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 Delicate /ˈdelɪkət/ tinh tế, tế nhị, nhạy cảm, dễ chịu, màu phớt

1. Easily damaged or broken

Synonym: fragile
The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body
2. (of a person) who is not strong and easily becomes ill (yếu ớt, mềm mại)
A delicate child/constitution
His health is always delicate
3. Small and having a beautiful shape or appearance
She has delicate hands
4. Made or formed in a very careful and detailed way
The delicate mechanisms of a clock
5. Showing or needing careful or sensitive treatment (tế nhị, nhạy cảm)
A delicate problem
I admired your delicate handling of the situation
6. (of colors, flavors, and smells) light and pleasant; not strong
Synonym: subtle
A delicate flavor/ fragrance (mùi thơm dễ chịu)

 Cosmos /ˈkɒzmɒs/ Một vũ trụ có trật tự (The cosmos)

the universe, especially when it is thought of as an ordered system
The structure of the cosmos
Our place in the cosmos

 Debris /ˈdebriː/, /ˈdeɪbriː/ (n) mảnh vỡ, mảnh vụn, đống gạch đổ nát
1. Pieces of wood, metal, or building materials that are left after something has been
Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion
2. Rubbish or pieces of materials that are left somewhere and are not wanted
The debris of their lunch
Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond

 Vow /vaʊ/ lời thề, thề nguyện, hứa hẹn

To make a formal and serious promise to do something or a formal statement that
is true
Vow to do something: She vowed never to speak to him anymore
Vow to somebody that: He vowed that he had never hurt her

 Inevitable /ɪnˈevɪtəbl/ Không thể tránh được, chắc chắn xảy ra, vẫn thường thấy
Synonym: unavoidable
1. That you cannot avoid or prevent
It is an inevitable consequence of the decision
2. happening so often that you always expect it
3. the inevitable noun [singular] something that is certain to happen
You have to accept the inevitable

 Stammer /ˈstæmə(r)/ nói cà lắp, lắp bắp, nói lắp, sự nói lắp
Synonym: stutter
1. to speak with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping before
saying things correctly
Many children stammered but grow out of it
Stammer something (out)
She was barely able to stammer out the description of the attacker

 Wail /weɪl/ (n, v) tiếng khóc, tiếng rền rĩ, kêu gào, than khóc, kể lể
1. To make a long, loud, and high noise because you are sad or in pain
A little girl is wailing miserably
2. To cry and complain about something in a loud high voice. Synonym Moan
The cat was wailing to be let out.
Wail (about something): There is no point to wail about something that
happened so long ago.
3. to make a long, loud, high sound

 Pragmatic /præɡˈmætɪk/ synonym: realistic

Solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed
ideas or some theories
Ex: A pragmatic approach to management problems

 Crater /ˈkreɪtə(r)/ miệng núi lửa, hố, bom, đại bác

1. In a large hole in the top of the volcano
We peered over the lip of the crater into the volcano
2. A large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb or by
something large hitting it
A meteorite crater

 Candid /ˈkændɪd/ thẳng thắn, bộc trực, thật thà, không thiên vị
1. Saying what you think openly and honestly, not hiding in your thoughts
A candid statement/interview
To be candid, I can’t stand her
2. a candid photograph is one that is taken without the person in it knowing that they are
being photographed

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