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Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

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Digital game-based language learning for vocabulary development

Mahjabin Chowdhury a, *, L.Quentin Dixon b, Li-Jen Kuo c, Jonan Phillip Donaldson d,
Zohreh Eslami e, Radhika Viruru f, Wen Luo g
Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, Texas, United States
Independent Educational Researcher, Texas, United States
Associate Professor of Literacy Education, Texas A&M University, Texas, United States
Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas, United States
Professor of ESL Education, Texas A&M University, Texas, United States
Clinical Professor, Teaching, Learning and Culture, Texas A&M University, Texas, United States
Professor and Associate Department Head, Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, Texas, United States


Keywords: Current literature suggests that one of the impressive benefits of digital game-based language learning is its
Games potential to create engaging vocabulary learning experiences. However, this literature is dominated by game-
Elementary education play approaches, rather than game-making approaches. Drawing upon constructivist, motivation, dual-coding,
Collaborative learning
and constructionist theories, this study examined elementary English language learners’ vocabulary learning
Pedagogical issues
Distance education and online learning
experiences in a game-based learning context and investigated their experience as they built their own games
based on their understanding of different non-fiction texts. This mixed-methods case study involved novel use of
network analysis to examine student learning, investigate the relationships between various aspects of learner
experiences, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Findings indicated that a complex set of
interdependencies between enactments of theoretical principles including generativity, agency, tinkering,
intrinsic motivation, and contextualized learning lead to enjoyment and powerful language learning experiences.
Design principles for future digital game-based language learning include optimizing visual aspects, spending
more time on technical skill development, increasing learner agency, and focusing more on generative and joyful
learning experiences.

Introduction The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a digital

game-based language learning (DGBLL) workshop, focusing on gains in
Digital game-based language learning (DGBLL) could afford English vocabulary and reading comprehension. It explores learners’ experi­
language learners as game designers a motivating opportunity to learn ences, analyzing the interplay between game-based learning, language
the necessary language skills, giving these students greater access to learning, and affective experiences. The study examines how these ex­
learning and success in life [1,2]. English language learners are the periences align with learning theories like constructionism and dual
fastest-growing sector of the K-12 school population, and the enroll­ coding theory. It aims to identify strengths, weaknesses, and leverage
ments are increasing in most parts of the country [3]. These children can points in a DGBLL workshop in which students designed their own
be difficult to teach due to differences in language and culture [4]. games, providing insights for future educational technology and lan­
Current literature shows that vocabulary is the most salient and prac­ guage pedagogy.
ticed language skill in the context of DGBLL where researchers use When discussing digital game-based language learning (DGBLL), it is
readily available commercial digital games [5,6]. However, instead of important to understand the differences among the terminologies such
using a digital game to teach specific skills, DGBLL can also be used to as game-based learning, serious games, digital games, digital game-
promote learning through creating games [7]. The current study based learning, gamification, and DGBLL. Game-based learning in­
employed DGBLL with students in charge of creating their own video volves learning through playing and/or making games including phys­
games based on non-fiction texts of which they had no prior knowledge. ical or non-digital games [8]. A digital game is any game played on a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Chowdhury), (L.-J. Kuo).
Received 27 February 2023; Received in revised form 17 December 2023; Accepted 17 January 2024
Available online 20 January 2024
2666-5573/Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

