5.1.3 Create new user page of admin panel

Here admin can add users to both new moderator and students.

Figure 5.1.3 Create new user page of admin panel

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5.1.4 All users list page of admin panel
Here admin can see all of users list, status checking, approval and Action.

Figure 5.1.4: All users list page of admin panel

5.1.5 Course list page of admin panel

This page admin can see all course list status checking active or deactivate and give instructions.

Figure 5.1.5 Course list page of admin panel

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5.1.6 Classroom inside view of Teacher panel
This page a teacher can create assignment, quiz, Class Test and can review question.

Figure 5.1.6: Classroom inside view of Teacher panel

5.1.7 Classroom inside view of Student panel

This is the students class view. Here Student can submit assignment, downloads study materials,
see total members, post group name and comment in post.

Figure 5.1.7: Classroom inside view of Student panel

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5.1.8 Manage Blog Add Blog
Here admin can upload category wise add blog. Blog’s picture upload.

Figure Add Blog View Blog
This page’s admin can do modify blog, status checking, delete or remove and view blog.

Figure View Blog

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5.1.9 Notice Add Notice
This is the admin page. Here the revised notification for students is uploaded.

Figure Add Notice View Notice
All notice appears on this page. Notice can do update modification or any post remove.

Figure View Notice

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5.1.10 Manage Order
If any students can purchase her course. This page shows her order id, invoice number, customer
name and status checking. Admin can remove or suspend any customer.

Figure 5.1.10: Manage Order Payment
An admin can see all Customer's payment history.

Figure Payment

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5.1.11 Event Add Event
This is the admin page. Here the revised event for students is uploaded.

Figure Add Event View Event
All event appears on this page. Event can do update modification or any post remove

Figure View Event

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5.1.12 Manage Course Add Course
Here admin can add new course which he took for teaches.

Figure Add Course View Course
Here admin can see the total course which she took.

Figure View Course

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5.2 Back-End Design

PHP developers write server-side web applications using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) scripting
languages. Despite their popularity in the market, a PHP developer’s full job description isn’t
widely known. Today, let’s learn more about PHP developer responsibilities and what their role is
in development. Many of the languages used to build up the back-end design. SQL, PHP, Java,
Python, Ruby and JavaScript. Finally, back-end design is the main fact of a website, if it doesn’t
work properly then the whole system will be failed. This part provides facility for every company
owner to edit and modify information in his own company. Providing validation check for member
identification, the rear end system can securely protect users’ proprietary information. In addition,
all page views employ session variables to discourage manually defined variables by users.
Applying user friendly approach, and that specialize in web programming inexperience, the user
can effortlessly manage his rear information. Inside the rear end, admin can control and consider
all employee information. Web admin management, employee management, and promotion
management. We have used this framework because it’s easy to creating web application with an
easy-to-use syntax, routing, authentication, sessions and catching. The back-end design is a
terminology that receives the client’s request and holds the logic to send a response back to the
client. We have developed management option for an admin in order that he can add new course,
add classroom under post assignments, give a post class test in classroom, delete and update notice/
Event information. We have implemented Learning management system so that admin can see all
the information of a classroom, view course, view payment history see join classroom students.
Remember to follow best practices, adhere to coding standards, and stay updated with the latest
security patches and PHP versions to ensure the security and stability of your PHP application. So
we used PHP language in the back-end design. This is very secure language.

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6.1 Implementation
A database management system handles the requests generated from the SQL interface, producing
or modifying data in response to these requests. This involves a multilevel processing system.
Database is morally the central part of the project. So, maintenance the database is immensely
important and main part of our system. This database contains the collection of information which
helps to access the data, manage and update. There have many databases MySQL is also select by
many popular websites for its user friendliness MySQL is popular user friendly.
The following are steps in the implementation phase:

▪ Install the DBMS.

▪ Tune the setup variables according to the hardware, software and usage conditions.
▪ Create the database and tables.
▪ Load the data.
▪ Set up the users and security.
▪ Implement the backup regime.

6.2 Testing
Software Testing is a method to check whether the actual software product matches expected
requirements and to ensure that software product is Defect free. It involves execution of
software/system components using manual or automated tools to evaluate one or more properties
of interest. The purpose of software testing is to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in
contrast to actual requirements. Some prefer saying Software testing definition as a White Box and
Black Box Testing. Software Testing is Important because if there are any bugs or errors in the
software, it can be identified early and can be solved before delivery of the software product.
Properly tested software product ensures reliability, security and high performance which further
results in time saving, cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction [7].

