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Define computer?

Computer is a fast operating electronic device, which automatically accepts and

store input data, process them and produces results under the direction of step by
step program.

What is a computer code?

The decimal digits represented by a group of four or more binary digits called
code group.

What are the basic operations of a computer?

The basic operations of the computer are

 Input,
 Process
 Storing
 Controlling and
 Output

What are the characteristics of Computer?

The characteristics of the computers are

 Speed
 Accuracy
 Automation
 Endurance
 Versatility
 Storage
 Cost reduction etc

Who is the father of computer?

 Charles Babbage is the father of computer, because the parts of
working principle of the Analytical Engine, who is invented by Charles
Babbage is similar to today’s computer.
Specify the various Input and Output devices?
The various Input devices are

 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Light pen
 Digitizer
 Track ball
 Joystick
 OCR – Optical Character Recognizer
 MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Recognizer
 OMR – Optical Mark Recognizer

The various output devices are

 Visual Display Unit – VDU

 Printer
 Computer Output Microfile
 Plotter

Define Software?
Software is basically the set of program that make the computer to function in the
desired way.

Define Hardware?
Hardware is referred as the physical components of the computer system.

What are the different types of Software?

There are two different types of software available basically

 System software and

 Application software

What is an IC?
IC is an Integrated Circuit, it integrates large number of circuits elements into very small
surface of silicon known as Chips.
Define Bit, Nibble, Byte and Kilobyte?
A Bit is a Binary Digit, either 0 or 1.

A Nibble is a combination of four bits.

A Byte is a sequence of 8 bits or 2 nibbles.

A Kilobyte comprises the 1024 bytes.

Specify the Electronic components used for different

computer generations?
Generation Electronic components

First generation Vaccum tubes

Second generation Transistors

Third generation Integrated Circuits

Fourth generation Microprocessors

Fifth generation Artificial Intelligence

Define multiprocessing?
Multiprocessing is the process of executing a single job by using multiple CPU’s.

What are the types of number system?

There are basically two types of number system available.

 Positional Number System

 Non Positional Number System

What is meant by conversion in number system?

Conversion is the process of converting one number system to another and vice versa.
Which kind of storage device can be carried around?
(A) Hard disk drive

(B) System cabinet

(C) Hard disk

(D) Floppy disk

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Question: 2

A digital computer is superior to an analog computer in

terms of
(A) Cost, speed and accuracy

(B) Cost, accuracy and versatility

(C) Cost, speed, and space requirements

(D) All of these

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Question: 3

Who is regarded as father of computers

(A) Charles Babbage

(B) Pascal

(C) John Napier

(D) Abacus
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Question: 4
Which of the following is not an example of application
(A) Computer graphics


(C) Spreadsheet

(D) Word Processing

Question: 5

Inputs to your computer is accomplished using the

(A) Printer

(B) Plotter

(C) Keyboard

(D) Screen

Question: 1

Scanner is an example of
(A) Music device

(B) Output device

(C) Input device

(D) None of these

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Ans: C

Input device

Question: 2
Image transfer is done on following printer
(A) Laser

(B) Inkjet

(C) Drum

(D) Dot matrix

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Ans: A


Question: 3

_______ is used to instruct the computer, what to do and

how to do it.
(A) Web Browser

(B) Win zip

(C) Hardware

(D) Software
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Ans: D


Question: 4

What is not true for computer?

(A) It also includes the means for storing data for further use

(B) Program is a sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed

(C) An electronic device that accepts data and process it for some information based on
a program

(D) All are true

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Ans: D

All are true

Question: 5

Digital cameras is an example of

(A) Music device

(B) Input device

(C) Output device

(D) None of these

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Ans: B

Input device

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