digital device such as a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Digital games minds and their social context including peers, more knowledgeable
are goal-oriented, challenging, promote interactions, and are governed others, tools, languages, and history. Constructivist theory not only sees
by a set of rules and feedback [9]. Serious games are designed to fore­ learning as a generative process, but also views knowledge as constructed
ground specific learning objectives, often pushing game aspects such as as opposed to discovered [38].
play, learner agency, and enjoyment into the background [10,11], and Constructionist learning theory expands the constructivist perspec­
sometimes seeking to trick students into doing things they do not wish to tive on learning [39] by placing more emphasis on the art of learning
do through “chocolate covered broccoli” approaches [12]. According to and on the significance of learning through making [40]. By construct­
Prensky [13], Digital game-based learning combines education and ing artifacts, activities, processes, and other observables that reflect and
games, uses a digital platform as the medium, and uses game elements to embody the meaning being constructed, a positive feedback loop
teach a specific skill or achieve a specific learning outcome. It takes the emerges: the embodied construction contributes to the construction of
core content and objectives and makes the learning experience fun for knowledge, which contributes to the construction of the artifacts, and so
many students [14,15]. Unlike digital game-based learning, in DGBLL, on [41]. Learning is inextricable from context and is the result of in­
game elements specifically focus on teaching a language skill or on teractions between learners and features of their environments, such as
reaching a specific language learning outcome. DGBLL can create an other learners, tools, resources, language, and social structures [36].
environment where education is mostly learner-centered, provide op­ Constructionist theory provides a set of principles for the design of
portunities for socialization when well-organized, and can awaken the learning environments and experiences. Learning is most powerful when
will to win and competitive desire in some social contexts [16,17]. In learners make things of their own design. The constructed artifacts
contrast to game-based learning, gamification is the application of game mirror the construction of meaning occurring in the minds of the
mechanics in a non-game context to promote desired behavior and learners. The artifacts are tangible objects-to-think-with, or tools of
learning outcomes [18]. Game-based learning integrates games with the embodied cognition [42]. Learner agency is the key. When learners have
learning process to teach a specific skill or achieve a learning aim [15, autonomy and authority over the goals, processes, roles, and nature of
19]. For this study, the focus will be only on digital game-based lan­ the artifacts, those artifacts take on personal significance [43]. Addi­
guage learning (DGBLL). tionally, learners should be situated as designers on design teams who
engage in the negotiation of goals, roles, procedures, tools, and mean­
Background literature ings. To be meaningful, artifacts must also be authentic. If learners
create artifacts that they know will only be seen just by teachers, the
Words are the building blocks of a language [20], and vocabulary construction of artifacts is akin to drill-and-practice activities. Learners
knowledge is a major factor underlying the achievement of reading need to know that the artifacts they are creating will have a real-world
comprehension and successful language learning for all learners [21]. impact on authentic audiences [44]. Resnick and Rosenbaum [45] argue
Learners develop vocabulary knowledge through systematic learning of for focused tinkering, which they define as “a playful, experimental,
vocabulary– targeted vocabulary instruction along with discussion and iterative style of engagement, in which makers are continually reas­
opportunities to learn the words in context [22] as well as through sessing their goals, exploring new paths, and imagining new possibil­
incidental exposure to new words [23], which involves authentic tasks ities” (p. 164). Situating learners as designers fosters a more focused
such as read-aloud, repeated exposures, and multimodal interactions to form of tinkering which facilitates the development of skills in framing
make word-form and word-meaning connections [24]. In the past and reflection-in-action. Focused tinkering provides a means of
decade, researchers have found that technology can improve learners’ balancing the product-driven activity of artifact construction with the
vocabulary development, and reading comprehension (e.g., [25,26]) joy and freedom of exploration.
and increase student motivation [27]. In addition, constructionism views learning as both an internal and
Different affordances of DGBLL, such as student agency, goal- external process [46]. The internal process includes the active process
oriented learning and feedback, opportunities for collaboration, and where the students construct knowledge. The external process includes
have the potential to increase English language learners’ vocabulary making artifacts that they can share with an authentic audience [44].
knowledge [28,29]. DGBLL may be beneficial for developing early lit­ The constructionist approach can aid language learning because con­
eracy [30]. DGBLL may also lead to successful reading comprehension structing knowledge by making artifacts may help the learners build
development because DGBLL aligns semiotic interrelationships among their cognitive knowledge and language skills.
multiple sign systems (e.g., words, images, actions, and artifacts) [31]. Motivation theory, particularly self-determination theory [47], fo­
By creating a game, students create a shareable artifact that permits cuses on the factors that engage learners in the learning process and help
them to convey their personal understanding of the concept in support of to explain their learning outcomes, either intrinsically or extrinsically.
their reading comprehension [32]. Despite earlier research indicating Learning is most engaging when intrinsic motivation is optimized
promising results for DGBLL with vocabulary development, improving through a combination of learner autonomy, self-efficacy in one’s
reading comprehension via DGBLL at the elementary level has not yet competence, and a sense of relatedness with others [47]. In the context
been studied using learning designs grounded in theory. of DGBLL, structural playable elements such as rules, goals, objectives,
outcomes, feedback, conflict, competition, challenge, opposition, rep­
Theoretical framework resentation, and narrative are designed to inspire learners’ extrinsic
motivation [13]. In contrast, intrinsic motivation relates to the learner’s
One of the core principles in the learning sciences is that learning is interests and inner mental fulfillment, which can be interpreted as the
complex and messy [33,34], and therefore multiple learning theories are enjoyment one experiences, the learning that the game offers, or the
necessary for robust investigation of learner experiences in DGBLL feeling of accomplishment one perceives (Figueroa, 2015).
contexts. This study is based on constructivist theory, constructionist In dual coding theory (DCT), cognition involves the processing of
theory, and motivation theory because these theories are dominant information via two different subsystems, a verbal system that is directly
theories used in game-based learning studies, and dual coding theory composed of language, and a nonverbal system that processes nonverbal
because this is relevant to vocabulary development [22]. Constructivist objects and events. Hence, knowledge–and the learning processes
learning theory is grounded in the work of Piaget [35], Vygotsky [36], through which knowledge is constructed–consists of the use of verbal
and Bruner [37], who defined learning as the active construction of and nonverbal systems together (Sadoski, 2005; Paivio & Clark, 2006).
knowledge and meaning. Vygotsky [36] and Bruner [37] expanded In the context of DGBLL, digital games can involve learners in learning
constructivist theory from an individual cognitive process [35] to new words by connecting word forms and meanings successfully using
address the constructive interaction between and across individual audio, video, pictures, graphics, and the like, in their virtual world

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

(Sadoski, 2005). a. How were the strengths and weaknesses of the DGBLL program
b. What were the leverage points which could be used to address
Scratch programming

One of the promising tools for DGBLL is Scratch. Scratch (https

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the methodo­
:// is a programming platform developed by the
logical approaches, including participants, data collection, and analyt­
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab that includes a
ical procedures. Section 3 presents the findings of the study, with a focus
development environment and a website where the community can host
on the relationships between various interdependent aspects of the ex­
their projects, play games, reuse other programs, and share ideas or
periences of the learners, as well as the impact on vocabulary develop­
suggestions with others [48]. In this free-to-use block-based program­
ment in a DGBLL environment. Throughout Section 3, we discuss the
ming language, students can create their own interactive stories, digital
findings, drawing on constructivist, motivation, dual-coding, and
games, and animation programming. The code pieces are displayed as
constructionist theories to interpret the results. We propose design
puzzle pieces that only fit together if they are syntactically correct [49].
principles for future DGBLL endeavors. In Section 4 we conclude by
In general, students who are exposed to Scratch report positive learning
summarizing the main contributions of the study, discussing limitations,
experiences [50].
and suggesting directions for future DGBLL research. By addressing
Even though researchers have found Scratch to be helpful for ac­
these areas, we aim to elucidate the potentials and challenges of digital
commodating different learning preferences and projects [48], the
game-based language learning for vocabulary development, particularly
benefits of Scratch have not yet been adequately investigated in terms of
from a game-making perspective.
DGBLL, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension. In a
small-scale intervention study, Sourani and Ihmaid (2019) found that
elementary students using Scratch programming performed better than
the control group who received traditional instruction for vocabulary
This was a convergent mixed methods case study using paired sam­
development. However, the researchers did not mention how long the
ple t-test, qualitative data coding, and network analysis. Students
treatment lasted or whether the treatment had any impact on students’
participated in a game-based language learning workshop that aimed to
language learning. Similarly, Burke and Kafai [51] conducted a writing
improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension through devel­
workshop in which students had to create stories using Scratch instead
oping digital games. The DGBLL workshop consisted of eight 50-minute
of with pencil and paper. Both students and researchers stated that the
online sessions over eight weeks. Before the workshop and again after
overall experience had been very motivating and positive not only for
the workshop, the thirteen students were assessed for reading compre­
improving digital literacy, but also for improving the learners’ writing
hension and vocabulary development. After the conclusion of the pro­
skill development through digital storytelling. However, the critical is­
gram, we interviewed the participants. We are situating our work in a
sues of generativity and learner agency were not addressed and no in­
constructivist and expansive paradigm in which generalizability is not a
formation about how the students chose new vocabulary within their
goal [52,53]. Rather, the goal is contextual understanding in order for
story retellings was provided. Therefore, more research is needed link­
readers to interpret theory-grounded principles in light of their own
ing the DGBLL and generative platforms, such as Scratch, in terms of
contexts. As constructivist researchers with expertise in game-based
vocabulary development and reading comprehension.
learning, we seek to understand how students experience DGBLL and
refer the reader to the literature (see previous section) for research
The present study regarding the efficacy of game-based learning.