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6.3 Types of testing:
6.3.1 Unit testing
Unit testing is a method of testing individual units or components of a software application. It is
typically done by developers and is used to ensure that the individual units of the software are
working as intended. Unit tests are usually automated and are designed to test specific parts of the
code, such as a particular function or method. Unit testing is done at the lowest level of the software
development process, where individual units of code are tested in isolation.

6.3.2 Integration testing

Integration testing is a method of testing how different units or components of a software
application interact with each other. It is used to identify and resolve any issues that may arise
when different units of the software are combined.

6.3.3 System testing

This software is tested such that it works fine for the different operating systems. It is covered
under the black box testing technique. In this, we just focus on the required input and output
without focusing on internal working. In this, we have security testing, recovery testing, stress
testing, and performance testing

6.3.4 White box testing

White box testing of system is a method of software testing that involves examining the internal
workings of the system's code and infrastructure to ensure that it meets the specified requirements
and performs as intended.

6.3.5 Black box testing

Black box testing of system refers to a method of testing the system's functionality and
performance without any knowledge of its internal code or structure. Unlike white-box testing,
which is performed earlier in the testing process, black-box testing tends to be applied during later
stages of testing. Because black-box testing purposely disregards control structure, attention is
focused on the information domain. By applying black-box techniques, we derive a set of test cases
that satisfy following criteria.

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6.3.6 Performance Testing

It is designed to test the run-time performance of software within the context of an integrated
system. It is used to test the speed and effectiveness of the program. It is also called load testing.
In it we check, what is the performance of the system in the given load. Performance Testing also
knows as ‘Perf Testing’, is a type of testing performed to check how application or software
performs under workload in terms of responsiveness and stability. The Performance Test goal is
to identify and remove performance bottlenecks from an application. This test is mainly performed
to check whether the software meets the expected requirements for application speed, scalability,
and stability.
While doing performance testing on the application, we will concentrate on the various factors like
Response time, Load, and Stability of the application.
Response time: Response time is the time taken by the server to respond to the client's request.
Load: Here, Load means that when N-number of users using the application simultaneously or
sending the request to the server at a time.
Stability: For the stability factor, we can say that, when N-number of users using the application
simultaneously for a particular time [11].

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7.1 Conclusion
The Learning Management System is web-based software that provides different functionality
compared to the previous works mentioned above. We have managed to develop a system and a
guideline to on how an application can be developed for course management system based on web.
We have face with many errors and fixed it. LMSs offered yearly over the web and because of this
rapid development in educational technologies over the world. There is no doubt that we need
some tools to evaluate the quality, efficiency, and performance of the LMSs. The system is user
friendly and was developed according to the principle of Human Computer Interaction and
Database Management.

7.2 Limitation and Future Work

We will discuss limitation of this project. There has no major limitation in this. But develop project
in this project of future. We working Payment system, cloud-based system as if any time access
over the world. User can’t modify any types of data in this application. Again, increasing data
security as if unauthorized person cannot access.

This project also has the future scope of enhancement such as:

▪ It more user friendly.

▪ Can add more feature.
▪ The reliability of the web application can be increase.
▪ I intend to implement an artificial intelligence.
▪ Payment System User friendly.
▪ Increasing security whole project.

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[1]. “Introduction To Learning Management System,” GCube Solutions. https://www.gc-
[2]. Wikipedia Contributors, “Learning management system,” Wikipedia, Sep. 21, 2019.
[3]. K. Brush, “What is a Learning Management System (LMS) and What is it Used For?,”
SearchCIO, Dec. 2019.
[4]. A. Suleiman, “Design and Implementation of a Learning Management System,”, Available:
[5]. “Learning Management System : It’s use and scope,” The Kashmir Horizon.
[6]. “What Is an LMS and Why Should You Use It?,” Insights, Sep. 08, 2021.
[7]. GeeksforGeeks, “Types of Software Testing - GeeksforGeeks,” GeeksforGeeks, Aug. 2017.
[8]. S. A. Raza, W. Qazi, K. A. Khan, and J. Salam, “Social Isolation and Acceptance of the
Learning Management System (LMS) in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Expansion of the
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