The present research aimed to address the limitations outlined Research context and sample
above, including DGBLL and generative platforms, as well as to expand
the scope of existing research in several directions. The present study A DGBLL workshop was designed on constructionist principles: stu­
included: (1) the development of a game-based literacy curriculum dents were immersed in the constructionist learning environment for
focusing on developing both lower-level and higher-level processes that incidental vocabulary development; they constructed their own game in
are aligned with the Common Core Standards, and (2) the imple­ Scratch based on the assigned nonfiction text to encourage embodied
mentation of a game-based literacy workshop, using concept-based in­ cognition [42]. The non-fiction texts were five-paragraph informative
struction so participants can actively use targeted language skills for pieces about the water cycle, the lifecycle of frogs, African elephants,
game-based activities. The research questions were: and school uniforms. In addition, the students were situated as game
designers, and the final artifacts (digital games) were personally
1. Were there gains in terms of vocabulary and reading comprehension meaningful to the students because they have learners’ agency resulting
performance from the pre- to post-test? in the embodiment of the knowledge that learners constructed [43]. The
2. What was the learners’ experience in the program? students also shared their final artifacts with their peers and instructors
for feedback, providing them with authentic audiences [44]. During this
a. What were the relationships among game-based learning experi­ whole process, students went back and forth between their non-fiction
ences, language learning experiences, and affective experiences? texts and their games multiple times to remember the facts to embed
b. What were the leverage points in networks of relationships in their games, to add details to their games, to visualize the facts in the
regarding aspects of learner experiences that can be used to design games, or to connect the games with what they read in the non-fiction
DGBLL experiences in the future? topic, which could lead to incidental learning of vocabulary [54]. The
c. How were learner experiences related to the principles of learning workshop was divided into four 2-session units, with a different
theory in which the program was grounded? non-fiction text for each unit where students created new games for each
d. How do learner experiences indicate how different aspects of the unit. This iterative process gave the students ample opportunities for
constructionist theory are related to different aspects of dual coding focused tinkering [45], where they reassessed their game-making stra­
theory and/or motivation theory? tegies and information from the non-fiction text to design their game.
Thirteen elementary school age (9–13 years old; 7 male, 5 female)
1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the program, based on learners participated in this study. Participants were second-generation
learners’ experiences? Bangladeshi American English language learner students. All of the

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

students speak Bengali at home. Parents reported that these students had and reading comprehension for pretests were 0.68 and 0.63, considered
beginner to intermediate-level proficiency in Bengali and were strug­ acceptable for research [61]. The reliability coefficients for the vocab­
gling readers in English and had low English vocabulary knowledge. All ulary development and reading comprehension for post tests are 0.72
participants had computer and internet access at home. None of the and 0.83, considered highly reliable [61].
learners had prior experience with the game-designing platform Scratch. Each student received a game design journal in each lesson in Google
The workshop was designed to increase the participants’ vocabulary slides where they could note new vocabulary, facts from reading, or
knowledge and reading comprehension skills in non-fiction texts. Par­ brainstorm their game-design ideas. Khalili [7] suggested that game
ticipants were recruited from mailing lists of Bangladesh student asso­ design journals could be helpful for students to think through their ideas,
ciations at a major US research university. Parents received a study collect their data, and observe the progression of their ideas. The jour­
invitation and the informed parental consent form via Email. nals were primarily used for brainstorming and note taking (see
We designed the curriculum where in each session students read a Appendix B).
non-fiction text, learned new vocabulary, and designed games based on At the end of the workshop, students participated in semi-structured
their reading using Scratch. The instructors read the non-fiction text to interviews [55] conducted in Zoom to understand the overall experience
the students, discussed difficult or new words when necessary, and of the learners, which were transcribed verbatim. The interview ques­
demonstrated how to design a game. Note that after the demonstration, tions were constructed to elicit rich data regarding their experiences in
students in pairs were encouraged to use their creativity to design the workshop in relation to the theoretical framework described in the
games, with the expectation that each game would be unique. This previous section (see Appendix B and C).
direct instruction regarding new words may lead to successful vocabu­
lary knowledge development (Lesaux et al., 2014). During game-design Data analysis
sessions, the students worked in groups. The sessions were conducted
online, and the participants remained at their respective homes. They In this convergent mixed-methods research design, both qualitative
participated in both video and audio chat via Zoom. and quantitative data were collected essentially simultaneously, and
The 50-minute online sessions included interactive guided learning. both data sets were analyzed and compared to understand the research
All interactions were verbal. Sessions included game-designing activities problem [62,63]. Data were analyzed using both quantitative and
and discussions. The students were grouped by the facilitator during the qualitative research methods. Because the number of participants was
game design sessions. Each group worked in Zoom breakout rooms. small, analytical differentiation by gender was not possible. To answer
Even though students brainstormed together, the games were designed research question 1, the pre- and post-workshop vocabulary and reading
individually. The facilitator rotated in the group breakout rooms to comprehension assessments were analyzed quantitatively using paired
observe and give feedback. To further facilitate and encourage collab­ t-test statistical analysis in STATA to determine how the participation in
orative learning, between sessions the groups worked in Google docu­ the study related to the learners’ vocabulary and reading comprehension
ments and in the Scratch platform asynchronously. performance from pre- to post-test. For qualitative data coding, re­
searchers used the MAXQDA Analytics Pro-qualitative analysis software
Instruments and qualitative data collection to understand the learner’s experience. Learner’s experience includes
the affective, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and cognitive aspects of how
Measures for this study included game-design journals, pre and post the learners experienced the DGBLL workshop. Each sentence was coded
vocabulary, and reading comprehension tests, and semi-structured in­ according to multiple codes in the codebook when appropriate. All the
terviews which are described below. According to Maxwell [55], data qualitative data were coded in vivo for emergent codes [64] except for
triangulation is a strategy for validity testing. Triangulation refers to the categories based on the theories in which this study is grounded where
collection of information of various types from different sources to gain we used a priori coding [65]. The initial codebook included a category
a better understanding of the explanations and interpretations of the for theory with sub-categories related to constructivist theory, motiva­
collected data [56]. This research study used multiple data sources to tion theory, constructionist theory, and dual coding theory, as well as
collect data to gain an understanding of learners’ experiences and categories for the game-based learning experience, affective experience,
strategies as they created their digital games. Data collection took place language learning experience in terms of vocabulary development and
over eight weeks of the game design workshop. reading comprehension, and research design strengths and challenges as
Since most of the participants were 2nd graders, the reading perceived by the learners.
comprehension tests were aligned with the 420L-650 L Lexile band of Next, we conducted axial coding, which is a process of analyzing
2nd graders [57]. The design ensured that students encountered texts of codes in terms of relationships among codes [64]. Axial coding was
increasing complexity as they moved through each grade level. Pre- and conducted to relate the data together to reveal relationships between
post- vocabulary tests consisted of 10 questions to measure vocabulary codes, which was organized according to categories and subcategories
growth. Fifty percent of the questions were the same between the pre- [66]. Then we cleaned the codebook, deleting the emergent codes that
and post-tests selected to be academic vocabulary common to 2nd grade occurred only once since they cannot be used in a pattern [67]. We also
texts, and the other fifty percent were different questions grounded in merged codes if they were two versions of the same idea to avoid
the contextual learning during the DGBLL workshop (see Appendix A redundancy [66]. If a code occurred too many times, we split the code
and [58–60]). The vocabulary tests included 15 targeted vocabulary into multiple codes to provide a greater depth of understanding [66]
included in the intervention regarding the non-fiction concepts (e.g., resulting in 57 codes.
author’s purpose, context clues, using diagrams to clarify a text). We negotiated the codes, categories, and subcategories with an
Non-standardized assessments were selected for pretesting and post- expert regularly to minimize coder bias. However, there might still be a
testing as more appropriate for this study. Standardized assessments are concern about whether a single data coder can “interpret the same data
designed to measure growth over a year or more. Therefore, gains after and record exactly the same value for the same variable each time these
an eight-week workshop are unlikely to be captured by standardized data are collected?” ([68], p. 277). To respond to this concern, we
tests. This study focused on examining the acquisition of specific vo­ conducted an intra-rater reliability test [69] where 20 % of the data was
cabulary words and non-fiction concepts introduced in the DGBLL coded twice by the first author. Then, we ran an intra-rater reliability
workshop, which would not be reflected in standardized tests. To test in MAXQDA [66] to determine Kappa values. Using the scale for
minimize the concern regarding the reliability of the tests, the reliability strength of agreement developed by Landis and Koch (1977), we found
coefficients for the pre- and post-tests using Cronbach’s alpha were the Kappa value to be 0.64, indicating substantial reliability [69].
calculated. The reliability coefficients for the vocabulary development To answer research questions 2 and 3, we conducted semantic

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

network analysis [34]. Semantic network analysis is the use of network Results from quantitative data analysis
analytic techniques on multiple paired associations based on their lin­
guistic connections and semantic proximity within the cognitive schema To answer research question 1, we identified the null hypothesis as
[70]. Taken together, these associations represent the meaning inherent that there would be no difference in vocabulary performance scores
in the data [71]. between the pre and post vocabulary test, whereas the hypothesis was
We calculated the code co-occurrence correlations for all pairs of that there would be higher vocabulary performance scores in the post
codes within each category, as well as pairs across multiple categories. tests compared to the pre-tests. The Shapiro-Wilks test showed that the
The unit of analysis [72] is the network representing the relationships pre and posttest vocabulary scores were normally distributed with a p-
among codes found from the coding of all qualitative data, and the unit value of 0.18 and 0.16 (p>0.05). We conducted a paired sample t-test on
of observation [73] is a dyad consisting of two nodes (codes) and their the pre and pre and post vocabulary test scores. The post mean score
relationship [74,75]. In this study, each code consisted of a sentence (3.35) was higher than the pre mean score 2.08, indicating that the
[70]. students gained in their post vocabulary scores compared to their pre
Correlations were calculated using Pearson Product-Moment Corre­ vocabulary scores. The mean difference was 1.28 with a standard de­
lation [76] in MAXQDA Analytics Pro-to identify significant correlations viation of 1.08. The obtained t-value was 4.25 and the p-value was 0.001
between each code and other codes within each coding category. These (p<0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the research
correlations were exported as symmetrical correlation matrices in MS hypothesis was accepted: there was a statistically significant gain be­
Excel format constructed at the p<0.05, p<0.01, and p<0.001 confi­ tween the two mean vocabulary scores of 1.28 (95 % CI, 0.62 to 1.93), t
dence levels that were statistically significant. We used UCINET/Net­ (12) = 4.25, p<0.05.
Draw network analysis software to assist with axial coding through the We also wanted to see whether there was any significant difference in
analysis of relationships among categories [64] via semantic network the reading comprehension score from pre to post test. Shapiro-Wilks
maps [71,70]. These maps visually expressed the multiple networked test found that the pre-test was normally distributed with a p-value of
relationships in the correlated data, and then each map was analyzed to 0.98 (p>0.05) for the pretest and 0.99 for the post test. We ran the paired
determine which patterns were meaningful from a theoretical perspec­ sample t-test on the pre and post reading comprehension mean scores.
tive [64]. We also used the Girvan-Newman algorithm to apply cluster The post mean score (3.28) was higher than the pre mean score (2.24),
analysis [77]. Cluster analysis indicated the property of two nodes that suggesting that students had a gain in their post reading comprehension
were both neighbors of the same third node having a heightened prob­ scores compared to their pre reading comprehension scores. The mean
ability of also being neighbors of one another. Cluster analysis allowed difference was 1.03 with a standard deviation of 0.81. The obtained t-
us to identify patterns of aspects of learner experiences that were more value was 4.58 and the p-value was 0.0006 (p<0.05). Therefore, the
closely related to each other than to other aspects. null hypothesis was rejected and the research hypothesis was accepted:
To answer the second research question, clustered semantic network there was a statistically significant gain between the two mean reading
maps of learner experiences in terms of affect, game-based learning, and comprehension scores of 1.03 (95 % CI, 0.54 to 1.53), t(12) = 4.58,
language learning were used to identify how various aspects of learners’ p<0.05.
experiences were related. After that, betweenness measures of centrality To find out about the gains in students’ performance from the pre to
were used to identify leverage points – that is, aspects of the learning post test, we also looked at the understanding level of the students based
experience that would have the greatest impact on other aspects if these on the students’ open-ended responses to the test items. The responses
aspects were to be modified. Betweenness measures of centrality were scored based on the categorical variables of “complete under­
represent the importance of a node in connecting other nodes with each standing,” “almost understanding,” “incomplete/vague understanding,”
other in a network [78]. These measures of centrality identified leverage and “misunderstanding.” In the case of vocabulary pre and post tests, it
points, which indicated the places to intervene in a network map where was found that there was an increase in “complete understanding” (28.2
a relatively small change in one part of a system can lead to relatively big % to 65 %), and a decrease in “almost understanding” (65.5 % to 7.5 %),
changes in the whole system [79,80]. Leverage points could be used to “incomplete/vague understanding” (58.3 % to 15 %), and “misunder­
design more powerful DGBLL experiences in the future. standing” (40 % to 6.67 %). In the case of reading comprehension pre
Finally, to answer the third research question, clustered semantic and post tests, it was found that there was an increase in “complete
network maps of strengths and weaknesses of the design were used to understanding” (22 % to 78 %), and a decrease in “almost understand­
identify the relationships between design strengths and weaknesses. ing” (85.5 % to 14.4 %), “incomplete/vague understanding” (69.4 % to
Betweenness centrality measures were calculated and node (code) sizes 13.9 %) and “misunderstanding” (50 % to 0 %). Looking at the mean
indicated the level of betweenness. Nodes with higher betweenness scores of the repeated test items in the target vocabulary tests, we found
centrality measures helped to identify leverage points by which partic­ that there was a gain in the mean scores from the pre to post test (Fig. 1).
ular strengths can be used to address weaknesses. Clustered semantic All mean score differences for the repeated vocabulary items were
network maps of student experiences in relation to elements of the statistically significant (Fig. 1). In the reading comprehension test cat­
theories in which the program was grounded were used to determine the egories, there were gains in the mean scores from the pre to post tests
relationships between elements within each theory and elements across (Fig. 2).
theories. Betweenness measures in these semantic network maps were The overall mean scores differences for the comprehension cate­
used to identify leverage points in each theory which could provide gories in the reading comprehension pre and posttest (Fig. 2) were sta­
insights to strengthen other theories. tistically significant.

Results and discussion Discussion of results from quantitative data analysis

There were statistically significant gains from pre to post tests in both
Moving from the discussion of our methodological considerations, vocabulary development and reading comprehension. Cronbach’s alpha
we now turn our attention to the results and their implications. In this coefficients indicated that the assessment items had medium to high
section, we delve into an exploration of the data, beginning with the reliability. The students’ responses in the pre- and post-tests in both the
outcomes from our qualitative data analysis, and weave a narrative of vocabulary and reading comprehension showed that there was an in­
the students’ experiences, vocabulary development, and the emergent crease in “complete understanding” and a decrease in “almost under­
interdependencies in the digital game-based language learning context. standing,” “incomplete/vague understanding,” and
“misunderstanding.” There was a gain in the mean scores of the repeated
test items in the pre and post vocabulary and reading comprehension

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

Fig. 1. Pre and Post Vocabulary Items (Repeated target vocabulary).

Fig. 2. Pre and Post Comprehension Categories.

tests. Since there was no control group, these gains cannot be attributed
solely to the DGBLL workshop, but several aspects of the workshop such
as making a digital game [42], learners’ agency [43], authentic audience
[44], tinkering [45], or intrinsic motivation [47] may have contributed
to this gain.

Findings from network analysis of qualitative data

Because learning is complex, we used the complex systems analytical

approach of network analysis. We analyzed the qualitative data using
semantic network analysis to explore the learners’ experiences and the
strengths and weaknesses of the DGBLL workshop. Through cluster
analysis in the network map of correlated learner experiences reflected
in their game-design journals and semi-structured interviews, we iden­
tified groups of codes, and using betweenness centrality measures we Fig. 3. GBL vs LL vs AFF with Leverage Points.
identified leverage points.
AFF experience code of confident. This cluster also includes GBL expe­
Findings from network analysis for research question 2 rience codes of enjoyed coding and translate information into an interactive
To answer research question 2a, a three-cluster semantic network game. The fun-coding cluster (triangles cluster in Fig. 3) includes the
map (Q = 0.23) was generated using the categories “game-based AFF codes of fun and easy, as well as a GBL code of improve coding
learning experience” (GBL), “language learning experience” (LL), and knowledge and wants to practice more. The game-making-learning cluster
“affective experience” (AFF) using the Girvan-Newman algorithm [77] (squares cluster in Fig. 3) includes two GBL experiences of making a game
in the analysis software. The network map was created using the cor­ and learned facts about the non-fiction topic, and an affective experi­
relation matrix at the p<0.001 confidence level (Fig. 3). ence–motivated to learn more about the topic.
The reading-application cluster (circles cluster in Fig. 3) includes the To answer question 2b, we calculated the betweenness measures of
significantly correlated (as indicated by lines connecting nodes) LL ex­ centrality of nodes within the categories of GBL, LL, and AFF to see
periences codes of enjoyed reading/learning about nonfiction, positive, which nodes held the most importance in the network map in terms of
going back to text, learned new facts, and context clues, related to students’

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

connecting two or more other nodes. The most prominent leverage point regulated and motivated to practice for their own skill development
was found to be the GBL experience code of translate information into an due to affective reasons such as interest or enjoyment [47]. The
interactive game (the largest node in Fig. 3). Some other leverage points game-making-learning cluster reinforces this idea of intrinsic motiva­
were LL experience codes of going back to text and enjoyed reading/ tion as the students mention that they are motivated to learn more about
learning about nonfiction and the AFF code of fun. the non-fiction topic.
To answer research question 2c, a three-cluster semantic network Findings from research question 2b show the leverage points inter­
map was generated using the codes for the categories “constructionist connecting game-based learning, language learning, and students’ af­
theory,” “dual-coding theory,” and “motivation theory.” Using the fective experience. The most important leverage point among the
Girvan-Newman algorithm [77], we identified a three-cluster semantic experiences was translating information from the nonfiction text into an
map (Q = 0.22) using the correlation matrix at the p<0.001 level interactive game. DGBLL experience may provide the unique affordance
(Fig. 4). of contextualized language learning where the students use the language
The construction-together cluster (hourglasses cluster in Fig. 4) in a meaningful, goal-focused way [83]. Contextualization is an effective
includes codes of learner agency, authentic audience, situating learners method of L2 vocabulary learning as it helps the learners to remember
as designers, and tinkering from the constructionist theory, codes of the vocabulary in semantically related groupings [20]. This DGBLL
learning together, interdependence, and sharing from constructivist experience also provided the students with space for sheltered use where
theory, and codes from dual coding theory including multiple modality the students progress through steps (Reiser & Tabak, 2014; [36]). For
and text-graphics. The schema-construction cluster (diamonds cluster example, the leverage points included the whole cycle of the workshop
in Fig. 4) includes the schema theory codes of activation of schemas, where the students first read the non-fiction text, jotted down the facts
relating new vocabulary with prior knowledge, and word associations, from their reading along with newly learned vocabulary, designed their
the cognitive constructivist code of transform information into knowl­ game around the facts, went back to the text if necessary, coded and
edge, and intrinsic motivation from motivation theory. The rounded built their game, and enjoyed the whole process. This suggests that
square node (right side of Fig. 4) represents one code of making from designing generative learning experiences helps students translate in­
constructionist theory; according to Girvan-Newman analysis [77], it is formation into knowledge by constructing meaningful representations
“clustered” on its own, but has a significant relationship to the in the DGBLL context. Furthermore, educators should design these
schema-construction cluster. learning experiences such that they include opportunities for reading
We also calculated betweenness centrality measures (Fig. 4) and re- and leverage the affordance of DGBLL to facilitate positive affective
sized the nodes by betweenness to discover the leverage points among experiences (fun) but must take care not to lose the joy of learning.
the learning theories and found three leverage points. These include the Findings related to research question 2c reveal that aspects of
constructionist theory code of tinkering (the largest hourglass node in constructionist theory are closely related to aspects of the L2 vocabulary
Fig. 4), the motivation theory code of intrinsic motivation (large node on learning process posited by social constructivist theory, schema theory,
the right side of the diamonds cluster), and the schema theory code of dual coding theory, and motivation theory. The construction-together
activation of schemas (large diamond node in the center of the map). cluster shows that several aspects of constructionist theory–including
focused tinkering, authentic audience, and situating learners as
Discussion of network analysis findings for research question 2 designers–are connected to aspects of interdependence and learning
Research question 2 explored learner experiences. Findings related together from social constructivist theory. This aligns with the connec­
to research questions 2a and 2b display the interconnection among the tion between the DGBLL and social constructivist theory of vocabulary
learners’ experiences in terms of game-based learning, language learning as it emphasizes the DGBLL affordance of opportunities for
learning, and students’ affective experiences. The reading-application collaboration [83,84]. This affordance is based on the
cluster shows us that the students have enjoyed reading/learning about social-collaborative foundation of second language acquisition (SLA)
non-fiction texts, learned new facts, and went back to texts and these lan­ which emphasizes aspects of collaboration, cooperation, empathy, and
guage learning experiences have helped them to apply their knowledge critical thinking [85]. In this cluster, constructionist theory and
as they translate information into an interactive game. They feel confident, constructivist theory are also connected with multiple modality and
and nice, good, great about this experience overall. This aligns with the text-graphics connection of dual coding theory of vocabulary learning.
affordance of providing space for sheltered vocabulary learning where The schema-construction cluster shows that the code of activation of
the DGBLL experience has helped the English language learners to apply schemas is connected to the codes of relating new vocabulary with prior
their knowledge in a low-anxiety environment with the students feeling knowledge, and word associations. This aligns with the schema theory of
positive and confident [81,82]. vocabulary learning which contends that connecting new words with
The fun-coding cluster displays that the students have a fun and easy prior knowledge and making word associations helps the learners to
experience in the game-based learning environment. They want to activate their schema which in turn, results in their vocabulary learning
improve their coding knowledge and they want to practice more. This aligns [86]. Even though the single node of making is not a cluster, it is an
with the concept of intrinsic motivation where the learner is self- important node to create the dyad with the code of intrinsic motivation.
Without this node, the semantic map becomes weak. This dyad suggests
that the DGBLL context may have the potential to promote intrinsic
The construction-together cluster included all the nodes that point to
the active, external learning by making artifacts whereas the schema-
construction cluster included all the nodes that point to the internal,
cognitive process of knowledge construction. This aligns with the
feature of constructionist theory where the learners make artifacts (in
this case, digital games) and these artifacts mirror the embodied
cognition of learners’ minds [42]. This external and internal process
simultaneously helps the learner with knowledge construction.
The three leverage points also reveal that the DGBLL environment
may provide opportunities for focused tinkering [45] which helps the
learners to immerse themselves in an “experimental, iterative style of
Fig. 4. Learning Theories with Leverage Points. engagement” (p. 164), promote intrinsic motivation [47], and activate

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

their schemas for vocabulary knowledge development [87]. which is connected to lack of time, not enough instruction on Scratch,
and not enough free play. Therefore, to address this design challenge in
Findings from network analysis for research question 3 future, instructors should not only give ample time and instruction on
To answer research question 3a, a clustered semantic network map Scratch, but also make sure that the students have more autonomy for
was generated using the codes for the categories “design strengths” and free play [88] and are provided with a diversity of games.
“design challenges” resulting in a three-cluster semantic map (Q = 0.34)
using the correlation matrix at the p<0.05 level (Fig. 5). Conclusion, limitations, and future research
The instructions-glitch cluster (up-triangles cluster in Fig. 5) in­
cludes the codes of technical glitch and need more instruction on Scratch Findings from this study of DGBLL for L2 vocabulary learning shows
from the category “design challenges,” and codes of working with colors that there were statistically significant gains from pre to post-tests in
and working with images from the category of “design strengths.” The both vocabulary learning and reading comprehension. Because the
coding-time cluster (down-triangles cluster in Fig. 5) includes the codes novel approach of network analysis embraces the complexity of learning
of coding was challenging, not enough time, and more free play/diversity of experiences, our findings show that DGBLL contexts have the potential
games from the category design challenges and a code of learned coding to provide students with engaging low-anxiety environments for the
from the category “design strength.” The foreground-background clus­ facilitation of vocabulary development [81,82]. The prominent
ter (circles cluster in Figure 7) includes three codes of wants to improve theory-grounded leverage points found in this study point to the
game, background and foreground work, and writing facts on foreground importance of learning designs that promote joyful and generative ex­
from the category “design strengths” and a code of no improvement periences. These leverage points are relevant throughout the DGBLL
needed from the category of “design challenges.” learning experience. Therefore, if researchers want to design a more
To answer research question 3b, we calculated the betweenness powerful DGBLL learning experience for their students, they are
measures of centrality to find out the leverage points to address the well-advised to design a generative learning experience in which stu­
design challenges. There were two prominent leverage points: technical dents will have the opportunity to translate information into knowledge
glitch (large up-triangle node in the center of Fig. 5) and coding was by constructing meaningful artifacts. The experience of joy appears to be
challenging (large down-triangle node) from the category “design facilitated by game-based approaches that center learner agency. We
challenges.” also found that if educators ground their research on strong learning
theories such as constructionism, motivation theory, and dual coding
Discussions of network analysis findings for research question 3 theory, and promote a maker experience for the students, it may lead to
From the findings of research questions 3a and 3b, we can see the powerful learning. Finally, this is a reminder that educators can facili­
connections between the design strengths and challenges of the DGBLL tate positive learning experiences for their students but must pay
workshop. The instructions-glitch cluster shows that the “design attention to the aspect of enjoyment. The current study has found
strengths” of working with images and working with colors is connected to several promising aspects of DGBLL, such as promoting joy, generative
the “design challenges” of technical glitch and need more instruction on experiences, and learner agency. Future research could explore these
Scratch. To design powerful DGBLL experiences, the curriculum de­ aspects in more depth, for example, by investigating which specific
velopers should pay more attention to ensuring the stability of the affordances of digital games contribute to these outcomes and how they
internet and technical issues as well as provide ample instruction on can be enhanced.
Scratch. DGBLL contexts may promote intrinsic motivation for the learners,
From the coding-time cluster, learning to code the game was con­ which is a key element of the motivation theory, and provide them with
nected to the “design challenges” of coding was challenging, not enough the opportunity to contextualize language learning where vocabulary is
time, and more free play/diversity of game. Connecting this finding to the dual coded through multimodal narrative in the gaming context. The
instructions-glitch cluster, even though these students enjoyed working DGBLL context of this study provided students with social constructivist
with colors and images, they would prefer more time to develop their opportunities to collaborate and share ideas with each other. This
skill in coding. The foreground-background cluster shows that there is experience gave them an opportunity to enact the constructionist prin­
no improvement suggested by the data when it comes to the “design ciple of focused tinkering which may lead to vocabulary learning. Our
strengths” of wants to improve game, background and foreground work, and network analysis of relationships between theoretical principles found
writing facts on foreground. that constructionist theory principles of focused tinkering, authentic
From the findings of research question 3b, the two prominent design audience, and situating learners as designers were clustered with aspects
challenges that the learner faced were technical glitches and coding was of social constructivist theory, schema theory, and dual coding theory.
challenging. Participants mentioned ensuring a stable internet connec­ This clustering emphasized contextual and externalized processes and
tion and “internet” when discussing the technical glitches. One partici­ relationships. Another cluster focused on internal processes from
pant mentioned that her computer restarted occasionally. Another cognitive constructivist theory, with intrinsic motivation connecting
student mentioned not being able to share her screen during their these processes with the constructionist principle of learning by making.
sharing time. Because these are significant leverage points, addressing Future DGBLL research might explore different ways of conducting
these issues in the future can be expected to improve the learning network analysis to further uncover the complex relationships between
experience. Another design challenge was that coding was challenging different aspects of the learning experience.
The struggles students experienced in this study were connected
through complex interdependent relationships with design strengths
which can be leveraged to address such struggles in the future. Struggles
with technical glitches and feeling unsure about how to use the tech­
nologies were clustered with strengths related to visual aspects of the
learning environment, suggesting that aspects of the visual environment
could be used more effectively as prompts for using the tools. Struggles
with timing and computational thinking were clustered with strengths
related to technical skill development. Therefore, educators may wish to
build more time into the activity structure for skill development. Future
research could explore innovative ways to address these struggles to
Fig. 5. Design Strength vs Challenges with Leverage Points. improve the effectiveness of the DGBLL approach.

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

Because this study was not experimental (no control group) and the CRediT authorship contribution statement
number of participants was small, these gains cannot be ascribed to the
DGBLL workshop entirely. Most qualitative research has issues with Mahjabin Chowdhury: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal
researcher bias [72]. To address this, the researchers acknowledged the analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project
issue, ran intra-rater reliability tests, and tried to reflect critically administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visuali­
through all the stages of analysis and interpretation. Furthermore, the zation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. L.
workshop only lasted for eight weeks. More time and progression Dixon: Conceptualization. Li-Jen Kuo: Supervision. Jonan Phillip
through time in a longitudinal study could provide more in-depth Donaldson: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visu­
findings regarding DGBLL and digitally mediated language learning alization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Zohreh
contexts. Finally, because our focus of analysis was on qualitative data Eslami: Supervision. Radhika Viruru: Supervision. Wen Luo:
and we used a constructivist research paradigm, generalizability was not Supervision.
a goal. Even though replicability of protocol and procedures may be
possible, replicability of findings will not be possible. Therefore, future Declaration of competing interest
research should focus on long-term longitudinal data collection, multi­
ple iterations, and implementation of the research design with multiple The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
data sources for the triangulation of the data. To increase the robustness interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of the findings, future studies could involve larger and more diverse the work reported in this paper.
groups of learners. This could include learners of different ages, learning
preferences, and cultural backgrounds.

Appendix A: Pre and Post Tests



M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

Appendix B: Journal Prompt and Interview Protocol

Please write about your game-design today

What is working well? Needs Improvement

Player role/character
Game goals/rules
Is it clear what you are supposed to do?
What ways could the goals/rules work better?
Which part was too hard/boring/easy/just right?
Do you understand the words/language/story?
Did you learn a new word?What was it?
Can you write a sentence with it?
What images/color choices work well?

Game-Design Journal Prompt

Interview Protocol for Study 1

1. What did you think about the program?

2. How did you feel about making the games?
3. What was your game about?
4. What did you like about working on your game in Scratch?
5. How do you think your game turned out?
6. What steps did you follow to make your game after reading a nonfiction text?
7. How did you work with any other students on your game?
8. Do you think you will show your video game to other people?
9. Would you be interested in designing video games about other stories?
10. Do you feel more confident about reading non-fiction texts now (after this program)?
11. Do you feel more confident about learning new words?

M. Chowdhury et al. Computers and Education Open 6 (2024) 100160

Appendix C

Example Codes and Coded Segments

Code Description Example Quote

SOCIAL CONST - coding together The social constructivist principle of co-constructing "I feel pretty happy that my friends can join me in coding."
knowledge through coding together.
SOCIAL CONST - interdependence The social constructivist principle of interdependence. "I worked by doing like helping. We made it. We helped each other with the
scratch, and we made sure everyone was doing okay and they were making
the right codes, and they were also making sure that everything was okay"
SCHEMA - activation of schemas The schema theory principle of activation of schemas. "I went back to read the text again when I was in Scratch so that I can
remember where what I read"
SCHEMA - relating new vocabulary The schema theory principle of integrating new vocabulary "like the other day I was eating chocolate and I remember that I know how
with prior knowledge with existing knowledge. they make chocolate from cocoa bean."
COG CONST - relevance exploration The cognitive constructivist approach of exploring the "because it’s very much like I like math that I want to do"
(what it means to the lrnr) relevance of new information to the learner’s own life and
COG CONST - transform information The cognitive constructivist process of transforming newly "Then we went to Scratch and coded what we read to make the game"
into knowledge acquired information into personal knowledge.
DCT - text - graphics The dual-coding theory’s emphasis on integrating text and "I remember the text and I was like, if I didn’t understand something I would
graphics to enhance learning. just try to remember it from the text, then do that game on Scratch"
DCT - multiple modality The dual-coding theory’s principle of using multiple "Then we went to Scratch and coded what we read to make the game"
modalities (such as visual and verbal) for effective learning.
CONSTRUCTIONIST - Authentic The constructionist theory’s focus on creating for an "I would like to show it to my friends and I want to work on mine more"
audience authentic audience, enhancing the meaningfulness of the
learning experience.
CONSTRUCTIONIST - learner agency The constructionist perspective on learner agency, "because it’s very much like I like math that I want to do"
(also in motivation theory) emphasizing the role of the learner in directing their own
learning process.
CONSTRUCTIONIST - Making The constructionist approach of learning through making "We made a "game" of a African Elephant."
and creating tangible outputs.
MT - intrinsic motivation The motivation theory’s concept of intrinsic motivation, "we learn like I do math on [redacted]. He has this coding section, and really
where the learner is driven by internal desire and interest. into that so I like coding and making animations and drawings"
EXP GBL - Enjoyed coding The experience of enjoyment in coding, reflecting a positive "I learned facts about watercycle, elephant and chocolate and made games
engagement with the learning material. with my coding"
EXP AFF - confident The affective experience of feeling confident, indicating a "I feel more confident in reading nonfiction texts because I can, I can explain
positive emotional response to the learning process. all of the main stuff that are in the nonfiction passages and text"
EXP AFF - Fun The affective experience of finding the learning process fun, "Scratch, I don’t know how but I....I think helped me to remember more of
contributing to engagement and interest. what I read…It was fun, and easy and exciting, and I made games"
EXP AFF - motivated to learn more The affective experience of increased motivation to learn "Scratch, I don’t know how but I....I think helped me to remember more of
about the topic more about a specific topic. what I read…It was fun, and easy and exciting, and I made games"
DESIGN CHALL - technical glitch Challenges encountered in design, specifically technical "It was one problem because one of them more. on this side, um, people’s
glitches that can hinder the learning process. names are coming out. That was distracting"
DESIGN CHALL - not enough time The challenge of insufficient time for design and learning "I needed a lot of help it was confusing and hard and difficult, and I don’t
activities. know any other words to describe but I wanted to work on it and not enough
EXP LL - enjoyed reading/learning The experience of enjoyment in reading and learning about "I feel more confident in reading nonfiction texts because I can, I can explain
about non-fiction non-fiction, reflecting a positive engagement with textual all of the main stuff that are in the nonfiction passages and text"
EXP LL - context clues The language learning strategy of using context clues to "like if you don’t understand a word, try to make sense of it from words
understand new vocabulary or concepts. around it"
DESIGN STR - Background and The strength in design, particularly in effectively using "The background "forest" works because it has a tree and cocoa beans grow
Foreground work background and foreground elements to enhance learning on trees."

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